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2009-07-29 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi all -

Thanks again for the encouragement about the 1/2.

Heidi, congrats on your promotion!! 

I really like the idea of setting those three racing goals for yourself... I think I missed that the first time it was said.  Dee and Jackie, I am amazed by you both - IM?!!  It's incomprehensible to me right now... but I'm starting to dream of finishing a stand alone marathon... maybe one day? 

I think I may do one more tri at the end of the summer, depending on what my budget looks like.  If so, it will be a short one since I don't really have time to train for a longer distance.  (I'm working until the end of next week, and then I'll be gone for a week on family vacation, and then I have to get ready to go back to school!  Unbelievable!)  However, I think I'd like to shoot for an olympic distance tri, and maybe a marathon next summer.  I think that's realistic.... but what I'd really like is to get a Boston qual time.  And that, I'm pretty sure, isn't realistic at all.  But as Dee says... never say never.

Qual time for Boston for 20 year olds is 3:40.  Looks like the 1/2 equivalent is 1:44... flat 8 minute miles.  Sheesh, they have high standards!

Hope everyone has a good training day.  I got in an early morning swim!  Yey!

2009-07-29 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Transition question:

Do I wear my race number belt for the bike and run? Or just on the run?
2009-07-29 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2314770

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I think an IM as a goal for you would suit you well from the limited amount I have seen of you on here!.  You are so consistent with your training and the 24hr thing will be a great indication.  I love having lofty goals to work towards too.
I'm not sure my "story" is one to follow.  I actually signed up for IMLP before I had even done an OLY tri.  Not strictly my fault though.  My planned oly had turned into a du cos of the water being too rough.  I had been talking to a coach about it as well because a year is a nice long period to train if you have some kind of aerobic base. (I'd done sprints before)  So, I did the aquabike at a local HIM to get a feel for a bit of distance (I wasn't ready to run 13miles!).
For me the decision was timing.  My kids were both settled in full time school and there was no rush for me to get back to work so i had the days to train which meant that mostly it didn't affect my family life too much (non athletes!- you're very lucky to have a tri hubby)
2009-07-29 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2315121

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
most triathlons I have been in, you are only required to have number on for the run - and has to be facing forward (you usually have number on bike and helmet and sometimes your arm in marker).
However, this can vary. At packet pick up they will be able to tell you.  I have done one that required number on bike too.  I twisted my race belt around so it was behind me
2009-07-30 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
What does everyone have going on today?

I lifted weights last night- mostly lower body - for 30 minutes.
My right bicep muscle was feeling sore, so I skipped any weights for my arms.
Then I swam in hopes of working out whatever was going on with my bicep- no such
luck. I did 1000 meters very very easy paced, mixed stroke, most of it with a kickboard.
At least next week is a recovery week, so I"m going to take care of that muscle.
I may have pulled it lugging kids in and out of the car, or loading my mountain bike into
the back of my truck. I don't think it was from my Monday night long swim, however. I felt
fine Tuesday morning and afternoon.

We have family on the way here as I type, so I better go pick up around the house and take a shower before they get here. And drink a couple cups of coffee- my brother in law and nephew have insanely high levels of energy

2009-07-30 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
August Abs Challenge anyone?

Okay, so I am a huge slacker when it comes to doing ab work.
Would anyone like to do an abs challenge for the month of August?

I was thinking something simple- no counting the crunches or the minutes.
How about the person who goes the greatest number of consecutive days
is the Abs Queen?

That can include weights for your abs, basic crunches, yoga, or pilates.
If you are sick, then that day does not count against you.

Who's in?


2009-07-30 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
QOTD: What is your favorite race and why? (triathlon, running, etc.)

My fav race is the Pikes Peak Ascent.
It is a 13.32 mile run/hike from Manitou Springs to the top of Pikes Peak, elevation 14,115 feet.
There is a great trail (Barr Trail) that climbs all the way to the top. There is a camp halfway-ish up the mountain where you can stop to rest, buy some water if you need it, have some snacks, and chat with the caretakers and other runners/hikers on the mountain.

Why? I love training on the mountain. The scenery and the solitude are amazing on the mountain. The air is always crisp and I love the smell of the pine trees running through the forest. I love the challenge of trying to run at altitude. The views from the top are amazing.

2009-07-30 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2316963

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Abs challenge is a great idea Dee.  I am not going to commit to it cos I start with my coach next week and don't know what's in store!  but I hope everyone else does.  I know strength training is in the first part of my program so that will be challenge enough for me!

My favourite race is the Finger Lakes Triathlon. It is really well organised and in a beautiful location.  It just has a lovely atmosphere - a really nice place to hang out for competitors and spectators.  Oh and for the oly distance which I usually do, one massive hill which is a great challenge.

Although I don't do many we have some great winter running road races here.  It is nice to go running on roads with snowy scenery and then socialise afterwards in the shelters in front of log fires and hot chocolate!
2009-07-30 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I'm in for the abs challenge. I have also been slacking in that department.

My favorite race is the Chicago Triathlon. I have done one of the distances for the past two years and this year will be my third. It is a fun course (bike up Lake Shore Drive past Navy Pier, and the run is past the Aquarium and Field Museum) and there are TONS of spectators there to cheer you on along the way. They have an elite wave where many of the pros race, which is fun to watch. It was the largest triathlon in the world, still is I think, but the energy on the course is incredible. Plus the encouragement I got last year from other athletes was great too!

We're cleaning and packing tonight, so I am taking a rest day. I'm pretty sore from biking all week and from my tumble yesterday. I am standing up in my best friend's wedding Saturday, so tomorrow will have to be a good workout, since this weekend will be hard to get much training in if at all.

2009-07-30 10:17 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi! I'm in for an abs challenge- mine are pathetic

I took a rest day today. My legs are a little sore from yesterdays brick. But, it's the best kind of sore- the kind from pushing yourself and working hard.

Hmmm- My favorite race so far was the "Home Tri" that my husband and I created last September after the race we were scheduled to do was canceled due to a hurricane. It was a blast! It's also the only tri I've done yet.
2009-07-30 11:57 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
flabby abbys?  sign me up

Favorite race - the mini-tri I've done twice now in April.  100yd swim, 2ish miles bike, 1-2 mile run.  It's short, but fun.  a length just to get me giddy.

I spent some time tonight looking at the two "other" tri's I was considering... after reading the race reports of prior racers, I've decided NOT to do either October race that had me curious.  One race reports bad organization, poor course marking, potholes on bike, etc, etc.  The other has ~60-65* water <yikes!> and rough hills.  Interestingly no BTr has repeat race reports for these venues.  SO... I think late September I'll do SeeJaneTri which is the same race as I've been doing, just only women this go.  Last year the run route was slighly different too.

What does October bring?  i don't see any tri's of interest so... move to 10K?  I tried switching to training for 10K last Fall and pushed too hard, go injured, got sick, oh it was a mess of an autumn.   Do I dare try it again?!

Oh, oh, I took my DH out for a surprise date last night for tapas and this weekend we leave the kids for an overnighter with friends while we attend a wedding!  grownups, what fun. 


2009-07-31 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I'm always down for abs challenges.  Starting tomorrow!  Although I was good and did mine today as well : )

I'm not sure I've done enough races to answer that question, Dee... but so far I'm going to say the 1/2 marathon was my favorite.  I was just as excited as I was during the sprint tri, but for twice as long!  (laughing).  And the weather was absolutely perfect.  For running.

Woke up about 1/2 an hour late this morning (!) so I just did strength and no cardio.  Looking forward to writing out a plan for the next few months... gotta find myself a new goal!

Cynthia - have fun at the wedding!  :  )
2009-07-31 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good morning! I love hearing about everyone's favorite races.
The "home tri" is an great idea! Made me think of home fries, which got me hungry so I had to go eat

Cynthia- have fun at the wedding! It is nice to get some grownup-only time every once in awhile.
My hubby and I are doing a 3 day mountain hiking/camping trip in a few weeks. We are flying Grandma out to watch the kids for the weekend. I am SO excited to spend some time in the mountains doing what we like to do together.

October? I have no goals for October. The 24 hour is at the end of September, so I'll be hanging around reading books and doing yoga in October. I have been giving alot of thought to various options for 2010. I think the IM distance is going to have to wait until the kids are both in school full-time. I tried to hypothetically cram all the workouts into a normal week for me and it just is not possible for me right now. That's okay. After this season, I want to get into a regular strength training program and start running more distance, so we'll see what that brings for me. I would also like to learn how to actually ride technical trails on my mountain bike- that should be entertaining and I better invest in some band-aids before embarking on that little adventure.

I did my 3 hour ride this morning. I opted to do it on my mountain bike since the roads are a gravel and mud pit from all the rain the past few days. The trail was muddy too, but it was fun riding straight through all the puddles.

Abs here I come! I am going to go to 100 crunches before I shower, then I"m planning to watch Scooby Doo.

2009-07-31 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2319950

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee!  your post made me LOL a few times.  thanks!

I just booked our priceline hotel for Saturday.  gotta love priceline.  breakfast plans with friends we rarely see (hour drive is just too far sometimes with families) for Sunday morning.  Just have to get organized for 3PM drop off tomorrow afternoon.  Yeah!

AND that training thing, I got a nice outdoor run this morning after going to my parents' house.  I had DD spray me with the hose when I got back to cool off.  It's been nice to sneak in some outdoor run recently.

Life is moving along well.  Happy weekend all!

2009-08-01 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I was thinking last night (that can be a dangerous thing you know!) and I decided that it is time for me to run another marathon.
So.... I just finished registering for the Rim Rock Marathon on Saturday, November 14th.
I have not run a full marathon since 2005- wow!
The race is a point-to-point course that goes up and through the Colorado National Monument and back down the other side. 8 miles of climbing at the start, then you roll up and down with these breathtaking views of the Monument before heading down the other side and finishing in town.

I bet my hubby will be floored when he gets home tomorrow and sees a marathon training plan taped to the fridge and inspirational notes taped all over the bedroom.

I had to share because I am excited to run this race!
2009-08-01 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2321457

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I'm so excited for you!  Congratulations on setting yourself a great challenge to work towards.  Probably sensible compared with IM (bike time you'd need) with your kiddies at home still.  I have heard a few people say that actually a stand alone marathon is just as hard as a IM that you are "just trying to finish".  I wouldn't know cos I have never done a stand alone marathon but hope it gives you a bit of inspiration for future plans   Would your hubby be able to compare?

2009-08-01 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2320762

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
My brother is suggesting a metric century for me in mid Oct... I guess there's enough time to build those miles....

I'll think about it while dancing the night away tonight.

2009-08-01 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2321536

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
That's a great goal too - make sure you plan for it though!

Now get off BT and go and spend that precious time on the dance floor with your hubby!
2009-08-01 10:57 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee-That race sounds awesome! What a great goal.

Cynthia- I like the sound of a metric century for a goal too.

I went to register for the Finger Lakes Tri this morning, and learned that it sold out last week Now I have to fine another option.
2009-08-02 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hmm, where does dancing fit into the training plan?    twas a nice evening and better day today sans kids.  Leisurely bfast with old friends, window shopping, haircut for DH... slow and easy day.  The kids had fun, mostly behaved, are exhausted.  me too.  Tomorrow I'll float laps in the pool for rest and recovery.

Oh, I gave not a thought to the metric century whilst dancing.  I gave it a passing comment at Bfast as one friend is getting back into cycling. 

2009-08-02 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2323173

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee- Congrats on the marathon, that is awesome!
Cynthia- I think dancing counts for sure. I stood up in my best friend's wedding yesterday and I think the dancing and just wearing that bridesmaid dress should count for something, even for abs, because mine are sore today!

I had a soccer game tonight, rolled my ankle, but good thing tomorrow is a swim/bike day...
Time for some much needed sleep.


2009-08-03 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2323221

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Oh, I forgot to share the part where I found Zoot shoes for $20!! 

We stopped at Nordstrom Rack to get DH a new tux shirt and I popped into Marshall's to look for new kitchen towels.  I did get the towels, but also scored the Zoots.  If you have a Marshall's near your (like Ross and TJMaxx), see if they have some in your size!

After all my excitement, I'm having a slow morning this AM.  I'm dressed for swimming and at the gym, but feel a bit off so am thinking I'll just have kid-free time and not push my body.  I've been sleeping poorly and maybe it is all catching up with me.


2009-08-03 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2324167

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
So I tried to swim about COLD!! I drove with a friend down to Racine to try swimming in Lake Michigan, and as we walked in the water my feet started to throb and hurt, not like feel cold and then it goes away, but like I wanted to turn around and run out of the water cold. Then we tried swimming, and me in my sleeveless wetsuit, I couldn't go for longer than 10 strokes before I felt like I was going into hypothermia. So needless to say, today's training didn't go as planned. Just checked online, and they reported the water temperature as 53 degrees...BRRRR! I just hope the water isn't that cold for the Chicago Tri later this month...

2009-08-03 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jenny-How's your ankle? That water temp is terrible!

Cynthia- I'm glad you had a fun weekend! Congrats on finding the zoot shoes.

I'm getting pretty excited for Sundays race. My husband told me tonight that he might enter it too. I have mixed fellings about this. He's a natural athlete with killer lung capacity (from playing saxprofessionally), and even though he hasn't trained at all, he WILL beat me. That is a bruise to my ego. And in my childness, I don't want him to steal my thunder on this.

On the other hand, it sets a great example for our kids to see us do this together. And I do want him to be healthy and motivated to exercise. So, I guess I am focusing on this, and trying to tell myself that I will run my own race. Which is hard to do when it's your husabne, and not a stranger your talking about.  Has any one else had to dealwith this type of thing?
2009-08-03 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Heidi-  For my first sprint tri last June, DH had decided to race too - and trained periodically with me.  It was nice to have the companionship, albeit sporadically.  My goal on race day was to meet or exceed his time which was hard to know since he was in a swim wave starting 10 mins before me.  His mother felt, in no uncertain terms, that I should make sure I did not beat him as our relationship would be forever damaged.  <snerk>  We raced.  We finished (if I recall) virtually the same (to the minute); the race did not give splits or final time, there was one race clock and you had to do your own math.  We are still happliy married, he occasionally plays ultimate (his college sport) and I tri.

The mini-tri in april was our first tri together, and it was horrid - he had no concept of doing a tri and wanted to share a gear bag and wanted me to do this/that/the other for him.  And was offended when I said no.  After the race, he apologized as he then "got it" as to why racers can't really share/help and still race their own race.

So.  make sure he knows he is not doing it "with" you, you are simply racing the same course.  he need his own setup, gear, thoughts and cannot rely on you to tell him what to do. 

Should you share the glory of the first tri with your DH?  I think, for me, it would depend on how DH would be post race REGARDLESS of who  had a faster time.  If he ribs you about his winning without training will you be resentful?  Will he stop ribbing if you tell him too?  Will he cheer you and focus on YOU and your journey and goals (met or lost), regardless of his win?  Will he be resentful if you win?  If he can support you regardless of who wins, in a way that's healthy for you both, then I say encourage him to join!  If there's too much opportunity for angst, tell him you really want a support team this forst time and want him to lead the cheers, not be lost on the course with you.

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