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2010-09-27 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3118476

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-26 7:25 PM


As I just posted, I too had hot and humid, AND an emotional event -- well, at least the post-race ceremony and the recognition of the fund-raisers and words from this year's Make-A-Wish honorary child (for lack of a better term). More on that later.

As for you and the run, however, I think you should be pleased with how you did in tough conditions. Thosea re not what you want when you are aiming for a PR or even something close to it; I found that out in my own run portion yesterday! Your a.g. placement is great, proportionately higher than for your other races, yes? And the overall placement is also impressive, so those are what you should focus on.

Speaking of "on" --- onwards to the 10km!!!!!!

Well, my AG and overall placements were good because there were TONS of walkers in this race. I think all the Susan G. Komen races for the cure are billed as walk/runs. I might even say there were more walkers than runners. It seems that way, anyway...

2010-09-27 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3118480

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-26 7:27 PM

TRACEY again -

Not wanting to be nosey (it really is just curiosity)........but were you assigned a survivor to run in suppport of, or was it someone you know?

No, you're not being nosey at all!

The woman I ran in support of is a friend of a friend. She's more of an acquaintance, but I've known her for many years. She was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago at age 33. She had just passed the bar exam and was working as an attorney, but soon after her diagnosis she had to quit her job because of the treatments, so she then lost her health insurance. So it's been a rough few years for her. She's still recovering from the financial hit she's taken, but fortunately she's now cancer-free!

2010-09-27 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3119027

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-27 9:40 AM


STEVE - Silverman Half (Nov. 7) ---???

TRACEY - 10km (Oct.31) ---???

LISA - ACK!! I think you have four road races left -- maybe a 5km, a 10km, then Memphis, then Houston. Yes? (I have written that somewhere, but can't find it.)

Anyone else?

I also have a 2 miler on November 13th, and a 5k on November 25th. I was supposed to do a duathlon on October 10th, but I just learned that the race has been cancelled. I'm hoping to find another because I really wanted to see what it's like to race without the "swim factor."

2010-09-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3120189

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Aww, that's too bad about "losing" the duathlon! Check out, as in the past he has offered a number of spring and fall duathlons. Hopefully there will be one with your name on it!

That was very fine of you to run in support of the erstwhile attorney. That is a terrible story of losing her job AND the insurance, and is yet another example that makes me so thankful that we have "universal" health care up her. Lord knows that's a hot-button topic down in the states, but up here it is just something that is accepted ---- and probably not always fully appreciated.

Did she know you were running on her behalf? Thank heavens she is now cancer-free, and I hope she gets her career and life completely back on track.

As for the silliness my placement and the kerfuffle of the Masters/Grand Masters thing, I'm ignoring that and focusing on my overall placement (38/368), and also "slotting" myself into the a.g. where I should be anyhow, and that was 1/9. So, it was indeed a good day, and I will try to convey it all tomorrow in my RR!

2010-09-27 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3118991

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-27 6:19 AM PRE-RACE REPORT -- Make-A-Wish Triathlon at Sea Colony So many numbers from which to choose! There are the overall results, and the male-only results, and the results that come up in the searchable category and that include the relays. They're all fun to look at (especially seeing the clear advantage that relays have for transitions, as their cyclists and runners are all set to go and only need slap on the timing chip), but I'm used to using overall (without relays), so..... S ----- 27:08 (5/9 a.g., 167/384 overall) T1 ----- 2:41 (1/9 a.g., 37 o.a.) B --- 1:10:49 (1/9 a.g., 36/380 o.a.) T2 ----- 1:27 (2/9 a.g., 116 o.a.) R ----- 47:26 (1/9 a.g., 38/368 o.a.) Total -- 2:29:29 1/9 a.g., by 5:13 38/368 finishers Full report later today or tomorrow at the latest.

Simply awesome - especially in that heat!
2010-09-27 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3118490

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-26 4:31 PM STEVE - Was your furnaceride a success? And do you feel like a Righteous Rider for having toughed it out??

Heh - wow, what a tough weekend of training.

Saturday - 65 miles in Santa Clarita hills.  When I got back to the car to load up the bike, the car thermometer read 113.  Ouch!  Tough ride - never had any legs on it, though I don't think it was the heat, as it was only upper 70's when I started and a bit chilly in the shade.  I had a couple of long treadmill runs while in Vegas for a trade show, and I don't think the legs recovered from them.

Ran yesterday - got out at 8:30, and by the time I got back, it was triple digits.  Ouch again.

Tonight - trainer and run brick.  I've been pounding water all day.  Should be about 101 when I start, 98 or so when I finish.  I plan on putting 2 fans in front of the bike to get some airflow going, and will have a couple of wet towels to cool off with. 

I thought this was supposed to be Fall now!

2010-09-27 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Woohoo, FINALLY some cooler weather!  Forcast for lows in the 60s with highs in the 80s all week ... so ready for it!

STEVE A, I feel for you!  Record temps your way, crazy!!

STEVE B, once again, another fine race for you! Congratulations!!  Sounds like the weather wasn't the most comfortable.

And TRACY, congrats on your 5K!  I've done a couple of Race for the Cures (one of my favorite races was Race for the Cure in Aspen last summer) and they are alway so inspirational.  My mother is a 6 year survivor and my sister-in-law is a 25 year survivor.

DENISE, sounds like you've got good news from your doctor (if that's what you want to call it Wink).  Can't wait to follow your journey!


Edited by lufferly 2010-09-27 9:10 PM
2010-09-27 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3119027

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-27 8:40 AM AND FOR THE REST OF YOU...... STEVE - Silverman Half (Nov. 7) ---??? TRACEY - 10km (Oct.31) ---??? LISA - ACK!! I think you have four road races left -- maybe a 5km, a 10km, then Memphis, then Houston. Yes? (I have written that somewhere, but can't find it.) Anyone else?

STEVE B, my next race is actually a 10 mile run on October 9th.  Hoping for some of the cooler weather to stick around.  The race doesn't start until 7:30 and I was done with my 9 mile run by that time this weekend.  My running partner and I actually talked about just doing the course earlier in the morning (it's up in the Woodlands where we run on Saturdays) if it was still warm and humid. 

2010-09-28 6:41 AM
in reply to: #3120531

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Neil from the other group, who lives in Hollywood, said that he cancelled his long rides (for IMAZ) this weekend due to the heat. He did a 80-minute run on Sunday that included a few minutes to dunk his head in a stream, and when he got back to his car the thermometer read 104. He was hopeful that the heat would break by thursday, so maybe this weekend things will be better for you.

On another parallel note between the two of you, he was in Vegas for a few days, and his meetings were right next to Interbike. He really wanted access there, and tried to score an entry badge, and failed. At least I am sure it was Neil who wrote about that, and not you! I will check that afterwards. Anyhow, there the two of you were, stuck on treadmills in Vegas!

BUT! You did great riding 65 miles of hills in the heat. And even though you downplay it some with talk of 70s in the morning and some shade along the way, still -- it was 114 when you got back to the car, so many of those 65 ust've been in triple digits. Mercy!

If you want fall, come on up here. Mornings are 40s, the rain is pouring......and I'm hoping for a OWS today. I figure the water will be around 65, which I'm not keen on, but I will keep in mind your various exploits this season in water in the 50s!!!!!! Speaking of which the water at the race on Sunday was supposedly 74, and I can believe that. On the really hot day the day before I thought it might evn be wetsuit-prohibitive, but on race day I used my fullsuit and was comfortable, no hint of overheating. 60s......I'll be thinking about you!

How was the trainer brick? Did you survive it okay?

Think glaciers!

2010-09-28 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3120808

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I just turned my calendar to October to write your race on it, and the photo is one from Ironman Hawaii. It shows Craig Alexander and Chris Lieto passing through an aid station on the run, and CA id pouring the contents of two water cups over his head while holding a third in his left hand, and CL has two cups, one with some reddish liquid that is sloshing all over him. It is in full sun, and both look quite peaked -- just like how so many of us have felt with this most recent continent-wide heat wave. Blech!

As I just told SteveA -- think glaciers!!

2010-09-28 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
CONGRATULATIONS on another great race Steve!  

A bit pre-occupied right now with travelling and caring for one of my brothers who is quite ill - hospital and legal arrangments, etc.   Running is going well as is yoga -   they go hand in hand thankfully.    Although there are some pools open, 3 of my pools of preference are closed for maintenance - opening again next week.    

If all is stable with my brother we are leaving for Frontenac on early Friday for 2 short days and 1 long day of hiking.   Hope some of the leaves have started to turn.   I think they are late this season.

Focussing on the running and yoga for October with recreational biking and swimming.   Maintenance plan with some sort of schedule starting Nov. 9th.  

If it is warm in November and we can find a 2.5km race, we would do that but that is all.   Next spring comes soon enough.    

DENISE - Really glad to hear the news about being able to do the 1/2 iron distance.   Awesome.

Must run - yoga at 9:30, then leaving for Oshawa.  

2010-09-28 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Woohoo, 58 degrees this morning for my run ... FINALLY, a little relief!!! (albeit short lived, I'm sure). 

Three out of our four kids are moved out of the house (at least for the moment), so we are in the process of converting two of our four bedrooms to "guest rooms" (think they will get the hint) and redoing a bathroom.  Just started this weekend and everything is out of one of the bedrooms and the bathroom.  Finished up painting the first bedroom and closet last night and it looks great.  The wallpaper is stripped in the bathroom and my husband will likely get that painted
today.  Hoping we can get everything done and put back together by the weekend of October 9th as my mother-in-law and sister-in-law are coming into town.  Just seems like one project leads to another.

And have I mentioned, I LOVE having a "house-husband"! 

Hope everyone has a great week, and STEVE A, sending cooler thoughts your way!


2010-09-28 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3121033

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


(Make-A-Wish is a charitable foundation that helps kids deal with life-threatening diseases. Sea Colony is a large condo development right on the beach at Bethany Beach, DE. I think the figure raised by racers for this year's race was $353,000.)

Left home on Thursday and dropped Lynn in Kerhonkson, NY, for three-plus days of the New England Mushroom Foray. (Seriously!) Headed down into NJ and stayed in a campground, then made it into Delaware by early Friday morning. I was surprised to have to close the car windows and turn on the a/c by about 10, although I had no idea of the actual temperature. The plan was to pick up my stuff shortly after noon, then drive the bike course and ride the run, and hopefully get in a swim before heading inland for my motel, about 30 miles west. But it was way too hot (topped out at 101) for any riding, so I just drove both the bike and the run (the run, anyhow, is a no-brainer -- out and back on the shoulder of Route 1.) Did the swim, just ten minutes, but was very glad to have sampled the rowdiness of the surf before the race! Got to the motel by five, took a gamble eating at a Chinese buffet, and then spent the evening getting my stuff ready and watching baseball, high school football, and UFC on TV. Asleep by 10:30!

Up at 3:40, on the road by 4:10 with a stop for a bagel and tea. Thermometers at banks and such read 73, 75, and 76, which made sense given the very warm, stiff breezes, even inland. Got to race site by 5, parked easily, and had my bike racked at the end of the row by 5:10; I was the first one in! I spent the next couple of hours diddling around with my stuff and trying to figure out the path from the swim exit to transition. I finally located it, a snakey thing that comes up wooden ramps, past some portable suspended showers, and through the parking decks under the condo. I could see whay some of the T1 times from last year were so slow, especially if people decided they wanted to spend a few seconds standing under the showers. My plan was to just run through them, and then dump a water bottle over me in T1 if I wanted to get some more salt off. I had some EFS LIquid Shot before the march (see below), which meant about 45 minutes before I actually started to swim!

The swim began with a march -- 400-plus people trudging southward along the beach for the beginning of a 1500-meter point-to-point swim. I talked with a woman who was there just for the swim, having decided she didn't want to do either the bike or the run. $150 for a swim!!! The wind was already up, out of the south, and the water was moving rather rambunctiously. The race always tries to have the swim go with the current, so that's why we all marched south. I was hoping for the current to be out of the north, as that would help my sighting, being a right-side breather. But no such luck.
I was in the fourth wave, each separated by six minutes, so I had lots of time to watch the other waves move straight (ha!) out to the first buoy, about 50 yards offshore, and then parallel to the shore to he next buoys -- which seemed a long ways away. i was sure the course was measured long, but I'm not very good at estimating distances.
My start was good, and I played the curent well in allowing me to angle towards the first buoy. After that, it was anything goes, by which I mean that sighting the buoys was hardly a given. I would guess that about 2/3 of my sightings were "failures", wherein I lifted my head but all I saw was the crest of a wave in front of me. Sometimes I wnet through four sighting attempts before I finally saw the nexy buoy! But it was a blast, never a dull second, with the waves and current constantly pushing and pulling and prodding and poking. I had the sense I was moving well and was towards the front of the green-caps, but couldn't tell for sure.
Even though it was fun, I was glad to be done and trudging through the thick sand towards the finish arch. I was also pleased to see my finish time crossing the mat at just over 27 minutes, which is a fast 1500 for me. So, if the course was measured long, the current more than made up for it!
5/9 a.g
167/384 overall

Ran it pretty fast, not showering, and throwing the water bottle water over my head before putting on my helmet.
2:41 (1/9 a.g.)

A big lollipop-type route through FLAT, open, rural terrain. The wind was obvious right from thre beginning, and was a factor for the whole thing. I rode in a very aggressive position, down as low as I could get and way forward on my saddle. I passed piles of people from previous waves, and felt good -- but working hard 100% of the time. About three miles in I passsed a guy in my a.g. who I thought might be competition, and it was good to do that -- although now I had to worry for the rest of the race about being "tracked down"!
It was a real comparison with the previous week, riding in those hills (that would be the Adirondacks!) at Lake George. Although some of them required long grinds, there were ample opportunities on the downhills to take it easy and even not pedal at times. But at MAW, it was constant work, 100% flat-out on the windblown flatlands!
With about 10 miles to go I was passed by a 57-year old, and I worked really hard to keep close to him. That was potentially a mistake, particularly as the temps were quite high and I knew the run was unshaded, but it was a "game" I was willing to play. Drank about 24oz of HEED, and also some water from the water grab halfway through the ride.
1:10:49 (21.6mph)
1/9 a.g.
36/380 o.a.

Told the 57er that he rode well and was tough to keep up with, and then headed out right behind him.
1:27 (2/9 a.g.)

Passed the 57er within 200 yards, which I guess showed that he damaged himself more on the bike than I did! The run is straight south on Route 1 --- which meant straight into the wind. That was a struggle, with the only bright spot being that I hoped the wind would be noticeable at my back after the turnaround. I continued to pass people and nobody passed me......but I wasn't feeling too super. My cadence was over 90 whenever I counted it out, but I just felt ragged -- yup, 70 minutes of full-force riding had taken a toll!
A bit over a minute after the turnaround I saw the guy who my a.g. whom I had passed on the bike approaching the turnaround, so he was a bit over two minutes behind me. He looked okay, so that got me worried. I would've loved to be able to dig deeper, but there wasn't much there. I KNEW the wind was behind me, but damned if I could feel it pushing me along briskly! (The wind tooketh away, but didn't seem to giveth a thing!) I was finally passed by a 43-year old, and I used him to work behind -- even though it hurt to do so. Along about mile five I REALLY wanted to walk just a bit, as I was feeling very peaked and overheated, but I kept pushing it. I did not feel fluid at all, and was surprised that my cadence was still >90; that was good, anyhow!
The finish line is right in front of the tallest of the Sea Colony towers, and that loomed fetchingly for about two miles. It was really nice when it loomed just about over me, and I was very relieved to finish. It was a difficult run, but very satisfying to have done it passed by only one person -- so as lousy as I felt, I knew I had weathered it better than most others! I ate two Hammer gels, and had water and Gatorade at each of the five aid stations.
47:26 (7:38/mile)
1/9 a.g.
38/368 o.a.

1/9 M60-64
38/368 overall
36/269 male

Spent the first 20 minutes sitting on a shaded curb and pouring the contents of three large water bottles over me. I drank a pile, too, but mostly I just craved the sensation of need to cool off. It took about 30 miuntes to start feeling fully functional again! I kept hearing people say how they died on the run, so I knew I had plenty of company (although I knew that while the run was actually happening; it was just nice to hear it reinforced!! ) The run was done in the low 90s, so there were no surprises that it wasn't easy!

1.) Wind trumps hills, every time. On hills you can rest on go easy on the descents; in wind, you just need to work.
2.) Flat terrain "encourages" constant work. Again, downhills encourage some rest effort.
3.) SO happy I did the small swim the day before, just to get the feel of the pitch and pull of "big" water!
4.) Glad I did two runs last week in a long-sleeved Skin-Cooler top, which caused me to be slightly hotter than I might have liked, which turned to be good acclimatization for the run at MAW!
5.) The results kerfuffle (Masters? Grand Masters?) was annoying, although it was pleasing to see that I was 38th overall. I was especially pleased that my run was in the top 11% overall; usually I'm happy if it's in the top 20%. And the bike was top 9%, whereas my happiness usually comes at about the top 15%.
6.) Very moving awards presentation, with acknowledgement of the top ten fund raisers - second highest was $23,000, highest was $52,000! Massive efforts!! The "poster girl" for this year's race, 12-year-old Pearce, also spoke, and was incredibly poised and articulate. (I had my photo taken with her; I hope it turns up somewhere.)
7.) GREAT race!!! Love the swim!!! Bethany Beach itself is no great shakes, just too overdeveloped, but stretches of the coast are still quite pristine, and you don't have to head too far inland to get away from the development.
8.) My 100th multisport race was an enjoyable success!!

2010-09-28 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3121026

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-28 4:41 AM STEVE - Neil from the other group, who lives in Hollywood, said that he cancelled his long rides (for IMAZ) this weekend due to the heat. He did a 80-minute run on Sunday that included a few minutes to dunk his head in a stream, and when he got back to his car the thermometer read 104. He was hopeful that the heat would break by thursday, so maybe this weekend things will be better for you. On another parallel note between the two of you, he was in Vegas for a few days, and his meetings were right next to Interbike. He really wanted access there, and tried to score an entry badge, and failed. At least I am sure it was Neil who wrote about that, and not you! I will check that afterwards. Anyhow, there the two of you were, stuck on treadmills in Vegas! BUT! You did great riding 65 miles of hills in the heat. And even though you downplay it some with talk of 70s in the morning and some shade along the way, still -- it was 114 when you got back to the car, so many of those 65 ust've been in triple digits. Mercy! If you want fall, come on up here. Mornings are 40s, the rain is pouring......and I'm hoping for a OWS today. I figure the water will be around 65, which I'm not keen on, but I will keep in mind your various exploits this season in water in the 50s!!!!!! Speaking of which the water at the race on Sunday was supposedly 74, and I can believe that. On the really hot day the day before I thought it might evn be wetsuit-prohibitive, but on race day I used my fullsuit and was comfortable, no hint of overheating. 60s......I'll be thinking about you! How was the trainer brick? Did you survive it okay? Think glaciers!

Wow, 74 degrees - I don't know what I'd do in 74 degree water!  LOL.  Heck, the way this year has been in OWS, I'd take 65 any day of the week.  I'm thinking Lake Las Vegas for Silverman might be the warmest I swim in all year.  Kind of looking forward to it. 

Yesterday was an interesting session.  I had the fans set up and didn't feel all that uncomfortable in the heat.  I'd been pounding water all day in prep for it.  The funny thing is that while I felt I was working hard on the bike, my HR was low.  I think I maxed out at 155 during some hard interval work.  But that effort usually has me hitting close to 165, so that was weird.  I'm not sure if it was the hydration, the fans, or what.  I was most surprised because I've felt extremely fatigued since coming back from the Vegas trip.   Legs are dead, and everything is sore (ankles, shins, knees, hips, feet).  I don't think I felt this beat up even during the IM training.  I have a few more days to push through - headed to SF this weekend to see the in-laws who are there on business, so no long bike this weekend - figure I'll have a 2-day rest so I should push through now while I can.

Run was good - felt strong off the bike - did a 4 mile brick with the final mile up Dixie Canyon which is my steep hill work.  Now, I know that the heat I was in today is nothing like what they get at Kona, but I finally understand the whole Kona conditions thing.  I was running in mid/upper 90's in the dark, and there would be times I'd run through a hot spot, where you can feel the temperature is higher for some reason.  Could be the asphalt absorbed more heat and is radiating it as you go by.  Anyway, it was just oppressive.  I'd hit those and despite feeling strong, it was mentally taxing, and hard not to "give up" and back off.  I can't imagine how much that would have hurt if the sun was beating down as well.  My hats off to anyone who is racing in those kind of conditions. 

Anyway, last little interesting thing - at the top of Dixie Canyon, it's pretty much a lane and a half wide, winding road up into the Hollywood hills - with canyons to the right and spanning for quite a ways.  As I got to the top, I was serenaded by coyotes.  Sounded like there were a dozen of them, some close by, some a mile or two off.  It was dark, no street light at all, and I have to say, very spooky!  Felt very October/Halloweenish, even if it was hot as hell.  I ran faster up that hill than I imagined I could to get to the turn-around and get back down off it!  LOL.

2010-09-28 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3121721

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Hey! At Dixie Canyon you had a "Robert Johnson Moment" of sorts. He was the iconic bluesman who had many, many staggeringly fabulous songs, but my favorite of his is titled "Hell Hound On My Trail". The refrain in this tune is "And the day keep on 'mindin' me there's a hell hound on my trail". I think it's a very good thing you sped up. You may have thought they were just coyotes......but Robert might've said something altogether different!

My swim today was in 63/64-degree water, tolerable becasue the air temp was about ten degrees higher; so, at least each recovery had my arm passing through air warmer than the water. I will continue to swim every other day until it is 60 in the water and nothing lower in the air. And then I will bid you adieu as far as being my spiritual support system in borderline-frigid waters!

I think your low HR was the result of both all the water you'd taken in and the two fans. I just have one fan, but when it is blasting it is better than just about any combination of bike speed and cool air temps. Of course, if i still had a functional HRM I could maybe corroborate this for you, but.......

Excellent run, especially slogging through those hot spots. I've seldom (if ever?) experienced anything like that, but the epitome seems to be travelling through the "Energy Lab" at Kona; isn't that one big heat pit? I may have whined about the heat for the 10k at Make-A-Wish, but at least it wasn't 4X+ longer as it would be at Kona. Mercy!

Think glaciers AND avoid hell hounds!!!

2010-09-29 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3121118

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Just noticed yours from yesterday. I was wondering where you had gotten to and checked your log and saw the fine results from Sunday -- ya gotta be pleased with that , yes? May it continue!!

I'm sorry to hear about your brother; is this a slight turn for the worse, or just part of a continuum? I hope the weather cooperates with you at frontenac, adding at least some pleasure to the trip. It's been wet enough and cold enough recently to maybe give some optimism about the foliage, but coming back from Delaware a few days ago, the only significant colors were in the High Peaks of the Adirondacks. But that was Sunday, so by the time you get to Frontenac you might be in luck!

Mojo for your foliage hopes..........even though that runs counter to my own hopes for OWS. 63/64 in the water yesterday = time running out. Oh, well; so it goes!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-09-29 7:42 AM

2010-09-29 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3123252

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Just noticed yours from yesterday, too!

Congrats on the weather breaking, and also on having a "useful" house-husband --- at least more useful than my dear spouse's! I am terrible at anything "reno", which includes tasks involving tools and paintbrushes. I am fine with the lawnmower and I cook really well and adventurously.....but for those little tasks that help keep a house from falling down, or even looking incrementally better, I'm useless.

So, props to John (?) for re-doing some of your rooms!

2010-09-29 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Sorry about your brother.  I am grateful on a daily basis for my good health - as we age it's not a given.  This weekend we are moving my mother (84) and her husband from the family farm to an independent-living apartment in a senior community.  Thank goodness they're still fairly healthy.  My mom is actually looking forward to it - she's hoping her husband will find some buddies to do things with and not sit in front of tv all day.

SteveA and SteveB (and Lisa too),
I simply cannot comprehend how you guys can run in that kind of heat.  If it gets up to 70 and it's sunny, I'm dying.

I've decided not to chase the age group competition for my half.  Pretty sure it will be Racine or Steelhead - trying to decide.  However, I asked for advice in the MN forum and someone said I should consider Door County (even tho not 70.3).  Decisions, decisions.

2010-09-29 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3122468

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-28 2:17 PM STEVE - Hey! At Dixie Canyon you had a "Robert Johnson Moment" of sorts. He was the iconic bluesman who had many, many staggeringly fabulous songs, but my favorite of his is titled "Hell Hound On My Trail". The refrain in this tune is "And the day keep on 'mindin' me there's a hell hound on my trail". I think it's a very good thing you sped up. You may have thought they were just coyotes......but Robert might've said something altogether different! My swim today was in 63/64-degree water, tolerable becasue the air temp was about ten degrees higher; so, at least each recovery had my arm passing through air warmer than the water. I will continue to swim every other day until it is 60 in the water and nothing lower in the air. And then I will bid you adieu as far as being my spiritual support system in borderline-frigid waters! I think your low HR was the result of both all the water you'd taken in and the two fans. I just have one fan, but when it is blasting it is better than just about any combination of bike speed and cool air temps. Of course, if i still had a functional HRM I could maybe corroborate this for you, but....... Excellent run, especially slogging through those hot spots. I've seldom (if ever?) experienced anything like that, but the epitome seems to be travelling through the "Energy Lab" at Kona; isn't that one big heat pit? I may have whined about the heat for the 10k at Make-A-Wish, but at least it wasn't 4X+ longer as it would be at Kona. Mercy! Think glaciers AND avoid hell hounds!!!

Ah, Robert Johnson!  I'm a big Robert Johnson fan.  LOL. 

I read your race report and can picture you pouring the water on your head.  Did it make you catch your breath? I remember doing the LA Marathon several years back and it was one of the two or three hottest on record.  I remember pouring water on my head and it literally took my breath away.  LOL.  Good times.
2010-09-29 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3120487

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-27 6:53 PM


Aww, that's too bad about "losing" the duathlon! Check out, as in the past he has offered a number of spring and fall duathlons. Hopefully there will be one with your name on it!

That was very fine of you to run in support of the erstwhile attorney. That is a terrible story of losing her job AND the insurance, and is yet another example that makes me so thankful that we have "universal" health care up her. Lord knows that's a hot-button topic down in the states, but up here it is just something that is accepted ---- and probably not always fully appreciated.

Did she know you were running on her behalf? Thank heavens she is now cancer-free, and I hope she gets her career and life completely back on track.

As for the silliness my placement and the kerfuffle of the Masters/Grand Masters thing, I'm ignoring that and focusing on my overall placement (38/368), and also "slotting" myself into the a.g. where I should be anyhow, and that was 1/9. So, it was indeed a good day, and I will try to convey it all tomorrow in my RR!


Yes, she knew I was running in support of her. In fact, we were on the same team!

2010-09-29 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3123907

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


If you don't care about the age group and aren't intersted in qualifying for Clearwater, then I say go to Door County. It think it was $175 this year, whereas Steelhead was $225 and Racine likely $250. You'll get a few more bells and whistles at Steel and Rac, and more opportunities to buy race-related clothing, but you'll also have a more crowded course and, quite possibly, a shortage of supplies at run aid stations. (The WTC races have not scored well in this regard this season.)

The DC bike and run courses look really nice, like, really, REALLY nice. Really! I can't remember the number of participants at DC, but if it is between 20 and 300 then you will have lots of company out there and feel that it is an event worth doing. Half vermont had something like 150, and that was a bit sparse, especially on the run. Tolerable, but sparse. On the other hand, you don't want a crowded course.......but that's a personal, subjective thing, I guess.

I also seem to remeber DC having a fairly liberal refund policy --- but I might be wrong on that. The policies for the 70.3 and M-dot races are terrible, which is something that keeps me from going that route; I hate the idea of eating $250-$275! (Or $575 for a M-dot!!!!!!) Well, in fairness, if you bail on a M-dot by a certain date, you get back something like $150. But that's still a huge shortfall. And if you miss that bail date, you're up you-know-what creek without a paddle. Maybe DC is the same, however, as more and more races are assuming the attitude of the heavy hitters.

If you decide on a 70.3, check carefully into accoms at Steelhead; I think they are hard to come by. Racine would be much easier to fins a room, and you probably have a better choice of less expensive options. Maybe?

2010-09-29 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3124071

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yes! My breath WAS taken away, at least by the first two or three pours; after that, the rest just felt glorious. I've had hotter days it which the cold water effect was way more dramatic, but still -- Saturday was hotter than I generally like by several degrees. (I think I begin to struggle at about 82 or so, but don't know for sure.)

Are things still scheduled to cool down by tomorrow out there? Thank god for small mercies!!

2010-09-30 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3123252

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-09-29 8:40 AM ANNE - Just noticed yours from yesterday. I was wondering where you had gotten to and checked your log and saw the fine results from Sunday -- ya gotta be pleased with that , yes? May it continue!! I'm sorry to hear about your brother; is this a slight turn for the worse, or just part of a continuum? I hope the weather cooperates with you at frontenac, adding at least some pleasure to the trip. It's been wet enough and cold enough recently to maybe give some optimism about the foliage, but coming back from Delaware a few days ago, the only significant colors were in the High Peaks of the Adirondacks. But that was Sunday, so by the time you get to Frontenac you might be in luck! Mojo for your foliage hopes..........even though that runs counter to my own hopes for OWS. 63/64 in the water yesterday = time running out. Oh, well; so it goes!

Thanks for the foliage Mojo.       Change of plans though.   You must have determined by now that we are fair weather people and the weekend forecast is now calling for some rain along with the cold.   Cold on it's own I can handle - but not interested in cold and wet.   We'll keep an eye on things and hopefully be able to get to Frontenac sometime this month.

My brother came through his operation really well and is feeling good.   Big relief.   The problems with the gall bladder have been going on for about a year so it will be great to have him finally feeling better. 

I WAS pretty happy with the Sunday run.   It really amazes what kind of pace you can get with the walk/run and that was with hardly any running at my slow pace.   I remember when I did my first learn to run program 5 years ago and at the end did a 5km race with running 5 min/walking 1 minute and finished in under 31 minutes.   That gives me some high hopes for doing IM Placid.   But don't want to get ahead of myself.       We move up to 2.5 minutes of running today.  

I'll be thinking of you in your OWS.   Thinking you're crazy.     
2010-09-30 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3125592

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Glad to hear that your brother is improving. e is fortunate that you are close enough to be able to get there when the going gets rough.

Have a good r/w today! I'm off to Ottawa shortly, and will hope to get in the water. But it's raining here and the temp is just around 14, so if I swim it will not be fun at all; just duty, mostly.

To what end? Still don't know! I'm spending a lot of energy waffling between those two NC (16th and 30th), wondering how much I need/want either. A big part of me does not want the long drive down there, and another big part tells me that 11 races should be ample! But then there's the part of me that just isn't ready to shut down the season, so......

Two years ago I drove to Hagerstown, MD, for a race on about Oct 5, and flatted, and ended up DNFing --- and had a loooooooooong drive home thinking what a waste of time and energy and money THAT fiasco was. But being a slow learner, I guess, here I am contemplating NC, which will add about 6-7 hours of driving each way. Duh?

I would feel all righteous if I decided to shut it down now, and I'd also get brownie points from Lynn; sounds appealing, huh?

I could also play around with half-marathons, beginning with Toronto in a few weeks. Do one or two or three of those........and it might almost equal a triathlon!

Let me know how the r/w goes today, okay?

2010-09-30 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I've decided against Steelhead (although I did find reasonable motels there):

- I don't want to drive the extra hours - especially thru Chicago)
- I've been told it's an ok race but not great - run thru Whirlpool campus is blah
- It's the same weekend as the Nevis sprint (that's the one that's so popular reg closes in 2 days)

So it's down to Door County or Racine.

Door County:
- 900 racers
- having trouble finding cheap accomodations
- woman who did it this year says reg was 125 or 150
- husband would like a little Door County vacation (he proposed to me on the way home from a vacation there many years ago)

- 1800 racers
- found reasonable motel
- 225 early reg, 250 later
- husband says if I qualify for Clearwater he will buy me ANY new bike I want

So, SteveB, I'm in the same boat as you - kind of.  Decisions, decisions.  What to do? what to do?
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