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2009-07-08 5:47 PM
in reply to: #2259611

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hmmmmm.... I really replied to your very nice posts over the weekend. I don't know where my post ended up. I must have clicked incorrectly. You know how it is with us old folks and the modern technology

Seriously, I am very sorry my post didn't show up, and I am EXTREMELY appreciative of your kind words. At this point, there is really not much more you can do training wise to prepare for a big event like this, but you can still prepare mentally. Doing that race boosted my confidence, and you have boosted it even more.

Thank you so much!!!

2009-07-14 4:37 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
How's the tapering going??  You guys will ROCK IT!  I bet the water is chilly though, sounds like you havent had a warm summer so far.   I will be in NY on friday.  Would love to meet up sometime on sat when you guys get to Geneva.  Any ideas on times or places??
See ya soon!!
2009-07-14 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2283278

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey Paula! Yes, it has definitely been a cool summer. This morning it was 47 degrees for my ride. I had to dig out some tights and a long sleeve jersey!

Tapering actually feels pretty good. Mostly because I am getting a little more sleep than usual.

I will be in Geneva on Saturday afternoon, and I am really looking forward to meeting up. I just got an e-mail from Kelly about the trakkers GPS thing which she will be giving out after the HIM athlete's meeting at 4:30 on Saturday, so I will definitely see her there. The meeting will be at the Albright Auditorium at Hobart College., so that should be a good place to meet up. You can't miss me. I'll be the dorky looking middle aged guy, although that could describe about half the entrants

Have a good trip!

2009-07-14 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey, guys,

I'm feeling a little taper crazy...better this week than last week though.  Paula, I will be playing on Friday night for the arts triathlon at 6 pm at the Smith Opera House.  Then, I will be at the race site on Sat for the athlete meeting like Anthony said.  Are you guys planning on going to the race dinner?  That might be a good place to hang for a little while.  I definitely want to connect before the race!
2009-07-15 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
I hadnt planned on going to the dinner.  I cant get much time away from the family now that my vacation is shortened by 6 days.  Would love to meet up sometime- maybe before the meeting or right after.  Just give me a call- I am about 30 min from Geneva- might not have access to a computer after tomorrow morning.  (910) 228-0771
If for some reason we dont meet up-
ROCK IT FOLKS!!  You guys will do great, have fun and be safe!
2009-07-15 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2288168

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
I'll be at packet pickup and the expo before the meeting, and Kelly will be handing out the trakkers right after the meeting, so either before or after would be great. My number is 845-551-0135.

2009-07-17 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Either one is fine for me too!  My cell is 315-247-3809.

See you guys tomorrow!!  (Drive safe!)
2009-07-21 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2291064

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey there! What a great weekend. What a pleasure to meet up in person!

Paula, that was so nice of you to come up to Geneva to say hello!

Kelly, what a fantastic job on your first HIM! You should be really proud of the the effort you put into your training, and your performance on the big day. I am looking forward to your race report. ETA I just saw you did a RR. I skimmed through it, but will read more carefully whwn I have some more free time.

Although my day didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked, I still had a great time. I told Kelly about it, but it was probably a little garbled since I get a little excited on race day About 3 miles into the bike I got a flat; no biggie, I can deal with a flat no problem. Then I slipped stepping from the road onto the grass and twisted my left ankle a little. Didn't feel too bad on the bike, but it did bother me on the run, so I was limping a little and my run was pretty slow. Still, I finished, and actually had an HIM PR.

Went for a short walk with my wife yesterday, and my ankle was kinda sore, but not too bad. The muscles in my legs were pretty sore. Probably from the altered gait as well as the long race. I'll try to ride tomorrow, and maybe a short easy run on Thursday.

Still thinking about what to do with the rest of my season. My plan was for a fun sprint in Aug., and a fun oly in Sept., then try to PR a 10K in Oct., and a very hilly du in Oct. that I want to really do well in. Now I am not so sure. I may try another HIM in Sept. that is pretty close to home.  Since Oly's seem to be my favorite distance, I think I might try the HIM as my last shot at that distance. If I do that, I will probably be more run focused, with shorter, but much hillier rides, because the Oct. du is really a big deal to me.

Would like to hear what you think.

Edited by amschrod 2009-07-21 3:28 PM
2009-07-26 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Sorry it has taken me so long to post.  It was great to meet you guys in person.  Anthony, you are quite a trooper- flat tire, ankle injury and still really positive about things!! Your Trakker system did not appear to be working when I was checking it online.  (
Kelly- you kicked some butt!  Your Trakker system worked well, I saw you on the bike (cruising quickly I might add) before you turned to go down to the lake then along the lake.  I wanted to see your downhill speed on the part before the turn but I had to get in the shower or I was going to be late to meet my mom (definately dont want that to happen!)
I cant believe we saw you on the run though.  Not 30 seconds before that did I say- "wouldnt it be cool if I saw someone I knew?"  Then Poof- there you were in your Team Aquafor gear!- I saw that and realized it was you.
You guys are great motivators- really made me miss the whole racing scene.  Dont know if I will be up to the HIM next year or not but I will put it on my list of things to accomplish in the near future.
Again, it was great to meet you guys in person- its nice to put a real face and voice to people that have helped motivate and support me for these last few months!
Keep posting!!
2009-07-26 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey, guys!!  It's been a crazy week for me.  Three symphony concerts and then Irongirl today.  At Irongirl, I raced with no watch or goal was to just go all out.  So my swim was great, my bike was great, and my run was so-so, BUT I still place 24th overall among about 500 women!  I am very pleased.  My bike average was 20.6 fastest to date.
I think the race last week might have a little to do with my performance on the run.  It still wasn't bad...26:19 for the 5K.

It was so crazy to see you during the run, Paula...what were the chances??  I can't wait to see what you will do next year!

anthony, how's the recovery coming?  I would love to see you race another HIM this season.  At least give it one more shot!

have a great week!  marathon training starts for me this come the miles.
2009-07-27 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Awesome job Kelly!  Great time for the run- what are you talking about?  Nice speed on the bike too!  Hope your marathon training goes well, at least you know you are 1/2 way there already!  Which one are you training for?

2009-07-28 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2311284

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey there! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but I had a very eventful "day off" yesterday. At 8:30 AM we get a call from my 21 yo son that he has been in an accident driving a company vehicle while working. State troopers, EMT's and someone from his job is there, but he says he's OK except for a loose tooth and doesn't want to go to the hospital. His boss drops him off at home at 9:30 and his jaw is swollen and he can't open all the way. I ask him if his teeth close normally and he says no. I feel the joints and they're not displaced, so I'm thinking his jaw is broken, but I don't want to say anything because maybe, as his father, I'm overreacting and I'll just get everybody upset. I call my oral surgeon friends, who say take him to the hospital first. He checks out OK neurologically, so the PA says just bring him to the dentist for the loose tooth. I tell him that I'm a dentist, and I think he has a more serious injury to his jaw, but they dismiss him any way. So, I bring him to my office, and I take a panorex, and son of a gun, not only is his jaw broken, but it is broken in 2 places. On the left side all the way through from the 3rd molar to the angle of the mandible, and on the right side nearly all the way through by the premolars. I take him right to the oral surgeon, he arranges everything with the hospital, and last night my son had his jaw wired shut under general anesthesia. So yesterday, except for half an hour to grab some lunch, and an hour for dinner I was pretty busy from 9:30 in the morning until 11:30 at night when he was able to leave the hospital.

He slept fine last night, and he is doing very well today. Only took a little advil for the pain last night and this morning. Just like his father, he sure can take a shot to the head! That's a nice way of saying that we are both thick headed

Kelly!! What a great race on Sunday! 24th overall and top ten in a VERY competitive age group!! Congratulations, and I think that was a very nice run. It's a good feeling to average over 20 on the bike for a race, isn't it?

I'm not sure what happened with my Trakker. The lights seemed to come on like they were supposed too, but maybe I did something wrong

My ankle feels almost normal. Luckily I am a quick healer. Right now it looks a little weird because somehow there's a little bruising right on the front of the ankle. It's sort of brownish green like a healing bruise. Weird. I'm about 90% sure I will do the September HIM, but I have to decide exactly how I will train for it.

Hopefully all is well, and you have a little less "excitement" in your lives than I do


2009-07-28 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Anthony,  Sounds like you had an exciting evening!  Hope your son is OK.  Its good to have people who know what they are doing around.  Wonder how long he would have had to suffer or damage his jaw more by them not doing x rays at the ER.  Scarry thoughts some times!  Glad your ankle is feeling better!
2009-07-31 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
ANthony, I'm glad your son is okay, and I'm so glad you double checked him!! 

I've been taking it very easy this week.  My right foot has been bothering me a bit...I think I hurt it running after my kids in flip-flops last week (stupid, I know!!).  I haven't run at all since Sunday, and have been icing three times a day.  It's definitely feeling better, and I think I will probably go out and try to run Sunday (it doesn't actually hurt when I run, so I'm still going to do just 4 miles or so.)  I'm hoping this won't put my marathon training too far off schedule.

A, have you decided how you are going to train for the Sept HIM?  I was just thinking the other day that doing 2 HIM in one season would be tricky for that very reason.  I'm interested to see how you will do it.  I signed up for one more sprint this season.  I wanted to do an olympic (Finger Lakes) in September, but I waited too long and got closed out.  I went ahead and sent in a registration to be put on the wait list, so we'll see.  I would love to do another oly this year...I really think it might be my favorite distance.

Paula, how is your little bean??  I hope you are feeling well.  When are you due?

Have a great week.
2009-08-01 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2318902

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-07-31 8:23 AM ANthony, I'm glad your son is okay, and I'm so glad you double checked him!

Thank you. He is doing very well, and taking it all well. He really wants some real food though. 6 weeks of a liquid diet. Poor kid!

I've been taking it very easy this week.  My right foot has been bothering me a bit...I think I hurt it running after my kids in flip-flops last week (stupid, I know!!).  I haven't run at all since Sunday, and have been icing three times a day.  It's definitely feeling better, and I think I will probably go out and try to run Sunday (it doesn't actually hurt when I run, so I'm still going to do just 4 miles or so.)  I'm hoping this won't put my marathon training too far off schedule

Hope it is feeling better and your run goes well this weekend. I just have to say, I HATE flip flops and sandals. If you want to see a kid fall down, just have them run around in sandals in the grass.

A, have you decided how you are going to train for the Sept HIM?  I was just thinking the other day that doing 2 HIM in one season would be tricky for that very reason.  I'm interested to see how you will do it.  I signed up for one more sprint this season.  I wanted to do an olympic (Finger Lakes) in September, but I waited too long and got closed out.  I went ahead and sent in a registration to be put on the wait list, so we'll see.  I would love to do another oly this year...I really think it might be my favorite distance

Well, I took the plunge and signed up for the September HIM. I was still unsure yesterday, but then I saw registration went up $25 on on 8/1, so I signed up.  It's only 45 minutes from home, it's in Westchester County where I grew up, and they have race day packet pick up, so how could I not do it? Only 6 weeks to go! My plan is to train the run pretty hard like I would in the 6 weeks leading up to a stand alone half mary. My bike volume will be lower, but more intensity since I will hit the hills much harder. My swim will be a muddle of whatever I manage to get in, as usual

Good luck with Finger Lakes, I have a feeling you will get in.

Paula, how is your little bean??  I hope you are feeling well.  When are you due

Yes, Paula, how are you feeling? Hope it is going smoothly for you!

2009-08-03 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
All is well here. I am just getting fat and lazy- I need to step up my activity level since I feel like a slug most of the time. I seem to get a migrane after I run so that's not fun. I go to the doc this week for my 16wk check up and an US at the end of the month. Anthony- congrats on signing up for another HIM- you have a great base of training,just keep it up.Kelly- how's the marathon training going now? Hope your foot is better soon.My friends are planning on doing a 1/2 mary this fall- I am bummed since I cant join them and would rather slit my wrists than walk not run! Hope all is well!Paula

2009-08-06 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2325464

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey there! Just got back from a few days at the beach in Ocean City Md. Didn't bring my bike, but I did manage to get in a couple of runs. Should have done some OWS, but the time I spent in the ocean was with my youngest son. That kid is a fish! One time we stayed in the water for an hour and a half straight. My 2 older kids stayed home, so it was just the 3 of us, so that was a little sad. It was a nice low key trip, though, and I got to "recharge" a little. Felt great t get back on my bike this morning!

Roadtoad22 - 2009-08-03 9:02 PM All is well here. I am just getting fat and lazy

Not exactly. You're just nourishing a little one and conserving your energy.

I need to step up my activity level since I feel like a slug most of the time. I seem to get a migrane after I run so that's not fun.

That's odd. How do you feel if you just do a brisk walk?

I go to the doc this week for my 16wk check up and an US at the end of the month.

Cool! Those new ultrasounds ar sooooo much clearer than when we were having kids.

Anthony- congrats on signing up for another HIM- you have a great base of training,just keep it up.

Thanks!! I'm Trying!!

Kelly- how's the marathon training going now? Hope your foot is better soon.My friends are planning on doing a 1/2 mary this fall- I am bummed since I cant join them and would rather slit my wrists than walk not run! Hope all is well!Paula

Is there maybe a 5K along with the HM that you could do?

2009-08-18 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2332959

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey there. Sorry I haven't posted in a little while.

Paula, hope you are feeling well.  What have you been up to?

Kelly, saw you over on the NY forum running in "the city". How is the marathon training going?

I did a sprint near home for fun last Sunday. It went well, except I had a flat on the bike! Would you believe it? 1800 miles riding this year, I think 3 flats, and 2 of them at races. Getting ready foer my HIM in less than 4 weeks. Don't know how ready I will be, but I will do my best.

2009-09-13 2:19 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Wow, We really dropped off the face of the earth!  No posts in soooo long.  How is everyone doing with their training, and Life in general???
   Things are going well here.  I am 21 weeks into this pregnancy stuff and still doing just fine.  I am getting fatter by the day which has nothing to do with the amount of chocolate that I am eating right???  The Pebble is healthy and happy keeping me up all night with random thoughts of parenting woes that could happen.  We have managed to hold out and not find out the sex which is killing most of my family but we are waiting for the big suprise.
  Hope all is well with you guys.  Keep up all that hard work!!!
2009-09-13 4:03 AM
in reply to: #2402896

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey Paula!! I was just about to head out the door for my HIM, and then I saw you posted here, in the middle of the night no less. Glad to hear all is well with you. So, the "Pebble" is already keeping you up all night? That's good practice for the next 20 years or so

2009-09-17 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
well... how did you do??????
Hope all is well.  I am not sleeping well at all, soooo not fair since it will be a long time since I will be able to, nature is a weird thing- seems like one should sleep better now to make up for the future vs losing sleep now to "prepare" you for the deprivation!

2009-09-24 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2412643

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Oh man!!! I am so embarassed and I feel really bad that I missed this post somehow I am so sorry, Paula.

Roadtoad22 - 2009-09-17 6:53 PM well... how did you do??????

This was definitely my best race ever. Even though I missed my goal of 2:10 for the run by 3 minutes I am really psyched by how well I did. That goal was a real stretch for me, and I gave it my best shot. The run course was really hilly, and if it had been a flatter run, I might have made it. To compare, the total elevation gain for the run was well more than double what it was for the Musselman run. Here's a pic from the race. This is about mile 4, and we did have to climb to the top of that dam/bridge. And then it got hillier! Very pretty course, though. And yes, I know i look like a dork

Hope all is well.  I am not sleeping well at all, soooo not fair since it will be a long time since I will be able to, nature is a weird thing- seems like one should sleep better now to make up for the future vs losing sleep now to "prepare" you for the deprivation!

Just make sure that whenever you wake up that you wake up hubby, too, so he has plenty of practice at not sleeping

2009-10-05 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Congrats on nearly meeting your goal. A flat course certainly would help, and if you look at it over the course of the whole race- 3 min is just a few sec here or there.
  We built a shed a few weeks ago to house the sporting equipment that was in the house.  I was in there yesterday and looked longingly at my bike- she is starting to get a little dust on her, just hanging on the wall.  I cant wait to get back in the training mode.  I am so glad I found the sport of Triathlons last year.  I know it will take a good deal of time before I am back to my pre- pebble shape but at least I have some motivation to do it.
  I hope these mentor groups dont "expire" or anything, I will most definately need y'alls expertise and support when the time comes!
Hope all is well with you-
What is the next race in training?
2009-10-07 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2444164

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-10-05 7:45 PM Congrats on nearly meeting your goal. A flat course certainly would help, and if you look at it over the course of the whole race- 3 min is just a few sec here or there

Thank you!!

We built a shed a few weeks ago to house the sporting equipment that was in the house.  I was in there yesterday and looked longingly at my bike- she is starting to get a little dust on her, just hanging on the wall.  I cant wait to get back in the training mode.  I am so glad I found the sport of Triathlons last year.  I know it will take a good deal of time before I am back to my pre- pebble shape but at least I have some motivation to do it
  I hope these mentor groups dont "expire" or anything, I will most definately need y'alls expertise and support when the time comes

You are an excellent athlete, and you will come back strong. I am always around. As a matter of fact, I check your logs a couple of times a week to see if you have logged anything. Right now you are doing a great job of growing your "pebble"

Hope all is well with you-
What is the next race in training?

I have a really fun race this weekend. It's a duathlon that's 5 run, 29 bike, 5 run. It's really challenging because it's extremely hilly and the run is a trail run. It's also held in the Lake Minnewaska/Mohonk are which is one of the most beautiful parts of NY. Plus, a local brew pub provides the post race food, so there are big pots of chili and soup, and a couple of kegs of beer.  I even have a small chance for hardware depending on who shows up. Last year I was 4th out of 6 in my age group. Here's a pic that doesn't really do it justice, but it does give a little idea of the hills and scenery.

2009-10-09 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
good luck in your race, Looks challenging!
Dont forget to post the results!
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