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2010-08-12 5:49 AM
in reply to: #3038444

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-11 9:03 PM THREE GOOD THINGS TODAY: (1) I found two old DeSoto running hats!!! I have been wearing these for years, and bought my first in 2000. I thought I was don to my final two serviceable ones, and have found that the newer DeSoto running hats aren't half as good as the old ones. But there, up amidst ALL of my various and sundry gear in the shelves above the washer and dryer, were two of the old style. YIPPEE! (2) My annual swimming breakthrough may have arrived!!!!! Literally every season, in early/mid August, I suddenly see a spike in my swimming. This year I was sure it wouldn't happen, but yesterday felt surprisingly good and today, on my "time-trial" site along the St. Lawrence River, I was able to confirm what I felt yesterday. If I can make it from one headland to another in an average of about 6:24 over the course of a given session, I'm more close to where I want my swimming to be. So today it was 6:01, 6:18, 6:17, and 6:13, for an average of 6:13 for whatever it is -- about 350m, I call it. DOUBLE YIPPEE!!! Now I have to see if this was just an anomaly today and I will slide back to where I've been for the season -- about 1 6:50 average. (3) Great bike today with the new geeklid. I did about 28km in about 48 minutes, for an average of 34.5kmh, which is 21mph. I'm not sure the geeklid helped, but it certainly felt and sounded different than my good old regular helmet. If it is to work for me, however, I have to figure out a way to control the drips of sweat that get on my sunglasses; it seems to channel sweat much differently than my olther helmet. And that's that!

HA! Yeah for the geeklid!

Holy crap, I was away all day yesterday and you all got really active!! That is awesome, but I am behind again.   Off to work now, but hope to catch up tonight!

2010-08-12 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3038785

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Just make sure that when you have in hand the invoice for your BentoBox order. I'll be checkin' at the door!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-08-12 7:17 AM
2010-08-12 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3038890

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-12 8:17 AM MANDY - Just make sure that when you have in hand the invoice for your BentoBox order. I'll be checkin' at the door!

My boss is late so I can say this:

Have a Bento Box on my bike! I love Triathlete Sports for shipping same day as ordering. 

Uh oh. Boss man is here. Gotta run.
2010-08-12 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3038138

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-11 5:49 PM  Are you sure you want me to help your with yoru HVJ goal? I will be glad to provide some thoughts, but I figure you've got your own very observant and attentive wingman, Ken, to know exactly how you've trained recently and what you are capable of coming up with at the Next Big Race. But, if you want i will add my (paltry?) two cents worth!

Yes, I am sure, thanks.   Ken and I don't always agree on race goals and although we love to train and race together, we don't try to 'coach' each other.    If I ask, he will give me his thoughts, and vice-versa.   

I am feeling quite strong now, and am actually going to do a bit of strength training today - in particular walking lunges with weights.   And maybe some stuff to keep my shoulder strength.  I don't want to lose what I gained over the last 2 weeks.   No swimming or biking today as we are doing a s/b brick tomorrow starting with 2km lake swim and 40km bike on a hilly course which is probably hillier than Orillia.  

Orillia isn't the best race for a PB.  If you haven't done it, getting out of town can slow you down a bit.   Right into a long, steep climb and the roads SUCK!   Really bad pot holes.   Once into the country it is better and the hills are more of long gradual climbs for the most part.  

I don't think Orillia will pose a problem for HVJ, unless I have an accident or something.   The swim is short and so is the bike.   Even if I wasn't doing the race, I would probably be doing similar training that weekend.  

Did I ask you how HVJ would compare to Muskoka?   I hope it isn't harder.

Bring on your 2 cents worth!   Smile
2010-08-12 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3038225

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-08-11 6:49 PM
stevebradley - 2010-08-11 5:19 PM ANNE again - Until Shaun comes on, I'll venture that it's either REI or EMS (Eastern Mountain Sports). There is a good EMS in South Burlington, and it's easy to get to; let me know if you want directions. It is in the same small mall as a very large Barnes and Noble, so that's double your pleasure right there. Win-win!!
I love REI! Anne, since you're into the outdoorsy type stuff, you'd love REI so if there's one around when you're down here I'd definitely recommend checking it out! EMS is decent too, but REI is bigger and has more stuff.

Thanks Tracey and Steve. 

REI is the one he mentioned.   We knew is started with "R".   Have already gone on-line and seen a couple of things were are interested in.   We will also check out the EMS in South Burlington.    I LOVE shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-08-12 11:49 AM
in reply to: #3038785

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-08-12 6:49 AM
stevebradley - 2010-08-11 9:03 PM THREE GOOD THINGS TODAY: (1) I found two old DeSoto running hats!!! I have been wearing these for years, and bought my first in 2000. I thought I was don to my final two serviceable ones, and have found that the newer DeSoto running hats aren't half as good as the old ones. But there, up amidst ALL of my various and sundry gear in the shelves above the washer and dryer, were two of the old style. YIPPEE! (2) My annual swimming breakthrough may have arrived!!!!! Literally every season, in early/mid August, I suddenly see a spike in my swimming. This year I was sure it wouldn't happen, but yesterday felt surprisingly good and today, on my "time-trial" site along the St. Lawrence River, I was able to confirm what I felt yesterday. If I can make it from one headland to another in an average of about 6:24 over the course of a given session, I'm more close to where I want my swimming to be. So today it was 6:01, 6:18, 6:17, and 6:13, for an average of 6:13 for whatever it is -- about 350m, I call it. DOUBLE YIPPEE!!! Now I have to see if this was just an anomaly today and I will slide back to where I've been for the season -- about 1 6:50 average. (3) Great bike today with the new geeklid. I did about 28km in about 48 minutes, for an average of 34.5kmh, which is 21mph. I'm not sure the geeklid helped, but it certainly felt and sounded different than my good old regular helmet. If it is to work for me, however, I have to figure out a way to control the drips of sweat that get on my sunglasses; it seems to channel sweat much differently than my olther helmet. And that's that!

HA! Yeah for the geeklid!

Holy crap, I was away all day yesterday and you all got really active!! That is awesome, but I am behind again.   Off to work now, but hope to catch up tonight!

I believe you are more of an outdoor person than Ken and I and would be interested in what you take on your trips and any suggestions you can give.    We never go with other people or groups, which I think sometimes might make it easier for the food and cooking gear.   Not sure though.  

2010-08-12 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3039827

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Watch out! I have it on good authority that when MANDY does her multi-day solo trips, she subsists on tree bark (and not necessarily the tender inner bark), caddisfly eggs, and whatever fungal matter is close at hand. Just so you know!

2010-08-12 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3040728

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

Okay, let's see what we see!

We see some swim and bike results from P'boro and Musk, along withe some hot-off-the-press bike results that excited you. Toss them all in the aerodynamic goaldron (a down-sized, speed enhancing cauldron) and simmer a bit and.....

You had a P'boro swim at 46', which included a beach portion that you (wisely) walked, and then an up-current Musk swim of 50'. My guess is that unless the winds kick up at HVJ, that will be a much more user-friendly swim than P or M. I find it always helps to be able to see the bottom and get a sense of how fast I'm moving relative to it, and my recollection of my one race in Lake Dunmore is that the bottom is visible for most of the swim.

My other recollection is that transition is RIGHT THERE, mere baby steps from the water's edge, so that should make for a swim + T1 that will be significantly faster than your two 2000m swims this season. (That is IF the winds don't kick up and IF the course is measured correctly!!)

So, as a goal for the does 42' to 44' sound to you? FWIW, in my own case I am tentatively -- very tenatatively -- shooting for 38', subtarcting 2' from my usual ~40' HIM swim time. But for you, I'm thinking that the no-beach-run-halfway-through might make for more of a difference, which is why I'm going from 2'-4' faster -- openeing the window a bit wider.

How does that sound to you? Reasonable? Too ambitious? Easy-peasy?

As for the T1 part, I'll leave that up to you as to how fast you think you can pull it off, and maybe in your case it will also be weather-dependent. that is, are you likely to don more layers if it is either rainy or chilly. (I usually decline either option, and I took a real risk at Lake George last year by just wearing my wet tri stuff for the bike, whereas most people put on a shell and/or switched into a dry top. But that's just me, allowing valor to be the better part of discretion!)

On to the bike, then!

Ooooookaaaaay. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you will find the HVJ course much easier than Musk, and maybe easier than P'boro. My qualifier there is that the wind is not out of either the north of the south; if it;'s from either direction, that will level the playing field to comparable to P'boro. If the wind behaves itself and comes from either the west (good chance) or east (poor chance....and if it happens will likley bring big rain with it), that should help us as about 95% of the bike is going either north or south.

My recollection of the parts of the course that I have done is that it is mostly long roller-"hills" and a few nice flats. The roller-hill things give a good long descent that allows you to see what is coming and begin strategizing about how you will tackle it. I have never ridden on the parts of Route 7 that are south of Fern Lake Road and north of Route 53, so for now I'm taken my ignorance to be bliss! And speaking of Route 53, the hardest part of the bike will be at about mile 52-53, which is the mile or so that begins shortly after the turn back on to Route 53, heading up towards the intersection with West Shore Road. This is not terribly steep (like, it's not (9% or anything), but it pitches quickly and stays that way for a while -- maybe not a mile, alrthough at that point in the race it might seem that way!

Your km/h values for P and M were almost identical -- 25.7 and 25.9, and your time for the 56 miles of P was 3:30. Just a few days ago you had thatt freat ride at a 27.6 average on hills, and even though it was quite a bit shorter than what HVJ will be, it is probbaly also a hillier route. Were I in your cleats, I might want to set my sights on an average of 26.5kmh...or maybe even a bit higher? I'm SURE you'll find the course easier than Muskoka, and even though it's 35km longer, I think your endurnace might be good enough to allow you to push a harder pace for theose additional miles beyond what Muskoka had. So, what would 26.5kmh give for a time for 90km? About 3:15, maybe? 3:10? Are either of those something you could be happy about having as a goal? And what about 26.5 --- do you think that's doable for you?

All of the above -- I'm just scratchin' around! I think i might have some decent points here and there, but maybe not. I guess it's a starting point for further refinements; afterall, there are still a couple of weeks of hopefully solid training still to be completed, and who knows what fruit that will bear?!

Let me know what you think about all of the machinations above!

2010-08-12 5:06 PM
in reply to: #3040821

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Honest? You got your Bento Box? You wouldn't be jiving me, would you?

So, how's it look? Can you see fitting all of your timberneeds into it? I hope so!

(All those people who think they are the cat's meow when it comes to the fine art of Feng Shui? Ha! Let's see how they can downsize when the goal is to fit your possessions into a BentoBox! Ha!)

2010-08-12 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3040827

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Lordy, lordy, that was an ugly loss today for the Sox!! That could be one that you look back on come October 3rd and think "if only...."

The day began poorly by learning that the Yankees had overcome a 6-1 deficit (which is when I smugly went to bed) and ended up winning 7-6, and then giving up 4 runs in the bootom of the 9th just made it that much worse. Humbug!!!

2010-08-12 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3040833

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Just DENISE and ME this weekend??

I'm fixing to go do West Point Triathlon, and to that end I did my last tune-up run for it today -- 17km.
(What the ??????.........)

I was getting nervous about needing some more miles in prep for the half-iron on the 29th....and today just seemed like a swell time to do it! And if I somehow injured myself in the process, then that would make my decision about West Point that much easier, right? Win-win! (Brilliant self-coaching, don't you think? )

So, tomorrow will be a ride at tempo, maybe about 15 miles (same as WP), and possibly a swim. Then Saturday will be travel and Sunday will be the race -- 800meters/15miles/3.1miles.


2010-08-12 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3040841

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-12 6:16 PM Just DENISE and ME this weekend?? I'm fixing to go do West Point Triathlon, and to that end I did my last tune-up run for it today -- 17km. (What the ??????.........) I was getting nervous about needing some more miles in prep for the half-iron on the 29th....and today just seemed like a swell time to do it! And if I somehow injured myself in the process, then that would make my decision about West Point that much easier, right? Win-win! (Brilliant self-coaching, don't you think? ) So, tomorrow will be a ride at tempo, maybe about 15 miles (same as WP), and possibly a swim. Then Saturday will be travel and Sunday will be the race -- 800meters/15miles/3.1miles. Sir!YesSir!

You are TOO funny!   WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED!    Hope you have a most awesome race (as usual) Wink and don't tweak anything.   Smile

2010-08-12 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3040821

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-12 6:02 PM ANNE again - Okay, let's see what we see! We see some swim and bike results from P'boro and Musk, along withe some hot-off-the-press bike results that excited you. Toss them all in the aerodynamic goaldron (a down-sized, speed enhancing cauldron) and simmer a bit and..... You had a P'boro swim at 46', which included a beach portion that you (wisely) walked, and then an up-current Musk swim of 50'. My guess is that unless the winds kick up at HVJ, that will be a much more user-friendly swim than P or M. I find it always helps to be able to see the bottom and get a sense of how fast I'm moving relative to it, and my recollection of my one race in Lake Dunmore is that the bottom is visible for most of the swim. My other recollection is that transition is RIGHT THERE, mere baby steps from the water's edge, so that should make for a swim + T1 that will be significantly faster than your two 2000m swims this season. (That is IF the winds don't kick up and IF the course is measured correctly!!) So, as a goal for the does 42' to 44' sound to you? FWIW, in my own case I am tentatively -- very tenatatively -- shooting for 38', subtarcting 2' from my usual ~40' HIM swim time. But for you, I'm thinking that the no-beach-run-halfway-through might make for more of a difference, which is why I'm going from 2'-4' faster -- openeing the window a bit wider. How does that sound to you? Reasonable? Too ambitious? Easy-peasy? As for the T1 part, I'll leave that up to you as to how fast you think you can pull it off, and maybe in your case it will also be weather-dependent. that is, are you likely to don more layers if it is either rainy or chilly. (I usually decline either option, and I took a real risk at Lake George last year by just wearing my wet tri stuff for the bike, whereas most people put on a shell and/or switched into a dry top. But that's just me, allowing valor to be the better part of discretion!) On to the bike, then! Ooooookaaaaay. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you will find the HVJ course much easier than Musk, and maybe easier than P'boro. My qualifier there is that the wind is not out of either the north of the south; if it;'s from either direction, that will level the playing field to comparable to P'boro. If the wind behaves itself and comes from either the west (good chance) or east (poor chance....and if it happens will likley bring big rain with it), that should help us as about 95% of the bike is going either north or south. My recollection of the parts of the course that I have done is that it is mostly long roller-"hills" and a few nice flats. The roller-hill things give a good long descent that allows you to see what is coming and begin strategizing about how you will tackle it. I have never ridden on the parts of Route 7 that are south of Fern Lake Road and north of Route 53, so for now I'm taken my ignorance to be bliss! And speaking of Route 53, the hardest part of the bike will be at about mile 52-53, which is the mile or so that begins shortly after the turn back on to Route 53, heading up towards the intersection with West Shore Road. This is not terribly steep (like, it's not (9% or anything), but it pitches quickly and stays that way for a while -- maybe not a mile, alrthough at that point in the race it might seem that way! Your km/h values for P and M were almost identical -- 25.7 and 25.9, and your time for the 56 miles of P was 3:30. Just a few days ago you had thatt freat ride at a 27.6 average on hills, and even though it was quite a bit shorter than what HVJ will be, it is probbaly also a hillier route. Were I in your cleats, I might want to set my sights on an average of 26.5kmh...or maybe even a bit higher? I'm SURE you'll find the course easier than Muskoka, and even though it's 35km longer, I think your endurnace might be good enough to allow you to push a harder pace for theose additional miles beyond what Muskoka had. So, what would 26.5kmh give for a time for 90km? About 3:15, maybe? 3:10? Are either of those something you could be happy about having as a goal? And what about 26.5 --- do you think that's doable for you? All of the above -- I'm just scratchin' around! I think i might have some decent points here and there, but maybe not. I guess it's a starting point for further refinements; afterall, there are still a couple of weeks of hopefully solid training still to be completed, and who knows what fruit that will bear?! Let me know what you think about all of the machinations above!

OK, this is WELL more than 2 cents worth.   THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!   You are really good at this mentoring stuff.  

I think I am with you on the swim goal, with all the right conditions.    I'm going for 43-44.   If I can swim as well as I think I did in Muskoka it just might be doable.   I wish had clicked my watch entering the last 750 upriver to have had a better idea of my pace to that point.   Although not quite as long a walk to transition it was still pretty lengthy. 

If you truly think HVJ might be similar or a tad easier than Peterborough, and the winds/rain don't screw things up, I'm going for 28 and hope I come in at 27.5.   I will only shed tears if I come in less than 26.   I paced myself on the cautious side in Peterborough and let up after 60km, with my goal to finish decently but not hurt myself, thinking about Muskoka.   Based on my last 2 rides I know I have much more in me.   I am feeling great after yesterday's hard ride, with no muscle or fascia issues.   Last year in Peterborough, (different route but similar and some people felt it was harder, but I didn't) I really took it easy with a 5 minute break to chat with some friends at the turn around point, Laughing and still came in with 26.7

Going to think on this tonight, and see what tomorrow's swim/bike brings.   You're the best! Cool
2010-08-12 5:46 PM
in reply to: #3039827

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-08-12 12:49 PM

I believe you are more of an outdoor person than Ken and I and would be interested in what you take on your trips and any suggestions you can give.    We never go with other people or groups, which I think sometimes might make it easier for the food and cooking gear.   Not sure though.  

Hey Anne!

I would love to give you some suggestions...I do not eat at all healthy when I camp though, be forewarned.  Also I rarely camp in the summer, only in the fall, winter, and spring, so most of the stuff I make is geared toward cooler weather.

Now are you carrying everything or are you kind of car camping? Car camping means better food is all!  And how many cooking pots do you generally bring?  See lots of times there are 6-10 of us, so we have to have more pots for the # of people.  Quick light things though...

- packets of canned chicken (not cans, but canned chicken in foil packs), packets of chicken gravy & instant mashed potatoes (get the kind you only add water...Idahoian (spelled wrong) is what I get. Can add instant stuffing if you want.  Without the stuffing takes 2 pots.  This is good when it is cool like in the fall, spring, and winter.
- If you go with pre-made meals, the Mountain House is good.  A lot of that stuff tastes like crap, but what I have had of Mountain House, it is pretty good.
- Couscous is your friend.
- Mac n Cheese (Annies, get rid of the box and put it all in a zip lock.  Use water instead of milk)
- PB&J (Justins nut butter has these handy packets) is a stand by for me.  So is salami and cheese in a wrap.
- I eat lots of Cliff/powerbars/Kashi bars too...

OK I have lots of stuff, send me an email at manfarr1974 (at) yahoo (dot) com if you want a bunch of suggestions....
2010-08-12 5:49 PM
in reply to: #3040728

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-12 5:28 PM ANNE - Watch out! I have it on good authority that when MANDY does her multi-day solo trips, she subsists on tree bark (and not necessarily the tender inner bark), caddisfly eggs, and whatever fungal matter is close at hand. Just so you know!


How did you know?  Did I try to feed you a bug last time I saw you?  I usually wait until the 3 or 4th time I see folks to do that 
2010-08-12 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3040902

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I used to HATE it when women waited until the 3rd or 4th date to feed me a bug! ("Four dates altready, and all I get is this dung beetle? Sheesh.")

2010-08-12 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3040884

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


VERY gald to hear what you're thinking of shooting for on the HVJ bike! I was wondering if I should throw something in the 27-range throw that out there, but not only was I lacking confidence, I also can't make any promises that I know what I'm talking about with the nature of the course. (That was the big reasoin why i wanted to feel able to do Lake Dunmore Tri this past Sunday.)

The ONLY way you will come in under 26kmh is if you have a serious mechanical or are somehow sick or the conditions are abominable, deplorable, and otherwise gosh-darn nasty. That's the ONLY way you will see the soft, white, underbelly of 26, I am sure of it!

2010-08-12 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3040944

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Very cool chart and table here:

2010-08-12 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

GAWD, you guys make me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Thanks Mandy.    Will print off your post and e-mail you as well. 

We do car camping; 'luxury' canoe camping with portages 750 meters or less, where we take more gear; as well as real back country canoeing or hiking where we travel super light and don't double back on the portages.  Oh yea - we also do REAL LUXURY canoe trips that involve NO portaging.   We only take pots/pans on the car camping and the REAL LUXURY trips.     We're actually thinking of bringing the Coleman stove along on these trips, and have real eggs, and bacon and stuff.  

We will do fall camping, but only spur of the moment, based on the weather because our bones just don't like the cold and damp anymore.    That's the only thing that bugs me about this aging process!  

2010-08-12 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3040946

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-12 7:24 PM IRONFANS!! Very cool chart and table here:

Hey that is cool, thanks.  That site is really cool actually. I read the IMLP stuff and peed a little I got so excited.

Although in my humble opinion I do find it to be misleading a bit....I am not surprised the Kona and Clearwater (they ahve a 70.3 list I checked out) average times are low, with most of the athletes competing in it qualifying with fairly low times, those races have the best, most competitive age group and pro triathletes around.  So you are starting with a group of people who run fast times anyway, or have in the past...those that get in by lottery or donation aren't going to change that avg much
2010-08-12 7:00 PM
in reply to: #3038444

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-11 9:03 PM


(1) I found two old DeSoto running hats!!! I have been wearing these for years, and bought my first in 2000. I thought I was don to my final two serviceable ones, and have found that the newer DeSoto running hats aren't half as good as the old ones. But there, up amidst ALL of my various and sundry gear in the shelves above the washer and dryer, were two of the old style. YIPPEE!

(2) My annual swimming breakthrough may have arrived!!!!! Literally every season, in early/mid August, I suddenly see a spike in my swimming. This year I was sure it wouldn't happen, but yesterday felt surprisingly good and today, on my "time-trial" site along the St. Lawrence River, I was able to confirm what I felt yesterday. If I can make it from one headland to another in an average of about 6:24 over the course of a given session, I'm more close to where I want my swimming to be. So today it was 6:01, 6:18, 6:17, and 6:13, for an average of 6:13 for whatever it is -- about 350m, I call it. DOUBLE YIPPEE!!! Now I have to see if this was just an anomaly today and I will slide back to where I've been for the season -- about 1 6:50 average.

(3) Great bike today with the new geeklid. I did about 28km in about 48 minutes, for an average of 34.5kmh, which is 21mph. I'm not sure the geeklid helped, but it certainly felt and sounded different than my good old regular helmet. If it is to work for me, however, I have to figure out a way to control the drips of sweat that get on my sunglasses; it seems to channel sweat much differently than my olther helmet.

And that's that!

Awesome news on the swimming breakthrough! Next question, does your annual swimming breakthrough always carry through the off season? Just wondering... I know for myself, if I'm away for swimming for more than a couple of weeks, I seem to lose some of my previous gains.

2010-08-12 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm so glad you posted the link to the Timberman swim waves in your blog, because I couldn't find them for the life of me yesterday on the web page (I was expecting them to be in the Athlete Packet...)

Are you still planning to be there for the sprint? I think I recall you saying you were volunteering? Anyway, my bib # is 1021. I'll send you my cell # if you're around that morning and want to meet before the race!


2010-08-12 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3041015

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-08-12 8:13 PM Mandy: I'm so glad you posted the link to the Timberman swim waves in your blog, because I couldn't find them for the life of me yesterday on the web page (I was expecting them to be in the Athlete Packet...) Are you still planning to be there for the sprint? I think I recall you saying you were volunteering? Anyway, my bib # is 1021. I'll send you my cell # if you're around that morning and want to meet before the race! Tracey


I am not volunteering (want to rest my legs really) but WILL be there to cheer you on.  Give me your # and we can maybe hook up either the night before or that morning or whatever.
2010-08-12 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Ah hah - kenneling the dog is another expense that wasn't mentioned before.

So, is part of the reason you're racing Sunday because Lynn's been gone awhile and you need company?
You could just find a nice coffee/ice cream shop and start talking to people.  Be a lot cheaper.
I know, I know - racing's in your blood.

2010-08-12 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3040984

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Ahhhh! I didn't know there was a 70.3 link. Now I'll have to go and check that one out!

I agree wth you on Kona and Clearwater, 100%. A surprise to me is Lanzarote, which has the reputation of an ultra-tough course.....and yet it's "faster" than Wisconsin and CdA, and andwiched between Canada and LP. The guy who clued me into the chart did Lanzarote a few years ago, and he was blown awy by how incredibly fit the Europeans were -- which is the bulk of Lanzarote participants.

I also wonder if so many North American ones at the top part of the chart refect that a lot of people over here do them as part of their "bucket list", and really don't care if they are well-prepared and well-trained.

And as I toy around with the idea of St. George, there it is -- not only at the top but PROTRUDING!!

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