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2009-08-09 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Heidi how'd it go?? I can't wait to hear about your race!!!

2009-08-10 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Thanks for all the support and well wishes! I'm so sore today   The race did not go as well as I hoped, although I wasn't last.
I'll write more details this evening after work. But, swim went great. I got kicked in the head and that left me with a headache for the entire bike ride. Plus, I got a lung full of water, which I had a hard time working through. As a result of those two things, my bike time was SLOW!

The run, I knew would be tough...walked almost half of it-  It started with an immediate uphill that was about 3/4 of a mile. Then evened out. But all of mile 2  was a mile long incline that kicked my butt!

I'll   write more later. I had an awesome time! And can't wiat to do another! I"ll spend time tonight looking for one!
2009-08-10 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
CONGRATS!! That is awesome, I am so happy for you! Don't forget to write up your race report, it will come in handy as you train and complete your next triathlon!

On a sad note, we had another death in a race here in WI this weekend. We have had three deaths during a race in the last two months, all of which were doing the swim. Please please please be safe in your races and training. It's pretty scary, especially for someone like me who already isn't too fond of the swim leg.

I got my short bike ride in this morning, and I am hoping to get an open water swim in this afternoon as long as the weather cooperates. We needed rain really bad, and now it seems like we keep getting dumped on by storms. As long as it doesn't storm on Friady for our big move, I'll be happy!

2009-08-10 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Race report is up!
2009-08-11 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Heidi- Nice job on your race! I will check out your race report this afternoon.

Well, I am off to the doctor today. I have been battling a cold for 8 days now, and it has morphed into some kind of sinus infection with a nasty little cough. My only goal for this week is to get healthy- no workouts at all until I feel all better. My hubby and I have a huge climbing trip planned for the weekend so I am hoping hoping hoping that I can climb by Saturday.

2009-08-11 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jenny- Sorry to hear about the swim death.
Dee- Feel better soon.

My knees are bruised and sore from Sundays race   but, I still feel great!

2009-08-12 12:51 AM
in reply to: #2341208

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
crud Dee, get that crud gone!  Although one of my best high altitude backpacking trips was when I was sicker than a dog with a summer cold.  I guess it made eating the mosquitoes with all our meals less annoying - I was too annoyed with my nose!

Heidi - enjoy your well-earned soreness.  How are the body markings holding up?  Probably pretty faded by now, eh?  I loooove walking around all marked.

I have my tri this saturday - I doubt I'll trim another 9 minutes off my time, but am hoping to see some improvement again.  My shoulder continues to bug me, I wish I could figure if the tweaks are from the computer, sleeping on it, or swimming badly.  It is not progressing which is good, I guess, but not improving either. 
2009-08-12 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee- What did the Dr say?
Cynthia- good luck this weekend! Sorry about your shoulder.

I decided to do one more tri this year. It's a local, 1st annual, not USATF sanctioned Sprint. Coming up on September 12! At this point, my goal is to improve my splits  for the bike and the run. I'm sure I'll get more detailed as I get closer to the race.
2009-08-12 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Cynthia- HAVE FUN racing this weekend! You will do great- concentrate on your own pace and have fun.

Heidi- I love first time races. They are usually quirky but as long as you roll with it, you'll have a great time. Plus it is a guaranteed PR for you on that course

The doc said my lungs are clear (good news) but due to my upper bronchial history, he put me on a z-pak antibiotic. I took 2 doses yesterday and 1 this morning and I already feel a little bit better, so maybe there was some kind of bug working on me there.
Now my question is: do I try to do my run tomorrow morning or just chill out and do some yoga instead and pick up the "tri training" again next week? I think the yoga is a better option.

What are everyone else's plans this weekend?
We are climbing 2 mountains- Handies Peak and Wetterhorn Peak this weekend.
Grandma flies in tomorrow night so I am off to super clean the bathrooms and pick up some crafts for the boys to do this weekend.

2009-08-12 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2343488

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi everyone
I've been reading posts but just haven't had much to say - just been rushing around playing with kids.  Only a couple of weeks left of summer vacation for them

Heidi - that sounds like a really nice, lower key race to finish your season with.  One of my favourites here is a local, non USAT one - it's just lots of locals, social, in my town and fun.

Dee I think you are right about taking it easy - let your body work this bug out and not worry about the stress of more intense exercise.  Hope all feels better by the weekend for you.

Cynthia - good luck for the weekend for your tri.  Have you got a specific part you want to improve on this time?  Sorry your shoulder is still not happy though.  Anything you can do on that front?

I got my new indoor trainer yesterday and have set it up - although it has electric stuff with it and haven't sorted that out yet.  The trainer I had (still have now as a spare) was basic, no frills. Worked great but no "toys" to focus on so I decided I would like some extra things to focus on (cadence, power, speed etc) over the winter as I suspect I'll be putting a fair few hours in with my IM training.  The spare part of my old trainer arrived as well so I set it up for my youngest (age 10) and we pedalled together watching a movie tonight.

Dee, and the  rest of you who do strength stuff regularly you would be proud of me. This is week 3 of doing my gym routine 2x/ week.  I just needed a coach to schedule it and I get it done!  How are you all getting on with those abs. I am actually doing some most days as well.

2009-08-12 11:29 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I swam my best open water swim to date tonight!! I went with a friend to a small private lake to swim, and swam across the lake and back twice, totaling 2000yd! It was a great swim and I felt relaxed and averaged 12-13 minutes/500yds. It was definetely a confidence booster I needed. I think I will stick with this lake and Lake Michigan for my open water swims, the other lake I have been going to has gotten to the point it is too gross for me to swim with. It's been really choppy the past couple weeks, sludgy, tons of seaweed, and I got a little swimmer's itch from it too. Yuck.
Dee- I always do what I can when I am feeling sick. Sometimes it actually helps and I feel better after a slow light run or bike ride when I am sick. But make sure you are getting enough rest, that is the best thing to do!
We are moving into our condo on Friday. I am nervous and excited! We close and then we are planning on moving right away, so tomorrow will be a good workout and then I'm counting moving as a workout for Friday. Depending on the progress we make Friday, I may do a 5k race on Saturday morning.
Congrats again and awesome in finding another race! I found after mine last year I was consistently looking for races, which is how I got into the indoor triathlons (there's not much else going on in Wisconsin in winter).

2009-08-13 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jenny-Good luck with the move! Buying a house is so exciting.
Dee- feel better soon and enjoy the weekend.
Jackie-have fun with the new trainer.  I use mine all year long, when I can't get out for a ride.
2009-08-14 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2343488

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
So my shoulder is bugging me less, I've computer-ed less, swam less, slept less (hmm?!)  We'll see how it feels after the race tomorrow.  Sadly I must race with my period tomorrow.  For some reason I was late this month so my earlier pattern of being DONE for race is not more.  Oh well, onwards... hopefully Sept will be better aligned.

H- glad you found another race!  I have yet to do a 'sanctioned' race.  It's still a tri and lots of fun!
D- enjoy your weekend with your DH.  lovely.  I hope your lungs cooperate.
J - I'd love a good OWS location! congrats on finding one!
JJ- new toys are fun!  I got a trainer at a garage sale but have barely used it.

As for my race goals... I don't expect/want much improvement on the swim/bike... I'd be happy with repeat of last month... but the run I'd like to see more time trimmed.  maybe start my 'kick' earlier... I'll try to review my pace from last race and see if that's reasonable.  And I have to decide if I'll race in my Zoots or running shoes.  The zoots gave a hot spot on Wednesday... don't want my run to suffer for a blister.  maybe I should wait on the Zoots if a better run is the goal.  leave teh Zoots to next race in Sept.

2009-08-14 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2349553

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hope everyone has a great weekend

Good luck for your race tomorrow Cynthia.  Sounds like you have a good plan!

2009-08-14 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good luck tomorrow Cynthia!!!
2009-08-15 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed

2009-08-16 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Cynthia- That is awesome!!
2009-08-17 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2352141

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I am almost done moving, just have some odds and ends at the old apartment and need to move our storage unit stuff over. I was so sore this weekend from the move, went from a third floor walk up to another, so my legs and arms felt like I had done a tri! I am finally feeling a little better today, so I am going to go for a run tonight (weather here is horrible so I think I'll wait to bike until tomorrow AM).
I don't have internet set up yet, so I will update when I'm at work until then! Happy training everyone!
2009-08-17 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2350617

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Cynthia - just read that thread - that's fantastic and HUGE!

I see Ron has put up a post about officially disbanding the Spring mentor threads (wow time flies).
Perhaps we can keep in touch via inspires - you are all on my log as friends.
Congratulations everyone on their seasons so far - we are triathletes!
2009-08-18 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2354600

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
jackjack - 2009-08-17 9:46 PM Cynthia - just read that thread - that's fantastic and HUGE!

I see Ron has put up a post about officially disbanding the Spring mentor threads (wow time flies).
Perhaps we can keep in touch via inspires - you are all on my log as friends.
Congratulations everyone on their seasons so far - we are triathletes!

Jackie, Thank you so much for mentoring us, and for all the hard work you've put into this group.

But, Oh no! I'm not ready. Perhaps we can keep the group going, even if you aren't able to be such an active mentor?
2009-08-18 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2354991

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Sounds good to me - i think we'll be moved to archives (the forum under this one) but that shouldn't be too big of a deal

I'm off on vacation next week - sunday til saturday so won't be logging in.  I'll keep training though. My coach is going to give me a run focus week so that will be easy to maintain I hope

2009-08-18 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I'm happy to keep checking in here - I have my next tri in 6 weeks, and hope to brag about some new improvement!!  Wink

And it's been nice to read your challenges and adventures.


My post race elation continues - I dashed back into training with nary a hitch.  I do need to put aside some time to make a training plan to follow again, I WANT to rock the next tri again.    And a friend is trying to get me to think about a 10K... and my brother wants me to bike... I need to decide what *I* want to do and set a plan, not just wallow along with someone elses's ideas!

So my final race time ended up essentially the same as July - despite my awesome run.  I again had issues on the swim.  I cannot blame it on temperature this time.  I started in the mosh pit this time, in hopes of a little less swimming around people - but instead I found myself kicked, I swam over some poor woman, I swallowed lake water.  So my swim time was poor.  I made it up on the run, but would have been nice to see an overall improvement.  ah well.  Still elated!

2009-08-18 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2356645

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
movingsouth - 2009-08-18 5:25 PM I'm happy to keep checking in here - I have my next tri in 6 weeks, and hope to brag about some new improvement!!  Wink

And it's been nice to read your challenges and adventures.


My post race elation continues - I dashed back into training with nary a hitch.  I do need to put aside some time to make a training plan to follow again, I WANT to rock the next tri again.    And a friend is trying to get me to think about a 10K... and my brother wants me to bike... I need to decide what *I* want to do and set a plan, not just wallow along with someone elses's ideas!

So my final race time ended up essentially the same as July - despite my awesome run.  I again had issues on the swim.  I cannot blame it on temperature this time.  I started in the mosh pit this time, in hopes of a little less swimming around people - but instead I found myself kicked, I swam over some poor woman, I swallowed lake water.  So my swim time was poor.  I made it up on the run, but would have been nice to see an overall improvement.  ah well.  Still elated!


Cynthia- Gotta love the post race elation! Great job on the run time!
2009-08-20 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I just ran the best Brick session, I've ever done! My bike was faster than usual, and I smoked my running split from the last tri by more than a minute!
I'm feeling very motivated lately!
2009-08-20 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow you guys sound like things have been going amazingly!  I've missed such an exciting week!  Congrats to Cynthia, Heidi and Jenny!

Dee - I hope you're feeling better.

I've been running and lifting and running more and lifting.  And bike shopping.  Will be back in the pool probably next week - I've had a new piercing that can't get wet, but it's officially safe next week, I think, to get back in the pool.

I can't believe they're going to disband the group!  Wow... how did the months go so quicly?

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