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2010-08-21 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

2010-08-21 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3056757

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thank you! (You ALWAYS find these things before I do -- even my own from last week!!)

2010-08-21 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3056765

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Those look like very fine times, across the board. I go from one to the next, and can't figure out which looks best! Maybe the bike; that looks like avery fine time on a course that was -- shall we say -- slightly more challenging than Escape and Whaling??

I too cannot wait to hear more!

2010-08-21 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Just a note on my 5k run with my daughter:

 We ran together nice & easy.  The photographer was at the 3 mile mark and I think we may have a good pic together.  Just as we passed the photog, my daughter takes off sprinting the last .1 mile and
I couldn't catch her so she finished 7 sec ahead of me.  I shouldn't have given her a GU before the race haha.

In spite of our rather slow pace, I finished 2/8 in my age group.  The 1st name of the woman who finished 1st was TOM ?????  Something strange here, methinks.  (There weren't any age group awards, so I didn't see the 1st place finisher)


Edited by LadyNorth 2010-08-21 7:07 PM
2010-08-21 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3056767

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

The weather gods are smiling!

ANNE!! You have pretty good weather now. Maybe a bit chilly, but minimal wind (10km/h), and an 80% chance of precip, but neglible amounts.

MANDY!! Holy-moly! You have cloudy with showers, virtually no wind (a mere 3mp/h??), and a high of 60. Can you dig it?!?! And there is another advantage to your later start -- it might have warmed up a few degrees from the times of the first waves, and you might not feel the need for any layering. Cool beans!!

2010-08-21 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TRACEY!!!   Awesome race.   What a great way to finish up a season.   I think you said this might be your last tri for a while?

Nice swim pace.   Hope I can do that well tomorrow.  Looks like an all around good performance.    

And thanks Denise for tracking Tracey's results down. 

2010-08-21 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3056765

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Warrior Dash Update:

I finally got all the mud out of my hair and ears so it's about time for an update. I had an absolute blast! Lots of great costumes, attitudes, and personalities. Prior to the race, I was a bit bummed that a hill climb was considered one of the obstacles (thought it was a cop-out just to get the numbers up) but it was a well-deserved designation. That hill was killer! I have to say the mud pit with barbed wire was my absolute favorite, even though I accidentally opened my mouth right before I belly-flopped into the mud. The spectators loved it though, so it was worth it.

Unofficial Time: No idea, and don't care. Does it really matter?

I will second DWAYNE's sentiments by saying you guys should do it if it's in your region. It's really fun and the organizers know how to put on a race! I'm definitely in for next year, this time with a costume.
2010-08-21 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3056778

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
And some photos:

Before (I'm on the left, my roommate Maggie is on the right):

During, directly post-mud pit:

The last sprint to the finish, through fire, of course:

And after:

2010-08-22 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3056778

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Oh my, I don't quite know where to begin with my comments. For starters, you sure are a gamer, and you and every other Warrior must have the guts of a canal horse. I love the photos, they capture a lot of what I figure the spirit of the event must be. I can't help but notice the banana where I was expecting a turkey leg.....but maybe that came much later.

There aren't too many events that people walk away from saying "I can't wait to do it next year", so you are very fortunate you found one! Which makes me wonder -- How many people "tour" these things? That is, they go from event to event, budgeting the cost of getting to the venues as part of their overall lifestyle. I'll bet the number is not insignificant. There are scores of people who try to do a marathon in every state, and more scors pursuing similar quests, so the prospect of traveling to a handful of W.D. each year is not too difficult to imagine.

Anyhow, I'm glad you had a blast, and then some. (As for getting all the mud out of your hair and ears.....I don't think so! I suspect you'll still be finding vestiges well into the middle of the week!

Congrats, Warriorwoman!

2010-08-22 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
TRACEY, congrats on your race.  I set personal goals for each of my races ... it feels great to beat them!

KASIA, thanks for sharing the pictures!  Look like you had a blast!  I don't think I could handle that mud ... I wouldn't even make mud pies as a little girl (do kids still make mud pies?)!!

DENISE, congrats on your 2nd place finish, only to be beaten by "TOM".  Hope you had a fun time with your daughter and you got a great pic!

MANDY and ANNE, thinking about you this morning.  A jacket?  Oh, how I wish.

STEVE B, it's 52.

I've been trying to psych myself all summer, telling myself last summer was hotter than this summer.  Last summer we had 17 days in triple digits, this summer, so far only 2.  But today is the 17th day of heat advisories here for this summer and they are expecting another couple days.  Last summer total, was 17.  They were saying on the weather that the difference this summer has been the humidity, so our feel like temps have actually been higher this summer than last.  I guess that should make me feel better? 

Had a nice swim in the pool at the gym this morning.  Was feeling good during my warm up and ended up swimming 1000.  When I was done, the man in the lane next to me said "Excuse me ... but how long can you swim without stopping, an hour or two?".

2010-08-22 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3057252

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY has made it trhough the swim and the bike and both transitions, and is out on the run!

She was 46:55 for the swim and 3:30:20 for the bike, with 2:23 for T1 and 2:41 for T2!!!

I was following up through T1, then we had computer problems and I went for a swim and run, and now I'm back to see her doing well --- and also that my post to Kasia this morning actually made it (I thought a freeze of sorts had killed it).

It's all at

ANNE!! You back yet??

2010-08-22 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Mandy's in - 6:50:58

Wow - it makes me tired just looking at those hours.

I wonder what she's eating for dinner.
2010-08-22 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I'm BACK!!!   Smile

Preliminary report - don't see results up yet.   43 people in aqual/bike.   But when I left was 1/3 in my age.  4 women were registered- Not sure what happened to her.  What a great race.  Totally rained for the entire event.   Choppy waters with an East wind 11-13km/hr in our face.    Couldn't see A THING!!!! in the water - had my dark tinted Sable goggles on and it was DARK, low cloud.   I was at the back of the 1st wave but somehow after we started swimming I was like more in the middle with the entire pack pushing everyone to the right.   WAY off course.   Had to stop 3 times during the swim and literally stand upright in the water and bounce up and down to try and find the buoys.  When I finally spotted one I was a bit freaked about how far right we had swam, and was sure I was going to get out of the water and see my watch say 22 minutes.    My sense of direction was so off that I didn't even realize we were swimming back to shore - thought I still had to round a bouy and veer left.   Despite all this my swimming must have been fairly decent because Ken and numerous others were still in transition when I got there.   What a great surprise.  

Used my Tempo trainer but had to set it at .97 instead of .95 which I had been using in the pool, and stayed with that comfortably.   With all the other crap that was going on didn't even bother swimming TT pace for 6 then 'fast' for 3; however, I did start it once I realized we were heading back to shore and it seemed to work quite well.   

I am so excited to do a race in calm water.  

Fortunately on the bike I had my glasses with the yellow lenses that make everything look bright and kept the water out of my eyes.  Very technical bike course and also hilly, and very dangerous today.   Quite a bit of climbing, but for the most part not really steep.   Just LONG.   Right off the bat someone had their wheels slide out from under them.   My front brakes were off (left side not touching when I brake) and I neglected to fix before the race, so after seeing this girl fall, and the warning signs, I, as well as most others, were very cautious and pretty much ground to a halt on all the 90 degree turns.   One section of the road was particularly bad with big pot holes filled with rain, so you couldn't see the hole.   I hit one which kind of scared me so was pretty careful for maybe 3km? 

We start right into a long climb that gets quite steep.   My avg. speed at the top was only 12km/hr - I was working but didn't want to burn my legs out on the first climb.   I was really strong on the flat sections today and Ken was beating me on the hills.    It was about 10km before he passed me and we passed each other back and forth and he ended up beating me by 50 seconds.  

Drank 500 ml of Vega sport (140 cal) plus 2 figs (60 calories).  

Was kind of upset after the race because I had been pressing my lap button at every 5km mark but didn't realize it had changed functions when I took the wetsuit off!   Will have a look at Ken's because we were riding pretty close to each other.   On some of the 5km laps he was a bit faster, and I was faster on others.  

Before I left, I bought a new pair of goggles with yellow lenses.  Laughing
2010-08-22 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Forgot to give my times - swim time (swimming) 17.31 (2.21/100 meters).

With the run to transition it was 18.30?   Have to wait for results.   No one thought the course was short.

Bike speed was 27.89km/hr.  Think that is pretty accurate.  

I'm Happy.  
2010-08-22 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3057386

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-08-22 3:18 PM

I wonder what she's eating for dinner.

Everything!! Race report to you all tomorrow!! Thanks so much for the support!  Kasia, LOVE those pictures!!
2010-08-22 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

17/36 Overall
20/36 Bike Overall
24/36 Swim Overal (I knew I was getting better on swim)
9/36 T1 (I beat out 5 people because of my fast transition)

5/19 Women
5/19 Bike Women
4/19 Swim Women (First time my swim has placed ahead of my bike)
3/19 T1 Women

Bike wasn't as fast as I thought - 27.5.   From T1, there was a 30 meter run up an incline, then left turn for another 15 meters or so to the mount line.  


2010-08-22 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I couldn't believe it when I saw you running over FIRE.   Laughing  What the heck kind of race is this????    I'm going to have to check this out some more.  

You have my UTMOST respect, WARRIOR WOMAN!   
2010-08-22 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You too, have my UTMOST RESPECT.   To do what you did today, with the training you have had, is astonishing to me.   We have some tough women in this group.      Looking forward to hearing all about it.   

2010-08-22 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3056771

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-08-21 8:03 PM
Just a note on my 5k run with my daughter:

 We ran together nice & easy.  The photographer was at the 3 mile mark and I think we may have a good pic together.  Just as we passed the photog, my daughter takes off sprinting the last .1 mile and
I couldn't catch her so she finished 7 sec ahead of me.  I shouldn't have given her a GU before the race haha.

In spite of our rather slow pace, I finished 2/8 in my age group.  The 1st name of the woman who finished 1st was TOM ?????  Something strange here, methinks.  (There weren't any age group awards, so I didn't see the 1st place finisher)


Congratulations on another great race, Denise.   You're  having a really good year!!!!
2010-08-22 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3056491

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-21 2:23 PM


Woo-hoo-and-a-half!!!!! It is great to hear that you are pleased with the race, and that at least in the first quick post from you there is no mention of being clobbered by the bike course. It is also good to hear that you are pleased with the run, which is seemingly straightforward but can be tricky if not paced properly (that is, the final half-mile to the turnaround has hurt people in the past). I will hustle off to try and find the results.

Congratulations, Timberwoman!!

Just because I didn't mention getting clobbered by the bike course didn't mean that it didn't happen!

2010-08-22 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3056767

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-21 8:01 PM


Those look like very fine times, across the board. I go from one to the next, and can't figure out which looks best! Maybe the bike; that looks like avery fine time on a course that was -- shall we say -- slightly more challenging than Escape and Whaling??

I too cannot wait to hear more!

Thanks Steve. The Timberman bike course was definitely more challenging than the others, for sure! But as happy as I am with surviving the bike and not doing too badly, it's the run that I'm really happy with. My pace was just under 11:00 min/mile (I think it came out to around 10:56). For me, who's usually around 11:45 - 12:30, doing 10:56 after a killer bike course is a real accomplishment. I don't know what made it happen, but I just felt really full of energy during the run. My legs really didn't bother me at all, in terms of the fatigue I usually feel after a hilly ride. I dare say the Clif Bloks and Hammer Gel helped?? But who knows...

Anyway, my full race report will be coming along as soon as the full results are up. (The link given by Denise seems to be the only ones online right now, and those don't have overall rankings, transition times, etc).

2010-08-22 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3056775

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-08-21 8:09 PM

CONGRATULATIONS TRACEY!!!   Awesome race.   What a great way to finish up a season.   I think you said this might be your last tri for a while?

Nice swim pace.   Hope I can do that well tomorrow.  Looks like an all around good performance.    

And thanks Denise for tracking Tracey's results down. 

Thanks Anne. Yes, this is my last tri for this season, so I'm happy to finish with a good performance.

I think I'm most pleased with my run (32:36 for 3 miles). (See previous post to Steve...) It's probably hard for anyone who normally runs 8 or 9 minute miles without a problem to understand, but for me to finish under 11 minutes per mile in a 3 mile run, in a tri no less, feels pretty awesome!


2010-08-22 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3057398

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-08-22 3:37 PM

I'm BACK!!!   Smile

Preliminary report - don't see results up yet.   43 people in aqual/bike.   But when I left was 1/3 in my age.  4 women were registered- Not sure what happened to her.  What a great race.  Totally rained for the entire event.   Choppy waters with an East wind 11-13km/hr in our face.    Couldn't see A THING!!!! in the water - had my dark tinted Sable goggles on and it was DARK, low cloud.   I was at the back of the 1st wave but somehow after we started swimming I was like more in the middle with the entire pack pushing everyone to the right.   WAY off course.   Had to stop 3 times during the swim and literally stand upright in the water and bounce up and down to try and find the buoys.  When I finally spotted one I was a bit freaked about how far right we had swam, and was sure I was going to get out of the water and see my watch say 22 minutes.    My sense of direction was so off that I didn't even realize we were swimming back to shore - thought I still had to round a bouy and veer left.   Despite all this my swimming must have been fairly decent because Ken and numerous others were still in transition when I got there.   What a great surprise.  

Used my Tempo trainer but had to set it at .97 instead of .95 which I had been using in the pool, and stayed with that comfortably.   With all the other crap that was going on didn't even bother swimming TT pace for 6 then 'fast' for 3; however, I did start it once I realized we were heading back to shore and it seemed to work quite well.   

I am so excited to do a race in calm water.  

Fortunately on the bike I had my glasses with the yellow lenses that make everything look bright and kept the water out of my eyes.  Very technical bike course and also hilly, and very dangerous today.   Quite a bit of climbing, but for the most part not really steep.   Just LONG.   Right off the bat someone had their wheels slide out from under them.   My front brakes were off (left side not touching when I brake) and I neglected to fix before the race, so after seeing this girl fall, and the warning signs, I, as well as most others, were very cautious and pretty much ground to a halt on all the 90 degree turns.   One section of the road was particularly bad with big pot holes filled with rain, so you couldn't see the hole.   I hit one which kind of scared me so was pretty careful for maybe 3km? 

We start right into a long climb that gets quite steep.   My avg. speed at the top was only 12km/hr - I was working but didn't want to burn my legs out on the first climb.   I was really strong on the flat sections today and Ken was beating me on the hills.    It was about 10km before he passed me and we passed each other back and forth and he ended up beating me by 50 seconds.  

Drank 500 ml of Vega sport (140 cal) plus 2 figs (60 calories).  

Was kind of upset after the race because I had been pressing my lap button at every 5km mark but didn't realize it had changed functions when I took the wetsuit off!   Will have a look at Ken's because we were riding pretty close to each other.   On some of the 5km laps he was a bit faster, and I was faster on others.  

Before I left, I bought a new pair of goggles with yellow lenses.  Laughing

Congratulations Anne!!!

Wow, that sounds like a crazy swim. But what a great experience to race in those kinds of conditions.

Nice that you can race with your husband too and have some friendly competition. I'm trying to convince mine to do a duathlon with me in October. I'm sure he'd totally smoke me, but it would be fun to do it together.


2010-08-22 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3056778

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
augeremt - 2010-08-21 8:16 PM

Warrior Dash Update:

I finally got all the mud out of my hair and ears so it's about time for an update. I had an absolute blast! Lots of great costumes, attitudes, and personalities. Prior to the race, I was a bit bummed that a hill climb was considered one of the obstacles (thought it was a cop-out just to get the numbers up) but it was a well-deserved designation. That hill was killer! I have to say the mud pit with barbed wire was my absolute favorite, even though I accidentally opened my mouth right before I belly-flopped into the mud. The spectators loved it though, so it was worth it.

Unofficial Time: No idea, and don't care. Does it really matter?

I will second DWAYNE's sentiments by saying you guys should do it if it's in your region. It's really fun and the organizers know how to put on a race! I'm definitely in for next year, this time with a costume.


LOVE the pics! A friend of mine is trying to convince me to do this race with her out in the western part of Massachusetts. It's about a 150 mile drive from here though. But it sounds like you're saying it's worth it??

2010-08-22 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3057447

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-08-22 4:32 PM

LadyNorth - 2010-08-22 3:18 PM

I wonder what she's eating for dinner.

Everything!! Race report to you all tomorrow!! Thanks so much for the support!  Kasia, LOVE those pictures!!

Congratulations Mandy! I was thinking about you and the other racers all day today. Lucky the rain held off for the most part, huh?

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