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2013-04-10 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Wow! I had a lot of reading to do!!

Jax and Joe - I hope you're resting for your big weekend. Joe - I'll post separately about my HIM trianing plan, maybe after this weekend so you can just focus on that for nowWink

Chrispy - I'm so sorry about your race. I know how it feels. I had a race last year that was the same for me. It was frustrating and discouraging, and it took a lot of pep talks to get me to realize that I was still in good shape, and my training was solid. I'm not sure what it was for you, but in hindsight, for me, I think it was a combination of the heat and overtraining/lack of a taper. It just happens...we all have bad days, and it just sucks when it happens to be race day. Hang in there, and it will get better!

Yvonne - Awesome job on your race. You've had a great year so far...keep it up!

Melody - I'm so sorry to hear about your son's friend, as well as your ankle. How have you been feeling? What did the doctor say?

As for me, baby-making wasn't as much fun as it sounded like it would be. After 4 pounds of fat, a significant loss of muscle, and a ginormous decrease in cardio-respiratory function.....I'm baaaaaack!! I have two great kids, I'm content with my life, and if it happens. Y'all will be the first to know. Well, maybe not the first, but I'll be sure to let you know! Stats will be coming soon!!

2013-04-10 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4676690

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

April Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Dave               0           124.00          21.00          10:57:18   Whaaat?!!!!

Jax               1300          48.08          18.81           06:37:07

Mike                0               0              39.30          06:34:18 

Yvonne         3625          32.81           8.90           05:26:06 

Joe               3350          38.00           9.00           04:51:44  

TJ                3519           37.52           6.58           04:22:44  

Melody         1400           23.24           4.35           04:12:05 

Sarah              0               0              16.12          02:53:07 My comeback starts today!!  

Chrispy         820           12.43            5.69          02:26:23


Upcoming races:

4/13 - MS Mega Swim - Chrispy

4/14 - Carmel Sprint - Jax

4/14 - HITS - Napa Valley Olympic - Joe

4/20 - Muddy Buddy - Yvonne

4/20 - Grizzly HM - TJ

2013-04-10 3:44 PM
in reply to: #4694602

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-04-10 9:52 AM

Melody - I'm so sorry to hear about your son's friend, as well as your ankle. How have you been feeling? What did the doctor say?


Thanks. The funeral was yesterday. Very sad and extremely hard on the students. 

My ankle!!! Frown I went to the Dr.- which is good for me because I am NOT one who goes to an MD unless absolutely necessary. Anyway- He said it was not DVT or my kidneys or my heart. He could  not say what it was so he gave me an anti-inflammatory which has WAY to many side effects for me- and really will not necessarily solve the problem - I'm not having any pain.

I want to know what is causing this - not just make the symptom go away.

It was fine this weekend when I ran and biked and basically did not sit much at all but it started swelling again on Monday after a few hours at my desk even though I purposely got up and walked at least once an hour. Tuesday I only worked until 11am because of the funeral. It was graveside due to the number of people. It was about 2 hours of standing in 80+ degree full sun and by the end I had pregnant lady Cankles Cry.

How embarrassing. Yes I am training for a triathlon. No I can't handle standing for 2 hours on a beautiful day. 

So.... I am up 10 lbs- first I am going to get very serious about getting that off by eating very clean. I am going to detox a little just eating fruits and veggies for a few days. Its not general water retention because my rings are loose. I am making sure I am drinking enough water - I really only drink water all day except my 2 cups coffee in the morning. 

I have an appointment with a podiatrist for some custom orthotics next week I may see if he notices anything. Also, I have a great chiropractor who does more that just pop your neck so if all else fails I will go see him next week too. 

Mainly I don't want this to mess with my training!! I did not bike/run again this Tuesday because I am not sure what is causing it and I did not want to  injure anything. 



Sarah73 - 2013-04-10 9:52 AM

As for me, baby-making wasn't as much fun as it sounded like it would be.

Say What?!? Surprised 

2013-04-10 4:12 PM
in reply to: #4695047

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-04-11 6:35 AM

Sarah              0               0              16.12          02:53:07 My comeback starts today!!  

Welcome back Sarah! I really think the decision to go for another baby is a tough one. So much upside but so much sacrifice as well. Enjoy getting back into the training in the meantime. Looking at the early April numbers it looks like the training pace is picking up!

My comeback is starting too, on Sunday once my swim is done. I have FINALLY settled on a plan for the next 26 weeks. I know I will miss sessions here and there, but I'm happy with the plan and I'm going to try and stick to it as much as I can.

Also, I went to the doc and asked about why I suffer from nausea when ever I exercise in the morning. The goods news is that it's not a medical issue of any sort, the bad news is that it's just the way my body deals with food. Meaning there is no easy fix. I have one or two things to try and I will be getting stuck into these next week. My training plan will only work if I can traing in the mornings, so I'm really hoping I can nail this one.

Keep pedalling and pounding everyone...

2013-04-10 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Welcome back Sarah! I was thinking Melody's comment about the baby making not being that much :-).
2013-04-10 11:34 PM
in reply to: #4695047

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-04-10 11:35 AM

April Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Dave               0           124.00          21.00          10:57:18   Whaaat?!!!!

Jax               1300          48.08          18.81           06:37:07

Mike                0               0              39.30          06:34:18 

Yvonne         3625          32.81           8.90           05:26:06 

Joe               3350          38.00           9.00           04:51:44  

TJ                3519           37.52           6.58           04:22:44  

Melody         1400           23.24           4.35           04:12:05 

Sarah              0               0              16.12          02:53:07 My comeback starts today!!  

Chrispy         820           12.43            5.69          02:26:23


Man I'm falling behind early again.  Not liking my chances of catching up if Dave is going to crush it like that every week, holy smokes.

Sarah were you going to post the end-of-March totals?  I'm curious to see where it ended up, it was coming down to the wire there.

2013-04-11 6:23 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Yeah, so I'm pretty sure baby making is more fun when your not trying to make a baby!! Anyway, TMI, I know!!

Joe - I'll do the March totals today. I forgot I didn't do those.

2013-04-11 6:37 AM
in reply to: #4695870

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-04-11 6:23 AM

Yeah, so I'm pretty sure baby making is more fun when your not trying to make a baby!! Anyway, TMI, I know!!

Joe - I'll do the March totals today. I forgot I didn't do those.

Ohhhh- I did not know you were trying - awesome good luck!! 

2013-04-11 11:40 AM
in reply to: #4648329

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Congratulations to March's winner Mighty Joe!!!

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Joe              15250       129.42          62.73         23:27:07   Nice comeback!!

Jax               8150         154.29          61.56         23:06:56   Soooo close! Nice job Jax!

TJ                 5031         192.54          29.83        16:59:10   TJ, Yvonne, and Dave...close race! 

Yvonne          2225          59.72          55.20        16:55:00

Dave               0            196.00         30.00        16:41:05

Mike                0               0               66.80       12:23:21   

Melody            0             37.20           32.19        09:47:43

Sarah              0             32.00          19.17         04:58:43   

Chrispy         1640            0                9.63          02:26:00 

Charlie            0             14.67            6.20         02:06:11  

Tom                0               8.16             0            00:30:00 


2013-04-11 11:44 AM
in reply to: #4648368

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Hashers and Mashers Totals:


March Totals:

   Swim                     Bike                   Run                       Total

32,296 yards           824.00 miles     373.31 miles         129hrs 21min 16sec

February Totals:

    Swim                    Bike                   Run                        Total                                                    

41,266 yards        1,149.90 miles     330.71 miles         146hrs  51min  33sec

Edited by Sarah73 2013-04-11 11:44 AM
2013-04-11 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sorry for being silent for so long. The wife was out of town for a week. My training and my schedule completely fell apart. Good news is that I was able to keep all three boys alive and the house didn't burn down. I did however manage to partially flood the basement. (That's what I get for doing laundry. Smile)  

So my first race is the 9 days out. It's listed on our race list as a HM, but it is a sprint. I am excited to see how I do after shedding some lbs over the winter. The problem is that with the "off" week I had and the slow start back this week I feel like I am tapered and ready to go now. I was planning a doing a brick on Saturday then just shorter distances through next week. Sot sure how much to do to maintain without wearing out. I had a plan, but now i'm punting.... This will be my 3rd sprint, but my first alongside some serious talent. I honestly think I may DLF. I'm just fine with that, but the pressure seems so much higher. It's gonna be fun regardless!   

Also I have a couple of questions about a commitment I made. I work in the office of a trucking company. Overall truckers live a very unhealthy lifestyle. The road is a difficult place to develop good habits. As a company we have done a so-so job of promoting health. We have a full gym in the basement of our terminal. (weights, treadys, bikes, ellipticals) A handful of us use it, but our drivers are rarely ever here. So, I have been thinking of how to get our drivers active while out on the road. My journey started with a 5K and I have put out the challenge for everyone to commit to completing a 5K by June 1st. Run, walk, whatever, just complete it. First question is do you think a month is too short for training for an "off the couch" crowd? Again, it's not gonna be a race per se, but I don't want people to get hurt and or discouraged.  Secondly, I decided to sweeten the pot and I said that I would run a 5K in May for every person who makes the commitment, up to 31, or one every day in May. So for you runners, it it a bad idea to run 3 miles a day for 31 days straight? Here's lookin a you Mike. Yikes! I've ran up to 20+ miles a week when training, but I always had rest days mixed in. Not sure there was much wisdom involved in this commitment.

Thanks, and happy training and racing this spring! Ya'll are an inspiration. Keep it up!


2013-04-11 1:06 PM
in reply to: #4696511

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Lesandtj - 2013-04-11 12:44 PM Sorry for being silent for so long. The wife was out of town for a week. My training and my schedule completely fell apart. Good news is that I was able to keep all three boys alive and the house didn't burn down. I did however manage to partially flood the basement. (That's what I get for doing laundry. Smile)  

So my first race is the 9 days out. It's listed on our race list as a HM, but it is a sprint. I am excited to see how I do after shedding some lbs over the winter. The problem is that with the "off" week I had and the slow start back this week I feel like I am tapered and ready to go now. I was planning a doing a brick on Saturday then just shorter distances through next week. Sot sure how much to do to maintain without wearing out. I had a plan, but now i'm punting.... This will be my 3rd sprint, but my first alongside some serious talent. I honestly think I may DLF. I'm just fine with that, but the pressure seems so much higher. It's gonna be fun regardless!   

Also I have a couple of questions about a commitment I made. I work in the office of a trucking company. Overall truckers live a very unhealthy lifestyle. The road is a difficult place to develop good habits. As a company we have done a so-so job of promoting health. We have a full gym in the basement of our terminal. (weights, treadys, bikes, ellipticals) A handful of us use it, but our drivers are rarely ever here. So, I have been thinking of how to get our drivers active while out on the road. My journey started with a 5K and I have put out the challenge for everyone to commit to completing a 5K by June 1st. Run, walk, whatever, just complete it. First question is do you think a month is too short for training for an "off the couch" crowd? Again, it's not gonna be a race per se, but I don't want people to get hurt and or discouraged.  Secondly, I decided to sweeten the pot and I said that I would run a 5K in May for every person who makes the commitment, up to 31, or one every day in May. So for you runners, it it a bad idea to run 3 miles a day for 31 days straight? Here's lookin a you Mike. Yikes! I've ran up to 20+ miles a week when training, but I always had rest days mixed in. Not sure there was much wisdom involved in this commitment.

Thanks, and happy training and racing this spring! Ya'll are an inspiration. Keep it up!



I have no answers- but awesome job trying to inspire your truckers to be fit!!

2013-04-11 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4696511

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Lesandtj - 2013-04-11 12:44 PM

Sorry for being silent for so long. The wife was out of town for a week. My training and my schedule completely fell apart. Good news is that I was able to keep all three boys alive and the house didn't burn down. I did however manage to partially flood the basement. (That's what I get for doing laundry. Smile)  

So my first race is the 9 days out. It's listed on our race list as a HM, but it is a sprint. I am excited to see how I do after shedding some lbs over the winter. The problem is that with the "off" week I had and the slow start back this week I feel like I am tapered and ready to go now. I was planning a doing a brick on Saturday then just shorter distances through next week. Sot sure how much to do to maintain without wearing out. I had a plan, but now i'm punting.... This will be my 3rd sprint, but my first alongside some serious talent. I honestly think I may DLF. I'm just fine with that, but the pressure seems so much higher. It's gonna be fun regardless!   

Also I have a couple of questions about a commitment I made. I work in the office of a trucking company. Overall truckers live a very unhealthy lifestyle. The road is a difficult place to develop good habits. As a company we have done a so-so job of promoting health. We have a full gym in the basement of our terminal. (weights, treadys, bikes, ellipticals) A handful of us use it, but our drivers are rarely ever here. So, I have been thinking of how to get our drivers active while out on the road. My journey started with a 5K and I have put out the challenge for everyone to commit to completing a 5K by June 1st. Run, walk, whatever, just complete it. First question is do you think a month is too short for training for an "off the couch" crowd? Again, it's not gonna be a race per se, but I don't want people to get hurt and or discouraged.  Secondly, I decided to sweeten the pot and I said that I would run a 5K in May for every person who makes the commitment, up to 31, or one every day in May. So for you runners, it it a bad idea to run 3 miles a day for 31 days straight? Here's lookin a you Mike. Yikes! I've ran up to 20+ miles a week when training, but I always had rest days mixed in. Not sure there was much wisdom involved in this commitment.

Thanks, and happy training and racing this spring! Ya'll are an inspiration. Keep it up!


Regarding your race, I think you will find most other triathletes to be very supportive even in you are DFL so don't let faster racers I timid ate you at all. I'd say 90+ % of people are racing against themselves and their own goals. When the FOP racers are already coming in as I start the run, I like to send them encouragement and tell them nice job, looking good, etc. it's contagious.

Couch to 5k, a month is a bit short. Look up training plans, there is one on BT and Hal Higdon probably has one.

Running everyday is really an individual thing depending on what your body can take. If you listen to your body and walk when it barks at you, it's possible. I like taking one day off a week (or two) to let my body heal, but I know people that run everyday. You could always walk one or two of them a week to keep your commitment. It is tough to workout when traveling, specially when working long hours like I'm sure your drivers do. Not sure what your companies financial posistion is, but our company gives us $10/month for not smoking and another $10/month if have a BMI under 25 or if we are enrolled in a fitness program. They just started another one where we are supposed to log our workouts and exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Even better would be if your company let them log hours or miles and get paid for them. It would also give your company some negotiating power with the healthcare provider.
2013-04-11 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4696740

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

 Regarding your race, I think you will find most other triathletes to be very supportive even in you are DFL so don't let faster racers I timid ate you at all. I'd say 90+ % of people are racing against themselves and their own goals. When the FOP racers are already coming in as I start the run, I like to send them encouragement and tell them nice job, looking good, etc. it's contagious. Couch to 5k, a month is a bit short. Look up training plans, there is one on BT and Hal Higdon probably has one. Running everyday is really an individual thing depending on what your body can take. If you listen to your body and walk when it barks at you, it's possible. I like taking one day off a week (or two) to let my body heal, but I know people that run everyday. You could always walk one or two of them a week to keep your commitment. It is tough to workout when traveling, specially when working long hours like I'm sure your drivers do. Not sure what your companies financial posistion is, but our company gives us $10/month for not smoking and another $10/month if have a BMI under 25 or if we are enrolled in a fitness program. They just started another one where we are supposed to log our workouts and exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Even better would be if your company let them log hours or miles and get paid for them. It would also give your company some negotiating power with the healthcare provider.

Thanks Mike. Never thought about the $ incentive idea. The company just came out of bankruptcy a few years ago so not sure we can afford much. On the other hand we can't afford to do nothing.  

Edited by Lesandtj 2013-04-11 3:37 PM
2013-04-12 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

TJ - I LOVE that you're getting your co-workers off the couch!! That's awesome. As far as the sprint (that I listed as an HM) it's gonna be fun, so don't sweat it. Whenever I race with elite runners/triathletes, I just keep reminding myself that I'm doing the same thing they are - of course much slower - but at the end of the day, we both raced the same course...and that's pretty cool!

One month is probably too short for a race, where people are running and actually competing, but not too short if you're just trying to get everyone to finish the distance. Most people can walk a few miles after a month - barring any pre-existing injuries/illnesses. As far as you doing a 5K every day for a month, that is completely up to you. I mean, many people run every day, and have for years, with no problems. However, if your body is not conditioned for it you might be setting yourself up for an injury. I would go for it, as long as you are willing to walk some days if you feel the need. Don't injure yourself trying to get other people in shapeWink

2013-04-12 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sorry haven't responded to anything here the last couple days, been busy with work and life trying to get ready for the weekend but it's all coming together now.  Car all packed, taper done with, ready to drive to the grandparents' to drop off the kids and enjoy the weekend. Cool

2013-04-12 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4698042

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-04-12 1:46 PMSorry haven't responded to anything here the last couple days, been busy with work and life trying to get ready for the weekend but it's all coming together now.  Car all packed, taper done with, ready to drive to the grandparents' to drop off the kids and enjoy the weekend. Cool
Good luck and enjoy!
2013-04-12 7:45 PM
in reply to: #4698042

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-04-12 12:46 PM

Sorry haven't responded to anything here the last couple days, been busy with work and life trying to get ready for the weekend but it's all coming together now.  Car all packed, taper done with, ready to drive to the grandparents' to drop off the kids and enjoy the weekend. Cool

Good luck and enjoy the weekend!
2013-04-13 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4689909

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-04-07 9:19 AM

Great week of training for me even if I am slow as a turtle (at all three)- I am also improving in all three sports.

Interesting bike yesterday- but chased by THREE bulldogs (while the owner just stood there!!). Thank goodness I found some reserves and out road them.I found a different route home and smiled all the way there

On a sad note a member  of my youngest son's football team was killed on the way to school Thursday in a car accident. We are a small town and he goes to a very small school were everyone knows everyone pretty well. This guy was an outstanding athlete (one of those that gave 150% every time) and all around great guy. Just about to graduate. Its just been devastating  

Hi Melody,

I've been away from the group for about 6 weeks now, I started a new job in March.

First, sorry to hear about the loss of a child, prayers for you and your friends.

Second, next time, keep calling for the dogs and have them chase you for awhile.  Then maybe the owner will think twice about not calling them if he has to chase them down a mile down the road.  (of course this only works if you have enough steam to keep ahead of them)


Edited by TomsTri-ing 2013-04-13 4:40 PM
2013-04-13 4:29 PM
in reply to: #4695621

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

ransick - 2013-04-10 9:35 PM Welcome back Sarah! I was thinking Melody's comment about the baby making not being that much :-).

Yea, what's up with that!

2013-04-13 4:40 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Howdy Everybody:  This new job has been a real crimp in my training for over 6 weeks.  I think I finally got back in the saddle, water, and sneakers this week. Well, I'll bike tomorrow Undecided  I did 1.7 mile on the treadmill Thursday after work.  Getting up at 5:30 just to get ready for work is tough enough.  So I've been trying to get my head into working out after work.  Yesterday was 450 yds in the pool.  Today, 5K (3.2 miles) in 45 minutes.  Not great, but after 6 weeks of nothing, I'm happy with it.  I'm going back to Portland, OR on Monday for 1 more week of training.  This time, I'm running after work.  Because... I have my first race (I missed my HM last weekend because of business trip - darn New Orleans Cool) on April 21 - an 8K.  Then I have my first tri on the 28th - a repeat of my very first tri from last year.  I wont do as well as I hoped due to my lack of training, but I sure don't wont to be last again this year.


Yvonne & Chrispy & Jax, nice job.



Sarah, really???? LOL


So, I'm back .... again.

May the Legs Be With You!


Edited by TomsTri-ing 2013-04-13 4:43 PM

2013-04-13 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4699093

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Welcome back Tom! Glad to see you are back at it!
2013-04-13 5:21 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Hi all- Sorry for my absence. It's been a while since I posted. I've had some family issues that have prevented me from having any time to post, however, I have been running and swimming.I finally purchased a bike today and officially entered my first triathlon last week. I have caught up my training log for April if I haven't been completely expelled from the group.Glad to be able to get back to posting!Chris
2013-04-14 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4699093

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TomsTri-ing - 2013-04-13 5:40 PM

Howdy Everybody:  This new job has been a real crimp in my training for over 6 weeks.  I think I finally got back in the saddle, water, and sneakers this week. Well, I'll bike tomorrow Undecided  I did 1.7 mile on the treadmill Thursday after work.  Getting up at 5:30 just to get ready for work is tough enough.  So I've been trying to get my head into working out after work.  Yesterday was 450 yds in the pool.  Today, 5K (3.2 miles) in 45 minutes.  Not great, but after 6 weeks of nothing, I'm happy with it.  I'm going back to Portland, OR on Monday for 1 more week of training.  This time, I'm running after work.  Because... I have my first race (I missed my HM last weekend because of business trip - darn New Orleans Cool) on April 21 - an 8K.  Then I have my first tri on the 28th - a repeat of my very first tri from last year.  I wont do as well as I hoped due to my lack of training, but I sure don't wont to be last again this year.


Yvonne & Chrispy & Jax, nice job.



Sarah, really???? LOL


So, I'm back .... again.

May the Legs Be With You!


Welcome back Tom! Even with your training getting off schedule, I know you'll crush the sprint! No worries!

2013-04-14 6:18 AM
in reply to: #4699117

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
knighton - 2013-04-13 6:21 PMHi all- Sorry for my absence. It's been a while since I posted. I've had some family issues that have prevented me from having any time to post, however, I have been running and swimming.I finally purchased a bike today and officially entered my first triathlon last week. I have caught up my training log for April if I haven't been completely expelled from the group.Glad to be able to get back to posting!Chris

Chris, glad to hear you've kept at it, welcome back!

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