BT Development Mentor Program Archives » FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL! Rss Feed  
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2010-05-17 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
If the program is working, I would stick with it and continue to build slowly. Seems like it is working really well for you!

Happy Monday, everyone! Phoenix, the walking HM sounds very cool and glad you found one!

I'm in week 2 of my official OLY training and it's kicking my butt in a good way. Waiting on my USAT license number so I can get registered for my races.

2010-05-18 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2862871

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
wow Lovey,  you are doing GREAT!  It's been a while since I checked in and you are still going at it!

Hi, Everyone.... I'm back!  I'm not much of a blogger, but I didn't want you all to think that I had gone away forever. 

I'm 40 days away from race day and just started to really do everything together.
I have yet to get off of the bike in the gym and go outside, which I'm DYING to do... I just have this concern about biking by myself.  I guess if I have my cell phone with me, it isn't a big deal...

Until tomorrow.
2010-05-18 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hi Joyce!

Nice to hear from you again. You have plenty of time to get out there on your bike. I'm a weanie too, but if I can do it, and Anne who is afraid of a squirrel can do it, then I'm SURE you can do it. It's easier on the road than on the trainer because you get to go down hills and rest and the time goes by soooo much faster with something other than the four walls to look at. (this is my own pep talk too, cause I haven't been outside on my bike yet either!!)
2010-05-19 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Been lurking and you guys are going strong.  For heaven's sakes, get out there on those bikes.   I hate the bike.  It makes my girlie parts sore and me no like sore girlie parts.  That being said, it is the most important part of the tri.  I'm sure that could be argued but if you are going to tri, work on your bike.  Rationale: swim-shortest part length wise and time wise-all you have to do is not drown.  Draft of you can.  Its a good warm up.  Bike- stay upright, spin, spin, spin, make up time. You have to stay upright.  The bike is not something you can cheat on.  It is not forgiving.   Run-walk if you need to.  Who cares.  You can crawl if you need to.  If you get off the bike, then you will make it to the finish line.  The bike is the deal breaker.  Get out there on your bikes!!!! 

Toying with weather to do a last tri or sell my registration.  I had planned on doing it but it is sold out and there are so many that really want to do this event.  I feel guilty for only having my heart half in it and only doing it for nostalgic reasons (it was my 1st so it should be my last).  I feel that if someone really wants to do it though, I am taking that opportunity away.  What do you guys think?  Do it or not? 

Edited by jogo 2010-05-19 6:35 AM
2010-05-19 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Depends, Jo. Are you trained for it???? If you would risk injury because your body is not ready, then don't do it. THat would be my biggest concern. I know you have been run focused and if your heart isn't in it, and you might get hurt, don't do it. Or worse- if you DNF that would ruin your memories of the event.

Get out there on the bikes, ladies! I rode 19 miles last weekend on Saturday, gorgeous, so much better than being on the trainers in the basement. Plus there was an ATTACK CHICKEN. Seriously, this rooster was in the middle of the road and I lost a game of chicken with a chicken.

Safety on the bike:
1- helmet
2- take your cell phone; i have a bag that is under my seat where my cell phone goes
3- Road ID- I always wear my emergency info, I got an ankle strap road ID from the Road ID company

Husband on vacation starting today; know i can still fit in all my workouts but Saturday, my long bike, might be rough as I Have to do an hour and a half on the trainers in the basement with 3 kids. Guess my attitude should be to just get through it, no matter how many interruptions.

Lovey, Phoenix, Run2Pray- doing great! Enkidu, hope you are getting settled!
2010-05-19 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Maybe I overdid it these past few days because I started feeling icky on Monday afternoon and had to take a nap before dinner. Then it got worse and all day Tuesday, I was laid out with congestion, sneezing, aches and pains, dizziness and a fever.
Today I am still home trying to get better but the dizziness and fever is gone.

I think I just caught a bug. I have very little energy and no taste in my mouth. If I feel better this afternoon, I am going to take a walk. Maybe the fresh air ill help me feel better.


2010-05-19 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2867551

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

AKR18 - 2010-05-19 7:53 AM Depends, Jo. Are you trained for it???? If you would risk injury because your body is not ready, then don't do it. THat would be my biggest concern. I know you have been run focused and if your heart isn't in it, and you might get hurt, don't do it. Or worse- if you DNF that would ruin your memories of the event. !

Anne, I don't have to train for this.  I still have a base.  It is a 400yd swim-no problem, especially with a wetsuit I'll float.  Bike is 10 miles-again no problem.  Run is a 5k-no problem.  I'm not real worried about getting hurt more than I would be doing the half marathon next weekend that I really haven't trained for but I'm going to run walk it for fun. 

2010-05-20 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I have been sick at home the last couple days. Today I decided to get out for a swim and short run.

Today instead of doing week 2, I did week 3. I wanted to do week 4 but I was sick for a few days so I dialed back.

2 x 50 warmup swim
400 yards... swim
200 yards... swim
4 x 100 yards...swim - ONLY DID 3 SETS
4 x 50 yards ...DIDNT COMPLETE
total: 1200 yards .. only DID 1000 yards

My shoulders were stiff and my left shoulder twinged at the beginning whenever I pulled my arm back. I stopped and stretched it out and it eased as I moved on and then stopped. I think I need to do extra stretching.

I am following the Swim 0 to 1650 in Six Weeks program. Technically, I am in week two but at the end of week one (last week), I went from swimming 4x100s to swimming 500 yards nonstop. I felt good and just kept going. Today I moved into week 3 workout. My workout got shortened because the pool closed and I got kicked out.

Am I overtraining? Is my shoulder just need time to get use to all the nonstop swimming?

2010-05-21 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey, I had some times where I upped my swim mileage where I would get some twinges in my shoulder.  I was very worried that I might have swimmer's shoulder or something, but taking a few days off and dropping back on the laps some helped.  I also cut back on some of the upper body weight lifting during that time.   I think the combination was the problem.  Take it easy for a few days and see how it goes.

I'm still lurking out here and running.  I did actually get in a couple of bike rides in the past few weeks.  If it would ever stop raining around here I might be able to do some more.  I am going to do a relay tri with some friends in either June or July.  They want me to do the swim part, which is my favorite part and the one I'm the best at.  I'm actually hoping they will want to do the July one instead of June since the water will be warmer...and that will give me more time to get back into the pool to get my speed back up. 

Jo, I would say if you can fit the last tri into your schedule you should go for it.  However if there is something else going on that day you would rather do (like a team run scheduled) then blow it off and go do what you will enjoy.

2010-05-21 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2874109

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
scubagrrl - 2010-05-21 1:29 PM

Lovey, I had some times where I upped my swim mileage where I would get some twinges in my shoulder.  I was very worried that I might have swimmer's shoulder or something, but taking a few days off and dropping back on the laps some helped.  I also cut back on some of the upper body weight lifting during that time.   I think the combination was the problem.  Take it easy for a few days and see how it goes.

I'm still lurking out here and running.  I did actually get in a couple of bike rides in the past few weeks.  If it would ever stop raining around here I might be able to do some more.  I am going to do a relay tri with some friends in either June or July.  They want me to do the swim part, which is my favorite part and the one I'm the best at.  I'm actually hoping they will want to do the July one instead of June since the water will be warmer...and that will give me more time to get back into the pool to get my speed back up. 

Jo, I would say if you can fit the last tri into your schedule you should go for it.  However if there is something else going on that day you would rather do (like a team run scheduled) then blow it off and go do what you will enjoy.

Thanks, I really needed to hear that. Even though I have swam up to 1500 yards, its been drills with short nonstop swims. I definitely think that a lack of swim conditioning is part of it. I will see if I can work in some of those drills into my yardage. I was (still am) so worried that I wouldn't be able to go the distance. I was suppose to do my third swim of the week today but I decided to give my shoulder a rest and head back to the pool on Sunday afternoon. I may still do the yardage but instead of nonstop laps, I will break it up in 100s of swim and drills.

2010-05-24 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Sounds like slowing up and following the plan is the way to go, Lovey. Good job!

Things are crazy here- my training is crazy, the husband was out of town last week and I only missed one workout (miracle). the weather is getting hot hot hot and man I certainly need to get used to running in the heat again- really stunk up my run yesterday. Our summer schedule filled up way too fast and we do not really have free time until AUGUST. Agh!

Anyway, hope everyone else is having a much calmer time. I'm hopping on here and occasionally checking training plans- everyone keep up the good work!

2010-05-25 9:31 PM
in reply to: #2877716

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
WEEK three / Day Two workout:
400 for 12 breaths
200 for 10 breaths
4 x 100 for 8 breathsbetween 100s
4 x 50 for 4 breaths between 50s
total: 1200 yards

That was what I suppose to do but I was resting my shoulder after ome pain on Thursday. Today I was taking it easy.

Today's workout:
500 yards...alternating between freestyle and breaststroke every 100 yards for the first 300 and then alternated every 50 yards for the remaining 200 yards.

No shoulder pain. It felt slightly stiff at the beginning but loosen up quickly. I will ease back in and hopefully can do 1200 yards pain free by the end of the week.

2010-05-27 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Today I did WEEK three / Day Two workout. I added drills at the end instead of just laps. See my logs for details.

No pain. Am I suppose to be panting at the end of say the 400 yard swim? I am not breathing hard at all. I go slow otherwise I do pant and have to stop. The 400 swim took me 18 minutes or so. Total workout took about an hour.

2010-05-27 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

The great thing about Triathlon is you can go at YOUR SPEED, what is comfortable for you. I would think that, over the summer, you will see your 400 time come down each time you do a TT in your workout (TT=time trial). It's just like running- as you build up endurance in the water your times will come down.

2010-06-02 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hope everyone is still training- quite empty in the logs area, and around here.

Ah well.

I'm racing this weekend! Hooray!
2010-06-02 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2897455

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
My workout sucks. Between school concerts, practices, regular games, playoff games, swim team practices and academic school functions all my for kids, this week and last week has allowed me little time to workout.

I tried getting on the treadmill this morning but I was tired and couldn't get a rythym. I havent swam this week and hope to get in the water by at least Friday.

Ahh, life!!!

Good Luck Anne on your Racing for Recovery Triathlon.


Edited by Lovey 2010-06-02 9:11 PM

2010-06-03 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Oh MAN Lovey, do I understand about crazy schedules right now. we have something every night until school is out (next tuesday). Think of it as forced rest time for your shoulder. The good news is your training has been so spot on all year you will not lose any of your endurance and can get right back in there when life calms down.
2010-06-04 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2897455

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I've been having a hard time getting to training too... but after today, I feel like I'm back on track.  I have a race tomorrow (yikes) but my sister is running too and she reminded me that we did the same race last year, and I'm definately better prepared overall (even if the last week has been less-than-adequate!)

I have a question for anyone who has an opinion....

I'm gearing up for my first tri at the end of this month.  I have a wetsuit, but I'm not sure what to wear under it..  Is it worthwhile to just wear an running jersey and biking pants (without padding) and just peel off the suit and go? 

Also, what is the difference between a 'shark' shirt and other tri shirts?  Is it just the material dries quicker? 

I'm going to look for race-day check lists to see what I"m still lacking.

Thanks for your advice.

Have a good race this weekend, Anne!

Lovey - We have been going crazy with end-of-the year stuff too!  Concerts, award banquets, recitals and parties... on my - It rivals Christmas!  Good thing's temporary.

2010-06-04 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Joyce is your wetsuit full sleeves or sleeveless?

Ad yes, year end is crazy.

2010-06-04 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Good luck Anne and Joyce! I'm still around, just not on the computer much these days. Sometimes I forget to log my little workouts. Life does get in the way. I'm painting my office--tore off all the wallpaper and so have to paint walls and walls and walls and walls. Maybe I'll post that under miscellaneous. Have to clean my whole house this weekend as inlaws from SC are coming. Hope they don't look in the closets.
2010-06-05 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Since Wednesday I have been having issues with a sore achilles and calf muscle on my left leg. It started Tuesday night walking across uneven slope on the grass and I felt a tug on my heel. I have been massaging it, foam rolling it and icing it. No ibuprofen however.

This morning, I decided to try and run 4-6 miles depending on how it felt. Well, I missed my group run and decided to do same day registration for a local 5K 10 minutes away. My friend and running partner was the race director raising money for her dauhgter's school art program.

I could have really raced it because leg felt ok and I only felt twinges on the uphills. But I decided to take it easy and not risk injuring myself before my tri in 2 weeks. Plus other than a 2 miler I did 3 days ago, my last run was a 10 miler 2 weeks ago. Didn't think it was worth it.

I was still happy I pulled a 40 minutes on a "taking it easy" run in support of my friend.


2010-06-05 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2902070

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
It's full sleeve.  I didn't think I'd get one with full sleeves, but I just thought my arms would be so cold!  Plus the wetsuit rep was 'kind' (?) enough to squeeze me into it, so at that point, I was so embarrassed I think I would have bought anything.  lol

Sorry to hear your calf is giving you trouble.  You are smart to play it conservative wtih the tri coming up.

2010-06-05 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2902135

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
You sound like you are getting a different kind of workout!  How long are the inlaws staying? 
2010-06-05 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I had a great run this morning!  It was really humid though, so instead of drinking the water (which would make me throw up) I just dumped it all over myself. 

It was extremely challenging, but I didn't give up.  My only goal was not to stop running the entire time.  I have never done this long before.   My mantra (in rhythm to my feet) was "I will not quit.  I will not throw up." lol  It worked!  The hardest part was mile 3 - 4.5 which was all uphill.  But with one foot in front of the other, I kept moving (slowly!) forward.

I was able to sprint the last 250 yards to the finish and it felt great. 

Around mile 4, I felt some twinges in my left knee which I was worried about, but it didn't get any worse, so I was able to keep running.

I ended up running next to a 64 yo guy who had been running every year since the inaugural run 34 years ago!.... talk about being inspired!  We joked about how the ambulance/sag wagon kept driving really slowly behind us... like "Do we look THAT bad?!"

I praise God for our bodies, which respond to training and good nutrition.  I amazed to see these changes in my physical self because I have only read about it before.  I'm just beginning to really experience feeling stronger and accomplishing things I thought I never could do and it is very exciting!

I SO appreciate the wisdom and encouragement from this board. 

2010-06-06 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Joyce, have you biked or ran the Celebration Sprint courses yet?

I did a 13.7 mile portion of the Iron Girl 17.5 mile tri bike course. The hills were KILLING me.
There were people flying by like it was a piece of cake. I past a runner and a couple miles later as I struggled on the shortest but steepest hill of Mt. Albert, he ran past me. What!! He was nice though and kept shouting to keep my legs moving as he cheered me on. If my car was right there, I would have went home but I was only 6 miles or so into a 13.7 mile ride.

I am really glad that I have the summer to master this course. It was hard for me because I am not a strong biker and I am super slow. Many of my club riders finish the course between 1 and 1.5 hours whereas it takes me about 2 hrs right now if I did the whole thing.

I am confident it will get better with pratice. One training day at a time.

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