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2010-07-06 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2964376

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Good for you on planning a BuzzBay swim recon! I would love to be able to justify coming down there to do W.C., but one long trip for a shortish race is more than enough for the time being.

My trusty TV news tells me Boston was at 100 today, but tat was still shy of a record. Other places in New England did set records; was South Carver one of them?

I've got a Museelman simulation brick planned for tomorrow, with a 16-18 mile ride followed by a 3-4 mile run. I'd love to do it early before it gets too hot, but I'll be hung up watching the Tour d'France until about noon. (Priorities, y'know? )

2010-07-06 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2964461

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Looks like you've got a system that works for you! Congrats!

I've always Pam'med down to my ankles, but have also come up just above the knees the past two or three seasons. I like to think that that is just starting the oiling of the hands a few inches earlier, and maybe that is helping speed up the process. Several years ago I stopped putting anything on my arms, as any suit I have used yanks off them pretty quickly. And that's that!

2010-07-07 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2964775

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

----------------------------- WEEKEND RACE PLANS ----------------------------------

Anyone --- other than me?

2010-07-07 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2965291

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-07-07 7:36 AM ----------------------------- WEEKEND RACE PLANS ---------------------------------- Anyone --- other than me?

Volunteering at a tri again, but not racing, so I guess that doesn't really count. STEVEB, you're nutso (in a good kind of way, of course), racing practically every weekend, sometimes twice a weekend. I can barely get myself out the door to exercise on the weekends, let alone race. Props to you!
2010-07-07 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

You've got Musselman, right? - on Saturday?


Graniteman Sprint Triathlon
Sunday, July 11, 8 am
Clearwater (St. Cloud), MN
.46 swim, 15 bike, 3.1 run

It's on;y a 1.5 hr drive for me but I'm staying at a motel the night before because 1) I don't know the course and I don't want to be checking it out at 5 am, and 2) I want to check out 2 botanical gardens I haven't been to and also check out a restaurant I've heard good things about.

2010-07-07 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2963253

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-07-06 11:29 AM Anne,

Just read your race report.  Congrats on your very impressive swim and bike times.  I am envious.

However - "poached eggs mixed into oatmeal" makes me feel slightly queasy (actually, very queasy).   

I can relate to the way you emphasize how many people you beat rather than the other way around.  I do that too.

Sounds like you're in good shape for Muskeola (sp?).  When is it?  I didn't see it under "planned races" in your log.


ps I saw your post awhile ago about getting new speed laces - I think you said you had Yankz previously.  I had gotten Yankz about a month ago and don't really like them - I just ordered some Ibungee which I hope I'll like better.  I should have asked you what you got.

Thanks, Denise.    I did enjoy that race and came away happy with my swim and bike.   At our age there really is no other way to look at the overall stats - when you can easily have 400+ people younger than us and a handful our age and older.   I do like to see where I fit in with the 50-59 age group.   Can often 'place' in the top 3 of the 50-54 age group but the 45-49 is way out of reach now.   They are a large, fast, and competitiv age group.  

The poached egg mixed in with the oatmeal and fruit is actually pretty yummy.   Blends in nicely, and you wouldn't even know it was there if I didn't tell you. 

I think I am in good shape for Muskoka, at least finish and feel good.   Have some work to do in the next 2 weeks to finish where I would like to.  

I don't think that post on the laces was from me.   I've had the same ones for 5 years and don't remember which ones they are - maybe EZ laces, if there is such a thing?  

I see you are doing a sprint this weekend.   I have a feeling you are more than ready for it too!!!   Hope you have a great time and meet your goals.    

2010-07-07 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hope you make out OK on your bike/run today.   It is HOT here.

We went for a 26.4 km ride at 8:30 this morning.  27* and felt like 36*.    It actually felt worse than Peterborough on Sunday.   It was a somewhat hilly route with long, gradual climbs, a couple of shorter, steeper ones and some LONG, gradual, steeper climbs.   I really tried to push harder and didn't let up but maybe twice for about a minute, but ended up with an avg hr of 128 (7 beats lower than Peterborough) and an average speed of 26.42.   The RPE felt harder than 128; felt harder than Peterborough - maybe because of the heat.

I don't have any muscle soreness or tightness from Sunday's event but when I started the ride this morning I could tell my legs were a little fatigued.  

Re Sunday, I knew I would lose some speed on the return trip because Mitch Fraser and Sean Bechtel/Dave Sharratt all talked about it and the how the course played out but when I went from 27.5 to 25.7 I thought that might have been too much of a loss, just showing that I am still maybe on the weak side when having to face the wind.    But I saw that a young guy who did the Half Duathlon and came in 6th overall and 3rd in age (20-29) and rode a Cervelo P2C something said that he had an average speed of 34.5 at the 45km mark and finished with 32.9.    So, I did lose more than him, but not terribly, do you think?  

Have decided that I want to do Belwood on the 18th and just take a DNF.   I love the bike course (really fun and fast and only 30km) and it is a 1km swim.     Thoughts?
2010-07-07 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2965441

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-07-07 9:27 AM 

I don't think that post on the laces was from me.   I've had the same ones for 5 years and don't remember which ones they are - maybe EZ laces, if there is such a thing?  


Anne - sorry - I guess I don't know who it was then

Mandy Mandy Mandy,

I gave you a nudge about mixing Tracey and I up re: neuroma.  Now I've mixed up Anne and somebody (?) else about laces. haha


2010-07-07 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Was checking my log from last year to see how I felt after Peterborough and what training I did week following and noticed  that the temp was 14* versus 30*+.   CRAZY!!!!!

I had put this comment in my blog - Wore a short sleeve, technical cycling shirt with a fleece lined, long sleeve cycling jersey; leg warmers, socks, and full gloves. Feet were cold.
2010-07-07 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2964447

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-07-06 6:45 PM

thall0672 - 2010-07-06 5:58 PM Anne: Where can I link to your race report?

First things first, CONGRATULATIONS on finishing your 10km.   That must have been brutal with the heat.   Did you say that was your first 10km race?    If so, I think now that you have this one under your belt, the rest are going to be so much easier.   I didn't see any mention of the neuroma which is very good news.  I'm going to be looking to you for inspiration if and when I am able to get back to running.   It will be like starting from scratch again and I will need your positive outlook and determination to help me along.  

If you go to my log and find Sunday, July 4th, there is a link that says Peterborough 1/2 Aqua/Bike and if you click on that it takes you to my race report.  


Great report, and congrats on your performance!

And I'm glad I read your tip about not staying way to the inside around the buoy turns. My next race has buoy turns (as opposed to the straight line of my last race) so I'm glad to know this. It's not a mass start, but being in the competitive 35-39 group, I'm sure it can get ugly.

And I must concur with Denise about the poached eggs in the oatmeal. I occasionally mix peanut butter into my oatmeal and sometimes get looks for that one!

2010-07-07 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2964763

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-07-06 10:08 PM


Good for you on planning a BuzzBay swim recon! I would love to be able to justify coming down there to do W.C., but one long trip for a shortish race is more than enough for the time being.

My trusty TV news tells me Boston was at 100 today, but tat was still shy of a record. Other places in New England did set records; was South Carver one of them?

I've got a Museelman simulation brick planned for tomorrow, with a 16-18 mile ride followed by a 3-4 mile run. I'd love to do it early before it gets too hot, but I'll be hung up watching the Tour d'France until about noon. (Priorities, y'know? )

Not sure if Carver is setting any records, but it is dang hot. I skipped my ride yesterday and today because it's just too stifling out there. I'm not able to get out early in the morning or later at night very often so I have to just hope for more moderate temps to arrive soon...

Reminds me that I need to get a bike trainer for the basement.

2010-07-07 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2965496

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I did a quite hard 29km bike and a hard-hard 5km run off it, and I was really hurting at the end. It is about 34C here, which puts it at about 93F. This was between 12:30 and 2:30, so I sure should've timed it better! My ride yesterday was a bit later and a bit longer (40km), and I think it was a bit hotter. But it was the run off the bike today that did me in. I drained the better part of a 1.5L bottle of water over me in the ten minutes post-brick, and if I hadn't had that with me.....I might still be there, panting!

Lynn has no sympathy with me. She's home today, and really thought I shouldn't go out. When I got home I looked at her and said,
"Well, I guess this supports the belief that what doesn't kill you will make you stronger" ------ and she just gave me one of Those Looks that I have been on the receiving end of countless times in our 36.5 years as a couple............

2010-07-07 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2966518

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

Did you get the note from trisport about the Muskoka run course?!? That's a pretty radical chamge! They refer to it as good news that it's only 13km now instead of 15km, but for me and my thoughts of maybe doing it, it's bad news -- I need that extra run distance to catch the fish ho swim 2000m far better than I do!

And two loop of that kind of convoluted course won't be a treat, right down to so many 180-degree turns. Hmmmm. However, it will be an outstanding course for spectators, maybe the most spectator-friendly run course there is.

I know it doesn't affect you this year, but at least you can case it out in preparation for next year, when I SURE you'll be running it!

2010-07-07 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2964275

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-07-06 5:13 PM DENISE - . Looking through my sister-in-law's copy of "Away", by Amy Bloom, I came across the following Yiddish expression: "Az me muz, ken men", which translates to "When one must, one can." Next hot run, I'm going to use that as my mantra, I think!

I LOVE that book.  Everytime I go through the 'library' to cull some of the books, I can never part with that one.  
2010-07-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2966107

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You mean to say a bike trainer wasn't on your wish-list for your just-recent birthday? Aw, I think you should just go out and get one, right here, right now!

My heat-workout comments are two or so post above to Anne. I was planning to do a swim later this afternoon, but unless I stopped feeling peaked by then, I'll just bag it. Lynn may think I'm a chowderhead, but she would support you 110%. However, I'm not going to say a thing to her about your prudence, as that will just be more ammo she can use against at some later date (like, maybe tomorrow? )!

2010-07-07 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2965300

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Is that an oly in Boulder on Sunday that you'll be volunteering for? I just got an email from Tory Oakland, who is the head of customer service at Newton Running, and she'll be doing whatever oly it is that is there on Sunday. She is an incredible swimmer and a virtually-incredible runner, but is having battles with her bike; she told me she divorced it last week!

Anyhow, have a look for her!

I have a hare-brained scheme of multiple-multiple races ofn the weekends of August 7/8 and 14/15, but I will keep those away from the general population for a while longer. I like the idea of the idea.....but I have to figure out to what degree I will benefit from it. There is something vague about pushing limits as I look towards a HIM on August 29, and other longer stuff beyond that, but it really is all vague at this point. Or muddled. Yeah, that's better -- muddled!

2010-07-07 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2965341

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Cool beans! Thank you for that info!

And I support the motel and all of the other nifty stuff surrounding it. Lynn is probably going to come with me to Musselamn, and we plan to play in the area around Geneva. She would like to do a winery tour, of which there are about 70 in the Finger Lakes area. As a non-drinker it doesn't really appeal to me, but for placing in the age group at the Musselman races, one receives a bottle of wine, and that's always nice to bring home to Lynn. Brownie points, you know?

2010-07-07 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2966107

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE once more -

I just relaizedf you had some other questions, but I have to run now and will address them later. Quickly, though, about Belwood I say sure, why not? The price is reasonable, the experience is priceless. And it's just spittin' distance from you, yes?


2010-07-07 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2965520

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-07-07 10:00 AM
latestarter - 2010-07-07 9:27 AM 

Mandy Mandy Mandy,

I gave you a nudge about mixing Tracey and I up re: neuroma.  Now I've mixed up Anne and somebody (?) else about laces. haha


DENISE, that was me.  My last race I switched to "Easy Laces" and had previously used Yankz.  I liked the Easy Laces better because 1) they laced like normal shoes, making it easier to adjust; 2) they are flat rather than round so seem to "stay put" better; and 3) I was able to lace the final bit through the upper eyes of my shoes, tie them off, and know they will stay put.  The only think is the center of the lock and key seem to impede the tongue of the shoe a bit, but I had no problems getting them on quickly.  Just do a search for Easy Laces and you should be able to find them without any trouble.

2010-07-07 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey all, just checking in to say I'm alive and kicking. I've made it to southern Ontario unscathed other than a head cold I have and this nasty humidity which I don't get along with.

Hope everyone is doing well and the training is going well. I've fallen off the train. Between trying to rest the legs and the hernia I'm waiting until I see the sports doc to schedule further races this year. Will continue to train after my vacation but not sure about the racing.

Coming to Ottawa for sure now as a friend's mom passed away this morning and the funeral is Friday. Would still like to meet up with you and I'll PM you my contact info so you'll have a way to get a hold of me.

Edited by smarx 2010-07-07 6:15 PM
2010-07-07 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2965496

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I think it's the very rare triathlete who can negative split a long-course out-and-back when the return is into the wind, so that guy is a pretty serious/strong cyclist. I know he didn't n.s. it, but just to establish 34.5 for the first half and manage to rock it back and finish at 32.9 is pretty impressive. Was he saying that his pace for the whole 90km was 32.9, or that on the return he averaged 32.9? If it's the former, that means his return was 31.3, which is still pretty good. If it's the latter, then that's REALLY studly of him!!

2010-07-07 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2967071

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I don't know if we will be in or out tomorrow evening, but we'll be home on Friday morning until about 11. Then we'll be heading into Ottawa for a noon concert, and from there down to Geneva, NY, for Musselman. We should be back from that Saturday evening, but I'm not sure when (probably between 8 and 11.

How long are you here for? Still into the next week (like, Monday and Tuesday?)? I got PM, so I will use that info at some point soon.

Travel safely, and I'm sorry you're heading into another record-breaker here tomorrow!

2010-07-08 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2967362

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-07-07 11:07 PM ANNE - I think it's the very rare triathlete who can negative split a long-course out-and-back when the return is into the wind, so that guy is a pretty serious/strong cyclist. I know he didn't n.s. it, but just to establish 34.5 for the first half and manage to rock it back and finish at 32.9 is pretty impressive. Was he saying that his pace for the whole 90km was 32.9, or that on the return he averaged 32.9? If it's the former, that means his return was 31.3, which is still pretty good. If it's the latter, then that's REALLY studly of him!!

Wasn't that I was expecting a n.s., but just curious as to what would be an 'acceptable' drop in speed under those conditions.  I know that will vary athlete to athlete based on their particular strengths, but when I saw that he dropped 1.4 avg speed and I dropped 1.8, I felt that maybe I wasn't so bad after all.  

He actually did end up with 32.9 for the whole 90km.  

I hope you have another GREAT race this weekend!  Just out of curiousity, how many consecutive 1st's have you ever won?   I think maybe that we would like to try that next year.   Would it be a good one for us, do you think?  

2010-07-08 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
OK, I got the photos from Peterborough and as I expected - nothing to get excited about.     The photographers just seem to have no imagination compared to the photos I have seen from you guys.    You can take every photo from the last 3 years and put them side by side and they are almost identical - same spot on the course, same angle...

If you want to see a couple you can go to my blog and click on Album and they are under Miscelleneous.    The pictures that have been taken by AIS load up OK, but some of the others that Ken takes, are HUGE if you click on them.   I don't know how to get them smaller.

2010-07-08 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2967689

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


If you dropped only 1.8, you did a great job of managing your resources over a looong distance. Both you and The Studly Wise were very smart on Sunday!

I love Musselman, both races. He (Jeff Henderson) runs a very professional event, with the following impressing me lots:
(1) He hasn't gone overboard in expanding his empire, keeping it as just Musselman, Fly-By-Night Duathlon, and a supposedly great oly/sprint in Portland, OR. Mussel started in '04, and FBN maybe in '06, Portland maybe in '07.
(2) So far, he has resisted the temptation* of joining the 70.3 series, so Mussleman half-iron is still "his" race. The price is reasonable by HIM standards, and there are no shortcuts taken.
(3) He was right at the forefront of environmentally-aware races, and continues to push this aspect. He may even have been one of the founders of Council for Responsible Sport.
(4) Great accoms are available on the campus of Hobart/William Smith College, even though they require a two-night minimum.
(5) Musselman half-iron has a big single-loop bike and run, with only a bit of overlap at the beginning and end of each. the bike is gorgeous. The run is quite nice, although tough in spots.
(6) The sprint bike is less gorgeous, but still nice. The run is a no-brainer -- straight out along the lake, straight back!

* I'm assuming he has been courted, and my further assumption is that he was rejected the advances of 70.3 and thus they settled on Syracuse instead. But that's just me, assuming too much and then gossiping about it.

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