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2007-07-11 4:13 PM
in reply to: #881602

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-11 2:29 PM You're all invited to a brick/TDF viewing party at my house!!!  This will be difficult for everyone but Ken, Johnny, and Dave, but you're all still invited!
I think Dave should use his connections at American Airlines to Fly everyone to Dallas for the weekend!!!!

2007-07-11 4:28 PM
in reply to: #881915

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kproudfoot - 2007-07-11 4:13 PM
dgillen - 2007-07-11 2:29 PM You're all invited to a brick/TDF viewing party at my house!!! This will be difficult for everyone but Ken, Johnny, and Dave, but you're all still invited!
I think Dave should use his connections at American Airlines to Fly everyone to Dallas for the weekend!!!!

LOL! Oh Boy... You've really let the cat out of the bag now Ken! 

2007-07-11 5:30 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Dallas would be swell, but I'm thinking more like the Bahamas so we can experience some of those waves!!!!

I seriously want one of those Star Trek transports so we can "beam me up Scottie" and I can beam over to France for lunch, Hawaii for a nice midafternoon swim and a hula lesson, and the Alps for a ski lesson and cocoa by the evening fire! Now that would be a nice full day
2007-07-12 8:11 AM
in reply to: #881602

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Mesquite, Texas
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

dgillen - 2007-07-11 2:29 PM You're all invited to a brick/TDF viewing party at my house!!!  This will be difficult for everyone but Ken, Johnny, and Dave, but you're all still invited!

Thanks for the invite, I am planning on doing Too Hot to Handle that AM, but depending on "things" that might change.

2007-07-12 10:47 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I'll be moving that morning, but thanks for the invite.
2007-07-12 11:38 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Seeing as I have a double header on Saturday (Crossroads Sprint Triathlon & The Moonlight Chase), the plane ride will be tough to fit in. Maybe I'll just ride my bike...

Do you have an address I can MapQuest?

Edited by Miler 2007-07-12 11:40 AM

2007-07-12 11:44 AM
in reply to: #882974

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-07-12 11:38 AM Seeing as I have a double header on Saturday (Crossroads Sprint Triathlon & The Moonlight Chase), the plane ride will be tough to fit in. Maybe I'll just ride my bike... Do you have an address I can MapQuest?

1-2 ManyRaces Street,  Overtrain Ville, TX

2007-07-15 1:00 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Just got home from my oly today.  Overall I am very happy with my results total time of 2:40:40.  Had a few small problems but nothing major.  1st one started in the swim.  I put my garmin in my swim cap and hit the start button but wasn't sure if I did or not so hit it again.  When I exited the swim I saw 1 second.  Got to my transition and my helmet was a little too small.  My son apparently was playing with it the other day and I did not adjust it back but it only took a second in transition.  I am actually glad I did not see my swim time because it was slower than I planned but I did not push.  Bike went great, actually had to make sure I did not push since I wanted to run the entire run course which I did except for aid stations.  Times were approx - Swim 33min, bike 1:13 and run 52 min.  Overall a good day and as of now I am not hurting at all.
2007-07-15 2:07 PM
in reply to: #886410

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Great job Ken and congratulations on making your goal!
2007-07-15 4:31 PM
in reply to: #886410

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kproudfoot - 2007-07-15 1:00 PM Just got home from my oly today. Overall I am very happy with my results total time of 2:40:40. Had a few small problems but nothing major. 1st one started in the swim. I put my garmin in my swim cap and hit the start button but wasn't sure if I did or not so hit it again. When I exited the swim I saw 1 second. Got to my transition and my helmet was a little too small. My son apparently was playing with it the other day and I did not adjust it back but it only took a second in transition. I am actually glad I did not see my swim time because it was slower than I planned but I did not push. Bike went great, actually had to make sure I did not push since I wanted to run the entire run course which I did except for aid stations. Times were approx - Swim 33min, bike 1:13 and run 52 min. Overall a good day and as of now I am not hurting at all.

Your rankings of 21/54 AG and 104/390 finishers plus a lot of DNFs are AWESOME.  Great job.  How were the conditions?   Was the water rough at all?  It looked to me that the swim times were a little slow! 

Good job of overcoming some problems in T1.  A 52 min 10K is very impressive for your first OLY, especially after as strong as bike as you had.   21.5 mph just like you predicted.  Way to hit your goal! 

2007-07-15 5:19 PM
in reply to: #886560

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-15 4:31 PM

kproudfoot - 2007-07-15 1:00 PM Just got home from my oly today. Overall I am very happy with my results total time of 2:40:40. Had a few small problems but nothing major. 1st one started in the swim. I put my garmin in my swim cap and hit the start button but wasn't sure if I did or not so hit it again. When I exited the swim I saw 1 second. Got to my transition and my helmet was a little too small. My son apparently was playing with it the other day and I did not adjust it back but it only took a second in transition. I am actually glad I did not see my swim time because it was slower than I planned but I did not push. Bike went great, actually had to make sure I did not push since I wanted to run the entire run course which I did except for aid stations. Times were approx - Swim 33min, bike 1:13 and run 52 min. Overall a good day and as of now I am not hurting at all.

Your rankings of 21/54 AG and 104/390 finishers plus a lot of DNFs are AWESOME.  Great job.  How were the conditions?   Was the water rough at all?  It looked to me that the swim times were a little slow! 

Good job of overcoming some problems in T1.  A 52 min 10K is very impressive for your first OLY, especially after as strong as bike as you had.   21.5 mph just like you predicted.  Way to hit your goal! 

Thanks.  Water was really warm but calm as can be.  Winds were non-existant today so helped on the bike.  Swim times definately were slow but not really sure why,   I know I was  3 or 4 minutes slower than I wanted.

2007-07-16 7:52 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
KProudfoot--Congrats on another awesome race! You always do so well! If I did as well as you I would be deliriously pleased with myself and not thinking of a minute or two faster. Well, I think I would, but perhaps I'm competitive enough that I would be trying to shave seconds off here and there, too. You are keeping pretty busy with these races!

And how is our overtraining member Matt doing? Didn't you have not one but TWO races this weekend???? How did it go?

Okay guys, you know you are a triathlete when you go to LaCrosse to meet a fellow (yes, an actual date) and you wait a half hour past the agreed upon time, leave 2 messages and get no response, and instead of crying about it, you figure, "hey, the lake is on the way home and the kids are with my sister--cool! Been meaning to get another OWS in this week!". So I do my little swim (and no it didn't go too well as I was a BIT upset and the asthma was kicking my behind so I just did a little swim) and I start out home in my wet trisuit and the dude finally calls......well, he is a nice guy after all and his brother came over to his house and cried on his shoulder because his wife just died of an "accidental" overdose of her antidepressant meds. She fell on her face, broke her nose and died right in front of her son! I guess if my family stopped by with a story like that I might forget to call my date, I agreed to meet him after all (he lives in Rochester so LaCrosse is about half way) even though by the time he got there it was after 10 pm! Well, I was STARVING and he promised me food! Now of course I have the extremely unpleasant task of WAITING to see if the dude ever contacts me again. I hate this dating stuff. No one ever just says, "wow, you are cute and I want to see you again, how about when I get back from Colorado from the funeral?". Instead they sort of leave you hanging. He's SHORTER than me, though. I've never dated anyone shorter than me..... I think I can deal with it, but can he?? Any dating advice from all you hitched up guys??? It's not that often that a chick has at her disposal a whole team of guys who have found their women and can offer some friendly dating hints!! {pretty please....desperate plea from lady who is STUPID when it comes to this schtuff!}

It's also a sign that you are a triathlete when you just happen to have your trisuit, a towel, your wetsuit and goggles all in the back of your blazer so on the way home from being stood up you can swim!!
2007-07-16 9:01 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: bike accessory porn
I finally got myself some tri shoes:

It looks like I'm wearing chain mail on my feet, but they're pretty comfy.
2007-07-16 9:21 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I have Pearl Izumi's too and I love them! Just took awhile to get used to the clips!
2007-07-16 10:18 AM
in reply to: #887100

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-16 7:52 AM KProudfoot--Congrats on another awesome race! You always do so well! If I did as well as you I would be deliriously pleased with myself and not thinking of a minute or two faster. Well, I think I would, but perhaps I'm competitive enough that I would be trying to shave seconds off here and there, too. You are keeping pretty busy with these races! And how is our overtraining member Matt doing? Didn't you have not one but TWO races this weekend???? How did it go? Okay guys, you know you are a triathlete when you go to LaCrosse to meet a fellow (yes, an actual date) and you wait a half hour past the agreed upon time, leave 2 messages and get no response, and instead of crying about it, you figure, "hey, the lake is on the way home and the kids are with my sister--cool! Been meaning to get another OWS in this week!". So I do my little swim (and no it didn't go too well as I was a BIT upset and the asthma was kicking my behind so I just did a little swim) and I start out home in my wet trisuit and the dude finally calls......well, he is a nice guy after all and his brother came over to his house and cried on his shoulder because his wife just died of an "accidental" overdose of her antidepressant meds. She fell on her face, broke her nose and died right in front of her son! I guess if my family stopped by with a story like that I might forget to call my date, I agreed to meet him after all (he lives in Rochester so LaCrosse is about half way) even though by the time he got there it was after 10 pm! Well, I was STARVING and he promised me food! Now of course I have the extremely unpleasant task of WAITING to see if the dude ever contacts me again. I hate this dating stuff. No one ever just says, "wow, you are cute and I want to see you again, how about when I get back from Colorado from the funeral?". Instead they sort of leave you hanging. He's SHORTER than me, though. I've never dated anyone shorter than me..... I think I can deal with it, but can he?? Any dating advice from all you hitched up guys??? It's not that often that a chick has at her disposal a whole team of guys who have found their women and can offer some friendly dating hints!! {pretty please....desperate plea from lady who is STUPID when it comes to this schtuff!} It's also a sign that you are a triathlete when you just happen to have your trisuit, a towel, your wetsuit and goggles all in the back of your blazer so on the way home from being stood up you can swim!!
Thanks for the comments.  Overall, I am extremely happy with my race.  I actually think they swim course was long because the times in generally were real slow.  I think the course was probably off about 200 meters or so but everyone else had to swim the same distance.  My main competition is myself I like to beat my predicted time if all conditions are perfect. 

Sorry about your date.  I actually thought my wife stood me up on our first date.  We actually had meet at a concert and decided to go out but lived about 2 hours apart.  We agreed to meet in the middle at a mall in the food court and would decide what to do.  I actually got there a little early and sat down in the food court.  About an hour went by and I thought I got stood up.  This was before cell phone were big so I decided to leave.  When I was walking out she was waiting by the door and had been for an hour also.  The big directory was between us and we could not see each other.  We ended up eating Pizza at Sbarro in the mall and renting a movie (I am so romantic).  Good think I don' have to live up to my past now.

2007-07-16 10:22 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

I just looked at the results from my race yesterday and had I raced Clydesdale (which I am eligable to do) I would have been 1st out of 29.  Dang it.


2007-07-16 10:29 AM
in reply to: #887398

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-16 10:22 AM

I just looked at the results from my race yesterday and had I raced Clydesdale (which I am eligable to do) I would have been 1st out of 29. Dang it.

Sorry, buddy.  But you still had a great race and met your goals!  You're too fast to be competing with the Clydesdales anyway.  You would've been sand-bagging!  J/K.

Now, you're going to have to decide how to enter Prarieman!

BTW, let us know when your RR is done.  I'm anxious to hear what you thought about the dam! 


2007-07-16 10:43 AM
in reply to: #887100

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-16 7:52 AM  Any dating advice from all you hitched up guys??? It's not that often that a chick has at her disposal a whole team of guys who have found their women and can offer some friendly dating hints!! {pretty please....desperate plea from lady who is STUPID when it comes to this schtuff!}

Sorry about the date, Pene.  It's his loss though.  

I'm not sure I have much advice on dating as I sucked at it myself.  I will tell you one thing though and that is to try not to overdue the triathlon/training/racing talk.  Since Ken brought up his first date, let me tell you about mine with Sarah:

I was living in San Jose, CA and her in Dallas.  We both were in Austin for New Years 2001, and we hung out and talked at a party and with my sister.  (Sarah and my sister, Cyndee, were friends in college).  Nothing happened then, but after we both went back home Sarah admitted to Cyndee that she was interested in me.   Well Cyndee obviously relayed this information me to me via a secret decoder note in study hall.   So, I was very excited as I had always that Sarah was cute.  But, here am I in CA, and she's in Dallas.  I can't exactly call her up and ask "Can I fly to Dallas and date you?"  Since I knew she ran off and on, I had the brilliant idea to ask her to run a half-marathon with me in Austin.   She agreed despite having never run a race before!  We had a nice dinner date the night before the race where apparently all I talked about was "race-race-race-blah-blah-blah"!  She obviously didn't mind it too much, b/c we ran the whole race together the next day and finished right at 2 hrs!  We hit if off pretty good and started dating long distance after that.  As fate would have it, my startup in San Jose got liquidated about 3 months after the race, and after a little time off and few fun trips, I found a job near Dallas.  And the rest, as they say, is history!

2007-07-16 11:03 AM
in reply to: #887411

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-16 10:29 AM
kproudfoot - 2007-07-16 10:22 AM

I just looked at the results from my race yesterday and had I raced Clydesdale (which I am eligable to do) I would have been 1st out of 29. Dang it.

Sorry, buddy.  But you still had a great race and met your goals!  You're too fast to be competing with the Clydesdales anyway.  You would've been sand-bagging!  J/K.

Now, you're going to have to decide how to enter Prarieman!

BTW, let us know when your RR is done.  I'm anxious to hear what you thought about the dam! 


Race Report is up 

The dam is not going to be fun at Praireman.  I was on it at about 9:30 yesterday and it was warm.  I image it will be closer to 11:30 for Praireman and with no shade it is going to Suck. 

I actually normally race clyde but had heard that they don't rank you by your AG on USA Triathlon if you race Clyde so I decided against it since I want to see how I rank and figure I won't place anyways.  Do you know if this is true or not?  If it is not true I am going clyde at Praireman unless I can get below 200lbs which I would like to do, just don't know if it is possible.


2007-07-16 4:12 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Embarrassed, but it's still been posted, and only because you will all nag me until it's up.

Crossroads Sprint Triathlon.

I'll tell you all how the road race went when I get the chance, I ran it in a Blue M&M costume and it was really hot/choking/fun as heck!

Edited by Miler 2007-07-16 4:13 PM
2007-07-17 8:40 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I might feel better tomorrow, but as it is today, I'm realizing I need to slow WAY down with this stuff and tend to my life.

I have to buy a new washer today. My 13 year old finally bit the dust. And she bit it hard! The village office called me at work yesterday to tell me my water bill was through the roof and I must have a leak somewhere. So in a panic, I called the landlord, who entered my house, found the leak is the washer cold water tube, and then lectured me about my mess! well, the darn washer hasn't been working right for awhile now, and so every load takes forever and the laundry is all piled up! But I didn't like being lectured about it. Made me feel about 3 years old. And he nagged me about the lawn too. well the last time I mowed, the mower smoked so bad I thought it would blow up! So I parked it and quit and figured I'd find someone to look at it soon. Soon never really happened for a week and now the landlord is lecturing me! So I mowed last night even though I was dead tired from the date disaster the night before and work! And I just hoped the mower wouldn't blow up, even though I created enough smoke to attract the fire squad!

In short, I think I need to tend to my life a bit more and stop trying to kill myself for a race or two. Maybe push off IM until I can actually finish one (like, never) or until I win the lottery, find a supportive partner to actually go on a bike ride with me once in a blue moon, a babysitter willing to watch my kids once in a blue moon so I can attend a race, or find a self-cleaning house and self-mowing lawn! (yep, I'm venting. sorry)

2007-07-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

I find it best in these situations to sit back and watch a full season of Gilmore Girls. Hope this advice helps.


I also made this quote up for you...
"If you do what you love, you'll love what you do"

Edited by Miler 2007-07-17 9:40 AM
2007-07-17 10:23 AM
in reply to: #888868

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-17 8:40 AM In short, I think I need to tend to my life a bit more and stop trying to kill myself for a race or two. Maybe push off IM until I can actually finish one (like, never) or until I win the lottery, find a supportive partner to actually go on a bike ride with me once in a blue moon, a babysitter willing to watch my kids once in a blue moon so I can attend a race, or find a self-cleaning house and self-mowing lawn! (yep, I'm venting. sorry)

Please vent on! That's why we're here! I'm sorry about the mower and washer problems. I hate it when household maintenance/repairs get in the way of life and/or training! So, I can sympathize!

When you start to put in longer hours like you have, as bike training especially can mandate, time management and prioritization become so much more important. From what I've read you seem to be doing a pretty good job of this, by riding on the trainer so you can watch your kids, etc. You situation is unique in that you're a single mom of 3 active kids while also having a thriving career. Thus, you're already good at time management; there might not just be enough of it to manage!

As your mentor, I certainly don't want to tell you to put off your athletic goals, but I want to make it clear that no one will fault you for prioritizing your kids, career, and life in general over triathlon. It is just a sport after all. Family and your career should always come first. Remember the lifelong perspective. IMs will continue to exist in 2009, 2010, etc. And who says to have to be an Ironman, anyway. They have a powerful draw, but to me a successful triathlete is defined by their enjoyment of the sport, not by some tattoo on your leg!

Anyway, please do "tend to your life" and let me know if you want to restructure your training plan. I'm here to help in any way I can!


Edited by dgillen 2007-07-17 10:24 AM
2007-07-17 1:02 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Matt-- you will make an excellent lawyer! They do call them "counselor" and you will be good at that. Never watched Gilmore Girls....might have to.

David--Thanks for being here for all of us! I'm just frustrated and overwhelmed today. And sort of pissed at my sister who isn't very cooperative about helping me with the babysitting. She works in my office for free and lived for free with me for several months while she was getting her massage business going. I also send many patients her way. And she isn't too keen on watching the kids for the MS 150 so I probably can't do it now. I know people with three kids and no spouse don't try to do stuff like this ordinarily. And perhaps I just need to suck it up and accept that some things are not possible given my circumstances. Or maybe I need to call Mom and have her tell Jody that she WILL support her sister on this dammit because I don't ask for much!!!! Or maybe the MS society will allow my three kids to ride in the support vehicles and hand out gatorade............problem solving is not my forte!
2007-07-18 8:18 AM
in reply to: #889414

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Mesquite, Texas
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-17 1:02 PM Matt-- you will make an excellent lawyer! They do call them "counselor" and you will be good at that. Never watched Gilmore Girls....might have to. David--Thanks for being here for all of us! I'm just frustrated and overwhelmed today. And sort of pissed at my sister who isn't very cooperative about helping me with the babysitting. She works in my office for free and lived for free with me for several months while she was getting her massage business going. I also send many patients her way. And she isn't too keen on watching the kids for the MS 150 so I probably can't do it now. I know people with three kids and no spouse don't try to do stuff like this ordinarily. And perhaps I just need to suck it up and accept that some things are not possible given my circumstances. Or maybe I need to call Mom and have her tell Jody that she WILL support her sister on this dammit because I don't ask for much!!!! Or maybe the MS society will allow my three kids to ride in the support vehicles and hand out gatorade............problem solving is not my forte!

It sounds like you do an amazing job solving problems to me. You are going to be just fine. You'll come out even stronger.  Getting the kids involved sounds like the way to go if possible, my son ran a half with me once, but my daughter hasn't taken up any of my offers yet. It would be really cool to have it a family affair. Bob Dylan said it best: Keep On Keepin' On.....(You have to sing it like Bob would or maybe like a Gilmore Girl)

David, I have a question. I did the BT sprint training plan which has run out with the sprint in Rockwall about 6 weeks away. I looked through the other plans on BT and came away with the Oly plan as being the closest to what I was doing for the sprint, with some exceptions. I was going to pickout like the middle six weeks of that plan and use it to get to the Rockwall sprint. Do you think that is good idea, or should I try and find a sprint plan that fits. I am really not good at making up my own plan of attack, I need someone much smarter than me to lay it out for me....Thanks.

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