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2011-06-02 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Great job Wushunut........I was really proud of my 18.2 mph for 15 miles followed by a 1.5 mile run and here you go raising the bar higherWink. I guess you've just become the rabbit I have to chase to stay motivated......I did an informal 5k the other night with a local running group and found myself a rabbit who was just a bit faster than me and stayed with em the whole way.......turned in a best yet. A little something to motivate goes a long wayLaughing. So I may never catch you but I'll be here chasing! 

2011-06-03 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Nicely done guys.

Hoped to get a ride in last night but nope flat tire so hopefully will get it in tonight or tomorrow, trying to get acclimated to this heat and am setting a required 25 miles/shift at work to help me get used to it.  Between three of us we killed half of a 5 gallon water tank @ work yesterday

anyone racing this weekend?

2011-06-03 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Great Job Guys!

One thing I've found that if my performance from work-out to work-out is slipping, I just take a couple days off and not worry about it.  I've not been in the water in a while.  I cut my finger last Sunday, and it's not all the way healed, so I'm bummed about that, but I've gotten some running in and got in a good bike ride, with one big hill half-way through.  I averaged around 16 mph, which is what I expected having done so much running this week already.  doing a spinning class and some treadmill fartlek today, and then doing some hill repeats (huge hill about 6 miles down the road, and there is a loop road that is about 2 miles, so I might ride that 3 times, and then back the 6 miles, or depending on how strong I feel, I might ride it 4 times.  Hopefully next week I can get in the pool.

2011-06-03 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
First, thanks for the kind responses everyone, I really appreciate it.  I've slowly been getting back into a groove, greatly helped by you all and also some people that I've met at my Master's swim group.  It only started on Tuesday but it's already been a huge success.  I've met some local triathletes, some right down my street, learned a ton about swimming already, and had some fun too.  If anyone is wanting to improve their swimming I can't recommend joining a Master's group enough.  As you would expect during the summer our group is small, last night it was just me and the coach for half of the time.  So go find a Master's group if you can, I am now an enthusiastic fan!
2011-06-04 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Had a nice 8 mile run this morning before the sun came up. Felt really good except my feet and ankles are starting to feel the effects of weakened shoes. Going to go ahead and order some this week. May try and do a 5K next Saturday since my Duathlon was cancelled. Hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Training!
2011-06-04 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Went on a 3.4 mile run this morning and we're planning to go to the beach where the triathlon is supposed to start from.  May try to swim out and get in another OWS while I can.

2011-06-05 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Did a 20 mile bike ride early this morning. It was a new route for me, a much flatter one. Wanted to test my speed out a bit and see where I was at. Wasn't too bad, averaged 19 so I can live with that for now. Spent the rest of the day being lazy LOL Found a 5k race next Saturday I plan to do in place of my cancelled Du. Time to test my running speed now. Hope everyone had a great weekend and good training!
2011-06-06 6:29 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Last week of training before I start to taper.  Can't believe the race is less than two weeks away now! On the downside, starting to feel a little bit of soreness in my right foot.  Hope I'm not developing plantar fasciitis.  Not sure what this means to my training as it's become apparent that running is now my weakest event.
2011-06-06 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3534212

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Hope your foot feels better on race day.

I am on vacation getting my daughter registered for college, (University of Illinois) but hope to get in a long run tonight. 


2011-06-06 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Hope it's not serious Wushunut! Hopefully you get to feeling better soon.


I did a 4 mile run this morning at 5:50am and the humidity is just so bad right now but I still managed to squeak out a decent run.

Happy Training All!

2011-06-06 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I hear you on the humidity.  I went for a 50 minute bike ride Saturday morning, early.  I was done before it really got hot, drank the whole (big) water bottle I had, came home and drank a quart more, took a cold shower, drank another quart, and finally started to feel better.  I'm not in the habit of using sports drinks just for regular workouts, I typically haven't worked out long and hard enough to make them worth the cost.  But now that I'm on this quest, and it's now hot as the Amazon here even at 6am, I might have to rethink that attitude.  It's too blanking hot here for early June!!  And sorry to say I'm north of you.....  Hang in there and keeping drinking I guess.

2011-06-06 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
haven't been doing well keeping up with many things to get in the way.....trying to find that elusive "balance". I did a short ride on Saturday......I'm working on getting my youngest son into riding with us so I did a nice easy ride with him. Keeping him motivated is more important than my training. SmileYesterday my older son and I did a 40 miler trying to prepare for our upcoming 100 mile ride on the 17th/18th. I havent really done any high mileage training since I've been concentrating on 15-20 miles as fast as I can. Will try to get a run in after work today, then hit the pool tonight. Happy trails!
2011-06-06 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Swam around in the bay yesterday.  Sunday was a rest day buy since we were at the beach I decided to take advantage of the time. 

The water was HOT!  I couldn't believe it.  Definitely warmer than the water at the indoor pool at the Y I swim at.  It was like swimming in a giant warm bath.  Kind of weird actually.  Now I wonder if there are going to be people overheating on the swim!  No wetsuits here for sure!  On another note, feeling much more comfortable in the open water.  The bay is much nicer to swim in than a lake.  At the lake I could barely see my hands in from of me.  In the bay I can see maybe three feet further. Ha.


Thanks for encouragement on the foot.  Gonna take it easy a bit, maybe look into an insert or some Superfeet inserts.

Have a swim in about half an hour for lunch and maybe a bike later today. 

Happy training everyone!

2011-06-07 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Well....haven't made it to the pool yet but did get my run in yesterday. Did my usual 3 miles....wife and daughter bike along with. Hopefully get a swim in tonight.
2011-06-07 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I haven't done much training unfortunately, had to catch up with some of the things I let slidfe towards the end of my training last month and going to Ireland thursday for 2 weeks so it is hard to find that motivation when I know it will be interupted...

Good rule of thumb that we use in bike patrol is 1 water bottle filled with a sports drink for every 2 of water.  Helps to make sure you get some of the sodium you need back into you and not over doing it on calories etc.

2011-06-07 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I like that ratio Tripopo that is pretty close to what I was doing. Gonna try this ratio you posted. Thanks for the tip!

2011-06-07 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Here's another "celebrating improvement" moment.  I went for my ride last night at around 6:45 when the temps had dropped to a brisk 93, and rode for 65 minutes (14 miles) and the heat didn't bother me at all.  And since I had eaten a real dinner already I just powered my way through the whole ride.  And my house is at the top of a mile long hill that usually just kicks my ### so I'm always taking a short break on the way back in order to make it up.  Not last night, never stopped, just went right up the blasted hill.  Averaged 12.5 mph on my tank of a MTB, it must weigh 50 lbs.  I used to commute on it so I wasn't worried about sportiness when I bought it, only durability.  But now it makes a heck of trainer, I'm greased lightning on my road bike after riding the beast all week.  So anyway, this was the first workout where I hit the goal and wasn't trashed at the end.  A fine feeling I have to say.  If I can keep this up for a few more weeks I'll feel much better about my progress.  Oh, and I've been much better about post workout stretching.  It's amazing how much better things go when you do what the experts tell you to do....
2011-06-07 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3536586

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Tripopo - 2011-06-07 9:28 AM

Good rule of thumb that we use in bike patrol is 1 water bottle filled with a sports drink for every 2 of water.  Helps to make sure you get some of the sodium you need back into you and not over doing it on calories etc.


That is probably about what I do. I start out with both bottles full of ice, and put sports drink in one and water in the other. It probably works out to 1/3 to 1/4 sports drink by the time the ice melts.

This Saturday is my first race - sprint tri.

2011-06-07 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Good luck Alath.......mine is 2.5 weeks away and I'm already getting excited/nervous. Which brings me to a question for the more experienced. Looking over the upcoming schedule, there are desirable races every 3 weeks starting with my first on June 25. These are all sprint distance as this is my first season. Is doing 4 races,  each 3 weeks apart too ambitious?


2011-06-07 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Good luck Alath.

Mine is about 1.5weeks away now.  Getting a little antsy.


Pro-tip of the day. It is not a good idea to "go for a quick run" at 2:30 in the afternoon in Florida with a 101 heat index, 80+% humidity, no shade, and no wind.  There was nothing "quick" about my "run.".Undecided

2011-06-08 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Good Luck Alath!


SFD156 - I'm no expert or nor do I have any Tri experience yet, but I would say if your scheduled for Sprints and your recovery goes well, then by all means you should be good to go with your race schedule. After 2 races or so your body might say differently and I would just listen to that. Maybe even ease into the first one and build up to your final race as a PR setting performance. Many ways to look at it I guess or approach. I was in a similar situation back in Apr and May, in which I had a Half marathon in Apr and a short 2 weeks later another half marathon in May. So What I did was setup my training plan to have my peak week hit the first half marathon and basically run it as a workout then taper down to the last half marathon in May to try and set a PR in which I did. Anyway, good luck as you appear to have an exciting lineup of races!!


Well I did a 6 mile run this morning in this awful heat! I took it slow as I found a 5k this Saturday I am going to run in place of my cancelled Du. I'm having race fits as I haven't done one since May 1st.


Happy Training All!

2011-06-08 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3538689

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
huntnjerm - 2011-06-08 10:18 AM

Good Luck Alath!


SFD156 - I'm no expert or nor do I have any Tri experience yet, but I would say if your scheduled for Sprints and your recovery goes well, then by all means you should be good to go with your race schedule. After 2 races or so your body might say differently and I would just listen to that. Maybe even ease into the first one and build up to your final race as a PR setting performance. Many ways to look at it I guess or approach. I was in a similar situation back in Apr and May, in which I had a Half marathon in Apr and a short 2 weeks later another half marathon in May. So What I did was setup my training plan to have my peak week hit the first half marathon and basically run it as a workout then taper down to the last half marathon in May to try and set a PR in which I did. Anyway, good luck as you appear to have an exciting lineup of races!!


Well I did a 6 mile run this morning in this awful heat! I took it slow as I found a 5k this Saturday I am going to run in place of my cancelled Du. I'm having race fits as I haven't done one since May 1st.


Happy Training All!


SPD:  I echo what Huntr is saying. If I were you, I'd commt to the first two, and then the day after the second one, take an assessment of how you are feeling before you commit to the very next one.  You might be able to do two within 3 weeks, and then two more after skipping one..


On another note, I've decided not to do any tri's this year, as I've just started running and it needs A LOT of work.  My swimming is ok, but my focus is the bike, so I'm sticking with the orginal plan.  The only difference is that I'll still train as if I'm doing one in either September or October, and then push hard over the winter with swimming and indoor training on the bike and treadmill, and then next year, do a progressive series (2 sprints and 3 OLY's).  The year after target a couple HIM with a sprint and OLY thrown in.


Question:  I've been experiencing numbness in just my left foot during running, and I've been trying to diagnose it.  Last night, I went for a 2.6 mile jog/run and I wore my elastic knee brace around my calf (similar to a compression sleeve), and I noticed a little bit of improvement, but the foot still went numb.  Is anyone else familiar with or have experience wearing compression sleeves around the lower leg.   (I've tried, looser shoes = slight improvement, no knee brace = slight improvement)  Biggest improvement so far..  Any suggestions?  Should I invest in a quality pair?


2011-06-08 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3537189

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
SFD156 - 2011-06-07 12:22 PM

Which brings me to a question for the more experienced. Looking over the upcoming schedule, there are desirable races every 3 weeks starting with my first on June 25. These are all sprint distance as this is my first season. Is doing 4 races,  each 3 weeks apart too ambitious?


I think you should be fine at 3 weeks apart depending on how well your recoveries go.  You may begin to become tired though by the 4th race. I did 3 races in 5 weeks (each race 2 weeks apart) last summer and I felt it a little in the 3rd race.  I was originally going to do a 4th but passed on it. But that was a mixture of sprint and Olympic distance though too.  Have you signed up for all 4 already?  If not I was going to say race the first two and then sign up for the other two unless you think they will sell out (don't want you to miss out).  But overall I think you can do it just remember to relax afterwards.

2011-06-08 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Dave - Were you fitted for your shoes?  Just like a bike fit, a run fit is pretty important to help running without pain or irritation. That and working on your run form, IMO.  It's helped me a lot with my knee issues.
2011-06-09 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Out of the country for the next two weeks doubtful will have internet access good luck to all on your races hope to read some awesome race reports when I get back

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