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2009-09-13 3:26 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
We are officially DONE, season over, and resting.

Mike had his final race this weekend- Tawas Bay Triathlon Festival, Half Ironman distance.

We both did this race last year- gorgeous course. Last year we had maybe 200 total racers? This year they had over 600!

I know 3-D gets tons of crap, and they don't get everything right, but man is this a good race.

They changed the course this year, and I am hoping the residents and people in charge had a good experience and let us all back next year. The race is a Saturday race, with a huge party on the beach that night. Which is fun for the out of towners who make a weekend of it. We always stay about half an hour inland at my ex-step-mom's house, so we do not go to the party.

Mike did great- 5:48, beat his last time by about ten minutes. The bike course is the best part of the race but it is so hilly. All the half athletes said they lost their legs on the bike and then that hurt on the run. BUT- here is an interesting issue- by Garmin the run was 13.9 miles instead of 13.1!!!! People were very mad about that.

So, now we rest until it's time to train again. Mike will take a bit of time off- he has some nagging injuries that are overuse related. And, of course, we're trying to fit in stuff before November and baby time. He was already checking out races for next year- me too!

What are the dates for your last races?

2009-09-14 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Congratulations to Mike on a great race.  I'm sure he is looking forward to some well deserved rest.  Just in time to get ready for the new baby huh?

My last tri is this coming Sunday.  I am going to try out a new 3 mm wet suit that I just bought for diving on Saturday and see if I think I'll be ok swimming in it also.  It's a hyperstretch so I'm hoping it will be ok.  If not I'll just swim sans wetsuit.  I'm really looking forward to this race since I'll be on my new to me bike.  But I don't expect my times to be any better than the last time since this one has some rolling hills etc.  It still will be fun to check out.

I'll be spending the winter trying to get to more swimming in and also weight training.  I may let my running slide a little, although I'm afraid to let it go too much, it took me too long to build up to what I can barely do now.

Jo, good luck on Saturday.  I know you'll have a great race, from what I hear it's an awesome course.  Hope you're recuperating from your long bike ride this weekend.  That's amazing.  My butt would be numb!

Hope you guys have a great week
2009-09-14 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Anne, my final event that I have planned right now is the USAF HM this weekend.  After that I have already started to plan next year. 

I am giving up tri's.  Please read my log.  I am too tired to write it all again.  I am in for duathlons with you guys next year.  I am still hoping to do the women's dry tri in Sylvannia with you guys.  I will probably do other du's, just being very picky.  My main goal right now is the Flying Pig marathon.  I have found a 30 week Hal Higdon program and after USAF that will give me 2 weeks before I would have to start that plan.  I will be doing the ramps in the parking structure to simulate the hills. 

Hope you all had a great weekend. 

Edited by jogo 2009-09-14 9:49 PM
2009-09-15 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Jo- read your logs. I understand totally and I'm here to cheer you on, no matter what you do. Just so long as you are HAPPY and having FUN. Very important.

Ginny AND Jo- good luck this weekend at your events. MAN is my body slowing down, I'm struggling during our 2 mile brisk walks each morning, I can't keep up with my short friend and her tiny legs. Usually she can't keep up with me. SIGH. almost 30 weeks! Can you believe it? If this baby is like my others, I will have her in less than ten weeks, none of my kids made it to my actual due date.

I passed my 3 hour glucose test (hooray!) so no gestational diabetes here! WOO HOO! I celebrated by going out to our favorite Mexican restaurant and then downing a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. My tummy still hurts.

Everyone have a good week!
2009-09-16 6:24 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Thanks for understanding.  I knew you would.  I will still be around to do du's.  I just think that I don't have the time commitment to give to 3 disciplines.  I am still mastering the bike and that is difficult for me.  I really had some breakthroughs on that ride on Sunday.  That was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life.  Much harder than the marathon and just as long.  Maybe I'll come back around to full tri's someday when I have time to add swimming back in but for now that is a source of frustration and anxiety and I just need to let it go. 

I totally will be in if we do any relays, for the bike or run leg.  You fishy gals can fight over the swim leg. 

Anne-that new bundle of joy and energy will be here before you know it.  I am so excited for you.  Enjoy the quiet of 2 kids for now.  Take good care of yourself. 

Ginny-Good luck this weekend.  You are going to do great!  If I can do hills from hell, you can easily handle Heuston Woods.  Your running will be fine.  Your adrenaline will kick in. You are a natural at this.  I can't wait to hear all about it. 

2009-09-16 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I totally understand Jo, I'm not so sure I'm going to do any Tri's after this one this weekend.  I really enjoy racing when I do it, but I'm always going into a race, feeling undertrained and like I'm wasting my time.  I am really enjoying swimming, but my running is sucking and I really never was much of a bike person.  I've been looking at bikes, but can't justify purchasing something right now.    Plus I wonder why on earth I spend so much money to have to get up early and get a tshirt?  If I really want to test my ability I can just do a run or a swim at race pace on my own and save a lot of money. 

I am in a real funk these last few days.  I sent nasty emails to my ski club board and made a general A$$ of myself.  I took things personally that I normally would not have taken personally and am not quite sure I even recognize myself.  Not quite sure what is going on with me.  I know that some of my problem is that my daughter's sister in law found her 7 month old dead in her bed Monday morning.  I do not know this girl very well, only met her at Melissa's wedding, but of course it's a horrible thing to hear and it has the whole family upset.  But I don't feel I can blame my general bitchyness on that.  I am normally not that way I can usually deal with everything and see the glass half full. 

I'm rambling...sorry girls. 

2009-09-16 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Oh Ginny- that news is horrible. Terrible. And surely would touch off a funk in anyone. The funk will pass- we all get into bad patches. Hang in there.

I can't help it, I'm a tri addict. And even if you girls never do another tri after this season, stick around on here. I'm keeping the forum going! I talk people into doing this sport constantly, and I'll drag a few on here.

My walking buddy and I laughed today- she is so tiny, so much shorter than me, and normally has to trot to keep up with my long legs. A sure sign I'm slowing down- I'm fighting to keep up with her!!!! I can not wait to get back to running. I really miss it. Hope to get back to the pool next week- waiting for a cold to clear up for me and Sophie. I hate snotting in the pool doing laps.
2009-09-16 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Ginny, how awful.  I am so sorry.  That is just awful to hear and would put any one in a funk.  You'll come out of it.  I've had my share of saying things I shouldn't have said in emails lately and on facebook.  I can totally relate. 

It sounds like Ginny is in for the swim, Anne-I'm sure you would be in for a bike, I would be in for a run.  Maybe Ginny and I won't do more tri's but that sure sounds like a relay team to me.  I am determined to do at least one race with you after you have this baby.  Its not that I don't like tri's, I just don't have the time to properly train and, as Ginny said, feel unprepared and that I waste money.  I will be probably do some du's.  I can train for 2 disciplines and they compliment each other. 


2009-09-17 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Thanks girls.  I really am having a hard time shaking this funk.  I am not normally this way...I'm always a glass is half full person.  Not sure I even recognize myself right now. 

I thought about just cancelling the tri this Sunday and moving my money to next year, but I hate to do that.   I'm going to go ahead and see it through, it will be good for me. 

Question, with the weather being cooler, I'm thinking that I may want to bring along some type of jacket to put on before I ride the bike.  What type should I bring?  I've got a few fleece jackets, but I'm assuming that might soak up too much water or get too warm.  Maybe I should pick up a wind breaker type of thing? 

Have to go tonight and buy a race belt (or something to make one out of) and a bike pump. 
2009-09-17 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2411435

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

A windbreaker that fits close to your body would be best on the bike (less drag).  You will do awesome.  You need to do this!  Life is for living.   Do something for yourself.  Set up a mani/pedi appt or massage or something to make yourself feel good as a reward next week for doing the tri.  Some reward for dragging yourself there. 

2009-09-21 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Was great talking to you on Saturday night Jo.  Glad you had a great race.  You look very happy in your pictures and the weather was perfect.

I've posted my race info.  Let's just say it was BAD, very very BAD!  Hills are evil!  But I enjoyed the experience and feel like I have more of an understanding of how to do things etc.  Next year my training will be more bike focused and I'm going to figure out a way to get a newer bike.    

As Arnold Schwarzenegger says, "I'll be back!" 

2009-09-21 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
hey gals!

congrats on your events this weekend. Jo, I saw on Facebook that you had a great time. I'm heading over to your training logs next to check on the races.
2009-09-25 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Still beeming from the BEST event ever.  Not because of my performance but because of the atmosphere.  One girl on RW put it the best when she said you just had to be there, words cannot describe the event.  I have never experienced anything like it.  I will be doing that again.

Ginny, for someone who was giving up tri's those are some interesting goals you have posted.  It sounds like you are hooked totally.  Your running is kicking butt.  Listen to you about "killing" hills next year.  I love it.   Your cruise is almost here.  When do you leave and where are you going?  

Anne, how are you feeling?  You have to be getting anxious to have that baby.  Probably not anxious for the all-nighters but anxious to have your body back from your little intruder.  Not too much longer.  Hopefully all is going well.  How are the girls? 

I have a racewalk competition tomorrow, my first.  I am nervous because I have not practiced this week and there will be elites there.  I am going to be such an embarrassment.  Oh well, we all start somewhere.  Maybe they will be laughing so hard that I pass them.  Yeah, right.  I am hoping for thunderstorms. 

2009-09-28 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
How did the racewalking go Jo? 

You're right I do have some big always seems that after a race I'm all hyped up and going to do it again and going to do better etc., etc.  But as it gets closer to the next race, I'm always doubtful and not wanting to do it etc.  I do seem to have my running legs somewhat back.  I am hoping to build back up some mileage.  I doubt I will do a hm anytime soon though, I'm too slow and the long runs take too much time out of my otherwise hectic weekends

Anne, how are things coming along?  I know you're anxious now. 

Our pool is closed this week for a drain cover replacement.  So may not get any swimming in this week. I might have to get my bike out some instead. 

I went Ziplining yesterday with our ski group.  It was an absolute blast.  If you've never done it, I totally recommend it.  Very safe feeling, but very cool and fun!

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-09-28 8:43 AM
2009-09-30 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
How am I feeling? Big and slow. VERY slow. As normal for this are of ohio, it was summer last week- think jungle heat and humidity, so hot this pregnant woman decided a sports bar and my running shorts were adequate attire for the afternoons. This week? WINTER. So could and windy today I abandoned my attempt at a walk.

I'm fine with slowing down, as the baby is super active, so I figure she's burning calories for both of us.

I am at the point where I am getting excited about having my body back to myself- heartburn is hell. I'm aslo very tired, and I am not stupid enough to think that will change once the baby is here!

I picked a date on my calendar- November 12- that I absolutely must make it past, that is Abby's Parent/Teacher conference. Anytime after that is fine.

Mike is still complaining about his hamstring hurting, so I think he is going to see a massage therapist for a few visits to work on it and his lower back. He's also threatening to buy ME a computrainer for my 35th birthday. I'm ignoring his hints. He was kind enough to schedule next Tuesday afternoon off so he can watch the kid and I can go to my OB appointment, then go get an hour long massage. HEAVEN. I can't wait.

I started gathering items for our hospital snack bags. We have separate bags- Mike's includes chips, doritos, granola bars, and snickers bars. Mine? Trail mix and Heed packets.

I promise to check in on logs soon. Just so tired and get so very little computer time right now...
2009-10-07 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Anne-snack bags already?  Really, that is willpower not to devour them over the next month and a half.  I saw on FB that you had an allergy to the massage.  That sucks.  Hopefully the itchies have settled down.  Hopefully the massage still was worth it.  How is Mike's hamstring? 

Ginny-how are you?  Whats going on girl?  Any training?  Any news?  Any vacations to report on? 

I am starting from scratch with my running.  I am doing a novice 5k program leading up to the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.  It's all I can handle right now.  I have my next year of running planned so this is just the beginning.  Definitely doing the USAF again.  I want to rebond with my inner runner. 

2009-10-09 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Oh no Anne, I didn't catch that you were allergic to the massage.  How horrible.  (Is that was the itchy, bitchy and old status was about?)

Jo, glad you're enjoying your running again.  I sometimes feel like I need to start from the beginning again.  Those days I just do a lot of walking.    I don't think I ever did hear about how the racewalk went...did you enjoy that?

I leave for a cruise a week from tomorrow.   Right now I'm just doing lots of strength training and watching what I eat to get my weight down, so that when I put on 10 lbs on the cruise I will be back where I started.  (Hopefully I won't put on 10 lbs...but I am still worried)  Not doing any structured training, swimming at the pool and then running when the weather lets me or I feel like it.  I think I need to add back in some yoga or pilates soon, my shoulders and back feel like I'm starting to slouch.  I think that's from the swimming.  I need to counter act and balance those muscles out some.

Hope you both are having a nice fall.  Fall is normally my favorite time of year, but this year it has been so wet. 

2009-10-12 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Jo, the cruise sounds like heaven. Have a great time!

Sorry I am not around much, gals. Soph is keeping me on my toes, her therapy is keeping me busy, and then there are all of the evening activities. RIght now I am counting down the minutes until naptime....sophie is back in a strange sleeping pattern and was up at 4:15.

the massage- well, whatever, serves me right. I am sure it was hypoallerginic massage lotion; my pregnant skin just did not like it much.

i got good news- a pal is giving me her electric pump to use so I can pump more and that means train more! woo hoo!

watched the lives tream of Kona this weekend with Mike off and on. He hopes to get there some day. I'm all about going to watch.

Hope you girls are both well. Jo, you go girl! Enjoy the running, wish I could do a turkey trot too.
2009-10-14 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2455038

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Anne, I wish it was me going on the cruise.  The fun is all Ginny's.  Ginny, how is the weight loss coming so that you can pig out? 

Electric pumps rock!  Pop that baby out and do a turkey trot, why not.  If things go the way that you say they will (mid-Nov), you will have at least a week to train.  For now, get some rest.  I hope Sophie gets her schedule right soon so that you can get some much needed rest before the new screamer comes. 

Can we come to Kona too and watch Mike when he gets there?  I watched a lot of the live feed.  It was pretty inspiring.  Actually, the Chicago Marathon was more inspiring to me.  I want to do that one, NYC, and MCM someday.  I will get there.  Not in 2010, but definitely in 2011.  This will be a slow rebuilding year for me.  I still plan on a couple of duathlons.

I joined a new gym.  Nice pool.  I might start with a trainer.  Hopefully this will get me on the right track. 

2009-10-14 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Weight is staying stable, that's about all I can say...definitely no loss going on. Hopefully next week will be full of enough sight seeing and swimming that the extra food won't have too much of an effect.

I never could get those electric pumps figured out, I hope you have better luck than I did.  (Of course that was 17 years ago they are probably much better now

Everyone have a good week. 
2009-10-15 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
sorry- i meant GINNY have fun on the cruise. pregnancy brain.

2009-10-26 6:14 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

This thread was looking a little lonely.  Ginny, we missed you.  I want details.  I need to live vicariously through someone.

I started to consider a HIM after strapping at the DFP marathon.  One of the girls I was spectating with said, "do you want to do one with me, just to finish?  I really want M-Dot bling.  Its all about the medal."   I started  to think it would be fun and then pooped around the M-Dot sites.  They scare me.  The elevation charts are scary.  There were not many options with my schedule. Sue ended up choosing Cedar Pointe (not m-dot, rev3) but that is 6 days before the USAF marathon and that is my A race this year.  I am torn.  Part of me wants to do one, Longhorn in Austin TX or HalfFullTri in Maryland by D.C.  Part of thinks I'm crazy and should just stick with running.  I know I could do the bike.  The half full tri is only a 0.9 swim so that is appealing, I can do that.  I know I can build to the run.  I just don't know if I can put it all together. 

Anne, how are you feeling.  What is the day you are trying to make it to?  Wasn't it after conferences at school? Hope all is well with you, Mike, and the kids. 

On another note, I really need to lose some weight.  I am not happy at this weight and this is the heaviest I've ever been, non-pregnant.  I need you guys to support me and offer suggestions.  Nothing I do seems to work.  Maybe its because I never stick to anything.  I really need convenience with my schedule.  Breakfast is the only meal I seem to really enjoy because I am not too rushed. 

12 days without a post, lets get it going. 

2009-10-26 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2479066

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Cruise was great.  But it's good to be home.  Extremely busy today catching up at work and I think I caught the sniffles so not feeling the best.  Going to bed early tonight.  I'll give you guys more details soon.

Jo you are a way stronger woman than me, no way I would consider doing a HIM.  I know you can do it though, I'll be here to root for you!

Anne how are you doing? 

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-10-26 3:45 PM
2009-10-27 11:45 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Ok finally have a moment to breathe.  The trip was awesome, but 7 different ports in 7 days is a lot.  And we felt like we had to see everything on every island.  No down time and now I'm exhausted...and caught a cold so not feeling the greatest.  Was going to get back to healthy eating right away, but right now am just doing comfort food.  Potato chips taste so good when you have a scratchy throat.

Jo, I know you can do whatever you put your mind to.  If you want to do a HIM then I say go for it.  I think it's awesome that you are even considering it.  Anne and I will definitely support you and be rooting for you.

As far as losing weight the one thing that seems to work the best for me was Weight Watchers.  It always takes me a few days of struggling to get back on the band wagon, but then it becomes almost second nature.  I stay away from the processed meals and try to choose real food, lots of proteins and very little processed carbs.  That seems to keep me fuller and more satisfied. 

Also I have been doing a lot of reading about exercise and how long slow distance can cause some people to gain weight.  I was very hard for me to stick to the good eating when I was training for the half marathon.  I was hungry all the time and I just went right ahead and ate whatever I wanted, even knowing that I was blowing the numbers.  For me the shorter distance and faster pace and weight training seem to help me keep/take off pounds but yet not be hungry feeling all along.  I think (for me anyhow) that losing weight and training for anything longer than a 10K cannot be combined.  Maybe it would help you if you focused on one or the other at this point.  If you want to train for something long distance then don't try to cut the calories and make sure you're getting enough food.  When you're done training then put more intensitiy into your exercise (for me swimming is very high intensity, it's fast and in short bursts)  and add back in some weight training. Just my opinion

For me I'm hoping to just maintain through the holiday season and not put on any weight.  I want to build muscle and work on running faster, but probably not anything longer than a 5K. 
2009-10-28 4:12 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Ginny, you make so much sense. I am a lifetime member of WW from about 3.5 years ago but that was also 20lbs ago.  I was rethinking the whole HIM thing.  I really want to set my sites on racing the USAF half next year or doing the full. I think I am going to take your advice and stick with some shorter faster bursts.  I have still never done a 5k.  It could be something to work towards.  I was going to do one on Thanksgiving but I feel like I haven't run in forever (2 weeks) and just need to start over and wait.  I have been pulling such late hours and training is not a priority right now. 

I started with a personal trainer 30min 2x/week for strength training.  At this time I haven't done much cardio.  Maybe I should focus on weight loss and then just do some 5k's for now.  If I don't focus on watching what I eat, I will blow up over the holidays.  I need that focus to get me through. 

I'm glad you had fun on the cruise.  It sounds wonderful.  

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