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2008-03-13 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1270404

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
k_hase - 2008-03-13 2:46 PM
aquinn - 2008-03-13 9:22 AM

Can I get in your bag and go to Korea?

you might fit! I'll admit my greatest concern is diet coke, where will I get my diet coke, or coke light or what ever it is there. Its not a pickiness thing, its a caffeine thing.

 I hear ya- when I travel my thing is SELTZER. Where will I get my seltzer fix? I find that it is not as prevalent in the south and it does not taste the same [read: as good] to me. I am seriously contemplating UPSing some down to Florida, and yet I know that is really quite mental of me.

Just came back from the bike shop-- where I bought Look pedals and Sidi shoes. I'm a big girl now! Will take the bike in Saturday for them to hook it all up for me. Hey, I can change a flat, but I have my limits.....So, I'm excited to try 'em out- even if it is on my trainer. No more running shoes for me!




Edited by aquinn 2008-03-13 5:18 PM

2008-03-13 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I did 1:31 on the bike just for Amy   Here's where I stand thus a big weekend ahead.  I also haven't been stretching enough - maybe I'll try to squeeze in yoga tomorrow??

 Planned Actual  Missing 
Swim35 4524-2-20
Bike6 13025-4-30
Run3451 27-2-45
Strength1 2 20010
Stretching210 3023-1-40

2008-03-13 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1271136

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Mimir98 - 2008-03-13 9:04 PM

I did 1:31 on the bike just for Amy   Here's where I stand thus a big weekend ahead.  I also haven't been stretching enough - maybe I'll try to squeeze in yoga tomorrow??

 Planned Actual  Missing 
Swim35 4524-2-20
Bike6 13025-4-30
Run3451 27-2-45
Strength1 2 20010
Stretching210 3023-1-40

Doesn't the whole illogic of it just feel good? I need to look closer at the workout you did with clients the other day- 1 mile run with squats, etc at every .1 and then the 8 x 8 ? I like how that sounds!

2008-03-13 11:59 PM
in reply to: #1262974

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

peto_primo - 2008-03-10 10:27 AM

This Week oh an I will strive for 10 minute stretching a day.

Swimming 0
Cycling 270
Running 210
Strength 60

Is it tacky or improper etiquette to quote your own message???  That way I had the numbers in front of me so I wouldn't have to write them down.  

Have 83 out of 210 minutes running done so far with 37 and 91 scheduled for Friday/Saturday so on target there.

On the bike I have 212 out of 270 with 60 on tap for tomorrow so on pace there.

I am either 100 % or Null for swimming Innocent

Strength and stretching are a little behind, 25 out of 60 and 14 out of 70.  I have one more lifting session so that will get close, I am getting bored with it though so I may have to change things up.  And I have enough need to stretch, just have to do it.  (Would be closer if I managed to count the single stretches thrown in throughout the day

2008-03-14 4:24 AM
in reply to: #1271145

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
aquinn - 2008-03-13 10:10 PM
Mimir98 - 2008-03-13 9:04 PM

I did 1:31 on the bike just for Amy   Here's where I stand thus a big weekend ahead.  I also haven't been stretching enough - maybe I'll try to squeeze in yoga tomorrow??

 Planned Actual  Missing 
Swim35 4524-2-20
Bike6 13025-4-30
Run3451 27-2-45
Strength1 2 20010
Stretching210 3023-1-40

Doesn't the whole illogic of it just feel good? I need to look closer at the workout you did with clients the other day- 1 mile run with squats, etc at every .1 and then the 8 x 8 ? I like how that sounds!

Think it may be why my legs were a little flat today!  I'll try to remember what we did-all legs for a minute:  sissy squats, plie squats, stationary lunges, jump the line, reverse lunges, single leg step ups, jumping jacks, single leg squats, squat jumps, side lunges...the 8 X 8's were good!  used a weight that felt about right/little light the first 3-4 sets then started getting harder.  My muskles were a bit sore yesterday!  Will swim that out this morning. 

2008-03-14 4:25 AM
in reply to: #1271353

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
peto_primo - 2008-03-14 12:59 AM

peto_primo - 2008-03-10 10:27 AM

This Week oh an I will strive for 10 minute stretching a day.


Is it tacky or improper etiquette to quote your own message???  That way I had the numbers in front of me so I wouldn't have to write them down.  

Have 83 out of 210 minutes running done so far with 37 and 91 scheduled for Friday/Saturday so on target there.

On the bike I have 212 out of 270 with 60 on tap for tomorrow so on pace there.

I am either 100 % or Null for swimming Innocent

Strength and stretching are a little behind, 25 out of 60 and 14 out of 70.  I have one more lifting session so that will get close, I am getting bored with it though so I may have to change things up.  And I have enough need to stretch, just have to do it.  (Would be closer if I managed to count the single stretches thrown in throughout the day

congrats on reaching 100% in swimming   really, though, you appear to be pretty close to target!!!  YAY!!

2008-03-14 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Ok, newbie question of the morning.  The swim on Sunday is an outdoor pool.  Early in the AM.  Outside temp is expected to be in the low 50's.  So, do I drip from the end of the swim back to the transition area, or can I leave a towel at the end of the lane? 

Thanks, I'll probably have more of the questions as I get my stuff together.

2008-03-14 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Oh My God! I saw your weather forecast this morning while was riding my bike and I though "Wow- she is gonna be cold in her race, that sunshine girl!" 

 But, I am a newbie, too and have no answer to the actual question. Sorry.

Edited by aquinn 2008-03-14 1:36 PM
2008-03-14 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1272319

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
jacsuza - 2008-03-14 1:48 PM

Ok, newbie question of the morning.  The swim on Sunday is an outdoor pool.  Early in the AM.  Outside temp is expected to be in the low 50's.  So, do I drip from the end of the swim back to the transition area, or can I leave a towel at the end of the lane? 

Thanks, I'll probably have more of the questions as I get my stuff together.

Brrrrr...I would probably drip and run...leave a towel at the transition.  The towel would probably get wet there, and you won't really be thinking about it when you get out.  Just what I would do.

2008-03-14 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1272488

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Mimir98 - 2008-03-14 12:48 PM
jacsuza - 2008-03-14 1:48 PM

Ok, newbie question of the morning. The swim on Sunday is an outdoor pool. Early in the AM. Outside temp is expected to be in the low 50's. So, do I drip from the end of the swim back to the transition area, or can I leave a towel at the end of the lane?

Thanks, I'll probably have more of the questions as I get my stuff together.

Brrrrr...I would probably drip and run...leave a towel at the transition. The towel would probably get wet there, and you won't really be thinking about it when you get out. Just what I would do.

I agree, drip and run (unless it is a real long way)  it won't be too bad.  If you are expecting 40's - 50's for the ride, I would consider Long Sleeve and full finger gloves - especially if you are dealing with any wind.  

My first HIM had swim time/transition temps in the 40's.  I threw on a long sleeve C9 shirt and my gloves.  Took the gloves off about 10 miles into the ride but then turned around into the wind and wished I still had them on.

2008-03-14 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
I am confessing publically here and now...I am blowing off my one hour run.  It started to pour about 4:15pm, as I was waking up from a quick pass out....I decided to take a shower.  It then stopped raining...I decided to run started pouring mother in law called to tell me to skip the run and come drink cosmos and have appetizers...she felt God was telling me not to run   So, because some things are more important than running, I am going to hang with my brother in law and his wife.  Please don't be disappointed in meEmbarassed

2008-03-14 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1272831

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Mimir98 - 2008-03-14 4:09 PM I am confessing publically here and now...I am blowing off my one hour run.  It started to pour about 4:15pm, as I was waking up from a quick pass out....I decided to take a shower.  It then stopped raining...I decided to run started pouring mother in law called to tell me to skip the run and come drink cosmos and have appetizers...she felt God was telling me not to run   So, because some things are more important than running, I am going to hang with my brother in law and his wife.  Please don't be disappointed in meEmbarassed

Disappointed? I'm just glad to know you're human!! And a little jealous of the cosmos.

2008-03-14 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I followed Mimi's lead (actually I had already bagged it by the time I read her post) and blew off my hour ride tonight.  Just tired of the wind and cold after having been spoiled by some nice days. 

Have a great weekend everyone. 

2008-03-15 4:21 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Had a great time hanging with the family!  I love my brother in law and his wife...too bad they live in Ohio   My niece is 18 or 19 and way into working out...they think she would like to do a triathlon, or maybe the columbus marathon when I do it..and my mother in law wants to train for a 5k Laughing.  She's 70ish, and in pretty good shape, but wants something structured to get her moving on a regular basis!  We enjoyed the cosmos (just a couple) and I was home by 10ish...Now for the ride today.  I am a little concerned..still have no infinit and couldn't find gatorade endurance yesterday - not sure my 2 publix are carrying it, I'll have to buy some regular gatorade somewhere.  Not a big deal - I have GUs and endurolytes and it's just zone 2...

BUT, my bike sounds like a total hunk of junk, and I was going to address that yesterday and then just forgot until, um, now!  My road bike is in need of a fit, so that's out...I think the QR may need a new chain, but it drove me crazy the other night so I'm sure it'll be awful today!  I was going to buy a book and learn how to do all that stuff myself, but I think I will just visit my LBS guy Undecided

2008-03-15 6:38 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Well, we survived the first Birthday Sleepover Party- I think they were asleep by 11:30 and perhaps woke briefly again at 3, but they were just talking and they quieted down on command. Woke at 7- now they are playing Wii again and it's time to make french toast and bacon and wait for their mothers!!! Once they leave at 10, I think we are going to see the high school play matinee at 11- and then I know my kids will crash.  They are [by design] early birds and so last night was a big deal for them. We took the boys to see "College Road Trip"- very funny, with the added plus of Donny Osmond- my favorite from the late 70's.  We should all look so young at 49 years old!

 I've got a long run today- how I wish it were sunny and not snowy- and also need to take my bike into the shop to get the pedals hooked on (I'm not messing with that one- changing a flat is enough for now! )


2008-03-15 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1270404

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
k_hase - 2008-03-14 5:46 AM
aquinn - 2008-03-13 9:22 AM

Can I get in your bag and go to Korea?

you might fit! I'll admit my greatest concern is diet coke, where will I get my diet coke, or coke light or what ever it is there. Its not a pickiness thing, its a caffeine thing.

 Korea is pretty won't have any trouble finding anything. There are even 7-11s and all sorts of mini-market stores on every corner and they sell Coke, Coke Light, all that stuff.  You should try the Apple Soda (Demi Apple) - it's awesome!!   The no jeans in the temples thing is kind of odd, as I don't think I've ever NOT been in jeans during twelve years of temple visits all over the country.  Lots of Koreans are in jeans, too.

2008-03-16 1:45 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Done riding and running this week.  Ended up right on target.  I am a wee bit shy in the strength and stretching.  Still have tomorrow for some of that.  Stretching will be required.  Lifting optional.....
2008-03-16 6:08 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Hey, Everybody! It's snowing! [she faints from distress after humming "I'm Dreaming of a White Easter"]

 Well, my bike is at the shop and frankly I feel like I left one of my kids there! (well, not quite ) They are going to put the bike computer on it. Pedals are on- I'm glad I didn't try it as it took both bike shop guys to get the pedals off- one held the bike while the other cranked the wrench-- AS IF I could have managed THAT. I got done there pretty much at closing time (4:30) and today they are only open Noon- 4 so I need to call and see if they are done some time in there.

 So- I have no bike till late in the day, pool is closed and my legs are feelin' a little toasty from yesterday afternoon's run--- so besides stretching, I think I need to do some exciting things like put away laundry, clean out the fridge and go for a grocery shop. I'm meeting a a friend who just lost her mom 3 weeks ago for brunch and a walk. Very sad- Alzheimer's in her early 60's and had been very non-coherent for awhile. I am so scared for my friend, as this insidious disease is tearing through her family, and you know she must be feeling like it's her future, too. 

  Two more quick notes - I found the Sonoma Diet Cookbook on the sale rackk at Borders on Friday for $3.99 - lots of great stuff in there for training- it's essentially lean meats, eggs, tons of veggies - great grilling and salad ideas. I can't wait to try something!

Also- have you ever heard of Phiddipidations? It is a running podcast that can be found on iTunes or at  I had never heard of it, but is basically a runner's companion for a bit of a longer run- it ran 63 minutes- ironically, exactly as long as my run took me yesterday.  I guess it is comprised of different topics different weeks -- has some technical stuff, some humor, some feel-good stuff. I had never heard of it, but my best friend from law school emailed me yesterday to tell me she was one of the runners featured in this week's episode entitled "Who I Run For".  If you are sick of music, it's something different, and a free download. I can see myself listening to it again for sure, even though I'm a big music girl. Or sometimes, when the birds actually start singing again, a big silence girl.

Enjoy your Sunday, everybody! 

2008-03-16 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

HI all!  Wonder how Suzanne's tri is going/ went???  It'll be fun to hear all about it!!!! 

I am soooo very tired this afternoon, but am hoping the 3 hour 15 min triple brick I have will clear the cobwebs.  Plan is to be out the door and started by 3pm, but I'm a bit short on childcare at the moment.  Ugh!  And to think tomorrow is monday and the START of the week.  I swear, sometimes I look forward to the week so I can get some rest Sealed.  I am going to fall short of my 95%, mostly due to blowing off my hour run on friday and then the stretching..I do stretch after every workout, just not enough!! Not NEARLY enough!  I guess I'll shoot for 95% next week, since I think it's about half of what I had this week  

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!! 

2008-03-16 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I DID IT!!!!

I'm just waiting for the official results.  (Totally forgot to do the stopwatch.)  Just know that it was ABSOLUTELY freezing here.  (Ok, Amy, it wasn't snowing, but 46 degrees is pretty flipping cold for an outdoor pool swim.  Even if the pool was a toasty 80 degrees.)  The soles of my feet were frozen by the time I got in.  Look for the race report sometime this evening -- MST evening (which is 3 hours earlier than you all on the east coast, since AZ doesn't participate in the annual madness known as Daylight Savings Time.

2008-03-16 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I will give you freezing- that is cold-- it's entirely possible that it could be that cold for my swim start on June 29 -- and there's no WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY that lake is going to be 80! It barely gets to 80 by the end of the summer. Still, I know that you have much thinner blood than me so I am sure you were really, really cold.   But you did it! Good for you for getting it done. I can't wait to hear how it all went.  You've got it out of the way- no where to go but up, sister!

 FYI- It snowed all day here- I am so flipping sick of it I could cry. Everyone else in the family skied- I am on Winter Sport Boycott till November.  I worked out with my trainer, grocery shopped, cleaned out the fridge and brunched with some girlfriends, then walked around the lake.

 Bike is home from the shop (I think I now know why people name their bikes- I couldn't wait to get her back!) complete with clipless pedals and the installed bike computer (which only cost $10 to have installed. I wonder why I waited 2 months for that!) I definately want to hop on the bike, perhaps during "Oprah's Big Give", my new favorite show.....while I wait for Suzanne's full race report and times!!

 My boss is away this week so there will be no carpooling, giving me a bit more freedom than usual to work out - so my schedule is tentative.....will post it later. Now I need to do the dinner dishes and get these children headed toward the shower, their pajamas, and ultimately, their BEDS.   Will post my schedule for next week and my report on last week in a bit.

2008-03-16 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Congratulation Suzanna, looking forward to your race report. Hope you all had a good weekend of training. My week has ended now and it's time to summarize.

Week:11Planned Actual  Missing 
Swim 03015217035
Bike 730810109040
Run 130 2831-1-2
Strength030 3010000
Stretching110 45640-25
Total 11101058980-12

This weekend I managed to get 5:40 on the bike, but once again I didn't do my planned running. This evening I did the last strength and some stretching.

Bottom line: 98% of total week goal, but I'm not pleased with the lack of running. Will do better next week.

2008-03-16 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Well, preliminary results are in and I finished 305 out of...........................305.  Overall time was 2:22:12.  Goal for next race (in July) - finish below 2:18 (which would put me ahead of #304 and 303 in this race.Laughing
2008-03-16 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME


YOU BEAT EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE GREATER TUSCON AREA WHO SPENT THIS MORNING HUDDLED UNDER BLANKETS ON THE COUCH BECAUSE IT WAS CHILLY. And there are a damn site more of them than 305. I am proud of you for getting out there and DOING IT. You should be very, very, very proud of yourself.

 As for me, I do not see any biking in my evening....perhaps only some stretching and some time with the Stick, since I am starting to stiffen up after the Leg-a-thon at the gym this morning.  I will be lucky if I am awake when "Oprah's Big Give" is over.

 As for last week, I hit 100% of my planned tri sports times, but fell short by a strength and a stretch. And speaking of "stretch", I might sort of be stretching it, since really I am pasting together random strength stuff to even claim to have done a full two strength sessions. So maybe I fell short by two strengths and a stretch. Next week, I need to try to do a bit better in this regard. Again, I will get in perhaps only one swim, since the fool pool is closed Friday until Sunday March 30.

Here's my plan as it stands:









Run 32


Bike 64

Bike 107

Run 42

Run 53


Bike 86


Swim 42


Swim ??

Will strive to do two more strengths and a stretch.
2008-03-16 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I need help guys. 

I need one person each day to blog me and tell me to suck it up!  I'm injured but there is no reason for me not to make the rest of my workouts including my strenghth training.  I am 14 weeks away from my IM and have a LOT more work to do.  I need to be patient but consistant.  I'm having mental issues with motivation.  I'm sure the injuries are a huge part of this but the biggest thing is the whole reason I wanted to do an IM in the first place.  To stick it out for a long term goal.  It's been two years since I started this journey and said the words "I'm going to do an Ironman".  I knew that my weakness is follow through on long term goals.  If I signed up for CDA last year it would have been a piece of cake.  I rocked last spring.  Now...not so much.  This is the meat and potatoes.

Sorry I've fallen off the inspires...I'm in my own little Peyton place.  I'll be better I promise!!!


CONGRATS!!!!!!  That is soooo awesome.  I know it was cold but I hope you had a blast.  Do your race report and type out everything you felt and did and what you can do better.  You will go back and learn from it later.  

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