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2011-05-30 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



Congratulations to both of you.  Looked for your results but looks like they only have the pros up so far.  So sorry about the wind - I just hate, hate, hate wind on the bike leg.  But what can you do - it is what it is.

I was just reading on the web site about the Doggie Du Dash - a owner/dog duathlon.  Boy, I would have loved to see that.

Looking forward to your race reports.


2011-05-30 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Wow! You're really making progress on your bucket list - masters and triathlon.

Are you signed up for another yet?

I hate to tell you this - but most people are nervous before a race no matter how many they've done.  I think Steve still gets nervous, even.  I'm ok once the race starts, just focus on what I'm supposed to be doing.  Even if things are going badly, do the best you can, then you won't have any regrets.


2011-05-30 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Had a great time in Madison this weekend.  Our daughter completed her 1st marathon.  Her time wasn't real great but she did it.  She was emotionally down around mile 18 when she couldn't feal her legs anymore, but then she realized she could still run.  At mile 22 she was smiling because she knew she was home-free.  She had porta-potty issues and I forgot to ask her what she'd eaten the night before.  I had told her to carbo-load 2 nights before the race.  The runners had great weather - cool and overcast and occasional light rain.


2011-05-30 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Steve/Mandy - and anyone else who might be able to help me:

I don't want to be gross - but now that I'm doing more bike miles - my crotch is killing me.  It's a real limiter on my rides.  I've tried standing on the bike but that only helps for a few minutes after I sit down again. I did 45 the other day, but really anything over 25 is painful.  I wear padded bike shorts.  I could just gut it out in a race but all these training rides are killing me.  I think my seat is positioned correctly and I can't afford to buy a bunch of seats to try to find one that's better - and maybe none would be.  I'm pretty thin so I was thinking maybe that is part of the problem.

Any advice appreciated.


2011-05-30 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3524275

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Just back from being gone all day,a nd we have to get up at about 4:15 to do a lengthy bird survey, so I'm just here as a hot-and-run for now.

Congrats to SANDRA and GEORGE and TRINA.....and DENISE'S daughter. I will get to all of you tomorrow, specifically, but thrilled that all of you had memorable days -- and a memorable weekend in Sandra's case!

2011-05-30 9:59 PM
in reply to: #3524912

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Not gross at all, and pretty common as distances get bigger. And not wanting to pry much....but I'm assuming it is more than just chafing you are talking about, yes? If so, then even though you say you (understandably) don't want to go through a bunch of saddles, you might wnat to look at the structure of the Terry Fly, i think it is. This model ahas been around for many years, and I think it has bailed out many women who ran into issues as they increased their bike miles.

Another option is to bring this to an all-women sub-forum. Is there one here at BT? Probably. But if not then go to, click on forums, and then one of 5 or 6 options will be the one for women. I am sure this topic has been gone over many times, and you can either register there and post something quite detailed and explicit, or just do a search about that topic and see what has been said. I have never visited that sub-forum (Honest! I haven't!!), but I really think the topic must come up with alarming regularity.

If it is chafing, though, then maybe try a tri short with just minimum padding. I know this sounds paradoxical, but I wonder if it is similar to wearing bulky socks that can actually contribute more to blisters just through bunching. FWIW, I too am prettuy scrawny around the good ol' sits bones, and I have always done fine with DeSoto tri shorts which ahve the most minimal padding you could imagine. Maybe once a year I have a small episode with chafing, and then use BodyGlide for a few rides, and am all better again. BIke shops carry more specific products for chafing, often things with "butter" in the name. (Why "butter", anyhow??)

Finally, just curious -- what seat do you have now?

2011-05-31 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3524912

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thanks everyone for your comments,

Today is Tuesday, and I'm still living in limbo) As Steve said, it was a memorable weekend!

I have to calm down now, and work slowly one step at the time. First I'll get organized with training, prepare a proper plan, schedule, time of the day, etc.

Once that is in place, I'll start looking into my budget and prioritize things that I need to buy. A proper shirt will be the first purchase

hummm... I also should start thinking on a diet. (need to lose 25 pounds minimum)

Then, as Denise asked, I also need to look into other races. There a few more around this area, one on June 26th... that will be my first open water and sprint distance.

I also would like to read something about sport psychology, positive thinking, mental preparation.

By the way, can anyone recommend a beginner's triathlon book? I know I'm anxious and exited now and want to do all at the same time which is impossible.

I need a plan. The ideal situation would be to have time lines, training plan, diet plan, budget, all in one big wall. Wouldn't that be fantastic. I would wake up in the morning, look at the wall and do whatever it says I have to do that day

Focus. That's what I need.




2011-05-31 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3524912

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-05-30 9:36 PM

Steve/Mandy - and anyone else who might be able to help me:

I don't want to be gross - but now that I'm doing more bike miles - my crotch is killing me.  It's a real limiter on my rides.  I've tried standing on the bike but that only helps for a few minutes after I sit down again. I did 45 the other day, but really anything over 25 is painful.  I wear padded bike shorts.  I could just gut it out in a race but all these training rides are killing me.  I think my seat is positioned correctly and I can't afford to buy a bunch of seats to try to find one that's better - and maybe none would be.  I'm pretty thin so I was thinking maybe that is part of the problem.

Any advice appreciated.


Denise, I have been riding long distances during the last few years and luckily I haven't had any major problem. So I can't help you from my own experience.

But on there is one subforum about touring.

Machka, one of the ladies, is very active in that forum. She does not only does bike touring but also randonnering and ultra-distances. You can ask her, she is very friendly and also has a website She is very resourceful and very helpful. I'm not active in that forum, but read it once in a while.

There is also a hidden "women's cycling" subforum. Once you sign in to and introduce yourself as a women, you will be probably invited to participate in that forum. Or you can ask and they will tell you to whom you need to send a PM. The ladies on the women's cycling subforum have no problem to talk about any women specific issue.

hope this helps.



2011-05-31 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3524935

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-05-29 10:59 PM DENISE - Not gross at all, and pretty common as distances get bigger. And not wanting to pry much....but I'm assuming it is more than just chafing you are talking about, yes? If so, then even though you say you (understandably) don't want to go through a bunch of saddles, you might wnat to look at the structure of the Terry ButterFly, i think it is. This model ahas been around for many years, and I think it has bailed out many women who ran into issues as they increased their bike miles.  

My hubby gave me one for Mom's Day, and I love it. Recommended it to two women yesterday complaining of a sore crotch and rear. If yours is not a chafing issue but more a sore soft tissue issue, then I've found that more padding actually helps. I also try to remember to shift my weight to the back of my seat instead of the front (I'm still trying to get into the habit of this...takes a while). But Steve is right on the chafing - more padding = hot spots which lead to chafing, so if it is chafing more padding is not good.

Never had the problem until I lost 40lbs. I still have around 30lbs more to go, so I'm hoping the problem won't get any worse. Keep us posted on what helps you.

2011-05-31 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Trina/George - Congrat's on your CapTex race this weekend. 
2011-05-31 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Sandra - thanks for the link - I'm looking at a bunch of stuff on - I see they have a triathlon sub-forum and several threads about saddles.

Trina - it's soft tissue issues, not chaffing - I do see lots of great Butterfly reviews.

I stopped and talked to my LBS guy today and he said I should try both lowering and raising the front of the saddle a small amount.  If either of those don't help, then consider a new saddle.

I'm also wondering if it isn't just getting acclimated.  When I 1st started riding, it would bother me after about 8-9 miles, but got better over time.  I haven't been doing more than 20-25 miles until this season so possibly I just need a little more time doing longer rides.

Thanks for your feedback.


2011-05-31 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

SANDRA, CONGRATS on both completing your first tri and your master thesis ... all in one weekend.  Everyone is right about the nervousness. I guess a little nervousness helps with the adrenaline! At one of my tris last year, I was having some of the same issues ... wondering what I was doing there while watching the OWS start (I was in the last wave) ... until I saw a fit looking likely 35-39 year old man start to panic on the swim. He swam to a kayak and unzipped his wetsuit, started swimming again. Then he swam over to the side and took off his wetsuit and I placed it up on shore for him. He swam to the next kayak and that was it. He was a DNF. I felt so badly for him. I'll I could think to say to him was "I'm sorry". But it made me realize, many of the athletes out there have the same self doubt at the start of the race. Just go out with the confidence you've earned from training ... do your best ... and have fun!


2011-05-31 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

TRINA and GEORGE, congrats on CapTex!  How hilly is that bike course?  TRINA, how did it feel to finish your first oly?  That's still on my list!  I think it's the bike that's holding me up.


2011-05-31 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE, congrats to your daughter for completing her first marathon! I'll be interested in hearing if the saddle adjustment helps. I agree with Trina about trying to sit back a bit more. I have to make a conscious effort of that as well. I have heard good things about the Terry Butterfly and may check that out myself. How is your husband feeling?  All recovered from his surgery?


2011-06-01 5:42 AM
in reply to: #3526623

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Some activity here yesterday in my absence......not lots......WHEW! I was badly enough behind before an all-day disappearance again yesterday, so.....


2011-06-01 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3524275

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I see you've found Cloud Nine a good place to spend some time on, and aren't in a hurry to remove yourself from. This is good!

You asked about sports s psych books, and my favorite is in "The Triathlete's Guide" series published by Velo Press. Its title is "The Triathlete's Guide to Mental Training", and the authors are Jim Taylor and Terri Schneider. It should still be in print, and if it isn't ask me again and I'll mention some alternatives. I think it's the only one specifically for triathletes; at any rate, I think it is superb.

Lots of people really enjoy their first triathlon, but I'm not sure I've heard the experience summarized so succinctly as "It was wonderful". You mention all the roller-coaster emotions, but each donw thought seems to have been trumped by a powerful up thought, with the sum of all of those coalescing at the end of the race. Perfect!

As for trips back and forth to transition, I STILL do that, 100+ races ikinto this silliness! Really and truly, I do all the back and forths, mostly getting stuff I've left in the car, or checking things (computer reset? brakes released? pedals angled corrrectly? tire pressure hard? gel in the running shoe? etcetcetc???). Believe me, it is far batter to keep going over things than to realize partway through a race that something has been overlooked. (That said, though, there will be times when you find you have overlooked something, and that will still happen in your 30th.....or 60th.....or 90th race or so!)

And those thoughts about "what am I doing here?!?" ---- those are perfectly common. I had a few years of them on most swims, just this vague thought along the lines of "??????" In time, though, you'll feel and know you truly belong there, meaning any race setting. so allow yourself some doubts now, realizing that what you are feeling has been felt by most of us as we get familiar with multisport racing.

As for swim panic, or just feeling (as you did on the 3rd one) that you shouldn't be there, that is more than normal. Wec know how fatigue feels and affects us when we are on dry land (running, cycling, hiking, roller-blading), but put as in water where breathing becomes a buig issue, and those feelings can run rampant. But again -- in time, you will work your way through that and develop some simple strategies for keeping your composure while still working hard, and moving forward, and successfully breathing!

What did you wear on the bike? And feet being cold from that would have some bearing on your ability to run effectively, to be sure. There is one good bit of advice I have for learning to run well off the bike, and JEFF recently asked about it, and I will post it here soon. Stay tuned!

But that too is very common, just learning to shut off and calm down your cycling muscles while having to activate your running muscles. I came to traithlon as a pretty good "pure" runner, and still it took me many races before I learned how to run well "off the bike". There are some shortcuts, though, that I didn't know about at the time, and that is what I will mention here -- SOON!

Nothing to worry about concerning your emotions! They're part of the "game" of this stuff, and as long as they don't make you hate or dread's all good!!

Finally, as for clothing needs, what exactly did you wear during the race? If you can go through it step-by-step, that'll be useful. I see the cooton t-shirt there, though, and you're right in figuring that wasn't a great choice. A so-called "tech-top" is the best choice, and snugger is generally better -- makes you more sleek and aero! But let me know what you have and what you think you want, and I can make some suggestions -- as can the women who are in the group.

Sign up for the race on the 26th!!!!!!!!

2011-06-01 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3524376

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Sandra!! Congrats!! Your first Tri AND your Thesis!! That is awesome, what an awesome weekend for you.  
2011-06-01 6:39 AM
in reply to: #3524484

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Ahhh, you're one of those "conflicted" people -- Illinois address, but Cardinals affections. Hmmmm. Well, I'm not sure they'll beat the Cubbies, but if they do....and if you decide to celebrate the happening.....hen probably doing the 5km as a training run is a smart idea.

And on another sports note.....
Seeing the Atlanta Thrashers leave there for Winnipeg akde me think of the Atlanta Hawks, who used to be the St.Louis Hawks way back when. I would guess they moved in the early 60s, but when as a kid they were the big competition for the Celtics, what with Bob Pettit and Cliff Hagan and Slater Martin. And then they moved, and St. Louis never got another NBAam. Do you we that has hapened? St. Louis has always been a "big-league" town....although thinking about it some, it went a few years between the football Cards leaving and the Rams arriving. Just curious!

Are you seriously considering either the R&R half-marathon? If so, you have lots of time to get ready for either; 120-140 days should just about do it! I agree with you that's it's a tough distance to get rid of entirely, as ultimatley it is a wonderful distance -- long enough to know you worked hard, but not so long as to leave you hobbling for three weeks afterwards!

As for the run off the bike, well, hot, humid, and windy will do that to you -- shorten the run part and/or make it unpleasant. Another thing I owe JEFF is a post about linearity in training and racing, and that will apply to your bike/run a couple of days ago. Stay tuned!

2011-06-01 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3526865

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


See posts above to Sandra and Joe -- proof I haven't forgotten what I owe you!

2011-06-01 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3524912

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-05-30 10:36 PM

Steve/Mandy - and anyone else who might be able to help me:

I don't want to be gross - but now that I'm doing more bike miles - my crotch is killing me.  It's a real limiter on my rides.  I've tried standing on the bike but that only helps for a few minutes after I sit down again. I did 45 the other day, but really anything over 25 is painful.  I wear padded bike shorts.  I could just gut it out in a race but all these training rides are killing me.  I think my seat is positioned correctly and I can't afford to buy a bunch of seats to try to find one that's better - and maybe none would be.  I'm pretty thin so I was thinking maybe that is part of the problem.

Any advice appreciated.



Oh girl, I hear you.  I tried teh Terri Fly and it was like sitting on a bandsaw.  

Sorry.  But honest, it hurt so bad.  

But some people LOVE it. If you have a bike shop nearby that lets you try saddles before buying, taht would be great.   BUT what I finally settled on was a Cobb VFlow Max.  I love it, it works for me. Everyone's pelvis is different though so that is why what works for one might not work for another.  But the Cobb bailed me out.  

Something else I learned from Cobb - messing with the seat position (not height) but moving it forward/backward also helps.  Here is their page they have GREAT customer service and if you follow their instructions for putting seats on it seems to work (for me).  ALSO lots of folks swear by ISM saddles as well, that was going to be my next test if Cobb didn't work.

Also I don't think the fact that you are thin is the saddle problem (I wish I had THAT problem! ha)- I think either the saddle is the saddle problem or there is a fit issue.  I am GUESSING saddle because you have been riding a while and stuff, but double check the seat height to be sure..  Sometimes if it is too high (or too low) it can cause some issues.

What I did BTW, was found a place where I could exchange saddles - All3Sports let me with reservations, I put a cloth in the place where you tighten the saddle so it didn't scratch the aluminum part (I don't know if it is aluminum or not, but you know, the metal part taht attaches) and I had no problem.

Hope this helps.


2011-06-01 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3524593

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


You're an Olyperson now! Congratulations!

As for the dust devil.......that's one I have never experienced in xxx multisport races. I'm not sure how I would react. I generally love atmospheric confusion, but there's a time and place for everything, and I'm not sure a race fits either of those criteria!

I am curious about how you handled the run, how tough it was, where the elements of "sufferfest" entered into it for you. You have no horror stories there, so that's a very good thing. And one of the horror stories might be that they ran out of fluids or something, so it's good not to see any mention of that, either. Whew!

An uncle in WWII....would that be a grandfather's brother? I'm trying to do the math on tat, with my own father having done WWII, and he was born in 1914. Just curious. Anyhow, that was a fine thing for you to do on Memorial Day.

2011-06-01 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3524878

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Trina, George!!

Congrats!  Can't wait to hear all about it.  Although if I keep working my way down the forum, you might have already told the story and I haven't gotten there yet.  


2011-06-01 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3526623

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Congrats to your daughter!! So cool!  You must be SO SO proud!


2011-06-01 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3526620

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
lufferly - 2011-05-30 10:15 PM

TRINA and GEORGE, congrats on CapTex!  How hilly is that bike course?  TRINA, how did it feel to finish your first oly?  That's still on my list!  I think it's the bike that's holding me up.


Lisa - Thanks! The bike course has a few hills, specifically 3-4 short, steep hills and a couple of long gradual ascents. Nothing too bad unless there's a strong gusty wind and you're carrying extra weight, then it'll slow you down more than you think. Personally I like racing on flat courses....I mean... We are trying to go as fast as possible, right? Why make it more difficult? LolIt felt immensely gratifying finishing my first Oly. Can't wait to do another one, and next year may try a HIM. This triathlon stuff is addictive
2011-06-01 6:20 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



Thanks for your feedback - much appreciated.  The more I hear about this issue, the more frustrating it becomes, since it seems the solution is an individual one - but I will solve this.  I've decided not to do anything until next week since I have my 1st Olympic Sunday and I don't want to make any changes before that.

One thing I've wanted to ask you.  How the heck do you find time to train? - you work, don't you?  I'm retired and only training for a 1/2 and I feel like it's taking up all my time.  I don't know how you do it.


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