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2013-08-28 4:31 AM
in reply to: avisser

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

Welcome to the group Ann, I'm sure you'll fit right in. I am also slow, your paces are similar to mine and I also train on my own without fellow triathletes and without a coach. This group is a big help for support and motivation when you need it. We have a lot of members with a great deal of experience who are always eager to share and Tim is awesome as our mentor. Sounds like you have some good experience under your belt already. You are miles ahead of me. I'll be attempting my first Ironman in May, but I only have a few club sprints under my belt. I wish you well with all your training.


Originally posted by avisser Hey guys, KTC invited me over also as our group has become very quiet. I hope you will allow me to join in on your chat. I am what I call a "finisher". Always hoping to finish, not get hurt, help at least some one along the way and hopefully not be last but I am ok if I am. I did my first HIM, Agusta 2 years ago and did Musselman HIM this year. Spent a little too much time helping a women who was severely dehydrated but glad I did. We both crossed finish line but in a little over 8 hours. That reveals my speed issues. I can swim respectfully but my bike and run have room for improvement. Hopefully I will improve. I'm 51, I self train with this website's help and garner help from anyone who is willing to listen. You know how us triathletes love to talk shop. No funds for a trainer as my first daughter is getting married this spring. I am a hospital based midwife so I work crazy hours, nights, days, long shifts, but it affords me the time to train during the week but I am often alone. One because its during the week and two, my pace is 14 mph on the bike and 11 min miles on the run. I ride with my friend's husband on the week ends when we can and he pushes me. I read back a few pages and hope to read more. You guys seem very interactive and KTC has great things to say about you all. I have one tri left this season and I am excited about it but have faced some health issues since my HIM in mid July. They are still lingering so I am not training vigorously but was very disciplined for the HIM so I am hoping it will carry me. I too hate to miss a workout but never developed a plan after the HIM due to illness and time constraints. I may add a halfmary to my fall agenda as running is the hardest for me, so I may as well work at it!! Let me know if you think I will fit in with you guys!! Warmly, ann

2013-08-28 7:49 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Good Morning Team.

Just checking in to say hello and I hope everyone is doing well.

Todd - great race - WAY TO GO!

Gil - I run in Newtons and I love them. Have been using them for 3 years now and believe it or not I did not need a big adjustment period - so I am a big fan.

Ann - A BIG WELCOME TO YOU and thanks for joining us. I also do self training with BT but I am thinking about a coach for next year to see how much better I can get for IM #3 at Lake Placid. Good luck in your final race.

OK Team - last visit to the physio was this morning and I have been given the official discharge for my sore foot from IM MTB. I am guessing they are just tired of seeing me every other day lol. I am feeling real good and miss the daily routine of working out but I know it is best for my body. I am getting busy at work and my golf team coaching duties have started again as well.

Stay safe eveyrone and one more time - welcom to our new members - can't wait to share our stories with each other.

2013-08-28 8:03 AM
in reply to: avisser

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Welcome Ann and Lou!

Originally posted by avisser

Hey guys,
KTC invited me over also as our group has become very quiet. I hope you will allow me to join in on your chat.
I am what I call a "finisher". Always hoping to finish, not get hurt, help at least some one along the way and hopefully not be last but I am ok if I am.
I did my first HIM, Agusta 2 years ago and did Musselman HIM this year. Spent a little too much time helping a women who was severely dehydrated but glad I did. We both crossed finish line but in a little over 8 hours. That reveals my speed issues. I can swim respectfully but my bike and run have room for improvement. Hopefully I will improve. I'm 51, I self train with this website's help and garner help from anyone who is willing to listen. You know how us triathletes love to talk shop. No funds for a trainer as my first daughter is getting married this spring. I am a hospital based midwife so I work crazy hours, nights, days, long shifts, but it affords me the time to train during the week but I am often alone. One because its during the week and two, my pace is 14 mph on the bike and 11 min miles on the run. I ride with my friend's husband on the week ends when we can and he pushes me.
I read back a few pages and hope to read more. You guys seem very interactive and KTC has great things to say about you all.
I have one tri left this season and I am excited about it but have faced some health issues since my HIM in mid July. They are still lingering so I am not training vigorously but was very disciplined for the HIM so I am hoping it will carry me. I too hate to miss a workout but never developed a plan after the HIM due to illness and time constraints. I may add a halfmary to my fall agenda as running is the hardest for me, so I may as well work at it!!
Let me know if you think I will fit in with you guys!!
2013-08-29 3:46 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

G'day Team,

I have a question for the Ironman finishers amongst you.

I've calculated that at my current paces, providing I'm fit enough, I can expect to finish my Ironman around the 16 hour mark. I honestly don't think I will make up much time on my run due to my calf issues and because it will be a run/walk, but I am hoping to make up time on the bike if possible.

I was just wondering what workouts you found useful for upping your average speed over the longer rides on the bike. Obviously riding lots of hills is going to help, but how much biking did you do a week? My plan calls for one long ride at zone 2, one high cadence ride at 100RPM for 60mins and a short brick 30-45min bike/15 min run. I honestly do not think this will be enough to get my bike up to scratch so I was thinking about adding another ride, possible hill repeats or intervals, or alternating hills one week, intervals the next.

I guess I just wanted to get the vibe from you guys who have followed plans and finished an Ironman. I know a couple of you I've spoken to about it already have advised me to up the bike. I'm more than happy to add in more bike as it's my favourite discipline.

As always any comments are greatly appreciated! Cheers.

2013-08-29 4:58 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hey Team.

I hope this post finds you all well.

Simone - I followed a BT plan I built myself with some modifications based on the IT band injury and the ankle sprain. I probably only did 3 bike to run workouts the entire time and when I did do a bike to run, the run was very short. My plan had me doing about the same thing your plan has you doing for your rides but like I said I did not bricks because that is when I was getting IT issues early on.

I think we all fall into the trap of not trusting we are doing enough and worry that we need to do more. I am not sure where your plan comes from but assuming it is legit and reputable - follow it, trust it, and above all else - trust yourself - it will work

2013-08-29 8:26 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
From the literature I have read, doing bricks are usefull to some extent. After a couple miles of running, after any length bike, is sufficient to build the muscle memory needed and to get used to running after biking (probably build confidence as well). Anymore and we are doing more damage than good to our legs. The long runs provide the most benefit after that point.

2013-08-29 9:37 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Found this on Chrissie Wellington's blog... great read - The Case of the Missing Mojo
2013-08-30 4:26 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Simone, the long bike is nothing more then just time on the bike, it is not there to worry about HR, pace or cadence but more of getting the time in the saddle. Some weeks I will have just 1 more bike workout and others it will be 2. One of those workouts is always high cadence and then intervals to where I get my HR up in Z4 for a period of time. If I have a 2nd one scheduled during the week it is more big ring riding where I work on leg strength.

I don't do as many bricks as is recommended in the Fink training but I do throw some in as it is more mental for me. I just run 2 miles after a long workout just to prove to myself that my legs can run after a long bike.
2013-09-01 2:38 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Another reason why I like to do bricks is to test things out. Last year at IMKY I wore cool arm sleeves (Paul called it an old ladies shaw as it covered my neck and back) on the bike and it worked great but I hated it for the run. If I didn't do a brick I wouldn't have know that I couldn't run in that and I had to take it off. Just saying.

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Simone, the long bike is nothing more then just time on the bike, it is not there to worry about HR, pace or cadence but more of getting the time in the saddle. Some weeks I will have just 1 more bike workout and others it will be 2. One of those workouts is always high cadence and then intervals to where I get my HR up in Z4 for a period of time. If I have a 2nd one scheduled during the week it is more big ring riding where I work on leg strength.

I don't do as many bricks as is recommended in the Fink training but I do throw some in as it is more mental for me. I just run 2 miles after a long workout just to prove to myself that my legs can run after a long bike.
2013-09-01 2:52 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Ok complete overhawl of 2014 plan... my team is gonna do IM Chatanooga next year together so we are all signing up for it.. so next years plan is

Jan- Disney Marathon
Feb- Rocking half marathon St Pete
March- Wildman sprint tri
April-St Anthonys Olympic
May- Haines city 70.3
June-August hellatious training
September-IM Chatanooga
October-December.. party like I just accomplished something

2013-09-01 2:54 PM
in reply to: Lou_70

Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
oh... an SUP ANN!


2013-09-01 8:05 PM
in reply to: Lou_70

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Long Island
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Txs everyone for the welcome. I asked for an invite and then got busy.
Simone, you are so ambitous!! I peeked at your profile. We do have similar run times. I so aspire to do a full IM but don't think I am have enough speed. Your bike must be strong. I have a decent swim but my bike and run need great improvement. I too love sunsets and sunrises for that matter although I am not an early trainer but do see many going to work and on race days.
Tim thanks for your commitment to the site. A second LP IM!! WOW. Training and renovating....
Lou, I hope you are kicking butt. You are such an inspiration.
Michelle, peeked at your profile too. You look great. I feel blessed to be able to train for triathalon and I think it was you who does the partnering with the less abled. Sounds amazing. I am sure you are a tremendous blessing to those kids.
Sorry for the typos, I don't know how to do spell check on the site. Can anyone help me there??
Going into my Oly very rested. In other words, haven't trained much. The HIM took a lot out of me. It will be interesting to see how less training pans out.
Happy Labor Day!
2013-09-02 1:41 PM
in reply to: avisser

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hello Team,

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. I haven't given a report on my status lately. August was a slow month for me training wise. I've been letting my heels recover as much as possible although I somehow managed to run 46 miles last week. After all that running I feel 80%. All of my runs have been in Z2 so very slow but that's what I need in order to get back into running.

I'm also part of the local master swim team now. This is very new and fast for me but the team and coach have been supportive so far so I look forward to the challenge. I plan on doing my first HIM next season so Ill need all the help I can get.

Currently I'm getting ready for a half marathon on the 22nd. I don't feel like I'm ready for the Chicago marathon next month but ill take it one week at a time. I hope to be able to run long term so it's important to be smart about my injury and give it time to heal.

Keep training and keep moving!
2013-09-02 8:01 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hi all! It is just 6 days away from my first ironman. Training is done (I hope it was enough). Now it is time to pack and try not to panic. Rev3 does do a live broadcast of the finish line at If anyone happens to watch and can grab a screen shot when I finish that would be awesome but I don't expect people to stay up that late! You all have training to do. My family will be running across the finish line with me. I could not have made it this far without them and I want to share the best part with them. Time to start packing. I might need to rent a truck to take everything I own just in case I need it.
2013-09-03 6:35 AM
in reply to: mkennedy0525

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Good Morning Team.

I hope everyone had a great labour day weekend.

Lou - nice plan for next year - just starting to formulate mine based on IM LP

Ann - Spell Check, not sure to be honest, Tim will know. When and where is your OLY?

Gil - good plan on making sure those feet get better my friend.

Michelle - your doing REV3 Cedar Point? I heard that is a great race. We will do our best to keep up with you along the way and have a safe and healty week this week.

Have a great week everyone. I think I am fully recovered from IM MTB so I am going to try to get back to doing some healthy stuff unlike the last 2 weeks of eating and libations lol. Wish me luck.

2013-09-03 10:21 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hey guys - sorry I have not been around. I had a crazy week with an unplanned work trip to St. Louis area from Wednesday to Friday then we went up to out place in Wisconsin on Saturday til last night. I have spent over 20 hours i the car the past week and am done with it haha. I also had no internet or limited at either location so it was nice but I now have a lot of catching up to do.

I was able to get my 20 miler run in this weekend and the weather was perfect. 65 and cloudy. I was supposed to do a 9:52/mile and ended up with 9:44 pace. I really needed to have a solid run and confirmed that this heat has been what is killing me. My legs were a little sore for about an hour but after that I was back to normal.

Heading up to Minoqua, WI (6 hour drive) to play a wedding this Saturday til 11:30pm then jumping in the car and driving 2 hours to Madison for IMWI on Sunday morning - ughh. I had this weekend blocked but we were offered so much to play this wedding that I couldn't turn it down. I will be doing my own little Ironman adventure this weekend haha.

2013-09-03 10:26 AM
in reply to: avisser

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hey Ann! Welcome to the group. Sounds like you got the base down now just have to get he speed work going. Nothing that can't be done with a little work. I am like you and do all my own training using the resources available. Have you ever looked into Trainer Road? I used that last year and loved it and it increased my bike power and speed at least 25%. For $9.99/month they have some great programs that kick your butt but will definitely improve your leg and bike speed. If you use a Garmin ANT stick and have a trainer you are good to. Let me know if you are interested and I can help you get set up.

Originally posted by avisser

Hey guys,
KTC invited me over also as our group has become very quiet. I hope you will allow me to join in on your chat.
I am what I call a "finisher". Always hoping to finish, not get hurt, help at least some one along the way and hopefully not be last but I am ok if I am.
I did my first HIM, Agusta 2 years ago and did Musselman HIM this year. Spent a little too much time helping a women who was severely dehydrated but glad I did. We both crossed finish line but in a little over 8 hours. That reveals my speed issues. I can swim respectfully but my bike and run have room for improvement. Hopefully I will improve. I'm 51, I self train with this website's help and garner help from anyone who is willing to listen. You know how us triathletes love to talk shop. No funds for a trainer as my first daughter is getting married this spring. I am a hospital based midwife so I work crazy hours, nights, days, long shifts, but it affords me the time to train during the week but I am often alone. One because its during the week and two, my pace is 14 mph on the bike and 11 min miles on the run. I ride with my friend's husband on the week ends when we can and he pushes me.
I read back a few pages and hope to read more. You guys seem very interactive and KTC has great things to say about you all.
I have one tri left this season and I am excited about it but have faced some health issues since my HIM in mid July. They are still lingering so I am not training vigorously but was very disciplined for the HIM so I am hoping it will carry me. I too hate to miss a workout but never developed a plan after the HIM due to illness and time constraints. I may add a halfmary to my fall agenda as running is the hardest for me, so I may as well work at it!!
Let me know if you think I will fit in with you guys!!
2013-09-03 10:49 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Simone- TRUST IN YOUR PLAN!!! Do not over think it. You are still doing Fink right?

Each of those bike workouts serves a purpose and the whole goal of the program is to turn you into an aerobic machine. If you are looking to do more I would suggest some weight training and core training. That is what will help you more at mile 90 on the bike then adding another bike workout.

Do not look at the beginning of you plan to determine if you are doing enough. I would suggest looking at the 3 peak weeks and determine from there if you can handle it. The plan is designed to start slow for a reason to allow your body to build slowly. If you add too much too early you are gonna either get injured or just crash and burn mentally. IM training gets really tough (both physically and mentally) during the peak and you need to be ready for that. Do too much too early and you will struggle when you really need to bear down and get er' done.

From what I remember of the Fink plan it went like this:

Monday - Rest ( from long ride on Sunday)

Tuesday - Swim and a Run

Wednesday - Bike with quick transition. The short brick is what it is - SHORT. No more than 15 minutes. Practice your transition steps during this also.

Thursday - High RPM (100+) This is one of the most important workouts you can do. Getting used to a high cadence is huge. When I started the plan I was around 75-80 rpm. After doing these workouts for a year I am now around 90 rpm. This will save your legs for the run.

Friday - Swim and a Run

Saturday - Long Bike Rid - zone 2

Sunday - Long Run - Zone 2 - IF you are wanting to add a bike a would suggest doing it on this day but keep it EASY - no intervals or anything.

EVERYONE at some point doubts their plan that it is not enough. Don't fall into that. This plan is plenty and thousands of IM finishers have used the Fink plan and finished. JUST TRUST IN IT AND DON"T DO TOO MUCH!!!

Originally posted by kruzmeister

G'day Team,

I have a question for the Ironman finishers amongst you.

I've calculated that at my current paces, providing I'm fit enough, I can expect to finish my Ironman around the 16 hour mark. I honestly don't think I will make up much time on my run due to my calf issues and because it will be a run/walk, but I am hoping to make up time on the bike if possible.

I was just wondering what workouts you found useful for upping your average speed over the longer rides on the bike. Obviously riding lots of hills is going to help, but how much biking did you do a week? My plan calls for one long ride at zone 2, one high cadence ride at 100RPM for 60mins and a short brick 30-45min bike/15 min run. I honestly do not think this will be enough to get my bike up to scratch so I was thinking about adding another ride, possible hill repeats or intervals, or alternating hills one week, intervals the next.

I guess I just wanted to get the vibe from you guys who have followed plans and finished an Ironman. I know a couple of you I've spoken to about it already have advised me to up the bike. I'm more than happy to add in more bike as it's my favourite discipline.

As always any comments are greatly appreciated! Cheers.

2013-09-03 10:55 AM
in reply to: Lou_70

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Looks like a great plan. The Chatanooga IM is new right?

Originally posted by Lou_70

Ok complete overhawl of 2014 plan... my team is gonna do IM Chatanooga next year together so we are all signing up for it.. so next years plan is

Jan- Disney Marathon
Feb- Rocking half marathon St Pete
March- Wildman sprint tri
April-St Anthonys Olympic
May- Haines city 70.3
June-August hellatious training
September-IM Chatanooga
October-December.. party like I just accomplished something

2013-09-03 10:58 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
You are gonna love the Master group. Give it some time and before you know you will be the fast one that new members will be coming in and wishing they were like you haha.

Nice job on the 46 miles last week! Is the Chicago Marathon really next month? ugh haha

Originally posted by gdelamora

Hello Team,

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. I haven't given a report on my status lately. August was a slow month for me training wise. I've been letting my heels recover as much as possible although I somehow managed to run 46 miles last week. After all that running I feel 80%. All of my runs have been in Z2 so very slow but that's what I need in order to get back into running.

I'm also part of the local master swim team now. This is very new and fast for me but the team and coach have been supportive so far so I look forward to the challenge. I plan on doing my first HIM next season so Ill need all the help I can get.

Currently I'm getting ready for a half marathon on the 22nd. I don't feel like I'm ready for the Chicago marathon next month but ill take it one week at a time. I hope to be able to run long term so it's important to be smart about my injury and give it time to heal.

Keep training and keep moving!
2013-09-03 11:00 AM
in reply to: mkennedy0525

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Good luck this weekend! I am gonna be at IMWI so I will only be able to track by phone. What is your bib number? That is so cool that REV3 lets family member run in with racers. Wish Ironman would lighten up a bit...

Originally posted by mkennedy0525

Hi all! It is just 6 days away from my first ironman. Training is done (I hope it was enough). Now it is time to pack and try not to panic. Rev3 does do a live broadcast of the finish line at If anyone happens to watch and can grab a screen shot when I finish that would be awesome but I don't expect people to stay up that late! You all have training to do. My family will be running across the finish line with me. I could not have made it this far without them and I want to share the best part with them. Time to start packing. I might need to rent a truck to take everything I own just in case I need it.

2013-09-03 10:46 PM
in reply to: mkennedy0525

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

Good luck on your first Ironman. At this point you need to trust your training and your will to succeed. I'll log in and try to catch you at the finish line.

Originally posted by mkennedy0525

Hi all! It is just 6 days away from my first ironman. Training is done (I hope it was enough). Now it is time to pack and try not to panic. Rev3 does do a live broadcast of the finish line at If anyone happens to watch and can grab a screen shot when I finish that would be awesome but I don't expect people to stay up that late! You all have training to do. My family will be running across the finish line with me. I could not have made it this far without them and I want to share the best part with them. Time to start packing. I might need to rent a truck to take everything I own just in case I need it.
2013-09-04 7:09 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Good Morning Team.

Just wanted to say hi. Going to try and get in the pool this afternoon - just because I miss it

All the best to all the racers this weekend. While I still don't have internet at my new home yet I will try to follow you on line somewhere.

2013-09-04 9:24 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
I have been feeling the same way about the pool - its been over a month since I swam. Having a hard time getting there in the AM since my workouts have all been running focused. Hope you have a good swim!

No internet yet? You know I could keep piling on the whole Canada thing haha.

Originally posted by kcgolf

Good Morning Team.

Just wanted to say hi. Going to try and get in the pool this afternoon - just because I miss it

All the best to all the racers this weekend. While I still don't have internet at my new home yet I will try to follow you on line somewhere.

2013-09-05 9:40 PM
in reply to: mkennedy0525

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

Good luck on your Rev3!! Godspeed!

Give us your Bib # and we can track you!!

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