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2010-08-19 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3053616

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-19 6:02 PM -------------RACING AUGUST TWENTY-ONE AND AUGUST TWENTY-TWO --------------- Saturday the 21st TRACEY!!! ---- Timberman sprint (0.3/15/3) MANDY!!! ---- Timberman half-iron (1.2/56/13.1) Ellacoya State Park, Guilford, NH 7am race start, and.....(it really hurts me to write this....) Mandy is in Wave 18 (not a typo - eighteen!), and starts her swims at 8:20. This will not, however, detract from how wickedly bold and dashing she will be in her red swim cap, and her bib number, being 2597, only adds to the aura. ANNE!!! ---- Northern "Orillia" Triathlon Swim Bike (750m/33km) Orillia, Ontario 8am race start, and Anne is in the first wave --- for which she is very happy AND grateful!

Hi all! 

STEVE! It hurts me more than you, trust me!! At least my bike should be easy to find I guess!  I am in Guilford now, hanging in a hotel room.  Went to Ellacoya today and was a little shocked at the number of jet skis, holy crap.  Anyway, I scoped out transition and will ride the bike course tomorrow (in a car). 

TRACEY! Hope to see you on SAT either pre-race or post race!  WOOT Good luck!

ANNE!  Best of luck you lucky dog, first wave girl.



2010-08-19 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3053623

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You've been added to the "coming attractions" post, an dplease let me know if I have it right, or if there is anything I should add.

Thrilled with your Padres? Jeezum!! A betting person could've won a lot of money going with them, huh?

2010-08-19 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3053880

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Probably the day you left to go off with your parents I think I posted a long one to you, and I think oit had something seemingly important in it. If you can tell me when you left, I will search for it and tell you where it's at, okay?

2010-08-19 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3053705

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yes, you're bike will be easy to find.......but the rack will not be so easy to locate on the return. That is, unless you work extraextraextra hard to catch up with Andy!

Feeling the vibe yet? Getting psyched? Or mostly mellow as a cello?

Keep us posted; I'm glad you're connected to us all!

2010-08-19 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3053887

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

------------ THE OFFICIAL MANDY-WATCH --------

Just a first reminder that Mandy can be tracked through the Athlete Tracker device at Either her bib (2597) or last name (Farrar) can be used.

2010-08-19 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3053699

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Halleloo on your chip being found! I was thinking about Kasia and the Warrior Dash, which is chip-timed, and wondered how many chips get lost during the proceedings. I think there is mud involved, so how many of them get quagmired??

Timberman has become enormous. It was always popular, and then going over to the 70.3 series made it prestigious, too. And in typical WTC fashion, they sell absolutely as many entries as they can.....and then just hope like crazy that a lot of people bail on it!

One advantgae Mandy will have in the last wave is that the bike course will not be all thta crowded. Depending on how the waves are organized, there will be lots of places where the mobs are thick - and the course really can't handle that for the first 12 or so miles. Once it hits Route 106, it should break up some. But for Mandy, the whole bike course should be pretty clear. Whew!

2010-08-19 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3053902

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Read what I just posted to Denise. That is a huge advantage you will have in going in that last wave. Were I in the race, I would have that seemingly nice early wave, but with strong guys coming after my wave, it would be a real mess on the bike. Leavitt Road on the way out would be VERY unsafe, what with dappled light and people bombing like maniaces on the twisty descent towards 106, after the mid-Leavitt diagonal road. You should be spared that potential crashfest via the "genorosity" of being in Wave 18!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-08-19 9:00 PM
2010-08-19 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3053884

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Yeah, the Padres have had a pretty impressive season. The cynic that I am (with regards to SD sports, at least), I don't tend to get my hopes up much until playoffs since they all seem to choke when it really matters. That's even more true for playoffs, but hey, you gotta start cheering at some point. But this is most definitely something to get excited about. Sweeping the Cubs?! Awesome!

As for Warrior Dash, you have the details right. And you're a good fact-checker, adding location and all that jazz without me even supplying it. But I have the upper hand on the wave starts. Ha! I'm at 9:30, which I think is the second wave. DWAYNE mentioned it's good to go early since the course gets really slippery even by 10:30. And it gives me the whole day to eat turkey legs and drink beer, in proper warrior style.

And I'm bringing a waterproof camera to properly document the experience. I just hope it doesn't end up at the bottom of the mud pit. I'm pretty sure it'll be in good company with the timing chips, like you mentioned in your note to DENISE. I'm trying to go through my wardrobe to decide which clothes and shoes to sacrifice to the mud gods. So far I have nothing. I think I'm going to have to do a thrift store run tomorrow.

Lastly, I found your "seemingly important" post from August 11th. I'm glad you pointed that out since I completely forgot about it. I'll reply on a more serious note when I get back to Colorado as I'm currently too busy enjoying the San Diego sun. I still question why I ever left...

2010-08-20 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3053904

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-19 9:57 PM MANDY - Read what I just posted to Denise. That is a huge advantage you will have in going in that last wave. Were I in the race, I would have that seemingly nice early wave, but with strong guys coming after my wave, it would be a real mess on the bike. Leavitt Road on the way out would be VERY unsafe, what with dappled light and people bombing like maniaces on the twisty descent towards 106, after the mid-Leavitt diagonal road. You should be spared that potential crashfest via the "genorosity" of being in Wave 18!

Done!  I like the idea of a less crowded bike!
2010-08-20 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3053992

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm glad you found my post -- now I'll have to go back to it and find out what I earth I might've been thinking about as "important"!

You are so lucky that you have ties to two bonafide meccas -- San Diego and Boulder. It just doesn't get much better than that, to be sure!

I might've said this before, but I am a westerner trapped inside and eaterner's body. No, that's not quite right. I am an easterner by birth and current location, but yearn almost daily to be out west.

We lived in Alberta and Saskatchewan for several years, and I spent a summer at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, and many fine vacations were taken west of the Continental Divide. But both kids live in the east, and now with Lynn's trip to Newfoundland, she says she would love for us to retire there. Hells' bells, it doesn't get much more EASTERN than NFLD, and my heart remains firmly in the WEST. Sigh....

I remember Dwayne's comment about doing W.D. early, and I'm glad that you're in such an early wave. Brilliantly played, Kasia. And PLEASE take loads of photos!!

have you found your "gear" yet? Yeah, you sure don't want it to be your very best technical athletic clothing, do you. I guess not too much that is worn at warrior Dashes ever sees the light of day again, huh?

Sleep well tonight, so you're well rested for the gorging on turkey legs!!

2010-08-20 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3052931

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-19 1:30 PM ANNE, on the rebound - It's now about five hours later, andI'm here to tell you that you do not have to feel exhausted about any of the high-falutin' plans I conjured up a day or two ago. Beacuse, thanks to my patented philosophy of EXTEMPORANEOUS SELF-COACHING, I just finished a 21.2km run. I'm all set for HVJ! I've got over-distance. Praise the lord!! I decided I would like to go between 15 and 19km, and before the run I drove and odometered a loop route whose parts I have done before, but never as this particular loop. It turned out it was 19.6km......and that gave me all that time to decide if I wanted to stop at 19.6 or soldier forth for another 0.4km and be pleased with 20 (knowing that the final km of HVJ is mostly downhill), or do a what-the-heck 1.5km and get that psychological edge of having the exact diatnce under my belt. So, I did a little add-on based on time, and then went back and measure it, and it came up to 1.6km ----- and there I am! 21.2km! (Actually a few meters closer to 21.3....but I'm not gonna be picayune. ) My time was 1:52, and I'm happy with that. It was quiet warm, full sun, and only two planted bottles -- at about 11.2km and 15.1km. One gel before, and one gel at 15.1. It was just a lope-along effort, working to feel good and smooth for the whole thing; mostly, it worked. So! There's my long run for HVJ -- signed, sealed, and delivered! I will do 12km on Sunday, maybe 15km on Tuesday, or drop one of those and throw in a longish brick. Who knows? It's all extemporaneous, flying by the seat of my tri shorts! How was the swim for you today?

Nice run.   Glad you were able to get it and and feel good doing it.  

No training for me today.  Spent most of it in the kitchen.  So have lots of food for the next 3 days   Getting stuff together for VT/NY as well.   Was checking out the last few years of results a bit.   I'll feel better when I see the course and then will have a more accurate idea of what I might be able to do on race day.  

Thunderstorms and lots of rain forecast for Sunday.      Hopefully not!

2010-08-20 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3055656

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Don't look now, but I'm gainin' on ya! The 2010 score for 90+km rides is now you-19, me-2.

Yup, I did a 90.3km ride today, and combined with yesterday's run, that very nicely telscoped all of those exhausting plans from a few days ago. I guess that was my thinking ultimately -- that doing a bunch of long rides and runs was sillier than just buckling down and doing them in one fell swoop asap. So -- 21.3km run yesterday, 90.3km ride today --- I'm ready for HVJ! (Okay, okay, I still have to figure out how I'm going to run 21.1km effectively after biking 90km, so i guess htere is still a long brick to be completed. [Darn, there's always SOMEthing!! ])

The ride was good, 33kmh which is 20.13mph. It took 2:43.

I treated myself poorly, though. I swam before it and had half a gel before that. the swim was 40', then I drove about 20 minutes to where I started the ride, eating a bunch of small crackers on the way. I had a gel before the ride, plus a swig of HEED, and then for the bike all I had was about 12oz of EFS, 8oz of water, another gel, and a few bites of a PowerBar. I di not look at the big picture when I started the ride, and it makes me relaize how slack I can be when I'm not fully focused -- or when I do workouts kind of on a whim, the psur of the moment, extemporaneous. Had it been a real hot day today, or ultra-windy, I would've been hurting for sure, so I dodged a bullet thanks to a decent day for a long ride.

While my time and pace were pleasing, I doubt I could've run 21.1km at all well after it. maybe that's the poor nutrition speaking, but moe likley it's the fact that I better not try to ride HVJ at 20mph! Any bragging rights I might acquire in doing so will end right then and there, with no glory to follow on the run!

So, it's time to think strategies -- paces AND nutrition. To that end I bought some Fig Newtons today, going back to my HIM roots and what worked for me so well for so long. They will be in my Bento Box, as will a few mini-pretzels, to go along with an assortment of the usual suspects - gels and bits of various bars. I think I'll get it all figured out in time!

2010-08-20 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3055704

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again --

Just saw yours (we cyber-crossed again!), and YES! That run was a good one! I felt about 100% today, no aches or pains at all, and fresh enough to ride well. After the run I had Interphase, which is one recovery drink, and followed that was Recoverite, another ecovery drink. I also spent many hours in calf compression sleeves, including sleeping time. So, while I was a chowderhead today with what I ate and drank on the bike, at least i was relatively wise yesterday after the run. Woo-hoo for me!!

2010-08-20 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3054122

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Any success today, snarfeling after Andy Potts?

As for the pros, last year at Eagleman Lisa from my other group thought that Amanda Lovato was beautiful, and Trevor, one of the guys in the group, looked up some photos of her and pronounced her "stringy". A small discussion ensued about this, in which I stood back and did not get involved*. (It reminded me of many times during my teaching career, when two kids are having a dispute and you don't want to interced unless it gets too ugly -- which it didn't in the A.L. discussion.)

I think she and her husband, Michael, are doing T-man, so you can judge for yopurself. And I think they're both on the cover of the current issue of Triathlete -- but seeing them in person is so much more telling!

*Let it be known that I took the high road!

2010-08-20 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3055705

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-20 5:28 PM ANNE - Don't look now, but I'm gainin' on ya! The 2010 score for 90+km rides is now you-19, me-2. Yup, I did a 90.3km ride today, and combined with yesterday's run, that very nicely telscoped all of those exhausting plans from a few days ago. I guess that was my thinking ultimately -- that doing a bunch of long rides and runs was sillier than just buckling down and doing them in one fell swoop asap. So -- 21.3km run yesterday, 90.3km ride today --- I'm ready for HVJ! (Okay, okay, I still have to figure out how I'm going to run 21.1km effectively after biking 90km, so i guess htere is still a long brick to be completed. [Darn, there's always SOMEthing!! ]) The ride was good, 33kmh which is 20.13mph. It took 2:43. I treated myself poorly, though. I swam before it and had half a gel before that. the swim was 40', then I drove about 20 minutes to where I started the ride, eating a bunch of small crackers on the way. I had a gel before the ride, plus a swig of HEED, and then for the bike all I had was about 12oz of EFS, 8oz of water, another gel, and a few bites of a PowerBar. I di not look at the big picture when I started the ride, and it makes me relaize how slack I can be when I'm not fully focused -- or when I do workouts kind of on a whim, the psur of the moment, extemporaneous. Had it been a real hot day today, or ultra-windy, I would've been hurting for sure, so I dodged a bullet thanks to a decent day for a long ride. While my time and pace were pleasing, I doubt I could've run 21.1km at all well after it. maybe that's the poor nutrition speaking, but moe likley it's the fact that I better not try to ride HVJ at 20mph! Any bragging rights I might acquire in doing so will end right then and there, with no glory to follow on the run! So, it's time to think strategies -- paces AND nutrition. To that end I bought some Fig Newtons today, going back to my HIM roots and what worked for me so well for so long. They will be in my Bento Box, as will a few mini-pretzels, to go along with an assortment of the usual suspects - gels and bits of various bars. I think I'll get it all figured out in time!

Yikes!   I'd better get crack'n and get a couple more 90km rides in before you get on a roll.    

That was a really good ride you did and after such a long run yesterday.   That's impressive in my eyes.   Shoot - I was hoping you WOULD be riding the course around 33km/hr.   That way I my dream of 27km/hr might be possible.   I will be interested in what cycling pace you think you will ride at.  

I won't have to worry so much about the nutrition as you, since I am not running.    That puts a whole new spin on things.   I will have to re-think all that next year.

I forgot to tell you that we have signed up for an 8 week learn to run program with local Runner's Choice starting September 12th.   Since I have been away from running so long, really need to start from scratch and this will keep me from pushing too hard, too fast.    We are planning on a short 2.5km race for November 6th. 

I don't need to worry about running from the water to transition in Orillia.   It is very close.   However, I have decided that I will run the 500 meter transition in Wasaga - last race of the year and do a few practice runs before it.  

2010-08-20 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Busy busy group!!  I've been MIA ... crazy week ... with my husband at the doctor on Monday and Tuesday with a kidney stone, which necessitated surgery on Wednesday to remove it.  Back to the doctor today to get the stent out.  But he's feeling much better now, so we can enjoy a celebratory dinner on Saturday for my birthday on Sunday.  And looks like he'll been through with work by Labor Day.

ANNE, TRACEY, MANDY, KASIA, and DENISE ... good luck to you all this weekend!!  Can't wait for every one to check back in with reports.

STEVE B, sounds like you've had a great run and great ride over the last couple of days!

In regards to the kicking/swimming discussion ... I don't kick when I'm swimming either, just seems to slow me down.


2010-08-20 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3047428

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-08-17 6:18 AM

That's really cool that you are doing a 1/2 marathon.   And with all those friends too.   Your running schedule seems to be very consistent.   I had no idea that races could be that popular that they sell out in minutes.   We sure don't have any like that around here (that I am aware of, anyway).  

I can't remember if you have commented on biking.  I see that you are not doing any.   Do you just stick to the swimming and biking?   

ANNE, oh, you caught me ... the biking.  Yes, it's been awhile.  Unfortunately, I just don't live in a very biker friendly area.  My neighborhood is small and I have to do 3 loops to even get 6 1/2 miles in and way too much traffic to leave the neighborhood unless I load up my car and drive out aways.  I'm pretty much limited to do that on Saturdays and Sundays and since I get up and run on Saturday mornings, I hate to leave my family again on Sunday mornings for a ride.  My 12 year old asks me every night "Are you going to be here in the morning?".  So, the biking gets put on the back burner.  I would love to live near a nice bike trail or lightly traveled country road ... maybe in a few years ... and I'll be require a nice "swimming hole" as well.  Believe me, I am looking and trying to figure out where that might be.  Enjoy your race this weekend!   

2010-08-20 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3055951

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Ugh. A stealth attack by a kidney stone. Glad he's better, and will be fully functional to celebrate your b-day. Thirty-six more hours until you are how young?

Whenever we get the itch to move into Ottawa, I always get hung up on the difficulties of cycling; to wit, a decent, more safe and less frustrating ride would begin by loading the bike into the car and driving somewhere. Not all that ideal!

The irony to that, however, is that about 80% of my rides this season have been car-drive-frist ones, even though I live in the country and the road is Right There. But my preferred roues was prepared for some extensive pavement, and the prepared parts just sat there for about a month without new pavement being laid. So I got in the habit of trundling the bike to places where the roads are more diverse and challenging.....and I haven't really looked back!

But it's one thing to trundle the bike by choice, and another to do it out of necessity. So, I understand your reluctance to bike as much as you might like!

2010-08-20 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3055965

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Have great experiences tomorrow in your two VERY different enterprises! I'll be up in plenty of time to send mojo to both of you!!

2010-08-21 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3056138

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

TIMBERTRACEY should about be done now!!! (Wasn't the swim sweet, Tracey?)

WARRIORKASIA is about to begin her epic....perhaps wondering what she's gotten herself in for (or is about to get INTO)!

2010-08-21 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Heading up to Orillia in about an hour.   Tomorrow has definitely turned into an experimental race!   Trisport link to weather shows 19* high, with NE winds at 40km/hr with gusts to 60.   Another station shows winds only at 15km/hr.   Will be a big surprise when we get up tomorrow.

If the weather IS really bad, we are both going to take time in transition to put on some legs/arms, maybe jacket.   Not going to risk messing up our vacation and HVJ.   Still plan on playing around with TT.  

TRACEY - Hope you had a great race.

KASIA -   Hope you have a riot! 

MANDY -  Good luck.

Hope everyone else has a great weekend.

2010-08-21 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hi all. Just a quick post to update. The race went really well. My unofficial time was about 1:58. My goal was to finish in less than 2 hours so I either met that or came close to it. I think I had a good run. It felt good anyway!

More later...
2010-08-21 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3056479

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Woo-hoo-and-a-half!!!!! It is great to hear that you are pleased with the race, and that at least in the first quick post from you there is no mention of being clobbered by the bike course. It is also good to hear that you are pleased with the run, which is seemingly straightforward but can be tricky if not paced properly (that is, the final half-mile to the turnaround has hurt people in the past). I will hustle off to try and find the results.

Congratulations, Timberwoman!!

2010-08-21 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3056491

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

TRACEY again (many hours later) -

Wahhhhh! Can't find your results! (They gotta be up shortly, right?)

Are you home and feeling great???

2010-08-21 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3056749

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-21 6:46 PM TRACEY again (many hours later) - Wahhhhh! Can't find your results! (They gotta be up shortly, right?) Are you home and feeling great???

I found them 12:04 1:04:45 32:36 - 1:58:23  but they don't have the paces so I have to calculate (I hate that)


Tracey - Can't wait to hear more
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