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2007-07-01 4:24 PM
in reply to: #867742

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-01 12:39 PM


I attempted to measure my sweat rate today let me know if I did it right and what it means.

My pre run weight was 206.4 and post race was 201.2 or a loss of 5.2lbs and I drank 64 oz (4lbs of gatorade) so my total loss was 9.2lbs in 80 minutes which is about 1.88 oz a minute (113 oz an hour). Does that seem right. Seems really high. How much should I drink an hour to not get dehydrated?

Wow, and I thought I sweat a lot at about 80 oz/hr!  Your calculations look correct. Johnny is right though, it was really humid today.  So just keep that in mind.  You might sweat less in drier conditions.  Also, your sweat rate will slow down in your 2nd and 3rd hours of exercise, but unfortunately this is due to dehydration.  Also, keep in mind that you'll probably sweat less on the bike.  You should try to measure this also.  It's easier to drink and absorb liquids on the bike, so your goal should be to come off the bike as hydrated as possible to prepare yourself for they dehyrdating that will occur during the run.

There is obviously no way you can absorb 113 oz/hr, so you're going to get dehydrated over time.  This idea is just to minimize it.  Many people will tell you that your stomach and intestines can only absorb 40 or so oz/hr, but many others will tell you that you can train your absorption rate just like anything else.  I've tried this with some success last year.  Thus, I'd start at the ~50 oz/hr you're drinking now, and try to increase that to 60 oz/hr and see how your system holds up.   Once you can absorb 60 oz/hr without bloating or other problems, try to up it to 70 or so.  You get the idea.

Also, you should experiment with different sports drinks to see which ones you can absorb the fastest.  Plain Gatorade is notorious for causing "GatorGut" and not absorbing optimally for many people.   Another great tip that I found helped me last summer was to start running with a stomach fairly full of liquid.  A full stomach will empty quicker which is exactly what you want.  Remember our sweat rate isn't our limiter, our absorption rate is!



2007-07-01 8:52 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
See, our Fearless Leader's suggestions are very valuable ones! Ken, aren't you glad you now know how important hydration will be for you? I need to redo the sweat test in humid and hotter conditions as well.

I'm reading more about IM's and they all say how important it is to keep stuff in aerobic zone for fat burning and more oxygen and to save the muscles from glycogen depletion and bonking. I'm more at peace with my slowness now. It's just the way it is with longer races. If I didn't get a lick faster than I am right now, I'll still be able to finish an IM. Nice, France has a 16 hour cut-off. Something for me to keep in mind.

Now to continue to build endurance! This is my July: the tri on the 4th is not possible for me, unfortunately. Kids' dad isn't coming to go camping with the them like he usually does. He was quite rude on the phone and even hung up on poor Noah. I think he's hitting the sauce again. His voice sounds like it. And his attitude has always been horrible, sober or not.

But, I've been invited to the Minneapolis YWCA 5 hour swim-a-thon with BGT, a lady I know on here. She's only going to do a mile or so and then take me out for a beer or two, kids are invited, and we'll crash at her place. Another lady I know who just did the MS 150 and inspired me to do it as well, also lives in Minneapolis. So, it will be a real BT weekend! I'll try to do an IM swim distance, but I may need to take some good breaks for gels or whatever.

And I also have the Bix 7 in July. Matt--you'll be placed WAY ahead of me in the huge sea of participants, but if per chance you see me there, wave and smile at least!! I'm not doing it as a race, just as a thing to experience! It's rather good hill practice, too!

The bike will be a major emphasis as well to prepare for the MS 150. I'm feeling quite sore in my quadriceps insertions just above the knees, so my miles are lower than I'd like, but I'm trying to honor my body. It doesn't pay to rip the crap out of my muscles and be done for the season. My right hamstring is not healed at all yet either, so patience will be a theme for a bit here. (I hate that).

My June was a good learning month for me.

I learned how to do an outdoor tri.

I did a lot of OWS and am gaining some confidence and learning to relax in the water more.

I'm more comfortable running now. Not any faster, but I don't have to exert quite as hard, so I think maybe I'm learning to relax with the run a little more, too. Or maybe the blood volume increase is helping, or the aerobic system is kicking in sooner, or whatever.

I learned that I MUST take iron and eat better to keep from passing out. I'm not doing very well with that yet. Felt really good for a few days after hitting the iron pretty well. Then I stopped taking it and started to feel very weak again. My blood volume is increasing, like it does when a woman is pregnant, and then the percentage of iron is lower. Makes sense, right? So, I just have to watch that. I was horribly anemic when pregnant. Just the way my particular body works. I'm very glad I learned that NOW. No sense going across the ocean next June and fainting in France. Can't even imagine how to say anemic in Francaise.....but they do have some bloody meat over there.....(yuck).

And I hit the bike more again. It is entirely different on a road bike than a mountain bike, but it is okay I guess to have fun with pedalling in whatever setting I can. Those quad muscles don't care how I do it. And it is all aerobic. I think my stomach muscles are getting stronger from the bike--a little more definition showing

Okay, enough babbling. I just like to do a month's end summary and project about my goals for the next month. Hope it didn't bore you all to tears

Feel free to add your own progress report/goals report! I find them inspiring!
2007-07-01 9:32 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
At the Bix this year I will probably be wearing my Titan performance jersey (Forest Green with "TITANS" on the chest) By all means yell, and I would probably catch up with you, do a little back jog, meet you at the beer tent, whatever it takes.

I'm pretty sure I look exactly like my picture still, so you can match that up too. haha.

Hope that hill training is going well.
2007-07-01 10:35 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Matt, I'll be just barely ahead of the walkers I think. You'll be done and on your 3rd beer by the time I finish! I'll be wearing my orange and black tri suit. It's a one piece deal which makes it rather a pain to pee, but I didn't have to pee the whole 2 hours of my tri, so I think I'll be okay (must hydrate better). I'll just follow the league of young women runners that you will likely attract! Have to practice hills more. Luckily I have a huge one a couple blocks from my front door! We are famous for our hills here!!
2007-07-02 3:15 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Instead of doing something productive like reviewing my June or planning my July or even logging, I read this article about 25 celebrities who've run a marathon . I thought I'd share it with y'all just to prove I'm not always obsessing over sweat and heart rates!

Must be a Monday!

Edited by dgillen 2007-07-02 3:33 PM
2007-07-02 4:33 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Well, Dave, you seem the least obsessive type person I've come across in a long time. I'm the one who obsesses! Nice that you are having a little entertainment on a serious Monday.

What, if anything, did you do for Mental Training for your IM?? You read that it is important, and with my obsessive asthmatic perfectionistic inferiority complex tendency to faint or get numb hands when stressed deal--I figure I better start NOW with that mental training bit!

I did make it through enough college to earn 4 (yes 4!) degrees, give birth to 3 kids, have 2 cats and a 1 redbike ex husband of 13 years, so maybe there's some endurance in me (and a partridge in a pear tree).

2007-07-02 4:49 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Holy cow do I have the anxiety asthma too, if I even think about not having my inhaler with me for two minutes I'm breathing air through a straw. Mental training for me is all about the long run and bike... the focus. I wrote down "Why I do triathlon" and what motivates me at the start of my journey. I decided a long time ago that no matter how crappy I felt, I was going to train through it. I gave up on the jazz of over training. Wrong,... probably, help in the mental field... Well, I feel tougher everyday, and when I'm standing at the start line I believe I'm tougher than those brawny 150-170 lb. guys (My little 130 at 6'). It works for me. I think you just have to realize why you do it, and use that to deal with the pain. Once you conquer pain, you're in the clear. The body can physically handle more than the mind permits it, and breaking down wall by wall expands the body beyond limits. My little take on motivation and the mental aspects of triathlon.

I also heard that beginners are the ones that self talk with the words "you can do it, Matt"
It's the elite who can say to themselves "I can do this"

Be an "I" and run like a predator.
2007-07-02 5:01 PM
in reply to: #869508

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-02 4:33 PM  What, if anything, did you do for Mental Training for your IM?? You read that it is important, and with my obsessive asthmatic perfectionistic inferiority complex tendency to faint or get numb hands when stressed deal--I figure I better start NOW with that mental training bit!

Despite doing some research on mental training, I actually did very little.  I didn't really do any of the visualization that I read so much about.  However, I am a firm believe in mantras, which are just short phrases that you often say out loud when the times get tough to help you regain focus or return to a positive mindset.  These are often quite personal so be sure to try different ones and find your favorites.  Mine are quite cheesy: "Hello Pain.  Come run with me."  "Just keep swimming.  Just keep swimming." to the tune of "Dory's song" from "Finding Nemo".   This positive self-talk goes a long ways.

Another biggie is just to learn not to dwell on negative thoughts.  Strive to think postive things.  So instead of thinking.  "Damn, the wind really sucks", think "This wind is making me tougher and I'm doing a good job of staying aero!"   I had those exact thoughts about 3 dozen times in my windy IM!

Also, I found that by simply putting in the time on the long stuff that I slowly started to gain more mental confidence.   When 80-100 miles stopped seeming so long and impossible, and started to feel more just like another weekend, I knew I had gained both physical and mental endurance to cover the distance!  That perspective change is what I enjoyed most about IM training.

2007-07-02 8:03 PM
in reply to: #869552

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-02 5:01 PM

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-02 4:33 PM What, if anything, did you do for Mental Training for your IM?? You read that it is important, and with my obsessive asthmatic perfectionistic inferiority complex tendency to faint or get numb hands when stressed deal--I figure I better start NOW with that mental training bit!

Despite doing some research on mental training, I actually did very little. I didn't really do any of the visualization that I read so much about. However, I am a firm believe in mantras, which are just short phrases that you often say out loud when the times get tough to help you regain focus or return to a positive mindset. These are often quite personal so be sure to try different ones and find your favorites. Mine are quite cheesy: "Hello Pain. Come run with me." "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming." to the tune of "Dory's song" from "Finding Nemo".

I have a similar one during the swim, it goes something like:


to the tune of a thousand puppies being stabbed to death.
2007-07-02 9:07 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thanks guys! I really do appreciate your pep talks! I would never have guessed that you have asthma, Matt. There are lots of negatives that run through my mind. Some are there from childhood. Lots are there from my marriage. The rest are my own, or those that I took on being very sensitve and able to tell what others are thinking almost before they think it. Part of being an empath, which is a blessing and a curse.

Armed with my new Predator mindset, I decided to doctor myself. Not something I'm very good at. Upon reflection, I am realizing that part of my current health picture is due to anemia, and part is due to biking more, which works the quadricep muscles, where I injected dexamethasone for my adrenal issues for 18 months. There is quite a bit of fat on my thighs, or there used to be, and when I work out, especially biking aerobically, that fat gets burned, the leftover meds get recirculated, and I get side effects. I know this is so, because one of the side effects is I lactate a little bit. Not a lot, and not all the time, but after 2-3 days of biking. And when I stop biking for a few days, the lactation goes away for awhile. I had high oxytocin levels when I took those meds, and that is the hormone that causes lactation. The meds made me feel weak and I fell off a ladder while on them. I also wonder if the steroids are somewhat responsible for the rather amazing muscle weight gain I've achieved--17 pounds in the last 6 months!! I get a bit leaner all the time, but the darn scale just keeps going up! There are some rather interesting and sort of scary things happening in this body of mine.

So, I'm going to keep on biking aerobically because I need that schtuff to get out of my system!! I went to the Amish tonight and got some Sunrider products. Those are excellent chinese herbs that I took to heal myself enough to get off the meds. Expensive, expensive, expensive. I laid down $300 tonight and that will last me about a month. There are things to cleanse my body, and a B vitamin spray so you absorb it right away sublingually, a vitashake that will make a great post workout deal or a great breakfast, and some chlorophyll and other herbs for anemia.

I'm eating liver and onions tonight for supper. And drinking parsley tea as parsely is super high in iron (more than spinach). I ate the raw parsely too. Not a great tasty supper, but I AM A PREDATOR and an IRONWOMAN! Hear me ROAR!!

I tell you all this because I am not like every other athlete. I'm 40 years old, with three kids I am raising all alone, a big pile of debt that would make anyone feel weak and tired, and some pretty serious health issues that I am bravely facing and conquering. I need to be on this planet for many more years. My kids need me. And you never know just who you might inspire from telling your story on here!!

Thankfully, we don't have any water snakes in Wisconsin (I hope!). Just dead bodies in LaCrosse as there is a serial killer there that preys on athletic men and at least one a year dies during a fall fest here and is found in the river!
2007-07-03 10:56 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Anyone have any good liver recipes? I'm eating it again for lunch today. Not too horrible with bleu cheese dressing actually. (eating salad and some got on the liver--hmmm....)

2007-07-03 12:35 PM
in reply to: #869552

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-02 5:01 PM

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-02 4:33 PM What, if anything, did you do for Mental Training for your IM?? You read that it is important, and with my obsessive asthmatic perfectionistic inferiority complex tendency to faint or get numb hands when stressed deal--I figure I better start NOW with that mental training bit!

Despite doing some research on mental training...

Let me share some of my research on mental training and motivation...

2007-07-03 6:08 PM
in reply to: #870485

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-03 10:56 AM

Anyone have any good liver recipes? I'm eating it again for lunch today. Not too horrible with bleu cheese dressing actually. (eating salad and some got on the liver--hmmm....)


1) Buy a beef burrito
2) Switch liver with beef burrito
4) Eat the burrito

Glad I could help.
2007-07-03 7:56 PM
in reply to: #871338

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

JBrashear - 2007-07-03 6:08 PM
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-03 10:56 AM Anyone have any good liver recipes? I'm eating it again for lunch today. Not too horrible with bleu cheese dressing actually. (eating salad and some got on the liver--hmmm....)
Sure: 1) Buy a beef burrito 2) Switch liver with beef burrito 3) THROW AWAY THE LIVER 4) Eat the burrito Glad I could help.

Mmmm...Burrito.  Fearless Leader like burrito.  Mmmm...Must go to Chipotle! 


2007-07-03 8:02 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
2007-07-03 8:33 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Might try mincing the liver and mixing with burrito meat.......nah!!!

Ooh La La! Have to admit I do love an ironman!!! Wow! Nice eye candy (but then I did date an ironman dude that looked a lot like that fellow, and after 6 months when we FINALLY tried to hook up, he was NOT such an ironman in the hooking up department. It was more like a super super super sprint, or more like the warm up swim before the super sprint. Very disappointing. I think that's the reason his wife left him!!)

Yep, I'm in a goofy mood, too.

This is a new magazine for male runners


whipped.bmp (95KB - 24 downloads)

2007-07-04 6:25 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Howdy from Germany. I hope everyone is enjoying their 4th, I'm stuck at work and when I do venture out from my windowless basement office, I get to see the dark skies that have been a part of my life for way too damn long now; I am sick of the rain! I have my Oly this weekend and it looks like it may be OK weather, but of course I get to miss our 4th of July celebration (that's right, NATO has to work the 4th and so the Americans on the base throw something together the Saturday after). I'm hoping to be back before the fireworks but the tri is 2 hours away and so it will be close.

The race is going to be odd since it's my first Oly, my 2nd tri, and T1 and T2 are in different locations. I have no idea how I'm going to handle the logistics of setting everything up and then getting it all back, but I'll just go with the flow and hope it all turns out. I look forward to getting back to the States so that all I will have to worry about is actually racing, not trying to figure out how to get around in a foriegn country where I don't speak the language. They advertise this race as a qualifier for the 2008 Olympics, an ITU cup race (whatever the hell the ITU is), and the biggest triathlon in the Netherlands; however, the small, local Sprint I did a few weeks ago was a 100 times more organized than this thing. Four more months and I'll be in San Antonio for a year!

We did get to go to a European Spa yesterday and had a great time. It was set-up so the indoor and outdoor swimming pools were in one area and the suana was in another. The unusual thing is over here, you have to be naked when using the sauna. You get a robe or towel when you're walking around, but when you actually go in the pools, steam rooms, or aroma therapy rooms, you go naked. My wife is 6 months pregnant and so was a little hesitant, but we got comfy pretty quick and had a nice, relaxing time. My only complaint was that it seemed to be senior citizen day and by the time the hot chicks started showing up, it was time to leave!

Today is mandatory PT at work so I have to go and work out with the rest of the folks in my squadron. I'm leaving work early to get my 20 mile bike ride in on the stationary bike before I have to go and run with them. My numbers have really sucked the last few weeks due to the weather and so I am a little worried about this weekend, but I'll just hope for the best and we'll see. Race report will be up on Sunday.
2007-07-04 9:49 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Tim--good luck on your oly race! You have a lot of courage to go for such a steep competition this soon in your triathlon career! Have some fun, too!

Hey Guys, Anyone else realize that the next Harry Potter book comes out July 21????? That's the same weekend as my swim-a-thon in Minneapolis with some other BT peeps, who as it turns out, are also into HP!! So, thought I'd share with you my Fawks necklace:

HAPPY 4th EVERYONE!! (I'm pouting because I have to miss my tri today with the kids' dad bailing on me, but I'll try to get over it).


102_0515.bp.bmp (74KB - 25 downloads)
2007-07-04 9:52 AM
in reply to: #871406

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-03 7:56 PM

JBrashear - 2007-07-03 6:08 PM
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-03 10:56 AM Anyone have any good liver recipes? I'm eating it again for lunch today. Not too horrible with bleu cheese dressing actually. (eating salad and some got on the liver--hmmm....)
Sure: 1) Buy a beef burrito 2) Switch liver with beef burrito 3) THROW AWAY THE LIVER 4) Eat the burrito Glad I could help.

Mmmm...Burrito. Fearless Leader like burrito. Mmmm...Must go to Chipotle!

I ate an entire pizza last night while watching Shaq's 'fat kids' show. I don't know if that qualifies as ironic, but I do know that it was tasty.
2007-07-04 10:27 AM
in reply to: #870485

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Mesquite, Texas
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-03 10:56 AM Anyone have any good liver recipes? I'm eating it again for lunch today. Not too horrible with bleu cheese dressing actually. (eating salad and some got on the liver--hmmm....)

 About the liver, my mom used to make me eat liver. This is how it is done: First, you cover it entirely in ketchup (or your favorite condiment) then you cut it up into just slightly larger than mouth size pieces. Then piece by piece you swallow it whole. Presto, it's gone and you didn't even have to taste it!!!!

Have a great liverless 4th y'all!

2007-07-04 10:36 AM
in reply to: #871740

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

I ate an entire pizza last night while watching Shaq's 'fat kids' show. I don't know if that qualifies as ironic, but I do know that it was tasty.

You are my new personal hero this week!

2007-07-04 12:09 PM
in reply to: #871775

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Timo - 2007-07-04 10:36 AM


I ate an entire pizza last night while watching Shaq's 'fat kids' show. I don't know if that qualifies as ironic, but I do know that it was tasty.
You are my new personal hero this week!MMMM Pizza.  I just got done stuffing my face with BBQ and apple cobbler at work.
2007-07-04 12:18 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Great, now I want apple cobbler and Pizza; some frickin support group!
2007-07-04 12:56 PM
in reply to: #871740

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
JBrashear - 2007-07-04 9:52 AM

I ate an entire pizza last night while watching Shaq's 'fat kids' show. I don't know if that qualifies as ironic, but I do know that it was tasty.

I support what Shaq is trying to do with the show, but it seems like "his helpers" are doing all the work, and he's just there for show! I'm curious to see if the kids can lose weight though.

Tim, good luck on the race. I've been reading your logs and it looks like you're more than ready. Please be sure to write a race report. We're all very curious.

Hope everyone has a good 4th. We finally had a little break in the weather here. I went out for 30 mile ride and about 2 miles from home I saw my wife just started her ride. So I did another 30 with her. I had to stop a Subway to refill my water and buy some cookies b/c I was out of calories. It did rain on us the last 20 minutes or so, but all in all it was a great ride.

I'm off to my sisters-in-law's house. Her contractions are about 6 minutes apart and she about ready to give birth to the first grand-daughter for my wife's parents. Pretty exciting!

Edited by dgillen 2007-07-04 1:00 PM
2007-07-04 1:21 PM
in reply to: #871869

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thanks David and I'll have something up on Sunday. I really look forward to the time when I can train with my wife; I think it would be pretty cool.
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