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2013-08-23 11:20 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Tim, those are some great training runs!

You are so right about the marathon as they never go as planned. However it sounds like you know what you need to do and are prepared for the unexpected. However if you stay on your mark you got this!

Originally posted by tmoran80

So I went to the surgeon for my consultation yesterday and he told me that I am a candidate for surgery because I am having pain but that I can hold off until after the marathon and that training will not make the hernia any worse. It is all just based on how much pain and discomfort I want to deal with. That news gave me a little mental boost and hopefully will let me get through these last couple weeks of my plan.

I have had two really good runs this week as my plan picks up my speed training and marathon pace work. I also started back up with HR monitor so I can gauge and see were I am at. For you number geeks like me here are my workouts haha:

8 Mile temp Run - (9:11/mile pace w/ 154 Avg. HR HIGH Z2)
9 Mile Marathon Pace Run - (9:08/mile pace w/ 156 Avg. HR HIGH Z2)

I am happy to see high Z2 on these runs. If I can stay in this zone for at least more than half than I can gut out the last 8 or so miles and hopefully have some left in the tank. My typical wall is Mile 20 but I have never run a perfectly execute race. Running a marathon is an art. Hoping my experience and training this time will get me past that 4 hour barrier. Training is right on target for it so we will see...

2013-08-23 11:28 AM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Thanks everyone for your feedback on the bike snob thing. I didn't think I was either and I think about safety on the bike all the time. It frustrates me when I see someone not wearing a helmet, riding on the wrong side of the road, riding thru stop signs/lights, etc.

I rode the last hour by myself as I had to ride longer and almost got hit at the very end of my ride, Partly my fault as the driver didn't see me, but then again the driver also didn't have their blinker on. Let's just say that shook me up and was so glad it was at the very end however I learned a very important lesson not to let your guard down which was what I did here.
2013-08-23 12:14 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
That is a very nice pace for Zone 2 work! It looks like your training is paying off! Keep up the good work!

It is interesting to see your zones compared to mine. I know everyone is wired differently, but your HR data would have me in Zone 4 and 5

PS My zone 2 run (4 to 6 milers) HR is between 129 and 143 and usually can maintain 8:45 to 9:00 pace in high Z2.
2013-08-23 12:46 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Totally agree that it is personal but just because lots of folks are doing it doesn't mean it is right haha. Endurance Nation's has it right with their motto for IM's "if 95% are doing it different then you then you are doing it correctly". I guess my question is " What is the main purpose of doing the 70.3 four weeks out?" There could be a number of reasons but I guess for me it just doesn't make sense because you are going to do either one of two things:

1. Race it hard and then deal with race recovery when you should be focusing on tapering
2. Take it easy and under train when you should be hitting your peak.

I guess you could throw in some additional workouts on the Saturday before but knowing how these events go that is sometimes hard to do.

Doing it 6 Weeks out is fine as you are just in the middle of your peak.

I think there is this myth that doing a 70.3 is required for training for a 140.6 when in reality they are pretty different. I ran into issues that I never encountered during any 70.3's. But like you said it Kathy, it is all personal opinion and especially if you coach is suggesting it then i would go with what she suggests especially if you trust them.

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Augusta HIM is always the last weekend in September and we have lots of folks here doing Augusta before Florida. So it really is a personally opinion. I am doing Augusta this year before IMAZ and AZ is 2 weeks after Florida.

There is much talk about whether or not Augusta would move their date since it is on the same day as the new Ironman race in Chattanooga. So keep that in mind too.

Originally posted by tmoran80

Lou -This is just my opinion so please don't take offense - but doing that 70.3 four weeks out from your Ironman might not be the best idea training wise and not sure if you are going to allow yourself enough time to recover. I guess it depends on how you plan to race it but my thinking is if you just do it at an easy pace I am not sure how that is going to help you for 140.6. That week you should be finishing your peak training and you should be doing 100+ mile (5-6 hour) bike ride with long brick run after and another 16+ mile run. My thought is that the training is more critical then doing a HIM (plus it will save yous some $$$ haha) I guess my point is that you want to go into your taper period feeling strong - not recovering from a long race. What does your coach think?

Originally posted by Lou_70


The gameplan for next year is early May doing the Gulf Coast HIM. Early October doing Augusta as a tune up race and November doing IM Florida.

Warming up next year at St Anthony's.. It does sound like alot, but to get past IM florida I think I need to get a couple long races under my belt. That and I'm a Glutton for punishment

2013-08-23 1:25 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Yea In all honesty I have no idea on how or what I should be doing to get ready for an IM. I only know two people who have ever done them.. well personally know them at least. My neighbor and my coach. Both of them recommended it, but of course not saying it is right at all

My neighbor did Florida 70.3 then did Coeur d'Alene I think 6 weeks after it. My coach has done 12 IM's and has gotten me from basically someone who barely finished a sprint tri to being able to finish an Olympic and hopefully a lot more.

Not saying either are right, but lol I don't have alot of experience to say they are wrong either

Hence why I gladly joined this group when KTC asked me... I love opinions from experienced people and really benefit from it.

I take no offence to people thinking I'm doing something wrong.. because usually I am

Half the reason I wanna do Augusta also is because I heard it is a beautiful course and the swim is super fast and I can definately benefit from a down current swim

2013-08-23 1:40 PM
in reply to: Lou_70

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Oh my goodness, this is the 2nd time I have ever skipped a workout!!!!! I was suppose to do a swim and a 6 mile hilly run but my back and hammies are bothering me and since I have a long bike ride for tomorrow I need to start moving better then what I am currently so I figure I should take another day off. I am getting ready to go do some yoga for today's workout to hopefully stretch the muscles. I guess all that driving I did this week and working out really messed me up. I feel bad missing a workout but yet I am telling myself it is okay as long as I can still get that long bike and run in this weekend. Hopefully I am correct in my thinking.

2013-08-24 9:08 AM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Good Morning Team.

First - a big WELCOME to our new family member Lou - nice to meet you and glad your hear.

OK - I'm back safe and sound from Quebec as most of you already know from Facebook. What an experience - slower than I wanted - official time 15:29:50. Not bad I guess all things considered

I want to thank each and everyone of you for thinking about me along my journey this year - you have all been awesome.

I want to send out a special thanks to Tim for keeping this group going. You have no idea how much it is appreciated by all of us.

I am going to be busy heading back to work next week and with my college golf teams and school start up so I am going to be forced to rest this body which I guess is good although I must tell you all I miss working out already and it has not even been a week lol. I also have one more major reno project on my kitchen in the new house scheduled for mid September which will keep me off the training track.

I will post pics of the new place when it is completed, from start to finish for all of you to see.

I may or may not get around to putting together a race report but if I do I will let you all know. I can tell you this - the bike was crazy tough for me and my first order of business when I put my plan together for IM LP in 2014 will be to get way better on the bike and to hopefully stay away from injury.

OK team - thats all I got.

Who races next? Where? When?

You guys rock.

Here we go again


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2013-08-25 8:22 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
First Olympic is in the book! I had a great race; even with some hot temperatures during the run. Finished with a time of 2:44. I had a great swim and bike. I think my run was solid but was likely compromised with pushing hard on the bike; hot temperatures during the run.; and my lack of runs in the last two weeks because of my ankle. My ankle did feel fine during the race. Race report to come soon. Thanks for everyone's advice on nutritional and resting the ankle....all of it paid off!

2013-08-26 4:46 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

G'day Team,

Happy Monday!

Todd - great job on the Oly, so happy for you that you had such a great race!

Tim - nice job on the run, really happy that your operation can wait till after Chicago marathon. I have no doubt you'll reach your goal of sub four hours!

KTC - definitely not a bike snob, I think anyone that wears dark clothing at night without any reflective vest is asking for trouble. I also think that at the very least people should know how to fix a flat. I don't have the luxury of a partner to call to get me home, so for me it's a no brainer.

KC - I only hope I manage to get 1 Ironman race under my belt before you've done 3!!!
2013-08-26 9:04 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Nice work Todd and great time for you first Olympic. Great to see you are having a awesome racing season this year. Look forward to reading your race report.

Originally posted by ettringite23

First Olympic is in the book! I had a great race; even with some hot temperatures during the run. Finished with a time of 2:44. I had a great swim and bike. I think my run was solid but was likely compromised with pushing hard on the bike; hot temperatures during the run.; and my lack of runs in the last two weeks because of my ankle. My ankle did feel fine during the race. Race report to come soon. Thanks for everyone's advice on nutritional and resting the ankle....all of it paid off!

2013-08-26 9:07 AM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
You are kidding right about that being your 2nd ever skipped workout haha. I wouldn't worry at all about it. Rest is better than a workout sometimes. Hit your key long workouts and don't even think about a missing a 6 mile run. Nice work.

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Oh my goodness, this is the 2nd time I have ever skipped a workout!!!!! I was suppose to do a swim and a 6 mile hilly run but my back and hammies are bothering me and since I have a long bike ride for tomorrow I need to start moving better then what I am currently so I figure I should take another day off. I am getting ready to go do some yoga for today's workout to hopefully stretch the muscles. I guess all that driving I did this week and working out really messed me up. I feel bad missing a workout but yet I am telling myself it is okay as long as I can still get that long bike and run in this weekend. Hopefully I am correct in my thinking.

2013-08-26 9:13 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
I had a really nice sufferfest yesterday. I ended up taking my kids to see the new Planes movie and moved my long run to the afternoon - didn't realize we were getting a heat wave starting yesterday. When I started my 18 miler at 4:30pm the temp was 87 degrees

Made it about 14 miles then hit the wall. I looked like I had jumped in a lake - shorts were soaked and I was sweating uncontrollably. I had to stop a two times just to cool down. By the end of the run the temps had come down so the last mile was not hat bad but it was as tough one. My plan called for a 9:52/mile pace and I ended up with a 10:04 so I guess it wasn't that bad.

I got on the scale after the run and I had lost almost 7 lbs. - even after drinking over 90oz. of fluids and eating 1 pack of cliff shot blocks. I gained 4 back last night after re-hydrating and am gonna have to continue this morning.

Remind me again why I registered for another marathon?
2013-08-26 9:17 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
If you ever feel you are losing your motivation considering being a Match! The website is They match runners with special needs children. I recently signed up. It takes about a month to finally be matched. Just being a part of the Facebook group blesses me every day. When I am doing my ironman in 2 weeks and feel like complaining about how hard it is or the wind or the heat, I will remember all these children and they will motivate me to keep going. Check it out! I know you will blessed.
2013-08-26 9:37 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
I would give my left arm and part of my right leg to be able to do 18 miles at a 10 min pace...

It doesnt help that when I started running at 8:30 AM yesterday it was 84 and like 172% humidity!!

Gotta love Florida... well at least in the winter
2013-08-26 1:02 PM
in reply to: Lou_70

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
I am right there with you Lou. And Tim was probably in Z2 during that time.

One of these days, is what I keep telling myself.

We are enjoying Fall like temps here in SC. Humidity is still high but I will take low 80s in the middle of the day.

Originally posted by Lou_70

I would give my left arm and part of my right leg to be able to do 18 miles at a 10 min pace...

It doesnt help that when I started running at 8:30 AM yesterday it was 84 and like 172% humidity!!

Gotta love Florida... well at least in the winter
2013-08-26 1:04 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Great job on your first Olympic Todd!!!

Glad to hear the ankle had up for you. Looking forward to reading that race report.

Kathy - KTC

Originally posted by ettringite23

First Olympic is in the book! I had a great race; even with some hot temperatures during the run. Finished with a time of 2:44. I had a great swim and bike. I think my run was solid but was likely compromised with pushing hard on the bike; hot temperatures during the run.; and my lack of runs in the last two weeks because of my ankle. My ankle did feel fine during the race. Race report to come soon. Thanks for everyone's advice on nutritional and resting the ankle....all of it paid off!


2013-08-26 1:13 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
KTC -I was the furthest thing from Z2 haha. I didn't wear my HR monitor and wish I had b/c I was overheating like crazy and my HR had to be crazy high. I didn't wear it because I was shirtless haha - wasn't it you that brought that up a few months ago. Trust me - I was so sopping wet from sweat that I was wishing I did own a Speedo and would have worn it on this run haha.

Lou - I spent a lot of time in Miami for work a few years ago and would run alot down there - that humidity is crazy. I would hate to have to train in that all summer.

Originally posted by krazytallchick

I am right there with you Lou. And Tim was probably in Z2 during that time.

2013-08-26 1:20 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

Is anyone running on Newton's? If so what do you think and what type are they?

I have been thinking of purchasing a pair for some time now but I don't know if they are worth the money. I do have a pair of New Balance Minimis shoes and I really like them. Now that I have problems with my Achilles Tendons I have changed the way I run and some people have recommended Newton's to me.

Have a great day!
2013-08-26 1:36 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
KC does. If you buy them - get them from Road Runner Sports and make sure you get their 90 day returns no questions asked deal.

From what I have heard it takes a few weeks to get your leg muscles used to them but then after that people really like them. Let us know what you decide to do. I ahve thought about them also but I have had zero issues running my ASIC GT series and I also don't know how I would convince the wife to let me drop $180 on shoes haha.

Originally posted by gdelamora


Is anyone running on Newton's? If so what do you think and what type are they?

I have been thinking of purchasing a pair for some time now but I don't know if they are worth the money. I do have a pair of New Balance Minimis shoes and I really like them. Now that I have problems with my Achilles Tendons I have changed the way I run and some people have recommended Newton's to me.

Have a great day!
2013-08-26 1:47 PM
in reply to: mkennedy0525

Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

Is that picture of you on your profile from Rocketman?

I did the international + distance.

Great swim
HORRID HORRID HORRID HORRID bike (not to even mention the headwind)
ok run if you like blazing heat with no shade for 2/3 of it

besides that I actually liked the event.. lol

what did you think about it?
2013-08-27 4:52 PM
in reply to: Lou_70

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Yes that is me at Rocketman! I did the half iron. I personally loved the first half of the bike. The roads were bad and the headwind coming back was tough. The scenery was amazing. When I was first starting the bike and got to the top of the bridge, the sun was just coming out and it was BEAUTIFUL! I got lost in the scenery a few times and had to remind myself that this was a race and get my head back in the game. I did see an alligator during the bike portion just before the bridge coming back. The run was AWFUL! Way too hot for me since in Ohio we hadn't had any heat yet so I was unprepared. I walked way more of it than I had planned. I would consider doing the race again only I don't think it would be as interesting since I have already done it. It is the first race I have done that the entire road was closed for the bike course. To me that was pretty impressive.

Originally posted by Lou_70


Is that picture of you on your profile from Rocketman?

I did the international + distance.

Great swim
HORRID HORRID HORRID HORRID bike (not to even mention the headwind)
ok run if you like blazing heat with no shade for 2/3 of it

besides that I actually liked the event.. lol

what did you think about it?

2013-08-27 5:06 PM
in reply to: Lou_70

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Long Island
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hey guys,
KTC invited me over also as our group has become very quiet. I hope you will allow me to join in on your chat.
I am what I call a "finisher". Always hoping to finish, not get hurt, help at least some one along the way and hopefully not be last but I am ok if I am.
I did my first HIM, Agusta 2 years ago and did Musselman HIM this year. Spent a little too much time helping a women who was severely dehydrated but glad I did. We both crossed finish line but in a little over 8 hours. That reveals my speed issues. I can swim respectfully but my bike and run have room for improvement. Hopefully I will improve. I'm 51, I self train with this website's help and garner help from anyone who is willing to listen. You know how us triathletes love to talk shop. No funds for a trainer as my first daughter is getting married this spring. I am a hospital based midwife so I work crazy hours, nights, days, long shifts, but it affords me the time to train during the week but I am often alone. One because its during the week and two, my pace is 14 mph on the bike and 11 min miles on the run. I ride with my friend's husband on the week ends when we can and he pushes me.
I read back a few pages and hope to read more. You guys seem very interactive and KTC has great things to say about you all.
I have one tri left this season and I am excited about it but have faced some health issues since my HIM in mid July. They are still lingering so I am not training vigorously but was very disciplined for the HIM so I am hoping it will carry me. I too hate to miss a workout but never developed a plan after the HIM due to illness and time constraints. I may add a halfmary to my fall agenda as running is the hardest for me, so I may as well work at it!!
Let me know if you think I will fit in with you guys!!
2013-08-27 8:09 PM
in reply to: avisser

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Welcome Ann! Hope you are feeling better.


Originally posted by avisser

Hey guys,
KTC invited me over also as our group has become very quiet. I hope you will allow me to join in on your chat.
I am what I call a "finisher". Always hoping to finish, not get hurt, help at least some one along the way and hopefully not be last but I am ok if I am.
I did my first HIM, Agusta 2 years ago and did Musselman HIM this year. Spent a little too much time helping a women who was severely dehydrated but glad I did. We both crossed finish line but in a little over 8 hours. That reveals my speed issues. I can swim respectfully but my bike and run have room for improvement. Hopefully I will improve. I'm 51, I self train with this website's help and garner help from anyone who is willing to listen. You know how us triathletes love to talk shop. No funds for a trainer as my first daughter is getting married this spring. I am a hospital based midwife so I work crazy hours, nights, days, long shifts, but it affords me the time to train during the week but I am often alone. One because its during the week and two, my pace is 14 mph on the bike and 11 min miles on the run. I ride with my friend's husband on the week ends when we can and he pushes me.
I read back a few pages and hope to read more. You guys seem very interactive and KTC has great things to say about you all.
I have one tri left this season and I am excited about it but have faced some health issues since my HIM in mid July. They are still lingering so I am not training vigorously but was very disciplined for the HIM so I am hoping it will carry me. I too hate to miss a workout but never developed a plan after the HIM due to illness and time constraints. I may add a halfmary to my fall agenda as running is the hardest for me, so I may as well work at it!!
Let me know if you think I will fit in with you guys!!
2013-08-27 9:13 PM
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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Race report for my first Olympic

Overall, I felt I had a great race! Already looking forward to my next Olympic - ITU in Chicago next year

One more race to go...Lake Geneva in three weeks. This will be the only duplicate race from last year. It will shed some light on my improvements or lack thereof

Edited by ettringite23 2013-08-27 9:53 PM
2013-08-27 9:15 PM
in reply to: avisser

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Welcome, Ann!
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