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2009-07-01 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2254722

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

fattyfatfat - 2009-06-30 10:03 PM Funny you should ask... my thumbs, esp the right one are numb.  I even have a difficult time turning the key to start my truck.  I can tell its getting better but still.  I think it has to do with riding out of aero so much during the race.  Is that possible?

edit.  else a little sore in the legs but otherwise I feel great!

Yes, absolutely.  Do a google search on "cyclist hands."  Riding in the drops/bullhorns compresses the nerve bundles in your hands and, voila, numb digits.....

Just started my turbo dose of steroids this morning and am absolutely zinging....Should be real interesting when I have another 9 pills in me by tomorrow evening!

2009-07-01 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2255910

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Pep talk time. I need one. My swim is killer right now, but I'm not feeling too good about the bike and run. I did that century ride and felt bullet proof, and I did great in the 25k in may, but my olympic kicked my . What can I do in 1 month to make sure I'm ready? I figure I have this week and next week to go all out before taper. What do you guys think. I'll take any suggestions no matter how painful they sound.

Tell us more about what has you concerned/rattled.  Constantly fatigued?  Don't feel fresh/powerful on the run/bike?  Or just not happy with the way Johan's played out?

2009-07-01 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2255987

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
grandhavenbill - 2009-07-01 12:49 PM

Pep talk time. I need one. My swim is killer right now, but I'm not feeling too good about the bike and run. I did that century ride and felt bullet proof, and I did great in the 25k in may, but my olympic kicked my . What can I do in 1 month to make sure I'm ready? I figure I have this week and next week to go all out before taper. What do you guys think. I'll take any suggestions no matter how painful they sound.

Tell us more about what has you concerned/rattled.  Constantly fatigued?  Don't feel fresh/powerful on the run/bike?  Or just not happy with the way Johan's played out?

I guess it's most of the above. I don't feel constantly fatigued. I think I came off of Lake Mac feeling great with my finish, so I had high expectations for Johan's.
Here are the two biggest problems:

1. On the bike I get passed by everyone. at Johan's I literally did not pass anyone, except the girl who already passed me earlier on the bike. I am coming out of the water quick, so I guess the people who swim my speed, also bike at the same level, which is faster than I can bike.

2. I did the 25k at 8:09 (I think) pace. I thought I could do a 10k somewhere near that pace. I know it's different coming off the bike, but I was over 9:00. I absolutely died on the run at Johan's.

I'm not sure how to pace myself on the bike, to make sure I have enough left on the run. At lake Mac, after the finish I barely felt winded. So, I figured I should give more at Johan's. That didn't work as planned.

I think I'm also hitting the training wall, where you question evrything your doing. I'm pretty sure I'm mostly in my head, but the thought of 70.3 miles is killing me.
2009-07-01 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2256050

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

I guess it's most of the above. I don't feel constantly fatigued. I think I came off of Lake Mac feeling great with my finish, so I had high expectations for Johan's.
Here are the two biggest problems:

1. On the bike I get passed by everyone. at Johan's I literally did not pass anyone, except the girl who already passed me earlier on the bike. I am coming out of the water quick, so I guess the people who swim my speed, also bike at the same level, which is faster than I can bike.  My 70.3 A/G bike rank 104/105.  

2. I did the 25k at 8:09 (I think) pace. I thought I could do a 10k somewhere near that pace. I know it's different coming off the bike, but I was over 9:00. I absolutely died on the run at Johan's.  I have never ever run a race over 11, rarely over 10.  I was over 13 at Buffalo. 

I'm not sure how to pace myself on the bike, to make sure I have enough left on the run. At lake Mac, after the finish I barely felt winded. So, I figured I should give more at Johan's. That didn't work as planned.  Well then i think you may have found your pace!  But be ready to adjust raceday.

I think I'm also hitting the training wall, where you question evrything your doing. I'm pretty sure I'm mostly in my head, but the thought of 70.3 miles is killing me.  LMAO!!!  I questioned every little thing over and over.  We're human.  This is natural and OK. 

Brad.  Something I heard time and again leading up to the race was your first HIM is an animal unlike anything you have ever experienced.  I can't tell you how I just shook my head and agreed.  Now I really. really understand what this means.  No kidding, more so today than even yesterday for crying out loud. 

Your logs look great, your time is in, pending the next few weeks.  You are going to do GREAT.  Now, if you are fatiguied all the time, take a day or even two off.  You are not going for Kona here. I got sick three weeks out and missed 2 days.  All turned out good. 

2009-07-01 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2256104

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL


You are doing AWESOME.  Remember, this is your first season man!  Your bike times for a rookie are very strong and there are folks out there who have been doing this for years that would kill to swim the way you do.  Your run is also strong and, along with the bike, will continue to get better with time.  You will be AMAZED at the improvements you will make going into next season (assuming, of course, you stick with us this winter!  ).

Don't get hung up on what other folks are doing on the course relative to you.  You are learning this game and what works (and doesn't) for you.  As mentioned in some previous posts, I learned some HARD lessons my first season...Poor nutrition/hydration, overtraining, being a slave to the training plan and not listening to my body....the list is long.  I think you got whacked by the heat at Johan's.  This happened to me at Steelhead my first time.  Wasn't acclimated and went out and tried to blast it without paying attention to my hydration....ouch.

You've put in the miles and are reaching the end of your last build phase.  Perfectly normal to feel tapped at this point.  Trust the plan, but listen to your body and take a day or two off if you need it.  It will NOT affect your fitness level!  As you head into your taper, you WILL recover and probably feel like you aren't doing enough.  Fight the urge to do more and follow the plan.  You want to wake up on race morning feeling fresh and ready to rock.

That little voice you are hearing?  Also perfectly normal.  It will get even louder when you  double that distance next year training for IMMOO!    Seriously, re-focus on why you are doing this.  We all have our reasons (Jen is convinced I have un-met needs from my childhood...) and only you know what those are.  Use them as your motivation to push thru the next couple of weeks knowing you will get a break during taper.  Visualize yourself out there on the course doing YOUR race.

Some other thoughts for the next few weeks:

1) Make sure you are getting enough sleep and proper nutrition for recovery.

2) Hot epsom salt baths work wonders for dead legs.  A jacuzzi tub is even better.  Massage is also a wonderul thing. 

3) Rather than a "redline" effort at Tri Del Sol, consider going over to Benton Harbor and riding the entire Steelhead course followed by an easy 2-ish mile run afterwards instead.  If I can swing it (heading back to China soon...), I'd love to come along.

 4) Most importantly, remember that this is FUN!

2009-07-02 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Alright. You guys have talked some sense into me. I appreciate letting me sit lay on the virtual couch to clear my brain a bit. The biggest thing that I seem to have trouble with is remembering the following: yes, I have been busting my a55 for the last 10 months. I forget that all those people who are passing me on the bike have been busting theirs as hard or harder for years. I'm somewhat of an instant gradification guy, and well, triathlon training just isn't an instant results kind of hobby.

John - thanks for the insight. Watching you train and become a triathlete has been inspiring. (Ok, so that's about all the mushy fell good crap I can muster! Will stick with nice work, or good job from here on out.) your last line kind of hit me. This HIM will be an experience unlike any I've ever had. I need to take it for what it is, and enjoy that experience. That's why I'm doing it after all. 

Your run is also strong and, along with the bike, will continue to get better with time.  You will be AMAZED at the improvements you will make going into next season (assuming, of course, you stick with us this winter!  ). 

I think this is one of the things that is getting in my head. I have a history of going balls out into every hobby you can think of for a short time, then on to the next thing. My list is actually quite humorous, and my wife reminds me all the time. Here are some examples. downhill skiing, sailboat racing, fly fishing, fly tying, rock climbing, sky diving, unicycle riding (really).......
It seems like I'm just getting over the hump on this one. Sticking it out longer than normal. I don't see giving this up any time soon, but the fear is constantly there.

We all have our reasons (Jen is convinced I have un-met needs from my childhood...)

Funny.... My wife Jen thinks the same thing. She also thinks I'm constantly chasing the runners high. Which well, is true, I've got a history of chasing every other high known to man. This one seems a little more healthy though!

ather than a "redline" effort at Tri Del Sol, consider going over to Benton Harbor and riding the entire Steelhead course followed by an easy 2-ish mile run afterwards instead.  If I can swing it (heading back to China soon...), I'd love to come along.

Alright, you've convinced me. I've been delaying registering for this one. I really wanted that nice jersey though! This makes sense though. The short races aren't doing me any favors in my training. And It makes sense to get out on the actual course for Steelhead. I think I'll plan on making a day out of it Saturday the 18th. do you think that is far out enough to ride the full course?
I'd love to ride with you if you have time. If another day works better, let me know.

Alright gentelmen. My mind is clear and I'm back in the game. See, I just needed a little feel good pep talk. i think also a simple HTFU would have done it too. Or, I could change the phrase I gave my wife on our wedding day: "Toughen up, your a Schottke now." to "Toughen up, your a Triathlete now."

That may be my next signature if when I finish Steelhead.

Edited by sigepbrad 2009-07-02 7:09 AM

2009-07-06 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2257603

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Atta boy Brad!  Thought a lot about "stuff" during Saturday's long run.  I knew this after my first season, but have further reinforced that I am/have become a very goal driven individual.  The great thing about this endurance game:  there is always a carrot dangling out there and, at the end of the day, it is all about ME.  I control what races/events I pick, I control the training plan, and it is up to me to make it happen.  People pi$$ and moan that they don't have enough time to train?  BS!!!  Get your butt out of bed at 4:00 am and HTFU.....

You will find your niche in this game.  Me?  I've obviously gravitated towards the long distance stuff.  It just makes me tick.  But, it certainly isn't for everyone.  If du's, sprints or oly's turns out to be your thing, that's awesome too.  Heck, you may be the next stud Team Bissel rider!

I'd love to come ride the Steelhead course with you.  Will have to play it by ear, however, on the domestic front.  With another 2+ week China "vacation" coming up at the end of the month, I'm on a fairly short leash right now on the homefront....Pick a date that works for you and I'll do my best to jump on.

I would also suggest that you start coming over this way and swim in Lake Michigan a few times before the race.  Grand Haven State Park is perfect.  The swim buoys are great to sight off of and give you a good ~1 mile straight stretch one way.  With a few swims, you should be able to get some experience in various wave and current conditions.  You never know what she is going to throw at you on race morning....

2009-07-07 7:00 AM
in reply to: #2263977

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
People pi$$ and moan that they don't have enough time to train?  BS!!!  Get your butt out of bed at 4:00 am and HTFU.....

There we go, that's what I'm talking about! Well, I hit the big lake last night. Didn't stay out too long, but had a good swim in Lake Michigan. I've got a nice brick planned for tonight.
I'll come up with a plan for heading to St. Joe and let you know, hopefully you'll be able to make it. Thanks for all the encouragment.
What happened to John? Did he finish his HIM and pull a Jan (that's yan) on us?
2009-07-07 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2266601

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
2009-07-14 6:52 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
Thanks for keeping tabs on me John! I have been working out, just haven't been putting it in my logs. They are updated now! (I think that's what the "wtf" was for anyway...)

Bill - I think I am headed to the bike course on Saturday if your interested. Not sure it your in town now, but hope you can make it. I put a note in the Steelhead thread to see if anyone else wanted to come.
2009-07-14 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
I figured you were just busy but needed to remind you that I live vicariously through!  How you feeling.  How are the workouts going?

2009-07-14 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
I'm feeling pretty good. I think my body is ready, but my mind isn't. If you don't believe me, look back at my last few post to see my babbling on and on. I think I'm getting there. I'm riding the bike course this weekend, so I think that will be a big boost. That or scare the 5hit out of me. One of the other. I have a busy training week this week, then it's taper time.

What are you doing with all of your free time? When does your mary plan start?
2009-07-16 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2285757

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

sigepbrad - 2009-07-14 9:50 PM I'm feeling pretty good. I think my body is ready, but my mind isn't. If you don't believe me, look back at my last few post to see my babbling on and on. I think I'm getting there. I'm riding the bike course this weekend, so I think that will be a big boost. That or scare the 5hit out of me. One of the other. I have a busy training week this week, then it's taper time.

What are you doing with all of your free time? When does your mary plan start?

Brad:  Thanks for the invite, but we are camping this weekend.  You will be fine on the course, nothing worse than what you are used to riding.  Soak it in, make good mental notes, and enjoy the ride.  After your run (you ARE going to brick this, right?!?), go ride one loop of the run course too!


2009-07-17 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2290463

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
No problem. Enjoy camping! I am planning on a short run right off the bike tomorrow, only 20 minutes. I may run the first 2 miles of the course, then ride the rest. We'll see. I'll give a report after.
2009-07-20 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

So how did the ride go this weekend Brad?

Going to turn the tables on you guys....I'm having a "moral dilemma" on my plans for this fall.  As you know, I was/am planning to run the 50 mile trail Ultra on September 19.  I knew it would be a boost, but had no idea how strong my cardio engine would be coming off the 24 hour bike event and my running is the best it has been in this stage of a training plan.  I've been doing my long runs "naked" (no watch, underfueled, early morning, rain, etc.) and am pleasantly surprised at my pace. 

What's the dilemma you ask?  Well, I missed my BQ time at Detroit last October by around 3 minutes because my stomach shut down around mile 8.....A local race (Old Boys Brewhouse Oktoberfest), run by two close friends of mine, has added a full certified mary that just happens to fall on the same day as the ultra.....Thinking that, with some speed work, I'd stand a good chance at a BQ if I can stay healthy.  It would be really cool to do that in my own back yard!  On the other hand, If I'm gonna do an ultra, my cardio engine has never been stronger.....

Almost feel like I'm "wussing out" if I don't do the Ultra, but I'd REALLY like to BQ also....Jen is pushing me towards the BQ attempt, but only because she thinks I'm pushing too hard with the ultra.  She did not approve of my condition after the 24 hour bike and did not follow my logic that the ultra would only take me about 9 or 10 hours! 

2009-07-20 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2297357

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
The bike went great. I had perfect weather. I'm really glad you talked me into it. Much better than racing the Tri Del Sol. Now I know what to expect.

Now, on to your little dilemma. My vote is the same as Jen's. But not for the same reasons. I'm all about pushing to the limit, and even beyond. But, in this case, I think you should take advantage of your peak shape. You will always be able to attempt, or probably even be able to complete an ultra, but qualifying for Boston isn't just finishing something to say you did it. It is an extremely difficult thing to do, but right now, for you, it is absolutely attainable.

Now, if you'd hike up your skirt a bit, you would do your little Ultra on September 19th and quality for Boston at GR mary on October 18. Really, do you need more than 29 days to recover from little 50 miler'? I think Jen will love that plan!Wink

2009-07-20 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
Bar behavior trumps rational thought any day.  Not saying that Jen is hanging out in bars but....

You walk into a bar and announce "I just did an Ultra".  You might get a nod, you might even get "gay bar is two blocks down" but you'll most likely get a bunch of empty stares.

You walk into a bar and announce " I just qualified for the Boston Marathon".  You drink free the rest of the night and probably a few random beers for the next few months.  People high five you all night long and the worst thing you have to deal with is the my sister's brother's uncle's cousin's, step mother ran Boston 8 years ago and said those Wellesly girls are really loud. 

Bill.  You are talking about having a shot at BQ'ing at two good buddies race in your backyard vs an ultra.   At a race named Old Boys Brewhouse non the less, THAT is awesome!!!
                                                                *slap upside the head*

buckle down and go train your a$$ off for Old Boys... and lemme know who calls you a wuss.  i'll talk to em'
2009-07-21 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2297558

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Thanks guys, good stuff.  I'm starting to lean heavily towards the mary.  It also gives me more time to bike and swim, a good thing as I want to go back and defend my first place AG spot from last year at my hometown tri (Niles) on Labor Day weekend.

Brad:  I'm actually planning to jockstrap two marathon virgins from work at GR....

2009-07-26 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2300351

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

OK guys, after Saturday's long run (20 miler, 7:45 average on 4.5 hours of sleep), I'm in for the  BQ attempt.  Got a new pair of kicks on Friday and will start speed work in earnest tomorrow before I get on the plane for my China "vacation." 

Brad:  How is the taper going?  Are your feeling better about things?

2009-07-28 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2309206

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
grandhavenbill - 2009-07-26 9:23 PM

OK guys, after Saturday's long run (20 miler, 7:45 average on 4.5 hours of sleep), I'm in for the  BQ attempt.  Got a new pair of kicks on Friday and will start speed work in earnest tomorrow before I get on the plane for my China "vacation." 

Brad:  How is the taper going?  Are your feeling better about things?

Good to hear Bill! 

I got in from 5 days at the in-lwas house in SC today.  Next time I'm going to China w/ you instead.
2009-07-28 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2309206

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
grandhavenbill - 2009-07-26 10:23 PM

OK guys, after Saturday's long run (20 miler, 7:45 average on 4.5 hours of sleep), I'm in for the  BQ attempt.  Got a new pair of kicks on Friday and will start speed work in earnest tomorrow before I get on the plane for my China "vacation." 

Brad:  How is the taper going?  Are your feeling better about things?

Yeah, enough of the slow easy stuff, lets see some speed! Your out of control.
Taper is going good. I think I took taper a little too easy........  Yes, my logs are updated. Had life get in the way of my tri career, but it was all good news, just slightly untimely news. I got a pretty big promotion at work. Looks like I'll be traveling quite a bit. But, it's the job I've been after for 4 years. Now I've got to put my money where my mouth is.

Feeling good about Saturday. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep the rest of the week. All I can think about is the race. I think I'll be ok. I just have to remind myself that at the end of the day, triathlon doesn't pay the bills. I do this because it's fun. So I'm told. Sure.
I'll be meeting a bunch of BT people there, looking forward to that. Stay tuned, I may have one more good late night ramble in me before race day!

2009-07-28 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2314043

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
CONGRATS!  promotion in this economy is stellar! 

you are fine! its all in the bank now.  get some good rest these next two nights.  hit the sack early and just try to chill. 
2009-07-29 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2314043

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Congrats Brad, let's hear more about this new job.  Do your best to get some rest and trust the taper. 

2009-07-29 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2314430

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
Thanks guys. I appreciate it.

I'm going to be a National Tech Rep. I'll cover all of the midwest. the short description is calling on Architects and Engineers helping them with problems, and getting them to let me write their specifications. We are a manufacturer of fire protection equipment. Sprinklers, valves, systems... I think it will be a great fit, and different everyday. Not sure how a training schedule will fit in with travel. We'll see.

Edited by sigepbrad 2009-07-29 8:30 PM
2009-07-30 12:31 AM
in reply to: #2316292

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Speaking from experience, it's easy to pack running gear.  No excuses, right?!?!    Heck, more than 1/2 my bag on this trip was my workout gear (running shoes, fuel belt, gu, etc.)..... 

Will you mostly driving or flying for your travels?  I see a new bike rack in your future....

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