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2009-09-08 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Ola' Mike how is it going? Tell us how your feeling and when are you going up to Oklahoma? I'm sure your getting excited, or I hope so. Looks like the event is on the NE side of OKC. I would definitely get the post race message, this will help get your legs feeling better and on there way to recovery quicker. Then it will be on to Chicago.

Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend?

2009-09-08 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2394278

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Back to the grindstone fo me after a super-relaxing holiday weekend.  I brought my bike along and did a 20 miler (or so) but either I am spoiled by the roads I have near my home, or it must really SCK to ride on stop/go roads. 

There wasn't anyone else riding decent bikes on Sun AM in Ft Laud area.  Just came across one tri-dude on the return to the hotel and that SOB went by all stops and red lights like he was chasing a pack.  I ended up playing catch and release for about 4-5 miles until I dropped him on a 1 mi stretch.  He did "beat" me after I stopped at one more red light before my hotel.  This was my only w.o. all weekend.

Although I feel fine, I also notice that my energy has gone down, especially in the run. I am back to 9:30 - 10 min pace as well as higher HR.  Not sure what I am doing other than the body is relying on sugar/carbs again.  I will be testing some changes this week.  Any ideas/comments?

2009-09-09 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2394513

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I am still fighting whatever chest thing I've got going.  Ran 7 miles Sat. morning but just didn't have any more than that--that was my only workout since last Wed. 

Bad news though re: Chicago--my wife and daughter were in a wreck Monday about 2 miles from our house.  A gal pulled out in front of them, and my wife hit her in a kind of t-bone fashion.  All parties are OK, but my wife broke the 4th metacarpal in her left hand as the steering wheel whipped to the left on impact.  She will have to have surgery tomorrow to pin it, then a cast for a month followed by some other form of restraint, followed by physical therapy...bottom line, no bouncing of any kind, thus no running.  She'll be lucky to get back in shape to do the Houston half marathon in January instead of the full that we've already signed up to do.

So we'll have to postpone Chicago for another year, as I don't want to run it when she can't.
2009-09-09 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike, thank goodness no more serious injuries were sustained.  Whew!  Always scary when something beyond your control threatens your family. 

I have been resting the past few days (other than a 40 mile bike ride on Sunday).  I am going against all advice and will be competing in the race on Sunday.  I'm taking 8 weeks off aferward, that should be plenty of time to heal this.  I've been running on it for 6 weeks and I figure another 13 miles isn't going to do anything worse than what's already been done.  I can take the pain, I ran my senior season of college track with a broken left foot and PR'd three times.  If I don't do this it will haunt me.  My doctor is not happy with me but was actually expecting this decision because he knows me.  You can yell at me all you want, I'm still doing it.

2009-09-09 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Steven, your a brave man. But you know your body and how you can deal with discomfort. So go have some fun, do the best you can and we'll look forward to your race report. Might try a shoe with a little more cushion than your race flats might help.

We'll be rooting for you this weekend GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

Mike glad no serious injury to your wife, and there will be another opportunity for Chicago for sure.

2009-09-12 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

awful news Mike, though glad to hear everyone came out of it relatively unharmed.

Steve; go for another PR - what the heck!

This while week was crazy busy but paid off big time at work.  halfway thru the month and I am the only one with black numbers.  Kicking my competitions' butt and finally making my mark in the FL territory.  

I just ordered a sleeveless ORCA wetsuit (08 discount) for $78 it fits great and I hope to use it, at least for motivation to get in the water more inthe winter (this is FL, so this kind should be fine).  

I also rode 30 mi today when the weather gave us a break.  I felt really good.  took my usual 7 pellets of CBEX with a protein shake 15-20 pre-workout and clocked a 21 mph avg ride. Not bad since I had not ridden this long in awhile and it was quite windy out there.  I am waiting to hear if Mike has the same positive feedback for some of the stuff I sent him. 

2009-09-14 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2402586

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I got the package over the weekend Olman, look forward to trying it all out--thanks much!

I need some advice guys.  Events are starting to stack up on me, against going to Oklahoma this weekend for the HIM.  I've been doing nothing but laying around for almost two weeks with some damn upper respiratory/flu symptoms that just hang on, have only worked out once (lightly) in over two weeks.  Am not sure I even have the energy nor motivation to put what it will take into a long race right now.  That, coupled with the fact that my wife is in a fair amount of pain with her hand, I'm not sure it is fair to her to take her on the road for four days to do this race.

Any thoughts?

I have been in a kind of funk, like a burnout, for a while, and I think I need some weeks off without having to even think about training.  Am thinking about taking off through mid-October, light runs only, before starting a 12-week program to get me ready for Houston mid-January.
2009-09-14 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Dang Mike sorry to hear that you've been ailing for a while. Must be that nice Houston Air. Any air quality conditions being reported in the area that is aggravating your condition. As to the race, tough call. You might check and see with the race director about whether you can differ to next year. Or are you allowed to sell your spot? Thats what I would try if you just don't feel up to. You really want these events to have a special place, doesn't sound as if thats the way your feeling. I can't blame you.

It doesn't look like Steven made the start of his event either. Might of missed his name when I checked results.

Olman I'll finish the book pretty soon, so its coming your way shortly.


2009-09-14 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike, DO NOT ATTEMPT a HIM if you are not feeling 100%.  You will regret it.  I am speaking from experience here.

Race Report: 

Left Friday night, drove 5 hours to friend's house and went to bed.  Got up about 7:30 and drove over to watch the sprint race and check out the course.  I drove the bike course and noticed there wasn't a 1/4 mile of flat on it.  It was either climbing or descending the ENTIRE course.  It had three decent climbs and it was a two lapper, so make it six.  I knew it would be tough going in since I hadn't really run since the half mary in August because of the pain and I hadn't ridden 60 miles since my century on 8/2.  However, my legs felt fresh, I had no pain in my foot while walking and the lake looked BEAUTIFUL. 

Great atmosphere on race day.  Had a three time Ironman finisher (sub 11hr) on one side and a four time veteran of this race on the other.  Both very willing to talk about strategy, calm nerves and offer advice.  I tapped those resources for sure. 

Swim was awesome.  2000 meters in 34 minutes.  I felt fantastic the entire way.  Lake was super clean and course was well marked. 

Hopped on my bike with two water bottles in my cages and my bottle of Perpetuem in my tri top pocket.  That fell out immediately and I had to stop and pick it up.  Then it was OK.  The course started with two climbs right out of the box and I couldn't get into a groove at first.  About 13 miles in I came across the Ironman guy that was next to me in transition.  I hung with him and talked a bit.  I was about 5 beats under threshold and starting to feel really good at this point.  I came through the first lap at 1:15, which was ahead of plan.  I backed off a bit, letting my heart rate drop into the 140s for a considerable part of lap 2, but I could tell the run was going to be a doozy.  My legs were getting torn apart from all the climbs.  I finished the bike at 3:19, which put me in position to finish sub 5 hours and going into my strong suit, I felt like it was in the bag while I was putting my shoes on...........Then I started running. 

I read a lot of Joe Friel's articles about Iron and half Iron distance runs and he says in every race there are three times during the run you will be convinced you aren't going to make it.  I used up two of mine in the first mile and a half.  My legs were BAKED.  I could hardly lift them.  I ran for a minute, walked, ran a minute, walked.  I was physically and mentally destroyed.  Then I somehow made it to the 3 mile mark and there was hope because I was into single digits (9.99 miles left!!!).  I began picking land marks out and running (well, hobbling) to them then walking.  I probably walked 30-40% of the way.  I had a little bit of cramping, but took care of it with a few double doses of Endurolytes and it went away.  I altered my goal to 5:30 during the run and just kept moving forward.  I have never wanted to quit something more in my life.  It was a humbling experience to say the least. 

I finished the run in 2:08 and the race at 5:29.42.  I don't know when I will ever do that distance race again, but if I do,  my preparation will be different.  My volume was nowhere near what it needed to be to be competitive.  I'm sticking with Olympic length for a few years.  But I finished.  My legs hurt, my foot hurts, and my pride was hurt a little.  All will heal.  I'm glad I went.

2009-09-15 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Steven my apoligies, I was looking at the results from the Olympic Distance. I will be the one who makes it offical this time. I Hate You. You don't swim in two months, injured, undertrained and can still go under 5:30. But in all seriousness great job, great swim time. That had to put you in the front of your group. Your comments about your bike legs are so true, and it continues to convince me that bike mileage is really important, you have to be able to get off the bike and not feel like you can't move.

I had for the first time ever something happen the other day. I did a 25 mile trainer ride, just smooth tempo, nothing really hard. And went to do my brick run, took about 10 strides and it felt like I had never been on the bike and it stayed that way for the entire 3.2 miles, HR stayed down and it was easy. I thought is this how it potentially can feel if the training has gone right? It was a great feeling. I hope I find it again.

Anyway, great job and I'm glad you enjoyed your day.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-09-15 11:43 AM
2009-09-15 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy, I can't find the results anywhere.  Do you have a link?

2009-09-16 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey Steven, I found it when I googled the Square Lake Triathlon, and did vacations sports main site.

I know your a little dissapointed but this is going to be a good distance for you. You just have to remember to take it easy, don't overdue in advance and stay healthy. But in any case its a fun distance and training increases over an Olympic isn't that much.

Now get healed up.


2009-09-21 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2409267

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
First half mary (training) on Sunday AM  -whose idea was this?  I'm now signed up for Nov 14 in Orlando (Baldwin park).
Thk GOD for Fuel Belt adn American ingenuity...  I used to carry a full water bottle in my crack-this is a lot easier.
2009-09-21 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2408219

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Good report Steven--congratulations for hanging in there, I know well just how hard it is to keep going sometimes.  You had a great time, even though you had such a difficult run, a time many would love to have (me included!).

I am glad that I did not push it and go to Redman anyway--I have seriously been fighting a malaise, and just hit a wall.  I realized today that, other than an illness or injury, I have been in a continuous training mode since July 2006.  Lesson learned is that I need time off--without waiting for an injury time out--to rest my body and mind.
2009-09-21 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike, did you hear about the weather during the event or prior. Sounds like it would have been a difficult day.

2009-09-21 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2418048

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Only briefly, but not on weather--just looked, whoa, low 60s and heavy rain throughout most of the race, wind 10 mph.  Tough going especially on the bike.

2009-09-28 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2418101

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Hey guys, long time no see!

I started training again this afternoon after taking 23 days off.  Finally got the respiratory thing on the mend, and got my desire to train back.

I talked with my club members who raced Redman--race was delayed for an hour due to monsoons, bike course had 2-3 low-lying areas where you had to walk your bike through, transition had running water through it, carrying people's things around, race finish was an ankle deep mudhole.  Then to add insult to injury, the sun came out about 4.5 hours in and made it very hot and sticky for most of the run.

How is everyone doing?  Steven, how is your foot?
2009-09-28 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2430576

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
glad to hear you've got your groove back.
that race sounds more like cyclocross than triathlon. 
- to quote Macca: "If it was easy, everyone would be doin' it".  ; )

as the season winds down my training has too, even knowing that I still have a sprint and a half marathon to go, although my distance has been increasing lately.  I think it might also be a case of burnout.  My plan is to finish the half marathon and take a break thru end of November. 
2009-10-05 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Did everyone go on vacation?

I've signed up for the inaugural Miami HIM (10/30/10).  Still a yr away but I am only accelerating my goal 2 months.  Based on the distances I have been training at recently, I expect this to be doable in a yr from today. 
2009-10-05 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2443552

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I'm still alive and kickin'!  I did my first long run since taking a break Saturday--did 10 miles at 9:06 pace, felt good but my piriformis muscle sure started talking to me about mile 8.  I will be open water swimming tonight, and biking Wednesday--we'll see if I remember how to do either event.

I am strongly considering a HIM Nov. 8 north of Houston.  I still have a lot of my season conditioning working for me and just hate to let this tri season go by and not log my first HIM.  My goal will be to enjoy it and to finish--anything else is gravy. 

I am back on my marathon training program, race minus 15 weeks and counting.

Olman, I am really digging on that fuel formula you helped me with--good taste, good fuel, easy on the GI tract--thanks for helping me with some tips!
2009-10-07 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2443773

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
wildcat83 - 2009-10-05 4:16 PM I'm still alive and kickin'! 

I am strongly considering a HIM Nov. 8 north of Houston. 

Olman, I am really digging on that fuel formula you helped me with--good taste, good fuel, easy on the GI tract--thanks for helping me with some tips!

Good to hear your feedback and that my formula has worked for another rat (experimenting)...  before I set it on rock.  I am considering making a few large batches and distributing it in 3 LB tubs to quasi-sponsored athletes (product would be all that the sponsorship will offer until the $ starts coming in) for the oppty to wear my logo.

I have a few names written down but you nailed it - can you describe "good taste, good fuel, easy on the GI tract" in one word?  That's what athletes want in endurance nutrition.

Let me know what you need to carry some bottles for your HIM and test it "live". 

2009-10-07 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2447044

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
It's not one word, but how about "Tastes Great, Less Trots"...?!


I'll keep thinking on it...

2009-10-19 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2447256

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I've got the name. Will register it in the next few days.

SAT AM - completed an OLY is 2:47:52 and felt awesome.  This was another mock here at home with very good conditions.

S: 33:01  -  33 laps (1650 yd)
T1: 1:47 - from time out of the water to time out of T
B: 1:12:11 - 25 miles - flat w many straightaways
T2: 2:20.56 - from entry to T to exit - includes having to turn around for Garmin left on the bike, so I ran the T area twice.
R: 58:30.8 - 6.2 miles - mostly flat with a couple of rolling hills.  (9:26 pace)

Because of the cool weather, fluid loss was minimal.  Bike included one full bottle of Accelerade, Run was 7oz gatorade + 7 oz my blend.

Calories burned 2983

Felt really refreshed at the end, not sure I could have gone faster but certainly could have gone further.
2009-12-06 12:58 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Just in case anyone else is still reading this thread...

last couple of months have been mainly off but I've managed to keep sopme training going.  Today was my first non=stop half mary.  Started as a 4-5 miler and turned to 13.1 w/o carrying any liquid/nutrition... 
2:13 - so I avg'd about 10 min miles

this week I alsio started INSANITY workoputs to help gain strength inthe winter, that's some crazy stuff - very much like football camp.  I've managed to keep all that weight I lost early in 09 off.  ight now I am debating between signing up for St Anthony's (OLY) in April or GATOR Half (HIM) in late March as my first 2010 race.  I want to the the HIM distance, but I also want to enjoy the StA's activities. They're both $155
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