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2009-07-14 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Thanks for the good vibes on the race

Re: the speed limit- there is one reason they do this. There was a really bad bike wreck a few years ago on this course. The guy was flight-for-lifed out to the hospital. After that, they instituted a speed limit for safety reasons.

There is also a "bear crossing" sign on the course. 2 or 3 years ago a gal was coming down the hill when a huge black bear ran in front of her bike and stopped. She wrecked and was thrown from her bike. The first thing she asked the volunteers was "Is my bike okay and functional?". It was, and she wasn't too bad off either so they allowed her to finish the race.
Only in Colorado do you hear a story like that I guess.

So what is going on this week for everyone?
I am doing some easy workouts and planning out my next 2 months of training.
I really want to increase my overall speed and beat my time on this sprint triathlon I am doing mid-September. I am thinking much much more time swimming faster in open water, keep building my bike endurance, and do those bike:run bricks.

What are your races for the rest of the season?
Mine: Crescent Moon sprint triathlon September 19th (goal: beat my time)
24 hours of triathlon duo September 26th and 27th (goal: keep moving for 24 hours and have fun)

2009-07-15 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2285599

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hello everyone

I have a sprint which I am doing "just for fun" on Saturday.  My next race race is in Sept, also a sprint.

I'm already thinking about 2010.  This year I purposely took the pressure off myself and decided I was just going to have some fun with sprints.  However, it has left me wanting more so I am going to think about longer distance again for 2010.  I am meeting my ex coach next week to discuss.  I love having a coach as it makes me so much more accountable.
2009-07-15 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Let's see... I've got the SF half the Sunday after next, and that's my big race for the summer.  After that, I'm thinking of doing a couple sprints (or super sprints) down in Socal just for fun, probably at the end of August.  Cynthia - if you're interested in trying to do another one together, let me know!  laughing... I guess that's about it for me this summer.  Which is sad.  I'm looking into taking a spinner class while school's in session, and maybe I'll do another tri over thanksgiving or christmas break.  I'm hoping on pulling a friend or two into this stuff with me, as it's getting pretty lonely training on my own.

For this week, I'm just working on doing my runs, checking out the SF course, and not getting hurt.  And eating right, which always has to be a focus for me. 

Dee, that story about the bear is ridiculous!  I remember driving in NH and seeing "Beware, moose crossing" signs, but it's hard to take them seriously!

Hope everyone's having a good day so far!
2009-07-15 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2287263

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
The tri I did in June "with" speedy Di is part of a series with races every 4 weeks.  I signed up for June, July, and Aug.  I haven't decided which race(s?) I'll do in Sept.  There is
  • a slightly longer length one at the same site as the other 3, 
  • an all-womens same length one at the same site which friends will likely do, 
  • an "off road" one in San Luis Obispo which I'd need a wetsuit, hill-training, and to travel for, and 
  • another all womens that may require a wetsuit, has a longer swim, and has a good sized hill to conquer on the bike (and maybe run too, I forget)
I hope to better my June time this Saturday, I should be able to ACTUALLY SWIM this time-- the water is warmer and I MUST have my brain/psyche in the right place.  The bike and run will hopefully fine me a bit stronger.  It's blistering hot today, but "they" say it should drop 20 degrees by Saturday.  I hope!

As for what to do in Sept... I'm wary of wetsuit swims.  Swim is obviously my weakest sport, certainly mentally.  And needing a wetsuit for cold water just worries my little brain. But I'd like to try other venues which means giving it a try... I dunno.  In absence of the water temperature, I think I'd (maybe) choose the off-road one for "real" variety, though I need to revisit the course map to see how much single-tracking there is.  And I've never biked any great distance on my MTB.

Di- I've considered, VERY BRIEFLY, tri with ocean swims, but with my swim being the weak part, I don't think I want to do a swim-through-surf-and-waves tri...  I know that limits me to lake based swims and shorter tris, but so far that's ok...maybe I don't need your swimmers arms, I need your swimmers head :P

OK, I'll let you all chew on that while I go shop - I must collect the kids and head to REI.  We are taking them on their first backpacking overnighter this weekend after my tri.  We need a few things to get them outfitted.

WTG Dee!


2009-07-15 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi Ladies-I'm back home from Texas. I'll catch up on the thread later tonight, after the kids are in bed.
2009-07-15 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Great job Dee! The race sounds like it was fun.

Cynthia- how's your friends daughter?

Plans for me: I just got back froma vacation, so I need to get back in the swing of things. I'm hoping to salvage this week, and need to check the weather to plan my long bike ride. Then I'll maneuver everything else around that. 

While I was in Texas, I did a 40 mile club ride with my brother in law. He graciously found a bike and fixed it up for me to use while there! It was a 1981 mixte! Luckily, Fort Worth has no hills, so I could keep up with everyone.

Swim QOTD: What is the proper position for holding/using a kick board?

2009-07-18 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2288392

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed

trimmed NINE minutes off my sprint time!!!  fastest swim yet at something under/around 9 minutes (hurrah!!) and the bike and swim must have been faster too!

More after backpacking.
2009-07-18 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2293441

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Congratulations!  9 mins on a sprint is HUGE.  Your training is paying off.  Enjoy your back packing.
2009-07-18 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2288392

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
kickboard question - depends what you are doing but any way that's comfortable generally.  I tend to hold mine on each side or lay my hands on top - position depends also on whether you are doing something that requires your head in the water (need to hold it out further or gets in the way).
2009-07-19 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Cynthia- Congratulations on the improvement! That's huge!!
2009-07-20 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Cynthia- awesome job cutting 9 minutes off your sprint time! That is a HUGE PR!!!!

I did a 2-day camping and 14er mountain hiking trip with a friend this weekend. On Friday we bagged Mount Sherman - 5 miles roundtrip- not the most scenic mountain but the top section along the ridge was fun and scrambly. We camped at the trailhead on Friday night, had pizza and beer and a campfire, and hit the trail again at 5 am to hike Mount Elbert, the highest peak in Colorado. That was a spectacular climb- gorgeous views of all the surrounding mountains from up top. The climb down was brutal the last few miles on my toes and I had to tape 3 of my toes and my heel for my run this morning. Well worth it, though. If any of you ever come out to Colorado, I would love to take you up a peak !

This week is nuts- my hubby has clients in town Tuesday- Thursday and then we are taking the boys camping in the mountains for a long weekend. I am trying to squeeze in my workouts super early and after he gets home, so we'll see what happens.

Have a great day everyone! I am in search of some water to play in today as it's supposed to be 88 and sunny.


2009-07-20 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee-that sounds like a great weekend!

My goals this week:
 3 runs, totaling 90 minutes
  3 bikes, totaling 200 minutes
  2 swims totaling 60 minutes.

I got a run in today, and an awesome long bike ride yesterday. So, I'm doing pretty good, so far.

What are every one else's goals?
2009-07-20 8:25 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jackie- How was your SPrint this weekend?
2009-07-21 7:29 AM
in reply to: #2297488

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
My sprint went well over the weekend. I was trying to do it "Just for fun" but I wanted to push the run as that is my weakness.  Unfortunately that wasn't happening.  My race report is in my log but nothing very exciting to read!
I did get 2nd in my age group - the prize was a bottle of wine.  Very nice

I am meeting with a coach this morning (my ex coach, hopefully soon to be current coach) to discuss 2010 goals and I am very excited about that.
This week I want to try and get out for a run (just short) most days and just get back into being consistently doing something everyday.

2009-07-21 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow - great job on races, Cynthia and Jackie!  Cynthia that's a great time on your swim!  : )

Dee, sounds like a really fun weekend. 

My goals for this week are pretty straight forward - 1) eat more veggies! 2) get enough sleep 3) get ready for Sunday.  Anyone have half marathon advice for me?  I know we talked about this when Jennifer did one earlier this season, but if you have anything to add, I'd be happy to hear it.

I went for a short 3 miler this morning.  I'm planning to swim tomorrow, run another 3 on Thursday, swim Friday and... probably run 3 on Saturday as well.  Race on Sunday.  Hopefully on Saturday I will also be able to go through the race course, as I didn't make it into the city this weekend.

Take care, everyone!
2009-07-21 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2298777

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Di - I wish you a sleep-filled, nutrition-filled easy week!

Thanks all for the cheers on my race, I am still flying high.  My hope is to improve my run over the next 4 weeks to get a yet better time in August.  I need to review my splits and post a RR, It's been a busy few days!

I ran into the trainer here at the gym who I worked with a little when I first joined.  She has qualified for Kona with a recent AG win-- and would have qualified in the two next youngest AGs too, super fast!!  This is her 3rd trip (I think).  She's in her 50s.  Awesome.

OK, off to battle the to-do list... neverending

2009-07-21 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Half marathon advice: find your "groove" with a good running pace in the first few miles. Resist the urge to run fast for the first half of the race. Be sure to drink and have a gel every 2 or 3 miles. Once you pass that halfway point and you are feeling good, THEN kick up the pace a notch and see how many people you can pass- just a little mental game. Plus it feels really good to negative split on a race!

Jackie, what are you thinking for next year? I would love to be able to hire a coach but with no income from my side, that just isn't going to happen. I am the self-coached athlete for now

My goals this week- get my workouts done however that may happen. I am going to bike on the trainer here in about 30 minutes - my littlest is going down for a nap and my oldest is going to play at a friend's house. I was supposed to ride this morning but got woken up at midnight with a huge lightning/thunder/hail storm and could not get back to sleep for awhile, plus the roads were full of puddles. Not a good time for a bike ride.

Tomorrow- long run 1 hr 30 minutes
Thursday- hilly brick 1 hour bike plus 30 minute run/ weights or yoga at night
Friday- 1500 meter swim with speed intervals
weekend- camping !!!!
Sunday when we get back- long ride 3 hours +

Have a great day
2009-07-21 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Every one has great goals this week!
My knee is still a little tender from whatever I did to it on Sunday, so I opted not to run today. I may try to do a light trainer ride after the kids are in bed- just to spin it out and see how it feels. I'm trying to get a consistant pattern of 5 days in a row of training.

Cynthia- any update on your friends little girl?
2009-07-21 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2300098

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
My little friend got the all clear yesterday that she can mingle with other healthy children... quiet mingling since she's still healing.  So I saw her today with my kids - she is looking quite well, though her mom said she asserted she would not go back to dance class until the pacemaker was removed and the scar was all gone.... So she still has some reality to adjust to, the pacemaker and scar are not going anywhere.  That said, the surgeon did a blind lead placement (cutting edge, might be written up in a paper) as to make the incision as small as possible.  It's about half the length of her brother's scar.  She will get checked weekly for the next 2 months to make sure healing continues, fluids stay down around surgical site, etc., but all signs are GREAT.  onwards! 

Her mama is looking MUCH less stressed these days too, so clearly the worst is past and the family is returning to (the new) normal.

2009-07-21 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2299244

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Glad to  hear good news on that little girl. 

Well, I have been a lazy lazy person today.  I met with my ex coach and I am going straight into training with her from next Monday with the aim to race Ironman Lake Placid 2010!  The hardest part may be getting into the race but I won't know that til next Monday when registration opens (if it opens online - it didn't last year)
So, this week I have given myself permission to do what I like (or not) and just gradually get my mental focus ready for some accountable training. I LOVE being accountable to a coach and just executing rather than thinking about the workouts.   And I am very excited to have a goal and focus - I work best with a lofty goal
We've agreed strength stuff has to be started and I am also going to get my eating in line to be healthy healthy healthy.  If I drop a few pounds I know it will help my run which is my weakness.

So, this evening instead of going for a run, hubby and I just went out for a walk together (plus dog) under the umbrella because it was pouring with rain.
2009-07-22 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2300441

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I agree with Dee's half marathon advice.  Also don't be afraid to walk the aid stations both for a break and to get fluids in more efficiently.

I had a great run this morning.  It's cloudy and a bit cooler here this morning (probably around 70) - just kind of my weather for running as I die in the heat.  I concentrated on keeping a high cadence and it was just one of those runs that just felt good. I even think the dog was more tired than me

Hope everyone has a great day.  I'm hoping it doesn't thunder here as my boys are on a watersports camp and it will be miserable if they have to spend lots of time in a boat hut.

2009-07-22 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Same weather here this morning. Cloudy and cool, which is a nice change from some of the heat we've been having. I ran 9 miles this morning - woo hoo! Next week I will venture in double-digit territory on my runs.
I think my running is stronger this year due to the triathlon training and cross training.
I am loving the runs right now and as they get longer, I enjoy them more.
After September (have to get through that 24 hour race I am going to look at entering the PF Chang's Rock n Roll Marathon in Arizona - January 17, 2010.
My sisters both live down there so it's nice to see them and get a marathon at the same time.
I will be looking to set a PR if I enter the race, so sub 4:40.
My ultimate goal is to get a qualifying time for the Pikes Peak Marathon in 2010. 5:30 or faster marathon by March.

Jackie, do you live near the venue for the Lake Placid IM? I have a friend doing the race this year and I remember that she went up there and volunteered so she got to enter the race earlier than the general public. Just a thought...

What is everyone else up to today?
I need to lift weights, but that might be really late tonight.
We have tennis lessons and then the boys are I are going to the fair to look at the farm animals and play cheesy carnival games. Oh yeah, and destroy my good eating habits by having a funnel cake

2009-07-22 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2301538

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Thanks for your tip
I live about 4hrs or so away from race site. I had considered going up there but we have other committments this weekend (dictated by hubby the non athlete) and so I am just going to hope it opens online on Monday.  If not, I am working myself up to biting the bullet and going for a community fund spot - hubby is aware of the fact that if I don't go up I may have to go this route. Although it is significantly more expensive I love the justification a fellow BTer friend (rstocks) made for doing this - that it cost a lot less this way than flying himself, bike plus family to another IM location.  I guess I'm lucky to have one within drivable distance

By the way your volume of training is very impressive and consistent.  You are going to do so well at your 24hrer
2009-07-23 12:13 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee - you're racing for 24 hrs?  how does that work exactly?  that's so amazing.

Thanks to both you and Jackie for the helpful advice ; )

I'm having a bit of a tough week, so I'm pretty tired.  But I'm super excited for this weekend.  Hope everyone is enjoying their training!
2009-07-23 6:56 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good morning every one.

Cynthia, I'm glad your young friend is doing well.

I got my second run of the week in, this morning! So, I'm feeling pretty good about that.  My knee is still a little tender, but not terrible. It's definately better after icing it.

Diana- your goals for the week inspired me. I went to the store and picked up more fruits and veggies to have in the house for the week.  It definately makes my kids happy.
Jackie- good luck getting into LPIM.

Have a great day every one.
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