BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-05-27 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2173277

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Lora109 - 2009-05-26 12:03 PM Hey, everyone!  This has been an unexpectedly really bad last week for me.  I've been dealing with some sickness and it has just not been pretty.  I'll just leave it at that.  I apologize for being gone these last few days.


Really sorry about your bad week.

2009-05-27 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2175298

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2009-05-28 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2174596

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Christine - I am glad you are on the group and I think you fit here just fine!  What I like about this group is that it is wonderfully varied in age, ability and experience but we are all certified newbies!     I think your plan and your enthusiasm are great!    Like Janet said, keep the Sept. Tri in the back of your mind.   You will know when you are ready and I, for one, will thoroughly enjoy sharing that journey with you!


2009-05-28 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED


I'm not really sure what this is all about but I see that it says closed, so does that mean we can't join now?
I just discovered this website and it's really great. I read the first couple pages in this post, very great info! I am aiming to compete in my first Sprint Tri this summer on my 30th birthday still not sure if I'll be able to do it... and would love some feedback.

2009-05-28 10:46 PM
in reply to: #2178538

Subject: ...
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2009-05-29 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2180085

Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

ChrisFL - 2009-05-28 10:46 PM Sharie- thank you!!! Just want to share that I feel very welcomed on this group by everyone- it's just my own insecurities of not being as advanced or skilled as the other ladies that has kept me a bit 'quieter' and more of a lurker/learner at this stage of the game.  Appreciate the encouragement greatly!  Christine

Christine -  I'm not sure you realize how much you AREN'T behind!!  I'll speak for myself.  I haven't even regularly hit running (jogging, rather) 2 miles through!  I have been able to swim the distance - but my time is pretty slow!  However, what I've heard from a lot of people on here - pretty much everyone was at that point some time!  I know you mentioned NOT signing up for a triathlon cuz you didn't want to push yourself.  However, I have to disagree...I'm not pushing myself - but I know that I have a race coming up and I "can't" back out!  Plus I saved like $10 by signing up early...There's lots of training programs on here that can help!  Even if you can't run the whole time - walk the rest. 

Of course we all need to do what's best for us! Laughing

ME:  I had a great workout on Monday!!  I did the elliptical for 30 minutes, then hopped on the treadmill and jogged a mile (15 minutes) - - I couldn't have done that a month ago!!  Woo-hoo!! Then the not good stuff started...the next day I felt sore - no biggie...I rested that day.  Then the NEXT morning I woke up and the pain had stayed in one area...and I realized I pulled something.  The only thing I can think of that was "different" was the elliptical.  Therefore I pledge not to use that again for a while!!!  I am mad at it!!  Fortunately I haven't felt the pain since yesterday I'm going to do a swim today, and then hopefully a run tomorrow.  I have 5K #2 in 2 weeks and I WANTED to run it all...we'll see, I guess!  ::sigh::

Hope everyone is well!

2009-05-29 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi ladies!  Sorry I've been MIA this week.  I've only worked 3 days this week, but I'm really looking forward to the weekend.  A bit sad, though, because my husband is leaving Sunday to go to the new place, because he starts his new job next week.  It will just be me and the kids until school is done.

Monday I swam in the lake.  It was really, really cold, even with my wetsuit.  There was a cold wind which added lots of waves.  I did my 25 minutes, though, although it was mostly breaststroke because it was too cold to put my head in the water for long.  A couple of hours (and a happy hour) later I got the feeling back in my hands.  Brrr....  It was good to get back in the pool on Wednesday!

Christine, you are definitely not too far behind the rest of us.  I only started training in February for a sprint next month, so I have a couple of months on you if anything.  I never could have gotten this far if I hadn't picked a plan and stayed with it.  If you decide to do the tri you'd picked, just work back from that date and start one of the beginner plans at the week that works with the timing.  I used the 20 week sprint plan, but there are shorter plans.  My plan got me to the 5K distance a couple of months ago, so you would still be able to do your 5K this summer before the tri.

Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?  I'll be packing my husband's clothes and cleaning.  I know, my life is so exciting that you're all jealous!

2009-05-30 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: ...
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2009-05-31 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2068936

New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Hi ladies, it's one of your long lost beginner triathlete board buddies!  First off, I AM SO SORRY that i've been gone so long.  I fell off of the wagon and got ran over by it!  May has been crazy for me (and I'm sure all the rest of you are busy too)!!  Usually I travel all of the time for work, but I think I've only travelled once in may for work - to CA.  That is where it all started though!  I was there like 6 days and only ran once.  Instead of work travel this month, we've been travelling every weekend.  Right when I got back from CA we went to MD for the weekend, then the next weekend to our family's cabin in the mountains, and last weekend to Williamsburg, VA.  I think I went over 2 weeks without one workout!  I ran in CA and then in VA.  I just did another 5k this weekend (race report there) and finally got my bike out on the rail trail for the first time just today.  I've had this bike since like March, but this is the first time I rode it.  And now I'm kicking myself.  I was really afraid about wrecking, but after about 15 minutes I felt pretty comfortable.  I did about 7.5 miles today and got up to 17mi/hr.  It was so fun.  Why oh why did I wait so long?!  I can't wait to get on it again.  I struggled a lot on the 5k yesterday.  There is a 10k this coming weekend that I wanted to do, but I don't know if I'll be able to.  I guess I could, and just walk when I need to.  I'm going to try to do a 6 mile run from home this week and see how it goes.  I looked at the times from the 10k last year, and I'd definitely be coming in last if they have the same turn out this year.  It's not a very big race. 

I'm an idiot and planned our vacation for the weekend of the ladies only sprint tri that I wanted to do for my first one, the swim was indoor, and it was women only.  I liked those 2 factors for my first time.  There are 2 other sprint tris that I could do this summer.   One is in August but is in open water (my fiance did it last year and it was his first tri), then there is another sprint with the swim in an indoor pool, but it is women and men.  I think it is in Sept.  I also wanted to do a half marathon labor day weekend in VA beach.  I've been looking at hotels and they all require a 3 night minimum since it's labor day weekend.  I can't spend that much money, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.  It looks like a really fun race and a great one for my first half.  Maybe I could stay like half hour away from VA beach and get a hotel for 1 or 2 nights?  FYI, I live in PA, about 5 hours from VA beach.  We shall see...

I'm excited for our vacation though.  We are going to LA to see one of my good friends from High school that moved out there, then are flying to San Francisco and spending a few days in napa before coming home. 

Again so sorry for my hiatis!  Hopefully you girls will let me come backEmbarassed.  After the engagement this month i got kind of wedding crazy looking at all wedding websites, books, and magazines and didn't get on BT much.  That excitement has died down a little bit now and it looks like i need to get in better shape to be in a wedding dress about a year from now!! 

I'M Baaaack!!

2009-05-31 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Hi gang,

I tried my swim with optical goggles today.  Very interesting.  I don't usually wear goggles at all and then to be able to see the bottom of the pool.  Very odd.  For whatever reason the goggles did seem to throw my breathing off, but I think I'll just have to get used to them. 

I couldn't see ahead of me which I've been able to see without goggles so I'll have to get used to that. 

Bad girl, Sue.  I haven't started running.  I think I have a block against it.  I know I can walk all day long but I'm going to have to start sometime.  I am committing here to start this week.



2009-05-31 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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2009-06-01 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2068936

New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi Christine,

From what I've heard, you can safely add about 10% distance each week.  If you google "couch to 5k" you should come up with many different training programs with different timelines.  I think I've heard the most positive feedback about the Hal Higdon program.  Most of these programs are for people coming right off the couch and are not active.  If you are already comfortable with 2 miles, you could just start later in the program.

As far as running on the beach.  I think it is quite a bit more difficult.  Do you live near a beach so that you could incorporate that into some of your training?  I've run on the beach a few times and I always try to get down near the tide where the sand is still a little damp and is harder.  Of course you have to watch for the waves then!  I'm not sure if they will make you run on a certain part of the beach...Wow, that sounds like a fun 5k!

You could always register for one and just walk if you need to.  From my experience with larger 5ks, there are usually a lot of people that come out to walk the whole race.
2009-06-01 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2185285

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Christine - I second all that Maggie told you.    In reality, a person could do a 5K without any training, but I am sure that would involve mostly walking.   If you are already running 2 miles straight you are super close to being able to run 3.1miles.   Even if you don't want to do the whole couch to 5K plan, take a look at it and see where you are in the training schedule.   As I remember, it is based more on "time" running rather than distance although it does end with a 5K.     I know when I was doing it and I had gotten to the ~2mile mark, I read some things on a forum at Runner's World and realized I had started pushing too hard (speed).   I slowed way down again and I did 3miles that day and felt great after!!   Do pay attention to the 10% rule, too.   The one minor injury I have sustained since starting last Aug. was on a day I decided to do 8miles and do it as a trail run, no less!   What was I thinking.   My longest run prior to that had been 5miles.   That was an increase way over 10%!

Another thing to think about you just want to compete in a 5K as a personal accomplishment or do you want to place in your age group?    Those are two very different levels of fitness and ability.    I am a super competitive person so it is hard for me not to want to WIN, but I realize, in the long run, that I just love being in shape again, feeling fit and so it really doesn't matter if I place or win.   I love the thrill of competition even if I am slow so for me, the races have been a necessity for motivation......but what matters most is that I keep doing what I love and loving what I do!

2009-06-01 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2185019

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Maggie - good to hear from you!   I don't think you have to apologize for getting wrapped up in the 'wedding planning'!  How exciting!!   It was 25 years ago for me, but I still remember it well.

Good for you getting on that bike and glad it was such a good experience.    I had a good ride yesterday - even went 24mph a few places (downhill).    I do enjoy riding very much...and here I thought it would be my least fav when I started this.

2009-06-01 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone -
I too fell off the wagon last week.  My in-laws were visiting and house guests for 5 days, and I got stressed and just didn't take the time to get out the door (which probably would have helped my stress!).  Thankfully, they left this morning.

OK, on a good news front  and back on the wagon-
I got back in the pool this morning for my masters' swim class and swam one mile!  Slowly, but I did it.  For someone who couldn't swim one lap in the fall without gasping for air, to swim 36 laps/72 lengths without stopping feels like a huge feat to me!  WOO HOO!  So, for those who are doubting that they could do this - trust me, with some consistency, you can reach whatever goals you set for yourself.

And I am leaving for my college reunion on Wednesday, but I am proud of myself that I have already planned ahead and found out places to work out while I am away to stay on schedule.  And with all the tri training (and Weight Watchers), I am going into the reunion 35 lbs. lighter and much more confident. 

OK, back on the schedule - and 8 weeks to go until my July 26 tri!

Mary Sue

2009-06-01 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2186549

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Way to go on the swim, Mary Sue!!   How awesome that you are going to your reunion lighter and more confident!  

I hope to get a swim in swim training kind of fell apart last week with all the cattle work.   Plus the local places are transitioning from indoor to outdoor pools right now.   I will swim tonight at a pool only 30 miles away!

Off to sort cattle with the family.   Hopefully it won't take too long today, but we will be sorting all week in prep for a branding on Friday or Saturday.    I counted last week's cattle work in my training log.  Figured 4 hours horseback, riding through hills looking for cattle and a 10 mile trail to summer pasture was worth something!  LOL


2009-06-01 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Must be the time of year it gets harder to stick with the training.  For the first time, I've missed workouts.  We listed the house with a realtor on Friday evening.  Saturday morning at 7:00, I got an email from him asking if we could have everything ready for an open house on Sunday.  It was crazy on Saturday, but we got our "to-do" lists finished and everything cleaned, and packed all my husband's clothes, etc., because he left Sunday morning to go to the new place to start his job this week.  There just wasn't time for a workout.

Then yesterday I got a sore throat, and it's worse today.  I feel like I've got a serious cold.  I'm loading myself up with vitamin C, trying to fight it off.  I skipped my swim this morning.  I thought about running instead, but I was so beat I decided to stay in bed a bit longer.  I don't want to push too hard and not get better, but I'm worried that my training is slipping with less than 4 weeks to go.  This should have been my biggest training week before the tri, and now my schedule is all messed up. 

I'm trying to convince myself to go for a run tonight, but since I'm falling asleep at my desk I doubt I will have the energy for that.

2009-06-01 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2186549

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
myoun - 2009-06-01 12:21 PM OK, on a good news front  and back on the wagon-
I got back in the pool this morning for my masters' swim class and swam one mile!  Slowly, but I did it.  For someone who couldn't swim one lap in the fall without gasping for air, to swim 36 laps/72 lengths without stopping feels like a huge feat to me!  WOO HOO!  So, for those who are doubting that they could do this - trust me, with some consistency, you can reach whatever goals you set for yourself.

Great job on your swim!  Doesn't it feel great to hit a milestone like that?  Congratulations!  It is a testiment to how hard you've been working.
2009-06-01 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2185202

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
fantom8588 - 2009-05-31 10:15 PM

Bad girl, Sue.  I haven't started running.  I think I have a block against it.  I know I can walk all day long but I'm going to have to start sometime.  I am committing here to start this week.


Since you are so comfortable with running, I would try a walk-run program.  You can start off really easy, running maybe 30 seconds, then walking a few minutes.  You can do anything for 30 seconds, right?  Then you start slowly increasing the amount of time you run.  I think many of the couch to 5K programs start with walk-run.  The one on BT definitely does. 

All you have to do is get out there and start.  That's the hardest part.  Do you have an MP3 player that you can take with you?  When I was forcing myself out the door in the beginning, peppy music really helped.

2009-06-01 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2185019

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
maggiewvu - 2009-05-31 9:13 PM

Again so sorry for my hiatis!  Hopefully you girls will let me come backEmbarassed.  After the engagement this month i got kind of wedding crazy looking at all wedding websites, books, and magazines and didn't get on BT much.  That excitement has died down a little bit now and it looks like i need to get in better shape to be in a wedding dress about a year from now!! 

About a year from now?  Does that mean you have a date?

2009-06-02 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
All I gotta say is, "You ladies rock!"  I was just catching up on the last page of posts and your all's support of each other is, frankly, inspiring.

OK, since I've been sucking the last couple weeks, let's change our challenge from June 1 to July 31.  Here's who I've got signed-up for the challenge and doing what:

Chris:        Strength - Core
Sue:          Bike - 157 miles
Kami:        Strength - Core - 3x week
Denise:     Swim - 1,000 yards at 2:50/100
Lisa:         Strength - Pushups - 3x week @ 25 each
Patricia:    Run - 3x week
Mary Sue: General Training - 6x week
Debbie:     Run - 33 miles
Shannon:  Strength - 3x week
Janet:        Bike - 12 hours

Please re-figure to adjust for the new times and post that here.

If anyone else wants to join in, now's your chance.  We've got 10 folks and 2 more would give us 4 ladies per team.  Even if your goal is to walk at least three times a week, this will still be a great chance to meet your goal, even if it's not tri-related yet.

Edited by Lora109 2009-06-02 12:53 PM

2009-06-02 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2189531

Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Lora109 - 2009-06-02 12:49 PM All I gotta say is, "You ladies rock!"  I was just catching up on the last page of posts and your all's support of each other is, frankly, inspiring.

OK, since I've been sucking the last couple weeks, let's change our challenge from June 1 to July 31.  Here's who I've got signed-up for the challenge and doing what:

Chris:        Strength - Core
Sue:          Bike - 157 miles
Kami:        Strength - Core - 3x week
Denise:     Swim - 1,000 yards at 2:50/100
Lisa:         Strength - Pushups - 3x week @ 25 each
Patricia:    Run - 3x week
Mary Sue: General Training - 6x week
Debbie:     Run - 33 miles
Shannon:  Strength - 3x week
Janet:        Bike - 12 hours

Please re-figure to adjust for the new times and post that here.

If anyone else wants to join in, now's your chance.  We've got 10 folks and 2 more would give us 4 ladies per team.  Even if your goal is to walk at least three times a week, this will still be a great chance to meet your goal, even if it's not tri-related yet.

I'm confused...this is my goal for the next 2 months?  Cuz if that's the case...I want one goal one month and another the next month...Not really trying to be difficult - I'm just gonna be focusing on different things :-D
2009-06-02 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2185019

Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
maggiewvu - 2009-05-31 8:13 PM

Again so sorry for my hiatis!  Hopefully you girls will let me come backEmbarassed.  After the engagement this month i got kind of wedding crazy looking at all wedding websites, books, and magazines and didn't get on BT much.  That excitement has died down a little bit now and it looks like i need to get in better shape to be in a wedding dress about a year from now!! 

I'M Baaaack!!

Absences due to busy-ness are completely acceptable - especially since that busy-ness includes planning a wedding...that is even more completely acceptable!!  (But I should say...all absences are acceptable Tongue out   But it is preferred no absence is had....I think...)
2009-06-02 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2189531

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Lora109 - 2009-06-02 1:49 PM All I gotta say is, "You ladies rock!"  I was just catching up on the last page of posts and your all's support of each other is, frankly, inspiring.

OK, since I've been sucking the last couple weeks, let's change our challenge from June 1 to July 31.  Here's who I've got signed-up for the challenge and doing what:

Chris:        Strength - Core
Sue:          Bike - 157 miles
Kami:        Strength - Core - 3x week
Denise:     Swim - 1,000 yards at 2:50/100
Lisa:         Strength - Pushups - 3x week @ 25 each
Patricia:    Run - 3x week
Mary Sue: General Training - 6x week
Debbie:     Run - 33 miles
Shannon:  Strength - 3x week
Janet:        Bike - 12 hours

Please re-figure to adjust for the new times and post that here.

If anyone else wants to join in, now's your chance.  We've got 10 folks and 2 more would give us 4 ladies per team.  Even if your goal is to walk at least three times a week, this will still be a great chance to meet your goal, even if it's not tri-related yet.

Hmmm, my scheduled runs are much longer in July as I start to ramp up for an Oly in September.  (Assuming I survive this month's sprint!)  Let's change my goal to 55 miles.
2009-06-02 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Northern VA
Subject: biking alone
so is it just me, or are any of you all nervous about biking alone?
I went to drive a possible bike ride today, and got sick to my stomach just thinking about doing it on my own.

So I have definitely chickened out of that ride (too long, too much climbing, lots of excuses)... I'm trying really hard to convince myself to go on a different one (that I know and have done a few times) tomorrow, but am feeling jittery just thinking about it. I put my youngest into day care on wed. just so I could do this...
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