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2010-12-31 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2774068

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Happy New Year all.  It's great to see people still checking in.

Paula, I hear you on the fees.  I'm limiting my tri spending this year to entry fees, but even that is a serious budget item.  I can't imagine if I were trying to go Ironman distance.

Danny - I'm with Anthony - how did you tear the bicep?  Sounds painful.

I'm really hitting running and biking hard right now, I've been very motivated so I'm riding the wave.  I'm doing Jorge's bike plan, which is intervals, and I'm running with frequency and lower intensity so I can keep up with the bike.  So far so good, and I hear you on the cold/snowy weather running Anthony.

2011-01-09 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3269406

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Answer - I was building a fairly decent size shed 12 x 16 and was maneuvering a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood. I had it in my left hand and over pronated (I heard some yummy 'pops' which accompanied excruciating pain).  Just carelessness me thinks! (and age)
2011-01-12 4:51 AM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Hey Guys,
   can we just keep this going or do we have to join another mentor group? 
The weather has put a little damper on my training- 61/2 inches of snow in NC will take a while to recover from.  The roads are clear but ice over at night making a 5 am training run a little dangerous!  Hope all is well with everyone!
2011-01-12 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3293937

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2011-01-12 5:51 AM Hey Guys,
   can we just keep this going or do we have to join another mentor group? 
The weather has put a little damper on my training- 61/2 inches of snow in NC will take a while to recover from.  The roads are clear but ice over at night making a 5 am training run a little dangerous!  Hope all is well with everyone!

We can keep this going, my first group from last winter is still pretty active.  I'll check in here and update from time to time.  It's hard to let go of everyone since we've hung out for so long and traveled some fun roads together.

Sounds nasty Danny.  Good luck, and we'll keep you in our prayer list.
2011-01-13 5:06 PM
in reply to: #3288581

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
DannyK - 2011-01-09 6:20 PM Answer - I was building a fairly decent size shed 12 x 16 and was maneuvering a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood. I had it in my left hand and over pronated (I heard some yummy 'pops' which accompanied excruciating pain).  Just carelessness me thinks! (and age)

OUCH! I think I will show this to my wife next time she wants me to do something around the house, and tell her I can't because I don't want to get hurt.
2011-01-20 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3298225

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Hey everyone, how's it going?  Winter has been pretty tough so far with the weather, but fortunately I like running in bad weather so my run training has been great. On the other hand, my swimming and biking has been nonexistent, so if anyone would like to give me a virtual kick in the backside over the internet, please feel free!

2011-01-20 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3312126

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
amschrod - 2011-01-20 6:10 PM Hey everyone, how's it going?  Winter has been pretty tough so far with the weather, but fortunately I like running in bad weather so my run training has been great. On the other hand, my swimming and biking has been nonexistent, so if anyone would like to give me a virtual kick in the backside over the internet, please feel free!

Hey Gang!,

Winter training has been going very well so far.  I have increased my swimming, I just got back on the bike (trainer) and my running has been good, just need to increase my distances. Great job on your running Anthony!

How is everyone else's training going?
2011-01-21 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3312126

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
amschrod - 2011-01-20 6:10 PM Hey everyone, how's it going?  Winter has been pretty tough so far with the weather, but fortunately I like running in bad weather so my run training has been great. On the other hand, my swimming and biking has been nonexistent, so if anyone would like to give me a virtual kick in the backside over the internet, please feel free!

Get your butt on the bike Anthony!  Running is for wimps.  Just kidding, your winter is looking awesome.

I had been doing real well running and biking, but the last few weeks have been a backslide from running at least.  My company was sold and it's been a VERY stressful time - and way too many dinners and lunches by the new company.  It's mostly over though, and even though they wanted me to stay on I've decided to pursue another job.  Hopefully next week I'm back to the normal plan.
2011-01-23 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL

Sounds like we have some motivated folks.  My Half Marathon is only 4 weeks away.  I am getting excited about it.  I have a few sprint tri's lined up too, gotta get on the bike a lot more and find some time to swim. 
Erica will be 1 tomorrow, cant believe its been a year already!  I gave myself a year to get to my pre pregnancy weight- didnt come close to that goal- still up 15-18 pounds  UGHHH.  Be thankful you are men LOL!
I went to a great class for work about running injuries this weekend.  The worst part was- I was a "patient" for my group's case study since I am a runner with a few issues.  Come to find out- I am so weak in my left quads that I shouldnt even be running!!  The instructor gave a me a little scare that I will be looking at a knee replacement too soon if I continue.  OF course I am not a good patient and will continue to run but will work the snot out of my quads too! One of the big things was core training too- Dont forget your core and low back muscles.  If anyone has any questions I would be happy to get a program put together for you.
Stay warm everyone!

2011-01-23 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Good Luck on your Half Mary Paula.  I have a problem with training in the cold weather...I need to move to a warmer area.

Warren are you in the pool yet?  Time to start swimming!
2011-01-24 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3316947

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Happy Birthday to baby girl Erica! Do you have any updated pics to share?

That's weird about your quads. That's why I stay away from medical professionals; they'll probably find something wrong with me that I have no idea about  For me, cycling really strengthens my quads with no stress on the knees.

Scott, I really like running in the cold weather, but I think having the right gear and not under dressing or over dressing is key. On the other hand, I really struggle with getting on the trainer. Managed a half hour the other morning, so that's at least a start!

2011-01-25 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
One year old, that's awesome!  When my wife was pregnant with our first, I gained 35 pounds (which was more than her, by the way!) and I didn't lose it until a few years ago when I got off the couch.  So it's not just a woman thing!

I agree Anthony, doctors usually scare me so I try to avoid them.

And I'm planning a pool trip tomorrow at lunch Anthony - assuming the snow holds off.  First time all winter!  Hope everyone is enjoying the deep freeze if you're up here on the northeast.
2011-02-08 6:12 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Hey everyone- Hope the winter training is going well.  I have had my ups and downs as usual but had a nice run this morning to remind me how getting out of bed at 4:15 can be a really good thing.  half mary is next saturday- ready to get it over with and beging focusing on tri training.  My first one is March 12, will be here before I know it!!  Gotta get more time in the saddle and the pool. Anyone know how to get more hours in the day?
What's new with everyone???
2011-02-09 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3345935

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2011-02-08 7:12 PM Hey everyone- Hope the winter training is going well.  I have had my ups and downs as usual but had a nice run this morning to remind me how getting out of bed at 4:15 can be a really good thing.  half mary is next saturday- ready to get it over with and beging focusing on tri training.  My first one is March 12, will be here before I know it!!  Gotta get more time in the saddle and the pool. Anyone know how to get more hours in the day?
What's new with everyone???

4:15! Yikes! I have a lot of trouble getting up early in the Winter probably because it's dark. I am looking forward to seeing how you do at your half mary. That March tri is a pool swim, but outdoor run and ride, right?

My running continues to go well, and I have managed to swim and get on the trainer a little. I tried some single leg drills on the trainer this morning, they were hard and my pedal stroke is not very smooth, so I will have to keep trying.

2011-02-09 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3345935

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2011-02-08 7:12 PM Hey everyone- Hope the winter training is going well.  I have had my ups and downs as usual but had a nice run this morning to remind me how getting out of bed at 4:15 can be a really good thing.  half mary is next saturday- ready to get it over with and beging focusing on tri training.  My first one is March 12, will be here before I know it!!  Gotta get more time in the saddle and the pool. Anyone know how to get more hours in the day?
What's new with everyone???

Hey Paula.  My winter is going ok, missing some running with all the snow and messy roads we've had.  I actually spent last weekend shoveling my roof!  You can't make this stuff up!

Good luck next weekend in the half.  I have a friend running in the marathon there I think.  It's the Myrtle Beach one you're doing, right?
2011-02-21 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Well, I survived another halfmarathon.  It was a great day for a race, not too hot, not too cold.  It got a little windy but no big deal.  The full marathoners might say otherwise though.  I kept my goal pace for the first 7 miles then started to run out of gas a bit.  By 10 I was slow and cramping in my calf.  My last three miles were run/walking and progressively slower.  I didnt have any pain which is good, just no energy to run faster.  I was a little bummed that I missed the Marathon finish (wasnt long after I got done)  For the first time a woman won the whole thing!  2:40:11 and qualified for the olympic trials.  Its only her 3rd full too, think what she could have done if she didnt work a day job.
  Tri training is in full gear now.  Only 3 weeks until the first one!  I found a decent program, just gotta find more time in the week!
Hope all is going well for you guys!

2011-02-21 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Awesome job Paula!  Now your tri should be a a walk in the park compared to this.  Where is your tri? A friend of mine has his at White Lake in a couple of weeks. He is doing the 1/2IM
2011-02-22 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3366007

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Great job Paula! How's the swimming and biking going in preparation for your tri? Any chance of logging some workouts so we can see what your up to I know I'm a pest, but I like checking everybody's log.

2011-02-22 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
I forget to log my work outs these days!  Thanks for the reminder!
I am doing 2 tris before white lake=  I am doing the sprint on the first weekend.
swimming kicked my butt this morning- and I didnt even have time to finish it all before I had to get to work.  Gonna be a long 3 weeks!
2011-03-05 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Did my first brick in a long time. Head wind sucked. Legs felt really heavy and slow. Gonna have to do a couple more before sat!!!
2011-03-10 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Just had a big scare. Charged garmin after it died during my run last night. I went to unplug it and it was dead, wouldn't turn on , computer wouldn't recognize it etc.., I managed to reboot it and it's charging. I nearly hyperventilated at the thought of not having it for my race on sat was totally out of the question!

2011-03-11 9:59 PM
in reply to: #3392918

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Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL
Good luck and have fun, Paula! You're gonna rock!
2011-03-13 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2774068

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: amschrod's mentor group - FULL

Had a great race yesterday.  Weather was perfect, sunny and warm but not hot,minimal wind on the bike/run and minimal gross things floating in the pool!  (After 2 1/2 hours of people swimming, you never know what lurks in the water!)

I was nervous about the swim but it went great.  I was smooth and comfortable, thought I missed a lap or something because the middle part went so fast, before I knew it, I was done.  I even passed a guy!  I dont think my time was great but I felt good so that's all that matters.  The tranisition is tough, 2 flights of steps to run down and about 150 yards to run on a sidewalk in bare feet.  My T1 wasnt stellar- had a hard time getting my socks on.  The bike was OK.  I find I ride faster on a nice, freshly paved road with traffic closed off than on the side streets.  I started off slow as usual but not as bad as i expected.  I was able to pick up a little speed towards the end.  T2 went well, Yanks are the best for being able to put your shoes on quickly.  I was pleasantly suprised by the run.  Of course my legs felt heavy but I was able to maintain a nice pace and even pick it up the last mile.  I think it was the fastest 5K I have done since '09 so I am not complaining.  I was even able to hold of a guy at the end, he was on my tail the whole race.  All in all I had a great day, felt so good to be back into the Tri world and not feel like i was going to puke at any point.  Hmmm maybe I wasnt going fast enough then!!  I will find out in 3 weeks, that's the next one.   Cant wait!  I posted my report if anyone is interested.

Thanks for the support!'



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