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2010-08-26 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3064367

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-25 11:18 PM MANDY again - "Little known fact" indeed!! The good news is that I don't think all of those hours some of us spent on bikes as kids count for much as we try to become competent competitive cyclists. When Erik told me that five year timeline, I'm sure he was counting from the first pedal strokes we took as serious adults. So, you're well on your way! As for how the drafting thing works with big would be frustratingly. At IMLP you will almsot certainly be in a huge bike crowd on the first loop until the descents into Keene, and then again on the climb back into Placid from Wilmington. I am sure that at this time the refs look the other way, partially, and also try to differentiate between people who are just brain-dead and not trying to gain an advantage. If they are after anyone, it will be the faster folks at the front of the pack. I got very frustrated at Eagleman '04, when I was in the first wave. This meant that at about maybe mile 10, a couple of tight packs of the young male hotshots went whizzing past me -- clearly drafting off each other for all they were worth. Then a few miles later a guy passed me....and I just wasn't thinking and didn't drop back.....and then I heard the motorcycle behind me.....and then it slowed RIGHT behind me.....and then it took off. Guess who got the 4-minute penalty?? * I would like to think that some of those hotshots got a penalty becasue I saw them as going for an egregious advantage, whereas I just got brain-dead and slack and didn't respond when the guy passed me. Mostly, though, i think refs try to be very fair and give the advantage of the doubt to most obvious age-groupers. (Maybe, though, at Eagleman '04 he thought I looked like a hard-core bike stud. Or not????) * The bad news is it dropped me from a 5:09 to a 5:13, but the good news is that I didn't lose any age-group places in the process. the REALLY bad news is that was a year in which I missed a USAT All-American Honorable Mention by - literally - something like 0.0362 points, somewthing that would've easily be "covered" had I not got the blankety-blank penalty and finished in 5:09. Humbug!! More tomorrow!

That is good to know that maybe my years of not cycling are not affecting me much....I am stronger every year, that is for sure...

I have a friend who got a penalty in a similar fashion....She is MAD.   I just saw crowds of people heading out and I wasn't sure how it if you are in a bunch it is probably OK (safety in numbers??

AHH that small amount of points missing the honorable mention is painfull!!!!

GOOD, glad they are after the faster people!! Not us back of the middle people. ha ha

2010-08-26 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3064548

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-26 7:48 AM MANDY once more - Be very happy with those transition times - especially T1, which, if the swim exit configuration is the same as past years, involves a fair run to your bike. For the longer distances, remember that a little extra time in transitions can save big disasters later. Again -- spend 30 seconds doing something now if it will prevent losing 30 minutes later! Being "gun-shy" about the calf and thinking you have to get over it........tough call. There's also discretion being the better part of valor. I'm not necessarily saying that you should baby the thing indefinitely, but we both know how awful it would be to exacerbate it by jumping back in too soon. (Think of our poor friend Dustin Pedroia..... ) Are you mostly through with the season? I can't believe that's the case, but i also can't think of what you might have next -- other than your solo in a few weeks. If so, though, you have a nice, generous off-season to fine-balance the calf back into good health! I think one moe installment to go!

YEAH it was a LONG run with the bike for me as my area was right next to the swim out...

LOBSTERMAN Sept 18!!!  That is my last race.... I am going to ROCK it.  Primary goal: < 3hrs (last year I was 3:02...stupid 2 minutes)  Pie in the sky goal:  2:45ish.  If I improve on each leg that would be cool.  Doing a recon next weekend.  Ready to ride now, but choosing a swim this PM just for a lower impact dive back into training....I am chomping at the bit for Lobsterman right now....
2010-08-26 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3064578

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-26 8:14 AM MANDY, yet still - "Yet still". Does that even make sense? Yup, marathons are way harder than half-irons! There was a thread several years ago to this effect at Slowtwitch, and it was just about universal. But as to the marathon at the end of an iron compared to a stand-alone marathon........well.......... Of course, the difference there can all be in intensity. And, the nature of the suffereing is very different. A person can push real hard for a Boston-qualifying time and get in 3:29 and feel worse than if they do IMLP and have to walk some of it and finish the run in about 4:37. That person can end up with DOMS after doing "just" the stand-alone marathon, and yet not have DOMS after a 4:37 run as part of a 12:57 total IMLP time. Did you guess? That was me to whom I was just referring, and it's a true story. Had I to do the two events over again, I would chosse the stand-alone in a heartbeat, the DOMS notwithstanding. I suffered there in terms of a concerted effort for 26.2 with no walk breaks and no real dialing-down of effort, but it wasn't the same as HAVING TO walk many times at IMLP. But because I succumbed to that and dutifully did the walks, I avoided more onerous forms of suffering later on -- be it at mile 17 or mile 24 or crossing the finish line or three days after. Moving on, in both olys and half-irons I can almost always feel that I didn't push hard enough because after the race I don't feel bad enough. And for as many of these things that I have done, I don't really know where that fine line is drawn. i have never pushed so hard that I have blown-up during a race -- and never want to either. I have often pushed hard enough that I wonder how the final mile or two are going to unfold, and I have finished feeling very taxed, but it's been a long time since I had serious DOMS. There may be several reasons for that, but if one can avoid it, then that's good. I figure it's a pretty fine line between having DOMS and having more serious muscle strains and pulls and tears. So, you are NOT a sicko for thinking that you could've done more and should've hurt more!! Finally, your final sentence says it all -- "I came across wanting more." Well, be patient -- there's only about 332 more shopping days until IMLP '11!

HA HA good point about IMLP!! And I haven't ever pushed so hard I blew up either....I don't want to.  I had serious DOMS after Sugarloaf marathon this year, but that is most likely because I didn't run a step the month before....I think you are right - I am glad I feel OK because I am LOOKING FORWARD to my next race, not dreading it....

And besides, if I felt like total crap IMLP would have me 100% freaked out.  But I am only normal freaked out about it, as anyone who respects the distance should be...

ALSO - I agree with you 100% about what you said about me being longer distance minded....I like longer distances better at least.
2010-08-26 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3064592

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-26 8:24 AM MANDY - In the photos from the RR, in the one with you rolling I saw the camera guy crouched down and wondered if he managed to catch any "official" ones. And he came through! Cool beans!! I'll echo what Denise said, that you look like you're having fun -- pure and simple. Too much fun, even! And your smile, as always, is worth it's weight in gold. Which ones are you ordering??

I don't know if I am ordering any, but I really like the rolling one and the bike smile one...I usually hate my race pictures, but I am OK with these.
2010-08-26 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3064610

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-26 8:34 AM I'm off soon for another round of car repairs, and then to the dentist to do something to my tooth that lost a piece of itself a few days ago. The only good part of the day will be a swim -- I hope! The knee from two nights ago is feeling better, but a hamstring issue has taken its place. I think I woke up during the night with the hamstring twanging, but maybe it was a dream. Although, I'm feeling something there now, so, alas and woe, I think it's not just a dream. Anyhow, I am now in one of my classic tapers where only a discerning eye can differentiate "taper" from "comatose". No more running or cycling until Sunday's race, and I will swim today and maybe tomorrow and that's it. I had planned to ride the run course on saturday, but just to be safe I might limit that recon effort to driving the run course instead. I am in "bubble-wrap mode" --- to steal a line from the coach of Lisa (hooslisa) from the other group, who is in Louisville all set for her first iron on Sunday.

Bubble-wrap mode...that is awesome.

Hope the Hammie stops it twanging and the knee stays happy!
2010-08-26 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3065504

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Unless WTC does the unthinkable and institutes waves at IMLP, you should have more playmates on course than you can shake a stick at. You know it's a double out-and-back on the run, so you see a zillion people a zillion different times -- if not more!!

Really, you will have a ball there -- lifting others and being uplifted yourself. In some cases you might find in hard to shake someone if you are ready to move faster and they aren't, but don't fel bad about leaving them -- they'll be someone else along shortly that they can glom on to. It's like the line from the old western swing song: "Sweethearts and streetcars, don't worry me, there'll soon be another one along." (That interlude was juist brought to you by god knows what furrow in my cranium.)

Ohhhh, and I love to hear you talk about respecting the distance of an IM!! That's another way you have the perfect metality for it......and believe it or not, many, many people do not truly respect the distance.

The knee is feeling goodish-great, and the hammy hasn't twanged since this morning. Is there hope? And from another old western swing song: "The dark clouds are gone, there's blue sky again, cuz time changes everything." Okay, so shoot me already!

What else? There was something else, somewhere, somehow.......

2010-08-27 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

My last race of the season:

Lakes Country Triathlon
Whipple Beach - Baxter, MN
8:30 Sunday, August 29
1/2 swim, 17 bike, 3.9 run

This race doesn't have many "slow" racers so I have be prepared for being pretty close to the bottom.
But I will have fun.
2010-08-27 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Good luck Anne and SteveB!

(and Hooslisa)
2010-08-27 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3066716

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Just the person I was thinking of, with just the info I was wondering about! I thought you might have at leat one more race up your sleeve, and had you not posted about it you would've gooten a request from. So, it is you and Anne and me -- and Jess from the other group with us at HVJ, and Lisa from other group at IMLOO.

She -- hooslisa -- has shown up here, with us, a few times, just sort of cameo appearances. Back in the formative stages of this group, both she and Jess ("ThatGirl") jumped aboard, but then got pressure from the reamining few of that group to stay there instead. So they did. Which is good, because right now that group has just three regulars and one sporadic left, with two others who were kind of there in the spring gone for good.......and this group is gaining on them relentlessly. A few days ago "we" were just 240 or so posts behind, and the numbers left here will make "the catch" happen by, oh, mid-October, I think.

Nice dimensiosn for your race! That allows you to "step out" a bit, going beyond sprint parameters in each discipline. Is this another pickle one? If so, be extra careful with your chip, or you'll lose all credibility with them!

Finally, are you happy to have Favre back? Were I Sage Rosenfels, I think I'd kill him in his sleep.

2010-08-27 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3066901

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Lobstah! How could I forget??

2010-08-27 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3066908

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-27 9:21 AM MANDY - Lobstah! How could I forget??


I am going to boil that baby!  I am stoked for it.  Course scout next weekend! Also sticking my face in teh salt water to remember that I hate the ocean and the things in it that want to eat me. ha ha

2010-08-27 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3066942

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Gotta LOVE the ocean! It's vibrant, but moreover it's buoyant. Win-win!

And speaking of "win", and thinking oif Freeport, was Winnett happy with Timberman? It looked like a very fine performance. PLEASE give her my congratulations!! (And will she be doing Lobster with you?)

OceanLove -- Embrace it!!

2010-08-27 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3067083

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-27 7:24 AM MANDY - Gotta LOVE the ocean! It's vibrant, but moreover it's buoyant. Win-win! And speaking of "win", and thinking oif Freeport, was Winnett happy with Timberman? It looked like a very fine performance. PLEASE give her my congratulations!! (And will she be doing Lobster with you?) OceanLove -- Embrace it!!

I do love the ocean swims...normally.  Seen some great stuff this summer.  I've had dolphins and sea lions swimming around us quite a bit this summer.  One swim we had a pod of dolphins within 50 feet of us, and could hear them chirping in the water all around us.   Two weeks ago, I had a sea lion so close I could see the white spots and whiskers on his/her face and these huge eyes! 

BUT - the Pacific is COLD this year.  Temps are down about 8 degrees from last season.  Face stings every time we're in it.  I think I like the pool better right now.  It's boring...but warm.  LOL
2010-08-27 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3067734

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


That is a huge drop! Does that mean it's been an El Nino year....or the opposite (La Nina?). My suummer on the west coast, around Coos Bay, OR, found me in the ocean just once, and that was for about a minute. Frigid, and then some!

Soon I will start seeing fish in the deep weeds along my route in the St.Lawrence River, but that's about as good as it gets. A couple of years ago I got clonked upside the head by a cormorant that was either in attack mode or simply misjudged its landing, but beyond that there is nothing. Oh -- a mink, I think, scooting along the rocks of one of the headlands there last summer. But aside form the cormorant, nothing has approached me in peace, or tried to converse with me. Sniff.

2010-08-27 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3066716

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-08-27 5:05 AM
My last race of the season:

Lakes Country Triathlon
Whipple Beach - Baxter, MN
8:30 Sunday, August 29
1/2 swim, 17 bike, 3.9 run

This race doesn't have many "slow" racers so I have be prepared for being pretty close to the bottom.
But I will have fun.

Good luck this weekend!  Remember, you're only racing against yourself.  :-)
2010-08-27 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3068234

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-27 1:52 PM STEVE - That is a huge drop! Does that mean it's been an El Nino year....or the opposite (La Nina?). My suummer on the west coast, around Coos Bay, OR, found me in the ocean just once, and that was for about a minute. Frigid, and then some! Soon I will start seeing fish in the deep weeds along my route in the St.Lawrence River, but that's about as good as it gets. A couple of years ago I got clonked upside the head by a cormorant that was either in attack mode or simply misjudged its landing, but beyond that there is nothing. Oh -- a mink, I think, scooting along the rocks of one of the headlands there last summer. But aside form the cormorant, nothing has approached me in peace, or tried to converse with me. Sniff.

Yep, I think it's one of those Nino/Nina thingies.  Not sure which one.  I thought I was just getting soft, because I've always really enjoyed swimming out there.  Normally, there's cold water until you are about 150 - 200 meters off the shore, and then the water warms and is pretty comfortable.  This year, I've not been able to swim out to the warm water.  I've been as far as 300+ meters looking for it, but I get nervous being that far out.  I've no idea why - anything lurking that far out will certainly come in another 100 meters to have a taste. LOL. 

Anyway, the team captains got an e-mail from the race organizers which made a big deal about warming up in the water before the start of the race in order to avoid the lung shock of hitting the water dry.  I think they are concerned about what happens when 100 bodies run into the water and then all start gasping for air.  Talk about some slow swim splits.  Heh.

Anyway, it's been a season of cold water swimming - starting with Sunset in March, IMSG in May and now this.  I'm hoping that a summer of sun on Lake Mead will make Silverman a little more bearable. 

2010-08-27 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3068467

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

------------------------RACING THIS SUNDAY, 29 AUGUST 2010 ------------------------------


Lakes Country Triathlon (0.5mile swim, 17mile bike, 3.9mile run)

Whipple Beach
Baxter, MN
8:30 start


Half Vermont Journey - Aquabike (1.2mile swim, 56mile bike)

Branbury State Park
Salisbury, VT
8:00 start

ME --

Half Vermont Journey - Half Iron (1.2, 56, 13.1)

see above!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-08-27 7:21 PM
2010-08-27 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3068473

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-08-27 8:19 PM ------------------------RACING THIS SUNDAY, 29 AUGUST 2010 ------------------------------ DENISE -- Lakes Country Triathlon (0.5mile swim, 17mile bike, 3.9mile run) Whipple Beach Baxter, MN 8:30 start ANNE -- Half Vermont Journey - Aquabike (1.2mile swim, 56mile bike) Branbury State Park Salisbury, VT 8:00 start ME -- Half Vermont Journey - Half Iron (1.2, 56, 13.1) see above!

GOOD LUCK you guys!!!
2010-08-27 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3068472

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


So you're saying that back in summer '73 I shouldn't've been such a big baby, and instead swam for a few hundred meters until I started to feel warm(er)? Is that what I should've done? As it was, it took about six days for THAT part of me to return from its frantic retraction into my innards............but at least it returned. (Thank god for small mercies -- and don't misinterpret that! ) Oh, never mind.

2010-08-27 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3068523

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thank you, Ms. Amanda!

2010-08-28 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Good luck to all the racers tomorrow!

2010-08-28 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

denise!!!  i responded on the other thread, but then i popped over here and saw that you have a race of your own tomorrow.  i hope you have a wonderful end to your 2010 season.  have fun and good luck out there!!!

thanks so much!


2010-08-29 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3069361

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


How did you do??????

And I see that you and Lisa are "twisted sisters" ---- you there, her here. It's all so confusing for me!

2010-08-29 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Had a blast at my last triathlon of the season:
age group 1/2, overall 259/338

Baxter 2010    2:18/100    17.3    9:38
Baxter 2009    2:43/100    15.8    9:41

It was windy (14-20mph) which made the swim choppy but not too bad.  The bike route was mostly crosswind and I'm also getting better biking in the wind.

An 80 year old man finished the race.  The announcer stopped the awards ceremony and had everyone cheer him in - it was very moving.

SteveB:  I got in trouble with PickleEvents again.  While I was waiting for my swim wave (7th), I went over to the swim-in chute to cheer in the 1st swimmers coming in.  I had my chip on and got too close to the timing mat and they were yelling at me to "Move away! Move away!".  I hope they forget about my transgressions over the winter.

Can't find Steve and Anne's results yet.

Lisa from Steve's other forum became an IRONMAN today.

2010-08-29 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3070311

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I got to do lots af hanfging out with ANNE and Ken, and that was incredibly cool.

Anne had a good day today, finishing 2nd in the female aquabike. I don't have her times, though, but they should be at, likely tere by now.

My day was pretty good, 1/4or5 in the age group, with the following rough times:
S --- 32:50 (course was measure short by a fair bit, maybe 4-7 minutes?)
T1 -- 1:38
B --- 2:45:03
T2 -- 1:29
R --- 1:56:59 (shall we call it 1:56....or the dreaded 1:57? )

Hot day, very tough run course. There were 7 or 8 Hills of Reckoning on the out part, but merciffuuly only 3 or 4 on the return part.

But more later. i havce lots of unpacking to do, and need to free up the phone line for Lynn.


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