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2010-07-13 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2978232

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-07-13 11:47 AM Ooohh.  that's a tough one.  What's the distance of your tri?  Wish I could help you with your decision!

Short sprint, 450 yard ocean swim, 9 mile bike, 3 mile run.  All flat.

2010-07-13 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2978601

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
cjhild - 2010-07-13 4:58 PM
sungirl919 - 2010-07-13 11:47 AM Ooohh.  that's a tough one.  What's the distance of your tri?  Wish I could help you with your decision!

Short sprint, 450 yard ocean swim, 9 mile bike, 3 mile run.  All flat.

Would you place in the tri if you went all out???  IMO, if I knew there was a chance I could place, I was just take the 5k as an easy jog...  if I knew there was no chance, I'd do both!  But that's just me.  You know yourself and your abililties best!

Good luck with whatever you decide!!!  I'm eager to see your reports already!
2010-07-13 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2978763

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-07-13 6:24 PM

 I was just take the 5k as an easy jog...  You know yourself and your abililties best!

Good luck with whatever you decide!!!  I'm eager to see your reports already!

Last year I ran a 5K the day before a 10K.  I ran the 5K with my family, pushing my son in the stroller, took it real easy and still placed 3rd in my AG in the 10K the next day. I would do the 5K at rpe 3, easy pace.  That way you can participate, keep yourself loose and ready for the tri.  If it was me, I would NOT go all out.  Just me, at this point tri's are more important to me than running races. What is your priority? 

2010-07-13 11:00 PM
in reply to: #2978763

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-07-13 3:24 PM
cjhild - 2010-07-13 4:58 PM
sungirl919 - 2010-07-13 11:47 AM Ooohh.  that's a tough one.  What's the distance of your tri?  Wish I could help you with your decision!

Short sprint, 450 yard ocean swim, 9 mile bike, 3 mile run.  All flat.

Would you place in the tri if you went all out???  IMO, if I knew there was a chance I could place, I was just take the 5k as an easy jog...  if I knew there was no chance, I'd do both!  But that's just me.  You know yourself and your abililties best!

Good luck with whatever you decide!!!  I'm eager to see your reports already!

This is exactly what I was thinking.  I'd say go for it, it'll be like a badge you can wear knowing you are a beast!
2010-07-13 11:17 PM
in reply to: #2978763

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-07-13 6:24 PM
cjhild - 2010-07-13 4:58 PM
sungirl919 - 2010-07-13 11:47 AM Ooohh.  that's a tough one.  What's the distance of your tri?  Wish I could help you with your decision!

Short sprint, 450 yard ocean swim, 9 mile bike, 3 mile run.  All flat.

Would you place in the tri if you went all out???  IMO, if I knew there was a chance I could place, I was just take the 5k as an easy jog...  if I knew there was no chance, I'd do both!  But that's just me.  You know yourself and your abililties best!

Good luck with whatever you decide!!!  I'm eager to see your reports already!

After reading what I wrote, I guess I contradicted myself.  But apparently you all knew what my intentions were!  It was clear to me at the time (but I've been hanging around 3 & 5 year olds today).  Tongue out
2010-07-14 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey guys, thanks for all your input.  I will mull it over, probably be a gametime decision for the effort on the 5k.

You all do much strength training?  Did squats and lunges yesterday and my legs blew up on my run today, lots of walking, was a drag.

2010-07-14 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2980134

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
cjhild - 2010-07-14 11:26 AM Hey guys, thanks for all your input.  I will mull it over, probably be a gametime decision for the effort on the 5k.

You all do much strength training?  Did squats and lunges yesterday and my legs blew up on my run today, lots of walking, was a drag.

That is the #1 reason why I don't lift during the tri season!  I'll pick it up again in september after my 1/2.
2010-07-14 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey all!  I hope everyone's training is going great!  Mine...not so well!  I feel like I'm going backwards and have lost the motivation this past week.  I've had to force myself to work out and the past two days I've done NOTHING...ok I take that back i went to the gym yesterday morning to "lift".  I did 3 sets of 12 lat pulls, 3x12 squats and 2x50 crunches!  It was really pathetic!!  

I know it's all in the head, but I'm just feeling like it's not worth it anymore.  I'm gaining weight instead of losing.  I'm always tired and I'm ALWAYS hungry to the point that my stomach hurts!  My run has gotten slower, I feel like crying every time I get on the bike...I just don't have the bike endurance anymore.  I'm the slowest swimmer known to man and I have no idea how to speed up.  It's just all getting to me.

It doesn't help that I won't be able to get my car fixed for another couple of weeks, so I'm stuck riding EVERYWHERE with the DH.  I like to work out alone...get there alone and go home alone.  I like my time to psyche myself up for the work out and to think about my workout in peace.  It also doesn't help that I'm further along in the swim than he is.  I NEED to do some OWS, but he finds every reason not to do them.  God forbid there's even a little bit of chop in the water.  He'll do 150 yds then get out.  So I feel like I have to be done too.  When we bike and run, he's WAY faster than me, so I try to hurry and get done and don't take the time to cool down and stretch the way I like since he's already done that and is waiting on me!  Don't get me wrong, he tells me it's fine and not to hurry...but I just feel bad that he's having to wait on me.

I'm sorry for all of the complaining, but I really needed to vent!!  With this and everything that's going on in life...I'm not doing the tri on the 31st (I don't think...unless I can figure out how to sneak some OWS's in).  I'm going to shoot for September 19th.  
2010-07-15 12:15 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

@ Crissy, I don't really have any great advice, my training for July has been spotty and half hearted at best, but HUGS, I know how hard it is when it feels like life just sometimes conspires against you.  

As for trying to bike today, it was like over a 100 degrees out by my house so I opted for spin class instead.  That's right, that awful class that crippled me for 4 days last time I tried it.  I had knots in my tummy just thinking about it but I NEEDED to get some green on my logs.  I lived through the spin class and it actually wasn't as hard as the last time I went to one of these torture sessions.

Put in another 2500m in  the pool right afterwards.  Spied on the masters class a couple of lanes over.  I think I can hang with them.  Just want a few more weeks on my own to build up a little more.

Overall not a bad day.  Hoping to get up and either run tomorrow before work or ride the pony.  Its been so hot in the afternoons, I haven't been getting him out but I have tkd tomorrow night so if I don't run in the morning, I won't run at all and I haven't run once this week.  Decisions, decisions.  Well, lets just see if I can even get up that early!

2010-07-15 6:13 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Hang in there.  Life has its cycles including relationships, work, training, moods and on and on.  I know myself I have struggled and been frustrated by my HIM training program.  I am realizing that training at age 50 is much different than at 40 or 30.  I cannot hold the pace I used to and I have a HIM coming in Sept.

The one thing I am sure of is that we are all responsible for our own actions so I "try" not to base my actions/training on anyone else but me. I also know that these times are normal for everyone so do your best to work through it.

Hang in there and vent any time.

2010-07-15 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Crisi-
I had that week last week.  It may just be cycling around our team.  It's hard to keep at something for so long.  But once your on the other side of this mental hill, you'll feel sooooo much better!  Keep at it!  Sometimes it's the mental workout that's harder than the physical!!!

Hang in there!

The moment has almost arrived--the DH's first tri.  I'll be sure to post a race report (and he will, too).  I kinda made him join BT to track his workouts and he likes seeing the chart!

Stay cool everyone!  We're pushing 92+ here today!

2010-07-15 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Crisi- hang in there!  It is tough on the relationship front.  I try to remember "balance" which seems to be a big relationship buzz word on these forums.  I find it hard because triathlon training is pretty solitary, so you have to be a little selfish in order to get in your work.  I think it is ok to be selfish to a point in order to accomplish your personal triathlon goals as well as being a role model for kids, partners, family, etc.  Good luck.

It was 94 degrees at 4:30 am today, will be 115+ through the weekend, pool was like a hot tub this morning.  Is it winter yet?

Picking up my first TT bike today, stoked!  I will post pics later.
2010-07-16 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2981617

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
crisi13 - 2010-07-14 6:56 PM Hey all!  I hope everyone's training is going great!  Mine...not so well!  I feel like I'm going backwards and have lost the motivation this past week.  I've had to force myself to work out and the past two days I've done NOTHING...ok I take that back i went to the gym yesterday morning to "lift".  I did 3 sets of 12 lat pulls, 3x12 squats and 2x50 crunches!  It was really pathetic!!  

I know it's all in the head, but I'm just feeling like it's not worth it anymore.  I'm gaining weight instead of losing.  I'm always tired and I'm ALWAYS hungry to the point that my stomach hurts!  My run has gotten slower, I feel like crying every time I get on the bike...I just don't have the bike endurance anymore.  I'm the slowest swimmer known to man and I have no idea how to speed up.  It's just all getting to me.

It doesn't help that I won't be able to get my car fixed for another couple of weeks, so I'm stuck riding EVERYWHERE with the DH.  I like to work out alone...get there alone and go home alone.  I like my time to psyche myself up for the work out and to think about my workout in peace.  It also doesn't help that I'm further along in the swim than he is.  I NEED to do some OWS, but he finds every reason not to do them.  God forbid there's even a little bit of chop in the water.  He'll do 150 yds then get out.  So I feel like I have to be done too.  When we bike and run, he's WAY faster than me, so I try to hurry and get done and don't take the time to cool down and stretch the way I like since he's already done that and is waiting on me!  Don't get me wrong, he tells me it's fine and not to hurry...but I just feel bad that he's having to wait on me.

I'm sorry for all of the complaining, but I really needed to vent!!  With this and everything that's going on in life...I'm not doing the tri on the 31st (I don't think...unless I can figure out how to sneak some OWS's in).  I'm going to shoot for September 19th.  

Hey Crissy, keep you head up!  I thought your logs have been looking great recently! Your runs may have gotten a little slower, but they have certantly gotten longer!  Slowing down is the best way to build endurance and increase your distance!  If the DH is ok waiting for you on the bikes and runs, then I'm sure he'd be ok with waiting for you to finish your OWS's when he bails. Keep at it!  Can you do some workouts, bikes and runs directly from your home so you don't have to drive anywhere? 

Don't give up on your race on the 31st. You are ready, you've worked hard and you owe it to yourself to have a great race!  You have made tremendous strides over the past few months!  When life slows you down it is tough and demoralizing, we've all been there, you just have to muscle through it!  You can do it Crissy!       
2010-07-16 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Happy Friday all! 

The NYC Triathalon is this weekend, and even though I'm not racing it (manditory night before bike check-in, 5:30 AM transition close, almost 3hrs of wave starts, and a finish 3 miles from thje start = too much hassle for me, I'll stick to NJ State next weekend) I went to the expo today.  HUGE expo, new gear, manufactures, vendors and deals to be found everywhere.  Picked up some small items:  gels, visors, new tri-top, Chamios Buttter, etc.  it is just cool to be around other athletes on a friday afternoon on my lunch break!  So everyone there says, "Good Luck on Sunday" and I was thinking, how much does luck have to do with your race? Doesn't training and proper preperation play a greater role than luck? What role does luck play anyway?   I know they are being nice and courteous but isn't luck better reserved for something like gambling?  What else could you say to people before a race?  Just some thoughts running through my head.

On that note, I Just wanted to say Good Luck (HA) to Robin, her DH and Noel on your races this weekend! Race Hard and Have fun!  I am looking forward to your race reports next week!  

To everyone else, have a great weekend, make sure to get some quality training in and enjoy time with your families. 

2010-07-16 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the "luck".  I think people mostly mean "hope you don't have any unexpected things happen" like a flat or a crash or a bloody nose from a mass start...  just my 2 cents.

A question for the experts:  This race I'm in on Sunday has a time trial start for the swim (obviously... it wouldn't be for the bike or run).  Anyway, any tips on how to seed yourself?  I typically swim a 1:40 for 100 m, but should I give pad my time for sighting or what?  Please be advised---this is a POOL swim.  From past reports it was a serpentine swim (I hope not). 

Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!  Have a great weekend!
2010-07-16 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Crissi, keep at it!  You have worked far too hard to let a few tough weeks bring you down.  Power through and then look back on this time as something that made you stronger.

Robin, I would seed yourself at your exact swim time.  I've heard bad stories of people padding their swimming times 'just to in case' only to find themselves unable to pass someone who swims significantly slower.

Thanks for the good luck Brian.  I feel a little weird about my race tomorrow because I'm not nearly as psyched up for it as I was my first one. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing.  Good 'luck' to others who are racing this weekend!

2010-07-16 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2986132

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Robin, I've never experienced a swim start like that, I'm only accustom to the "Mosh Pit" starts where I accredit all my time spent at Lollapalloza and Ozzfest festivals in college to my ability to navigate through. 

I don't know if it applies, but when I had to seed myself in my 1/2 marathon, I seeded slower than I thought I could run because mentally I knew I'd feel better passing people than getting passed. 

2010-07-16 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Good Skill Robin and Noel!

Robin, I would do like Brian and seed myself slower.  I did that when I did the YMCA pool swim and it was a great confidence builder from the start being one of the first out of the pool.

Best in your races
2010-07-17 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
I hope everyone's having a great weekend!  

@ Robin and Noel - I wish you both lots of speed and mental toughness!!  I can't wait to read the race reports!

@ Everyone - Thanks so much for all of the great motivation!  It's just been a tough month.  I took a couple of days off last week and really worked on getting my plan together.  I think a little part of the problem is that I didn't have a "real" plan to follow.  I was using some of the plans on here...but most of them aren't really realistic for me (a beginner Oly that has you swimming 3200m the first day??!!!??).  So I've put together a plan to will prepare me for the OBX Olympic on Sept. 19th and the OBX Half Marathon on Nov 14.  If anyone has spare time...please critique my planned training...too much?  Not enough?  I still have to go in and add drills for the swims, and I left most Saturdays open for a spare day if I need to move some training around.

I also want to make sure I monitor the plan better and tweak what works and what doesn't.  I've done a lot better with it the last few days.   I don't know how to respond to the inspires...but thanks for the kind words Brian!!

This morning I was able to get an OWS swim in (the hubby waited patiently on the beach)...I did over 800 meters NON STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't get me took 33 minutes Embarassed...but I did it!!!  I'm definitely ready to come in DFL at the Tri on the 31st!!!  Laughing  I really want to go ahead and do it, but I think the DH will be severely disappointed since his swim isn't there yet (he can maintain a 22mph pace on the bike and run under 10 min miles...but isn't good in the swim yet).  I'm scared if I do it, he'll feel bad!  It's a huge decision.  I know he'll be happy for me and will support me, but I guess it's a girl thing in not wanting to "show him up".  How would the guys here feel if you were in this situation....truthfully!!  He says it wouldn't bother him...but....I'm still worried!!!

If you guys didn't see this in the tri forum...I wanted to share it with REALLY put things into perspective for me:

DFL > DNF (Several) > DNS (6.000,000,000,000+)
2010-07-17 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey team, hope your weekend is going well.  I finished my race this morning and you can read my race report here if you are interested.  I'm pretty happy with my results... but my legs are killing me right now!

Crisi, as a husband, I would say go for it.  Two main reasons: 1. Us guys usually say what we mean.  If he says go for it, I think that's what he really means.  2. I wouldn't view it as my wife showing me up at all.  It would inspire me and make me think she's all that much awesomer by doing the race.
2010-07-18 12:04 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Noel, Great job!  Hope you're celebrating your accomplishment!

@ Crissy, glad you feel better and have a plan.  I know you'll do great!  I agree with Noel too, guys are pretty straightforward about it, he'll be proud of you getting out there and doing it.

@ are other racers this weekend...hope you had great races and don't forget we want to read the race reports!


2010-07-18 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
The DH and I had our tri today...  He did FANTASTIC!!!!  He was afraid of the swim, but ended up passing people and finished 66/122 of the men!  Top 50%!!!!

And, I earned some points for our team.  I was first in my age group 1/34 and 3rd female overall!!!!  I will post a report as soon as I can.  I just unloaded the car and couldn't wait to tell you guys!
2010-07-18 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@Nole - AMAZING times...Great race and great race report!! 

@Robin - Holy CRAP!!!!  3rd female overall...awesome!!!

You guys have both come so far and have so much to be proud of!!!! 
2010-07-18 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2988246

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-07-18 4:37 PM The DH and I had our tri today...  He did FANTASTIC!!!!  but ended up passing people and finished 66/122 of the men!  Top 50%!!!!

Ha Ha ha ha ha!!!  That's what happens when you take a math teacher out of the teaching for 5 years...  66/122 is NOT 50%. 

Must have been my finisher's high!
2010-07-19 12:15 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Great job!  Big congrats to the hubby too!

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