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2013-08-15 9:34 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: Questions and Some
Sorry in advance, this may be long and there will be some questions

I have had a crazy couple weeks. My training is at a peak and have had some great races....but a couple health issues have popped up.

First, by accident, a radiologist noted a possible enlarged heart during a recent CT (I was having a CT scan because of diverticiultus). I dont know how/why this radiologist picked up the heart in the scan, but it may have been a blessing. This spurred a whirlwhind of doctor's visit, three echocardiograms, stress test, ECGs, etc. Ultimately, I have a slightly enlarged heart, and I just found out today that it is likely caused by a very small hole between my right and left atrium. THIS was actually a huge releif. A small hole is just left along and they will monitor on a yearly basis. My doctor told me to continue doing what I am doing! As a side brag, I was the 6th person in my doctor's 19 year career to run the whole 21 minutes during the stress test....and actually could not obtain my max HR He only got it to 176.

On a nother note, I have suffered an ankle enjury. It feels like a sprain, but have done nothing to warrant a sprained ankle (twist, fall, etc) I felt a slight pain and very minor swelling last Friday (after my Thursday brick)...but it was really nothing. I woke up Sunday morning and it was stiff and slighly swollen, but nothing all that bad. I ran the 10k on Sunday, and the ankle swelled like a balloon and was very sorry later that day. I think it is some sort of tendonitis from over reaching..but not sure. I have been doingRICE and the swelling and stiffness have been greatly reduced in the last couple days. I have not done any biking or running since Sunday. I have swam twice and plan to continue swimming. If I take a week off, how much of my bike and run fitness will I lose? I want to have my ankle totally healed by my OLY in 10 days, but I also dont want to sacrifice all of my recent hard work. Anything thoughts, suggestions, would be much appreciated

Whomever is racing this weekend, good luck! Godspeed!


2013-08-15 11:34 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Sorry to hear about your enlarged heart problem Todd, but glad it isn't as serious as it could have been. As far as losing fitness in a week goes, I doubt you will lose any. Even with my spasmodic training of late I find my fitness is still much the same, it's my muscle endurance and flexibility that suffers and the fact that my weight keeps going up and down like a yo-yo and my body is screaming at me to stop. If I can suggest letting the ankle heal is number one, but also keep your body stretched and limber so you don't tighten up through the lack of activity. I think you'll find the time spent resting the ankle actually aids in tapering for your Olympic and it will help you smash your race! Good luck with it all!
2013-08-15 11:47 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

Couldn't get in till the 28th Aug, but I spoke to a friend of mine who's a physio and she reckons it sounds like a grade 1-2 tear of the soleus. Got the usual orders to rest it, once the pain subsides to start light stretching and strength work, but no running for at least 2-4 weeks. Today is the first day it hasn't felt really sore and I've been able to walk without direct pain. Taking the mountain bike out tomorrow for a 30km ride to see how it goes and jump back into swimming again too. For the next three weeks I'm going to just bike and swim and then I'll do a walk run and see how it goes. I have 13 weeks left till my 70.3, so I'm hoping its enough time to get fit, lose the weight I want to lose and have enough speed to beat the cutoffs. I have an appointment with my sports psych on Tuesday, so I'm hoping he will help me to get my head back in the game.

Originally posted by tmoran80 How is the leg feeling? Did you get into the doc?

2013-08-15 11:55 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Tim - nice job with the running, but look after yourself, we want you with us for a long time!

KTC - the more the merrier I say, bring them over!

KC - good luck for this Sunday my friend, I know you are going to kick some serious butt!
2013-08-16 9:02 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Todd, wow someone was looking out for you when they notice something with your heart on that CT. Glad to hear it is nothing and that you can continue with your lifestyle.

As for your ankle, I agree with Simone. Take it easy and not let the ankle flare up. Work on the swimming if you must feel like working out. Or try pool running. Rest and you should be fine for you OLY.

Originally posted by ettringite23

Sorry in advance, this may be long and there will be some questions

I have had a crazy couple weeks. My training is at a peak and have had some great races....but a couple health issues have popped up.

First, by accident, a radiologist noted a possible enlarged heart during a recent CT (I was having a CT scan because of diverticiultus). I dont know how/why this radiologist picked up the heart in the scan, but it may have been a blessing. This spurred a whirlwhind of doctor's visit, three echocardiograms, stress test, ECGs, etc. Ultimately, I have a slightly enlarged heart, and I just found out today that it is likely caused by a very small hole between my right and left atrium. THIS was actually a huge releif. A small hole is just left along and they will monitor on a yearly basis. My doctor told me to continue doing what I am doing! As a side brag, I was the 6th person in my doctor's 19 year career to run the whole 21 minutes during the stress test....and actually could not obtain my max HR He only got it to 176.

On a nother note, I have suffered an ankle enjury. It feels like a sprain, but have done nothing to warrant a sprained ankle (twist, fall, etc) I felt a slight pain and very minor swelling last Friday (after my Thursday brick)...but it was really nothing. I woke up Sunday morning and it was stiff and slighly swollen, but nothing all that bad. I ran the 10k on Sunday, and the ankle swelled like a balloon and was very sorry later that day. I think it is some sort of tendonitis from over reaching..but not sure. I have been doingRICE and the swelling and stiffness have been greatly reduced in the last couple days. I have not done any biking or running since Sunday. I have swam twice and plan to continue swimming. If I take a week off, how much of my bike and run fitness will I lose? I want to have my ankle totally healed by my OLY in 10 days, but I also dont want to sacrifice all of my recent hard work. Anything thoughts, suggestions, would be much appreciated

Whomever is racing this weekend, good luck! Godspeed!

2013-08-16 9:10 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Simone, last year I had a grade 1 tear in my hamstring and was still able to run with the pain. I was working with a PT and he told me I could as long as the pain was not too intense. Once the serve pain goes away try pool running as that is still a great workout and you are running just not on the terrible surfaces that causes all the damage.

I understand that your struggling to find your Mojo. Stop stressing over everything, the weight gain, the missed workouts, etc. Just go and enjoy your workouts. Remember we are doing this for fun and when you put pressure on ourselves it doesn't seem as much fun anymore. On my long runs and rides I take in the scenery and fresh air and remember how lucky I am to be able to do this as I know there are several people who wish they could be on that bike or run but can't. I have made it a point to cherish what I am doing as I know one day I won't and because of that it is easier for me to get going. That is what worked for me and hopefully it will work for you. Take the time to find your mojo, it is there you just got to find it.

Edited by krazytallchick 2013-08-16 9:11 AM

2013-08-16 10:35 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
KC - Best of Luck! Your going to do great. I will be tracking you and cheering you on.

Originally posted by kcgolf

Good Morning Team.

Todd - the house is coming along and the ankle is feeling fairly decent - thanks for asking. Nice job on the 10 km - great time - you kicked a$$.

Simone - one day, one step at a time - tend to the injury and you will be back in no time.

OK Team

Bib # 2416 I leave tomorrow at 6 am. You can follow me on

Wish me luck

2013-08-16 10:38 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Todd - The best thing to do is to get that swelling down and be patient with it. You'll be fine for your race. It sounds like you're in great shape.
QUOTE]Originally posted by ettringite23

Sorry in advance, this may be long and there will be some questions

I have had a crazy couple weeks. My training is at a peak and have had some great races....but a couple health issues have popped up.

First, by accident, a radiologist noted a possible enlarged heart during a recent CT (I was having a CT scan because of diverticiultus). I dont know how/why this radiologist picked up the heart in the scan, but it may have been a blessing. This spurred a whirlwhind of doctor's visit, three echocardiograms, stress test, ECGs, etc. Ultimately, I have a slightly enlarged heart, and I just found out today that it is likely caused by a very small hole between my right and left atrium. THIS was actually a huge releif. A small hole is just left along and they will monitor on a yearly basis. My doctor told me to continue doing what I am doing! As a side brag, I was the 6th person in my doctor's 19 year career to run the whole 21 minutes during the stress test....and actually could not obtain my max HR He only got it to 176.

On a nother note, I have suffered an ankle enjury. It feels like a sprain, but have done nothing to warrant a sprained ankle (twist, fall, etc) I felt a slight pain and very minor swelling last Friday (after my Thursday brick)...but it was really nothing. I woke up Sunday morning and it was stiff and slighly swollen, but nothing all that bad. I ran the 10k on Sunday, and the ankle swelled like a balloon and was very sorry later that day. I think it is some sort of tendonitis from over reaching..but not sure. I have been doingRICE and the swelling and stiffness have been greatly reduced in the last couple days. I have not done any biking or running since Sunday. I have swam twice and plan to continue swimming. If I take a week off, how much of my bike and run fitness will I lose? I want to have my ankle totally healed by my OLY in 10 days, but I also dont want to sacrifice all of my recent hard work. Anything thoughts, suggestions, would be much appreciated

Whomever is racing this weekend, good luck! Godspeed!

2013-08-16 10:45 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Simone - Sorry to hear that you are going through some injuries. It sounds like you are not slowing dowm much. Thats great! I always tell myself to just keep moving. It helps. I'm still nursing my Achillies on both my heals. It's getting better but I feel like I'm losing my edge. I'm being patient and watching what I eat so that I don't gain some unwanted weight.

Originally posted by kruzmeister

Couldn't get in till the 28th Aug, but I spoke to a friend of mine who's a physio and she reckons it sounds like a grade 1-2 tear of the soleus. Got the usual orders to rest it, once the pain subsides to start light stretching and strength work, but no running for at least 2-4 weeks. Today is the first day it hasn't felt really sore and I've been able to walk without direct pain. Taking the mountain bike out tomorrow for a 30km ride to see how it goes and jump back into swimming again too. For the next three weeks I'm going to just bike and swim and then I'll do a walk run and see how it goes. I have 13 weeks left till my 70.3, so I'm hoping its enough time to get fit, lose the weight I want to lose and have enough speed to beat the cutoffs. I have an appointment with my sports psych on Tuesday, so I'm hoping he will help me to get my head back in the game.

Originally posted by tmoran80 How is the leg feeling? Did you get into the doc?

2013-08-17 1:43 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Well that is some what good new about the heart. Just make sure to stay on top of it. Weird about the ankle if you don't remember twisting it. I think you are right with the RICE and sticking with the swimming. You could also try some pool running.
Originally posted by ettringite23

Sorry in advance, this may be long and there will be some questions

I have had a crazy couple weeks. My training is at a peak and have had some great races....but a couple health issues have popped up.

First, by accident, a radiologist noted a possible enlarged heart during a recent CT (I was having a CT scan because of diverticiultus). I dont know how/why this radiologist picked up the heart in the scan, but it may have been a blessing. This spurred a whirlwhind of doctor's visit, three echocardiograms, stress test, ECGs, etc. Ultimately, I have a slightly enlarged heart, and I just found out today that it is likely caused by a very small hole between my right and left atrium. THIS was actually a huge releif. A small hole is just left along and they will monitor on a yearly basis. My doctor told me to continue doing what I am doing! As a side brag, I was the 6th person in my doctor's 19 year career to run the whole 21 minutes during the stress test....and actually could not obtain my max HR He only got it to 176.

On a nother note, I have suffered an ankle enjury. It feels like a sprain, but have done nothing to warrant a sprained ankle (twist, fall, etc) I felt a slight pain and very minor swelling last Friday (after my Thursday brick)...but it was really nothing. I woke up Sunday morning and it was stiff and slighly swollen, but nothing all that bad. I ran the 10k on Sunday, and the ankle swelled like a balloon and was very sorry later that day. I think it is some sort of tendonitis from over reaching..but not sure. I have been doingRICE and the swelling and stiffness have been greatly reduced in the last couple days. I have not done any biking or running since Sunday. I have swam twice and plan to continue swimming. If I take a week off, how much of my bike and run fitness will I lose? I want to have my ankle totally healed by my OLY in 10 days, but I also dont want to sacrifice all of my recent hard work. Anything thoughts, suggestions, would be much appreciated

Whomever is racing this weekend, good luck! Godspeed!

2013-08-17 1:46 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Was diagnosed with a Direct Ingenual Hernia today - ugh. Going for consultation with surgeon on Thursday. Really bummed out as I was really looking forward to Chicago Marathon this year. Not sure how to handle this in regards to training...guess I will find out more on Thursday.

2013-08-17 10:45 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Tim - no wonder why you where feeling pain. Now that you know what it is you can begin to take care of it. Sorry to hear but I know you'll bounce back. Hang in there....

Originally posted by tmoran80

Was diagnosed with a Direct Ingenual Hernia today - ugh. Going for consultation with surgeon on Thursday. Really bummed out as I was really looking forward to Chicago Marathon this year. Not sure how to handle this in regards to training...guess I will find out more on Thursday.
2013-08-18 8:50 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Saying some prayers for KC. I think he may make it under time limit. He is at mile 21.5.

Go KC!
2013-08-18 9:28 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Athlete tracker has him at unofficial 15:53!! Nice job KC!
2013-08-19 3:34 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Congrats to KC on an awesome Ironman effort, so happy for you my friend. Rest now, you have well and truly earned it!! Hope the ankle pulls up okay tomorrow... take care buddy
2013-08-19 3:43 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: Questions and Some

Tim, sorry to hear about the hernia, but glad to hear that you at least know what is going on. I hope you still manage to make it to Chicago, if not there is always next year.. main thing is to get yourself better. Take care buddy!

Originally posted by tmoran80 Was diagnosed with a Direct Ingenual Hernia today - ugh. Going for consultation with surgeon on Thursday. Really bummed out as I was really looking forward to Chicago Marathon this year. Not sure how to handle this in regards to training...guess I will find out more on Thursday.

2013-08-19 3:54 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Great job KC on your Ironman!
2013-08-19 4:09 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Okay so this is really a hard post to share but I have decided to pull out of Shep 70.3 in November. I have thought long and hard about it and I am just not in a position where I could get myself even remotely ready for it. To be honest I have been struggling all winter to stick to my training plan and I've missed probably about 50-75% of my workouts. I've been struggling again with binge eating and I have put all the weight I worked so hard to lose over the end of Summer back on. I am so totally frustrated and disgusted with myself and pretty down about it all, but I've decided it is better to sacrifice Shep in order to allow myself time to get back on track for IMOZ and hopefully with the help of my therapist learn how to curb this self sabotaging behaviour. I guess I am looking at it from the point of view that I am in this (triathlon) for the long haul and there will be other Shep 70.3s, but I do not want the same thing to happen a couple of months out from IMOZ because that is my A race and my dream. I am really going to need you guys to help me get to the line. It is very difficult trying to maintain a regiment of training when you have bipolar, I have learned that this behaviour is not limited to just me as I have a friend who is also doing IMOZ who is exactly the same way, she is either all in 150% or not in at all and displays the same manic ups and depressive downs that I do, even on the meds. I am hoping Peter (my therapist) and I can come up with a strategy to make those "not at all" times less likely to happen or when they do happen find a way to make them less damaging. As far as training goes for me now I have 37 weeks to go till IMOZ. My official IM plan is 30 weeks (not counting Shep) and so for the next 7 weeks I am going to try and find the love and passion I have for training again. Put a lot of time in on the mountain bike following new tracks and a break from running to heal my calf and the odd swim session and strength session here or there. The main thing however will be getting my diet back under control so that I can get the most out of my training. Anyway sorry for the novel. I hope everyone else is training well and I look forward to continuing to follow everyone elses successes.
2013-08-19 8:25 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: Questions and Some
I think that it takes a strong athlete to know when to change gears. I have seen so many friends get completely burned out from non-stop training that they end up hating the sport and being miserable. We need a break. We are not the "born athlete" type. Enjoy the next 7 weeks! Really take that time to rest and relax. Do some thing fun! Don't think about training until its time to train. It will all be there 7 weeks from now.

Originally posted by kruzmeister

Okay so this is really a hard post to share but I have decided to pull out of Shep 70.3 in November. I have thought long and hard about it and I am just not in a position where I could get myself even remotely ready for it. To be honest I have been struggling all winter to stick to my training plan and I've missed probably about 50-75% of my workouts. I've been struggling again with binge eating and I have put all the weight I worked so hard to lose over the end of Summer back on. I am so totally frustrated and disgusted with myself and pretty down about it all, but I've decided it is better to sacrifice Shep in order to allow myself time to get back on track for IMOZ and hopefully with the help of my therapist learn how to curb this self sabotaging behaviour. I guess I am looking at it from the point of view that I am in this (triathlon) for the long haul and there will be other Shep 70.3s, but I do not want the same thing to happen a couple of months out from IMOZ because that is my A race and my dream. I am really going to need you guys to help me get to the line. It is very difficult trying to maintain a regiment of training when you have bipolar, I have learned that this behaviour is not limited to just me as I have a friend who is also doing IMOZ who is exactly the same way, she is either all in 150% or not in at all and displays the same manic ups and depressive downs that I do, even on the meds. I am hoping Peter (my therapist) and I can come up with a strategy to make those "not at all" times less likely to happen or when they do happen find a way to make them less damaging. As far as training goes for me now I have 37 weeks to go till IMOZ. My official IM plan is 30 weeks (not counting Shep) and so for the next 7 weeks I am going to try and find the love and passion I have for training again. Put a lot of time in on the mountain bike following new tracks and a break from running to heal my calf and the odd swim session and strength session here or there. The main thing however will be getting my diet back under control so that I can get the most out of my training. Anyway sorry for the novel. I hope everyone else is training well and I look forward to continuing to follow everyone elses successes.
2013-08-19 4:45 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Simone - sorry to hear that you are not going to do the Shep 70.3 especially since I know how you were really looking forward to it. It is tough as a triathlete to stay focused and consistent with your training let alone having to deal with the bi-polar issues. I think you are probably on the right track as far as finding out what causes the ups and downs and trying to minimize them.

The only thing I can suggest is to force yourself to lay off during the good times. Bi-polar or not, if you over train you are going to burn out and maybe that is some of the issue. I am thinking it might be easier form a mental perspective to hold back when your are feeling great then to be burned out and trying to get it going when you don't feel good. I would say that that this is one thing I have noticed in your training when you are hitting everything but might be doing too much. Just remember it is one day at a time even when you feel good.

Whatever it is we will help you through and get you across that IM finish line

Originally posted by kruzmeister

Okay so this is really a hard post to share but I have decided to pull out of Shep 70.3 in November. I have thought long and hard about it and I am just not in a position where I could get myself even remotely ready for it. To be honest I have been struggling all winter to stick to my training plan and I've missed probably about 50-75% of my workouts. I've been struggling again with binge eating and I have put all the weight I worked so hard to lose over the end of Summer back on. I am so totally frustrated and disgusted with myself and pretty down about it all, but I've decided it is better to sacrifice Shep in order to allow myself time to get back on track for IMOZ and hopefully with the help of my therapist learn how to curb this self sabotaging behaviour. I guess I am looking at it from the point of view that I am in this (triathlon) for the long haul and there will be other Shep 70.3s, but I do not want the same thing to happen a couple of months out from IMOZ because that is my A race and my dream. I am really going to need you guys to help me get to the line. It is very difficult trying to maintain a regiment of training when you have bipolar, I have learned that this behaviour is not limited to just me as I have a friend who is also doing IMOZ who is exactly the same way, she is either all in 150% or not in at all and displays the same manic ups and depressive downs that I do, even on the meds. I am hoping Peter (my therapist) and I can come up with a strategy to make those "not at all" times less likely to happen or when they do happen find a way to make them less damaging. As far as training goes for me now I have 37 weeks to go till IMOZ. My official IM plan is 30 weeks (not counting Shep) and so for the next 7 weeks I am going to try and find the love and passion I have for training again. Put a lot of time in on the mountain bike following new tracks and a break from running to heal my calf and the odd swim session and strength session here or there. The main thing however will be getting my diet back under control so that I can get the most out of my training. Anyway sorry for the novel. I hope everyone else is training well and I look forward to continuing to follow everyone elses successes.
2013-08-19 4:51 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: Questions and Some
KC- you are the man. For the newer members of the group...When I first met this guy over two years ago he was struggling with sprints and Olympics then out of the blue he announces he registered for the New York IM! I thought "this guy is crazy to sign up for that race" haha. A year and half later and TWO Ironman 140.6 races under your belt I couldn't have been more wrong back then. Like I said on Facebook - you are a stud. Great job and now rest that body for a little.

2013-08-19 4:53 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: Questions and Some
Decided this weekend that I am going to continue with my marathon training and if my condition worsens then I will drop out. I did a 14 miler on Sunday with last 5 miles at race pace and felt good. Ended up with a 9:33/mile pace.

Still gonna go to consultation with the surgeon on Thursday and see what he says...
2013-08-19 8:11 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Simone, I am sorry to hear about your decision on doing Sherpa. Take this time to relax and work on the issues that will help you cross that Ironman finish line. You know you will have our support and we will get you across that finish line.

Edited by krazytallchick 2013-08-19 8:14 PM
2013-08-20 7:21 AM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Thanks for the support everyone. I spoke with my therapist tonight about everything, he is a sports psychologist as well so he gave me a lot to think about from a clinical and performance point of view, and we've began to map out a plan to get me to the start of IMOZ in optimal condition. I've also rearranged my bedroom so I can have my road bike set up on my trainer in front of my TV and ready to go should the weather outside be too lousey for a mountain bike ride. I would rather ride my bike on the trainer at home than the gym because I need to get used to it again and with a new TV which has a built in media player I have an endless supply of movies, not to mention IM Kona coverages to keep me motivated, distracted and entertained. For the next seven weeks I plan on just going with the flow training wise, the main thing I want to do is try and establish a routine of getting up early and training early again and of course getting my nutrition back on track, they are the main goals. Once I get closer to October I will see whether I want to follow a stricter IM plan or put together a more flexible one.
2013-08-20 7:49 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Sounds like a plan - good idea moving the bike in to the room. Its so weird that it is winter over there on the other side of the world haha.

Originally posted by kruzmeister

Thanks for the support everyone. I spoke with my therapist tonight about everything, he is a sports psychologist as well so he gave me a lot to think about from a clinical and performance point of view, and we've began to map out a plan to get me to the start of IMOZ in optimal condition. I've also rearranged my bedroom so I can have my road bike set up on my trainer in front of my TV and ready to go should the weather outside be too lousey for a mountain bike ride. I would rather ride my bike on the trainer at home than the gym because I need to get used to it again and with a new TV which has a built in media player I have an endless supply of movies, not to mention IM Kona coverages to keep me motivated, distracted and entertained. For the next seven weeks I plan on just going with the flow training wise, the main thing I want to do is try and establish a routine of getting up early and training early again and of course getting my nutrition back on track, they are the main goals. Once I get closer to October I will see whether I want to follow a stricter IM plan or put together a more flexible one.
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