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2011-01-29 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Happy belated birthday Mike! 44 is a great age. Congratulations!

2011-01-29 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Good morning!

I’m afraid I have bad news.  I was too ashamed to tell you yesterday, but this morning a kind soul told me I should not feel that way, that I could learn from the experience instead.  I agree, and I hope to generate change so that this doesn’t keep happening to others.

I had a silly accident as I came out of a storeroom in my place of work.  I was happy to have found samples of students' work to show off to parents on Monday, so I did not concentrate on the fact that the doorway is tiny.  I did bend down, but didn’t calculate correctly so that I hit myself very hard.  So hard, that I have whiplash (esguince cervical de primer grado).  I’m resting and wearing a collar and … yet again… can’t train for a week or two.

I hope you all get to do your workouts and enjoy yourselves.

Have a lovely weekend!

Edited by itziaol 2011-01-29 11:51 AM
2011-01-29 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3328433

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
itziaol - 2011-01-29 11:40 AM

Good morning!

I’m afraid I have bad news.  I was too ashamed to tell you yesterday, but this morning a kind soul told me I should not feel that way, that I could learn from the experience instead.  I agree, and I hope to generate change so that this doesn’t keep happening to others.

I had a silly accident as I came out of a storeroom in my place of work.  I was happy to have found samples of students' work to show off to parents on Monday, so I did not concentrate on the fact that the doorway is tiny.  I did bend down, but didn’t calculate correctly so that I hit myself very hard.  So hard, that I have whiplash (esguince cervical de primer grado).  I’m resting and wearing a collar and … yet again… can’t train for a week or two.

I hope you all get to do your workouts and enjoy yourselves.

Have a lovely weekend!

accidents happen, and its unfortunate this happened just when you felt like you were turning the corner with your recovery.  rest, get better, and then get right back training! We'll all be here!
2011-01-29 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thank you birthday boy and 44 club member.  You are very kind.  Smile

2011-01-29 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3328433

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
itziaol - 2011-01-29 12:40 PM

Good morning!

I’m afraid I have bad news.  I was too ashamed to tell you yesterday, but this morning a kind soul told me I should not feel that way, that I could learn from the experience instead.  I agree, and I hope to generate change so that this doesn’t keep happening to others.

I had a silly accident as I came out of a storeroom in my place of work.  I was happy to have found samples of students' work to show off to parents on Monday, so I did not concentrate on the fact that the doorway is tiny.  I did bend down, but didn’t calculate correctly so that I hit myself very hard.  So hard, that I have whiplash (esguince cervical de primer grado).  I’m resting and wearing a collar and … yet again… can’t train for a week or two.

I hope you all get to do your workouts and enjoy yourselves.

Have a lovely weekend!

Itzia, sorry to hear about your accident, but you should not feel ashamed at all, believe me I have had more than my share of accidents and most of them were much more humiliating than what happned to you! Get some rest and I hope you feel better soon!

Mike, no worries on missing your workout, there is always another day for it! Enjoy the rest of your Birthday and good luck on the run tomorrow.

I managed to get in a long run today, 8.72miles! very slow, but just trying to get used to longer runs and keep my heart rate down, although it was a little warm today, 36!!

I found a nice tool for tracking my distances on my runs and biking., it is a free application for your smart phone, it uses the phones GPS for determining your distance and speed. This is the first time that i have used it, but it seems like a good tool, just start it and put my phone into my jacket and then stop it when I was done, it even has a voice that lets you know when you hit each mile or KM.
2011-01-29 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Did my longest swim workout ever today -- 1200 yards.  Followed it up with a 30 minute stint on the treadmill.  Really enjoying the training program.  I'm feeling it with "tired" legs, but the soreness is not there / recovery is happening nicely.

Son had his try out meet for indoor track.  He ran the 3200m race in 10:25 -- not bad given that he's a sophomore AND ran the race with terrible blistering on his feet.  He should be well under 10 minutes by the end of the outdoor season.

2011-01-29 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3328433

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

itziaol - 2011-01-29 12:40 PM

Good morning!

I’m afraid I have bad news.  I was too ashamed to tell you yesterday, but this morning a kind soul told me I should not feel that way, that I could learn from the experience instead.  I agree, and I hope to generate change so that this doesn’t keep happening to others.

I had a silly accident as I came out of a storeroom in my place of work.  I was happy to have found samples of students' work to show off to parents on Monday, so I did not concentrate on the fact that the doorway is tiny.  I did bend down, but didn’t calculate correctly so that I hit myself very hard.  So hard, that I have whiplash (esguince cervical de primer grado).  I’m resting and wearing a collar and … yet again… can’t train for a week or two.

I hope you all get to do your workouts and enjoy yourselves.

Have a lovely weekend!

Don't be ashamed.  If you can't turn to us, who can you turn to?  Believe me, we know how it is to be injured.  You should have seem my last mentor group.  It was more like a walk in clinic than a training group.  Hang in there, heal up, and you will be back at it before you know it.  

2011-01-29 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3328790

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-01-29 5:20 PM Did my longest swim workout ever today -- 1200 yards.  Followed it up with a 30 minute stint on the treadmill.  Really enjoying the training program.  I'm feeling it with "tired" legs, but the soreness is not there / recovery is happening nicely.

Son had his try out meet for indoor track.  He ran the 3200m race in 10:25 -- not bad given that he's a sophomore AND ran the race with terrible blistering on his feet.  He should be well under 10 minutes by the end of the outdoor season.

Congrats on the swim -- milestones rock!! and to then make it a nice brick w/ a 30 minute run is very cool. Glad to hear everything is going so well. Do you have any particular race in mind in the near future, or are you just building fitness right now?

Good luck to your son, too.
2011-01-29 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nice job Dan on the run.  It was in the low 40's today.  Almost nice enough to take the bike out.

Awesome job Curt on the swim.  I don't know if I mentioned this yet, but I highly recommend compression tights for recovery.  I think mine were in the $80 range and they have been worth every penny.



2011-01-29 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3328891

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Mike_D - 2011-01-29 8:20 PM
croixfan - 2011-01-29 5:20 PM Did my longest swim workout ever today -- 1200 yards.  Followed it up with a 30 minute stint on the treadmill.  Really enjoying the training program.  I'm feeling it with "tired" legs, but the soreness is not there / recovery is happening nicely.

Son had his try out meet for indoor track.  He ran the 3200m race in 10:25 -- not bad given that he's a sophomore AND ran the race with terrible blistering on his feet.  He should be well under 10 minutes by the end of the outdoor season.

Congrats on the swim -- milestones rock!! and to then make it a nice brick w/ a 30 minute run is very cool. Glad to hear everything is going so well. Do you have any particular race in mind in the near future, or are you just building fitness right now?

Good luck to your son, too.

It's 8:30 on a Sat night and it's your birthday...get off BT.

2011-01-29 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thank you Dan and Josh for your support.  This group rocks!

The secretary at work insisted that I went to her doctor.  She would not take a no for an answer and made the appointment for this evening.  The place looked so dodgy we were afraid to go in.  But after that alternative Dr. moved my contracted muscles for a few minutes, I felt as if I had been taken a big load off my back and neck.

I do have to rest and wear a collar while travelling by car, but not when I'm at home.  I’m feeling better now.Cool

Great job on your workouts Curt and Dan.  Your son has potential Curt!

I'm glad the video was useful Mike and Dan N.

I hope you all have a great evening.  Especially Mike!  Josh is right, go have fun!  Laughing

Edited by itziaol 2011-01-29 8:55 PM

2011-01-29 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

The two main events I'm targeting are late summer / ones that I did last year.  There's also a mini-sprint in April that I did last year.  I'll likely look to add in something earlier in the summer as well.  Right now I'm trying to get to where I feel "solid" -- figure if I can get to 2:30 / 100m, 20 mph, and 8 mph I'll be ready to step up to any sprint and be solid MOP.  That said, even if I don't get there, I'm ecstatic with the results of the training.  Feel better than I have in years!!!  Back prior to the kids, I'd play three hours of basketball a day.  Since them, it's been a long downhill slide.  Happy to say that with discovering the tri training it looks like the trend has been reversed.

2011-01-30 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Well, the weatherman threw it out there. We are expecting a snowstorm Tuesday night and they are saying 8-12 inches as of right now. I finally had to shovel yesterday the 2-3 in. we got fri. night. lol. No need to respond, I can hear the New Englander's groining. lol.
2011-01-30 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3329204

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
crlarner - 2011-01-30 9:25 AM Well, the weatherman threw it out there. We are expecting a snowstorm Tuesday night and they are saying 8-12 inches as of right now. I finally had to shovel yesterday the 2-3 in. we got fri. night. lol. No need to respond, I can hear the New Englander's groining. lol.

thanks for the update Chris, Hopefully the storm stays south of me like the last one, My snowblower broke and won't be fixed before Tuesday? I guess some good cardio work with out it!
Can someone help me out, I am ignorant of some of the terminology being used? MOP? DNS?
Today is the official start of my 20 week training for my HIM in June. I think that I am above the curve on my starting point, but we will see come June what happens.
Back to work finally on Monday, this should make my life extremely busy and training will be a little more difficult.

Have a Great week! Keep up the hard work everyone.
2011-01-30 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
MOP is middle of the pack, DNS is did not start, DNF is did not finish, DFL is Dead effin last, but I am still tring to figure out HTFU. Im pretty sure I know what FU is but not sure on HT. I am learning as I go as well.
2011-01-30 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Just came up to the school to get some papers graded and weighed myself on the wrestling scales; down to 264. At the end of the summer I was up to 280. (Heaviest I had ever been) Since I had started training for the last 3 months I was at 270 and stayed there. Now it feels like the weight is starting to come off. It took me 38 years to get that heavy, can't expect it to come off over night. Goal is to be 250 by my 39th bday in March. Have not seen that in years. Dr. informed me that when I started seeing him 10 yrs. ago I was at 230. What do you think?

2011-01-30 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
HTFU -- "Harden the F... up" aka toughen up, suck it up, etc. Somewhere on BT there is a full list of all the different abbreviations

Dan - get some rest today, tomorrow is the start of a new journey!

chris -- the weight loss is great. Keep it up.

Did a 10.2 mile run this AM, but it was slow. 9:50 pace, and I felt every step. First half of the run was a suffer fest with lots of mental struggle. Actually felt better once I got past the 6-7 mile mark, and was grateful to finish.
2011-01-30 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mike.  Double digit length, sub 10 minute pace.  Sounds pretty good to me.
2011-01-30 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3329239

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
harden the fu
2011-01-30 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Chris – Not at school on a Sunday! Nooo! LOL Just joking.  I’m working too, but at home. Good job on the weight loss!  It is easier to keep the weight off if you lose it gradually.  I weigh 63.2 Kg and my goal is to lose 3.2Kg for my birthday on 7th March.  (What is it about birthdays?) According to the goal thingy on BT I would have to lose .6Kg a week so it is realistic.  What about you?  You don’t want to lose weight so quickly that you feel too weak to do your workouts!

Dan – I’m attaching the glossary I found somewhere on BT.  I added the last acronym. Embarassed

Mike – I wish I was that slow at such a distance.  Wink

Edited by itziaol 2011-01-30 12:19 PM

TRIATHLON (15KB - 12 downloads)
2011-01-30 3:03 PM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Good job Mike and Dan.
I just came back from a run outside. It's sunny (finally) and temperatures in the low 40s.

Ran for one hour. At times had to run on the street negotiating my way through cars LOL. The trails are all icy and slippery,and many people didnt shovel their sidewalks (bad neiborghs), so had to run on the street. Not my best time but feels good to run outside under the sun.

Now getting ready to watch the Pro Bowl!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend. Let's keep it up!

Dan N

2011-01-30 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Just watched the forecast for this week.  Another 10-15 inches from Tuesday thru Thursday.  I went out for a run today, and I don't know where they are going to put.  Itzia, are you ready for a bunch of Northerns to come visit?  I have just about had it.

2011-01-30 6:13 PM
in reply to: #3329750

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Boston Beginner - 2011-01-30 5:53 PM

Just watched the forecast for this week.  Another 10-15 inches from Tuesday thru Thursday.  I went out for a run today, and I don't know where they are going to put.  Itzia, are you ready for a bunch of Northerns to come visit?  I have just about had it.

Ho-ly crap on toast. I'm done. Itzia, I'll be smuggling myself in Josh's suitcase. I'm hoping you have room for 2.

Josh - I saw earlier we're in the "Rain/Mix" area, but maybe some others have different ideas? 15" is insanity. There's nowhere to put any of it. Oy.....
2011-01-30 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

LOL  Of course I am ready Josh and Mike!  You should come down South and visit.  Get warm for a while.  The family is playing badminton in the garden right now.  No jumpers or sweatshirts on.  My geography of the US is not the best, so I gave up and looked you all up in a map.  Gosh you are up North! 

Good Job Dan N!  But do be careful my friend.  What you did today sounds dangerous.  We don’t want you injured too!

Keep warm and safe!  Smile

2011-01-30 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3329783

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Got room for three? LOL
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