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2010-08-17 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3049295

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley -No comment on Andy Potts' rear end!

Hey I have all kinds of comments on that! ha ha

Thanks so much, good point on overhydrating.  I tend to go the other way and have to force it.  AND great thought on trash from other folks, I never thought of that either.  I love the visual you just gave me, I am going to print that out and keep it with me when I drive the bike course again.

One thing on my mind more than it should be is that I am going to be passing a lot of people since I am starting last.  My concern is two fold - 1, I don't blow up passing people, and 2, I don't get a draft penalty...

Anyway, Winnett just sent me a message that said she wished you were going to be there because you made her feel so much more at ease with the course and the race.  You are so awesome, we are all so lucky to know you!  Thank you so much for your help and support leading up to this race, it means so much!

OK off to bed for this girl. 

PS - DENISE! AG placing!! Awesome.  TRACEY! See you Sat?  ANNE! How are ya?  I DO read everything but do not always ahve time to comment. Sorry for that. You guys are all awesome!


2010-08-18 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3049338

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-17 10:14 PM


Great nutrition plan, and I can't see you running any deficits at all. As for early morning food, about five miles west of Ellacoya, on Route 11, is a Dunkin' Donuts that either never closes or is open at about 4am. If you can, get to it Friday and check out the hours. It is on the way to Laconia, but if you pass the Laconia Convention Center you've gone too far. About two miles past the airfield, same route and dircetion, is a Cumberalnd Farms or somehting just like it, and has all the typical convenience-store food, such as muffins and bagels. I'll try to think of other places as well.

At times I haven't found a place that will be open early, i buy a bagel the night before and just heat it in the motel's microwave machine. That is less desirable than something fresh and warm, but better than eating just a Clif Bar or two!

The kick question!! I'm maybe the wrong one to ask, because I don't kick at all -- and I mean that 99% literally. My kick is not efficient, and doing it does nothing more than take something out of my legs that is better utilized on the bike and the run. I am sure that part of my success on the bike comes from having very fresh legs, which comes from just having them along for the ride on the swim! And I agree with Swim Smopoth and the comment about pull buoys, as I always swim faster with a pull buoy than when I try to affect a kick.

Many people say that the legs are there to help with balance, and maybe just the smallest amount of propulsion. i agree with that.

HOWEVER, when I watch the really ace swimmers in triathlons, i can see their kick from about 100 yards away. So I guess for people who can kick strongly and effectively, kicking is the way to go; otherwise, think twice about expending too much effort on it. And I think your evidence that when you don't kick you are able to go further without getting tired is a good excuse for now to minimize the kick. I feel the same way about my arms versus my legs, that the former can go forever when swimming, but not the latter, which translates into yet another reason for me to swim without kicking!

A first test for your future as a potential kicking swimmer is to check your foot flexibility. If you have trouble doing plantar flexion (think ballerinas on pointe), then your feet will act more like rudders that are far from being aquadynamic. But if you have good ankle flexibility and can get your feet pointing down and away (as if they wwere on the same plane as your legs), then you might want to spend some time in the off-season working a=on getting an effective kick working for you. If you ever see underwater photos of world-class swimmers, they can get their feet flexed so that their toes are pointing towards the back wall they recently kicked off from. Amazing flexibility!

As for the tire was what it was. When I did the Double Tri at Fronhofer Tool Triathlon the weekend before, both the overall makle and female in the psrint, the afternoon race, fallted during the olympic, which was in the morning. So as the RD abnnounced it "If you want to win the sprint next year, enter the olympic in the morning and DNF due to a flat." So, yes, it happens to all of us, and in all of my racing I only increae the odds that it will happen. This was the third time in a race, which places it at one flat every 32 multisport races. I think that is higher than average, just based on how many people I know who haven't flatted in a race.

And let me know if you want more thoughts about kicking and the swim!


Glad to hear about the DD that's open early. We're staying in Meredith and I'll be taking 11B to the race, so it's on my way there. Sweet.

Very interesting stuff you say about kicking. I was almost sure you were going to tell me all the reasons why a kick is crucial to effective swimming, so I'm surprised/relieved to hear that you hardly do it! But as you say, the elite swimmers always kick. But then again, elite swimmers also shave all their body hair, so when you get to that level, I'm sure you do anything and everything that will give you even the slightest advantage, including kicking.

I'm happy to progress without kicking because as I said it seems to do nothing for me except tire me out sooner. I actually have decent flexibility in my ankles and can almost point my toes directly out, so it sounds like you're saying I might benefit from working on my kick.

The thing about flats... I've done a couple run-throughs of the flat tire changing process, but I worry that if/when it actually happens I'm going to forget how to do it. I suppose that means I should practice more often, just in case!
2010-08-18 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3049343

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I would not want to have to eat these words, but......

I think an advantage to going towards the end of a large presitgious race with a single-loop bike course is that the USAT refs will be paying much more attention to the pros, elites, and M30-49, which is where the drafting is far more likley to be a problem. I haven't looked at the wave lists, but for most of that range of male ages I'm figuring they are in some of the earlier waves. (Think of them also as chasing A.P.'s backside....but differently than you are thinking about! )

As for the actual act of drafting, remember that you have 15 seconds to complete a pass, and that time begins once you are as close to three bike lengths from them; it really is a good chunk of time. And then once you pass, the onus is on them to drop back the three bike lengths -- not on you to pull ahead three bike lengths.

I have found it safest to think in terms of "blowing past" someone, which is different than "slogging past" them. The latter will come on a hill or roller, and it is characterized by going deeper than I really want to. The former, though, is usually the end result of building speed leading up to the pass, and then riding that momentum through the pass. My gearing for those passes is usually big ring and maybe my 13- or 14-toother -- it's pushing a fairly heavy gear, but again, momentum helps a lot.

For T-man, though, ignore all the technicalities of what I just said and go completely on feel. If you think the pass is going to hurt, then postpone it for a minute or two until you are feeling better and/or the terrain works more in your favor. And whomever you are fixing to pass, chances are that they are not going to speed up, so it's 56 miles and you'll have your next opportunity before too long.

That no-pass zone! First, make the effort to learn if it will be in effect on Sunday, and second, if it is, on Friday or Saturday try to figure out some landmarks in the 1/2 to 1/4 mile leading up to it. I think it is a gradual climb in the last 300-400 yards before it, which is less conducive to climbing, but for my money it's worth it to bust a gut getting past someone very slow, as opposed to fuming when you are stuck behind them going down the long hill that (in the past) has been the no passing zone.

And for that descent, if there is no one ahead of you then, just as you crest it, give a few massive pedal strokes to establish some momentum, and then go down it without pedaling -- just a last chance to give the lgs a rest before the run. But if the wind is in your face, or you can "smell the barn" and just want to power it in to T2, then you will want to pedal -- so by all means do so!

Many thanks for the kind words! I do so try to be useful, and it's nice when i actually succeed! I too am sorry I can't be there, but Lynn is returning from NFLD this evening and I PROBABLY should ne here this weekend. (However, who was it who took off on whom??)

Anyway, i will keep thinking about what I know about the course, and if any bright ideas surface, you'll be the first to know!

2010-08-18 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3048873

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-17 5:03 PM ANNE - I'm still leaning towards coming down Saturday morning, arriving there around noon. But if I can swing it, Friday would be nice and then I might avail myself of the time to scope out the course. Although at the rate my HVJ build is progressing, i may still be doing race-specific workouts on Friday! I figure I need one solid 56-miler, and one decent brick incorporating a 40-ish mile ride with a 60-ish minute run. And with that in mind, I need to do three longish runs just separately, so that would maybe be a 13km, a 17km, and a 20km. I'm not sure how and when these will be fit in; I guess I need to create a short-term workout schedule! Are you still planning to be there on the Thursday onwards? And is it still the campground scene for you? Are you inclined to do the "official" pre-race meal Saturday evening? I have to check to see if the offering has cheese. if it does, I will have to eat off the menu, which is fine....just not a nice free meal!

Reading your proposed workout schedule is making me tired!    

We are still getting into the area on Thursday - spending Wednesday night around Kingston or a bit further east.   Staying Thur/Fri nights at Banbury St. Park but on the Saturday night we are staying at the Salisbury Station B&B, Wellness Centre.    Didn't want to risk tenting the night before. 

We can figure out a place to meet on Saturday, depending on your arrival time and what you want to do.  

We are going to do the "official" pre-race meal.   I think I mentioned we wouldn't normally risk eating out but it sounds good and would be nice to meet some people and just have a new experience.    I won't be eating cheese either.  

Can't believe how fast the time is going!  

2010-08-18 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3049615

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


The ace swimmers to whom I was referring in one of the paragraphs were the ones who do triathlons, which changes things dramatically. Not to take a thing away from Dara Torres or Michael Phelps, but they're not doing a bike and run after they finish their swim. So, it always impresses me to see the really strong tri swimmers kicking so effectively.

Of course, for many of them they will NOT sustain that advantage on to the bike and/or run. That's where the fun kind of begins for me --- "reeling in the fish". Two guys who are about my age and whom I see frequently at the eatermn NY races I do a lot of , are both much better swimmers than I am, but I ALWAYS catch them on the bike, and usually fairly early. that takes some of the sting out of seldom (if ever.....) swimming as well as I would like to.

I will try to remember where I just saw this, but a recent article about working on an effective kick emphasized that the kick should come from the hips and not the knees, and that if you are feeling some soreness in your hips as you work at this, that is good! So, if you decide to learn to kick better during the off-season, think of the power as coming from your hips AND that your hips should very obviously feel the new workload.

If you have good plantar flexion, then I would think you are a candidate for an effective kick -- if you can generate it from your hips. I mentioned the feet as being Rudders of Resistance, potentially, if they tend to stay dorsiflexed, but another element of resistance can be knees and thighs for people who try really hard to kick and if that effort comes from the knees. There is a British-type word for this style of "kicking" that just escapes me at the moment (I want to say "trundling", but that's not it), and while it provides some propulsion, it wastes more energy than it saves.

Another test of your potential is to use a kickboard and time yourself for one length. Do this a few times and see what you come up with. I will try to figure out some good reference numbers for you, but for now all I can say is that if I can do 25m in less than 42 seconds with the kickboard, i am kicking well (for me!). Your pool is probably 25y, so in my case I would be aiming for a whopping ( ) 37-39 seconds as an indication of my (temporary) efficacy.

I will look at a map to be sure I am telling you the correct numbers of those roads. I find the roads there a bit like a rabbit warren, and they make it harder by using all those letters -- 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D, along with just plain old 11 - and also having 106 and 107. For me it would work better having, say, 106 and 23 -- two that aren't so close together. Keep bugging me, and I try to be more clear about what is where!

2010-08-18 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3048728

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

2010-08-18 7:29 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Took the Tempo Trainer to the pool yesterday and did find it useful and learned something, I think.   Wore my wetsuit in a 50meter outdoor pool.   It was quite windy but I think a crosswind because my swim times were the same in both direction.   Usually one way is a few seconds faster/slower than the other. 

My easy w/u 50's w/o TT were 1.03, 1.00 and .55.  Did 2 sets and they were identical.

Put the TT under cap set at .95 and it felt REALLY slow when I started but I thought it might not feel so slow after a couple hundred meters.    Did the first two 50's in .58 and thought that would be a good time for me if I could keep it up for a long distance.  

Did 2 x 100's in 2.05 with the TT still at .95 and it still felt good and was still happy with that time.    Didn't loose a lot going from 50 to 100 meters.

Then I did 2 x 200 at the same setting and did them both in 4.30.    At about 150 thought I might lose the cadence but it was still feeling pretty decent to maintain.   However, I did lose my 'tight' form, causing me to lose significantly more time between the 100 and 200.    Going to work on this a bit more tomorrow - will still to 200's. 

I generally do lose a bit on my 2nd and 300 hundreds, and then pick up speed again to get back to my 1st 100 pace. 

I don't want to change anything too drastically at this point in the season but am really going to work on this in the fall. 

I AM however, going to wear the TT under my cap in Orillia and HVJ to keep my cadence on track and will insert some spurts in there throughout the race, and then settle back into the .95.    In theory, it should work.  

Thanks coach!  
2010-08-18 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3048988

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-17 5:05 PM Racing this weekend?? I have Anne at Orillia sprint and Tracey at Timberman sprint and Mandy at Timberamn half-iron.........and what about Denise, our Diva of the Day? Lemme know!

Actually Steve, don't put me on the racing list.  I'm running a 5k in Madison this weekend with my daughter but we're not racing it.  We're just going to jog along at the same pace and talk and laugh and bond and cross the finish line together and hopefully get a great picture.  We'll probably be able to jog comfortably at the same pace since I'm at my peak and she hasn't run for over a month - haha

2010-08-18 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

re: kicking

I was just reading the race report by the guy who finished 4th overall in last Saturday's tri.  In the part where it asks what you would do differently, he says "Kick more on the swim so legs are ready to go on bike".  Interesting.

2010-08-18 11:57 AM
in reply to: #3050438

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-08-18 12:50 PM
re: kicking

I was just reading the race report by the guy who finished 4th overall in last Saturday's tri.  In the part where it asks what you would do differently, he says "Kick more on the swim so legs are ready to go on bike".  Interesting.


That is interesting.   I think if we asked 10 different coaches we would get 10 different answers.    My swim coach says my kick is my strength.  I do as SteveB says, - kick from the hips and not the knees, and this helps alot when I swim w/o a wetsuit.   But as soon as I put the wetsuit on it pretty much takes away any advantage I have and with a wet suit you really have to work to get the kick going.    SO, I don't kick much, just a tiny flutter.    My husband Ken doesn't kick at all.   It really throws him off balance.
2010-08-18 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hope you have a great race this weekend.   Will be interested to hear about your swim and what you end up doing - kicking or not kicking.       

2010-08-18 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hope you have a great race this weekend, and that you and Tracey will be able to hook up for a while.    That will be fun. 

See you mentioned NUUN in your post to Steve.   I read some good reviews about it recently and Ken just picked up some from MEC.   Thought it would be good for the canoe/hiking trips.    We almost tried it today on our bike ride but held off.   Wasn't sure about mixing it with the Vega that I have started using.    Maybe I should try it out this week.   It might be a good thing to take to HVJ.   What do you think?  

I'm good, BTW.   I understand about not responding to all the posts.   It is kind of overwhelming when they come at you fast and furious.   
2010-08-19 6:00 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hope Lynn got home safe and sound and had a good trip.   I imagine she has lots of stories to tell.

Off to a short pool swim and that's it for me before Orillia.   Hard to say what the weather will bring.  It's been changing daily.

2010-08-19 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3051814

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yup, Lynn got back late yesterday afternnon. She loved NFLD ten times over, but didn't have a great time with her travelling partner. This is the second time she's done a extended trip with a friend, and returned feeling somewhat disillusioned with that person. She did 19 days in Turkey three or so years ago, and this time it was 16 days on The Rock.

I like NUUN, but mostly forget I have them. They are my go-to drink when I'm on the trainer in the winter, but since then I haven't used it since. The Orange Ginger is dynamite. The Root Beer is unique, but quite marvelous. The Citrus (or is it the Lemon Lime?) is also very good. I'm not too keen on the Tri Berry, and own but haven't tried a couple of their "organic" ones -- one is Goji Berry, can't remember the other.

NUUN tastes very light, almost "refreshing", and I can't see them ever posing stomach problems.

I bought tow containers of EFS last weekend, but don't know if I can enjoy it. I had Grape on my 46km ride yesterday, and had no interest in drinking it; that is not good. I mixed up some of the Trat Lime after West Point to sip[ waway at on the drive home, and had a real hard time with that! Funny, though, that the final few ounces tasted better a day or two later. Maybe it "meelowed", or maybe there was just more of the powder that had never dissolved in the first place.

Lisa (hooslisa) from the other group loves EFS, but a good part of that is the huge electrolyte profile. She says the flavor isn't perfect, and she attributes this to maybe all of the electrolytes and/or maybe what she tastes as definitely saltier. I will have to think seriously about both of those possibilities! I had never thought of electrolytes as having a taste to them, but of course there would be with sodium.

One scoop of EFS is to added to 12oz water, and gives 1160mg electrolytes:
100my calcium
150mg magnesium
450mg chloride (as sodium chloride))
300my sodium
160mg potassium

that's a whoppin' lot!! It makes me wonder....
(A) How much of that the body can actually assimilate, and
(B) At what distcnes does one need to go in order to effectively utilize all of that stuff.

Surely most of it is "wasted" at sessions less than 2 hours, unless it's about 106 in the shade. Maybe?

The longer I do this, the more confused I get AND the more I realize that I am finicky about drinks. I am quite receptive to just about any gel, but some of the drinks just don;t work for me at all. Cytomax seems to be one, EFS is looking similar, the new Peform might be problematic, Accelrade is far from perfect. HEED works great for me and NUUN probably is better than average, and in races I never have a problem with the on-course Gatorade.

Blah, blah, blah!

2010-08-19 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3051915

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

More blah, blah, blah!

Just want to tell you to not get exhausted reading my "plans" for between now and HVJ, as much of it is probably nothing more than bombast and bluster. A few months ago I came up with an elaborate plan for one of the earlier races that involved a sequence of bricks.......and I maybe ended up doing one or two of the proposed four.

So, for HVJ, we'll see about those long runs. It might come to a 15km today and then a 20km sometime next week, and probably just one longish brick. All talk and no (or dramatically reduced) action -- that's me!!

2010-08-19 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3051922

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Okay, i won't add you to the race list -- but it sounds like a fabulous event for the two of you! I will keep my fingers crossed that the race photographer manages to get the two of you crossing the finish line together.......and that you don't decide to out-sprint her and leave her in your dust, 12 seconds behind you as you cross the line!

2010-08-19 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3049707

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE once more -

Just found yours about the TT, and it looks like more great data. However, i will have to study it a bit -- juts to make sure!

I have thought often about wearing my TT during a race, as I suspect that at least for shorter stuff it would make a positive difference. I have never used it for more than 100m straight, so for something like 750m or 800m race swims I think I could sustain a faster pace if I had it there beeping away. So for purely selfish reasons , I say use it at Orillia!

(In all seriousness, I would only use it at Orillia if the race is of very low importance to you, a true tune-up race for HVJ. I'm just thinking that unless you are confident that you had it set in a way that would push you a bit without putting you at risk for getting a "sloppy" stroke at the end of the swim, well, you might end up with a chaotic swim.)

Intriguing concept, though!

2010-08-19 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3051942

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE, on the rebound -

It's now about five hours later, andI'm here to tell you that you do not have to feel exhausted about any of the high-falutin' plans I conjured up a day or two ago. Beacuse, thanks to my patented philosophy of EXTEMPORANEOUS SELF-COACHING, I just finished a 21.2km run. I'm all set for HVJ! I've got over-distance. Praise the lord!!

I decided I would like to go between 15 and 19km, and before the run I drove and odometered a loop route whose parts I have done before, but never as this particular loop. It turned out it was 19.6km......and that gave me all that time to decide if I wanted to stop at 19.6 or soldier forth for another 0.4km and be pleased with 20 (knowing that the final km of HVJ is mostly downhill), or do a what-the-heck 1.5km and get that psychological edge of having the exact diatnce under my belt. So, I did a little add-on based on time, and then went back and measure it, and it came up to 1.6km ----- and there I am! 21.2km! (Actually a few meters closer to 21.3....but I'm not gonna be picayune. )

My time was 1:52, and I'm happy with that. It was quiet warm, full sun, and only two planted bottles -- at about 11.2km and 15.1km. One gel before, and one gel at 15.1. It was just a lope-along effort, working to feel good and smooth for the whole thing; mostly, it worked.

So! There's my long run for HVJ -- signed, sealed, and delivered! I will do 12km on Sunday, maybe 15km on Tuesday, or drop one of those and throw in a longish brick. Who knows? It's all extemporaneous, flying by the seat of my tri shorts!

How was the swim for you today?

2010-08-19 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3051942

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-19 8:44 AM ANNE once more - Just found yours about the TT, and it looks like more great data. However, i will have to study it a bit -- juts to make sure! I have thought often about wearing my TT during a race, as I suspect that at least for shorter stuff it would make a positive difference. I have never used it for more than 100m straight, so for something like 750m or 800m race swims I think I could sustain a faster pace if I had it there beeping away. So for purely selfish reasons , I say use it at Orillia! (In all seriousness, I would only use it at Orillia if the race is of very low importance to you, a true tune-up race for HVJ. I'm just thinking that unless you are confident that you had it set in a way that would push you a bit without putting you at risk for getting a "sloppy" stroke at the end of the swim, well, you might end up with a chaotic swim.) Intriguing concept, though!

Had an eye opener of a swim this morning in the 25meter pool.   All this talk about kick/no kick got me curious.   Ken believes in no kicking, for sure.   

My 25 meter kick is .41 pretty consistent.   This is a good effort kick. 
Then I did 25 meters freestyle and kicking with the same effort - .29.   So, took .12 off.   Thought that was OK.
Then I used my pull buoy and did 25 meters free in .29.   CRAZY!
Then I did another 25 meters free with an easy 'flutter' kick in .28. 

Bottom line pretty much agrees with what you and Ken say.   Why kick when you don't seem to get any advantage and just tire yourself out. 

Put the TT under my cap at the same .95 and it was a tad more effort than when I had the wetsuit on, but still OK.   I had planned 200's but decided to try the 100's with 6 strokes at TT pace, then 6 at fast pace.    Was doable but was a bit taxing near the end.   Perhaps had I gone further I would  have settle in OK.   Did that 100 in 2.26.

Did the next 100 with 6 strokes at TT pace, then 3 fast, and carried that out for the 100 meters and did it in 2.20. 

I was pretty happy with that and with the wetsuit on, know I would have no problem with keeping it up for 750. 

I'm doing Orillia because I love the lake and the bike, even though the roads suck in ALOT of spots and it isn't a fast course; PLUS a tune up for HVJ, so I have no problems using the TT on Sunday.   And if it proves to help, then I will use it for HVJ.  


Been out all morning.   Time to get cracking.   Leaving early Saturday for Orillia so I'm losing a couple of days packing/prep time for VT/NY.  

2010-08-19 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Just got my pre-race newsletter and the aqua/bike swimmers get to go off in the 1st wave!   Smile  I really liked how that worked for me in Muskoka, although this is a much shorter race, so I'll have to see.  

They had a notice about Orillia being a 'technical' bike course and pay attention to the warning signs.    There is one particular spot at the beginning/end of the race.   Steep downhill where you can easily hit 50+ with a sharp 90* left turn.   I guess 90* couldn't be anything other than sharp.   Laughing

Needed a break from packing......
2010-08-19 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3052966

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!



Ahh, you sent me hunting for it, but there it was in your log, in all the glorious detail you are known for! I can see whay you thought it was really good, because it sounds like it was indeed REALLY GOOD.

And I love the tag line - "I might be getting stronger on the bike". Jeez -- you think??? I'd say that was an understatement-and-seven-tenths, and you continue to be rewarded for the 73,419km you've ridden since the Florida jaunt began.

You can also tell Ken that he is a cad for drafting off you all the way up the hill, and that he owes you big time -- your choice!

Your swim today also sounds good, definitely interesting, definitely informative. I have never been sure what to do with my swim data that flies in the face of what seems to be the acceptable way that swimming should work, so if you are scritching your head about the kick dat....I don't blame you in the least. I mean, I understand it from my own perspective as a poor kicker who thusly opts out and becomces a non-kicker, but as I wrote to Tracey a few days ago, I wtach the tri-swim-stud swimmers and ALL of them have an obviously effective kick. Most recently, i watched Patrick O'Keefe and Keith Murray at Fronhofer, when they were cutting across the top after the first turn and my wave was still waiting to start, and even without the benefit of my glsses, i could see their kick -- and both did the .9mile swim sub-18, which is par for the course for them.

I guess if you've got it, flaunt it, and they obvioulsy have huge swim chops in every aspect of freestyle, so bless 'em for having an utterly effective kick and using it fully!

I am very pleased that my extemporaneous run this morning, mentioned above, seems to have suited me quite fine -- no soreness at all (yet?). Well, not 100% true -- my right index toe, which has gone through more black toenails than I care to think about, is kind of tender. It makes me think that maybe it is about ready to slough off yet another nail, although it could be just garden-variety tender; that happens to it a lot. My feet are the type where the toes taper downwards from big toe to pinkie, as opposed to feet where the index tow is longer than the big tow......and I have no idea why that right index toe has taken such a beating over the years. I guess I either tip it up a bit or tip it down a bit when I run, without being even remotely aware I'm doing that. Silly old toe!

Nice bunch of workouts over the past week, Anne. I pronounce you ready for Orillia!!

2010-08-19 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3053586

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Saturday the 21st

TRACEY!!! ---- Timberman sprint (0.3/15/3)
Ellacoya State Park, Guilford, NH

7am race start, and.....
Tracey is in Wave 7, looking resplendently charismatic in a yellow swim cap and sporting #1021, and hitting the water at 7:30.

KASIA!!! ---- Warrior Dash ("12 obstacles from hell")
Copper Mountain Ski Resort, Copper Mountain, CO

Wave starts, no info on which wave has Kasia

Sunday the 22nd

MANDY!!! ---- Timberman half-iron (1.2/56/13.1)
Ellacoya State Park, Guilford, NH

7am race start, and.....(it really hurts me to write this....)
Mandy is in Wave 18 (not a typo - eighteen!), and starts her swims at 8:20. This will not, however, detract from how wickedly bold and dashing she will be in her red swim cap, and her bib number, being 2597, only adds to the aura.

ANNE!!! ---- Northern "Orillia" Triathlon Swim Bike (750m/33km)
Orillia, Ontario

8am race start, and Anne is in the first wave --- for which she is very happy AND grateful!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-08-19 8:39 PM
2010-08-19 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3053616

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I'm racing Warrior Dash on Saturday (the mud race/obstacle course that DWAYNE did a few months ago). Though not a triathlon, I still get a race number and a timing chip so I assume it counts. 9:30 am wave start.

Camping with the parents went well and we were at about 7000 feet for a week so I'm not too worried about losing my altitude adjustment. Hopefully the 4 days I spent in San Diego haven't messed me up too much for Warrior Dash. But then again, it's not like I'm "racing" so I'm not too worried if the lungs start burning half-way through. I'll just walk. Or crawl, since I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of that anyways.

Good luck TRACEY, MANDY, and ANNE!!!

Edited by augeremt 2010-08-19 5:07 PM
2010-08-19 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Anne  Mandy Tracey Kasia

Have great races this weekend

Mandy in Wave 18 - My goodness, this must be a huge race.  I'm going to check out the website.

2010-08-19 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Steve - you were right - someone found my chip and turned it in and the RD sent my check back. (I found out earlier that Pickleevents charges the race for missing chips so I wrote the RD a check that day so she wouldn't have to track me down)

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