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2009-07-22 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

I just bought my first road bike this weekend from a friend, a 2005 Jamis Quest.  It's been used only 5 times and looks brand new.  I'm still waiting for my bike shoes to arrive before I can't attempt a clipless adventure.  I won't be riding it for my next tri Aug 1st.  But I'm already thinking about doing an oly distance next year.


2009-07-22 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good morning everyone!  Sorry for the lack of posting... I haven't been checking in here that often since it's been so quiet lately Undecided  I'll try to be better at checking for updates!

Cheryl - Good to hear you're getting back into a steady routine!
Erin - I find that just hanging out with "Tri people" definitely makes you hungry for more!  I know a lot of people in my tri club who are injured volunteer at workouts & races just to stay active (and also participate in workouts when they can).  Hopefully your foot will feel better soon, but in the meantime it's good to swim when you can and be active with the tri community.
Margot- Good luck on your race this weekend!  You'll love it!!  I think the nervous energy will just turn into an adrenaline rush come race day!
Dena - Nice wheels!

I didn't end up racing last weekend (wanted to, but by the time I decided, registration was closed.  Oh well.)  Training's been going well for me, though!  I've been focusing on speed and higher intensity workouts so that I can improve on my time from my last oly.  I've been running with the Nike Run Club, which is good because they have pacers for a wide assortment of levels (from 7-minute-miles up to 11-minute-miles).  I ran a few times with the 10-min-milers, but on Monday I tried out the 9:30 group and still felt ok.  I think on Thursday I'll try running with the 9-min group and see if I can keep up.  One of my friends (who runs with the 7-min group) suggested that if I want to get faster, I should run with a group where I'm struggling to keep up... So first I have to find out which group that is.  I may even try doing speedwork on a nearby track.

For the swim, I've been getting my weekly open water swims in with the tri club.  Last night, I pr'ed for the 4th week in a row, beating last week's swim time by about a minute (I think; they haven't posted the "official" results yet).  I'm definitely getting better at sighting, swimming in groups, and not getting caught in seaweed, haha.  Now I just need to work on swimming in a straight line Tongue out  I've also been going to group swim workouts at my gym, but not very consistently.  I'd like to go more often since it's run by an experienced swim coach, but the times tend to conflict with other things. 

As for biking, I try to go out on the lakefront path on Sundays, but it's getting boring doing the same route every week.  I'm going to see if I can start joining other cycling groups or group rides out of the city just for a change in scenery.  During the week, I've been trying to go to spin class to practice cycling at higher cadences. 

Oh, and I'm thinking of doing a half marathon at the end of the season.  One of my tri club friends pointed out that it should be "easy" since I won't have to swim 1.2 miles and bike 56 before doing the run, haha.  I don't know if he was trying to reassure me, or scare me Wink
2009-07-22 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Sweet ride Dena! I'm sure you're going to get many awesome miles on that bike.

Missy - you're doing the Chicago Oly right? I'm coming to Chicago to visit some friends from college and one of my friends and I are doing the Chicago Sprint together. I just booked my flight last weekend so I'm totally starting to get excited about my trip and the race. Just a little over a month!
2009-07-22 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2301601

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
calimavs - 2009-07-22 11:29 AM Sweet ride Dena! I'm sure you're going to get many awesome miles on that bike. Missy - you're doing the Chicago Oly right? I'm coming to Chicago to visit some friends from college and one of my friends and I are doing the Chicago Sprint together. I just booked my flight last weekend so I'm totally starting to get excited about my trip and the race. Just a little over a month!

I sure am!  That's so exciting... The race definitely feels more real when you have to make all the logistic preparations like lodging & flights!  Since it's in my home city, I have a feeling this race is going to sneak up on me.  But I'm definitely excited for it!
2009-07-23 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Cool bike, Dena.  Someday I too will have a real bike... (wistful whine)

I biked in the rain for the first time yesterday.  I had everything ready the night before and was surprised to open the door at 6am to find rain.  I tried to talk myself out of it, but I really had no excuses.  It's been on my "list" of things to do before I get ambushed with rain on race day, but I've always chickened out and used my trainer instead.  So anyhow, rode 13mi mixed road/bike trail in gentle rain.  I was soaked with a brown stripe up my back Smile  I road without glasses - worked ok but the raindrops stung my eyes at 25mph (downhills).  If it had been raining harder, I think it would have been an issue at lower speeds as well.  I even had water in my bike shoes, can't figure that one out...

Does anyone know - do glasses work well in the rain or do they get too blurry with the wet?

I've got two more races planned this season:  Aug 2 and Aug 18.  The one on the 18th is the Midwest Regional Championship for my team, Cincy Express.  I can't wait.  It starts with jumping off a barge in the Ohio River (water quality allowing).  Swimming in the Ohio sounds so exciting and exotic to me.

2009-07-23 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2303271

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lovesreading - 2009-07-23 7:34 AM
Does anyone know - do glasses work well in the rain or do they get too blurry with the wet?Cheryl

Hey gang,
Long time no talk. 
Cheryl, I think glasses are a great tool in almost any weather, I wear the almost everyday at work.  As for fogging up, I have never had a problem with that.  My wife has some glasses that sit really close to her face and that does cause some fogging but it easily fixed by pulling them slightly away from her face.
Gotta run but thanks for the "inspire" I have been absent lately and shouldn't be.

2009-07-25 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

I did my first all road solo ride yesterday!  I'm feeling so brave and proud of myself - big change from the start of training where I was terrified of being on a bike off the trainer.

I rode the sprint course for my next race and most of the olympic course as well to give myself an hour and a half on the bike.  Whew - hills.  Very different from the rail trail I'm used to.

I'd planned to run this morning, but there's lightning.  guess I hear the treadmill calling...bleah.


2009-07-25 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Cheryl - congrats on the solo ride! I'm still working up to that, as of now all of my rides have been with my husband since I'm afraid to bike alone.

I'm gearing up for my race tomorrow. Just finished practicing transitions and packed up all my stuff. I'm pumped up and excited to go for it! I promise to have a race report for everyone to read tomorrow.
2009-07-26 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Ok, it is true confession time.  I have been thinking about this for some time and today I will tell you my story.  I pulled out of my sprint distance triathlon... damn it.
It was a combination of sickness and injury.  I was just not going to be able to do the swim.  The intersting thing I found was that none of the guy I swim with did it either.  And here I was all concerned about what they would think.
So I have re-done my plan.  My A race has always been the Queen City Marathon (Regina, SK being the Queen city BTW).  I will strive for a personal best on that and then keep my level of fitness over the winter ( won't be easy with the weather here).  I will then do the Regina Police Service 1/2 Marathon in May and the "Pancake 1/2 Triathlon" in July.   (the swim is in a pool so I won't die..ha ha), and then the QCM again in September.  That's the plan in my head.  In the mean time I will get healthy and strong.  Wish me luck.  It has been a tough year somehow and I could use some good luck.
2009-07-26 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2301037

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Very cool bike.  Ride it in good health.

Good job on the ride.  Keep a sharp eye on those drivers.  Don't trust any of them.

Edited by boomer99 2009-07-26 2:47 PM
2009-07-26 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hello everyone,

Sorry it has been a long time since I have posted.  The summer has been crazy busy.  I have been able to keep up with the workouts despite the busy stuff.  The workouts have been going good for the most part and the distances are growing. 

I have completed my third sprint tri since the last time I posted.  I placed 7th in the AG.  I am very proud of that race because of the top 10 finish.  My focus now is on the oly tri that I have coming up Aug. 22.  I am excited about getting out there and conquering the new distance.

The plan after the tri in Aug. was to begin preparing for the Houston Mary, but it filled up in about 2 and a half days....I figured I would have had at least a month to get registared.  Now I am trying to find a different mary around the same time...I will keep you updated on how the search goes.

It seems like everyone is doing good.  Keep up the hard work and good luck. 

2009-07-26 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Hey gang...

Hard to believe the summer is flying by so fast. I always think it's going to be relaxing but never works out that way. Laughing

I spent the month of June coaching a baseball team and working in early morning swims around game nights and fitting in the bike and run training in the heat of the day a lot of times because of the evening games. Baseball season was fun but challenging since my training plan transitioned to the Olympic distance and two-a-days are the norm.

In late June I completed my 3rd sprint triathlon but hobbled through the run portion. I injured my foot a few days prior, but my stubbornness wouldn't let me not do the race. In the end, I had an awesome swim and bike portion (was 4th out of the swim), and even with the crummy run, I still managed to finish in the top half of my age group. I ended up not doing my planned race in July because of the foot...I took about 2 weeks off from running so I could heal properly. It was a tough decision and I'm really itching to get out and race again soon.

Now there's one more race for my season. It's an Olympic distance about a month from now. I'm starting to get nervous because I know I had a setback with the foot. It's also a salt-water OWS and there's a challenging bridge on the bike course. Lots to be nervous about! But since it is a new distance to me, I'm taking the mental approach I had in my very first race in May...cross the finish line with a smile.

I had also planned to do the Houston Marathon in January 2010, but it filled within 2-1/2 days. Pretty bummed about that, so I've got my eyes open for a January-February marathon that's a relatively flat course...hoping to find one close!

That's a quick recap. I'm off to Vegas next week for some fun. I still plan on running and doing as much as I can training wise. I know it won't be exactly as the plan calls for, but I am still committed to getting in some quality workouts.

Good work to all of you who are staying in touch here and sticking with your training and races!

Sorry, Alan, that you've had a frustrating year. Your plan for the next year sounds good and you still have your "A" race...stick with it and you'll get that PR!

Cheryl- way to get those "firsts" on the bike! Good job training in the elements since race day is never a guarantee. Best wishes on Aug. 2 & 18.

Dena- cool bike! Hope you have many happy miles with it. Good luck on your race next weekend.

Missy- Way to go with your swimming workouts! I can empathize with your boredom of the same bike routes. Nik and I had a great time a few weeks ago on a weekend getaway when we had a chance to ride lots of hills. Too bad it's 4 hours away from us to do more often. And go get that 1/2 mary...I love the triathlete's shirts that say "You ran 13.1? That's my cool down!"

Margot- Looking forward to your race report. Hope all was well today. I love checking out others' experiences in their races...really gives me good motivation and a lot of times I can relate to something someone else has experienced.

Erin- hang in there with the heat. It's insane here in Texas although I can say I've acclimated very well since I've lost over 50 pounds in the last year. Last summer I died just walking to the mailbox. Now I'm doing hour-plus runs and bike sessions in 94 degree weather with insane humidity. Keep up on the makes a huge difference. Hope your heel pain has subsided...stay on top of it! If you feel healthy enough and since you're already thinking about it, I think the full sprint is yours for the taking...since you're putting in the mileage for it anyway! The distances aren't typicaly too drastically different, so you might as well get your money's worth.Laughing

2009-07-26 11:20 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi everyone! Just popping in after a long day. My race was this morning and I can say now that I am addicted to triathlon! It was one of the most fun mornings I've had in a long time. I'm tired and a bit sore now but what a rush racing was and what a great group of people triathletes are. I'm proud to join the ranks now!

All the details (and pictures) are here:

And I'll be back at it with the training tomorrow to get ready for the Chicago Sprint.
2009-07-27 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2309323

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Happy Monday, all.

Margot - Congrats on your race.  I love the pictures on your race report (and your T1 goal - good luck with that Smile)

Alan - nice goal setting.  I like the idea of your having a pool swim for your tri.  I think that sounds so reassuring when swimming is your limiter.

It's so good to hear from everybody.  This weekend I got to see my brother while he visited from San Francisco.  I was explaining that one of my training buddies lives in San Fran as well and totally confused him.  He wanted to know if Margot was flying out to Cincinnati regularly!

I ran while in Evansville and really am feeling their hills in my legs.  My goal this week going into my race is to sleep enough.  I've been scanting there - which makes my husband happier, giving us more kid-free time - but I'm dragging and not recovering well from my workouts.



2009-07-27 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi All!

Wow, we have a flurry of updates over the weekend!  I'm excited to read them all and respond to them later Smile  But for now, I just wanted to pop in and give a quick update of my weekend...

So yesterday I went out to the suburbs for a bike ride with a friend.  She wanted to do 70-80 miles (she's one of my ironman friends), and I'm a lot slower than her, so we decided to ride separately.  I ended up doing a little over 60 miles!  It was pretty fun, but in the end all I could think to myself is that the last thing I feel like doing right now is run a half marathon, haha.  But I'm not even feeling sore or tired today, and I had a lot of fun, so maybe that distance will get easier if I just keep doing it. 

This was my first non-bike-path ride alone, and I think I'm getting more confident riding with traffic in the streets.  The only thing that went wrong is my chain fell off once, but that was easily fixed.  I also missed a turn somewhere and accidentally went 5 miles out of my way (it was supposed to be a 55-mile ride), but I was able to realize my mistake and go back.  I just need to figure out how to get faster on the bike now that I know that I have pretty good endurance.
2009-07-27 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Ok, now time for my responses

Cheryl - Congrats on your first ride in the rain & your first solo.  This weekend was my first solo on the roads, and I was a little terrified of passing cars, but I definitely was careful to ride safely, and I guess that's all you can do.

Allen - That's great that you're re-focusing your plan.  That sucks when sickness & injury get in the way!  Just last week I met someone who had to pull out of a half-ironman because she got a really bad cold the week before.  Good thing you're keeping your chin up and planning to continue; it's hard when you prepare so much for something and then get sidelined!

Nik - Congrats on your race and placing in your AG!  That's awesome!!  I'm sure you'll do great for your Oly, and hopefully you'll be able to find another marathon to do.

Tif - Sorry to hear about your foot!  You know, I know people who do races planning to DNF because they're recovering from injuries that prevent them from running.  They just do the swim/bike portion, and stop there.  Hopefully you won't have to do that for your Oly, since you've already missed a race because of the injury... but just in case, it's definitely something to think about doing if it continues to bother you!  In either case, have fun in Vegas!!

Margot - Congrats on your race!  I knew you'd get addicted after your first one Wink

2009-08-03 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hope everyone had a nice weekend and is looking forward to another fun week of training. Last week was a bit rough for me. I think I underestimated how tired I would be after racing. I took Tuesday off to rest and ended up having some really good runs later in the week.

I'm still having a mental block about getting out there on my bike. I keep hearing about cyclists getting hit by cars and it freaks me out a bit, so I ended up sticking to the spin bike last week. I feel so bad for my bike she's just sitting in our office feeling neglected. I know I just need to get over my fear but it's hard pushing past it. Anyone else dealing with the same kinds of issues?
2009-08-05 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2324090

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Same issues?  Oh yeah!

I didn't get off the trainer my first 4 months of cycling.  only did 1 road ride before my first race.

I've been gradually desensitising myself:  trainer, race course with expert company, race with lots of people, bike trail with company, bike trail solo, mixed bike trail/quiet road solo, add in rain, solo road ride.  There have been some threads on BT recently about road and solo riding that were helpful and encouraging.

2009-08-06 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
hey everyone, I haven't posted in a LONG time..mostly because I haven't been training.. At all.
I still don't have a bike but I think I should have one next weekend.  My feet continue to bother me so I haven't been running. I'm going for a swim today and can't wait.  I really do miss training.  I'm still planning on doing my triathlon in September in Akron, OH. 

that's all for me.  I plan to be more active on the forum this next few weeks when I get back into training.
2009-08-06 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I need to learn about Runner's Knee - apparently this is my new hobby.

My race Sunday went better than expected given my weak training last month:  1:45:35, 5th of 6 age group.  For the first time, I averaged better than 15mph:  16.4mph - one of my goals!  I'll have my race report up soon.

My knee went from aching during the run (past 2 weeks) to aching through Monday night, even with lots of Aleve.  so, now I'm suppose to go to therapy and drop running for several weeks except for elliptical or water running....Bleah.  I can race next week but I'm to expect it to there're are some signs of arthritis...

On the good side, my 5yo daughter will be in her first tri this Sunday:  25yd/1mi/.25mi.  She gets to wear a life vest for the swim.  We mystified the neighbors by having her practice her transitions and do bricks up and down the street - even to starting soaking wet in her suit, goggles and vest.  She is so excited and I can hardly sleep for dreaming about her.  It's just like the week before my first tri!

2009-08-06 11:10 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
race report is in: />
Please - can anyone teach me about runner's knee?

2009-08-07 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Cheryl - great job on the race! Also, that is so cute that your daughter is going to do a kids tri! I hope she has a really fun time.

I don't really know anything about runners knee, so can't provide any specific ideas or advice on how to deal with it. But I was thinking - what kind of surface do you do most of your running on?

In the spring I was running mainly on concrete sidewalks and ended up having some knee/groin/hip problems. I rehabbed and when I started running again I switched mainly to either asphalt or dirt trails which are softer and easier on my legs. I find that any time I try to run on concrete again that my knee starts hurting. So that might be something to think about after you are feeling better. Hope you heal quickly!

Erin - great that you're going to get back into training again. You'll be back at it in no time.
2009-08-08 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I run on asphalt, 1/2 on each side of the road so the camber at the edge of the road doesn't screw me up. 

Looking at my training logs I can see what happened.  I trained consistently Jan-May and built up to comfortable 90minute/7.8miles per week.  But in June and start of July, I dropped training hugely.  Week by week, I ran only 35'/3mi, 0/0mi, 28'/2.6mi, 35'/3mi, 0/0mi.  Then in late July I jumped back in.  I jumped ahead a few weeks in the training plan I'm using and did 61'/5miles, 156'/13.5mi, and 67'/7mi.  My knee started aching after the first run and I just kept going.  I hurt a little more/longer with each run and then killed me during and post race this week.

So now I've got to recover from the damage (runner's knee) and learn how to ramp up safely after a break in training.

2009-08-08 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Sorry to hear about the knee issues, Cheryl. Frown

Great job gutting it out in your last tri, though.

I'm down to exactly 2 weeks to my first Olympic. The nerves really started going full force as soon as I registered. I plan on doing this race like I did my very first sprint...focus on finishing, not an all-out effort.

For those who have done the Olympic distance, how frequently did you take nutrition and what worked well for you? I have a pretty good idea of what my body can handle, but I'd like some kind of guideline on the timing of the nutrition.

It's also shaping up to be insanely hot on race day if the weather trend continues. We're also looking at being on the run course about 9:00-10:00am when it's already in the 90s. Ugh.

Hope everyone's training is going well and good luck to everyone racing in the next couple of weeks!

2009-08-10 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Haven't done an olympic so I'm no help there, sorry.

My daughter's first tri was Sunday.  She loved it and asked to do another within two minutes of finishing.  It took her 18minutes to do 25yd/1mile/.25mile.  She was slowest on the bike leg:  she stopped to check on another child who had crashed and see if he was okay and then later a pedal fell off!  She still finished with a smile and beat a few kids.  It was so cute to see the 5 and 6 year olds dog paddling and riding allout, many with their training wheels.  Her medal is awesome.  I want one.

My husband's overtime is back and eating all my training time.  I just want to scream, I feel so trapped.  Two weeks until school starts and too too much to do.

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