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2010-06-06 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
So- the night before the tri? TORNADOES.

Just imagine what that did to the course. WRECKED. 3Disciplines (the race coordinators) lost so much, including the big finish line clock. I feel so bad for them.

But they helped us all fit in some sort of race, even if the run course had to be altered and was definitely short. We still raced.

Our tornados are making national news. So very sad.

I was not last, and i finished, so that made me very happy. 500m swim, 12 mile bike, 3.3ish mile run in 1:38 and I'm very happy with that. FLAT bike but very windy and not in any kind of helpful way.

Off to chug more water and then sleep. Tornados were from 11pm until 3am so yeah we did not sleep much last night. The storms were awful and scary and the Tornados were 5 minutes south of us and ten minutes north of us.

2010-06-08 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2904007

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Anne - Oh MY!  I'm sorry to hear of the tornado damage.  Is it like this all the time where you are from?  I never thought of Ohio as being in tornado country.... Maybe I'm just used to thinking about Kansas and Oklahoma that way, but not Ohio...  Do your kids do okay with it?      Your race time was great! 

I'm getting SO psyched for the race!  Do you change clothes between every leg?  Do you think it's worth wearing a padded bike short for 17 miles?  I guess it's up to my own 'comfort level' requirements, huh?  I should try to ride a few times without my padded shorts to see how I do. 

Lovey - I'm getting nervous now that you say that the hills are killers!  I'm NOT a good climber.  Never have been - and I won't be able to get out and ride the course prior to the race weekend, because I'm just too far away.  I'm going to go on and plot out the run though, because they have an elevation feature that let's you see what the inclines are at different points in the course.  I think that website really helped me mentally gear up for last weekends 5 miler in Lancaster.  Just knowing what was coming and how much longer I had to go made all the difference. 

What kind of bike are you riding?  A road bike?

Since I'm not that good of a climber, I have found a few techniques that help, so if you don't mind me offering unsolicited advice, here they are:

1.  Make sure you are gearing down soon enough... keep your RPMs comfortable so you don't kill your knees. 

2. Are you comfortable standing when you climb?   Sometimes I do that for a little while.  But then, when I sit back down if there is still hill left, I have to granny gear it.   

3. Trying shifting your body position and your 'push emphasis'....What I mean is, for a while I'll push back in the seat and use my hamstrings a lot, then after a bit you can shift to sitting  forward in your seat with your hips tipping down and use mostly quads.  

4. Alternate your strong leg..... pushing hard every three strokes... (RIGHT -left-right-LEFT-right-left-RIGHT-left-right

5. Lastly, make sure the air pressure in your tires is always right.  Just a few pounds under makes a HUGE difference!  I feel like I'm biking through molasses if the pressure isn't as high as it can go.

So, Lovey, I have a question for you... I guess you live around the course?   Did you ever swim in the lake?  If so, what was it like?  Gravel bottom?  clean? murky?, etc...

I love reading your posts.  You are so dedicated and consistent in your training!
2010-06-08 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Long post, sorry.


1. I do gear down but I can go further up the hill in a higher gear more comfortably before I have to gear down. Some small hills I managed to get up without stopping, which was a plus.
2. I can’t stand and ride without falling over. That is a big disadvantage for me but maybe I will learn by race day.

3. I actually realized this past Sunday that I do that throughout the ride but never knew why. I thought I was making my self more comfortable as I got tired.

4. Sometimes, I do alternate strong legs, when I remember but not the same way you have it. I would lead with my right for 5 strokes to let my left leg rest, then lead with my left leg so my right could rest. Then I would pedal equally. I did this especially on a hill when I was struggling.

5. I do check my tire pressure each time. I don’t have a bike pump but I have a portable tire pump. It’s made for cars but I just plug it in my outlet in the back of my SUV and pump my bike tires up. I use it in emergencies if I get a flat tire on my car.

I live 10 minutes away from the park. 2.5 miles of the run course is part of my long runs on every Saturday. I can never convince the group to do that other mile (called Gatorade Hill).

I won’t lie about the hills so you can be mad at me later.

Iron Girl has a practice swim in the lake a 3 to 4 weeks before race day. I didn’t see one for Celebration. Don’t freak out about the lake. The water does looks murky and brown but no matter what anyone say, it’s not as gross as it seems. I swam in it last year and honestly wasn’t grossed out. For the part you can touch when you are getting in and out, there is no gravel just vegetation. It feels like grass which it is. For environmental reasons, they can’t chop it all down. Just focus on the swim.

The bike course is hilly, relatively flat, big hill, ok, gradual climb, ok, downhill, ok. Mount Albert is the biggest hill but also the shortest hill on the course. You can walk the hills if needed, guaranteed you will not be the only one. However, if you ride easy enough, you won’t have to. Remember, when you are almost back to the park, spin your legs out in prep for the run.

The run course is not bad but has small hills and one big hill, Gatorade Hill. If you run hills in your training, you will do fine. Slow down on the big hill until you get to the top and then you can pick up the pace after that if you want.

I ride a Cannondale Quick 6 feminine hybrid (also called a flat bar road bike). This is what I was told: Tradition hybrids have front shocks like mountain bikes so they ride more comfortable like a mountain bike but faster but not as fast as a road bike. A flat bar road bike has no front shocks and thus ride more like a road bike. In short, hybrids are a cross between a road and mountain bike whereas a flat bar road bike is a cross between a road bike and a hybrid. I do love my bike though. I didn’t want a road bike when I bought it last year. I am not a strong biker but hopefully I will be as the summer progresses.

I have a 5K that morning but I plan to stop by the park on my way back. I will look for you so I can cheer you on. My club, the Mid MD Tri Club, will have a tent as well.

You have to come in town to pick up your race packet. Why not ride the bike course (in your car) and walk the run course or part of it so you can get an idea what to expect. If you would like, let me know and I can take you.

2010-06-09 5:26 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Anne, GREAT JOB!!!! You first tri post baby! 

I was worried about you with the tornadoes. I hope that your area was safe.  I just watched the news and they were showing graduation at a high school that was leveled. How awful!


2010-06-09 7:20 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
FIRST BIG NOTE: Joyce, no, I do not change clothes during a triathlon. Most of the races I have done do not have any sort of facilities for that. Here is what I did (and what most people do):

sports bra (and tri shirt or nothing) and bike shorts or tri shorts, then wetsuit over it all
run to transition area
wetsuit off, running shirt or bike jersey on, socks and bike shoes or running shoes on, helmet and glasses on
back to transition
helmet off, running hat or visor on

Transition is a very large area of bike racks where you will rack your bike and set up a small towel or transition matt under or immediately left or right of your bike where you then place your gear - helmet, glasses, running shoes, water bottles. The amount of time you spend in transition is part of your race time. So if it takes you two minutes or ten minutes, it counts.

NEXT: the tornadoes. Yes we get them in Ohio, A LOT. I grew up in Cincinnati and lived through many, including one that came down our street when I was a sophomore in high school. The ones Saturday night were particularly bad because they were at night and you can not see a tornado coming at night. Because we get so many tornadoes people- including me- tend to ignore the sirens. Sirens mean go to the basement NOW, but most of us turn on the tv, watch the radar, and wait to see if the tornado is really coming near us or not. Tornaod roulette- dangerous and stupid.

JO- thanks! I saw after the race over on the thread that your neighbor did it- did she enjoy it? Lots of fast times posted becuase their run course was short, but hey, at least they threw a run course together. The park was trashed.

Took two days off due to shoulder issues and hip pain. Bike ride today in between kids stuff and OMG it's the first day of summer break and my kids are driving me nuts.
2010-06-09 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I plan to wear a 2 piece tri suit with a sports bra under it. I can’t run without on. After I take the wetsuit on, is it necessary to put a bike jersey over my tri suit?

The tri top has a pocket at the top inside the chest for a gel and the shorts have them on each leg as well.

On another note:

Finally back in the pool yesterday after over a week of no swimming. I only had 30 minutes to spare so I got in 600 yards (slow swimmer) but it was better than nothing.

Today, I hope to get a run in on the Iron Girl (3.5 mile) or the Columbia Triathlon (10K) run course.


2010-06-09 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2910697

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I wear a sports bra with everything, Lovey, too- and I look at a lot of the women in the just tri tanks and think how do they do that???

I wouldn't throw a bike jersey on top of that unless it's cold and rainy- then you might want the extra layer. I don't own a tri tank, so that is why I toss on a bike jersey over top of my swimsuit/tri shorts combo.

2010-06-09 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I tried the swimsuit/tri shorts combo and didnt like how it looked!! Thats why I bought a tri top. I wanted a complete set. So vain, can you tell.

I wonder how people run with no bra. Even if you are an A cup, it still moves, I think. I am a DDD and I don't even walk around my house without a bra.

Anyway, when I swam yesterday, I went to a different gym than I normally swim. My town has 3 gyms with pools and a swim center. This gym's pool is the coldest. I wore my tri suit because the shorts are new. My old one leg band bothered me and I was constantly yanking it up. After easing into the water and swimming for 30 minutes, I was sure I was going to wear a full sleeve wetsuit next week.

2010-06-11 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Yesterday, I swam 800 yards non stop in about 35 minutes (slow swimmer here). After my son's simulated congressional hearings at school, I went and pick up my wet suit. Talk about feeling like you are in a straight jacket. I tried it on and was shown how to do that and tkae it off, where to pull and not pull. Then I had to rush back for more simulated congressional hearings and closing ceremony.

TODAY, I tried out my wetsuit at the beach. We swam for about 45 minutes which included stopping for tips and talk for about 10 minutes. We covered about half of a mile. The wetsuit kept me warm but comfortable. If I wasn't kicking hard enough, my legs tried to float on its own too.
My mentor was very patient as well another club member who swam with us. Both gave me great tips. My mentor stayed with me and had me practice sighting because I kept veering off course.
I treaded, floated or breaststroke when I felt my heart racing.

After the swim, I practiced getting it off as I got out of the water and peeling out of it once I was out. I wore my 2 piece tri suit plus sports bra underneath, exactly what I will be wearing race day.

It was a great workout but why do I want to do this again?

Swimming tomorrow again and a brick planned for Sunday (13.5 ride/10K run).

2010-06-12 6:49 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Glad you had a good experience with your wetsuit. The buoyancy (sp?) is what most people love about them. I do not like the shoulder restriction- so I have yet to find a wetsuit I like. Have a good brick workout!
2010-06-12 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Our swim team meet started later than I usual because it was timed trials. I couldn't go to my swim clinic. My legs are tired from standing and walking all over that pool. The kids showed so much improvement from last year.

I am still on for my BRICK tomorrow.


2010-06-14 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I did a BRICK yesterday. We started a 6am thinking we could beat the heat but it was still hot. After 13.7 miles of hills, we did 4.5 mile run. It was so hot and our bodies seem to not want to respond so we ended up doing a lot of walking.

2010-06-14 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Great job on the Brick Lovey. 

I need to start doing some of those myself...I am officially going to start training this week.

 I did the swim portion of a woman's only tri on Saturday with some friends I have been trying to get involved in doing tri's with me.  They loved it and so did I and I am hooked again   I had been debating on doing a Woman's only tri here in Columbus put on by Trek for the first time this year.  After doing the relay this past weekend, we all decided we were definitely going to do it.  It helped also that we had gotten an email saying if we signed up by June 16 the cost was only $1!!!  Can't beat that.  By the time you pay your USAT and other fees the cost came to $15, but that' nothing compared to the $95 it was going to originally cost.

If anyone's thinking about coming to Columbus, Ohio on the 25th, I've got the code for you if you sign up by the 16th. 
2010-06-15 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I'm doing the Trek series women's race on July 18 in Monroe, MI. Sounds great! Welcome back, Ginny!

I'm struggling to fit training in with all 3 kids and no helpers this week. I see a lot of basement trainer rides in my future! Racing Sunday- relay sprint- I'm doing the swim, friend will bike, then I will do the run.
2010-06-15 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2923680

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Trek Triathlon Series had the greater Meto D.C. area slated for a race this fall but they changed their minds. I was disappointed.

2010-06-16 5:26 AM
in reply to: #2923680

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

The Trek Tri in Monroe is only $1 until midnight tonight if you haven't signed up yet.  I would so do that one if I was going to be in town.  That is during my trip to see the soon-to-arrive grandbaby in New Mexico.   You can use noodles in the swim.     And they have swim angels that will swim with you.  BONUS!!!! 

2010-06-16 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I saw ginny's note earlier about the $1 promo for columbus and went, well, they did not do that for Michigan.

Then I got that email and OMG was I pissed! I paid over $90 for that race! So I basically got penalized for signing up early!!!!!!

I vented in an email to Kenny (3Disciplines) and Trek. Makes me want to not ever do a trek race again, I don't care HOW awesome the race is. If you need numbers, advertise. Get your word out about the race. Offer discounts for registering early. Don't screw the people who already registered.

2010-06-16 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2924620

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
AKR18 - 2010-06-16 8:02 AM I saw ginny's note earlier about the $1 promo for columbus and went, well, they did not do that for Michigan. Then I got that email and OMG was I pissed! I paid over $90 for that race! So I basically got penalized for signing up early!!!!!! I vented in an email to Kenny (3Disciplines) and Trek. Makes me want to not ever do a trek race again, I don't care HOW awesome the race is. If you need numbers, advertise. Get your word out about the race. Offer discounts for registering early. Don't screw the people who already registered. Grrrrrrr.

I wondered about that also, because I had been thinking about signing up prior to this.  I would be extremely upset with the price offer too.  I hoped that they would make it right and refund some money to some of those who signed up early.  I hope they give you a discount Anne.
2010-06-16 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2925076

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

scubagrrl - 2010-06-16 10:23 AM
AKR18 - 2010-06-16 8:02 AM I saw ginny's note earlier about the $1 promo for columbus and went, well, they did not do that for Michigan. Then I got that email and OMG was I pissed! I paid over $90 for that race! So I basically got penalized for signing up early!!!!!! I vented in an email to Kenny (3Disciplines) and Trek. Makes me want to not ever do a trek race again, I don't care HOW awesome the race is. If you need numbers, advertise. Get your word out about the race. Offer discounts for registering early. Don't screw the people who already registered. Grrrrrrr.

I wondered about that also, because I had been thinking about signing up prior to this.  I would be extremely upset with the price offer too.  I hoped that they would make it right and refund some money to some of those who signed up early.  I hope they give you a discount Anne.

Wow, I thought this was an early reg. discount.  Good luck getting anything back from Kenny.  I'll be surprised.  He has a reputation for being a poor customer service rep.  He is a work in progress so maybe this year he'll answer people. 

I would be super angry.  You'll kick a$$ on that course with all that anger though.  It might work to your advantage. 

2010-06-17 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
YEah, KENNY did not reply. Go figure. And what sucks huge donkey balls about that is I actually felt BAD for him after they lost, oh 90% of their in that tornado the night before Race For Recovery, and I thanked him after the race for scrapping some sort of race together when everyone else was about the short run course. Now I wish I had not even thanked him!! Grrrrr.

As for TREK, they responded to my angry email within 30 minutes, no lie, and the DIRECTOR of Trek Racing replied, and offered to issue me a credit to my card so I could go from paying 90 to paying under 10 since I am a USAT member.

I understand they do it when they are going into new markets, FINE, but you know what? You could get word out and have people register EARLY if you offered an early bird discount OR a discount through the tri clubs. Most of our club didn't even know about the race until I told everyone I knew!
2010-06-18 5:33 AM
in reply to: #2929354

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Anne, I'm so glad that TREK replied.  At least they are a class act.  Are you doing Iron Goddess next weekend in Chelsea, MI?  I am signed up for the du but I am still on the fence.  I did not pay anything this year for the race.  This was the one that I tore my calf muscle at just before and was unable to do.  They comped my entry to this year.  Its got a great tech shirt, so I want to go for that.  My daughter's grad party is the day before so who knows what time I will get to bed. 

Iron Goddess is put on by EPIC races which is owned by 2 triathlete women.  They do an awesome job.  Eva is great about communication (Kenny could learn a few things).  There are only 4 spots left as of this morning if you think you might be interested. 

2010-06-18 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
WATER TEMP ALERT - Over the last few days the average water temp in the Potomac has been 79-82 degrees. Per USAT rules if the water temp is above 78 degrees on race morning then wetsuits are allowed BUT athletes wearing them are NOT eligible for age group awards. If you choose to wear a wetsuit anyway you will be placed in the wetsuit wave which will be the last wave of the Sprint athletes and the last wave of the Olympic athletes.

The swim is .8K which is about 875 yards. I am not a strong swimmer and on top of that I am slow. It takes me 35 minutes to swim 800 yards nonstop in the pool. I am anticipating it will take me longer in the Potomac River especially without a wetsuit. (It use to be 45 minutes but I got better with practice and hope to get that time down even more by my August triathlon).

Per race director:
The first sprint wave goes off at 5:30, the first Olympic wave at approximately 6:30, the race will be small, so the last wave should be in the water around 7:30

I am in swim wave 7 at 6am. Knowing how long it will take me, I don’t want to be at the back and the last one out of the water. Don’t care about being last but worried about being seen out there by myself and get the officials worried that they may want to pull me. That’s what happened on my first attempt at a sprint last year.

What do I do?
Do I move to the wetsuit wave? Or
Do I try my best in my wave and swim buoy to buoy stopping only when necessary?

2010-06-18 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I'd go without the wetsuit, unless you are concerned that you can't swim without drowning.  The wetsuit would simply be for security.  Its not going to buy you much time because whatever you gain in time, you lose in taking off the wetsuit.

My concern would be overheating in the wetsuit.  Depending on where the transition area is in relation to the swim, sometimes that is long way to be donning a wetsuit and by the time you get it off, you could be overcome by heat.

2010-06-18 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
That's really a tough call Lovey.  Are you afraid you might not be able to swim without the wetsuit?  Or is the wetsuit just an added security?  Is the swim in an area where you could stand up if you needed to?

If you know you can do the swim without the wetsuit and it's just an extra security thing, then I would do it without.  That way even if you are slower, you will not be at the very end and you can also draft off some other people etc.

Good luck. 

Anne, I'm so glad to hear that you were able to get a refund.  They haven't advertised it well around here either.  I only found out about it because I'm on the local Trek stores email list. 
2010-06-18 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
It’s just my luck that we went from cool days to super hot days.
I was worried about overheating. I have to admit, the wetsuit is a security blanket too.

I know I can swim without one in a pool but in open water, I am even slower. The MAIN reason I may go without is so that I am NOT at the end and hopefully I will finish with people still just starting.

They said the bike course was flat but the website says it’s a false flat. I am hoping I won’t be too slow but I can push thru on the bike. There are two big climbs on the 4.2 mile course that if I am really tired that’s where I will slow down but run the rest.

1. complete the swim
2. Complete the race.
3. have fun its my training triathlon for the even longer and hillier Iron Girl

1. Its my training triathlon for the even longer and hillier Iron Girl
2. If I make it thru the swim, ESPECIALLY WITHOUT a wetsuit, my anxiety over Iron Girl swim will definitely be gone.
3. After bombing at Iron Girl 2009, I really need to prove to myself that I can make it thru a sprint triathlon.
4. Maybe I will like triathlons as a whole as much as I like the individual disciplines.
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