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2011-01-30 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thanks everyone for helping me with the terminology! 

Chris, great job on the weight loss, keep up the hard work!

Mike, I can’t wait to have a 10 mile run that is under 10min pace and call it slow? Sounds awesome to me!

No rest today, had a 2100 yard swim and getting ready to go for a run. 

Dan N, good job on the run, feels good to be back outside doesn’t it? 

Josh, or anyone else, the training programs have recommended lengths for the different workouts, is it wrong to increase those times? Or are they the minimum ammout that I should do? The 20 week HIM calls for swims of 40m to start, but I have been doing at least an hour with my masters group.

Thanks for the help!



2011-01-30 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Party at Itzia's!!!!!!

Fiesta en la casa de Itzia!

(working on my Spanish profesora)

Edited by croixfan 2011-01-30 7:57 PM
2011-01-30 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

On a more serious note, just finished week two of the "Time Crunched Triathlete" program.  I'm really impressed with the program.  It's a steady ramp up that has you pushing yourself, but not killing yourself.  Each time I go back to a discipline I feel stonger / am able to complete the next "challenge".  Looking ahead at the next 4 weeks, I'll be doing distances and speeds that I've never completed previously.  Extremely confident that at the end of 6 weeks there will be some great gains.

On an even more positive note, I'm doing the simplest, sprint program.  There's one harder sprint program, and two olympic programs.  Carmichael recommends four weeks of between cycles / has a recovery four week program as well.

Have to catch up on some work / get ready for the week now.

2011-01-30 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

LOL   You are very welcome Dan N.

    OK!!!!  Let's party then!   Laughing

La práctica hace al maestro Curt.  ¡Tú puedes!

2011-01-31 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Another Monday upon us, and yet another snow storm heading to the northeast USA. I believe Itzia is taking all snow refugees, so we'll likely need a charter to get us to her place.

Curt -- the book sounds really interesting. I may get a copy and check it out.

Itzia -- thanks for hosting all of us. I'm actually heading to the Carribean in 3 weeks for a cruise, so there is some southern sunshine in my future. Thank goodness.

Dan -- Good question about the masters swim vs plan. I have no idea, and would be interested in hearing more about this sort of substitution. As for my run time, it just felt like h*ll while I was out there, and seemed slow. Its funny -- my 2x/week 5 mile runs seem to fly by.

Dan -- Yes, Mexico would be very good right now

Jackie -- Any bike riding this weekend to make us snowbound northerns feel jealous?

I just realized on the way to work (after a lousy 1000 yard swim workout) it was Jan 31. I'll be doing my run TT tomorrow. January was my best run month ever, topping over 77 miles for the month. Swim was below December, but I took about 10 days off to let a sore shoulder (old rugby injury - torn rotator cuff/tendons) recover. My stroke has suffered, but I'm working on getting my balance back.

I'm now less than 7 weeks from my half marathon. I've been very run focused, and have decided to add in bike/swim workouts from the HIM plan from BT as supplements over the next few weeks. I'm starting the HIM plan in earest mid april, and hope the swim/bike will get me at least started on a good base for moving ahead with it.

Josh -- met someone yesterday at Stop N Shop who did IMAZ last November with 2 other guys from Hingham. The reason I found out was the "140.6" sticker on the back window of the car, and the discussion went from there.

2011-01-31 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3329857

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Mountaindan - 2011-01-30 8:52 PM

Josh, or anyone else, the training programs have recommended lengths for the different workouts, is it wrong to increase those times? Or are they the minimum ammout that I should do? The 20 week HIM calls for swims of 40m to start, but I have been doing at least an hour with my masters group.

Good question.  Remember, these are one size fits all plans.  I would say about 50% of the people starting out come from no athletic background at all, so these plans are good for them right from the start.  The other half have some sort of background or experience in S,B, or R, so the starting point is a bit basic for them.  Here are 2 options if you find the beginning workout too short or easy.  One, you can extend the workout times or distance to where they are not too easy.  Make sure they are somewhat challenging.  Or, you can keep the recommended time/distance and pick up the intensity.  Do more intervals or sprints or drills.  This way you are exerting more energy in a short about of time.  I will also say, if your plan calls for a 40 swim workout and you have a 60 masters swim, don't worry about it.  You will be fine. 

2011-01-31 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3330189

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Mike_D - 2011-01-31 7:12 AM

Josh -- met someone yesterday at Stop N Shop who did IMAZ last November with 2 other guys from Hingham. The reason I found out was the "140.6" sticker on the back window of the car, and the discussion went from there.

Sorry to the rest of the group for the local banter.   Were you at the Cohasset or Hingham SnS?  Because I have seen a couple of cars with the 140.6 sticker at the one in Hingham. 

BTW, none of the weathermen want to discuss it yet, but it looks like another storm Saturday/Sunday.

2011-01-31 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks Josh, great information, I guess my biggest concern is over training, but if I stick to the general routine and not do any one sport too often it sounds like I will be fine.With that said, I am off to a terrible start, couldn't manage to get my run in yesterday and today will be a complete wash on any work out. Hopefully tomorrow I can get going, this work thing is getting in the way of the important things in life!Let's hope we don't get another storm this weekend, Wednesday's storm sounds like it could be a nasty one, they are calling for 2" to 4" tuesday night and 12" to 18" on Wednesday!My work out will be to build a snow cave!
2011-01-31 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Happy Monday everyone,
Itzia, sorry to hear about your injury.  Hope you find yourself on the mend quickly.

Chris,  nicely done on the weight loss.   14lbs in less than two months seems like a lot to me, but I say it is good to have goal and you should go for it.  Just  do not over do it. 

Mountain Dan,   I took a basic training plan and adjusted it to my strengths and weaknesses. Seems to be working for me so far, but I have only been at it for a month now.  
2011-01-31 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

I been sick the last couple of days.  Look at all your traiing log, we did pretty good.  I had to put in a 4 mile run today, so I can say I ran 30 mile this month.  So with February upon us and I know for most of you the weather going to get colder/wetter before it get warmer.  Does anyone have racing this month (February)?  Has anyone ever got a professional bike fit?  I have couple club member that paid $150 for a professional fit, just wondering if its worth the $$?

2011-01-31 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3331159

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
utahrunner - 2011-01-31 1:04 PM

I been sick the last couple of days.  Look at all your traiing log, we did pretty good.  I had to put in a 4 mile run today, so I can say I ran 30 mile this month.  So with February upon us and I know for most of you the weather going to get colder/wetter before it get warmer.  Does anyone have racing this month (February)?  Has anyone ever got a professional bike fit?  I have couple club member that paid $150 for a professional fit, just wondering if its worth the $$?

Did this just a month ago w/ my new ride. It is worth every penny. My bike fits like a glove. Spent over 2 hours doing measurements of flexibility, checking out foot/leg alignment, measuring how you sit on the bike, etc. It is time consuming, but certainly fun, and you get to ride for a while, so its all good. Definitely do this if you are thinking about a new bike. I paid $100 for mine.

2011-01-31 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3331213

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Mike_D - 2011-01-31 2:27 PM
utahrunner - 2011-01-31 1:04 PM

I been sick the last couple of days.  Look at all your traiing log, we did pretty good.  I had to put in a 4 mile run today, so I can say I ran 30 mile this month.  So with February upon us and I know for most of you the weather going to get colder/wetter before it get warmer.  Does anyone have racing this month (February)?  Has anyone ever got a professional bike fit?  I have couple club member that paid $150 for a professional fit, just wondering if its worth the $$?

Did this just a month ago w/ my new ride. It is worth every penny. My bike fits like a glove. Spent over 2 hours doing measurements of flexibility, checking out foot/leg alignment, measuring how you sit on the bike, etc. It is time consuming, but certainly fun, and you get to ride for a while, so its all good. Definitely do this if you are thinking about a new bike. I paid $100 for mine.

The real question is how much is comfort and not being injuring worth to you?  A good bike fit is priceless, and I am not overstating this.  The 2 big reasons are comfort and preventing injuries, mostly to your back and knees.  $150 is very reasonable.  And I had mine done, actually at the same place as Mike.  

Take a look at this thread someone recently posted.

2011-01-31 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sterling – I got an official bike fit, well worth it. Now I will say that I am biased as one of my best friends (who unfortunately lives thousands of miles away) is a pro bit fitter and cannot not stop talking about how beneficial it is. Sad this is now I have to agree with him, grrrr.

Marcus- way to stretch it out so to make a dent in the monthly mileage, I have not gotten to that point yet.

Yankees- I am jealous of the snow. It got up to 70 here this weekend. I stayed inside and pretended it was cold! I hear that the skiing is fab, but then again there is a lot of school closings and the budget for snow removal has to be shot. I actually listen to WERS out of Emerson College in the office at work all day. I am up to date on way to much considering I don’t live there….

Itzia- I have actually been to Cuernavaca, a million years ago, at Our Cabaña…. But to make you feel better about your accident; Three years ago I was walking outside, in the daytime, thru a dry, flat, sunlight parking lot on my way to class, I was carrying nothing, did not have on my ipod, and was not talking on my phone. I was just walking. I tripped and rolled my ankle, hard enough to break my foot in 4 places and get some bone chips. No soft tissue damage (I am a freak, per the Orthopedists). Took me over 7 weeks to get off crutches. So banging your head, not too bad at all!

Did 10m bike this AM, off to the pool in a bit, been a few weeks since I was in it, getting ready to laugh at my 1000 time Laughing

Hope you all have a good afternoon/morning! 

Edited by Ail 2011-01-31 3:33 PM
2011-01-31 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Curt – good job on your programme!  It sounds a bit hard to me though.  I think you can do it because this is not your first year.  So, someone like me might have to wait a bit.

Ail – I don’t think your 1000 y swimming time was to be laughed at to begin with.  Wait till you see mine!  LOL 
It’s such a small world!  I pass by Nuestra Cabaña every day on my way back from work.  If you take it as a reference, my life revolves around a 4Km ratio from it.  I stayed there a long time ago too, way back when I was a Girl Guide.  Actually, that’s how I first met Dan N when I was only about 12.  He was a Boy Scout.  (Sorry DN Tongue out).

Mike – The Caribean... Very nice indeed!  Congratulations on the 77 miles in Jan.

Marcus – Thank you, I’m feeling much better now.

Dan – I hope the work load decreases.  Building a snow cave sounds good fun!

Thanks for the info on bike fit.  Mine should have arrived already!

Where's super Jackie?

I hope you have a great Tuesday!  Laughing

Edited by itziaol 2011-02-01 7:42 AM
2011-01-31 11:02 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Itzia- I'm here after a crazy weekend. I crashed my bike going 25 mph and was VERY LUCKY to walk away with just some scraps and bruises. Long story. It wasn't my fault but I could have been more cautious and definately learned my lesson. Like I said, the whole thing was some what miraclous because both me and the other guy were totally ok. My bike however, is destroyed. So I will be bike shopping this week. Again, just grateful to be walking around in one piece.
2011-02-01 5:49 AM
in reply to: #3332291

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
jpbis26 - 2011-01-31 11:02 PM Hi Itzia- I'm here after a crazy weekend. I crashed my bike going 25 mph and was VERY LUCKY to walk away with just some scraps and bruises. Long story. It wasn't my fault but I could have been more cautious and definately learned my lesson. Like I said, the whole thing was some what miraclous because both me and the other guy were totally ok. My bike however, is destroyed. So I will be bike shopping this week. Again, just grateful to be walking around in one piece.

Glad to hear you are OK, Jackie, but a total drag about your bike .  Was it a run in w/ a car?  Scary stuff, but very happy to know you are OK.

Did my Jan final 5k TT and clocked in at 26:13. Its about 2+ minutes better than my original time, I think. Overall did 5 miles this AM.

2011-02-01 5:56 AM
in reply to: #3332291

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
jpbis26 - 2011-01-31 11:02 PM Hi Itzia- I'm here after a crazy weekend. I crashed my bike going 25 mph and was VERY LUCKY to walk away with just some scraps and bruises. Long story. It wasn't my fault but I could have been more cautious and definately learned my lesson. Like I said, the whole thing was some what miraclous because both me and the other guy were totally ok. My bike however, is destroyed. So I will be bike shopping this week. Again, just grateful to be walking around in one piece.

Glad you're OK.  We all do this for our health and sanity.  It would be a shame to get hurt in the process.  Pretty amazing that you walke away unscathed at that speed -- somebody must be watching out for you.

On the good news front, you'll get a new pair of wheels!
2011-02-01 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3332291

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
jpbis26 - 2011-01-31 11:02 PM Hi Itzia- I'm here after a crazy weekend. I crashed my bike going 25 mph and was VERY LUCKY to walk away with just some scraps and bruises. Long story. It wasn't my fault but I could have been more cautious and definately learned my lesson. Like I said, the whole thing was some what miraclous because both me and the other guy were totally ok. My bike however, is destroyed. So I will be bike shopping this week. Again, just grateful to be walking around in one piece.

OMG!  I’m glad you are ok Jackie! It’s surprising since you were going fast.  It seems you crashed against someone who was also riding a bike, ouch!  Are you very sore?  How is he?  Take care and enjoy shopping for a new bike.

I think this confirms it.  You can’t fool me...  You do have super powers!   Laughing

Edited by itziaol 2011-02-01 7:57 AM
2011-02-01 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3332291

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
jpbis26 - 2011-02-01 12:02 AM Hi Itzia- I'm here after a crazy weekend. I crashed my bike going 25 mph and was VERY LUCKY to walk away with just some scraps and bruises. Long story. It wasn't my fault but I could have been more cautious and definately learned my lesson. Like I said, the whole thing was some what miraclous because both me and the other guy were totally ok. My bike however, is destroyed. So I will be bike shopping this week. Again, just grateful to be walking around in one piece.

Wow, congrats on walking away, sorry about the bike. Hopefully you have the $ to have a fun bike shopping time. 
2011-02-01 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jackie,  Glad to hear you and the other person are OK and walked away with out any serious injuries.  Sorry to hear the bike is trashed. 

I ran my 5k last night. This time I decided to start off slow so I wouldn't run into the same issue as last time (going to fast being gassed and having to walk), but I started too slow.  My final time was 27:29, which was still faster than last time.  Towards the end of the run I was running at a really good clip and still had gas in the tank.   So I learned a  small lesson ... just run and dont think too much about it.  

This morning the pool was closed due to lack of salt.  So rather than do nothing I did a quick 5 mile stint on the bike.  It kind of throws my week off a bit, but I felt I had to do something instead of just going to work.  I just really wanted to push off going to work.  
It also looks like I lost a couple of pounds.  Both yesterday and today I weighed in at 174. I am not sure if it because I was sick a couple of days last week and didnt each as much or if it is a result of training.  We will see by the end of the week if it stays off or comes back.  
2011-02-01 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Glad to hear you are o.k. You are lucky to take a tumble at that speed and only have scrapes and bruises, especially if the bike is shot. I live on a two lane main thoroughfare and the vehicles here are not forgiving. I am petrified to ride along on roads. If its not the cars and trucks that get ya, its the dogs. In the country we don't tie them up, even if they should be. Good to hear your doing O.k.

Has anyone ever heard of claiming bike damage on insurance? Not necesarily your own insurance, but in the case of car/bike accident?

2011-02-01 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3332664

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
crlarner - 2011-02-01 8:18 AM Glad to hear you are o.k. You are lucky to take a tumble at that speed and only have scrapes and bruises, especially if the bike is shot. I live on a two lane main thoroughfare and the vehicles here are not forgiving. I am petrified to ride along on roads. If its not the cars and trucks that get ya, its the dogs. In the country we don't tie them up, even if they should be. Good to hear your doing O.k.

Has anyone ever heard of claiming bike damage on insurance? Not necesarily your own insurance, but in the case of car/bike accident?

Or had a rider on their home owners insurance for their bike? I'm thinking of doing this, and wanted to know what others have experienced.
2011-02-01 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3256072

South Central PA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone...I want to throw out a big thank you to this group.  I haven't been around much in the last 2 weeks.  My daughter was nice enough to share a nasty bug with me.  I lost 8 pounds in the first two days, and really struggled to do anything besides lay on the couch.  I got on my bike on Saturday and managed to ride 8 minutes before my heart rate spiked and I had to call it quits.

Ok, self-pity section overwith.  I decided I would still follow through with the 5K time trial last night, knowing that if I had to bail, I could.  It became a mental struggle about 2 miles in, but I was watching my time and wanted to have something positive to post in my training log today.

I finished in 25:40, shaving 1:39 off of my time from a month ago.  While my "5K" measurement is unofficial, I ran the same route, so I know the comparison to my own time is valid.  I guess my legs were really well rested, and had about 10lbs less to carry.

So again, I want to thank you guys for the motivation, and I plan on going through and reading what I've been missing from the discussion.

2011-02-01 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Jackie, I am glad you are all right.  Sounds like the bike is not so good.  I think you can put the bike on your home owners policy, but I think the deductible may be as high as a new bike. 

Dan, nice job on the improvement this month.  Glad you are feeling better.  It's amazing how much faster you are when you shed the pounds. 

That leads me to this - I have finished the spreadsheet.

Instructions - 

Click here.

Login ID: [email protected]

Password: challengeforum

Just put in your times and the spreadsheet should calc.  Let me know if you have any issues.

2011-02-01 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks, Josh!

I had thought my original time was 28:xx,  and was psyched about my 26:13 time, but it turns out it was 26:xx the first time.

What will the bike challenge be?
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