BT Development Mentor Program Archives » McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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2014-04-06 4:49 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Sorry to intrude in your group, but thought you guys should know that McFuzz is having outpatient surgery tomorrow so your prayers would be appreciated.

2014-04-06 6:52 PM
in reply to: BAMBAM66

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by BAMBAM66

Sorry to intrude in your group, but thought you guys should know that McFuzz is having outpatient surgery tomorrow so your prayers would be appreciated.

Not tomorrow, but the 14th.

2014-04-07 8:13 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by BAMBAM66

Sorry to intrude in your group, but thought you guys should know that McFuzz is having outpatient surgery tomorrow so your prayers would be appreciated.

Not tomorrow, but the 14th.

thoughts and prayers are with you and yours Mike
2014-04-07 8:17 AM
in reply to: Mr10670

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by Mr10670

Well, after a lot research and and waffling back and forth; I think I am ready to make a bike purchase. A LBS here in town is having what they call their spring tent sale and everything is 10% off. They have a Trek 1.5 2013 model on closeout, and I will buy if its still there after work. If not I will have them order me a Felt Z95. The Trek has the better shifters, but the Felt is good also, I don't think I will notice the difference other than the Trek has 2 more gears.
It is much more than I originally wanted to spend, but the benefits of buying from a LBS are far better. This shop will give free wheel truing and tuneups for as long as I own the bike; a far better deal than buying a bike from Wal-mart or online. I have co workers who have recommended buying from an LBS, and a co worker who has bought from this particular shop. A co worker has pedals he will give me, so I will get a bike, helmet and a toolkit. Anyone recommend anything else that I should also get? Thanks and I'll post pics when I actually get it! Have a great weekend!


what did you get in the end Mike, I have the Trek 1.5 and love it.
2014-04-07 8:18 AM
in reply to: Tridimi

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by Tridimi

Againn me and my foolishess not to get in bed in time has caused me to do almost nothing this week. My biggest problem isn't training for a triathlon, it's actually going to bed early.

that's easily remedied !!
2014-04-07 8:20 AM
in reply to: annplumley

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by annplumley

I just registered for my first race! May 24th will be here before I know it. Hopefully I will actually be able to train outdoors before then! We got 3 inches of snow Saturday night but tomorrow it is supposed to reach 60. I am going to try to run outside tomorrow morning which will be the first time since October I think. The bike is where I really need to get some time outdoors. A real bike is so different than a stationary bike so I need the time training there for sure. I will admit to being excited and totally nervous about registering for my first race. I made myself sign-up so I can't talk myself out of it before then! Once I commit the money, I won't back out!

great job ann, get the money in and the training cranked up

2014-04-07 8:31 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
OK all,

We've reached the end of our "Official" mentor group, but there is no reason the group cannot continue.

What has gone well?

training is still cracking on and the weight loss is going very steady, my bike and running pace is getting faster.
I am now doing parkrun ( consistently with all my family and my baby girl (6 yrs old) did 33:20 for the 5k at the weekend.

What would you do differently?

I have stopped with all the gels and sugar and moved onto a more fat burning strategy.

Have you committed to any races?

currently commited to lots of races plus runs and a marathon all in my diary

What do you want to do differently to be ready on race day?

I don't know until I have a race day to be able to compare.

2014-04-10 10:56 AM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Hi All,

resurfacing here! I have definitely been in a funk lately- I think the weather warming up, has strangely enough, got me down. Probably due to the fact that everything looks muddy and drab in early spring. I only ran 2 X last week, and today was my first run this week! I felt pretty good, and it was nice to run in sun and not on ice or snow. Hopefully I'm coming out of it! I'm planning on getting the new bike DH made me out on the road this weekend, unless starts swapping parts again. I knew this would happen- when he finished Frankenbike, he had enough leftover part for another bike, so he started to rebuild his. He's not really a gadget collecting kind of guy, but every other day there is a new tool or part delivered! I think he is enjoying himself and for once I'm not the only getting packages. Mine are always yarn or fiber.

My first race is June 1st- half marathon. I signed up for it back in December. Then I'm planning my first sprint at the end of June, but haven't signed up yet.
2014-04-14 8:53 AM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
I ended up getting a Felt Z95. It has 18 gears, Shimano Sora shifters and derailluers and a more upright riding position like the Trek1.5. The bike shop had a Trek 1.5 and I thought about it, but had my heart set on a Felt. Now just waiting on a chance to go riding (I am out of town the next 2 weekends).
2014-04-15 12:05 PM
in reply to: Mr10670

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

I think you'll like that bike.  

2014-04-17 9:49 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Sorry I've been somewhat AWOL of later, after a cracking Feb the wheels came off in March and the start of April and I've been trying to get back to training ever since. Now on a Tri training camp in Mallorca so hopefully things will improve soon.

How are you all?

Mike, how did the op go? Is all OK?

Hope everyone's doing better than me!!


2014-04-18 2:26 AM
in reply to: Kate_r

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, West-Vlaanderen
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

still recovering from my achilles tendon that is hurting. I have ordered new suportive soles which i will have tuesday. Pin is a lot less now. I hope to get back to training on tuesday. Will try to bike and swim first and if all goes well, start running again too.

2014-04-21 5:17 AM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by Kate_r Sorry I've been somewhat AWOL of later, after a cracking Feb the wheels came off in March and the start of April and I've been trying to get back to training ever since. Now on a Tri training camp in Mallorca so hopefully things will improve soon. How are you all? Mike, how did the op go? Is all OK? Hope everyone's doing better than me!! Kate

Welcome back Kate!  Don't worry too much about the past.  Turn the page and look forward.  You're at a tri-camp and you have races coming up to prepare for.  

2014-04-21 5:19 AM
in reply to: Tridimi

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by Tridimi

still recovering from my achilles tendon that is hurting. I have ordered new suportive soles which i will have tuesday. Pin is a lot less now. I hope to get back to training on tuesday. Will try to bike and swim first and if all goes well, start running again too.

I hope the new shoes work.  It is frustrating to be sidelined.  

2014-04-29 1:39 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
I kinda know the feeling about the injuries. Since my trade show in April, I've had a nagging knee injury that makes running almost impossible. Low impact biking and swimming, the knee is fine, but running is terrible. I switched to focusing on biking (with my new bike) and swimming which are low impact. Finally I had to take a week off of all activity and just started back today. I think my tri in June is out. There are several all summer long, so no shortage and I'll schedule another one. I was on stationary bike and core/strength training today, tomorrow swim, and then we will see how the knee holds out on Wednesday. I will do a 5K on the treadmill and see from there. Hope all is well with everyone else.
2014-04-30 7:32 AM
in reply to: Mr10670

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by Mr10670 I kinda know the feeling about the injuries. Since my trade show in April, I've had a nagging knee injury that makes running almost impossible. Low impact biking and swimming, the knee is fine, but running is terrible. I switched to focusing on biking (with my new bike) and swimming which are low impact. Finally I had to take a week off of all activity and just started back today. I think my tri in June is out. There are several all summer long, so no shortage and I'll schedule another one. I was on stationary bike and core/strength training today, tomorrow swim, and then we will see how the knee holds out on Wednesday. I will do a 5K on the treadmill and see from there. Hope all is well with everyone else.

Hang in there.  If you can complete the distances without risking additional injury, you can still "race" but you probably won't be at peak performance.  Race day isn't about hypothetical performance on a perfect day, but about actual performance in real world conditions.  That includes weather, injury, sickness, other distractions, equipment problems (I had a friend who had a flat tire setting up for a HIM.  She started two waves late and then had a 45 minute T1 because she went back to her car to get her regular wheel.  She still finished the race and that says far more than her overall time.  

2014-04-30 1:14 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by McFuzz

 She still finished the race and that says far more than her overall time.  )

Yep your right, DFL is better than DNF. Still shooting for June, ran 5 K today and other than some soreness, leg is good. I think my body was just screaming for time off and rest.
2014-05-06 12:56 AM
in reply to: Mr10670

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
HI Everyone,
It has been a while since I have been on, my season is finished now. Heading north in August to hopefully complete first OD (nervous already but have plenty of time to get there)

It sounds like every one is doing well!

Good luck on the 24th Anne you will kill it!!

Hope you are recovered from your Op Mike!
And Jynxy and Dim have you competed against each other yet?

Happy Triing
2014-05-09 6:29 PM
in reply to: Lanne

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Hello everyone! It seems like we have all fallen off the grid here but I thought I would post. I finally got out on my bike today for the first time! Only two weeks before my triathlon. It felt good. This is the first week of warm weather we have had. It has been a record cold and long winter here in Ohio. This has me very worried about the swim portion of my spring triathlon on the 24th. I was planning on just wearing my swimsuit but that water is going to be COLD! I ordered a wetsuit that just came today but it was way too big. Now I really don't know what to do. I don't have much money and I really don't have much time. Any suggestions?

I hope everyone is doing well. I will post after my first triathlon on the 24th and let you know how it went!

2014-05-11 2:39 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
good evening all,

I have just completed my first Tri and would like to thankyou all for taking the journey with me and look forward to many more to come.

my race report
2014-05-11 7:06 PM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by Jynxy good evening all, I have just completed my first Tri and would like to thankyou all for taking the journey with me and look forward to many more to come. my race report

Congratulations on getting the first one under your belt! It looks like you did well despite the weather. Do you have another one planned?

2014-05-12 3:34 AM
in reply to: annplumley

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by annplumley

Originally posted by Jynxy good evening all, I have just completed my first Tri and would like to thankyou all for taking the journey with me and look forward to many more to come. my race report

Congratulations on getting the first one under your belt! It looks like you did well despite the weather. Do you have another one planned?

yes I have 3 sprint distances including my club race so upping the intensity now aiming to get faster
2014-05-12 6:55 AM
in reply to: annplumley

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by annplumley

Hello everyone! It seems like we have all fallen off the grid here but I thought I would post. I finally got out on my bike today for the first time! Only two weeks before my triathlon. It felt good. This is the first week of warm weather we have had. It has been a record cold and long winter here in Ohio. This has me very worried about the swim portion of my spring triathlon on the 24th. I was planning on just wearing my swimsuit but that water is going to be COLD! I ordered a wetsuit that just came today but it was way too big. Now I really don't know what to do. I don't have much money and I really don't have much time. Any suggestions?

I hope everyone is doing well. I will post after my first triathlon on the 24th and let you know how it went!

Welcome back!  The group has been pretty quiet, so thank you for posting.  

You have time to exchange the wetsuit, but you should try to get a swim or two in before the race.  It can feel quite different swimming in a wetsuit, and race day isn't the time to find out it makes you anxious.  

This is a sprint?  While it may be uncomfortable, you can swim without the wetsuit.  Wetsuits work by trapping a thin layer of water between you and the neoprene which your body warms up.  You can guess that the water starts out cold, so you have that initial shock of cold water even in a wetsuit.  If you swim without the wetsuit, get in the water early and get used to the cold water.  Again, the first minute or so will be very cold, but you'll quickly get used to the cold water even without a wetsuit.  


2014-05-25 11:02 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

I did it! I finished my first triathlon on Saturday. I will not concern myself with how I ranked (it was not good!) but with the fact that I finished and I met my personal goal for time! You can see my race log if you want to know more. At least at the end I was able to smile for the camera while running by!

2014-05-26 7:00 AM
in reply to: annplumley

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

WOOT!  Thanks for the update.  I'll read your RR now.

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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : January 1, 2011
author : alicefoeller
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Here are five steps to ensure that you keep your promise to yourself to get you to that first triathlon.
date : January 1, 2007
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With the coming of the New Year, athletes commonly think about making nutrition resolutions. Good thing, given only 3 to 4% of Americans follow all of the established Dietary Guidelines.
date : January 29, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
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The most valuable thing you can do for your endurance training is to schedule a weekly 2-4hr long ride from now until the end of time. Simply make this “what you do” every Saturday or Sunday morning.
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Individuals are just that, individuals and need individual programs. However, with a group the size of yours, it may be difficult for your coaches to do 25 individual workouts.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
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For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
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Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
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I heard an athletic trainer say that in life we have many setbacks. The key is to overcome these setbacks, but the question is how?
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The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.