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2012-02-24 5:26 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps!

Ashley ... I'll have a USAT membership soon. I just haven't gotten around to registering. Nice to finally see an avatar!


 Had a solid brick workout this morning. Up at 3:45 to get on the bike by 4:15. 60 minutes of low cadence work (TrainerRoad's Peavine workout), followed by a 5 mile run. The bike workout was interesting ... deliberate targeting of muscles used with low cadence work, but I never felt all that stressed even maintaining a few watts above my target the entire time. Perhaps it's time to do another FTP test.

The run felt awesome right from the start. I seem to run better in my first mile when I'm following a nice warm up on the bike. 5 miles @ 7:30 pace felt super. I'm hoping to sneak in 45 minutes at the pool after work before heading to my daughter's performance tonight, but I'm not sure I'll be able to fit that and dinner. We'll see. We're heading down to Boston tomorrow, so my weekend workouts are a bit up in the air right now. I'm at 8 hours of training for the week ... hoping to bump that a bit.

2012-02-24 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
That's a great pic Ashley!  
2012-02-24 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Hey gang.  Had a great sweet spot ride this evening and then ran some.  I believe this is the first 3 days in a row that I have run since the injury.  Very stoked.  I don't know why I measure my running since my injury.  It's pretty silly really.  I guess I like meeting goals and having firsts.  Anyway.  I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday with some great training mixed in.  
2012-02-25 2:19 AM
in reply to: #3947465

Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Morning all

Had a gentle 5 mile run on Saturday morning, completed in 47.55, felt comfortable, really see the benefit of the training that I am putting in.

Very little training on Sunday, got a trip to Wembley to watch my soccer team (Cardiff City) play Liverpool in the cup final - we are the definate under dogs!! But it will be a good day out!!

Hope training goes well


2012-02-25 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Enjoy the game Gareth!

We scratched our trip to Boston, so I've got more training time this weekend. Going to head out for 6-8 miles right now which will pop me over the 30mpw mark. I need to be up closer to 40-45 mpw soon, so I need to find more running focus. It sounds windy out there, so I'll be wearing long tights even though the thermometer reads 32F.

One of our dogs gets occasional nose bleeds that we've never been able to figure out the source of. He's a St. Bernard, so he has a big nose. Last night we were out of the house for about 5 minutes and came back to a gusher. Normally, he'd be contained to one room when we leave, but we were only going to be gone for a brief amount of time so we left him out. Bad idea. A St. Bernard with a nose bleed walking around the house sneezing leaves a tremendous mess. It looked like a murder scene. We're still working on the living room rug and I'm not sure it's going to come clean. 

2012-02-25 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hello all,

Sorry I’ve been MIA again.  Lots of work this week and I’m traveling next week.

I had a great run on Thursday.  I went 4 miles, tried to go hard and for the first I was under a 10 min/mi!  Interesting that even though I cut over a minute off my pace my heart rate didn’t really go up.  My average heart rate was the same as my slower runs.  Can anyone explain?

Swam 1500y yesterday with the last 500 wearing my new wet suit for the first time.  I’m glad I did.  It was a bit different and I had to make some small adjustments. 

Today will be a road ride for about an hour.  Tomorrow another swim.

Lots of kids sports this weekend so the distances will likely be a bit shorter than normal.


So I’m now three weeks away from my first race and I’m starting to try and figure out some of the details so I’ll likely be asking a lot of questions over the next few weeks about transitions, fuel, clothing etc.

My first question is what should I be using for fuel during the race?  Do I need any?  Sports drinks, gels, bars???  The race is an Olympic on a flat course.  On my normal 25 mi. ride I drink about 15 oz. of plain water.

Thanks in advance for the advise.


2012-02-25 1:56 PM
in reply to: #4066058

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-02-25 1:02 PM

Hello all,

Sorry I’ve been MIA again.  Lots of work this week and I’m traveling next week.

I had a great run on Thursday.  I went 4 miles, tried to go hard and for the first I was under a 10 min/mi!  Interesting that even though I cut over a minute off my pace my heart rate didn’t really go up.  My average heart rate was the same as my slower runs.  Can anyone explain?

Swam 1500y yesterday with the last 500 wearing my new wet suit for the first time.  I’m glad I did.  It was a bit different and I had to make some small adjustments. 

Today will be a road ride for about an hour.  Tomorrow another swim.

Lots of kids sports this weekend so the distances will likely be a bit shorter than normal.


So I’m now three weeks away from my first race and I’m starting to try and figure out some of the details so I’ll likely be asking a lot of questions over the next few weeks about transitions, fuel, clothing etc.

My first question is what should I be using for fuel during the race?  Do I need any?  Sports drinks, gels, bars???  The race is an Olympic on a flat course.  On my normal 25 mi. ride I drink about 15 oz. of plain water.

Thanks in advance for the advise.


Craig,  Do you have an estimation of how long the oly will take you?  This will help determine fueling.  

2012-02-25 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Craig, no fuel! If you're not puking, you're not trying!! To get a plack, you must yack!

I know you're getting excited about your race. I'm pumped for mine- 29 days away. I don't think I'm going to use any snacks on my first sprint. I might carry one just in case. I know there are hydration stations so I might just take a gulp of water/sport drink and keep going. You might have mentioned your history before but have you done an Oly distance before? 

It's been good to get back on the training schedule. I hit the pool yesterday and swam 1600 meters. It took me just over 32 minutes. I really need to work on breathing on my right side. It feels really awkward.

I did a 4 mile run today that took me 34:57- thats a 8:44 pace. Thats a little slower than I wanted but my only run of the week. Plus, we have hills here in KY compared to my flat race last weekend.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

2012-02-26 6:23 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps! Getting primed to go long on the roads this morning. We're cold up here this morning, and the footing is likely to be frozen foot prints in the slushy snow we received a couple of days ago. But it's sunny ... so that always helps. Mile 14 will have me passing right by my house, but I'm hoping to add another 3 after that. I haven't had to run on this sort of packed snow hardly at all this year, so we'll see how my legs are feeling and how much distance I can handle. Landing on the frozen snow pack always requires more from the stabilizing muscles of my legs.


Craig  ... I haven't had to plan for nutrition in a triathlon yet. But I take mine according to time also. In a marathon, that means about every 6 miles (about every 45 minutes). That usually gets me to a point where I don't feel like taking the final Gu at mile 24. I think I'll be shooting for a sub 1:20:00 for my first Sprint, so I will plan on taking a Gu on the bike along with whatever water I need for climate that day. For an Oly, I might take one at the beginning of the bike and one as I finish, nothing but water to drink. I wouldn't take anything but water during the 10k, but I'm not a user of sports drinks except for recovery on a particularly hot day.

But ... again ... I've not even run a tri yet. Try not to over think it. Eat well and hydrate well in the days preceding the event. You could up the carbs a bit on the evening prior ... maybe a bagel and some oatmeal about 3 hours prior to the event.

Try a few things with real food in the days prior to your training days and log which workouts feel particularly energized ... then repeat those nutrition plans for race day.


2012-02-26 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


Thanks for the fuel advise.  This will be my first Oly.  I plan to finish in about 3:20 (yea I have a dream of being sub 3:00 but realy probably more lke 3:20).  From what I've read about the race, they only have one hydration station on the bike, so I plan on carrying at least one bottle on my bike.

Also, cool to hear about you guys and the onesies.  I think I'm going with tri shorts and  a tri jersey.

2012-02-26 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Terrible week for me guys ...

After Tuesday's swim my left leg right above the knee was in agony.  This was the same area I had bruised badly a few weeks back.  Tried to massage it out and there was a golf ball sized knot in there.  Went to work Wednesday and the pain was worse, every step I was feeling.  Decided to scratch yoga and went to physical therapy.  Thankfully my sister works for a large outfit here in NY (their company does the Islanders and Mets) ... she got me in and they worked on me for two hours - seems where the blood pooled in my muscle it has decided to calcify or some nonsense.

I have a series of exercise and stretches to do and I have to HEAT it - which is the opposite of what I had been doing (ugh) ... I am also instructed to stop running AT ALL for two weeks ... they strongly suggested I try to make the yoga sessions as this will be more helpful than anything else.

I am fine to swim for the most part just can't get any real push off the walls.  I did 20 miles on the bike today and other than tightness I feel good - they suggested eliiptical work if I have to keep my legs busy but to avoid any undo pounding on the leg for two weeks.  Hope this does not adversely effect my first half.

Total of only 3 hours training this past week - my plan is to do 2 1/2 hours tomorrow which will be a good jump on the week - guess I am confined to the pool, bike and gym until next Wedenesday.  

2012-02-26 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Terrible week for me guys ...

After Tuesday's swim my left leg right above the knee was in agony.  This was the same area I had bruised badly a few weeks back.  Tried to massage it out and there was a golf ball sized knot in there.  Went to work Wednesday and the pain was worse, every step I was feeling.  Decided to scratch yoga and went to physical therapy.  Thankfully my sister works for a large outfit here in NY (their company does the Islanders and Mets) ... she got me in and they worked on me for two hours - seems where the blood pooled in my muscle it has decided to calcify or some nonsense.

I have a series of exercise and stretches to do and I have to HEAT it - which is the opposite of what I had been doing (ugh) ... I am also instructed to stop running AT ALL for two weeks ... they strongly suggested I try to make the yoga sessions as this will be more helpful than anything else.

I am fine to swim for the most part just can't get any real push off the walls.  I did 20 miles on the bike today and other than tightness I feel good - they suggested eliiptical work if I have to keep my legs busy but to avoid any undo pounding on the leg for two weeks.  Hope this does not adversely effect my first half.

Total of only 3 hours training this past week - my plan is to do 2 1/2 hours tomorrow which will be a good jump on the week - guess I am confined to the pool, bike and gym until next Wedenesday.  

2012-02-26 8:43 PM
in reply to: #4066964

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-02-26 12:37 PM


Thanks for the fuel advise.  This will be my first Oly.  I plan to finish in about 3:20 (yea I have a dream of being sub 3:00 but realy probably more lke 3:20).  From what I've read about the race, they only have one hydration station on the bike, so I plan on carrying at least one bottle on my bike.

Also, cool to hear about you guys and the onesies.  I think I'm going with tri shorts and  a tri jersey.

Have a great breakfast.  I would take a gel 10-15 minutes before the start of the swim.  1 or 2 gels on the bike, one at the beginning and one at the end or start of the run.  Water on the bike.  A little water or sports drink at aid station on the run.  An oly is very simple.  For my oly last year I had a gel before the race, two sips of water on the bike and one cup of sports drink at one of the aid stations on the run.  I did it in 2:15.  Play around with it and see how you feel with the gels on your longer bike rides.  

2012-02-26 8:50 PM
in reply to: #4067126

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
BigPaulD - 2012-02-26 3:43 PM

Terrible week for me guys ...

After Tuesday's swim my left leg right above the knee was in agony.  This was the same area I had bruised badly a few weeks back.  Tried to massage it out and there was a golf ball sized knot in there.  Went to work Wednesday and the pain was worse, every step I was feeling.  Decided to scratch yoga and went to physical therapy.  Thankfully my sister works for a large outfit here in NY (their company does the Islanders and Mets) ... she got me in and they worked on me for two hours - seems where the blood pooled in my muscle it has decided to calcify or some nonsense.

I have a series of exercise and stretches to do and I have to HEAT it - which is the opposite of what I had been doing (ugh) ... I am also instructed to stop running AT ALL for two weeks ... they strongly suggested I try to make the yoga sessions as this will be more helpful than anything else.

I am fine to swim for the most part just can't get any real push off the walls.  I did 20 miles on the bike today and other than tightness I feel good - they suggested eliiptical work if I have to keep my legs busy but to avoid any undo pounding on the leg for two weeks.  Hope this does not adversely effect my first half.

Total of only 3 hours training this past week - my plan is to do 2 1/2 hours tomorrow which will be a good jump on the week - guess I am confined to the pool, bike and gym until next Wedenesday.  

Paul,  I'm sorry to hear about your injury.  You will not lose that much fitness in two weeks.  As long as you can keep up your biking and swimming you will get the running back very quickly.  Listen to your therapists and get back at it when you can.  When I was injured my wife kept saying to me to be as diligent with my self care as I am with my training.  Your rehab is part of your training now, see to it that you attack that as earnestly as you attack your training.  

2012-02-27 7:52 AM
in reply to: #4067568

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


Keep your head up my friend. Focus on training that doesn't bother your leg. Work on the bike and swim the next two weeks.  Not Kicking off the wall isn't the end of the world. I still stink at that.  Injuries....I tweaked my calf hopping off a curb during my run on Saturday...unbelievable. I'll rest it until Wednesday for my next run. 

I'm hitting the pool or the bike today depending on the weather. I had to put a new front derailleur/middle ring on the bike this past week so I'm curious to see how she performs. Dreaming of a new Giant Trinity Advanced SL 0.


Have a great week everybody! 

27 days till I cross the line!

2012-02-27 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps!

Had a frustrating trainer session this morning. I had planned on doing 90 minutes with TrainerRoad's Baxter workout. It looked like an interesting endurance ride that kept the gearing the same but had you change your cadence often ... reportedly a solid fat burning workout. But my speed/cadence sensor kept losing contact as did my HR monitor. I was stopping starting constantly trying to get it figured out. After about 35 minutes I assumed it might be my battery, so I moved the laptop closer. By then I had used up too much time, so I switched to 30 minutes of sweet spot work instead. Ended up with 65 minutes. 

And I'll hit the pool tonight.

That's a sweet looking bike, Ashley!! I'd have a hard time justifying that expense to my CFO. 

2012-02-27 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4068028

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

It will be a long time if ever before I have a bike at that price in the 5 figures.

Here is my realistic goal.

I am addicted to this triathlon lifestyle and the last 2 months have been awesome. I need to really stick with this before I spend 4 figures on a new bicycle. With the twins coming in August- my diaper expense just tripled. My kids will be pooping on my tri bike money.



2012-02-27 5:44 PM
in reply to: #4068127

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-02-27 9:51 AM

It will be a long time if ever before I have a bike at that price in the 5 figures.

Here is my realistic goal.

I am addicted to this triathlon lifestyle and the last 2 months have been awesome. I need to really stick with this before I spend 4 figures on a new bicycle. With the twins coming in August- my diaper expense just tripled. My kids will be pooping on my tri bike money.



This is still a pretty sweet ride Ashley.  They say it is all about the engine.  I don't think you would find much difference between those two.  And the way I first read your post was that they will be pooping on your tri bike.  That, most certainly, will not be allowed.  Wink

2012-02-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4067557

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-02-26 6:43 PM
craiger951 - 2012-02-26 12:37 PM

Have a great breakfast.  I would take a gel 10-15 minutes before the start of the swim.  1 or 2 gels on the bike, one at the beginning and one at the end or start of the run.  Water on the bike.  A little water or sports drink at aid station on the run.  An oly is very simple.  For my oly last year I had a gel before the race, two sips of water on the bike and one cup of sports drink at one of the aid stations on the run.  I did it in 2:15.  Play around with it and see how you feel with the gels on your longer bike rides.  

Scott, thanks for the advice.  I'll start tyring some gels to see which ones work for me.

Paul, hang in there.  I was out of the running for a few weeks also.  When I returned I felt slow but the speed came back quickly and I'm now going faster than ever (well at least it's fast for me).

Ashley, pretty sweet bike.  I'm almost hoping that the guy I borrowed my bike from asks for it back so I can do some bike shopping.  Maybe in the fall if the spring/summer races go well.

I did manage to get a 36 minute run (just over 10 min/mi.) in before I left for the airport this morning which was great.  I had figured with a whole day of travel I wouldn't get in any training.  Probably hotel treadmills and bikes for the rest of the week. 

I hope everybody's training week is off to a good start


2012-02-27 6:52 PM
in reply to: #4069456

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


How do you feel about your aero bars? Do you feel like it helps and was a good buy? Guys at my local shop said it might be silly to add bars to a road bike. I think it would help so I could stretch out a bit. I don't know if the geometry of my road bike and aero bars would go together.

I am debating a 'bike fit' by a professional tri coach here in Lexington. It's $175 and he tells me where everything should be set for my frame and size.  My back gets a little soar around miles 25-30. Maybe I'm not practicing good posture when I ride. 

Scott, do you have a tri bike or road bike with aero bars?

2012-02-27 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4069536

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-02-27 7:52 PM


How do you feel about your aero bars? Do you feel like it helps and was a good buy? Guys at my local shop said it might be silly to add bars to a road bike.  That's funny because most people notice a good 1-2 mph speed increase when bars are put on.  

I think it would help so I could stretch out a bit. I don't know if the geometry of my road bike and aero bars would go together.  Getting a fit will certainly solve that.  

I am debating a 'bike fit' by a professional tri coach here in Lexington. It's $175 and he tells me where everything should be set for my frame and size.  My back gets a little soar around miles 25-30. Maybe I'm not practicing good posture when I ride. Find out what kind of certifications he has as a fitter, or what background he has.  $175 is a decent price for a good fit, but you want to make sure he knows his stuff.  

Scott, do you have a tri bike or road bike with aero bars?  My first bike was a road bike.  I put shorty aero bars on it.  I, then, bought a TT bike.  It's a Cervelo P2, the one in my picture.  I have since removed the bars from my roadie, because I like to do crits as well and aero bars are not allowed.  

2012-02-28 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4069728

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Quiet day on the old board, huh? Was it a quiet training day?

I hit the pool today for a 1600m swim. I wanted to work on my speed. I accomplished my goal and had a total time of 31:26. I am happy with that averaging almost 8 minutes per quarter mile.

What did everyone do today?

Scott, thanks for the info on the bike.

Edited by ahutson 2012-02-28 8:24 PM
2012-02-28 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I swam 200 yard sets this morning for a total of 1850yds, then I rode tonight for an hour on the trainer.  Busy day at work today.  Mondays and Tuesdays get crazy for me sometimes.  I hope everyone has had a productive day.                                                                                
2012-02-28 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I did a 70 minute run this evening and felt good
2012-02-28 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4069536

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-02-27 4:52 PM


How do you feel about your aero bars? Do you feel like it helps and was a good buy? Guys at my local shop said it might be silly to add bars to a road bike. I think it would help so I could stretch out a bit. I don't know if the geometry of my road bike and aero bars would go together.

I am debating a 'bike fit' by a professional tri coach here in Lexington. It's $175 and he tells me where everything should be set for my frame and size.  My back gets a little soar around miles 25-30. Maybe I'm not practicing good posture when I ride. 

Scott, do you have a tri bike or road bike with aero bars?

Ashley, I agree with Scott's estimate 1-2 mph.  I also feel they are more comfortable than using the drop bars for long stints.  I have not had a ton of time on them but feel the cost was worth it.  I got mine on the classified board here for $75.  I can't remember the brand and model but they have a lot of adjustments that I've been able to "fit" myself.

Well my training for today was supposed to be swim or bike.  Unfortunately the "resort" hotel I'm staying at has drained the pools and has no bike in the gym.  So only 30 minutes on the eliptical trainger today.  Looks like a running for Wednesday and Thursday.



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