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2010-09-17 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3103092

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm off shortly to Lake George, and won't be back until Sunday. If there is a computer at the lodge I will try to post, but if not....see you in about 56 hours!

2010-09-17 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3103783

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-17 8:27 AM YO! I'm off shortly to Lake George, and won't be back until Sunday. If there is a computer at the lodge I will try to post, but if not....see you in about 56 hours!

Sorry I missed you STEVE.   Out of town for a couple of days.  

Hope you have a great race!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
2010-09-17 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Mandy - Have a great race.  Don't freeze.  I wish I was there - I LOVE lobster.

SteveB - Have a wonderful weekend.  That is so cool that you get the Canoe Island Lodge stay for free.  Why don't I ever win anything like that.

Anne - I was wondering where you were - I even checked your log and nothing was posted.

2010-09-17 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3104663

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-09-17 1:37 PM Mandy - Have a great race.  Don't freeze.  I wish I was there - I LOVE lobster.

SteveB - Have a wonderful weekend.  That is so cool that you get the Canoe Island Lodge stay for free.  Why don't I ever win anything like that.

Anne - I was wondering where you were - I even checked your log and nothing was posted.


Thought I might have a chance to get on the computer while away, but didn't.   Couldn't run with our group last night, so ran today on our own.  

Really cool:

1st 6.5 power walk pace - 11.02/km
2nd 6.5 power walk pace - 10.24/km
1st 5km walk/run pace - 9.00/km (following instructor)
Today's 6.5km walk/run pace - 8.22/km  (I thought this was an amazing pace consdering the first 13 minutes of the entire 55 min was totally walking for a w/u)

I DID NOT feel like running today - tired the last couple of weeks - every year this happens at this time - weather change?  no more tri's?   But once I started running, I felt great and lots of energy afterwards.   Adrenal function is poor due to years of stress on them and all the tri training helps with that.   Going to have to make sure I get some early morning activity to kick start them. 

Although we both got DOMS after Monday's walk/run; especially the adductors, and my right IT was pretty tender, had no issues on the run today.   It was quite enjoyable.   Going to sneak in an osteo treatment to get re-balanced after all the hard cycling I have done the last 3-4 weeks.  

Not totally sold on the Newtons yet.   Although no neuroma, the bottom on left foot (midfoot) feels sore initially but then feels pretty good.

What are you up to now, Denise? 
2010-09-17 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3100941

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-09-15 6:39 PM
LadyNorth - 2010-09-15 5:08 PM

Just looked at your Vermont pics (it's been raining all day and I can't work outside.

Steve - Nice bright yellow top.  Great pic with the sunflowers and you looking toward the camera.  A lot of the run ones, you're looking down so I don't like as much.

Anne - I really like the head-on ones where you're smiling.

Anne: Where can I find your race pics? Tracey

If I told you, I'd have to kill you!    Laughing    If I can find any that are decent, I will let you know, but highly doubtful.   Denise is being very generous.  
2010-09-18 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3094950

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-09-13 8:57 AM I did it!  I did it!  Figured out how to upload with my new computer (don't have my Picasa anymore)

Breakfast at the Cottage Cafe in Pine River:
Bruce (Denise's husband), John (Lisa's husband), Lisa, Denise

Had a great time yacking, yacking, yacking.  Lisa was feeling better now that she's met another BTer.  She was feeling out-of-the-loop being down in Texas.  They're headed up to Canada to see their daughter's first performance in "Mama Mia".

Lisa/John - Thanks for making time to see us - You guys are on a busy, busy schedule - It was fun

Oh, we all look so cute!  Finally back from our trip and almost recuperated.  Was supposed to get in about 8 pm on Wednesday and didn't get in until 1 am with delays in Fargo (leading to missing my connection by 30 SECONDS, plane was still at the gate) and Minneapolis (after waiting two hours on my newly booked flight and another 45 minutes on the tarmack in a thunderstorm).  Then work on Thursday, 2 hour baseball practice Thursday night, work on Friday, margaritas on Friday night, and an 8 mile run this morning.  We'll finish the weekend off with two baseball games Sunday night.

DENISE, it was SO NICE to meet you and Bruce ... we thoroughly enjoyed it.  Could have used that cooler weather this morning, as it was 79 and humid here.  My husband actually got on his bike this morning (after 2 years) and told me he thinks he'll start back at the gym on Monday.  After all what else does he have to do with his time (after the laundry, housework, yardwork, and to-do list I plan to create)!!

STEVE B and MANDY, hope your races went well this morning.  I'm sure you both did great.  Would have loved to have gotten a swim in when I was up in Minnesota but it was very windy and the lake was a tad chilly for me at 66 degrees.

STEVE A, great race report.  Sounds like you went out feeling really relaxed and had a good time.  That Cali water is WAY to cold!!

ANNE, sounds like you are doing well with your running program.  I'll be anxious for you to weigh in on the Newtons. 

Hope everyone is doing well and having a great weekend!  Now, to start dinner ... eating yummy smoked pork chops we brought back from our favorite butcher shop in Minnesota.


2010-09-18 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I am back!

Not happy with my results, 5 minutes slower than last year finishing in 3:08:something.  3 minutes slower on the swim (34min) and 2 minutes slower on the run (29 min).  My bike time & transitions were virtually the same as last year, which really gets my goat.  The bike part that is.  I was hoping for at least a little improvement given that I have put in so many miles... 

I hate swimming in salt water.  It is so......salty.  Water temp wasn't bad, cold, around 60??? I don't know.  But for sure warmer than last year.

Race report to come soon.

2010-09-19 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3106065

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I'm back!

We had a very nice weekend, eating ourselves silly, mostly. Along with a full race report later, I'll also do a brief one on Canoe Island Lodge -- not 100% our kind of place, but I do so wish I had won the raffle for it for next year. (More on my (unsuccessful) stuffing of the raffle box for it, too.)

My race went really well. The official results aren't up yet, but I was 1/14 in the a.g. at 2:30:40, which was slightly better than last year's 2:31:46. One of my sub-goals was to do better in all three disciplines, and I succeeded at that. The next guy after me was 2:34-something, and after him was 2:48-something, if I remember right from the post-race results.

Next stop -- next Saturday, Bethany Beach, DE, for Make-A-Wish Triathlon. This is an oly, and features an ocean swim -- if the hurricanes behave themselves! It also freatures a FLAT bike and a FLAT run, which will be a nice change-up from Lake George!

Race report and Canoe Island Lodge report to follow, probably tomorrow.


2010-09-19 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3106065

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Ptooey. I am sorry that your results weren't what you hoped they would be. If it's any comfort to you at all, my '07 and '08 finales were both kind of dispapointing, and before too long it won't seem that awful to close out this season in a sub-satisfactory way.

Other hand, you have until noon tomorrow to sign up for Make-A-Wish -- take the road trip to Bethany Beach and enjoy another dabble in saltwater! Seriously, though -- are the any duathlons that you can choose from to make JUST ONE RACE for '10? I'm absolutely positively certain you have another race in you for this year!

Looking at your results, I'm sure the swim was measured longer than last year; that is, unless you just simply felt that you didn't have it together. There also might've been some tidal differences to explain the 3' difference, which I just see as being too big to explain away simply as a less adept performance than last year.

Before you flagellate yourself too much about the bike, keep in mind that you were only 27 days removed from Timberman, which undoubtedly took more out of you than you were aware of at the time. Those efforts that extend beyond six hours or so can be very taxing, and can stay with a person for quite some time. And then there was the not-so-small matter of the solo, which just added to the acquired fatigue level. So if you managaed to have a bike about the same as last year's -- well done!!

Looking forward to your RR and more ruminations!

2010-09-19 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3106035

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Welcome back! I loved the photo, as it's just great to have a face to match to the person who's been posting here for so long now!

You asked Anne to weigh in on her Newtons, but in the meantime I have some weighing-in of my own to do for you -- to wit, the Liquid Shot from EFS.

I gave it only a partial test of Saturday, taking a gulp from it before the swim. I always use a gel before the swim, so this was not that much of a divergence from the tried-and-true. And I'f made sure to have a few hits of it the day before, just to make sure it would sit okay with me. (This was especially important in this case, as the EFS drink powder is NOT sitting well with me! )

ANYHOW, the very early results from Liquid Shot are promising. It scores high marks on texture, as it decidedly more liqiudy without proper gelling agents. The taste is pretty good, with vanilla being the only option currently available and, in this case, the vanillaness being fairly "true". The only drawback is the aftertaste, which is more of an aftersensation -- in this case, it is kind of "raw" or "burning". If followed right away by water that is minimal, but as most gels need water as a chaser, this isn't too out of the ordinary. the sensation is kind of new, but at least throughout it all the vanilla taste in my mouth is decent.

I will keep you posted as I continue to experiment with it. (It will get several full tests over the next few days.)

2010-09-19 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3105271

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You're right -- those are some really cool results. More importantly, though, is that you ended up having a good time doing i, especially since tou went into it not really wanting to be there. Those are awfully nice days when they happen like that!

I was wondering if you would make a last-minute decision to do one of the Lakeside aqbks, but it looks like you stayed true to your plan to bring it home last week after Wasaga. So, for now it's the more funner stuff, and your mtn bike ride sounds like just the thing. Good choice!

Make no apologies for feeling run down some, as a long season WILL have that effect. And yours has been long with the mammoth trip to Florida way back when setting the stage for all of your gazillion meters of cycling that you've rocked through since then. And if your adrenals bear some of the load of all your work, then all the more reason to be feeling a bit flat.

Is the osteo visit happening sooner rather than later? Hope so!

2010-09-20 12:03 AM
in reply to: #3106065

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-09-18 2:41 PM I am back!

Not happy with my results, 5 minutes slower than last year finishing in 3:08:something.  3 minutes slower on the swim (34min) and 2 minutes slower on the run (29 min).  My bike time & transitions were virtually the same as last year, which really gets my goat.  The bike part that is.  I was hoping for at least a little improvement given that I have put in so many miles... 

I hate swimming in salt water.  It is so......salty.  Water temp wasn't bad, cold, around 60??? I don't know.  But for sure warmer than last year.

Race report to come soon.


Hey Mandy,

Read the blog report - great!  That's awesome how you were running those people down.  Feel for you on the run - but as bad as it sounds you were feeling, keeping inside 2 minutes is something to be proud of, I think.  Sounds like it's healing time! 
2010-09-20 5:51 AM
in reply to: #3107312

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-09-20 1:03 AM
manfarr1974 - 2010-09-18 2:41 PM I am back!

Not happy with my results, 5 minutes slower than last year finishing in 3:08:something.  3 minutes slower on the swim (34min) and 2 minutes slower on the run (29 min).  My bike time & transitions were virtually the same as last year, which really gets my goat.  The bike part that is.  I was hoping for at least a little improvement given that I have put in so many miles... 

I hate swimming in salt water.  It is so......salty.  Water temp wasn't bad, cold, around 60??? I don't know.  But for sure warmer than last year.

Race report to come soon.


Hey Mandy,

Read the blog report - great!  That's awesome how you were running those people down.  Feel for you on the run - but as bad as it sounds you were feeling, keeping inside 2 minutes is something to be proud of, I think.  Sounds like it's healing time! 

Thanks Steve!!  I finally was feeling good like I should have felt the whole time after the first 3 miles.  I don't know what happened at first - it was weird, I never had a brick that bad before...I wish I knew what my splits were in the last half of the run, because I think I was going pretty good.  Glad you liked the report!

2010-09-20 5:59 AM
in reply to: #3107145

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-19 9:47 PM MANDY - Ptooey. I am sorry that your results weren't what you hoped they would be. If it's any comfort to you at all, my '07 and '08 finales were both kind of dispapointing, and before too long it won't seem that awful to close out this season in a sub-satisfactory way. Other hand, you have until noon tomorrow to sign up for Make-A-Wish -- take the road trip to Bethany Beach and enjoy another dabble in saltwater! Seriously, though -- are the any duathlons that you can choose from to make JUST ONE RACE for '10? I'm absolutely positively certain you have another race in you for this year! Looking at your results, I'm sure the swim was measured longer than last year; that is, unless you just simply felt that you didn't have it together. There also might've been some tidal differences to explain the 3' difference, which I just see as being too big to explain away simply as a less adept performance than last year. Before you flagellate yourself too much about the bike, keep in mind that you were only 27 days removed from Timberman, which undoubtedly took more out of you than you were aware of at the time. Those efforts that extend beyond six hours or so can be very taxing, and can stay with a person for quite some time. And then there was the not-so-small matter of the solo, which just added to the acquired fatigue level. So if you managaed to have a bike about the same as last year's -- well done!! Looking forward to your RR and more ruminations!

YEAH YEAH THAT IS IT!! I like it.  The swim was longer!!   Actually I talked to a few people who thought it was longer than last year.  But I usually dismiss that kind of thing...Someone else mentioned the timing mats were moved on the swim in - a bit further away.  I don't know, I could make lots of excuses, but the truth is I was just slower than last year.  Gives me something to work on!

My RR is up on my blog, Steve A found it (thanks again for the kind words).

Yeah, the hike was pretty close to the race, and it was 35 miles of pretty rugged terrain carrying a 40lb pack.  But geez, I still thought it wouldn't bother me too much.  Hope you got to check out those pictures too (blog).

I think I am calling that the season ender,  I want to make sure i get a good break before IMLP training comes along so I can avoid burnout the best I can.  I MIGHT do a 1/2 marathon this fall, but I don't know.  I also have a chance at a free, supported century ride next weekend that I might grab onto.  Or I might just clean up my neglected garden and back yard, who knows.  ha ha

Who has races left?? 

2010-09-20 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3107367

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Um, er, uh......
I haven't been over to your blog about anything, sad to say. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with you or the blog, but rather my inability to keep all of my computer commitments straight. I seem to get buried here with the groups.....and that's all she wrote! A friend of mine set up a Facebook page for me, but I treat it with benign neglect at best -- kind of like a badly overgrown cemetary plot, maybe?

So, I will get there soon, as in as soon as I finish here. To be sure!

So, you silly goose, you didn't think that hiking 35 rugged miles with a 40lb pack would have an effect on your race preformance a few days later? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!
I cannot begin to imagine the effect that would've had on me, other than maybe causing me to eat that particular race entry fee. Granted, you're tough as nails when it comes to that sort of thing, but still -- 35 miles lugging 40lbs is not going to be conducive to the freshest lugs for riding 24 miles and running 6.2 miles, especially on a course that is not the easiest one around. Mercy!

Your reasons for shutting down the season are sound.......although I couldn't help but notice that blitz-mention of a possible half-marathon. Yeah, it's always tough to let go of a season; breaking up is hard to do!

I don't remember if I said this before, but in answewr to your question about what is left for races I have:
Sept 25 -- Make-A-Wish Triathlon at Sea Colony (DE), which is an oly
and then likely one of one of three in NC:
Oct 17 -- Pinehurst Tri (oly)
Oct 30 -- Washington Half (half-iron)
Nov 13 -- Beach2Battleship (iron)

My heart wants to do B2B, but my brain keeps telling me that it doesn't want to deal with cold rides and colder swims, and my body is always hinting that it might not be able to handle iron-training, ever again. So, we'll see. I've spent most of my life letting my heart lead my head, but as I age I am trying to clear some room in my life for long-dormant common sense to have a more prominent role. But as I said above in a differnt context: Hahahahahahahahahahahahah!

Off to your blog with me!

2010-09-20 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3107435

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY again -

Just before I hit the blog.....

The only one of those four races mentioned in the previous post that does NOT involve saltwater is Pinehurst, and that is a big strike against it. Washington is a saltiesh swim, in a river that is tidal but not the Real Deal. B2B is in a channel right next to the ocean, so it is about as salty as it will get. And then this coming weekend is right out there in the Atlantic - WOO-HOO!

I plan to gain some valuable T1 time by eschewing the showers that people can run through and linger under. I think many people take off their wetsuit and go for the whole salt-removal treatment, but the only concession I might make is to remove my swim cap as I run through. Other than that, it will be just salty me for the duration, as if I've been on deck in the towering seas. Call me Ishmael!

2010-09-20 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3107439

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY once more -

Well! THAT was a very enjoyable carouse through the Lobsterman and Baxter reports. As I have told you before, you are a great writer, a real joy to read.

I will show Lynn the Baxter one when she gets home this evening. She is the more intrepid of the two of us, and if only I were more willing, she would hike me to a fare-the-well. But I minimize my hiking in the fear of "hurting myself", and as for backpacking treks -- it's been over 30 years, I think. The last one might've been in the late 70s, Waterton National Park, sw corner of Alberta. Now THERE'S a destination spot for you!

"No sharks" -- I love it! Thank god for small mercies, eh?

As for being "flat", "unfocused", "going through the motions".........I can relate to that. Along about this stage of the past couple of seasons, I have devolved into somthing similar. I attribute it to just being tired of "putting on my game face", meaning I'm tired of feeling I have to compete, who in my a.g. might be ahead of me, or worse -- who behind me might be gaining on me. Anyhow, the effect is to just make me feel kind of tired of it all, with the big spark no longer fully there.

At Lake George I felt all this quite strongly on the bike, thinking that I wasn't having a real bang-up good time. That was a very clear thought, even though theride was going well. It went away on the run, but still it is a caution that it was there. It's tough to explain, but overall it is a sure sign of burnout at some level(s), and for many people (sounds like you included) it is a prompt and nudge to wind down the season.

I hear your disappointment with the Lobs bike, that you wanted a bigger improvemnet on last year, and I can't tell you what is acceptable. In my case, at L.G., when the official results are posted I will see an improvement of 30-45 seconds -- and I will be content with that. I will maybe say that elements of this year were tougher (such as more bikes on the bike path part, and more slowdowns to get around congested car-traffic), and that some were easier (I had some idea of hat the course required), but overall I improved on last year. This will, then, just be part of the Big Picture of large(r) gains over time coming from incremental improvements here and there. You may be bugged by only a small improvement in your bike time compared with last year......but if you keep doing Lobs you should see a substantial improvement in, say, 2013, over what you did in '09 or '10. All that incremental growth!!

"If you keep doing Lobs....." Seriously -- think about Lake George. Coming back into shore on the swim, i had the clear impression that the water there is 857% drinkable, that you could bottle it and sell it and charge primo prices for it. It is really remarkable, and the clarity cannot be beat; I can't think of a nicer body of water in which I have done a race swim.

The bike course is a hoot, tougher than Lobstah but equally scenic in different ways. What do I mean by hoot? Well, lots of rollers and several good climbs. About two miles follow a bike path, and while that can be hairy in a couple of places it is also mostly wind-protected so it is very easy to get to high speed (which is part of what makes it hairy).

The run is tougher than Lobs where it is tougher, but maybe easier when it is easier -- there are a few tough climbs, but they are rewarded by some scorching downhills. In fact, it is a perfect double loop run where of course you end up here you started, but those downhills are substantial enough to make me feel I have done more downhill running on it than uphill. It's quite unique that way, and a real test of "technical" running; that is, running on the downhills so the center of gravity is where it should be and the "brakes: aren't on and the feet aren't flying away, completely out of control. I normally don't do that all that well, but on Saturday I think I had it together on three on the four (two each loop) steepest descents.

Great folks (Adirondack Tri Club) run it, and it has a terrific festive atmosphere. A+++!

As for passing those 75ers ----- respect your elders, eh? In another 14 years I'll be 75, and it will hurt me deeply to know that you get great pleasure out of passing me. (Kids these days!)

2010-09-20 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3107491

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY yetagainbutaboutfourhourslater -

All hail increments!!!

The results are up, and I have to admit that my increments were smaller than I might've hoped for. But they're increments, and just like pennies in a piggybank -- they add up over time!

My bike was a 17 second improvement over last year, and the run was 23 seconds. The swim was about 54" better....but T1 was slower so I think this reflects a change oin timing mat positioning; overall, S+T1 was 12" better this year. And T2? A barely-perceptible 4"! But all those seconds should add up to 66 of them, and for that I am happy.

All power to the Increments!

2010-09-20 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3107980

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-20 12:51 PM MANDY yetagainbutaboutfourhourslater - All hail increments!!! The results are up, and I have to admit that my increments were smaller than I might've hoped for. But they're increments, and just like pennies in a piggybank -- they add up over time! My bike was a 17 second improvement over last year, and the run was 23 seconds. The swim was about 54" better....but T1 was slower so I think this reflects a change oin timing mat positioning; overall, S+T1 was 12" better this year. And T2? A barely-perceptible 4"! But all those seconds should add up to 66 of them, and for that I am happy. All power to the Increments!

Hey Steve B,

No worries about not getting to the blog, I just didn't post a report (Baxter or Race report) on here because I like to add pictures and don't know how to get them on here easily... So I was just pointing ya where you could find it easiest!   ALSO I was thinking that Lynn might like the Baxter report, so make sure she sees it!

Ha ha bliz mention of a half marathon!! Well, my buddy Beth (who ran her last Boston in 3:15) and I are talking about relaying the Maine Marathon...she ofcourse taking the second half to pick up my slack.  That woman can MOVE!  But we haven't solidified anything yet.   Also I should probably just take a break, but like you said, it is so hard to say goodbye!!

Chances are pretty low that I would do Lake George over Lobsterman for strictly financial and convenience reasons...1) I have friends who live in South Freeport, so I have a free place to stay 3 miles from the start  2) I can get done and get home by 4-5pm and still have one full day to the weekend to do whatever I want

Yeah, that is about it.  

I just talked to a few people who said that the course was measured longer this year and that the tide was going OUT as we were swimming in, so we had some currents working against us.  HRUMPH.

Yeah yeah, hiking might maybe have made me a little tired, but geez, I had a whole 4 days to recover from it!    Given the option of PRing or doing that backpacking trip, I would take the backpacking trip any day! I guess that is what I did, huh?

I think I am going to add some more intensity to my workouts leading up to IMLP, that might help with speed.  Not that I plan on being speedy on that course! ha.

YEAH for increments!! Way to go Steve!!

Oh yeah, I must work now.

2010-09-21 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3107439

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


This was a bit of a getaway for us, as at the raffle at last year's race I won a great package - free entry into the race and two nights inclusive at Canoe Island Lodge. So we left early Friday and got down shortly after noon. The rest of the day was just checking into the lodge and pciking up my race stuff and poking around the lodge property. Oh, yeah - dinner. This was one of the lodge's three Oktoberfest weekends, and featured a German theme and phenomenal meals. friday was an enormous buffet, and it was exceedingly difficult to restarin myself and evn remotely keep within the guidelines of a night-before-race meal!

Up at about 4:45, aiming to get to tranistion at 6 when it opened. We grabbed some stuff in the lodge's kitchen, and my portion was the usual - bagel and tea. We got to the race site at 6, and I nailed a great racking spot. Hung out between transition and the car, where Lynn was hunkering to avoid the morning chill. Had a half a Mojo bar about 45 minutes before the swim, then a slurp of my newly-purchased Liquid Shot, by EFS.

Last year featured big waves rolling in, pushed by a strong north wind all the way down big old Lake George; the swim venue is at the southern end of the lake. this year was nice and calm, or at least mostly so. My wave was the fifth of six, and I was off at 8:42. It was an unremarkable swim. The course was slightly skewed, but I held my general line okay. There were a few half-hearted drafting attempts, but nothing I stuck with for long. And so it went.
30:34 (3/13 a.g., 179/421 overall)

Good enough. Didn't add any clothes, relying on arm warmers on my aerobars if needed. Most of the bikes in my rack area, roughly for 50+, were still there.
2:11 (1/13 a.g.)

This is a tough course, with no extended stretches at which to get into a rhythm. Mostly rollers-plus, with a few grinding climbs thrown in (it's the Adirondacks, after all!). From mile 2-4 or so the course follows a paved bike path, and is quite winding and in a few spots has power poles growing out of the middle of it. So, it requires some caution. Last year I had an easy time of it, with it just so happening that when I was going through it there weren't a whole lot of other racers there; this year I was not so lucky. It wasn't a huge problem, but just slowed me down in places several times. A larger problem was several places on the main road where traffic was backed up a long ways, and these spots had to be navigated carefully. At about mile 12 I passed a guy with 61 on his calf, and that kind of surprised me. But it also made me push the pace harder which was a good thing, as I was riding sort of "dissipated". The final five miles has the several tough climbs and fast descents, and I was back and forth with about four other guys -- also good, as it forced me to keep the intensity going.
1:11:03 (1/13 a.g., 63/417 overall) -- 21.0mph

Got back to find just one other bike on a rack that held about 25, so I didn't dawdle but didn't really hurry, either.
1:21 (6/13 a.g.)

This is a very cool run course, a double loop that features a couple of good climbs but several wild downhills. As I said to Mandy a day or two ago, the downhills are such that it is hard to believe that the course finishes each loop where it began. I felt great right from the start, and that just continued for the whole thing. With a little over a mile to go I knew I would have to push hard to better last year's time of 45:54, and so this is what I did. A gel I took about 3/4 mile earlier kind of kicked in, and I had a terrific final 1.2 miles, give or take.
45:31 (1/13 a.g., 78/411 overall) -- 7:20/mile

2:30:40 (1/13 a.g., 70/411 overall)

- Never used the arm warmers.
- Drank about 20 oz of HEED mixed with Carbo-Pro on the bike. A bit of water, too.
- One gel on the run, plus a few slugs of gatorade and water at aid stations.
- Saw Lynn as I was exited the water, as I started the bike, as I finished the bike, as I began the run, as I started the second loop of the run, and as I finished the run. Bonus X6!!!!!!
- Finished the weekend eating WAY too much at the lodge's meals, and returned weighing two pounds more than when I left. Urp!
- Compared with last year, my swim was 55" faster, bike was 17" faster, run was 23" faster, and my total was 66" better, so I'll take it all!
- However, I didn't win anything at the raffle! I bought three arms-lengths of raffle tickets and stuffed the box (one could choose from the boxes for each of about ten prizes) for the same prize I won last year....but alas and woe, nothing. Better luck next year?

Edited by stevebradley 2010-09-21 5:03 PM
2010-09-22 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVE - Another great race!   CONGRATULATIONS.    It was nice that Lynn was there to enjoy the trip and have a mini vacation.    After seeing Mandy's pictures of her Baxter trip, I think you should bite the bullet and do a few with Lynn.   I think life is too short to stick to one hobby.   

MANDY - WOW.   I loved reading your blog and looking at the pictures of Baxter.   They remind me of a couple of trips we have done - one in Cathedral Lake in southern BC/border of U.S. and Killarney, here in northern Ontario.   We defintely have Baxter on our to do list.   Congratulations on your race, as well.   I wouldn't worry about the numbers too much - I know you don't really.    It just isn't a good idea to compare the same race venues from year to year - there can be SO many variables that affect your time, beside doing a hiking trip just before the race.      I have more than one race where the time was worse but the performance and fitness was so much better.    There is no question you are a better triathlete than you were last year.

LISA/TRACEY/STEVE -  Looks like the Newtons aren't going to 'fix' the neuroma for me.         It was BRUTAL on Monday's run class.   My old (actualy new) Brooks Glycerin shoe even feels better than the Newtons now.   Weird.    Going to take them back on Saturday.   

STEVEA - I don't think I said congratulations on your race!   I am really glad it went well for you.  

DENISE -  Are you training for anything specific now?   Still biking outside?   It has been quite wet here and getting cold and windy!   Do you have a bike trainer?    I'm actually looking forward to getting on to it and following a couple of cycling programs I have.  

I'm focussing on running and yoga for the next few weeks and will start my off season maintenance training Nov 1st.   Going to make sure I include strength training this winter!

Hope everyone is having a great week.

2010-09-22 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3111385

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm off tomorrow, dropping Lynn at Kerhonkson, NY, for the New England Mushroom Foray, then on to Bethany Beach, DE. I'll be in a campground not too far from Philly tomorrow.

The race:


S -- .93 miles/1.5km
B -- 25.5 miles/41km
R -- 6.2 miles/10km

Saturday the 25th
7:30 start overall
7:48 for me in Wave Four (M50+)

See you all asap!

2010-09-23 5:25 AM
in reply to: #3113182

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-22 11:07 PM GANG! I'm off tomorrow, dropping Lynn at Kerhonkson, NY, for the New England Mushroom Foray, then on to Bethany Beach, DE. I'll be in a campground not too far from Philly tomorrow. The race: MAKE-A-WISH TRIATHLON AT SEA COLONY S -- .93 miles/1.5km B -- 25.5 miles/41km R -- 6.2 miles/10km Saturday the 25th 7:30 start overall 7:48 for me in Wave Four (M50+) See you all asap!

Have a great weekend Steve!    Good luck on the race.  
2010-09-23 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Bummer about the Newtons. I had my fingers crossed for you! So what's next...?


2010-09-23 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3114204

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-09-23 1:23 PM Anne, Bummer about the Newtons. I had my fingers crossed for you! So what's next...? Tracey

Thanks Tracey.   I really don't know.   Going to run tonight in the shoes I was running with before the Newtons.   They seemed to be sort of working for me in the spring before I hurt my knee, but when I heard about the Newtons, thought I would just go ahead and try them.   I'll let you know how tonight goes.  

How are you doing?
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