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2012-01-25 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Extreme Veteran
Urbana, MD
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Wednesday weight in - down to from 13 to 11.

Got a small bike workout in today (not sure whether I said that already!). Not much as I was tired from yesterday's hill repeats and in the spirit of everyone else, I was also feeling a little funky this morning. A little rest and I'm all better now though!

Dirk - I hope you're still doing okay through all your struggles. It sounds like you deserve some peace and quiet!

Everyone else - I hope those of you feeling sick are gradually getting better!


2012-01-25 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Wed weigh in - well......I'm weight loss this week. (I made a nice pot roast tonight)

Dirk - will prat for your wife. Nothing worse than leaving due to work - and crises at home.

2012-01-25 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Wed weigh in - well......I'm weight loss this week. (I made a nice pot roast tonight)

Dirk - will prat for your wife. Nothing worse than leaving due to work - and crises at home.

2012-01-25 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4011296

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
Seems like everyone is feeling blue or having a rough week! I don't want to rub it in, but today was a good day for me! Started by waking up to a lot of soreness in my legs, for once I had the resistance on the trainer high enough to cause some pain! By 9am all that was gone! At 12pm got a 900yd swim in, still not successful but at least I'm not on the bottom! Trying to relax and keep my mid-section from dropping! My feet are definitely well below the surface! The afternoon was spent dealing with a customer audit! Basically the customer comes in and confirms you are doing everything you say you are doing! After work I hit the dreadmill and got a solid 6.85 miles in. Felt relaxed and was able to control my HR fairly well. Most of the run was at an easy 11m pace, except for the 1st 200m of each mile. On these I increased the speed to a 8:20 pace! To top it all off at the end of the day my son said he wanted to get his hair cut short again! He currently has some Justin Beiber thing going on that I have been trying to get cut since November! I guess I was able to wait him out I hope everyone's Thursday is a good one!

Edited by mambos 2012-01-25 9:31 PM
2012-01-26 4:50 AM
in reply to: #4011403

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

I'm glad to see Stan and Curtis back.  Hopefully you guys will be back into the rhythm soon and the training break will allow your body to respond from the break with fire.

I'll weigh in at the line barn sometime today but I think I'm going to be even once it's done. 

Matt, I think you should trade hair-do's with your son then you can have the Bieber-fever too.  Me?  I haven't got the hairline for that.  I keep getting a little more forehead all the time.

2012-01-26 5:18 AM
in reply to: #4011570

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
DirkP - 2012-01-26 5:50 AM

I'm glad to see Stan and Curtis back.  Hopefully you guys will be back into the rhythm soon and the training break will allow your body to respond from the break with fire.

I'll weigh in at the line barn sometime today but I think I'm going to be even once it's done. 

Matt, I think you should trade hair-do's with your son then you can have the Bieber-fever too.  Me?  I haven't got the hairline for that.  I keep getting a little more forehead all the time.

. too. On another note, someone must have switched the decaf with the regular yesterday because I could NOT fall asleep to save my life. Going to be an interesting morning! Have a great day all!!

2012-01-26 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3945020

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
Dirk sorry to hear about your wife. Sounds like several of us have the cold that's going around after almost a week I am still not 100%.
Question on HR training, in the past I have not used this method I would just go out there and do what needed to be done, my times are never great and I don't seem to increase my speed either. I have a new gps trainer so am hoping this will help me with my speed and endurance once I learn how it works lol...Yesterday I did 4 miles and my HR was very high, maybe cuz I am still sick? So I ended up run/walking. My question after all that is... Do I walk to keep my heart rate down instead of running cuz this is very discouraging and which method do you all use to find your target HR
2012-01-26 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3945020

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

So I'm really not good at this resting thing. I can't walk the dog this morning because it is raining here. Do you think the elliptical at the gym in low impact enough? I teach toddler gym today so I'll be at the Y anyway.  I really hate not doing anything at all.....

I can walk on the treadmill at home I guess but if you think running on the treadmill is boring walking is a nightmare!

Have a great day everyone!


2012-01-26 6:45 AM
in reply to: #4010034

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
JeffY - 2012-01-25 9:34 AM

To pick up Jonathan's theme of pushing harder on the bike....

There is one thing that matters...speed.  A perfect predictor of speed is power output which can be measured by a power meter.  (aerodynamics aside for now).

Some people are fast with high cadence, lower force and others are fast with lower cadence, higher force.  Both approaches can generate the same power, and if so, result in the same speed.

What you want to consider beyond speed is how each approach may affect your run.  I have a theory that if you are someone that comes from a running or swimming background that you have a strong cardio system, but weak legs, and therefore might benefit from higher cadence cycling.  The thought is that this taxes the cardio system more than it taxes the leg muscles.

Someone with a leg strength background (cyclist, speed skater, weight lifter) might benefit from decreasing the cardio demands and increasing the muscular demands by turning a lower cadence. 

But the thing is that this is only a theory based on assumptions.  All muscular activity is cardiovascular in that the muscle's work creates oxygen demands.  It's not necessarily true that pushing harder but slower reduces oxygen needs.  You will have to experiment.

I 'feel' right at 95 rpms on the bike personally.  However you ride fastest, that's how you should race and train most of the time.

But along Jonathan's line of thought, I do think that there is a great value in a mashing workout.  If I do a mashing workout in the morning, that 1.5 hours of mashing can leave my thighs so spent that for the rest of the day I'm worried about walking down stairs, not sure if my legs will hold me.  I'm talking about a higher resistance and about 80rpms.  After 1.5 hours of this I feel like I do after a 60 mile bike ride.  I suppose it's the equivalent of riding up a very slight incline the whole time.

That's the kind of muscular fatigue that will help to force the muscles to adapt by increasing mitochondrial density.  I can't claim to know this for a fact, but feel it just HAS to be good.  Again, that would just be a training tool, not the way I recommend you really ride most of the time.

And Jonathan's comment, in context, may have been simply to address the possibility that someone could get on a trainer and remove almost all resistance, then pedal at 120rpm.  In this case I really think you can get a high HR just due to the internal inefficiencies of pedalling faster than your muscles can contract and relax.  In this case the oxygen demands are created by the muscles mostly fighting each other and not really pushing the pedals in a meaningful way.  


I'm reading this again,  don't mean to go back to yesterdays discussion. This jumped out at me today though and makes me wonder if when I tried to up my resistance I went too hard and that is why my knees would hurt. I would guess I was well below 80 RPMs.

Interesting discussion. I need to get my bike computer back up and running so I can see some numbers!

I have wondered about body type also. My training friend is short and stocky. She pops out of her seat and powers up hills like nobody's business. I am better at sprinting on the flats. Don't get me wrong, she could wipe the floor with me any day of the week! 

2012-01-26 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4011637

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
trigal38 - 2012-01-26 7:31 AM

So I'm really not good at this resting thing. I can't walk the dog this morning because it is raining here. Do you think the elliptical at the gym in low impact enough? I teach toddler gym today so I'll be at the Y anyway.  I really hate not doing anything at all.....

I can walk on the treadmill at home I guess but if you think running on the treadmill is boring walking is a nightmare!

Have a great day everyone!


is today your rest day?
2012-01-26 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4011617

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
Jo63 - 2012-01-26 7:12 AMDirk sorry to hear about your wife. Sounds like several of us have the cold that's going around after almost a week I am still not 100%. Question on HR training, in the past I have not used this method I would just go out there and do what needed to be done, my times are never great and I don't seem to increase my speed either. I have a new gps trainer so am hoping this will help me with my speed and endurance once I learn how it works lol...Yesterday I did 4 miles and my HR was very high, maybe cuz I am still sick? So I ended up run/walking. My question after all that is... Do I walk to keep my heart rate down instead of running cuz this is very discouraging and which method do you all use to find your target HR
. I am an addict to the HR. monitor, if I forget it or the battery goes dead my OCD kicks in! I try to keep all my runs under 150, at least 90% of them! I have found that if I stay below 150 there is no lasting affect and I can do it all over again the next day! I think that's the biggest key, be able to repeat the workout again to build endurance. Goes back the whole slow and easy discussion! As for the max HR I use numbers from a 5k race that I know I gave everything I had!

2012-01-26 10:19 AM
in reply to: #4011654

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
trigal38 - 2012-01-26 6:45 AM

I'm reading this again,  don't mean to go back to yesterdays discussion. This jumped out at me today though and makes me wonder if when I tried to up my resistance I went too hard and that is why my knees would hurt. I would guess I was well below 80 RPMs.

Interesting discussion. I need to get my bike computer back up and running so I can see some numbers!

I have wondered about body type also. My training friend is short and stocky. She pops out of her seat and powers up hills like nobody's business. I am better at sprinting on the flats. Don't get me wrong, she could wipe the floor with me any day of the week! 

I can't be sure about anything over the internet but I will toss out some speculation.  First off, you have no reason to ever turn less than 80 rpms if you can help it.  Under 80 rpms and you'd be out of the saddle out on the road.  Or you'd shift.  So only on big hills when you have run out of gearing. 

I won't say you have no business training this way, but if you do it should only be for 15-30 second blasts with intervals of light spinning in between and you consider it a 'strength' session.  As in pure leg muscle strength.

Now that would certainly be hard on the knees DEPENDING on your angle of attack on the pedals.  I don't exactly know how to tell you to do this, but you can pedal the bike using mostly quads and very little glutes, or you can use mostly glutes and very little quads.  The difference can be determined by you consciously if you have great body awareness.  One trick that often helps most people is to be told to drop their heels lower than their toes.  Voila! no more knee strain.

I will often show this to people using squats in the weight room.  We cyclists with strong quads, weak glutes tend to do squats with the weight on our toes (ball of the feet).  This puts a lot of load on the lower quads and therefore strain on the quad tendon just above the kneecap.  I will have them do some squats while watching, then I have them do them again with my fingers under the toes of their shoes.  I tell them to do it again without crushing my fingers.  All the weight goes back to the heels and now the load is being lifted primarily with glutes.  I tell them to pedal their bikes like that.

Your hip and torso angle play a part in this too on the bike as well as your cleat position and other small things like pelvis tilt and ankle seeing a fitter can be helpful...Or posting us some pictures here of you riding your bike on a trainer.


2012-01-26 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3945020

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
Quick note to say I'm still alive, although life and taxes have gotten in the way of training. Hoping to be able to catch up reading the last 10 pages of posts by tonight and join in again. A quick perusal shows some good discussions. WELCOME JoAnne! I'd thought we'd lost you but glad to see you're in.

Weight loss was so negligable, I'm keeping it at 4.

Happy Thursday everyone!

2012-01-26 10:27 AM
in reply to: #4011617

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Jo63 - 2012-01-26 6:12 AM Dirk sorry to hear about your wife. Sounds like several of us have the cold that's going around after almost a week I am still not 100%. Question on HR training, in the past I have not used this method I would just go out there and do what needed to be done, my times are never great and I don't seem to increase my speed either. I have a new gps trainer so am hoping this will help me with my speed and endurance once I learn how it works lol...Yesterday I did 4 miles and my HR was very high, maybe cuz I am still sick? So I ended up run/walking. My question after all that is... Do I walk to keep my heart rate down instead of running cuz this is very discouraging and which method do you all use to find your target HR

Well, heart rate zones vary for each person so any numbers we've been throwing out here are either hypotheticals or our own specific numbers.  It's possible that your number is higher.  The zones can be determined either by knowing your maximum heart rate or your heart rate at lactate threshold.  A 5k running race is a great way to get this information.  If you race a 5k and pace it well enough and put your best effort in to it, you should find both your LT and Max heart rates.  The average HR over the entire race is a good approximation of your LT heartrate and the maximum HR you see (usually after a hard sprint to the finish, then 5-10 seconds after you stop) is a decent approximation of your maximum HR.

From there, certain % ranges will be your various training zones.

You can also use perceived exertion rather than heart rate.  That's up to you.

One good test is to go for a run with your HR monitor recording data, but don't look at it.  Keep it in your pocket.  Run easy enough that you feel good and your mind wanders to all sorts of topics other than how you feel.  If you are going too hard your mind will constantly be brought back to how you feel.  I would say that you can carry a conversation while running like this, but that's not universal...depends on lung capacity relative to cardiac output I think.  If you run easy like this, then the average HR that you recorded is the HR you will want to use for the bulk of your miles.

Now, to your question....when your HR was getting too high and you walked...did you welcome the walk?  Were you getting uncomfortable?  If the answer is yes, then you were either right to walk, or should have run slower.  If the answer is "no", you felt great...then you are probably going to want to revise your heartrate target.


2012-01-26 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3945020

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

For 2012 I'm trying to get my house completely in order bike-wise.  I'm going to tune up my position on the bike and get the last possible bit of speed out of my equipment.  Short of a $10k super bike, the only thing to do was get the best wheels I can.



Zipp.JPG (88KB - 10 downloads)
2012-01-26 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4012152

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
JeffY - 2012-01-26 11:30 AM

For 2012 I'm trying to get my house completely in order bike-wise.  I'm going to tune up my position on the bike and get the last possible bit of speed out of my equipment.  Short of a $10k super bike, the only thing to do was get the best wheels I can.


Ummm?  Jeff..............................................


.....................You SUCK!!!Yell

Your wheels cost more than my bike.  One of these days I hope to own a pair of Zipps but for now I'd simply settle for a Tri bike.

2012-01-26 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4012116

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
JeffY - 2012-01-26 11:19 AM
trigal38 - 2012-01-26 6:45 AM

I'm reading this again,  don't mean to go back to yesterdays discussion. This jumped out at me today though and makes me wonder if when I tried to up my resistance I went too hard and that is why my knees would hurt. I would guess I was well below 80 RPMs.

Interesting discussion. I need to get my bike computer back up and running so I can see some numbers!

I have wondered about body type also. My training friend is short and stocky. She pops out of her seat and powers up hills like nobody's business. I am better at sprinting on the flats. Don't get me wrong, she could wipe the floor with me any day of the week! 

I can't be sure about anything over the internet but I will toss out some speculation.  First off, you have no reason to ever turn less than 80 rpms if you can help it.  Under 80 rpms and you'd be out of the saddle out on the road.  Or you'd shift.  So only on big hills when you have run out of gearing. 

I won't say you have no business training this way, but if you do it should only be for 15-30 second blasts with intervals of light spinning in between and you consider it a 'strength' session.  As in pure leg muscle strength.

Now that would certainly be hard on the knees DEPENDING on your angle of attack on the pedals.  I don't exactly know how to tell you to do this, but you can pedal the bike using mostly quads and very little glutes, or you can use mostly glutes and very little quads.  The difference can be determined by you consciously if you have great body awareness.  One trick that often helps most people is to be told to drop their heels lower than their toes.  Voila! no more knee strain.

I will often show this to people using squats in the weight room.  We cyclists with strong quads, weak glutes tend to do squats with the weight on our toes (ball of the feet).  This puts a lot of load on the lower quads and therefore strain on the quad tendon just above the kneecap.  I will have them do some squats while watching, then I have them do them again with my fingers under the toes of their shoes.  I tell them to do it again without crushing my fingers.  All the weight goes back to the heels and now the load is being lifted primarily with glutes.  I tell them to pedal their bikes like that.

Your hip and torso angle play a part in this too on the bike as well as your cleat position and other small things like pelvis tilt and ankle seeing a fitter can be helpful...Or posting us some pictures here of you riding your bike on a trainer.


I agree.  80RPM's is a pretty slow cadence and makes me think of someone at is not really training but rather riding a bike for pleasure around a park or something.  When I got into the training regimen of triathlon the first season I had a fairly low cadence and used a lot of muscle power.  This worked alright for a while but only because my rides were only 10 miles or less but after each ride my legs would be fairly fatigued.  Once I studied up and learned a little more I began to change my cadence to a higher spin and was able to ride a much longer time and expend less energy.  The key is trying to find a sweet spot between your strength and cardio fitness.  There is a balance where your legs are trashed and you can't seem to get your breath.  Find each "zone" and then  begin to dial things into the sweet spot.

(Also a cadence that has you bouncing around on the seat is way too fast.  Pedal strokes should be smooth.)

And Jeff, I totally get the squats on the balls of your feet thing.  As a power lifter I used the balls of my feet to begin driving heavy loads up from the floor on dead lifts and from the low position when squating.  BTW, I used to have a love/hate relationship with squats.  They are soooooo good for you but they hurt so bad when doing them correctly to build strength and muscle.

2012-01-26 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4012140

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
JeffY - 2012-01-26 11:27 AM

Jo63 - 2012-01-26 6:12 AM Dirk sorry to hear about your wife. Sounds like several of us have the cold that's going around after almost a week I am still not 100%. Question on HR training, in the past I have not used this method I would just go out there and do what needed to be done, my times are never great and I don't seem to increase my speed either. I have a new gps trainer so am hoping this will help me with my speed and endurance once I learn how it works lol...Yesterday I did 4 miles and my HR was very high, maybe cuz I am still sick? So I ended up run/walking. My question after all that is... Do I walk to keep my heart rate down instead of running cuz this is very discouraging and which method do you all use to find your target HR

Well, heart rate zones vary for each person so any numbers we've been throwing out here are either hypotheticals or our own specific numbers.  It's possible that your number is higher.  The zones can be determined either by knowing your maximum heart rate or your heart rate at lactate threshold.  A 5k running race is a great way to get this information.  If you race a 5k and pace it well enough and put your best effort in to it, you should find both your LT and Max heart rates.  The average HR over the entire race is a good approximation of your LT heartrate and the maximum HR you see (usually after a hard sprint to the finish, then 5-10 seconds after you stop) is a decent approximation of your maximum HR.

From there, certain % ranges will be your various training zones.

You can also use perceived exertion rather than heart rate.  That's up to you.

One good test is to go for a run with your HR monitor recording data, but don't look at it.  Keep it in your pocket.  Run easy enough that you feel good and your mind wanders to all sorts of topics other than how you feel.  If you are going too hard your mind will constantly be brought back to how you feel.  I would say that you can carry a conversation while running like this, but that's not universal...depends on lung capacity relative to cardiac output I think.  If you run easy like this, then the average HR that you recorded is the HR you will want to use for the bulk of your miles.

Now, to your question....when your HR was getting too high and you walked...did you welcome the walk?  Were you getting uncomfortable?  If the answer is yes, then you were either right to walk, or should have run slower.  If the answer is "no", you felt great...then you are probably going to want to revise your heartrate target.


I agree (yet again) with Jeff but make sure if you do the HR testing using a 5k that you run the race in such a way that you feel totally blown up at the end.  The proper way to complete this test is to know for certain that you ran as fast as possible over the whole race.  This is not a sprint for 3.11 miles but it is a sufferfest.  (I run my 5k races at a hard enough pace to wish I was done with about 2.5 miles remaining in the race.  I call this distance race a "pain management" race, Meaning, how bad can I make myself hurt, from a fitness perspective, for as long as possible.

With the discussion about HR and MHR and proper testing on the run we probably ought to also begin discussing the the proper way to test HR on the bike.  I don't have time right now to do it and I can start that tonight if someone else doesn't have time to pick it up right now.

2012-01-26 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4012315

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
DirkP - 2012-01-26 11:28 AM

Ummm?  Jeff..............................................


.....................You SUCK!!!Yell

Your wheels cost more than my bike.  One of these days I hope to own a pair of Zipps but for now I'd simply settle for a Tri bike.

Thanks.  I take those words as a compliment. 

I wanted to give you a tri bike, but it just wasn't a fit.  Sorry about that.


2012-01-26 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
Jeff, I have that front wheel. It's pretty awesome. I have zero stopping problems with it too. You'll love it!Also, if anyone would fit into a men's large wetsuit from xterra, let me know. I need to sell an xterra vector pro. Used only a handful of times. $200
2012-01-26 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4012315

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
DirkP - 2012-01-26 12:28 PM
JeffY - 2012-01-26 11:30 AM

For 2012 I'm trying to get my house completely in order bike-wise.  I'm going to tune up my position on the bike and get the last possible bit of speed out of my equipment.  Short of a $10k super bike, the only thing to do was get the best wheels I can.


Ummm?  Jeff..............................................


.....................You SUCK!!!Yell

Your wheels cost more than my bike.  One of these days I hope to own a pair of Zipps but for now I'd simply settle for a Tri bike.

you need to start a fund raiser!!

2012-01-26 1:08 PM
in reply to: #4011741

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
jgerbodegrant - 2012-01-26 7:43 AM
trigal38 - 2012-01-26 7:31 AM

So I'm really not good at this resting thing. I can't walk the dog this morning because it is raining here. Do you think the elliptical at the gym in low impact enough? I teach toddler gym today so I'll be at the Y anyway.  I really hate not doing anything at all.....

I can walk on the treadmill at home I guess but if you think running on the treadmill is boring walking is a nightmare!

Have a great day everyone!


is today your rest day?

Whoops! Forgot I posted that. Sometimes I get interrupted around here .

No, just resting from s/b this week until I get more input from my PT tomorrow. Already home from the Y and used the extra time around the house to put some dinner in the crock pot. My family will be shocked that I cooked something! I'll just walk on the treadmill for a while.

2012-01-26 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Extreme Veteran
Urbana, MD
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
Since we're on the subject of HR, I had a question.

I tried to push myself up a hill today to get a better estimate of my HR. The 220 - age formula meant I was barely running to stay in my zone, so I found a nice hill and on my run today I blasted up the hill for about a minute and managed to peak my HR at around 190. I slowed a little and then blasted again up the last part, which is short, but very steep. At the top of the hill I was tired as crap and hit 208 bpm.

220-age for me is 192 bpm, tested at the end of the first hill was 190, so using those numbers and a resting HR of 74 I get this:

50% - 133bpm
60% - 145bpm
70% - 157bpm
80% - 168bpm
90% - 180bpm
100 - 192bpm

Now, staying below 157 means I'm running so slowly it's hard to maintain form. We're talking 11:30/mile. If I run at a comfortable slow pace I hover around 160-165.

If I use 208 as the max I get this:

50% - 141bpm
60% - 154bpm
70% - 168bpm
80% - 181bpm
90% - 195bpm
100 - 208bpm

Those SEEM more reasonable - Low 160s I'm very comfortable, not working hard, 170s I'm pushing and above 180 I'm REALLY working. Since I've had the HR monitor I haven't done too much work like that, but doing the hill repeats on the bike I was solidly around 170 and peaked over 180 right before I got to the top of the hill.

The question is - is 208 a ludicrously high value for my MHR? I didn't feel any ill-effects from it, although my HR monitor has spiked (earlier in the run it spiked at 220, I tightened it and had no more problems)

Should I re-do te test with Fresh legs? I could use the 5K method on Sunday, although it wouldn't be in a race... Any thoughts?
2012-01-26 2:08 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
John, although this isn't a good answer, I would say that if you ran hard up a hill for a minute and got 190, I would wager that your max HR is actually higher. If its any consolation, my fiancé runs with me at about 165 BPM and has zero issue talking to me and is completely comfortable. I on the other hand run at or below 150 with the same effort. I have done a max HR and LT test for running. It was awful...very hard. My max HR was 192 after running uphill for over ten minutes increasing grade every 30 seconds. What is your resting HR? Taken right when you wake up in the morning.

Edited by jgerbodegrant 2012-01-26 2:14 PM
2012-01-26 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4012757

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Extreme Veteran
Urbana, MD
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

jgerbodegrant - 2012-01-26 3:08 PM John, although this isn't a good answer, I would say that if you ran hard up a hill for a minute and got 190, I would wager that your max HR is actually higher. If its any consolation, my fiancé runs with me at about 165 BPM and has zero issue talking to me and is completely comfortable. I on the other hand run at or below 150 with the same effort. I have done a max HR and LT test for running. It was awful...very hard. My max HR was 192 after running uphill for over ten minutes increasing grade every 30 seconds. What is your resting HR? Taken right when you wake up in the morning.

My resting HR when I wake up is consistently 63 or 64. I've been told in the past I have a relatively high HR, so it wouldn't surprise me if I was on the high side of the targets. I just want to make sure it's the numbers dictating the training and I'm not twisting the numbers to do what I want!

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