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2007-09-27 8:32 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I'm in.  I get email every time someone posts here, so I've been reading the posts but I think my mind and body needed a bit of a break from triathlon training...may also be b/c work has been extremely busy for both me and my wife leaving less free time outside of work.

Anyway, despite the blank pages in my log, I've been jogging and attending the occasional spinning class.  I'm also working on my goals for the 2008 season.  So, again, I'm in.

Best of luck to you in the HIM.  Looking forward to reading how you do.

2007-09-27 9:31 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Well, we kicked my step-son, wife and baby out of our house before we even had our meeting.  He stole my husband's pain medicine and jewelry and I found a baggie of crystal meth in a pants pocket.  We fear for the baby and are doing what we can to try to get her away from them.  Since they're in Ohio it may be difficult.  Who knows, I may be purchasing a jogging stroller soon - oh gosh!

Thanks for your thoughts and kind words.  I am finding the training to be crucial to my mental health rather than a hinderance.  If it wasn't for this website, I never would have hung in there.  Keep at it!!!!

2007-10-06 9:15 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Doug, You're probably in bed by now getting a good's night rest before your HIM tomorrow.  I hope you do great and have a fun and safe race and that you accomplish your goals.  We'll all be excited to read your report once its up.  BEST WISHES!
2007-10-09 1:37 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Doug, no race report?  I know we're not checking in as much as we should be but I'm still curious how it all went.  Did you meet your expectations?  Did you have fun?

Everyone, so now that Doug has done his HIM are we all now in our "off-season"?  Considering that this is my first off-season I'd love to compare some notes.  What is everyone's plan?  How long will your off season last before training begins for next years events?  Has anyone started setting goals for next year?

Lots of questions, looking forward to the responses.

2007-10-09 8:21 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I read a couple of race reports from some females who ran the Longhorn.  Sounds like it was an awesome race.  C'mon Doug - give us the scoop!

I might be doing a sprint on 10/28 but I'm not totally committed to it.  If I do it, it will be my last race of the season.  Even if I don't do it, I'm not sure what to do about "off season" training.  I definitely don't want to lose the aerobic base and fitness I've worked hard all year long for, BUT, a little break with lots of eating and resting over the holidays sounds soooo good.  Does anyone have a special "off season" plan or suggestions on how not to totally trash all the hard work we've done???

I need to think about goals for next year.  I'd like to definitely do 3 sprints (actually I'd love to do the entire 3-race Crystal River series and take home the overall winner's prize for my age group.  I have a hair-brained idea of attempting an Oly (If I could just run 6+ miles I'd be fine - I have the swimming and biking part down).

Hope you're all doing well...Miss some of ya...

2007-10-11 7:10 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Piling on Tara's and Jay's comments, I think it'd be a great idea to hear from the experienced triathletes regarding off-season training, goal-setting, et cetera.  I'm also done for the season, and I'd personally like to hear what the experienced ones did their first off-season (for example, maybe they didn't take an off-season, but kept doing 5ks through the winter, or found a few sprints to do, or maybe they found a decent long-term training plan that kept them going through the winter).  While I'm already figuring out which tris I want do to next year (I think that Crystal River goal of Tara's is great), I'm still working out, but not having a plan or a training routine to follow makes me feel like I'm revving the engine while in neutral.  I won't stop working out, but if the mental focus goes - i.e., see the holiday season - there may be the danger of doing so.

Keep it up, everyone.

2007-10-11 10:21 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Thanks for the comments on the race report.  It was a dang hard run for me, despite all the training in similar conditions.  I feel as if I'm still recovering, but am also fighting a tooth infection and am waiting for insurance to clear my necessary root canal.  This has taken the shine off the tri for the moment.

After kids soccer practice last night, I cratered and bailed on my usual Wed. evening run.  Again, don't know how much to attribut to the tooth issue and how much to general slow recovery from Sunday.  I'm trying to watch it carefully.

As for winter - I've just registered for a 1/2 mary in Seattle during Thanksgiving weekend and will probably do a sprint on 10/28, with a little 5k a couple days before.  Also, I'm giving serious thought to a marathon on 12/9, but have to figure out how to dramatically up my mileage to get there.  Then, we have our city's annual big race at the end of February (ultra-marathon down to kids' 5k) and first couple tris beginning in March (as well as skiing at Spring Break).  I'm also continuing to play soccer weekly.  Should I slow down?  Maybe.  I guess what I'm suggesting is we don't really have an off season here in Texas.

I know I need to swim more year round if I ever hope to get faster.  Triathlon and the associated training has become a new lifestyle for my family.  I've gained 4-5 pounds since the HIM and I know if I bail on the general training, I might just creep back up to the places I worked so hard to leave.  So, those are my motivators for keeping up the training.

2007-10-23 3:07 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I think I'm starting to hear an echo in here - has everyone started hybernating a little early this year?
2007-10-26 9:36 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

We did a little 3.4 miler last night.  I set a PR.  Check out my race report.

Last tri of the season on Sunday.  Again, shooting for a PR for the distance - and hopefully in all 3 disciplines.

Hope all is well with everyone.

2007-10-26 7:47 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Way to go Doug and best wishes on your Tri on Sunday.  Get those PR's and then shoot to break them next year.  )

Obviously, I've been a slug and sort of licking my wounds related to a bunch of family junk lately.  I was hoping to do the Cooter Fest Tri this Sunday and if for some crazy reason I feel that I can do it without killing myself, I might.  My problem is I know I shouldn't try to do the entire run but I know I'm too proud to walk and I'll wind up hurting my ankles if I do it.  If my sound thinking prevails, I will sit it out and instead begin off season training.  I've already downloaded a plan and, knowing that Thanksgiving in the North Georgia Mountains and Christmas festivities will probably disrupt much of my training, I'm going to try to use my a training plan along with my own intuition try to slowly and incrementally increase my run to where I don't hurt and can actually get out of bed in the morning and walk without hopping and limping on sore ankles.  Since I've layed off for a couple of weeks its amazing how my ankles don't hurt.  Fortunately I haven't gained any weight but I'm sure thats just a matter of time.  The good news is, the cool weather is starting BUT now the dang days are so short I can't get to the park to run before or even after work, AND can you believe both pools have shut down for the season - bummer. 

Does anyone have any suggestions about how to keep warm on the bike?  Are those arm and leg warmer thingys good???  How about the toe covers?

Hope everyone is doing well.  I do miss you and apologize for being absent.  I plan to be back soon but on a little more low key plan... 

2007-10-29 10:29 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Season ended on a high note - top 10 finish in yesterday's sprint and a top 5 in Thursday's 3.4 miler.

I know Tara is dealing with ankle and other issues, but are y'all already planning races for next year?

2007-10-29 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1028182

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Doug, that is spectacular!!  You must be pretty psyched, what a great way to finish up the season.

I have one more event this year, an 8k on Thanksgiving morning.  I'm doing that with my sister so I'm looking forward to it and I'm definately planning for next year.

I'd like to do a longer road/running race towards the end of the winter/beginning of spring but I have yet to commit to what distance I'll run. 

At the end of April I'd like to do St. Anthony's Olympic tri, it'll be my first oly.  Registration opens on 12/1 and usually sells out in the first day so I'm hoping to get registered in time.

I'm also hoping to do my second Oly in September, as long as it is in the budget I'd like to do the Disney Oly...if not I'll do something more local.  I'm figuring on doing 2 sprints in between the two Olys just to keep the training on track through the summer.

Writing this makes me pretty psyched b/c this time last year I was still a couch potato.  I joke that the most exercise I got is the wrestling I'd do if someone tried to take my chips while watching tv. 

2007-10-29 1:32 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Look at you already planning two Olys only a year removed from couch potato status.  That's awesome.  Keep up the great running all winter.  Probably a good idea to get wet a few times, too.

My tri season is over (based on the calendar year), but I have a 1/2 mary in Nov., a possible full mary (or another 1/2) in Dec. and a decent distance (not sure if it'll be 10k, 1/2, full - or fun run with kids) in Feb.  Then, at least in Texas, there's a tri in March which I haven't done and may not do, but things really begin in April and May.  We're looking at possibly 2 HIMs next year and a couple of Olys, as well as one or two sprints.  This has become our lifestyle.  Oh yeah, we're trying to coordinate an IM in 2009 or 10, probably the one in Idaho.

2007-10-29 4:15 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Whewhew db!  Congrats on a fantastic race.  Too bad about the watchband...crazy.  Sounds like it was an all around great race.

Jay, I'm excited for you.  Man, what an accomplishment you've made this year as you look back!  Isn't it weird looking back and remembering what it was like to wonder if you could survive a triathlon and now you're planning on doing an Oly?  I know I could do the swim and bike part and I'm going to work on running further distances in the off season so maybe an Oly is in my future too.  I'm going to do the Jingle Bell 5k in December and I'd like to do the Mall Rat duathlon next month but I'm not sure if I can swing it (most likely not).  The food pantry I run will be giving away turkeys and boxes of food to a couple of hundred people that night after we have a pizza party for them.  I've been trying to limit the event to just the people in my regular food pantry but the word is getting out around town and I'm afraid we're gonna get slammed.  The economy is pretty bad around here with all the construction workers being out of work...Any way, I'm starting to get excited about getting past the holidays (albeit enjoying them while they're here) and then ramping up for some spring races.  I think the first local race is a sprint tri in May here unless I go over to Clermont or somewhere else in Florida. 

Anyone else getting ready for spring???

2007-11-05 10:05 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Since Tri season is, practically speaking, over this year, I've turned my attention to running.  I have a 1/2 mary at the end of this month an I considered trying a marathon next month, but have opted out to handle the kids and support Jill (Texmom), her dad (76 y.o.) and our friend (yoblondie) as they tackle it.  I'll train for our local marathon in February.

Speaking of training up distance, below is a summary of how I started to go long.  A year ago I was training for a 1/2 mary, which prompted this craziness.  I was a 10k guy before that.  I had never even considered a full one.  But, since we're talking IM in '09, I now want/need to get one under my belt.

I've always been a soccer player, so I ran out of necessity; but, I always hated distance running.  I ran an annual 10K, sometimes with training, sometimes without, and, as I got older (mid 30s) discovered I had to train for them.  Then came triathlons and I just decided that since I liked the events and the lifestyle, running had to be part of my life.  So I started with short 2-4 mile runs and kept track of pace.  I slowly worked up to 5-7s, just by going a mile or so further when the time was right.  I had pace goals that I tried to sustain as the distances got longer.  Then we signed up for a 1/2 marathon last Feb.  That forced me to really start developing the base in the 5-8 range, and adding some long 10-13 milers.  After the 1/2 mary, things just clicked for me.  Speeds dropped (as did weight), and distances improved.  I still run the bulk of my training in the 5-8 range on weekends, but I do like to push myself to see how far I can go at a general range of pace.  I also try to run at least one other time in the week. I should be running more, but will be incorporating skipping rope (again), yoga, maybe track interval sprints if I don't get out for a 3rd run in the week. 

Bottom line - build your base with tolerable miles and a decent pace.  Do what you can do - then increase distance while trying to maintain a pace which pushes you a bit.  Don't be discouraged if you can't hold it.  Keep working at it.  Also, I love being outside and will run in any weather.  By contrast, I hate treadmills and won't use them unless it's for a Dr.'s or trainer's test or something.

Keep up the good work.

2007-11-06 7:44 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks Doug, this is good info.  I'm just starting to try to increase my distances so I'm also in that mode of trying to soak up as much information as possible.

2007-11-06 5:41 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Great info on increasing mileage and pace for the run.  That's my winter-time goal.  Sluggo, you're doing great on those longer distances.  I must say I LOVE our website for the information it has given me about these dang chronic "itis" injuries in my ankles.  Dr. William Roberts wrote up an article in our "Member Case Studies" and gave me the first logical answer about my achilles problem.  I was very encouraged to hear that it may take 2-4 years to build toughness into the soft tissues that are being stressed (Just knowing that I can train and I'm not doing long-term irreversible damage makes me feel better).  He gave me some exercises to try as well as recommended some orthotics and even suggested trying to do a little barefoot running (watch out you Kenyans!)  Lastly, he said to go see a "manual therapy" guy which I think means a chiropractor and make sure I have "normal kinetic chain motion."  Oh ya, and "strengthen the core!"
2007-11-07 7:29 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Doug, thanks again for the increasing distance info, I know we all really appreciate it.  It's nice to know I may be able to get there with some patience and discipline.  Jay, you are smoking your workouts, I'm really proud of what you're doing - I am nowhere near those distances, and you're giving me something to strive for.  Tara, way to keep up with the workouts while you're researching the problems you're having - I know how difficult that is.  All of you guys are giving me a lot of motivation.  When I feel like slacking, I think of you guys, lace them up, and get out there.

As for the winter, I am planning on working on running, primarily, as it is by far my weakest area.  I will definitely keep swimming, though - the early morning workouts are a great way to start the day, and get me into the office about 90 minutes earlier than usual.  I've also asked for a fluid trainer for the bike for Christmas so I can ride inside during the ultracold months.  I may go see a gait specialist as well, simply because with my back problems I know my gait isn't as smooth as it should be, and I'm hoping corrections will alleviate pain while I run.

Next year I may do the Disney Oly with Jay, - my running is giving me serious concerns about doing the 10k run, though, and I'm not going to make a decision on that until probably the beginning of next season.  I'm doing the two tris I did this year again next year simply out of pride - I want to improve those times badly.  I'm considering doing the Black Bear in early June as well.

Stay healthy, people.  Keep at it.

2007-11-07 10:02 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Alright, peeps, glad y'all are motivated and keeping up the good, hard work.

Tara - instead of truly running barefoot (unless you're on the beach), you might try a pair of Nike free shoes.  I've been wearing them exclusively for a couple of years now.  They are designed to be as close to barefoot as possible, but still providing protection to your feet.  Watch out, though, as they've begun to make them more and more like regular running shoes.  Ask the shop to find you a pair that's truer to the original Free concept shoes.  I'm pretty sure Mrs. Claus has squirreled away a "real" pair of running shoes for me.  I'm now comfortable enough with my running style and pace to try something different.  As I understand it, the Frees were designed to be a training shoe and not meant for long distance; although I've run all of my BT miles on 3 pairs of them, including a couple 1/2 marys and the 15.5 El Scorcho without problems, and I have talked to a couple "Free" spirits here in FW who've marathoned in them.  (I've also seen a marathoner in Tevas!).  Anyway, TMI, but you might want to have a look.

2007-11-07 6:46 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Oooo, I like the idea of the Nike Free's - I'm gonna check them out.  There are all kinds of critters, sandspurs (evil things) and chemicals on most the barefoot runnable surfaces down here so having something on my feet would be nice.  I was gonna try running on the softball field that's at the park where I run.

Any suggestions on how to dress for the cool and cold weather?  Today was cool here so I wore regular running shorts and a longsleeve underarmor shirt.  It seemed perfect.  I'm wondering about when it gets cooler about wearing some running tights or something and maybe something to keep my hands warm.  I always tend to be cold and that usually causes me to overdress.  Any advice?

2007-11-08 4:05 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Well, since cool/cold weather is all relative, and our Texas weather gets colder than yours, I'll tell you that what you've described is about what I wear, too.  As it gets chillier, I'll wear a lightweight vest to keep the vitals warm.  I also wear a light weight skull cap (kind of like a swim cap, but not rubber).  Gloves are actually quite helpful.  Very lightweight, too.  I'll see runners here in sleeveless tops, shorts and gloves.  Not sure what our friends in really cold climates wear.  But I am curious, as I've got my 1/2 mary in Seattle in 2 weeks.  It could be nasty and rainy.  I'm planning on running tights, and long sleeves with the vest, hat and gloves. I'll just have to get wet unless anyone knows of good running rain gear.  The stuff I have sags too much when wet.

2007-11-12 1:18 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Question for all y'all.... the front pad on the bottom of my left foot (immediately behind my toes) remains sore for 4 or 5 days after I run, and I'm only running 2 or 3 miles at an easy pace. Any ideas on curing the problem?
2007-11-12 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1049436

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I'll be eager to read responses to this question.  I'm having the same issue, except it is my right foot.  As I'm due anyway, I was going to try new running shoes to see if that helped but I'd love some other suggestions.

2007-11-13 9:50 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL


You're not running, or landing on your toes are you?  I'm thinking that might be the cause.  Or, maybe your shoes aren't laced up tight enough or they're too big (which is usually not the case) and there is too much play in the forefoot area.  Do you wear socks and if so, what kind?  I wear Balega socks and I won't wear anything else.  I got them at a specialty running store and they're to die for...

If it's not too late, go to the "ask the doctor" blog thingy on our website.  I've asked 2 questions that the doctor has answered and they have seriously been life-changing.  If I relied on my local doctors for advice I would have quit eleven months ago but, thanks to the the docs on our website, I've been given practical advice on how to overcome bothersome problems that could potentially sideline someone for a long time.  Go for it!

2007-11-13 11:46 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Sorry Tony, I'm no help to your question.  Can I just rant for a second about odd, annoying injuries?  Somehow the other day, while walking around barefoot in the house, I tweaked the outside of my right foot, then just tonight as I was helping put the 2 y.o. in the shower, I strained my right glute (butt cheek).  Damn.  Do these things crop up when you skip a workout or two?  I didn't run this weekend, didn't yoga or swim yesterday, didn't run tonight (but anticipate running tomorrow night).  What a bother.
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