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2010-08-24 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

It's too windy to bike and it's too windy to burn my yard debris, so I've been reading some random Timberman race reports.

Wetsuit strippers?????  Wetsuit strippers??????


2010-08-24 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


A guy from my town (Pine River,MN pop 900) is doing Ironman Arizona this year.  He tried to get into Wis and Florida but couldn't but he is registered for Arizona.  It will be his 1st.  He probably won't be one of the midnight finishers - he routinely finishes in the top 5-10 overall at the shorter races.

2010-08-24 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Fun Fun Warrior pics.  There's an inaugural mudrun in my area in Sept - you might have inspired me to give it a try.

2010-08-24 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3057715

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-08-22 7:26 PM 

  Thanks Anne. Yes, this is my last tri for this season, so I'm happy to finish with a good performance. I think I'm most pleased with my run (32:36 for 3 miles). (See previous post to Steve...) It's probably hard for anyone who normally runs 8 or 9 minute miles without a problem to understand, but for me to finish under 11 minutes per mile in a 3 mile run, in a tri no less, feels pretty awesome! Tracey

I can totally totally relate.  I had some not-so-good runs early in the season and then when a good one came along, i was so pumped.  Congrats on the hard work paying off.

hey - I just noticed more complete results are up - YOU BEAT OVER A HUNDRED RACERS.

Edited by LadyNorth 2010-08-24 12:58 PM
2010-08-24 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3061150

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-08-24 12:37 PM Anne,

Congrats on your race.  I specifically wanted to say how impressed I was with your swim.  Great pace.  I don't know how you did it with the problems seeing the course.  I'm one of the ones who would have freaked - I have trouble enough with sighting.  I can imagine how great you feel getting better with the swim.  Great placements too.


Thank  you so much, Denise.   You have no idea how much your comments mean to me. 

I hope we can still stay in touch through the group over the winter months.   It will be great motivation to stay with it.  

2010-08-24 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3060056

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-23 9:14 PM ANNE - Your "EVEN BETTER INFORMATION" is colossally uplifting -- especially the swim comparisons/progression. But that's not to take anything away from the Orillia bike placement, 406/640. Holy grinnin'' catfish!! You have to be feeling inpeak from - physically and mentally - going into HVJ! I love the image of you bobbing up and down trying to sight the buoys. Sproing! Sproing! Sproing! What's up with me this week, you ask? Well, that took a few hits today. I had palvnned a bike ride between when I droiopped Lynn in Larose Forest and when I picked her up, but that got shortened because (A) my biike was giving me troubles, and (B) in going through a huge puddle I tore off the front-end underprotecter, and (C) within an hour of thois my driver's side door handle broke. So the afternoon, which was supposed to have a swim in it, ended up being devoted to taking the car to the shop to be evaluated, and taking the bikeinto Ottawa for the LBS to make some adjustments. The good news is that the bike is much better, i think (remind me to show you a trick if your gearing ever gets noisy or "clanky"), and that on Wednesaday the car will be fixed (and it's driveable until then.) Tomorrwo will be broken up by a trip to Tina for a=some work on my S-I joint, and ]speaking of broken -- I broke a bit off the inner side of one of my bottom front tetth, and it is quickly abrading the tip of my tongue. So, I may need to attend to that, too! I wasn't planning on doing a full taper....but eevnts seem o be conspiring in that direction. maybe that's good, overall, but I don't like my plans (as scattered as they are) to be muddied by externals beyond my control. Todat was 49' brisk ride, yesterday was a good 61' run after the dark and blowy swim. Tomorrow there will be aswim of some sort, and maybe a run, and maybe a ride just to assure myself that the bike's problems are no more, Aren't you sorry you asked??


Yikes, you have been hit big time - bike, tooth, car!   Good to get it all out of the way at the same time, at least.    I'm one of those people who believe things happen for a reason.  

2010-08-24 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3060597

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-24 9:22 AM ANNE again (but about 12 hours later) - As for tomorrow and where you might stay.... In Brockville there is a nice B&B right near downtown. It is the Pine Street Inn, 613-498-3866, just north of King and west of Orchard. It is a few minutes walk from the Brockberry Restaurant, which is very good. Both places served us well in '07 when I did Toronto Islands on Saturday and 1000 Islands on Sunday, and we stayed at PSI on the Saturday night. A second option is here, if you feel up for the diversion from the 401. We are about 75 minutes from the main Brockville exit and 45 minutes from Cornwall. We are humble, and things are kind of chaotic what with gardening crap everywhere and rearrangement of this and that within the house, but you're certainly welcome. And if you place your order beforeheand, I can probably serve you whatever you want to eat! Lemme know if you want to do this. If you opt for Brockville, and want to swim on Thursday morning, I could meet you at my swimming holes along the Long Sault Parkway, between Ingleside and Long Sault. This is about 40 minutes east of Brockville, minutes off the 401. Lemme know about that, too, as it's easy enough for me to get down there. Finally, as for things like motels, I have no obvious good or bad ones in either Brockville or Cornwall. There are several off of the main Brockville exit, and once you turn off the main Cornwall exit and you're on Brookdale Avenue heading south a few miles to the border, there are a bunch along Brookdale and just west of it, on Highway 2. Again, it seems like there was something else to say, but.........


Just said goodbye to company so back to the packing and planning.     

Thank you VERY much for the offer to spend the night at your place.    I think we will try the B&B this time, because we have to stop in Oshawa tomorrow to visit a brother who is not well and just out of hospital, so not sure how much time we need to be spending there before heading on our journey.   HOWEVER, hopefully your offer would still stand on our next trip to Ottawa and have more time to spend there.  

Your suggestion for a swim Thursday morning is appealing to both Ken and I, depending on how early; the earlier the better, for us.   I seem to re-call that you tend to do your training later in the day.    

I would really like to get to Branbury early enough on Thursday to be able to ride part of the bike course.  

Let me know what you think.

2010-08-24 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3060651

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-24 9:37 AM ANNE once more - You asked alst week what my goals were for HVJ, and I'm not sure there is anything that will be carved-in-stone. My last half-iron as last Oct 4, and that was late in the season when I was quite finely-tuned. But on the other hand, I'm feeling better this season than I did last season, so there is that. But on yet another hand, my training for HVJ has been a bit dissipated, so we'll see if I pay the big price for that transgression! Last year at MightyMan I did the swim in 41 and the bike in 2:44 and the run in 1:52, and finished in 5:23. I had lousy transitions due to my broken race belt, and I'm sure not counting on THAT happening on Sunday! If I can go 2:45 on the bike and sub-1:50 on the run, and sub-40 on the swim, I will be happy. I would love to come in at about 5:15, but wouldn't bet a single penny on that happening; my training provides no clear indications! I sure do need my bike to behave, which includes gearing and tubes/tires!! I feel quite good about my swim these days, but my nutritional prep, as I said a few days ago, has been non-existant. I guess I'm in it with the Same Old Tricks, and hope my body has changed since last October and will readily accept whatever I give it! I really could've benefitted from a longish brick about 10-14 days ago, bit that didn't happen and I doubt it will before HVJ. Opps. Maybe tomorrow I will try something thsoe lines, and if I do that it will be my alst ride and run until Saturday, when I hope to ride the run course. Care to join me on that, by the way? Off to phone the dentist now; there is no rest for the wicked!


I think your goals are well within reach, just based on all the racing you have done and how well you have performed.   I remember when Harry B was recovering from cancer and had done virtually no training that summer and decided to do Muskoka 70.3.    He didn't come 1st that time, but he did really well and after that race he changed his thinking a bit on just how much training a seasoned athelete really does need to complete that distance.     He said he felt good after the race. 

I cleaned my bike this morning.   WHAT a mess after Sunday.  I think my front wheel needs to be trued. 

Just got off the phone from the fellow that owns the B&B and find out there is pretty much nothing available between almost Kingston and Brockville due to some senior games going on.   He said he has been booked for over a year!   He was REALLY nice; SO friendly and funny.   We will definitely stay there another time.   He suggested we sleep in our van (semi-serious) because the motels, if there are any available, will be jacking up their prices. 

We've decided to stay at an Econolodge in Cornwall.  Swimming should still work Thursday morning, I would think.   Let us know the details, directions, time, etc.   Maybe your cell phone number.   Ken's cell is 519-498-9266; mine is 519-404-4418

Did you see in the pre-race newsletter the suggestion that we make a reservation for the pre-race meal on Saturday night?   Are you still planning on that?    Do you want us to make a reservation for 3? or will you look after that yourself? 

Heading out for a bit.    Hope the dentist was gentle.  

2010-08-24 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3061457

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey Guys!

First - TRACEY!  I am so sorry I never found you.  It was so crazy there both days!! I  knew 5 others racing on the HIM day and only saw 1 of them.  Insane!  Maybe it was because I was stalking Andy Potts. That man came out of the swim with AUTHORITY - he was on his bike before teh next guy was out of the water.  AND he has the best dimples!

Here is my race report with some photos!  YES, I peed.  To read where, when and how often, read the RR. HA.


2010-08-24 6:18 PM
in reply to: #3061194

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-08-24 12:57 PM

It's too windy to bike and it's too windy to burn my yard debris, so I've been reading some random Timberman race reports.

Wetsuit strippers?????  Wetsuit strippers??????


Ya, isn't that awesome??

2010-08-24 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Okay, full results are finally up for the Timberman sprint, so here's my race report:

My husband, son and I stayed at a B&B in Meredith, NH, which was about 10 miles from the race. I was up at about 4:00 after not sleeping very well (lumpy mattress and lots of noise from the cars driving by on Route 106 all night...) The innkeeper was nice enough to leave breakfast out for me: a slice of banana bread, mixed fruit, and some cinnamon almonds. I headed out and stopped at a convenience store for a big cup of coffee. I arrived at the parking lot around 4:45. Transition didn’t open until 5:00, but people were already kind of hurriedly gathering their stuff and heading over. But I stayed in the truck for a while for two reasons: first, it was still dark out, and there was something that just felt WRONG about getting to transition in the dark! Second, I planned extremely poorly for the early morning temperatures and was wearing only my thin sleeveless running shirt and had nothing else for a jacket or pullover. The temperature according the truck was 42 F. Brrr... So I stayed in the truck, finished my coffee, and looked over the course maps some more. I finally started to head out at around 5:30, and was in transition by 5:45. By the time I finished setting up, I was so cold that I went ahead and got into my wet suit. The guy on the loudspeaker said that the water temp was 71, so I figured I’d head over and do some warm up swimming. Just around this time, the sun fully came up and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Before I walked over to the beach, I had a banana and half a package of Clif Bloks.

I walked down to the beach and there were quite a few people warming up. I overheard some guy saying that the water was so warm, it felt like a jacuzzi. Okay... so I headed in, and it was amazing! Compared to an air temperature of about 50, water at 71 really did feel like a warm bath. I warmed up for a while, then reluctantly headed back out to the beach around 6:30 for the pre-race announcements.


I was in the 7th of 9 waves, and started exactly at 7:30. I positioned myself at the back of the wave. Things were going pretty well, but then one of the times I sighted, I happened to lift my head right when a little swell came up. I managed to get a facefull of water and swallow a good amount too. I kind of got a little bit panicky and lost my form. I also started holding my head up (for some reason I do this when I get scared in the open water). But I quickly realized that holding my head above water was the best way to KEEP getting water in the face and in the mouth, so I calmed down, focused, and continued on, face in water. That was the point during the swim when things could have turned really bad, and being able to re-focus made the difference between having a decent swim or having a really crappy swim. I started to catch up to a few of the swimmers and had to dodge a few of them after bumping into their legs or feet. Rounding the last buoy before the straight shot to the shore was quite crowded but I was able to pull out, and I swam strong to the finish. It was pretty cool because I could see the rocks at the bottom of the lake zipping by me! (Or should I say, I saw myself zipping by THEM!)

My final swim time was 12:04 (962/1069), with a pace of 2:04/100 yards.


There were a couple of volunteers who were doing wetsuit stripping, so I totally took advantage of that. I really didn’t rush myself during transition, but basically just did what I needed to do without thinking too much about it. At this time, I ate the other half of the Clif Bloks, and took a few swigs of the 50% Propel / 50% water I had brought for the ride. My T1 time was 4:32.


Wow, where do I start?? This was by far the hilliest 15 miles I’ve ever ridden. After heading out of transition, you take a right turn onto the road, and the climbing begins... I started to wonder what I was getting myself into. Steve had warned me that the course was tough, but I didn’t think it would start with a climb right off the bat! But as much as the climbs were steep and tough, there were some decent sections of pure downhill too. There was one point where I hit about 30 mph which was quite cool. And the break for the legs was definitely needed. I found myself passing quite a few people on the flat sections, but then I would see the same riders pass me on the hills. The message there is that I really need to work on hills! Another problem I had is that my bike wouldn’t shift down into the lowest gear. I actually started to notice a problem with the shifting a couple of weeks ago but kind of ignored it (I know, ignoring a shifting problem before a race with a hilly ride - smart!) So when I was really struggling on a hill and tried to downshift, the chain would just make all this noise and wouldn’t catch. I tried it a few different times, but no go... So the end result was that going up the tough hills, I had to settle for the lowest gear that the bike would settle into. At one point after taking a drink, I tried to reach down and put my bottle back into the cage, and the bottle slipped out of my hand and fell into the road. I was worried I’d get a penalty for that (which I did not, thankfully). The ride ended with a another long climb for the last 1/2 mile or so before taking a left hand turn into transition. I have to say, by the end of the ride, all I could think of were the half ironman racers (go Mandy!) who had to do over three times this distance on Sunday!

My bike time was 1:04:45 (905/1069). Average speed was 13.9 mph.


T2 was pretty straightforward. I ate a Hammer Gel and drank some more Propel/water. I simply cannot run comfortably when I have to pee, so I also used the porta-potty. T2 time was 4:36.


After the heaviness in the legs wore off, I was feeling pretty good on the run. This was weird, because I NEVER feel good during my runs, especially runs at the end of tris. When I got to around the 1.25 mile mark, I was feeling decidedly energetic. This is a totally foreign feeling to me, because again, I’m just not a strong runner and running almost always saps the energy out of me. I felt myself picking up the pace a few times. Yes, my breathing picked up along with it, but my legs and everything else was able to sustain it. After the turnaround point, the course goes mostly downhill. I took advantage of this by leaning forward, and swinging my legs out a bit more in the back. I could definitely feel that I was running faster than I ever had before in a race. But again, I felt weirdly good. The whole time I kept thinking, is it the nice weather? The Clif Bloks? The Hammer Gel? Good luck? A total fluke? Feeling as good as I did, the run just seemed to fly by. When I started to hear the crowd at the finish line, I almost couldn’t believe it because runs always just seem to drag for me.

My run time was 32:26 (974/1069). My pace was 10:49 minutes/mile.

My total race time was 1:58:23 (962/1069).

I'm really pleased with my results, first because when I registered for this race way back last fall and started to get a feel for what my times could be, I had set a goal of finishing in under 2 hours. (It was under 2 hours by just a hair, but under 2 hours nonetheless!) Second, I feel like I performed really well on the run coming off a tough bike course. My best 5k pace so far was 11:46 min/mile, and my best 5k in a tri was 12:08 min/mile. So I feel pretty good about hitting 10:49.

I'm also happy with the swim. The swim was an easy course, compared to my other two races this year (both of them being in the ocean, being colder, and having currents). But still, I feel like I did well at a pace of 2:04 mins/100 yards (beating my best pace previously of 2:27 mins/100 yards).

My race pace on the bike has been around 15.5 to 15.76 mph, but 13.9 mph for this particular bike course is pretty decent I think, given the hills.

I really enjoyed this race, and definitely plan to do it again next year.

Edited by thall0672 2010-08-24 6:43 PM

2010-08-24 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3061977

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-08-24 6:36 PM

Hey Guys!

First - TRACEY!  I am so sorry I never found you.  It was so crazy there both days!! I  knew 5 others racing on the HIM day and only saw 1 of them.  Insane!  Maybe it was because I was stalking Andy Potts. That man came out of the swim with AUTHORITY - he was on his bike before teh next guy was out of the water.  AND he has the best dimples!

Here is my race report with some photos!  YES, I peed.  To read where, when and how often, read the RR. HA.



No problem Mandy! I figured you'd be crazy busy getting ready for the race.

Great photos you posted on FB.

2010-08-24 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3061337

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I will keep this place going until there's only me. The other one started 11 months before his one, and it is still operational -- a big "understaffed"*, but still in business!

* The regulars are Lisa and Jess and Neil. An occcasional is Mindy. A fairly recent MIA is Patty. Nathan has been gone since the spring. Others drifted off at various prior times.

2010-08-24 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3062099

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I've done a few races that had wetsuit strippers, but have never availed myself of their services. I have my own routine, and that neither involves flopping on my back, nor letting someone have his or her way with me and my wetsuit.

(But now I wonder --- did I in fact use the service at Ironman Lake Placid '04?? Hmmm.......)

2010-08-24 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3061345

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


To add to the litany of perceived woes is an outer knee issue from this afternoon's 12km run. I THINK it is lower than ITB.....but heaven forbid if it IS in fact ITB!

The run itself was great, but this after-effect is worrisome.

The dentist is Thursday morning at 11, in Ottawa, so I will need to re-think the swim idea. To do it would mean being done and heading up to Ottawa by 9:30, which would mean beginning at about 8:30 (I'm not planning on an hour, probably more like 30 minutes, so I'm just thinking cushion-room), which would mean leaving here at about 7:45 --- all of which is doable, but maybe not practical. I will think about this overnight!

Lynn's cell is 613-612-1867. Hopefully I will have it with me at crucial times!!

That's fine about not being here tomorrow night. Of course, i am now left feeling rejected AND dejected, but I'll get over it!

Are you planning to cross the border at Cornwall? If so, do you want soem directions from there, or are you just going to amble along according to whim and desire?

Um, what else.....

Mister Ups! Is it okay if we are joined by Jess and either Mark (boyfriend) or Chris (brother)? That would be five, then. And earlier is best for me, jsut for the sake of complete digestibility. I can phone them if you want, and maybe I will do that when I finish here.

There's other things, I think, and I'll have to work at dredging them up.


2010-08-24 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3060056

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-23 6:14 PM ANNE - Your "EVEN BETTER INFORMATION" is colossally uplifting -- especially the swim comparisons/progression. But that's not to take anything away from the Orillia bike placement, 406/640. Holy grinnin'' catfish!! You have to be feeling inpeak from - physically and mentally - going into HVJ! I love the image of you bobbing up and down trying to sight the buoys. Sproing! Sproing! Sproing! What's up with me this week, you ask? Well, that took a few hits today. I had palvnned a bike ride between when I droiopped Lynn in Larose Forest and when I picked her up, but that got shortened because (A) my biike was giving me troubles, and (B) in going through a huge puddle I tore off the front-end underprotecter, and (C) within an hour of thois my driver's side door handle broke. So the afternoon, which was supposed to have a swim in it, ended up being devoted to taking the car to the shop to be evaluated, and taking the bikeinto Ottawa for the LBS to make some adjustments. The good news is that the bike is much better, i think (remind me to show you a trick if your gearing ever gets noisy or "clanky"), and that on Wednesaday the car will be fixed (and it's driveable until then.) Tomorrwo will be broken up by a trip to Tina for a=some work on my S-I joint, and ]speaking of broken -- I broke a bit off the inner side of one of my bottom front tetth, and it is quickly abrading the tip of my tongue. So, I may need to attend to that, too! I wasn't planning on doing a full taper....but eevnts seem o be conspiring in that direction. maybe that's good, overall, but I don't like my plans (as scattered as they are) to be muddied by externals beyond my control. Todat was 49' brisk ride, yesterday was a good 61' run after the dark and blowy swim. Tomorrow there will be aswim of some sort, and maybe a run, and maybe a ride just to assure myself that the bike's problems are no more, Aren't you sorry you asked??

Some days, it's better just to stay in bed!

2010-08-24 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3061977

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-08-24 3:36 PM Hey Guys!

First - TRACEY!  I am so sorry I never found you.  It was so crazy there both days!! I  knew 5 others racing on the HIM day and only saw 1 of them.  Insane!  Maybe it was because I was stalking Andy Potts. That man came out of the swim with AUTHORITY - he was on his bike before teh next guy was out of the water.  AND he has the best dimples!

Here is my race report with some photos!  YES, I peed.  To read where, when and how often, read the RR. HA.



Great report!  I particularly like the Guinness!
2010-08-24 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3062120

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-24 8:09 PM ANNE - To add to the litany of perceived woes is an outer knee issue from this afternoon's 12km run. I THINK it is lower than ITB.....but heaven forbid if it IS in fact ITB! The run itself was great, but this after-effect is worrisome. The dentist is Thursday morning at 11, in Ottawa, so I will need to re-think the swim idea. To do it would mean being done and heading up to Ottawa by 9:30, which would mean beginning at about 8:30 (I'm not planning on an hour, probably more like 30 minutes, so I'm just thinking cushion-room), which would mean leaving here at about 7:45 --- all of which is doable, but maybe not practical. I will think about this overnight! Lynn's cell is 613-612-1867. Hopefully I will have it with me at crucial times!! That's fine about not being here tomorrow night. Of course, i am now left feeling rejected AND dejected, but I'll get over it! Are you planning to cross the border at Cornwall? If so, do you want soem directions from there, or are you just going to amble along according to whim and desire? Um, what else..... Mister Ups! Is it okay if we are joined by Jess and either Mark (boyfriend) or Chris (brother)? That would be five, then. And earlier is best for me, jsut for the sake of complete digestibility. I can phone them if you want, and maybe I will do that when I finish here. There's other things, I think, and I'll have to work at dredging them up. Later!!


Sorry to hear about the knee.   No more running till Sunday, right?  

Don't worry about the swim.   It would be cool to swim there, but we'll do it another time.   The time-line is too tight for it to be enjoyable for you.   Totally understand. 

We ARE crossing at Cornwall, but I think we will be OK, finding our way.   Ken is a good navigator.  

5 for Mr. Ups sounds good to me.   The more the merrier.    Let me know when you made the reservation for and we will be there.   When you say early, it's not like mid-afternoon or anything is it?

We are leaving here early tomorrow morning and we are NOT taking the computer this trip but will have the cell phone.  

Will check back later tonight for further updates. 

2010-08-24 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3060030

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-23 6:00 PM STEVE - A "drive-by posting", you say? Well, we'll have to have someone put roofing nails in the street so that you flat and have to stay awhile! Very cool going after the "catcher" job! My A.R.T. person, Tina, did that for about six years straight at IMLP and loved it. I think she told me that the two most active times are the earliest shifts and the latest shift -- the earliest because even though people are finishing with incredible times, in the process many of them have come this close blowing themselves up, and towards the end because.....well, you can take a few guesses. She found that the vast middle range was mostly okay, because people had either paced themselves well or taken enough walking breaks so that they were in good control. I hope you get the posting there, and I look forward to all of your observations! I am sorry that you been funked for so long through the twin agencies of St.G. withdrawal and Vinemanus interruptus. Your approach now -- "Just train, damnit!" - is probably a good one, and it's one I've used when the motivation has just been lagging or lacking. The idea of the "A" race so very early is a foreign one to me, and all I can relate it to is when I had IMLP on a July 25 and knowing how hard it was to get geared up for end-of-the-season races. The thought of where to trun after St.G. turned out much more difficult than either of us expected, especially once Vineman didn't happen. There's much to be said about goals (imaginary or bonafide) and measuring ourselves against them, and I certainly struggle with that alot. At times I would just like it all to be nothing more han pure unadulterated FUN!!!!!!, but that seems to be an impossibility. But as much as my flat at West Point was a disappointment, there was something to be said for finally getting it fixed and then throwing caution completely to the wind and just going all-out to get a podium spot. It was hardly "unadulterated fun", but how I see it now is something totally different, not to be found in my standard "playbook" that I use for virtually every race. Maybe I need to do a Warrior Dash, too! Hey! Stay around for a while this time, okay? (Pretty please?) And what's the date again for Malibu? The 11th or 12th?

Hey Steve!

Yep - I think the funk is over.  Been at it a few weeks now, and the runs are still not as fluid as I recall them being over the winter, but they are getting better.  Yesterday did 4.5 miles in 45 minutes, just felt clunky.  Part of it was likely the fact it was 90+ degrees and I didn't bring water.  So, about 25 minutes in, things started to slow down!  LOL.  Good bike/brick this AM - 45 hard on the bike, and then a 2-mile run which I've been trying to hit hard as well. 

Yep - goals are tricky things, I need to work on making them useful rather than something that is an energy/motivation sapper.  Funny, the second I signed up to volunteer, I felt a new energy, so hopefully I'll ride that into the off season where I fully intend to outfit the garage with a home gym.  Nothing fancy, just a kettle ball, maybe some yoga-mat type stuff to do Sweedish ball work, some dumbbells, stretchie cords and stuff like that.  Lots of squats, lunges, and core work.  Hopefully strengthen the legs/glutes/core and avoid some of the injuries I bumped into this year. 

Well, off to the store, a walk with the wife and some tacos! 
2010-08-24 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3062147

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


We're five at five! (That's something even I can remember!)

But is that okay with you? I can change it to however it suits you and Jess best. The timeline for it is 2-6, and I can manage anything ater 3, if that works best all around. let me know. running until Sunday. My thought now is that it is NOT an ITB flare-up, which would be a huge blessing if that's the case. Maybe just the tendon down there, whose name I can't remember.

Let's see -- five at five, no running until Sunday. Five at five, no running until Sunday. 5-5, no run til Sun. Got it!!

I'll tentatively agree that the swim is a silly idea for me....but I'm still thinking!

I phoned the dentist today, got the receptionist, told her I chipped the tooth and that it is abrading my tongue, and asked if there is a product that can cover the jagged part or seal it somehow. Her reply: "Yes. It's called a dentist." Point taken.

What's your cell phone number? And tell me again the name of your B&B. Wanna do a ride on the run course Saturday? Or meet at whatever time you say, to pick up our stuff? Or just meet at Mister Ups at five? (5 at 5! 5-5!) Throw me a bone or two, and I'll fetch!

Our home phone is 613-764-1867. That works swell early in the morning, but once the computer gets turned on it doesn't work well at all. And we don't have an answering machine, so it's as if we spend outr lives trying nothing more than to frustrate people who try to phone us. But that's not the case at all. I don't know what exactly IS the case, but we are not actively trying to be difficult. (Well, maybe Lynn is........ )

2010-08-24 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3062243

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-24 9:51 PM ANNE - We're five at five! (That's something even I can remember!) But is that okay with you? I can change it to however it suits you and Jess best. The timeline for it is 2-6, and I can manage anything ater 3, if that works best all around. let me know. running until Sunday. My thought now is that it is NOT an ITB flare-up, which would be a huge blessing if that's the case. Maybe just the tendon down there, whose name I can't remember. Let's see -- five at five, no running until Sunday. Five at five, no running until Sunday. 5-5, no run til Sun. Got it!! I'll tentatively agree that the swim is a silly idea for me....but I'm still thinking! I phoned the dentist today, got the receptionist, told her I chipped the tooth and that it is abrading my tongue, and asked if there is a product that can cover the jagged part or seal it somehow. Her reply: "Yes. It's called a dentist." Point taken. What's your cell phone number? And tell me again the name of your B&B. Wanna do a ride on the run course Saturday? Or meet at whatever time you say, to pick up our stuff? Or just meet at Mister Ups at five? (5 at 5! 5-5!) Throw me a bone or two, and I'll fetch! Our home phone is 613-764-1867. That works swell early in the morning, but once the computer gets turned on it doesn't work well at all. And we don't have an answering machine, so it's as if we spend outr lives trying nothing more than to frustrate people who try to phone us. But that's not the case at all. I don't know what exactly IS the case, but we are not actively trying to be difficult. (Well, maybe Lynn is........ )

You picked the exact time I would have picked.   Perfect!  

Did I see something about no running until Sunday?   Perfect again!  

Staying Thur/Fri nights at Banbury St. Park but on the Saturday night we are staying at the Salisbury Station B&B, Wellness Centre.      Ken's cell is 519-498-9266.   I won't have mine.  

I think we would like to pick up our stuff when it first opens - is that 2:00?   Not sure about riding on Saturday because I want to ride on Thurs and Friday.    Was thinking more about relaxing in the hot tub at the community centre.    

Are you still getting there around noon on Saturday?  

Off to bed now.   Will check computer in morning before we leave.  

2010-08-24 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3062066

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Stupendous race report, both informative and upbeat; your enthusiasm fairly drips from the page! I hope you print this and keep it in a safe place for future reference -- seriously. In many respects it is a "breakthrough" race, and I'm sure you'll want to refer back to it as the seasons progress.

I'm sure I told you about the hill right after the trun onto Route 11.....but if I didn't I aplologize! If I didn't, that was very bad of me, as it's definitely a factor in the first 10 minutes of the race. But as you discoverd, the struggle up it is fairly soon rewarded by that nice sweeping descent, and once again all seems mostly right with the universe!

You did an absolutely exceptional job of fueling -- and major props to the keeper of the inn for leaving you a Manna From Heaven type of breakfast. But beyond that, what you ingested and when you did so was brilliant. And at this point I will suggest that you at least write all of this (what you ate and when) out and use it as a template of sorts for your next race -- and then keep adapting it as you see fit.

Were you ANNE, you would also count calories and carbs if what you ate ---- and that is a pretty good idea if you can swing it. You mnay have to take a few estimates, but just so that you are in the ballpark of the specifics of what you ate, that will just add to the benefits of the "template".

How you describe how you felt of the run is EXACTLY how you would hope to feel when the nutritional plan is working. (Of course, the pacing plan during and preceding the run has to wotrk as well, and for you I'd say it worked in spades.) So when you posit "Good Luck? A total fluke?", I'd say not at all -- you paced well and you ate and drank well. You were the maker of your own good fortune!!!

As I said a few days ago, I can bop from stat to stat and see each one as a real accomplishment, with none clearly standing above any of the others. The improvement in your swim pace is huge. Your bike pace for that bugger of a course is awesome. The way you ran off of that bike -- holy-moly!!! Great performance across the board, Tracey!

Finally, finishing at 1:58:23 is NOT "a hair" under two hours! It is 1:37 under, and if you sit around and watch 1:37 elapse, it is a fair chunk of time. And think of it this way. Would you rather have done the swim in 12:04, or 13:41? And the bike -- 1:04:45, or 1:06:22? As for the run, pick your pleasure -- 32:26 or 34:03? Those are pretty big differences, i think --- as is the difference between 1:58:23 and 2:00:00. Maybe yes?

2010-08-24 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3062284

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Stupid me!! I should've told you that hooking up with people there is really difficult. Without a clearly set meeting spot, it is well nigh impossible to locate someone, as that whole parking/transition area most closely resembles a rabbit warren. I apologize for not clueing into that when you were talking about connecting.

2010-08-24 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3062284

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm struggling to download your report AND print in for reference, and right now Lynn is nipping at my heels to get on the computer, so once again i have to leave. But I will return tomorrow!

Your observations are terrific, and I am very pleased that you are happy with your peformance -- you sure should be!

The medal is gorgeous. Wow!

"And the floodgates opened......" Ah, yes -- the quiet joys of unexpurgated peeing!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-08-24 9:36 PM
2010-08-24 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3062283

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I can see why you mightn't want to ride, so i won't count you in. Doing the hot tub thing is probably a good idea!

I will hit the area more like at one, I think, but maybe I'll time it to be at pick-up at 2. That would leave me a couple and a half hours to drive the bike course and ride the run course and get back up to Mister Ups for 5 (5 at 5! 5-5! [see what a quick study i am?]). That all sounds doable, I do believe.

If I can actually make it to packet pick-up at 2, I will try to remember to wear my bright yellow Newton running hat. It stands out. If it ahd a cdesigner-color type of name it might be "Radioactive Sulphur" or "Radioyoketive" or "Strontium Sunflower". But if I forget to wear it, then I might be in a red one....or a white one....or a black one.

5 at 5! No run til Sun! Sunflower!

And if the swim seems workable, I will phone you at the Econolodge.

That's it for tonight, Lynn is getting fractious!

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