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2013-03-27 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TJ - Race etiquette is a hot topic on the open forum board every once in a while. I agree with Joe that you just have to come up with your own because, undoubtedly, if you race long enough you are going to pi$$ someone off. My take is that it's a race, and I'm there to beat as many people as possible. If you want an awesome picture of you finishing, you let everyone around you go ahead and you run through the line posing (what I usually do). I kind of enjoy sprinting it out at the end, so many times I find other runners that just don't want to be passed and they step it up too. In the end it's a race, not a photo shoot, so don't ever feel bad about passing people up, just don't trip 'em or knock 'em down (well, at least don't let anyone see you do itWink)

Edited by Sarah73 2013-03-27 12:30 PM

2013-03-27 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Joe - My first brick ever was during my first sprint triathlon, and I thought I was going to die. I couldn't feel my legs for the first two miles, and I know I looked like Forrest Gump in that scene when he's running with the braces on his legs. I cannot tell you how important bricks are. Last year when I was training for Austin 70.3 I did two bricks per week. One was a long bike with a medium distance run (that was a really long day), and the other was a short and fast bike and run to help with my speed. For me it was a life saver, and I actually started becoming more comfortable (and faster) with my runs if I biked beforehand. My pace and effort on my solo run days were slower and harder than my brick days. My suggestion is to get in as many as you can.
2013-03-27 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Unfortunately I am running short on time.  I might do a brick this Friday and then one or two more next week and then I have to start tapering.  The jello legs weren't really an issue, I know the feeling and I know my legs will get over it after a couple minutes, I can push through it, so it doesn't freak me out.  My legs and lungs were just exhausted on the run from the pace I was trying to keep after having biked 26 miles.  I feel like the race adrenaline will help with that to some degree, and not running with jogging stroller will be nice too, but then balance that with the fact that at least this brick I just did was flat while the race is all rolling hills (with one cat 5 at the beginning of both the bike and run I think).  So who knows.  My goal pace might be a little optimistic, but I'd rather aim higher than feel like I didn't push it as hard as I could, especially on the run where there's no reason to hold back.

My plan was to do one a week starting a month ago but that was thrown by the wayside when I more or less took two to three weeks off due to sickness and work issues.  So since then I've had to build myself back up to where I was before the sickness, and I'm feeling more comfortable again.

Edited by jmholzman 2013-03-27 12:28 PM
2013-03-27 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4668837

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

March Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Jax               7105         147.35          51.26         20:26:41 

Joe              13150         81.50          51.33         18:10:11   Another awesome week!

TJ                3937         192.54         29.83          16:32:13   Nice bike!

Yvonne         1525          40.90          53.20          14:54:35

Dave               0           190.00          20.00          14:43:05   

Mike                0               0              54.30         10:04:21 

Melody             0           22.70           28.97          08:02:16  

Sarah              0            32.00          19.17           04:58:43  

Charlie             0            14.67           6.20           02:06:11   Where are you Charlie??

Tom                 0             8.16             0              00:30:00  

Bill                   Injured Reserve


Upcoming races:

4/6  - Smithfield Sprint - Yvonne

4/7   - April Fool's HM - Tom

4/7   - Gatorade Sprint - Chrispy

4/13 - MS Mega Swim - Chrispy

4/14 - Carmel Sprint - Jax

4/14 - HITS - Napa Valley Olympic - Joe

2013-03-27 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4676688

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-03-27 12:26 PM

Unfortunately I am running short on time.  I might do a brick this Friday and then one or two more next week and then I have to start tapering. 

Good plan. I think for your first Olympic you are going to do fine with the training you've already done. Just a suggestion for future races. Don't skimp on the taper!! Nothing beats rested legs...well, except really well trained rested legs.

2013-03-27 12:49 PM
in reply to: #4676698

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-03-27 10:32 AM

Good plan. I think for your first Olympic you are going to do fine with the training you've already done. Just a suggestion for future races. Don't skimp on the taper!! Nothing beats rested legs...well, except really well trained rested legs.

First Olympic of the year, but I did do an Olympic last year.  I did it much slower than I would have liked, but I did it .  This time I know I can cross the finish line, I just want to do it much faster.
And regarding tapering, what specifically do you recommend?  The race is in 2.5 weeks on Sunday the 14th.  My plan was to train hard next week, either through Friday or Saturday and then taper for a week, but hadn't really thought about what I would do during taper week, other than it would be less than I normally do...

2013-03-27 2:50 PM
in reply to: #4676729

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

First Olympic of the year, I did do an Olympic last year..

First of the year. That's what I meant!!! Really!! I don't know what's wrong with my brain, for some reason I want everyone to be doing their first races!
2013-03-27 3:42 PM
in reply to: #4676729

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

jmholzman - 2013-03-27 12:49 PM
And regarding tapering, what specifically do you recommend?  The race is in 2.5 weeks on Sunday ..

I have a very structured and crazy formula for my tapers, which vary according to race type and distance. I can give you my Olympic taper and you can toss it, use it, or tweak it to fit you. On a side note, when I am training for a specific event I do the same type of workout the same day of each week (if I usually swim on Mondays I swim on Monday of race week).

Run: 9 day taper

Days 1-3: Cut mileage of longest runs on those days by 20% (So, if days 1-3 are on Fri, Sat, and Sun go back to your longest run on each of those days and decrease it by 20%).

Days 4-6: Cut mileage of longest runs on those days by 40% (an additional 20% from the first 3 days).

Days 7-9: Cut mileage by 60%

Bike: 6 day taper

Days 1-2: Cut mileage of longest bike for those days by 20%

Days 3-4: Cut mileage by 40% of longest bike (an additional 20%)

Days 5-6: Cut mileage by 60%

Swim: 3 day taper

Day 1: Cut by 20%

Day 2: Cut by 40%

Day 3: Cut by 60%

So obviously you are not going to be S/B/R on every one of those days, but just adjust your distance according to what day you are on for each taper.

OK...looking at this I realize it is insane and confusing...

2013-03-27 3:55 PM
in reply to: #4677001

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

I can't judge whether it is insane until I can understand it, and I don't really understand it because it is confusing, so at best it is insane and/or confusing 

But are you saying that if I only run 3 days a week that my run taper should start three weeks before the race?

2013-03-27 4:14 PM
in reply to: #4677020

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-03-27 3:55 PM

at best it is insane and/or confusing 

It's both! OK let me try this again:

Since your race is on the 14th the run taper would begin on Fri the 5th. For the 5th, 6th, and 7th you would run 20% less distance than you typically run on those days. If you don't run on Fridays, then you skip Friday. Keep your schedule the same.On the 8th, 9th, and 10th you would decrease your typical mileage by 40%, and on the 11th, 12th, and 13th decrease the typical mileage by 60%.

The bike taper would begin on the 8th. For the 8th and 9th decrease your typical bike mileage on whatever days you ride by 20%. For the 10th and 11th decrease by 40%, and for the 12th and 13th  decrease by 60%.

I don't really taper too much for the swim, so I would just cut back the mileage in the last few days by about 50%.

I take either the day before or two days before the race completely off (one or the other...not both), and I do no speed work the week before a race. I will do a tempo run, but nothing to stress my legs too much.

Does that make a little more sense?

2013-03-27 4:17 PM
in reply to: #4677042

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Excellent clarification!  That makes perfect sense.  Thanks!

2013-03-27 4:42 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

I'm gonna take this one step further...

I went through your training log and calculated out how I would do my taper. This is not scientific by any means, and just what I do. There are MANY different ways to taper, and you need to find what works best for you. Since your bike is not your strong point I tapered a bit more than I typically would in the final week to avoid burning your legs out.

Fr 4/5     - Swim 2000

                Bike 20 miles

Sa 4/6    - Run 6.4 miles

Su 4/7    - Off

Mo 4/8    - Swim 2500

                Bike 18 miles

Tu 4/9    - Run 4.8 miles

We 4/10 - Swim 2000

                Bike 15 miles

Th 4/11  - Run 3.2 miles

Fr 4/12   - Swim 1200

                Bike 10 miles

Sa 4/13  - Off

Su 4/14  - Race

2013-03-27 5:06 PM
in reply to: #4677078

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-03-27 2:42 PM

I'm gonna take this one step further...

I went through your training log and calculated out how I would do my taper...

You rock!  That looks very similar to what I had in mind based on your advice, and it is very helpful to see it 'on paper' with actual numbers.  It looks like a good plan to me, so that's what I'll do.  Every other tri I've done I've just winged it for taper, so having a written plan will give me a good baseline to work with for consecutive races.  Thanks!

2013-03-27 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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New user

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Okay, hoping to be allowed to train after visit to Ophthalmologist on Monday -- April Fools Day and a look at the Posterior Vitreous Separation.  Have been biking about 20ks a day but not allowed train otherwise (even golf!!) Not sure how to start logging training so as to compete with the training stars on this program.  I understand everything is posted in minutes but not sure where to do it.  Any instructons?

I had signed up for an Oly on June 1 (Bass Lake in the Sierras) before the PVS diagnosis and now feel completely out of shape so will have to really do the work for the next eight weeks (assuming I'm allowed to do it).



2013-03-27 5:20 PM
in reply to: #4677099

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
WilliamSSmith - 2013-03-27 3:12 PM

Not sure how to start logging training so as to compete with the training stars on this program.  I understand everything is posted in minutes but not sure where to do it.  Any instructons?

Click on "Training Log" up above, and then going down the middle you'll see a list of days.  For the day you want to add a training session to, click on "Training" next to the date.  That will take you to a screen where you can enter your time/mileage/Heart rate, and a plethora of other things for each given event.  Once you've entered what you want, click on "Save" in the upper left hand corner.  Voila!

I like to look at my training file on the calendar view, which can be reached from that first training log page by clicking on Jump To: "Calendar", and that lists everything you've done for the month, along with your weekly and monthly totals.  (you can also click on any given day in the month and go directly to the log for that day, where you can then add a workout you did)

2013-03-27 5:21 PM
in reply to: #4677099

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
WilliamSSmith - 2013-03-27 3:12 PM

Okay, hoping to be allowed to train after visit to Ophthalmologist on Monday -- April Fools Day and a look at the Posterior Vitreous Separation.  Have been biking about 20ks a day but not allowed train otherwise (even golf!!)


I had signed up for an Oly on June 1 (Bass Lake in the Sierras) before the PVS diagnosis and now feel completely out of shape so will have to really do the work for the next eight weeks (assuming I'm allowed to do it).

Good luck!  I hope your doc has good news for you!


ETA: Bass Lake!!!  That's right by me!  I'm in Fresno!

Edited by jmholzman 2013-03-27 5:22 PM

2013-03-27 11:39 PM
in reply to: #4677106

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New user

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Thanks for the good thoughts.  In Fresno, eh?  Are you going to join me at Bass?
2013-03-27 11:52 PM
in reply to: #4677361

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
WilliamSSmith - 2013-03-27 9:39 PM In Fresno, eh?  Are you going to join me at Bass?
Not this year I don't think.  My finances are such that a third triathlon this year is only doable if it does not require an overnight stay anywhere other than Sacramento (where we can stay with family), and Bass Lake is just outside that range.  Supposed to be a great tri though.
2013-03-28 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4677089

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-03-27 5:06 PM

Sarah73 - 2013-03-27 2:42 PM

I'm gonna take this one step further...

I went through your training log and calculated out how I would do my taper...

You rock!  That looks very similar to what I had in mind based on your advice, and it is very helpful to see it 'on paper' with actual numbers.  It looks like a good plan to me, so that's what I'll do.  Every other tri I've done I've just winged it for taper, so having a written plan will give me a good baseline to work with for consecutive races.  Thanks!

Sarah's taper looks reasonable to me. I'm out of town and don't recall mine off the top of my head (will look it up when I get home if you want) but I do know I like to do the last two days a little different. I like to take two days before the race completely off then the day before the race, I like to go to the race site and swim the sprint course easy to get use to the water, then take my time transitioning to my bike then bike a few miles at high cadence to get the legs loosened up 10-20 minutes, then take an easy transition then run a mile or so again at high cadence to get things loosened up. I like to combine that with packet pickup and visiting with friends which helps with racing stress for me.
2013-03-29 5:07 AM
in reply to: #4677683

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

ransick - 2013-03-28 9:21 AM then the day before the race, I like to go to the race site and swim the sprint course easy to get use to the water, then take my time transitioning to my bike then bike a few miles at high cadence to get the legs loosened up 10-20 minutes, then take an easy transition then run a mile or so again at high cadence to get things loosened up. I like to combine that with packet pickup and visiting with friends which helps with racing stress for me.

This sound like a great idea. I went to check out my course which is a few hours from my house yesterday. We enter the water from the pier, swim out(over) around a buoy & then in.

I live with a bunch of fishermen who love to fish off piers so I KNOW what's in the water ....freaking out just a little. But I'll do it....

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-03-29 8:46 AM


pier.jpg (78KB - 23 downloads)
2013-03-29 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Looking for some advice on improving my run! I ran my half at an interval of 1:30 r/.30 walk. A short interval I know but it seemed best at the time. (Strangely, the first half I did was a 9/1 interval and my overall time was about the same). I'd like to increase my interval but not sure of the best approach, keep the same walk and increase the run interval? Increase both? What do you think?

I'm also not sure about mileage, I don't want to lose my training base, but don't have any long run races coming up until my 10 miler in October and a half in November. Couple of sprints and 5k s between now and then. What should I strive for as a weekly mileage?

Thanks! Yvonne

Btw, at this time I run 10:15-10:30 pace when running, try to walk at a 15:00 pace when doing the walk interval, if it matters.

Edited by Ybeal 2013-03-29 7:27 AM

2013-03-29 8:34 AM
in reply to: #4678918

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-29 7:24 AM Looking for some advice on improving my run! I ran my half at an interval of 1:30 r/.30 walk. A short interval I know but it seemed best at the time. (Strangely, the first half I did was a 9/1 interval and my overall time was about the same). I'd like to increase my interval but not sure of the best approach, keep the same walk and increase the run interval? Increase both? What do you think?

I'm also not sure about mileage, I don't want to lose my training base, but don't have any long run races coming up until my 10 miler in October and a half in November. Couple of sprints and 5k s between now and then. What should I strive for as a weekly mileage?

Thanks! Yvonne

Btw, at this time I run 10:15-10:30 pace when running, try to walk at a 15:00 pace when doing the walk interval, if it matters.

I am interested in the answer to this also!!

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-03-29 8:42 AM
2013-03-29 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4678918

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-29 7:24 AM

Looking for some advice on improving my run! I ran my half at an interval of 1:30 r/.30 walk. A short interval I know but it seemed best at the time. (Strangely, the first half I did was a 9/1 interval and my overall time was about the same). I'd like to increase my interval but not sure of the best approach, keep the same walk and increase the run interval? Increase both? What do you think?

I'm also not sure about mileage, I don't want to lose my training base, but don't have any long run races coming up until my 10 miler in October and a half in November. Couple of sprints and 5k s between now and then. What should I strive for as a weekly mileage?

Thanks! Yvonne

Btw, at this time I run 10:15-10:30 pace when running, try to walk at a 15:00 pace when doing the walk interval, if it matters.

I wouldn't worry about the run/walk interval, though experimenting wouldn't hurt to see if some combination will make you faster. I think you'll get the biggest bang for the buck if you can run more days per week and build your mileage up to 25-30 miles per week. Do them all easy zone 2 for a few months and you'll see big improvements. The trick is being consistent. I tried to get faster with speed work and got hurt, went to all zone 2 (for the most part) and saw a big improvement after several months.
2013-03-29 10:31 AM
in reply to: #4678918

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-29 8:24 AM Looking for some advice on improving my run! I ran my half at an interval of 1:30 r/.30 walk. A short interval I know but it seemed best at the time. (Strangely, the first half I did was a 9/1 interval and my overall time was about the same). I'd like to increase my interval but not sure of the best approach, keep the same walk and increase the run interval? Increase both? What do you think?

I'm also not sure about mileage, I don't want to lose my training base, but don't have any long run races coming up until my 10 miler in October and a half in November. Couple of sprints and 5k s between now and then. What should I strive for as a weekly mileage?

Thanks! Yvonne

Btw, at this time I run 10:15-10:30 pace when running, try to walk at a 15:00 pace when doing the walk interval, if it matters.

I will pose this question to CH, who has a lot of experience in this area and get his advice for you.  That said, one thing that made a HUGE difference in my speed was strength training.  About 4-5 years ago, I started doing Pilates 1x per week and a strength training class called Body Pump 1x per week.  I was very dedicated with that, in addition to my training runs for at least a year.  Within that year, I took 20+ minutes off my HM time.  At that time I was only running...hadn't started this crazy multi sport journey yet.  But, I'm here to tell you, getting stronger, especially in my core, really made a difference in my run speeds.  A BIG difference.  I'll let you know what CH says.


2013-03-29 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4679062

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
ransick - 2013-03-29 10:20 AM
Ybeal - 2013-03-29 7:24 AM Looking for some advice on improving my run! I ran my half at an interval of 1:30 r/.30 walk. A short interval I know but it seemed best at the time. (Strangely, the first half I did was a 9/1 interval and my overall time was about the same). I'd like to increase my interval but not sure of the best approach, keep the same walk and increase the run interval? Increase both? What do you think?

I'm also not sure about mileage, I don't want to lose my training base, but don't have any long run races coming up until my 10 miler in October and a half in November. Couple of sprints and 5k s between now and then. What should I strive for as a weekly mileage?

Thanks! Yvonne

Btw, at this time I run 10:15-10:30 pace when running, try to walk at a 15:00 pace when doing the walk interval, if it matters.

I wouldn't worry about the run/walk interval, though experimenting wouldn't hurt to see if some combination will make you faster. I think you'll get the biggest bang for the buck if you can run more days per week and build your mileage up to 25-30 miles per week. Do them all easy zone 2 for a few months and you'll see big improvements. The trick is being consistent. I tried to get faster with speed work and got hurt, went to all zone 2 (for the most part) and saw a big improvement after several months.

Hmmm....okay, maybe I should re-visit the zones, I've never trained that way because my heart rate has always seemed high when exercising (esp. when running). Some of my training has heart rate displayed, like if you look at March 8, my 10 mile training run, the max heartrate showing is basically what my heart rate goes to when running, between 160-170bpm.

Do you have a link I could refer to for figuring out what zone 2 is for me?


TIA running guru

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