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2010-02-15 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2674100

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Wow crews... I still have a hard time imagining doing 20 miles. Today I did my longest run ever and it was a 15k. It was pretty tough and was struggling at the end. I was happy to remind myself that 6 months ago I had a hard time finishing a 5k.

Good job and enjoy the taper!! :-)

2010-02-15 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2674100

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
crews - 2010-02-15 3:56 PM

I had my longest run this past Saturday...20 miles.  I was very nervous since I had to walk so much of the 18 miler last weekend due to a pain in my knee.  It seems to have worked itself out with lots of stretching and ice.  The run went really well and I was spot on with my time goal.  Thank goodness for the next 2 weeks...I'm so ready for the taper.  My marathon is March 7th and I can't wait

Really great job!


2010-02-15 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2674100

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
crews - 2010-02-15 3:56 PM

I had my longest run this past Saturday...20 miles.  I was very nervous since I had to walk so much of the 18 miler last weekend due to a pain in my knee.  It seems to have worked itself out with lots of stretching and ice.  The run went really well and I was spot on with my time goal.  Thank goodness for the next 2 weeks...I'm so ready for the taper.  My marathon is March 7th and I can't wait

Way to go! Glad to hear you did awesome!
2010-02-16 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2674259

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

gerrydiego - 2010-02-15 5:40 PM Wow crews... I still have a hard time imagining doing 20 miles. Today I did my longest run ever and it was a 15k. It was pretty tough and was struggling at the end. I was happy to remind myself that 6 months ago I had a hard time finishing a 5k.

Good job and enjoy the taper!! :-)

I know that feeling.  I couldn't run a complete 5k in Oct. of last year without stopping.  It's amazing what our bodies are capable of!

2010-02-16 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2674100

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
crews - 2010-02-15 3:56 PM

I had my longest run this past Saturday...20 miles.  I was very nervous since I had to walk so much of the 18 miler last weekend due to a pain in my knee.  It seems to have worked itself out with lots of stretching and ice.  The run went really well and I was spot on with my time goal.  Thank goodness for the next 2 weeks...I'm so ready for the taper.  My marathon is March 7th and I can't wait

That is AMAZING! Great job, I hope to hit 20 miles one day. Good luck, you are going to do great.
2010-02-16 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2674259

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2010-02-15 5:40 PM Wow crews... I still have a hard time imagining doing 20 miles. Today I did my longest run ever and it was a 15k. It was pretty tough and was struggling at the end. I was happy to remind myself that 6 months ago I had a hard time finishing a 5k.

Good job and enjoy the taper!! :-)

Awesome job! I'm in the same boat as you too! I could barely run 3 miles few months ago as well. Keep it up!

2010-02-16 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

Erin- Sorry to hear about the ITB it getting better?

Margot- Niiiice training the other day! You are going to rock it! (BTW- I would be estactic if I came anywhere near 2:30 for my first half mary. My time goal: to make it before the cutoff! are my hero! Smile)

Yay! I'm actually getting a little faster on my runs, ha! Few months ago I would have scoffed at the idea. It's kinda crazy that I struggled to run 2-3 miles three 1/2 months ago and now my fave run is my med run 4-6 miles. On tap for long run: 11 miles this weekend, sooo wierd to see that number. So, I won't say I "love" running, but I can now say I don't hate it as much. I am also ramping my swim to 4 x wk to build my endurance back up and fix my stoke issues. Arg....everytime I fix one thing something else pops up. In my case ignorance is not bliss. I know exactly what's wrong with my stroke but overthink and get frustrated in the water. All well, just gotta plug away. Cycling has been nonexistant.....I need a new back tire, trainer ate it up.

I hope everyone is doing well and getting lots of training in! Have a great week and happy training!

2010-02-16 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I know... very cool how the body adapts and "gives" what you demand as long as you treat it nicely :-) A quick question about long runs and overall volume. I have read around that your long run should not be longer than 30% of your weekly volume. I assume that includes the actual long run right? So if, for example, I run three 8-10ks and a 15k long run in a week that would be fine right?

Have a great one!
2010-02-16 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
For those who ride a trainer, get a back wheel and tire just for the trainer. It will eat up your regular tire quickly. I blew out a regular tire in 3 weeks. Then I put on a gator skin tire Feb 2008 and it is still going strong. And I said to getv a wheel so you don't have to switch the tire out all the time. Or you can be like me and have a second bike that never leaves the trainer. Obviously a wheel is cheaper.
2010-02-16 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2675683

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

KSH - 2010-02-16 12:45 PM For those who ride a trainer, get a back wheel and tire just for the trainer. It will eat up your regular tire quickly. I blew out a regular tire in 3 weeks. Then I put on a gator skin tire Feb 2008 and it is still going strong. And I said to getv a wheel so you don't have to switch the tire out all the time. Or you can be like me and have a second bike that never leaves the trainer. Obviously a wheel is cheaper.

That's funny that you brought that up.  I asked my husband a couple of weeks ago to give me an old tire so I could use it for the trainer and not ruin mine.  He said, "just go ahead and use the ones you have and I'll buy you a new set in the spring."  Cha-ching  New tires = way less flats in the spring

Edited by crews 2010-02-16 2:02 PM
2010-02-16 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2675507

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

gerrydiego - 2010-02-16 11:39 AM I know... very cool how the body adapts and "gives" what you demand as long as you treat it nicely :-) A quick question about long runs and overall volume. I have read around that your long run should not be longer than 30% of your weekly volume. I assume that includes the actual long run right? So if, for example, I run three 8-10ks and a 15k long run in a week that would be fine right?

Have a great one!

KSH will have to help us out with this one.  I'm the worlds worst about not getting my short runs in during th week.

2010-02-16 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2675827

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
crews - 2010-02-16 1:52 PM

KSH - 2010-02-16 12:45 PM For those who ride a trainer, get a back wheel and tire just for the trainer. It will eat up your regular tire quickly. I blew out a regular tire in 3 weeks. Then I put on a gator skin tire Feb 2008 and it is still going strong. And I said to getv a wheel so you don't have to switch the tire out all the time. Or you can be like me and have a second bike that never leaves the trainer. Obviously a wheel is cheaper.

That's funny that you brought that up.  I asked my husband a couple of weeks ago to give me an old tire so I could use it for the trainer and not ruin mine.  He said, "just go ahead and use the ones you have and I'll buy you a new set in the spring."  Cha-ching  New tires = way less flats in the spring

Oh no... I BLEW THE TIRE OFF! Seriously! After 3 weeks! I was riding on the trainer and BAM! It scared me too! Then I realized I had blown the tire off!

So yeah, the tire might not make it to Spring! Ha! That's OK... just ride it till it blows off... and get new tires... AND a new wheel/tire for the trainer.

2010-02-16 10:49 PM
in reply to: #2675864

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
crews - 2010-02-16 2:01 PM

gerrydiego - 2010-02-16 11:39 AM I know... very cool how the body adapts and "gives" what you demand as long as you treat it nicely :-) A quick question about long runs and overall volume. I have read around that your long run should not be longer than 30% of your weekly volume. I assume that includes the actual long run right? So if, for example, I run three 8-10ks and a 15k long run in a week that would be fine right?

Have a great one!

KSH will have to help us out with this one.  I'm the worlds worst about not getting my short runs in during th week.

Yeah, saw this... hard to answer on my phone today.

So you run three 8-10K's during the week and you want to run a 15K on the weekend. ????

Well it all depends... what have you been doing up until that point? I'll go check out your logs and leave an inspire there.

2010-02-16 11:00 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Checked Gerry's Logs... here is my response. Figured everyone could gather some knowledge from it as well.
Let me see if I wrote this down right-
1-20-10, 6 miles
1-25-10, 7.58 miles
1-29-10, 7.46 miles
1-31-10, 6 miles
1-14-10, 40 min run
1-15-10, 9 miles

Your mileage in January wasn't shabby at 66.55 miles.

Of course, your total mileage for 2009 was 128.88 miles- but then again maybe you didn't log most of the year.

I guess the only thing I raise an eyebrow at is that you took two weeks off running (right?-double check me) and then came back and ran 9 miles. Probably not the best idea.

Obviously you are fine... but I wouldn't make it a habit.

My half mary plan looks something like this for 9 weeks. It will give you the general idea of how running mileage can be ramped up. Keep in mind that this is the intermediate plan, not the beginner plan. The intermediate plan is for someone who has been running for 1 year or more.

Week 1: 6, 4, 4 (miles)
Week 2: 8, 5, 4
Week 3: 10, 5, 5
Week 4: 8, 4, 4
Week 5: 10, 5, 5
Week 6: 12, 5, 6
Week 7: 14, 6, 6
Week 8: 8, 4, 3
Week 9: Half Mary
2010-02-18 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hola Karen,

It was actually only 9 days ;-) I think since I was out of commission with my back I did not count those days as off days.
Thanks for posting your training for the Halfmarathon. I see that in a few weeks the long run is actually higher than 50% of the week's total. So I guess the keep it under 30% rule is not that strict.

We'll be doing a sprint on Sunday. I am seeing it more as a training for my Olympic on March 14th. Will be cool to compare it to my sprint I did in November.

Hope everyone is having a great week!!
2010-02-18 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

Hi Peeps!  I did my first Yoga class today.  It was alot more interesting than I thought.  I had no idea there would be so much sweat involved.  I think I'll stick with it

2010-02-18 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Ugh! No workouts here for a few days now. I'm sick. I don't get it, I used to fight off everything and only get sick about 1 time a year for a day or two. The last few years I catch something every few months. This really stinks!! I'm blaming it on my high stress job!

Hope everyone is doing well and training is ramping up!
2010-02-18 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi all!  I have a new addition to my family!  A shiny, green, 2010 Mini Cooper!!  Yea!!!!  I am a very proud mama.

Karen, I have a question about the bike and trainer.  Money is TIGHT now that I decided to buy a new car. After how many miles should I start thinking about replacing my tire?  The tread looks great right now.
2010-02-18 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi everyone! I check in and read everyone's posts pretty regularly, but I realized that I hadn't posted an update of my own for a while. I'm actually feeling pretty good about my training. I am still a terrible swimmer, but I finally feel like I'm getting into a bit of a groove with it, and it feels amazing to be trying to run again. I'm being super cautious and not getting too optimistic, but I'm on week four of Couch 2 5K and I'm pretty excited about it. I did have one question as I try to balance everything--is it better to double up (AM and PM workouts) and still have a total rest day, or to go 7 days and make sure one day is relatively easy? Right now I always take Sundays off and on Mondays I swim in the AM and bike in the PM. I would like to add another bike workout to my week--should I double up another day?
2010-02-18 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2680806

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
justtrichris - 2010-02-18 7:41 PM

Hi all!  I have a new addition to my family!  A shiny, green, 2010 Mini Cooper!!  Yea!!!!  I am a very proud mama.

Karen, I have a question about the bike and trainer.  Money is TIGHT now that I decided to buy a new car. After how many miles should I start thinking about replacing my tire?  The tread looks great right now.

Congrats on the car!

Well, not sure about the question on the tire. I mean, I have replaced my tires when they basically wore out. One time the side blew out... and another time I had a wrapped tire.

I have owned 3 bikes over 6 years... and have purchased all of 6 tires. Mind you, two of those tires were for my tri bike that is on the trainer... the first one blew out... the second one is still on there 2 years later (Gator skinz rock!).

Personally, I don't feel confident taking my trainer tire on the road... simply because it's been on there so long. Honestly, it's probably fine.

Can't really say to replace a tire at X miles... because it will be different for different tires.

If you are only riding on the trainer with the tire... just ride till you blow it off the bike. Then get a new one.

Otherwise, just keep an eye on it, and be prepared to possibly have a flat on the road... if the tire needed replacing and you didn't catch it in time.

2010-02-18 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2680816

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
TritoTeach - 2010-02-18 7:52 PM

Hi everyone! I check in and read everyone's posts pretty regularly, but I realized that I hadn't posted an update of my own for a while. I'm actually feeling pretty good about my training. I am still a terrible swimmer, but I finally feel like I'm getting into a bit of a groove with it, and it feels amazing to be trying to run again. I'm being super cautious and not getting too optimistic, but I'm on week four of Couch 2 5K and I'm pretty excited about it. I did have one question as I try to balance everything--is it better to double up (AM and PM workouts) and still have a total rest day, or to go 7 days and make sure one day is relatively easy? Right now I always take Sundays off and on Mondays I swim in the AM and bike in the PM. I would like to add another bike workout to my week--should I double up another day?

Thanks for the update!

If you feel OK doubling up... it's fine. You get the rest all day long. If you feel tired, back it off a little. But you will be surprised at the new stress your body can handle.

Of course, a rest day is not necessary. Personally I like having at least one day off a week. I always take Friday off. I don't like morning workouts... and if I workout in the evening, I usually have a Sat morning workout to do... just isn't fun working out on Fri night either. Ha!

Do what works best for your schedule. If you want to double up. Double up.

2010-02-18 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2680580

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
AngieF02 - 2010-02-18 5:40 PM

Ugh! No workouts here for a few days now. I'm sick. I don't get it, I used to fight off everything and only get sick about 1 time a year for a day or two. The last few years I catch something every few months. This really stinks!! I'm blaming it on my high stress job!

Hope everyone is doing well and training is ramping up!

That sucks! I hear ya though! I never get sick... and I have been sick twice in the last month. It's been so rough.

Hang in there!

2010-02-18 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2679909

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
crews - 2010-02-18 1:59 PM

Hi Peeps!  I did my first Yoga class today.  It was alot more interesting than I thought.  I had no idea there would be so much sweat involved.  I think I'll stick with it

Yoga builds a lot of strength and helps a lot with keeping limber (obviously).

If I had the time to fit it into my schedule I would do it. But I won't give up other workouts for it.

2010-02-18 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2680806

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
justtrichris - 2010-02-18 7:41 PM Hi all!  I have a new addition to my family!  A shiny, green, 2010 Mini Cooper!!  Yea!!!!  I am a very proud mama.

Congrats on the Mini!! I hope you two have a long happy life together :-)
2010-02-19 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2680806

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

justtrichris - 2010-02-18 7:41 PM Hi all!  I have a new addition to my family!  A shiny, green, 2010 Mini Cooper!!  Yea!!!!  I am a very proud mama.

Karen, I have a question about the bike and trainer.  Money is TIGHT now that I decided to buy a new car. After how many miles should I start thinking about replacing my tire?  The tread looks great right now.

Congrats on the will absolutely love it!!!  Is it a hard top?  Will you put your bike on top or install a hitch?  I had to go with the hitch since mine was a convertible, but it worked great.  You are just going to LOVE it - I promise

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