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2010-10-05 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
I got some pictures from my HIM where I look somewhat presentable, as opposed to completely horrible like most of my race pictures. The first one is at about mile 5, and it may not look like it, but I am actually running. That bridge/dam combo in the background is really impressive, especially the bridge over the waterfall:

Later on in the race at about mile 8 you go back over the dam and bridge. Here I am on the bridge, and I was feeling really good because I had realized that I was having my greatest race ever:

As far as my off season goes, my first big goal is to get into The Survival of the Shawangunks. They only have 150 entrants so they do online registration at midnight on Oct. 31, and last year they sold out in 15 minutes.

I might do a duathlon in a couple of weeks but I will be mostly run focused over the Winter. My local running club has a great Jingle Jog 8K followed by a fun series of 4 5K's in Jan. and Feb. Then I will do a half marathon in March. I will also try to maintain my swimming and biking better this Winter. I don't mind biking in the cold as long as there is no snow or ice, but I don't like biking in the dark.


2010-10-05 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3134563

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
amschrod - 2010-10-05 6:03 PM
wbayek - 2010-10-05 5:19 PM
DannyK - 2010-10-05 2:57 PM Hi Scott:

Congrats on your race and following festivities!  Looks like you had a really really good time at both.  I'm buying an indoor bike trainer so I can get stronger over the winter.  I was supposed to start training again last week but I had a tough time getting motivated over the weekend.  I did swim 1250 yards on Fri but the temperature is dropping here in Ohio. The idea of biking in 50 degrees didn't appeal to me.  I have clothes and gear for cold weather biking but I'm just not ready for it.  Instead I ate a lot of junk food =). Have a great off season to everyone!


Danny, when Jorge starts his bike plan I'd suggest following along.  It's an awesome plan, and you will absolutely get faster on the bike. 

For what it's worth, I've been totally off motivation since my half, but I'm good with it.  I'm using this time as a mental recovery, and I'm starting back hard November 1 with the Jorge plan.

X2 on Jorge's Winter biking plan. Definitely a great plan that will make you faster.

Awesome job Anthony!  That race over the bridge/dam looks amazing.  Great picture also.

What is the Jorge's Winter biking plan? share.  Sounds like a good plan. I need to gain speed and get my distance up to a 10k.  I have a few months (7mths) to get ready for my Olympic race in May.
2010-10-06 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3134735

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
scott1223 - 2010-10-05 8:34 PM

Awesome job Anthony!  That race over the bridge/dam looks amazing.  Great picture also.

What is the Jorge's Winter biking plan? share.  Sounds like a good plan. I need to gain speed and get my distance up to a 10k.  I have a few months (7mths) to get ready for my Olympic race in May.

Jorge (a BT member) is a coach.  He posts workouts for a biking plan.  You can use either power, heart rate, or RPE, so everyone can participate.  It lasts 12 weeks.  You don't have to do it on schedule since he leaves the workouts on the web, but if you follow along there is a thread where everyone comments on the workouts.  He plans to start Nov 1.  I'll follow up and give the thread link, though there's some talk about it already on the main page.

A  warning though - it's brutal.  The workouts are almost all intervals, and they are a bear to keep up with, imo.
2010-10-06 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3134585

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
amschrod - 2010-10-05 6:22 PM

Heel striker!

That race looks incredible.  I admit when I saw that first picture, I thought how hard it would be to have to climb up the hill and run that bridge.  And then the next pic shows you doing exactly that!  I'd be tempted to stop and take pictures during the run.
2010-10-06 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3136047

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
wbayek - 2010-10-06 11:46 AM
scott1223 - 2010-10-05 8:34 PM

Awesome job Anthony!  That race over the bridge/dam looks amazing.  Great picture also.

What is the Jorge's Winter biking plan? share.  Sounds like a good plan. I need to gain speed and get my distance up to a 10k.  I have a few months (7mths) to get ready for my Olympic race in May.

Jorge (a BT member) is a coach.  He posts workouts for a biking plan.  You can use either power, heart rate, or RPE, so everyone can participate.  It lasts 12 weeks.  You don't have to do it on schedule since he leaves the workouts on the web, but if you follow along there is a thread where everyone comments on the workouts.  He plans to start Nov 1.  I'll follow up and give the thread link, though there's some talk about it already on the main page.

A  warning though - it's brutal.  The workouts are almost all intervals, and they are a bear to keep up with, imo.

Here's the Jorge link to this season's plan.  It's only an overview at this point.  He'll be posting the thread on the challenge forum next week, and the workouts themselves get posted each week on his blog.  The optional workout is a long ride, so the total hours looks like more than is required.  I didn't do the long rides on the trainer last winter, we'll see this year.
2010-10-06 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3136152

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
wbayek - 2010-10-06 12:17 PM

Heel striker!

Ha! That gave me a good laugh! For you folks that don't know, red italics is the "sarcasm font" here at BT. Warren is referring to many interesting discussions with very strong opinions that have taken place on "tri talk" about the benefits and drawbacks of  heel striking versus mid foot or fore foot striking on the run. I noticed that in this picture as well, but if you look at the other picture, I am mid foot striking in that one. I never really think about it though, I just run

That race looks incredible.  I admit when I saw that first picture, I thought how hard it would be to have to climb up the hill and run that bridge.  And then the next pic shows you doing exactly that!  I'd be tempted to stop and take pictures during the run.

The view from up there is really nice. Fortunately, to get to the top you run on a trail that has a big switchback, so it takes about3/4's of a mile to climb 150 ft. or so.

2010-10-06 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3136889

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
amschrod - 2010-10-06 4:21 PM

The view from up there is really nice. Fortunately, to get to the top you run on a trail that has a big switchback, so it takes about3/4's of a mile to climb 150 ft. or so.

Oh, only 150 feet climb in 3/4 mile.  You call that a hill?  Haha.  For those who don't track climb closely, that's a serious hill to run up, probably 5% grade or more.  I think the run in my half iron had about 400 feet total in 13 miles!
2010-10-24 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Ran the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon today. My time was horrible compared to my past ones but considering the longest training run/walk was 7.5miles we did ok. 2:50:27. I ran with a friend from highschool who was a sprinter. This was her second hm and she trained a lot for her first. We were both injured with minimal training but she PR'd it!! I actually felt ok until the last .5 miles. It really helped me get motivated to keep on training and get closer to my PR of under 2hours!
2010-10-26 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3169535

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2010-10-24 8:17 PM Ran the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon today. My time was horrible compared to my past ones but considering the longest training run/walk was 7.5miles we did ok. 2:50:27. I ran with a friend from highschool who was a sprinter. This was her second hm and she trained a lot for her first. We were both injured with minimal training but she PR'd it!! I actually felt ok until the last .5 miles. It really helped me get motivated to keep on training and get closer to my PR of under 2hours!

Great job Paula.  Getting through a half given everything you've dealt with is pretty awesome.  Keep going and that 2 hour goal will be in the read view mirror.
2010-11-24 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3172239

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Hey everyone! Sorry I have been away for so long Had a few things going on. The computer I use at my office crashed a couple of months ago, but I didn't replace until this week. I don't really go online at work very much: I even have only dial up service. Also, my son at college fried his laptop, and he wanted to wait until either black Friday or Christmas to get a good deal, so I loaned him my laptop which is what I use at home for internet. I have been going online only enough to log my training using the kids' PS3.

The biggest thing though is we have had a tough time at my office. I'm a dentist with a small practice with only 4 employees. I normally work with 2 assistants, but one of them has been sick off and on for about 2 months. First they took out her appendix, but a couple weeks later she was sick again, so they took out her gall bladder. Then a week or so after that she was back in the hospital on IV's for infection and dehydration. Then she got sick again, so back on antibiotics and bed rest. Somewhere in there my other assistant went on a 10 day cruise that she had planned for a year. So I even had some days with no assistant. There is a local dental temp agency, but they just send you an overpaid prima donna who you have to teach everything anyway. My wife offered to come in and help, but we've been married 23 years and i would like to make it to 24

Fortunately, my assistant is doing much better now. She really had me worried. She started working for me about 20 years ago when she was still in high school and doing an internship for her dental assistant training. When you work together that closely for 20 years it becomes more than just an employee/employer relationship, so this year I have her recovery to be thankful for.

I have been able to keep up with my running, which is very good for me physically, and especially mentally.


Edited by amschrod 2010-11-24 2:26 PM
2010-11-24 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3169535

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2010-10-24 8:17 PM Ran the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon today. My time was horrible compared to my past ones but considering the longest training run/walk was 7.5miles we did ok. 2:50:27. I ran with a friend from highschool who was a sprinter. This was her second hm and she trained a lot for her first. We were both injured with minimal training but she PR'd it!! I actually felt ok until the last .5 miles. It really helped me get motivated to keep on training and get closer to my PR of under 2hours!

Excellent job on limited training! i could never do that!

2010-11-30 6:39 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
anyone still around?  How's the off season going?
2010-12-01 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2774068

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Still here, just getting into winter training.  I have absolutely nothing on the schedule so there's no target race for me. 

I'm doing Jorge's winter biking plan and trying to get my running up via frequency first at lower intensity.  I probably won't be swimming at all until March/April.
2010-12-01 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3231241

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2010-11-30 7:39 PM anyone still around?  How's the off season going?

I'm here! I am focused on running right now. Started a 16 week HM plan last week, have a 7K "jingle Jog" this Sunday, 4 local 5K's in Jan. and Feb., and I'll finish up the Winter with my half mary in March. I really like running in Winter weather. Now if I could just get myself on the bike and in the pool more...
2010-12-03 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
I swam for the first time in 18 months today.  It felt good but I sure do have a lot of work to do before my first tri in March.  I am also training for a half mary in feb.  This is my first week of official training, feeling great so far.  I am meeting a friend for a bike ride on sun.  She is training for her first tri.   I am excited to get back into the racing scene.  I know I will not be where I was in '09 but gonna work hard to get back to that!
Hope all is well,
Stay warm!
2010-12-07 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2774068

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Hey Paula, great to hear you're targeting an early season tri.  March would mean skating instead of running on the water around here!  Is this the same one you did in March last year?  How is everything feeling? 

2010-12-08 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3236058

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2010-12-03 6:10 PM I swam for the first time in 18 months today.  It felt good but I sure do have a lot of work to do before my first tri in March.  I am also training for a half mary in feb.  This is my first week of official training, feeling great so far.  I am meeting a friend for a bike ride on sun.  She is training for her first tri.   I am excited to get back into the racing scene.  I know I will not be where I was in '09 but gonna work hard to get back to that!
Hope all is well,
Stay warm!

Good to see you back at it and training for some big events. That March tri is a pool swim, isn't it? I wish there were some early season tris with a pool swim around here.
2010-12-08 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3242002

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Finally got around to posting my Jingle Jog RR. This was my last race of the 2010 season, so it is time to reflect on the past year.

You have been a great mentor group, I am very happy to know you all, and I am impressed with what you have accomplished. Bill, Calvin, Danny and Scott completed their first Tri's and all with excellent performances. Warren did his first Half Iron, and he crushed it. Priscilla came back from an injury to race again, and Paula is getting back after having her first child. We haven't heard much from Clayton, but I have been checking in on his log, and he has done a great job of training consistently and he has reached his weight loss goal.

As for me, I continue to improve a little each year, and I look forward to getting better until my age catches up with me. I am really looking forward to next season, particularly since I was lucky enough to get into The Survival of the Shawangunks. It's a crazy person's race, and it should be a blast.

You have inspired and motivated me, and I look forward to keeping in touch with all of you.


Edited by amschrod 2010-12-08 6:40 PM
2010-12-08 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Got on the bike trainer the last 2 days. Boy do I have a lot of work to do, just not comfortable in the saddle (think I would be with the extra natural padding).  It will take me a a while to get my form back let alone some speed and endurance.  It has been really cold here- nothing compared to you yanks but 22 is a really chilly morning here!.  I have a track workout planned for tomorrow, have to remind myself that its a heat wave for some of you guys!   The pool I swim at is outdoors too but at least its heated!  Makes for quick strokes so your arms arent out of the water for long!.   My tri in march is a pool swim and there is one in april at my pool that I just found out about- very excited.   I am happy to be back on track, now if I could just get my nutrition in check I would be doing great.  I also found out that my local Tri store: TrySports has invited me to be on their ambassador team again this year.  Doesnt sound like much, but  a little free gear and store discounts go a long way right now.  They are a great group of people and are great motivators so I am proud to be associated with them.
  Someone mentioned the Beach2Battleship HIM and IM distance tri was on their maybe list in the past.  Just to let you know, they changed the date to 10/29 (I think).  Its a great race and if anyone is interested in doing it, you can stay at my house.  I would love to do the HIM in 2011 but we have the World Surf Kayak Championships earlier in the month and I will be so busy that training would be out of the question.  2012 its on though!!!
Hope everyone's training is going well, stay warm and injury free!!
2010-12-08 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Great mentoring Anthony!!  Thanks for your motivation and support for the last 2 years.
2010-12-08 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
I echo Anthony's sentiments for everyone here, it's been amazing hearing all your stories and following your progress.  I can absolutely say that miles 8-13.1 on the HIM you all motivated me to suck it up and get it done.  Thanks.  And I will keep reading your logs and race reports and giving you inspires - so keep training, logging, and racing.

Paula, it was me who was debating B2B in 2011, but due to family decision I'll be going short course only next year.  I still potentially have 2012 in my sites for a full iron there though, so if your offer still stands I may be in touch, or at a minimum we can do a race together (not sure if you're looking at full or half, but either way we'll share the race)!

And 22 is still pretty cold even for us yanks!

2010-12-24 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3242112

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Merry Christmas everyone!!
2010-12-27 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Merry Christmas Everyone!!  I got a bunch of tri training books to start reading and implementing.  Registration for the tri's I want to do open up (and sell out) on the 4th.  Gotta win the lottery between now and then to pay for the entry fees!
2010-12-29 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3263444

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Merry Christmas (belated) and Happy New Year everyone!  I started running and biking  a few weeks ago......I tore my left bicep about 2 mos ago so will have to delay swimming until spring (I hope)....we still have lots of cake, cookies, chocolate and goodies lying around so the diet isn't going so well...  enjoy the last few days of 2010 and talk to you next year!

2010-12-30 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3265990

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
I agree, Paula; race fees can be pretty steep. I try to not mention them around here, so please don't say anything about them to my wife!

Good to hear from you, Danny, but sorry to hear about your arm. How in the world did you tear your bicep?

I have been good about my running, but I haven't been swimming or biking at all. Good thing I like running in the Winter; the temp was down in the single digits this AM. Saturday should be a good day here to get to ride outside because it is supposed to get into the 30's. I plan to get a good start on the bike for the new year.
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