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2011-05-31 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Well, Memorial Day weekend put a crimp in my training, that's for sure.  Spent 1/2 Thursday and 1/2 Friday driving to Texas.  Ate a lot.  Then spent 1/2 Sunday and 1/2Monday sitting on my butt and driving back.

I was able to get two runs in but both relatively short.  Perhaps running in 90+ degree weather in the middle of the day with high humidity is not the wisest of ideas.

I was able to get another open water swim in though.  My sister-in-law lives on a lake and my wife was able to stay on a kayak with me while I practiced.  Not sure how far I went, I was more using it as an opprotunity to continue acclimating myself with OWS.  I "think" it was around 400m total.  The swim went MUCH better than my first experience.  Visibility was zero but I was able to remain calm-ish and got my form going.  I think I also figured out why it feels like I'm working so much harder in open water versus the pool.  Simply put, because I am. In the pool I can look at the tile, lane markers, and other things and I get a sense of motion.  Out in the open water I don't have that and sometimes it just feels like I'm swimming in place. So I swim faster...

I just need to tell myself to relax, swim my normal place, and that I'll get there...eventually.

2011-05-31 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3525183

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
dnoble - 2011-05-31 9:10 AM

OK, here is a sort of stream of thought posting.  I'm really struggling at the moment.  I have some sort of minor injury in my right calf that is just bad enough to make anything more than a 1.5 mile run impossible, so that ticks me off.  My Dad died two weeks ago and I have been traveling to Chicago (5 hours away) for the last three weekends and every other weekend for 3 months prior so I feel like I have hardly been home.  I've only gotten four workouts done in the last two weeks.  Ironically the break hasn't been enough for my calf to heal...  And summer has finally arrived in St Louis so it will now be hot and muggy until September.  And when you're as well insulated as I am hot and muggy is not good for triathlon training. 

On the upside I've been reading Slow, Fat Triathlete by Jayne Williams.  She has such a refreshing and positive outlook on life it is a joy to read.  And she also has great perspective on the long term nature of turning a slow, fat couch potato into a slow, less fat triathlete this book is a must read I think for anyone starting out in this sport.  And no, you don't have to be slow and fat to appreciate this book.  So I am trying to internalize the lesson of her book (that this is all about fitness AND fun, and the process takes a long time with many peaks and valleys so be patient) but patience is not one of my strong suits. 

I need a kick in the @#$ to get myself back in the groove, I'm getting one tonight when my masters swimming group starts, I'm asking for another one from you guys.  Please check my logs and yell at me when I don't work out, I'm going to try to get back to logging my nutrition so yell at me about that too (I love ice cream...).  I'm trying to find a balance on working out with this leg issue but that is no excuse to not go do something other than running, right?  I need some accountability, anyone is welcome to join the party.  Thanks guys and have a great day.


So sorry to hear about losing your father. That's tough mentally and emotionally which can really hamper the "will" to push yourself.  One of things that I really like about what I'm doing is I'm getting SOOOO much support.. not only on here but guys at the Y (going running with the running club tonight).. I got a lot of support during my "race" because many from the church knew where I'd been and what I've set out to do.  We'll all try to keep you honest, but believe me, the endorphin rush after a hard workout will remind you about the UP side.  Go out, push yourself really hard in the pool if you are having issues with your calf, get that HR up and relish in how you feel afterwards.  And then look forward to the next one!! 

2011-06-01 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3276373

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Dan - I'm so sorry about your dad.

I'm the worst at motivating other people, but your kind words early in our group really helped me alot, so let me return some kind words... I think that working out as a goal to running a triathlon is a great motivator. I also know that as you start on that journey, the path itself becomes its own reward. I have learned to not beat myself up about any part of it (thanks in part to YOU). A good day, a missed day - they all contribute to a bunch of better days, as long as you don't stop.

So just don't stop.

To everyone else - I just wanted to take a minute to say THANKS to everyone. For their inspiring stories (20 miles after pneumonia!) and great advice (Jeannie -the stretches and exercises are helping my knee ). I'm happy to be going on vacation - although there was a moment when I thought I would be better off scheduling until after the race... but life is just as important as a race and with some great thoughts from everyone, I can still train. I'm heading to the ocean, so maybe I could even get in an open water swim!

Have a great couple weeks -


Edited by bakerswife 2011-06-01 7:25 AM
2011-06-01 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3523081

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
awesome race report viking 58.  I definitely remember when I was racing like that.  What a great accomplishment.
2011-06-01 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3525183

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL


Sorry for the loss of your father.  I imagine your life has been crazy with all the travel.  My mom died last fall and I still struggle with it.   Prayers to you.


2011-06-01 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Sounds like a lot of us are struggling with schedule and heat.  Today I went for a run and I had to walk a lot.  It was so hot and humid.  Just couldn't get moving.   My tri is in 19 days and before that I have two trips to North Carolina and a trip to Illinois.  I also have visitors coming for my daughter high school graduation which is 2 days before the tri.  And I am moving 5 days after the race.  So, here is my new training plan so I can survive the race.   Each week I hope to get in one run, one bike and one swim that are the distance of my race, plus a short brick.  That is all.  I know I will survive the race, but it might not be pretty. When I get overheated during a race I actually throw up.  Yup, I am that person. So when I feel nauseous and hot during a run, I walk. However, my legs feel strong and healthy right now, so life is grand. I am thankful for such a fun, crazy life and am going to enjoy the tri and training and not get stressed about my times and lack of training. 

2011-06-01 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3525183

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I also struggled with a calf issue.  I tried many things. The stick seemed to slightly help.  It finally got better when I switched to five finger shoes.  I wore them last year, but put them away for the winter.    I am rather shocked and thrilled that my calf is totally better.  I thought I was going to have to struggle through my races this year and rest it for a month this winter.  Of course, you can't just switch to them you have to start very slowly because you run differently while wearing them.

I have no idea if this would help you or not, but thought I would mention it.   

2011-06-01 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

First workout after the Memorial Day vacation and it was tough.  It was tough to get motivated. Tough to get going. Tough in the heat. Tough to keep going. And tough to finish.

It's amazing how much a short break can mentally set you back. That and all the long weekend barbequing probably didn't help.

Still, did a 10/2 brick today.  Debating the swim. Lost quite a few workouts over the weekend.

2011-06-01 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3525183

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
dnoble - 2011-05-31 8:10 AM

My Dad died two weeks ago and I have been traveling to Chicago (5 hours away) for the last three weekends and every other weekend for 3 months prior so I feel like I have hardly been home. 

Sorry for your loss dnoble.  My thoughts are with you and your family.

That sounds like an interesting book to read.  Chicago is not as hot as St. Louis but the humidity can take awhile to get used to. But later in the summer my body finally starts to become acclimated.  And remember to try to have at least a little fun while training

2011-06-01 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3523081

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Viking58 - 2011-05-28 2:46 PM time, and realized that I had missed my target by 28 seconds, which was the amount of time I took to get the feeling back in my foot.  All in all, not bad for a guy's first 5k, having never been a runner, and having lost 42 pounds from last year, where I couldn't walk a mile without passing out.

Race: Hustle for Haiti  

Great race Viking! How does it feel to finish your first 5k?? They get easier from here It sounds like you worked hard toward your goal and achieved it basically.  Now on to your next race in August

2011-06-01 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3527294

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
blackledge - 2011-06-01 10:59 AM
Viking58 - 2011-05-28 2:46 PM time, and realized that I had missed my target by 28 seconds, which was the amount of time I took to get the feeling back in my foot.  All in all, not bad for a guy's first 5k, having never been a runner, and having lost 42 pounds from last year, where I couldn't walk a mile without passing out.

Race: Hustle for Haiti  

Great race Viking! How does it feel to finish your first 5k?? They get easier from here It sounds like you worked hard toward your goal and achieved it basically.  Now on to your next race in August




Thanx!  It felt great!  I kind of new where I was in my conditioning and especially in my running, but I didn't anticipate having that numbing issue with my left foot.  I got so much support, and when I finished, my one friend who's been following my progress came up and asked me what my goal was.. I told him I missed it by 28 seconds.  He looked at me, and said "make up the 28 seconds on your new goal for the next race"..  The feeling of accomplishment for doing something for the first time is amazing.  I ran with the YMCA running club last night and when people found out that I had just run my first 5k, they were pumped and started telling me stories of their first 5k..  To a man, they did say it definitely gets easier...

Edited by Viking58 2011-06-01 10:13 AM

2011-06-01 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3527174

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

JeannieW - 2011-06-01 10:00 AM When I get overheated during a race I actually throw up.  Yup, I am that person.


No shame in that, some say if you don't puke at the end of a race you didin't try hard enough...  Worked the annual 10k here and you don't want to be put near the finish line if you are a sympathetic barfer...

2011-06-01 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Hello all! Had a great 6 mile run this morning then I went out on a 20 mile bike ride which ended up just being 11 miles due to a flat tire I acquired Frown Totally messed up my lunch hour plan. Oh well it happens. Hope everyone is having a better training day!

2011-06-01 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Had to recerify with the patrol rifle this morning and in the process of going prone slammed my kneecap down on a large sharp rock and pedaling has been a painful issue so far today, hope to get it limbered up or that I just bruised it but might just be doing a run tonight...
2011-06-01 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Well yet another set back for me. I was just informed my Race on the 12 of June has been cancelled Frown

Guess I will try and find another to fill it's spot.

2011-06-02 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3528071

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Bummer about your race.  That is so disappointing.

2011-06-02 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

sucks that the race got canceled.


So my next "big" purchase in the tri world is going to be bike computer, I don't need anything too fancey but does anyone have any suggestions would like to have one that does cadence but not too worried about gps or the like.  Don't want to spend more than 100 if that much any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated.

Heat is still killing me, have done nothing since my race need to get back into training and soon.

2011-06-02 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I bought a cateye strada wirless computer at my LBS.  I think it was around $50.  I highly recommend getting a wireless one.  It made the installation so much easier than wrapping that little wire around the brake cable.  I opted out of getting one with cadence.  I think it would drive me crazy, kind of like my experience with the heart monitor. 
2011-06-02 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Yeah I like the Cateye wireless with Cadence and recommend it!

Did 4 mile run with intervals this morning. UGH speedwork LOL


Happy Training everyone!

2011-06-02 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

4miles for me too but definitely not speed. :P 


Man, I sweat so much during my run it looks like I pee'd my pants when I'm done.

2011-06-02 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Well just finished a 20 mile bike ride. Went pretty good except at mile 18 my left knee started to get tender. I'm thinking new running shoes soon as I am over 200 miles on my current ones and the support is probably starting to break down.

2011-06-02 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Whoohoo! Broke the 2:00 mark in my swim finally.  1500yards 29:53 = 1:59/100yards.  Now if I can get that to below 2:00 /100m...


2011-06-02 3:31 PM
in reply to: #3529659

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Very nice Wushunut!
2011-06-02 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Great job man keep it up
2011-06-02 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks guys!

Well the surprises keep coming! Went for an evening ride, partially to make up for the break over the weekend and partially to get the miles in.  Wasn't expecting much especially since I had already done a run this morning and a high effort swim in the afternoon. 

I had left the bike in the high gear after my last ride and only realized it as I got on to ride.  I was actually surprised how easily and quickly I was able to get up to speed in that gear and sort of just left it there. Probably stayed in that gear 80% of the ride and only shifted down one or two gears at most (rolling hills only, no hard climbs).  My cadence was a bit lower than normal and I wasn't pushing too hard but still managed to average 21.25mph for the 17miles.  Pretty pleased with my performance today. 

I just hope I don't peak too early before my event!

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