BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training) Rss Feed  
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2009-05-19 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2160500

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-05-19 10:55 AM I guess I'm a true Northerner - I LOVE this weather, sunny but cool!!  Things are going well, got bloodwork done to se what the hell the deal is with my stomach...and I will be swimming at noon - and I am going to do a LOT since I have realized that I am totally weak in the cold water!

I don't mind when it's cool, I'm just sick of it! The weather has sucked for too long.

Good luck with the bloodwork - hope they can provide you with an answer!

2009-05-19 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
So, did my swim at lunch, and got a new bike.  I am very excited about the bike, and was happy with the swim, but was just doing some calculations and am now panicing...I did a little pyramid: 100, 200, 400, 200, 100...and I kept going even when I was out of breath with what I thought was not too long of a stop between...anyway, I'm just thinking that I am going to be miles behind everyone...anyway, I'm going to look up more swim workouts, or maybe you could give me some suggestions, anyway, that's all...
2009-05-19 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2161310

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-05-19 3:03 PM So, did my swim at lunch, and got a new bike.  I am very excited about the bike, and was happy with the swim, but was just doing some calculations and am now panicing...I did a little pyramid: 100, 200, 400, 200, 100...and I kept going even when I was out of breath with what I thought was not too long of a stop between...anyway, I'm just thinking that I am going to be miles behind everyone...anyway, I'm going to look up more swim workouts, or maybe you could give me some suggestions, anyway, that's all...

Without being able to actually see you swim, it's hard for me to really say what the issue is. I'm guessing that your form needs some serious work - has the lifeguard been able to give you any more tips? Endurance is obviously part of it, but if there is something about your form that is really off, it could be causing you to waste too much energy. What specific feedback did the lifeguard give you?

With regard to other workouts, the goal is do to different sets, like I mentioned before, as well as various drills, possibly working with a pull buoy, or fins, etc in order to help you iron out your technique. Except that you need to know WHAT those problems are, before you can try to address them. A book I like to use is "Swim Workouts in a Binder" for triathletes - it's a small spiral-bound waterproof book of workouts, for form, speed and endurance. (Obviously, don't worry about speed at this point) I'm pretty sure there are some beginner swim exercises here on BT - I will try to hunt them down for you.

ETA: There are some workouts with drills in the Articles section of BT. Go to "Articles" at the top - there is an outline. Find the heading "Training" and under that "Swim". Under the "Beginner" swim programs and the "Swim Drills" topics, there are some good articles there. They are all for performance members (ie, if you don't pay on the site, you can't see them), but you're a bronze member, so you should still be able to access them. Those might help. There is one swim program that's only 700 meters, one that's only 1250, and some longer ones. Those in particular might be of use to you. The drills will be VERY helpful in working on your form.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-05-19 3:09 PM
2009-05-19 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Thanks - I have done some of the 700 sugegsted workouts, drills, etc...  and I was looking at the I swam 1000 so i could def do the longer, which I need to do to get my endurance up...the lifeguard hasn't said anything kicking isn't like it should be, but other than that, I don't know...and I haven't been able to find lessons that will work with my schedule...maybe when our pool opens up in the summer...
2009-05-19 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2161602

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-05-19 4:44 PM Thanks - I have done some of the 700 sugegsted workouts, drills, etc...  and I was looking at the I swam 1000 so i could def do the longer, which I need to do to get my endurance up...the lifeguard hasn't said anything kicking isn't like it should be, but other than that, I don't know...and I haven't been able to find lessons that will work with my schedule...maybe when our pool opens up in the summer...

I know getting in lessons are hard. Is there anyone around who can do a 1-time session, or are there any 1-session swim clinics in your area? We have folks like that around here. That might be pricey, though, so possibly not quite worth it at this point. The other thing you could do, if you had someone to do it, is get someone to video-tape you (from various angles and fairly up close) and post it on BT. Then you'll get lots of advice for free Inevitably someone will tell you to get video-taped underwater, but that's really expensive and at this point, not necessary.

2009-05-19 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2161602

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Dammit double post. (And my computer fritzed out so I went home early!)

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-05-19 4:10 PM

2009-05-19 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Thanks; I have a little flip video thing, which is so eary to use, maybe if there isn't anyone else at the pool I ould get the lifeguard to do it fast...I don't know maybe that's totally against pool ethics...anyway, I'll see...i guess, I know in "normal" temperatures that I can do the distance, I will just be on the slower end, but the cold is making me worried...I'll just keep working at it...
2009-05-20 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Morning all! Sorry I've been kinda boring lately. The May challenge is a little more than halfway done - some of you are looking great! I got a yellow square yesterday because I was tired and lazy...bad, bad mentor. Can't believe my next race is in 2 weeks! As long as the weather holds out, I'm not worried. It's a course I've done before, so hopefully I can rock it. Gotta love the pool swims! As much as I don't mind open water in the least and though I'm a competent swimmer, I'm still faster in the pool, which is pretty true for most people. In a lake, you don't get the added speed from a wall push-off, current and chop add resistance, as do fighting to get around other people.  

2009-05-20 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
just a walk followed by a swim this morning. i took tuesday off, but was tired this morning. now i have that work thing to take care of today. have a wonderful wednesday everyone.
2009-05-21 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Morning, guys! The weekend is almost here - AND it's a holiday, at least for those of us in the US (sorry Steve). I'll get around to inspires and checking people's logs soon - just got some work stuff (gasp, I know!) to attend to before I forget.

Track practice was hot last night. And running 800s in zone 4 when you've unwisely eaten 1/3 of a power bar right before is not that much fun. I could have pushed it more, were I not worried about leaving the power bar on the track :-P

It's getting closer to the end of the month! We've got about a week and a half to knock out those last pink/dark pink squares!!!

2009-05-21 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Hey all!!  I'm so excited for the holiday weekend & the lake!!!  Although, I know by the end of the weekend I'll be saying, Calgon, take me away...!!!  It's hard with 2 little boys, one of which is a wild 1 year old, when there is a freezing cold lake right there!!  Oh well, we'll have lots of walks and playing with dump trucks on the beach!!

I'm hoping to test the freezing cold wetsuit swimming a couple of times this weekend, and I will take more time to try to get acclimated before I actually start to swim!!  I will also have my bike there, and am hoping to get over to the race course sometime this weekend to check it out!!

2009-05-21 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2165776

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-05-21 11:28 AM Hey all!!  I'm so excited for the holiday weekend & the lake!!!  Although, I know by the end of the weekend I'll be saying, Calgon, take me away...!!!  It's hard with 2 little boys, one of which is a wild 1 year old, when there is a freezing cold lake right there!!  Oh well, we'll have lots of walks and playing with dump trucks on the beach!!

I'm hoping to test the freezing cold wetsuit swimming a couple of times this weekend, and I will take more time to try to get acclimated before I actually start to swim!!  I will also have my bike there, and am hoping to get over to the race course sometime this weekend to check it out!!

Cool, have fun! Do you know if the lake has warmed up any since you were last there? Even a few degrees helps It's been a bit chilly here during the night and early mornings. I have a pool swim triathlon next weekend (the 31st) but the pool is outdoors. That might be a little cold - but I don't want to mess with a wetsuit for a 400 meter pool swim.

2009-05-21 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
worked late last night, but i dragged my tired a$$ to the pool. that woke me up and got me going for a long thursday. i hope that everyone has a great long, and fun weekend. cheers.
2009-05-21 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2165935

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wplummer - 2009-05-21 12:20 PM worked late last night, but i dragged my tired a$$ to the pool. that woke me up and got me going for a long thursday. i hope that everyone has a great long, and fun weekend. cheers.

Congrats!! Now that's "HTFU" right there

2009-05-21 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2165988

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-21 9:38 AM

wplummer - 2009-05-21 12:20 PM worked late last night, but i dragged my tired a$$ to the pool. that woke me up and got me going for a long thursday. i hope that everyone has a great long, and fun weekend. cheers.

Congrats!! Now that's "HTFU" right there

or just simple insanity on my part. i wanted to go for a ride this morning, but i had to be at work before 8am. my life is rarely simple. have a great day.
2009-05-21 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
I checked the lake temp and as of today, it is 2 degrees warmer!! 

Anyway, I have had a good workout day!  I am copying straight from my training log: a quick bike ride this morning, trying out the new wheels!  Just going up & down our hill a little, was working on shifting, and seeing if I could get up the hill - which I could!!

Super excited about the swim today...not that I did anything extraordinary, but I was sore & tired from the swim on Tuesday, but once I got warmed up, I did fine; and even better than that, when I was tired and out of breath, I kept going, and got in a good rhythm for freestyle, and had no problem moving on!!  It's the first time where I felt confident that even if I was tired and out of breath, I could still get it done!!!

2009-05-21 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2166467

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-05-21 2:56 PM I checked the lake temp and as of today, it is 2 degrees warmer!! 

Anyway, I have had a good workout day!  I am copying straight from my training log: a quick bike ride this morning, trying out the new wheels!  Just going up & down our hill a little, was working on shifting, and seeing if I could get up the hill - which I could!!

Super excited about the swim today...not that I did anything extraordinary, but I was sore & tired from the swim on Tuesday, but once I got warmed up, I did fine; and even better than that, when I was tired and out of breath, I kept going, and got in a good rhythm for freestyle, and had no problem moving on!!  It's the first time where I felt confident that even if I was tired and out of breath, I could still get it done!!!

Awesome, great to hear!! Things will only get easier, I promise

2009-05-22 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Morning, guys - happy Friday!!!! Hooray for the long weekend! We are supposed to have some decent weather here, so I'm excited to get out and enjoy it! Got a run tomorrow morning, possibly a ride on Sunday and a wedding that afternoon. Normally, I loathe weddings, btu it's a co-worker, and so the only people I will know there are the other co-workers who will be there, all of whom are around my age. So it should be fun - and the guy getting married is pretty low-key, so it won't be some big swoony affair. Going to go on a hash run on Monday - should be fun! (if you don't know what hashing is, google "hash house harriers" - aka drinkers with a running problem).

Anyone got any exciting Memorial Day Weekend plans.

2009-05-22 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
today has been a fantastic friday so far. started off with my normal morning walk, but this morning i actually shuffled my feet really fast and kind of ran. i walk up this long hill and have had problems walking down at a comfortable pace. so i walked up three times and ran down three times. that was followed by my longest swim in a long time. i had the time to swim and mentally i wanted to do 1500 yards this morning, but i felt great and just kept swimming. then i did my circuit training for 45 mins. a great morning.
2009-05-22 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2168433

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wplummer - 2009-05-22 1:53 PM today has been a fantastic friday so far. started off with my normal morning walk, but this morning i actually shuffled my feet really fast and kind of ran. i walk up this long hill and have had problems walking down at a comfortable pace. so i walked up three times and ran down three times. that was followed by my longest swim in a long time. i had the time to swim and mentally i wanted to do 1500 yards this morning, but i felt great and just kept swimming. then i did my circuit training for 45 mins. a great morning.

Yay for shuffle-running! That's definitely a good start You can just say you're practicing for an Ironman, since many people are reduced to shuffling by the end Then people will think you're hard-core.

I think I need to run more hills. We don't do much of that with triathlon club.

2009-05-23 3:44 AM
in reply to: #2165380

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-21 2:28 PM

Morning, guys! The weekend is almost here - AND it's a holiday, at least for those of us in the US (sorry Steve). I'll get around to inspires and checking people's logs soon - just got some work stuff (gasp, I know!) to attend to before I forget.

Track practice was hot last night. And running 800s in zone 4 when you've unwisely eaten 1/3 of a power bar right before is not that much fun. I could have pushed it more, were I not worried about leaving the power bar on the track :-P

It's getting closer to the end of the month! We've got about a week and a half to knock out those last pink/dark pink squares!!!

pah its just a nice day here
was up late last night trying to work out why our powers gone. Dont know ;(
I've got a cricket match both days this weekend so i should get some done. Might go for a swim tonight too if i can

2009-05-23 5:51 AM
in reply to: #2169388

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

SteveyD - 2009-05-23 4:44 AM was up late last night trying to work out why our powers gone. Dont know ;(

Did you guys pay the electric bill?

2009-05-23 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2169409

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-23 11:51 AM

SteveyD - 2009-05-23 4:44 AM was up late last night trying to work out why our powers gone. Dont know ;(

Did you guys pay the electric bill?

Turns out when they rewired our house back in september, they managed to do a c*** job and the cable going into the main circuit breaker burnt out.
Do you know how hard it is to get an electrician out on a bank holiday weekend ;\
2009-05-26 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone here in the US had a nice Memorial Day weekend - and for those not in the US (I think just Steve) - basically, all you missed out on was a lot of grilling outside and drinking beer. Ugh. I feel like total crap today. I think I ate my weight in meat products this weekend. And drinking that much makes my stomach unhappy. Blech. I didn't even drink THAT much, but drinking on consecutive nights doesn't help much. And like a bad bad triathlete, I didn't train on Sunday or Monday. But I DID do some Memorial Day shopping and got some sweet deals And I bought a new grill and assembled that - blasted squirrels chewed through the hose attached to the regulator, but they've changed the design of the grill, so now I can only get the part (the regulator/hose/valve piece) online and it was $50! As opposed to the standard ones that fit most grills, that are $16. The new grill is compatible with this second kind, so if the squirrels do it again, it'll be an easy fix.

That was my fun weekend How was everyone else's?

2009-05-26 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Sorry I have been MIA, I jumped at the chance to get out of town early last week (Wednesday) and didn't have an internet connection while on vacation- which was actually nice. Had a lot of fun and got in some OWS and a little bit of running, but the scale shows +5 lbs this morning, which is not what I wanted to see. I guess drinking 7 bottles of wine between 4 people in 1 night (sounds like a math problem) isn't good on the calorie count.

Even more motivation to get in gear this week. Got a race soon and need to get some more hours in on the bike.
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