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2007-07-10 7:39 AM
in reply to: #878550

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-11 1:40 AM

Timo - 2007-07-10 5:43 AM Thanks Ken, your Oly is coming up this weekend right? Does anyone know if new wheels can somehow make you slower? My times yesterday and today were 2-3 mph slower than what they should have been and I am trying to decide if I'm just still tired or if something needs adjustment due to the new wheels, or maybe I'm just a big girlie man who should pedal faster? My bike did seem slower this weekend and the last few times I've taken it out (all since the new wheels). Next question, why do so many people drink chocolate milk as a recovery drink?
Yep, race in Sunday.  This is recovery week so I am just trying to take it easy.  I personally just started drinking Cmilk after all my workouts.  I decided I needed to try something and was told it was a great alternative to all the other drinks you can buy plus at $4.00 a gallon It is cheaper than all the other stuff on the market.  I trained pretty hard last week and felt great the next worning.

Huh? Well, I like chocolate and I like milk so maybe I'll have to give it a try. Good luck on Sunday, I look forward to your race report.

2007-07-10 8:18 AM
in reply to: #878510

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-07-10 5:43 AM Thanks Ken, your Oly is coming up this weekend right? Does anyone know if new wheels can somehow make you slower? My times yesterday and today were 2-3 mph slower than what they should have been and I am trying to decide if I'm just still tired or if something needs adjustment due to the new wheels, or maybe I'm just a big girlie man who should pedal faster? My bike did seem slower this weekend and the last few times I've taken it out (all since the new wheels).

Make sure your brakes are not rubbing on the new rims.  Otherwise, you're probably still not recovered.  I'm not! 

Next question, why do so many people drink chocolate milk as a recovery drink?

Skim milk is a good source of protein and your muscles need protein for rebuilding.  The chocolate provides the carbs which are also very important.  Studies have shown that chocolate milk is as good if not better than many commercial recovery drinks.  I've never used it, but I believe that it works.  

The important take-home message is to be sure to get plenty of carbs along with some protein soon after your finish your tough workouts! 

2007-07-10 8:23 AM
in reply to: #878652

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-10 8:18 AM

Timo - 2007-07-10 5:43 AM Thanks Ken, your Oly is coming up this weekend right? Does anyone know if new wheels can somehow make you slower? My times yesterday and today were 2-3 mph slower than what they should have been and I am trying to decide if I'm just still tired or if something needs adjustment due to the new wheels, or maybe I'm just a big girlie man who should pedal faster? My bike did seem slower this weekend and the last few times I've taken it out (all since the new wheels).

Make sure your brakes are not rubbing on the new rims.  Otherwise, you're probably still not recovered.  I'm not! 

Next question, why do so many people drink chocolate milk as a recovery drink?

Skim milk is a good source of protein and your muscles need protein for rebuilding.  The chocolate provides the carbs which are also very important.  Studies have shown that chocolate milk is as good if not better than many commercial recovery drinks.  I've never used it, but I believe that it works.  

The important take-home message is to be sure to get plenty of carbs along with some protein soon after your finish your tough workouts! 


How soon after completing a session should you try to eat/drink?  I try to do it immediately after but is there a time where if you wait too long it is not going to help?  I can one attest to Cmilk and having benefits.  I have never really done anything after training as far as recovery.  Heck, half the time I don't if sit down and rest for very long after.  This past week I made an effort to "Recover" after each session.  I would lay down with my legs up and drink some cmilk.  I will tell you I have felt great all week and have put in a lot of miles/hours compared to prior weeks.


2007-07-10 8:38 AM
in reply to: #878660

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-10 8:23 AM


How soon after completing a session should you try to eat/drink? I try to do it immediately after but is there a time where if you wait too long it is not going to help? I can one attest to Cmilk and having benefits. I have never really done anything after training as far as recovery. Heck, half the time I don't if sit down and rest for very long after. This past week I made an effort to "Recover" after each session. I would lay down with my legs up and drink some cmilk. I will tell you I have felt great all week and have put in a lot of miles/hours compared to prior weeks.

I've heard many different "recover windows", but they're generally 0-30 minutes after the session.  I also read that your "short-term" recovery last about as long as your training session.   Thus, if you go for fast and hard 30 minute run, you had better have a at least a little protein and carbs very shortly after your finish.   However, if you go on a 3 hour ride, you don't have to inhale your Cmilk right after getting off the bike. 

Man, that's great you've prioritized recovering this past week and I'm glad your seeing the benefits of it.  I know with your wife and son it is probably pretty hard to get in some quality recovery time.  However, try to keep up with your "short-term" recovery after your long and tough workouts.

By short-term recovery, I mean that 30-120 minute window after your session.  During this time, try to stay off your feet.  Elevate them, get plenty of carbs and protein.  Massage your legs a little.  I use "The Stick".   Ice your legs if you think they're inflamed or will become so.   Take a 30 minute nap.  

Anyway, great job this past week and this good recovery will really help you on Sunday.   

2007-07-10 8:47 AM
in reply to: #878693

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-10 8:38 AM
kproudfoot - 2007-07-10 8:23 AM


  I know with your wife and son it is probably pretty hard to get in some quality recovery time. 

  I use "The Stick".    

My recovery usually involves my son crawling all over me while I lay on the ground but I don't mind other than I am all sweaty and usually have to give him a bath after I take a shower.  I also have "The Stick" and use it all the time.  I will actually bring it to work sometimes and use it at my desk.
2007-07-10 12:22 PM
in reply to: #878652

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-11 3:18 AM

Timo - 2007-07-10 5:43 AM Thanks Ken, your Oly is coming up this weekend right? Does anyone know if new wheels can somehow make you slower? My times yesterday and today were 2-3 mph slower than what they should have been and I am trying to decide if I'm just still tired or if something needs adjustment due to the new wheels, or maybe I'm just a big girlie man who should pedal faster? My bike did seem slower this weekend and the last few times I've taken it out (all since the new wheels).

Make sure your brakes are not rubbing on the new rims.  Otherwise, you're probably still not recovered.  I'm not! 

Next question, why do so many people drink chocolate milk as a recovery drink?

Skim milk is a good source of protein and your muscles need protein for rebuilding.  The chocolate provides the carbs which are also very important.  Studies have shown that chocolate milk is as good if not better than many commercial recovery drinks.  I've never used it, but I believe that it works.  

The important take-home message is to be sure to get plenty of carbs along with some protein soon after your finish your tough workouts! 

I've been meaning to check my brakes but I don't know how to properly adjust them. I'm sure my repair manual has it in there, it's just a matter of finding the time to sit down and do both things. I have looked at the wheel while it's spinning but it's so close that it's hard to tell if it's actually rubbing or not. Thanks for the advice on both areas, I'll make the time before my next bike to check it out.

2007-07-10 12:55 PM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I love "The Stick", but some buddies introduced me to "Bio-Freeze." Bio-Freeze is the moonshine of recovery products.
2007-07-10 1:07 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I think I just leave my body for awhile. It's easy for me to do. Used to hang out in the ethers my whole childhood! It is only recently that I got back into my body and now that I'm tearing the crap out of it, my spirit has gone out there again. The difference is that this time I don't like it. I want back in. But until the inflammation dies down, I can't seem to get back inside. Just about the time I get grounded again, I go train hard and leave again. I don't think men do that, but there are a few women I found on here that are experiencing that too. I think I need to schedule more massage, chiropractic, acupuncture or whatever so that I can re-enter my poor body sooner. If I hadn't read about this other chick's experience, I wouldn't have had the courage to admit it to you guys. But I bet it happens sometimes to the ultramarathoners and double and triple ironman dudes. There's no way they can stay in and feel all that pain!!
2007-07-10 1:40 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
See Aforementioned "Bio Freeze"

Instant Return to Body.

P.S. I'm sprinting this weekend. Crossroads Triathlon is going to get its kicked.
2007-07-10 1:45 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Super PS...

High Cliff Pictures are In!

(Lake Winnebago.jpg)

Lake Winnebago.jpg (6KB - 21 downloads)
2007-07-10 4:13 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Go get em Kproudfoot and Miler!! If we keep this pace up, there will be a race report every week!

That buoy in the distance really looks FARRRRRR away! And that was just a Half!

So, Dave, WHEN is it that these distances start to seem less frigging impossible????????

I'm feeling the mileage increase now, and this is just base ONE. Plus, I'm not even running due to the hamstring tear. The Bix is looking more and more impossible. Or maybe I'll just go and treat it like a nice practice run, that just happens to be in front of 14,999 other people, not including the folks that watch!! Matt, does anyone just WALK the bix???? Somehow that just doesn't sound like a very good accomplishment at this stage of my life. But, I"m not going to ruin my leg by pushing it before it is healed. By then it will be at the 5 week mark, which is almost to the healed stage of a simple strain.

2007-07-10 4:20 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thousands walk the Bix babe! And, its quite the experience just to be there. (Have you ever run with a professional Kenyan?) However, if you're feeling up to it, I'm sure you'll run through the pain. You sound the type. Bix is close, now I'm excited, maybe I'll go run the Brady St. sprint on Thursday. (400m sprint up Brady St. Hill, which is about as intense as they come.) Maybe I'll break 60, doubt it with that uphill. Speaking of 400's who's doing track work outs? If you're looking to take some time off that 5k, I highly suggest them.
2007-07-10 4:22 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
PS. That bouy's the short leg of a rectangle swim. However, its merely intimidating, not that difficult.
2007-07-10 4:29 PM
in reply to: #880061

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-10 4:13 PM Go get em Kproudfoot and Miler!! If we keep this pace up, there will be a race report every week!

Yeah, this is great.  I love reading the race reports also, so everyone please keep writing them.  Go Team! 

So, Dave, WHEN is it that these distances start to seem less frigging impossible???????? I'm feeling the mileage increase now, and this is just base ONE. Plus, I'm not even running due to the hamstring tear. The Bix is looking more and more impossible. Or maybe I'll just go and treat it like a nice practice run, that just happens to be in front of 14,999 other people, not including the folks that watch!! Matt, does anyone just WALK the bix???? Somehow that just doesn't sound like a very good accomplishment at this stage of my life. But, I"m not going to ruin my leg by pushing it before it is healed. By then it will be at the 5 week mark, which is almost to the healed stage of a simple strain.

You put in a really big week last week with a 50 miler on Wed, and then another 60 on Saturday!  That might have been over doing it.  Remember the 10% rule, and if you miss a key, long workout don't try to make it up by doing 2 long workouts close together.   At this point, you should have a week between your long rides. 

And, Pene, above all, patience!  Rome wasn't built in a week, and you're trying to build a base as big as the Colosseum.  So give it time. 

2007-07-10 4:32 PM
in reply to: #880075

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-07-10 4:20 PM Thousands walk the Bix babe! And, its quite the experience just to be there. (Have you ever run with a professional Kenyan?) However, if you're feeling up to it, I'm sure you'll run through the pain. You sound the type. Bix is close, now I'm excited, maybe I'll go run the Brady St. sprint on Thursday. (400m sprint up Brady St. Hill, which is about as intense as they come.) Maybe I'll break 60, doubt it with that uphill. Speaking of 400's who's doing track work outs? If you're looking to take some time off that 5k, I highly suggest them.

I had never heard of the Bix until you and Pene started talking about it, and now I'm quite intrigued.  15,000 is a huge race.  I'd like to try it someday.  Be sure to write a report and tell us all about it.  July 28th, right?  

2007-07-10 4:39 PM
in reply to: #880080

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-07-10 4:22 PM PS. That bouy's the short leg of a rectangle swim. However, its merely intimidating, not that difficult.

Not quite as bad as:


These weren't me obviously, but they're fun none-the-less!

Edited by dgillen 2007-07-10 4:40 PM

2007-07-10 5:34 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Can I just stay part of this group for the rest of my life?? PLEASE?? You guys are so great at being supportive and encouraging and putting it back into a "let's go have fun" perspective!

I'm just very gifted at beating myself up.

Okay, time to go gather some serious courage--I'm off to the Y to be videotaped swimming. Mercy! Not like us women have ANY issues about being FILMED in our bathing suits in front of the Ball Busters (bluff busters but they are all super ironpeople and I really do think they are ALIENS/supreme beings and not real flesh and blood humans). None of them have any body fat at all. No matter what I do, I'm still.....curvy.....yeah, that's a good term for it. Yikes.....I'll let you all know just how pitiful it turns out. But, I guess I"ll never improve til I know exactly what the heck I'm doing wrong with the swim, right?

I bet Alcatraz wasn't too far off from those pics......that one is NOT on my list! Brrrrrrr.....
2007-07-10 7:59 PM
in reply to: #880124

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-10 4:39 PM

Miler - 2007-07-10 4:22 PM PS. That bouy's the short leg of a rectangle swim. However, its merely intimidating, not that difficult.
Heeelllll Noooo.  I would would have grabbed the back of my leg like I pulled a hamstring before I got in that mess.  I think I might have seen this picture before but still NO.

Not quite as bad as:


These weren't me obviously, but they're fun none-the-less!

2007-07-10 9:43 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Where's that top one taken, I'm all about that. It looks awesome!
2007-07-10 10:57 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Crazy cats! I think I'd need a quart of whiskey before tackling those waves.

Well, I did it! I showed up and swam with the super people and tried to stave off the stupid nerves. I concentrated 100% on breathing, so my form was um....not my best "relaxed mermaid consciousness" effort. But.....I'm not as pitiful looking on the swim as I feared! Whew! My arms were too straight--not bent enough. That was the only critique I received. And I looked sorta hot, actually. I could see the definition in my legs and everything. I wasn't any curvier in a bad way looking than the other superchicks there. So, I think it was worth it. They will be doing the underwater taping every month or so and I'll definitely do it again when I'm not so easily weirded out!! Short workout, as I raced to pick up the kids and get there on time, and we just did a few laps and then watched the video. But it did me more good confidence wise than swimming 2 miles would have done. Would recommend you all try it if possible!!
2007-07-11 12:19 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Do you fellows count your swim strokes in the pool? The dude last night said we should shoot for no more than 16 strokes per length. I never bothered to count before so I don't know where I'm at, but I think I might need a lap counter then or I'll get all mixed up. But maybe the counting thing would be a good thing for this borderline obsessive chick? Might give me something other than breathing to concentrate on.

2007-07-11 12:54 PM
in reply to: #881219

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-11 12:19 PM Do you fellows count your swim strokes in the pool? The dude last night said we should shoot for no more than 16 strokes per length. I never bothered to count before so I don't know where I'm at, but I think I might need a lap counter then or I'll get all mixed up. But maybe the counting thing would be a good thing for this borderline obsessive chick? Might give me something other than breathing to concentrate on.

I've tried counting my strokes a few times, but I can never do it consistently b/c I tend to lose count.  It did help me to just count every other stoke (i.e., every right arm stroke) and then just multiply by 2.  You might be off by 1 stroke, but it's close.  Also, since I breathe every other stroke, I can just count breaths.   But, I still lose count pretty easily. 

BTW, If I remember, I'm about 20 strokes/length.  Not very good, I know, but it is what it is. 

Hey, Pene, what happened to your avatar? 

2007-07-11 1:06 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I'll try the counting some time, but you are a great swimmer in my opinion, so maybe it's not as important as all that?

I just got so tired of looking at my distorted face, so I 86'd the avie. Tried to post a different one, but it was even worse! I don't know why, but the more you have to shrink them down, the more disjointed my features look. And I'm not a super model, but it made me look like bride of frankenstein or something!!! Maybe I'll post a pic of me at the Bix............I'll be the sweat queen!!
2007-07-11 1:16 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I'll bring a camera!
2007-07-11 2:29 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
You're all invited to a brick/TDF viewing party at my house!!!  This will be difficult for everyone but Ken, Johnny, and Dave, but you're all still invited!
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