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2009-10-29 5:38 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Hi Everyone! I'm still here!

The last few weeks have been busy- and miserable. My kiddos supposedly had H1N1. No, no testing, our pediatrician is advising anyone that calls in with flu symptoms to stay home and not come near the office. I did get vaccinated, so I was alright, and Mike seemed to fight it off just fine. Kind of makes me angry with the media...different tangent, though.

Baby- GAH! I'm 35 weeks. We are all overly ready. Mike asked what was developing this week and I said NOTHING, from here on out she's just fattening up.

I feel huge but I'm not, and I know this. Keeping up with the training helped. I am still walking about 2-3 times a week with a friend in my neighborhood, but man am I slow. Takes me about 25 minutes to walk a mile.

We're putting together a relay team for the Flying Pig Marathon May 2. I'm taking the shortest leg, a little over 5 miles, and I know the hills are going to kill me. It's me, Mike, my brother, and my cousin. So there is my motivation to start running as soon as I'm allowed.

Jo, on the weight issue....this is part of why I want to get my masters in nutrition. Part of what WW does is great- but part of it is not. You need to change how you VIEW food, and get rid of your emotional connections with food. I had to change my nutrition due to migraine prevention, and I read a book called "You Are What You Eat" by Dr. Gillian McKeith. You are an athlete, Jo, and what you put into your body affects its performance- DAILY, not just in your training. The one thing I used to get angry about when I did WW was the people who would say things like "I was bad and had..." It's not about being good or being bad. Your choices are your choices. It's about making certain you give your body what it needs each day to support you. Your fruits, veggies, whole grains....the closer your food is to it's natural state, the easier it is for your body to digest it and get energy from it. For example, it is easier for your body to get energy from a bowl of brown rice than it is to get energy from a slice of processed Wonder White Bread. (I know I am just saying a bunch of crap you already know) And yes, I do know how good Reese's Cups taste compared to a spoonful of all natural peanut butter. Oh I know. And I probably would not have changed my nutrition and my relationship/view of food if I had not been at the end of my rope with the migraines. Most of the time, if you are seeing an up and down weight pattern, it's because you are seeing your relationship with food as a diet/denial/reward relationship instead of making the big changes that you need to make to find a nutrition plan that works for you for life.

(end of lecture)

If WW has worked for you before, go back. But go into it knowing that the changes you make are PERMANENT. Not just until you reach a certain weight. As for training and being hungry, especially with endurance training- I totally understand, Ginny. I definitely eat more when I'm training. But also find that is when I eat the healthiest- my go to, post workout snacks are raw almonds, skim milk, apples, or pretzels.

And JO- as for the HIM- can I make a small suggestion? A tiny one? Set long-term goals. As in 2010, USAF Half Marthon. 2011, HIM. You don't have to do everything in one year.

2009-10-29 6:26 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Anne, I love when you lecture. You are so informative.  Its awesome.  You will always be my mentor.  Thank you.  I will look into that book.  I am not thrilled with WW either, hence the reason I never stayed.  I have probably returned 6-7 time in 3 years but I don't like the leaders and what they preach.  I liked the Core plan, except the whole fat free thing.  I don't like cutting out groups of food.  I eat healthy, unprocessed food 50% of the time.  One of my biggest problems is being so busy at work that I don't get to really take a lunch.  I pack my own and eat about every 3 hours but then I get home and I am hungry so I see what I can microwave for dinner.  Many nights its just me, or me and my daughter (she has a weight problem too but she eats junk).  My biggest problem is after dinner.  I am hungry 2 hours after and probably consume half of my daily calories between 8-10pm and they are not healthy.  That is my breakdown, my unwind.  It starts with wine and usually continues with chips and hummus or, if there are no chips I hit the sweets, ice cream, dark chocolate, etc... You get the awful picture.  So pretty much-I probably eat 1400-1500 calories before snack time and then pile on the bad stuff for another 400-700 calories (if not more).  MOOOOOOOO!!!! I justify it by saying its mostly healthy stuff, red wine, hummus, dark chocolate, etc....   I feel like I just went to confession.  Please forgive me for I have sinned.

I will be readjusting. Weight loss is my only goal.  That and the half mary in Sept.  I have it all up on my training log.  I just need to figure out how I am going to change my lifestyle.  Any suggestions, now that you know what a loser I am, are welcome.

I have given up the idea of an HIM. I have never had a desire to do one and I still don't. I was doing it primarily to train with someone and she is going to do the Cedar Pointe.  I am planning on doing the Dooby Du in April. I think that would be fun.  Watch, it'll be the same weekend as the Martian so you will be here and I will be there.    I am done with the triathlons.  I can't train to 3 disciplines.  Being on this site sometimes sucks you back in for a fleeting moment.  I am strong and will not come back.  Du's that is as much as I want to do, if that. 

Keep us updated on the baby growing process.  It sounds like you are doing well.  You are almost to your goal date.  Hope the kiddos are feeling better.

I am getting ready for a huge radiation conference in Chicago next week called ASTRO.  That is where all these great cancer doctors present their research and we are one step closer to a cure.  We have about 40 people going from my department.   Its a busy time. 

I really appreciate whatever advice and suggestions you guys have with the whole eating issue.  I know what I do wrong but I am just not sure how to change that. 


2009-10-29 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Jo- I don't think you are doing anything WRONG.

If you do something 21 times, it's a habit. So you are habitually eating from 8-10 pm.

A lot of what you can change is setting aside time after your grocery store trip each week for prep. Cut up pepper strips, toss in a bag in the morning with carrots and celery, and take a small container of hummus with you to work. Snack away. Splitting meals up throughout the day is AWESOME. And hummus- read your ingredients. Make sure there aren't any hidden filler ingredients in there, like extra sugars. That sugar will make you gain every time. Same thing with the evening meals- when you have time, boil up a batch of brown rice- that is at least 2-4 servings and a great side dish or starting point all week. Make double duty meals- chicken breast and couscous one night, then use that leftover chicken breast as a starter for a soup, or as the star in fajita night. All things you know to do, and we all know to do, but we don't always take the time. avoid those frozen convenience meals- even the ones with words like Healthy and Smart on them- because it's processed, and they have fillers your body does not need.

I do highly recommend the book. But again- it's one of those things you read, and you take what you can apply to you and go.

The wine- and then the carb/sugar loading at night- you have to break that habit. Find something else as a substitute. Or, limit yourself to just one item during that snacking time (8-10pm) and take the things you would normally eat during that time and space them out during the day. you break the cycle, you'll see a huge change.

It is easy to get caught up in the excitement at races. I think the Dooby Du will be a great race for you- and it's near me! I hope I can come watch you. (or do the race- ha!)
2009-10-30 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Anne you say it all so elegantly.  That's what I was trying to say, but you sound so much better. 

I checked out Elite Endeavors web site and it looks like the women's tri is going to be August 1 next year.  I've got it on my calendar already. 
2009-10-31 5:35 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I'll put August 1st on my calendar, too!!!

As is the norm for me, I have several local neighborhood friends who are "interested" in working out more. We'll see. I think part of is they like the idea of all the training. I don't know if they will like the reality.

I'm officiallly doing the short leg (5.2 miles) for a 4 person relay team for the Flying Pig Marathon on May 2. It's one week after Mike does the Glass City Marthon here in Toledo, and he is going to do a leg in the pig as well. It's me, my brother, my husband, and my cousin Jessica. Should be fun! And gives me something to work towards as soon as I am able to run.

We should stop talking nutrition. I'm at that stage in the pregnancy where everything sounds good but only tastes good for about one bite. My nutrition is crap and it's making me nervous. Gotta get my butt in order before delivery!

Tonight is Halloween.....I'm in charge of dinner for everyone. We're doing homemade soup (with chicken meatballs, potato gnocchi, and veggies), mummy finger hot dogs for the kids (hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls), brats on the grill (I have a local butcher shop that makes their own bratwurst, including Chicken Brats, which are awesome- one variety has chicken, spinach, red pepper, and feta in it), fruit salad, and then for dessert we have homemade pumpkin bars, and Abs wants to make cupcakes and decorate the tops to look like eyeballs. Fun!

Since everyone is looking at races for next year- Maumee Bay is normall the weekend of Father's Day. HFP Racing puts it on, and man is THAT a good race directing program. I know Mike will do the race, and I'm either going to do the sprint race there as my first Tri of the year, or else I'd love to put a relay team together. The sprint distance is a bit longer in the swim (650 yards), but if you girls are interested, let me know. I'm more than willing to take on the swim, just need a runner and a biker. HINT HINT.

Jo, I am really excited about you focusing on running and duathlons. Mike did dus for years before he ever started doing tris and really enjoyed them. And there is a Du at Maumme Bay- both sprint and Oly distance.

Off to feed my loud, early-rising children. The weather here has been GORGEOUS, sure wish I could run!
2009-10-31 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I am going to buy the book you suggested.  May I say for someone who didn't want anymore nutrition talk, your halloween dinner sure sounds yummy.  We always have blood (spaghetti sauce), worms (spaghetti), eyeballs (meatballs), and sometimes mummy fingers (breadsticks) on halloween.  In fact, I was going to make spaghetti (and yes Anne, I always use whole wheat noodles), on Monday and my family reminded me of our tradition.  With only one kid left at home, I forget that she still enjoys the fun stuff too. 

I am going to be in Chicago from tomorrow until Thursday evening.  There won't be any thinking of losing weight until I get back.  I would like to do the women's only tri again.  That one will have move to my "events" from my "radar".  I was checking out Maumee Bay.  I would consider that one.  The only reason I hesitate is Father's Day. 

Have a great week and a great Halloween!!

2009-11-02 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Have a great trip.  Chicago is an awesome town
2009-11-05 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Its so good to be home.  Chicago was work.  Boring.  And no one to walk around with so I really limited my excursions to daytime.  Really bad take out food. 

That being said, I bought that book at Borders and read it cover to cover.  Have you tried any of her "super foods"?  Do you use any of the supplements, when you aren't pregnant?  I am going to try the one day detox this weekend.  My new plan starts on November 9.  I am just doing a duathlon program as a guide as to getting some exercise in daily.  I will start my new eating plan on Sunday after the detox day.  Thanks for the advice.


2009-11-10 5:25 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

This is the book I used to help with my migraines. I had a great local health food store and I used the owner there to help me find all of my supplements- I went with a huge list.

Here are the things I do, non-pregnant, still from this book:

1- added Aloe Vera Juice, Flax Oil, Barleans Greens Powder (for all the algae superfoods supplements), and take a multivitamin. I often mix the first three ingredients- the algae powder and the aloe juice and the flax seed oil- into smoothies.

2- Juicer. I bought a cheapo juicer from Wal Mart and use it often to make my own juice bases and mix those into smoothies. I juice celery, beets, watermelon- those all go into different smoothies with frozen berries, bananas, frozen peach slices. It helped me get off the white sugar.

3- Raw foods: Raw almonds became my favorite snack. The health food store also had a raw mixed nut collection which I have not found since I moved here.

4- Ingredient reading- I read labels religously, and mainly shop the OUTSIDE of the store- meaning the produce, dairy,meat aisle and avoid things that are processed. The good news is that there are a lot of mainstream items available now that fit her philosophies.

5- cutting out the caffeine. I seriously did that for awhile.....but it's my one vice and I'm back on it. I do still drink a lot of herbal teas that she listed.

6- produce. this is the main thing I eat- produce and grains (quinoa and brown rice). Our produce bill is crazy, but I waste nothing, I swear, and I do 2 grocery store trips a week- one to our big chain store (Kroger) and one to our local fresher food market (Best produce and a butcher shop).

If you have the kind of crazy million channels that I do, and can find BBC, they have Dr. Gillian McKeith on during the day. She has a show called You Are What You Eat. FANTASTIC.

The good thing is, it's another of those examples of you read it, try some things, see what works for you, and go.

I'm glad you liked the book. It's one that is always out in our house, and has been lent out several times to friends.

SO- no baby yet. I have a full week, with my last to-do item being Abby's parent/teacher conference on Thursday. If I do not have the baby by a week from tomorrow, the 18th, my midwife promised to strip my membranes to speed things along. I have been fighting contractions for 2 weeks now? I hate this part.
2009-11-16 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Hope everything is going well for you both.  I'm trying to get back on track since being on vacation for what feels like a month. 

Jo, good luck with the eating clean, you can do it!

Anne, hope the baby is here soon.  Be sure to let us know when she arrives!
2009-11-17 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Just thinking about you guys.  Anne, I hope all is well.  I am stalking your FB for baby news.  I figure you will post there first. 

Ginny, are you back in swimming?   I moved the women's tri to my "events" for 2010.  Hopefully we can all do that one.  I am thinking about doing the Sylvannia one the week after also and do the olympic. 

2009-11-17 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I'm trying to get back swimming.  Vacations and family have made it difficult to get back into a routine.  Was planning on being back this past Monday, but my car decided to start acting up on Sat.  Had to drop it off at the mechanic and bum a ride to work.  I hopefully will make it back swimming on Wednesday.

Friday there is supposed to be a reporter from our local newspaper to do an article about our swim team.  They are hopeful it will increase our membership and also increase the number of lanes we can rent and be able to offer more practices etc.  I'm looking forward to reading the article.

"Stalking" Anne's FB and blog too

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-11-17 11:18 AM
2009-11-18 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Alas, no baby. Sometime next week maybe?? Sigh.

Both kids are sick with colds, Mike is being a total butthead- oh, and he's in the process of buying a Computrainer, so I have that to train on/try not to wreck this winter.

Keep us updated on that article on your swim team, Ginny!
2009-11-27 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Happy belated Thanksgiving to you both.

I ate way too much, but made up for it by getting up early this mornining and swimming 2400 yards. 
2009-11-28 8:23 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Happy Thanksgiving (belated) to both of you!!  I have been super super busy as Thanksgiving is my holiday.  Lots of stress and cooking.

I did get a 5k run in at the Detroit Turkey Trot and Bill put the turkey in the oven.  I didn't feel at all guilty eating after that run.  My first ever stand alone 5k. 

Anne-you need to have a serious talk with soon-to-be-born princess.  She is way too comfortable and needs to make her appearance.   We are anxiously waiting for you to be able to train again. 

2009-12-01 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
OH. My. GOODNESS. This baby is so late. My other two were early so the fact that we are approaching the latest possible due date (december 3rd) is ridiculous. ALSO, note that my early babies were HUGE. Soph was 38 weeks, 7 pounds 9 ounces. Abs was 39 weeks, 8 pounds 10 ounces. Do you see the trend???? I am about to push out a GIANT BABY.

Mike and I head to my doctor's office today at 12:50 and supposedly- SUPPOSEDLY- they will induce tomorrow afternoon. That is what we were told last week. But then again, at week 38 they promised to strip my membranes and did not; same with week 39 because it was right before a holiday, and a weekend, and would inconvenience them. I KID YOU NOT. So I am heading in armed with the most deliciously sinful fatty good chocolate chip cookies and refusing to hand them out until I have an induction date and time set for tomorrow.

Mike is HURT. He is off at the chiro today and scheduling an MRI. I am diagnosing disc issues. It's bad. Pain shoots from his lower back down his hamstring. I would feel worse for him but you know, 10 pound baby and all.

Wish me luck- here's hoping tomorrow is the day!

2009-12-01 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Good luck!  Keeping my fingers crossed that they won't change their minds again! 

Hope everything is ok for Mike, you're going to need him well to help you out!
2009-12-01 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Hoping the chocolate chip cookie bribe worked. 

Hope all is well with Mike.  Make sure the MRI shows something or show no mercy.  This injury has come at quite a convenient time for him.  Makes me wonder.  Hmmm.  Sorry, Mike, just kidding.  Really I do hope all is well.  Back injuries are the worst. 

Sending good karma for a good delivery and healthy baby and parents. 

2009-12-01 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
10 am, Wednesday, report to hospital for induction. I was at 2cm this afternoon at my doctors - long way to go.

Will post on facebook pictures, etc...not sure when I will get back here!
2009-12-11 5:51 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Congratulations Anne!!

Its been a little over a week, are you back to training yet? 

2009-12-11 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
The birth caused some, um, damage. So I do need to actually take the 6weeks to heal; then I will start training again. As of right now, walking is a pretty big deal.

Mike is also on hiatus from training- torn disc at L4, and a bulging disc at L5. He is on some major steroids to reduce the swelling; here's hoping that helps and he heals quickly and then is smart about training and does not reinjure himself.

Baby is doing well- Josie is very sweet. We're crazy busy getting ready for Christmas. Lots of Tri stuff on my list! What about you guys???

I got 2 new swimsuits- one of which is a Dolfin suit, oh that brand is so stinking cute. The other is just a grab bag suit. Both ordered from Great site! Also ordered swim paddles for Mike for training; and some new bike shorts and socks for him, and new bike glasses. He'll give me the swimsuits I ordered for Christmas. Can't trust him to pick them out, he'd pick out two piece competition suits for me, and, well, that won't ever happen in this lifetime.

Anyone have any cool running, biking, or swimming items on their list?

2009-12-14 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Glad to hear the baby is doing well.  Take your time and don't rush the healing.  It takes longer than you think sometime.  And I had days where I thought ok everything is fine let's get back to normal life and that would set me back 2 days.

I don't have any tri related stuff on my list this year.  I did think about asking for a trainer, but I don't have enough info to even know what kind to ask for. Figured I'd put that off until next year. 

They finally published the article in the newspaper about our swim team.  I hope it gets us more members and we can expand our practices etc. 

Here's the article  and there are more pictures here

I didn't get in the actual paper, but you may recognize the tattoo on the girl diving into the pool when you look through the pictures

Hope you all have a great Christmas, our first one starts this coming Saturday with my family.  I don't even have my tree decorated yet!  But it's up! 

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-12-15 8:43 AM
2009-12-15 4:57 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Anne-Please just rest and heal through the holidays.  I had one of my daughters in December (early) and it was one of the nicest Christmases, just quiet.  I didn't do all the rushing around I normally do and you know what, everyone survived.  Take care of yourself.  Take it slow.  You'll be better off in the long run.

Ginny-nice article.  I wish I lived closer, I'd join.  I didn't realize how much of a tat you had.  I only saw what was peeking out through your shorts at the tri.  That is great.

I have a HUGE work presentation to do this morning and am quite nervous.  I don't get this nervous before a tri.  I had another measurement with the trainer on Saturday and once again, everything increased. I am the incredible growing woman.  I am a freak of nature.  I just don't get it but I am still plugging away. 

2009-12-17 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I try to keep my tattoo covered most of the time, but it's pretty difficult to do in a bathing suit.  I didn't even realize they had taken that shot...would rather they were shooting from the other side   The tat is one of those things I regret now (especially how big it is) but nothing I can do about it except lecture my daughters not to follow in my footsteps

Glad your presentation went well.  Hope you can relax and enjoy the holidays now.  Happy holidays to you both.  I hope santa brings you everything you asked for.

2009-12-26 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Hi girls! I'm BACK!

1 mile run this morning; blogged about it on my training log.

Baby is great, birth was horrible, stitches everywhere and still healing.

Got two great books for Christmas- Sally Edwards Triathlons for Women and a nutrition book for endurance athletes. Also lots of cold weather running gear and a gift certificate for some new running shoes.

Mike hurt his back- herniated disc and a torn disc. Sciatic nerve affected. He is doing PT once a week and not training at all right now, poor guy. Glad this happened off season. So he is playing lots of Wii and the girls are tearing apart the house...>I have family coming in oh, 3 hours, so must run.

Hope you all had a great Christmas! Are we planning races for next year? the All-women's tri is later this year. Also, anyone want to come do Maumee bay? I'm putting together a relay team and asking for peeps. I'll do any of the legs.

Different training spirit this year- hard to explain. Maybe because the birth was so rough I figured if I made it through that I can do anything? Definitely ran different and harder than I used to, times when I thought about walking I just didn't.
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