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2010-03-12 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
no swim today, boo  >_<

I have another stupid question for the group. This one's about cycling.

What's the point of the grippy stuff in the leg holes of cycling shorts? 

2010-03-13 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Welcome Jessie!  There is a lot of great people and info here to help you in your training.  Sorry, I can't help much with diet.  I'm both literally and figuratively on the other end of the scale.

2010-03-13 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2724108

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2010-03-12 10:36 PM no swim today, boo  >_<

I have another stupid question for the group. This one's about cycling.

What's the point of the grippy stuff in the leg holes of cycling shorts? 

I think the main purpose is to keep them from sliding up your thighs.  For guys that don't shave their legs, it has the added benefit of pulling your hair out by the roots.

2010-03-13 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2724041

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Welcome Jessie! I think your weight sounds like it is pretty low, so you probably don't need to lose any more. Those scales are just a bluff, do a real measure with a caliper at your gym (a knowledgeable person needs to do it at you). That will probably show you are lower in fat than you think.

And your diet sounds sort of like you need more fat, not less fat. Eat avocados, nuts, olive oil, fat fish like salmon and so on. Then you get the good fat and you can eat smaller portions and still get enough calories for your workouts. High calorie low fat diet is a contradiction and you need high fat high calorie to get your portions to be smaller.
If you get more calories in each meal you can eat smaller meals and don't need to feel as filled up.
2010-03-13 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Polar Bear Alley
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

x2 on what reid said.  I always thought the sticky was so they wouldn't ride up.  As for the rip the hair out part, I'm a woman so tend to keep that hairless anyway lol.  Reid, you could always shave a ring around your leg where the sticky part is, it wouldn't look strange at all

I have changed my goal based on my past week of training...Ironman 2012 lol.  I'm going to need more time than I thought, and it would be crushing if I rush this and end up DNF for lack of training.  Next seasons goals are for Oly's and HIM. 

Bike Q:

I don't have a bike but am getting one in May, is it best to start with a Road bike or a Tri bike?  What's the biggest difference between the two anyway? I'm thinking maybe go for the Road bike then the Tri bike next season and use the road bike exclusively as the trainer bike at home eventually.  Thoughts?

After my painfull experience on the spin bike yesterday (who ever created those obviously didn't have private parts lol), how extended should be leg be when it's in a full down stroke?  I'm thinking the adjustment I did to the bike before my ride didn't allow enough leg extension.  I want to take the spinning classes at my local YMCA but want to be able to adjust the spin bike properly first. 

Also thanks for the food advice - I actually re-wrote that advice down in my trainer book so I wouldn't forget.  Thanks.

2010-03-13 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2724674

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
tryin2tri - 2010-03-14 4:08 AM

x2 on what reid said.  I always thought the sticky was so they wouldn't ride up.  As for the rip the hair out part, I'm a woman so tend to keep that hairless anyway lol.  Reid, you could always shave a ring around your leg where the sticky part is, it wouldn't look strange at all

Yep. And if you do, please post pics

You can in fact get bike shorts without the rubber grippies, Rebecca, if you don't like them.

[qupte]I have changed my goal based on my past week of training...Ironman 2012 lol.  I'm going to need more time than I thought, and it would be crushing if I rush this and end up DNF for lack of training.  Next seasons goals are for Oly's and HIM. 

I think this is very wise. You don't want to rush Ironman.

Bike Q:

I don't have a bike but am getting one in May, is it best to start with a Road bike or a Tri bike?  What's the biggest difference between the two anyway? I'm thinking maybe go for the Road bike then the Tri bike next season and use the road bike exclusively as the trainer bike at home eventually.  Thoughts?

Depends on your budget. Biggest difference in my experience is that tri bikes are a little trickier to learn how to ride and handle (initially), and are a little harder to climb hills with. If everything in your area is pretty flat and straight and so are the tri's you want to do, no reason not to start with a tri bike. But ... they're a pretty penny. It's very hard to find good used tri bikes (if they're good, people tend to use them until they're destroyed), but quite easy to find good used road bikes. You can also get a killer road bike for (let's say) U.S. $1500 new, but that's a lower-end tri bike.

After my painfull experience on the spin bike yesterday (who ever created those obviously didn't have private parts lol), how extended should be leg be when it's in a full down stroke?  I'm thinking the adjustment I did to the bike before my ride didn't allow enough leg extension.  I want to take the spinning classes at my local YMCA but want to be able to adjust the spin bike properly first. 

Also thanks for the food advice - I actually re-wrote that advice down in my trainer book so I wouldn't forget.  Thanks.

In my experience as the in-house Spinning instructor for the employees at Spinning World Headquarters, nobody starting out and even a lot of experienced cyclists has enough leg extension. Set the seat high enough so that your leg is fully extended, then move the seat down ONE notch (if it's notched) or a half-inch to an inch down.

If the seats also move back and forth, (and/or the handlebars move up and down or back and forth) I have further fitting recommendations.

And the advice Mia gave you on calliper testing and good fats is excellent.

2010-03-13 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2559122

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Ooooooo, I can give her Yantiness a drive-by online *Melon Press*!

Hi, Tinky, too!!
2010-03-13 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2724705

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Polar Bear Alley
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

If the seats also move back and forth, (and/or the handlebars move up and down or back and forth) I have further fitting recommendations.

The handle bars are adjustable up and down (not sure if they are back and forth too)  and the seat is adjustable back and forth.
2010-03-14 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hi Manatees!

welcome Jessie

sounds like you are all doing great and great things are happening - thank you to her Yantiness for holding down the fort!

i hope my life has stabalized a bit and i'll be around on a more regular basis - please know you are in my thoughts even if i'm not posting

i just returned from a great weekend with my daughter in Chicago - who knew a river could be so green?

i'm sleepy now, so i'll try and catch up tomorrow - just wanted to say hi!

2010-03-15 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2724705

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
TriAya - 2010-03-13 3:40 PM
tryin2tri - 2010-03-14 4:08 AM

x2 on what reid said.  I always thought the sticky was so they wouldn't ride up.  As for the rip the hair out part, I'm a woman so tend to keep that hairless anyway lol.  Reid, you could always shave a ring around your leg where the sticky part is, it wouldn't look strange at all

Yep. And if you do, please post pics

You guys are so helpful.  Uh....not gonna happen.

2010-03-15 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hi everybody!

My stomach was bothering me the last couple of days, I guess I had a bug.  I felt better today and got a run in.  Of couse it was windy and raining.  The good news is, with the time change,  it was light out at least.  I don't mind running in the rain and I don't mind running in the dark.  I just don't like running in the rain in the dark.  Weather here should be much better in the next couple of days, looks like I should get some riding time outside this week!

Does anybody run with a fuel belt?  I was thinking about getting one.  I'm going to have to start taking fluids with me soon and thought it might be nicer than a camelback.  When I was marathon training, I used to do loops or put water out on my route before I ran, both were a hassle.

Beth - Welcome back, we've missed you!  Glad you had a good time with your family.


2010-03-15 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hello all! Hope everyone's doing well. I slacked big time this weekend, partly due to laziness, partly due to homework, and partly due to fear of further injuring my VERY unhappy achilles tendons (how unhappy? The only things that didn't make them hurt were sitting still, standing still, or swimming). Got back on the wagon, er the bike today, and no pain. I think it's OK now. That'll teach me to run a bunch just because it feels good and it's a nice day out -- I am not there yet!

Art, I don't use a fuel belt, but they seem to be on sale in the BT Classifieds pretty regularly... 
2010-03-15 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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New user
Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Art, I have used one and it works, but I don't love it. Make sure you can test it out first, before you buy it. Ask if you can fill up some of the bottles with water and try the belt on or buy it, try it and return it if it doesn't work.

2010-03-15 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2727892

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Welcome, Jessie!  Sounds like you have a lot that you are trying to live up to, with your Ironman relatives.  Don't let that pressure push you too far too fast -- I think you are wise to build up more slowly.  That said, though, I have no doubt you will hear Jessie, you are an Ironman! when the time is right!

reid15 - 2010-03-15 7:58 PM
Does anybody run with a fuel belt?  I was thinking about getting one.  I'm going to have to start taking fluids with me soon and thought it might be nicer than a camelback.  When I was marathon training, I used to do loops or put water out on my route before I ran, both were a hassle.


My hubs had a 4-bottle Nathan brand belt that he got when he moved on to half mary and marathon training.  It's this one:
Nathan Belt

I've used it once or twice, and I like the smaller bottles, but I didn't like how my arms brushed against the two bottles in front when I ran.  I also like that the bottles are easy to clean (the mouth pieces are designed to be opened with your mouth when you are running, and are a good shape for grabbing and squeezing when running, but also come apart easily for scrubbing when SOMEONE leaves them in the garage full of blue gatorade for 3 weeks after the Disney Marathon....).  I use his hand me down belt -- one that holds a single bottle in the back, not this exact one bt something similar to this:

Fuel Belt

and I like it better, even though it can be a little warm in the small of my back when it's really hot out -- because it doesn't interfere with my arm swing.  He loves the Nathan one, though, so it's really all about what you are comfortable with.  I think it is definitely good to carry water with you if you are going to be out for more than an hour or so, especially when it is hot out, as it often is here in Florida.  Also, you can tuck fuel into ones like this, and also hold ID and keys, etc.  ANyway, hope the bug has passed --- feel better!

Rebecca, as others have said, the grips are to prevent the shorts from riding up.  I didn't think I would like it, but I do.  I just got my first pair of Tri shorts last week -- yay! -- and they are shorter than I would have otherwise picked, but the grips make them comfy.  I haven't ridden with them yet, but I did my last two runs in them and the chamois wasn't an issue at all.  I just hope it provides some protection when on the bike!  It's these, from SkirtSports, and I bought them on sale ($29 down from $50+) on  They were one of the few brands that came in larger sizes....

Tri Shorts

THey have pockets on the back of the legs -- what are THOSE for?  Gels for running, I suppose?  Can't really use them for anything when you are on the bike...

Edited by dinabean 2010-03-15 9:20 PM
2010-03-16 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
OK, I lied -- wore the shorts on the spin bike this morning, and the pockets are positioned so they don't interfere with the seat.  seem like a weird spot for pockets, though!  On further investigation, they suggest gu, keys, or MP3 player be stored in them....
2010-03-16 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Sorry to be so chatty today.  I hope this isn't a taboo question (Yanti, put me in line if it is!) but I noticed a thread I commented on last night has just disappeared.  It seemed it might be heading toward contentious -- is that common, for mods to delete threads with discord?

2010-03-16 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2728790

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
dinabean - 2010-03-17 12:01 AM Sorry to be so chatty today.  I hope this isn't a taboo question (Yanti, put me in line if it is!) but I noticed a thread I commented on last night has just disappeared.  It seemed it might be heading toward contentious -- is that common, for mods to delete threads with discord?

Yup.  If it was you that said something discordant, you get a personal spanking.  So if you didn't, you're in the clear
2010-03-16 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2728071

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
ladylucky - 2010-03-16 10:40 AM

Art, I have used one and it works, but I don't love it. Make sure you can test it out first, before you buy it. Ask if you can fill up some of the bottles with water and try the belt on or buy it, try it and return it if it doesn't work.

Hated Fuel Belt. The bottles leaked and the elastic gives out fast.

Loved Nathan. I did have the two-bottle version which was great because the four-bottle, I had the arm-brushing problem Dineen mentioned.
2010-03-16 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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New user
Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
My first 5K this year is closing in, so me and my friend Megan decided to test run the course.
It was nice, in the woods, next to a creek, but a lot of debris on the trail. I hope they will clean it up a little before Saturday. We don't know if we ran the correct path, but at least I know a little what to expect.
We also ran 2 laps on the HS track. I have never run on a track before and I really liked it. Is a track really only 400 m? It looked longer, but now that I googled tracks it says most tracks (if not all) are just 400 m.
2010-03-16 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2728790

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
dinabean - 2010-03-16 11:01 AM Sorry to be so chatty today.  I hope this isn't a taboo question (Yanti, put me in line if it is!) but I noticed a thread I commented on last night has just disappeared.  It seemed it might be heading toward contentious -- is that common, for mods to delete threads with discord?

Ooh ooh what was the thread about what was the thread about? Laughing
2010-03-16 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Oh, and thanks for the tips on the shorts, Dineen! Good to know you can find them at reasonable prices (the cheapest ones at the LBS are SEVENTY friggin dollars...)

2010-03-16 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2729721

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2010-03-16 4:16 PM
dinabean - 2010-03-16 11:01 AM Sorry to be so chatty today.  I hope this isn't a taboo question (Yanti, put me in line if it is!) but I noticed a thread I commented on last night has just disappeared.  It seemed it might be heading toward contentious -- is that common, for mods to delete threads with discord?

Ooh ooh what was the thread about what was the thread about? Laughing

It magically reappeared.  It's this one:
2010-03-17 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

I know I've been MIA for a while but reading through the latest posts can I just say:


ART:  I have a fuel belt that I bought at a marathon expo that I do not use.  It doesn't have two of the bottles though. It's just sitting amongst all my tri stuff and is available to you if you want it.......

2010-03-17 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2730827

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hi everybody!

Thanks for all the suggestions regarding the fuel belt.  I't nice to get feedback from people you trust before you go out and buy something.

Lynne-special thanks for offering to give me yours, that is very sweet!

Based on your recommendations and what I've seen online, I think I'm going to buy a Nathan Amphipod.  My biggest concern was the same as some of you mentioned, I don't want it hit it with my arms as I run.  The website I looked at says you can add or remove bottles and adjust the position on the belt so that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks again!
2010-03-17 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2729726

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2010-03-17 5:17 AM Oh, and thanks for the tips on the shorts, Dineen! Good to know you can find them at reasonable prices (the cheapest ones at the LBS are SEVENTY friggin dollars...)

No, no, no! Yanti's First Law of Triathlon ... never pay more than $30 for any single item (other than a bike and running shoes) your first year.

Yes, good find, Dineen!

Nobody has done tri cheaper than me. I say this often, but it's true.

- Closeouts at http://www.trisports.comand sometimes>- search "tri" at>- sales and closeouts at http://www.sportsbasement.comand
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