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2012-03-11 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I just checked the weather report for my race in San Diego next week.  And after weeks of nearly perfect weather, the forecast is for rain and temps about 60.

If it does rain, I'm sure it will just be a light to moderate rain. 

Do I need to have more clothes?  Perhaps a light jacket for the bike? run?  What do you all do when racing in the rain. 



2012-03-11 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4090740

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


Light rain in 60 degree weather should be refreshing! Plus, you know the weather can't be predicted accurately 7 days out. I wouldn't wear that many layers. I would wear a light wicking polyester top. You know you'll get warm/hot after you get going. 

Do you want to trade weather? My race is two weeks from tomorrow. Average temp the last 3 years on 3/25 at 8:30am is 38 degrees. I am going to swim in my tri suit and then throw on a layer of polyester/fleece thermals and a nylon/polyester top. it might be a little chilly to start out but I'll warm up. I also plan on wearing a head band for my ears. I debating long fingered gloves for ride/run.

Hard to believe my first race will be behind me 2 weeks from right now!

Edited by ahutson 2012-03-11 1:42 PM
2012-03-11 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4090828

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-03-11 11:42 AM


Light rain in 60 degree weather should be refreshing! Plus, you know the weather can't be predicted accurately 7 days out. I wouldn't wear that many layers. I would wear a light wicking polyester top. You know you'll get warm/hot after you get going. 

Do you want to trade weather? My race is two weeks from tomorrow. Average temp the last 3 years on 3/25 at 8:30am is 38 degrees. I am going to swim in my tri suit and then throw on a layer of polyester/fleece thermals and a nylon/polyester top. it might be a little chilly to start out but I'll warm up. I also plan on wearing a head band for my ears. I debating long fingered gloves for ride/run.

Hard to believe my first race will be behind me 2 weeks from right now!


No chance I would trade weather with you.  You know us Californians hate the cold.  Anything less than 50 here is freezing Laughing.

Thanks for the advice.  Even though I'd like to have gotten more training in this month, I'm phyched about the race coming up.   I just got back from a nice run and was visualizing how I want the race to go the whole way.



2012-03-11 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Craig ... light rain and 60s would be IDEAL for me while marathoning. I don't have any experience racing a bike in the rain, but I'd love that scenario. As long as there's no lightning ... it won't matter at all in the water.

This morning's run required a late morning nap. Wow ... feeling it. But Marianne and I headed downtown for a few errands and a slice of pizza. Then I spent the afternoon cleaning up the basement and preparing space for my daughter's t-shirt screening studio. 

Now some 60 minutes and then an early bedtime ... will get a trainer ride in tomorrow morning.

2012-03-11 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Craig ... light rain and 60s would be IDEAL for me while marathoning. I don't have any experience racing a bike in the rain, but I'd love that scenario. As long as there's no lightning ... it won't matter at all in the water.

This morning's run required a late morning nap. Wow ... feeling it. But Marianne and I headed downtown for a few errands and a slice of pizza. Then I spent the afternoon cleaning up the basement and preparing space for my daughter's t-shirt screening studio. 

Now some 60 minutes and then an early bedtime ... will get a trainer ride in tomorrow morning.

2012-03-12 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4091063

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Morning tri trainers!!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I usually take Sundays off as a rest day but having missed Thursday, couldn't miss another day. We had beautiful weather so I hit the road for a bike ride out through the horse country. I have a 22.5 mile route I have been doing. First week of January, it took me 97 minutes. First week of February, it took me 87 minutes. Yesterday, I did in 80 flat. I was pretty happy. 

I have 10-12 training days left so I need to stay focused. That's 3-4 days of each leg. The anticipation of the first race is crazy. My tri suit comes tomorrow or wednesday so I will work on my transitions the next two weeks. I want to do a few short combo sessions. A swim/bike, a swim/run, and some traditional light bricks. I want get a little experience in all my gear being wet.

Hope everyone has a great day!! 

2012-03-12 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I hate what Daylight Savings does to my spring mornings. Just as I'm seeing light at the end of my morning workouts, I get shoved back into the darkness.

Yesterday's tough run workout paired with my body clock had me skip this morning's trainer session. While I do think my legs will do well with the extra recovery, I'm definitely not in the bike shape I should be this close to spring. One week into my marathon training program, and I'm getting a look at how my biking might take more of a back seat than I'd like.

I'll still swim tonight, so it's not a total loss.

Solid improvement on your biking, Ashley!!  Those are some great gains over the course of a month or two! I'm looking forward to getting on the road before too long to see how my times compare to where they were in the fall. 
2012-03-12 9:08 AM
in reply to: #4091678

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Thanks, Troy. I'm excited about my bike improvements. 

I feel the same way about dark mornings but I do like the fact that they are getting warmer!  I feel dark and warm is better than sub freezing and light. I could be wrong. 

How is the tri suit treating you? Have you practiced in it?

2012-03-12 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Sorry I've been ausente. My wife and I have been through the wringer the last couple of days. My daughter has been very sick and doctors don't know what's wrong. She has seemed to turn a corner and is more like herself. Scary stuff. She's not 100% yet, but she is better. Anyway, it's been a long couple of days. Glad everyone is getting it done.
2012-03-12 10:49 AM
in reply to: #4091781

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-03-12 10:08 AM

How is the tri suit treating you? Have you practiced in it?

I haven't practiced in it yet. I'll wear it in the pool before the end of March. And I'll get on the trainer with it one of these days. Perhaps I should use one of these warm dark mornings to get a run with it as well before everyone can see me! My first tri isn't until the end of June, so I have some time.

2012-03-12 10:50 AM
in reply to: #4092024

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I hope your daughter is feeling back to 100% soon, Scott ... one of my coworker's 8 month old son held on to a stomach virus for a solid week ... maybe longer. I think this crud that's moving around has some serious staying power.

2012-03-12 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4091956

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

rsmoylan - 2012-03-12 11:19 AM Sorry I've been ausente. My wife and I have been through the wringer the last couple of days. My daughter has been very sick and doctors don't know what's wrong. She has seemed to turn a corner and is more like herself. Scary stuff. She's not 100% yet, but she is better. Anyway, it's been a long couple of days. Glad everyone is getting it done.

That is scary. I'm so sorry she's not feeling well. I hope she's back to herself soon.

My weekend didn't exactly go as planned but I did get my long run in so I'm good with it. I have 2 swims and 2 runs scheduled before the weekend and I shouldn't have any problem getting that done as I feel like I'm back in my groove (almost). Hope everyone had a great weekend training!

2012-03-12 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4092356

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Scott, I'll keep your daughter in my thoughts and prayers. My wife is a pediatric neurologist. If you have any questions, I'll pass them along to my wife and get back with you. I'll give you e-mail if you want.

My tri suit came today in the mail!!! Heading to the pool! Gonna swim 12-16 100 meter sets and then go run a mile or two to see how this baby does! I know people will look at me funny!

2012-03-12 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Scott, I hope things are going better with your daughter.  When our son was that age he had roto virus and it was very draining to say the least.  We will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers also.

Ashley, I don't think anyone thinks they look great in spandex so don't worry about it.  The ones that think you look funny will be the ones who aren't living a healthy lifestyle.  If they only knew how fun this can be they'd be rockin' the spandex too.

Speaking of looking funny, I jsut got pack from an 80 degree pool swim with my entire race day kit on.  Tri shorts and jersey under my wet suit with swimming cap.

If you are planning on racing in a wet suit, I highly reccomend getting A LOT of training in the wet suit. I am noticing a lot of additional resistance on the shoulder rotaion with the suit on.  Oh well not a lot I can do about it now.  Just 6 days away from race day.



2012-03-12 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Thanks everyone for the well wishes.  Whatever bug she caught has really got a hold of her.  Swollen lymph glands and a lot of pain.  Trouble to see my little girl go through this.  She's not the same kid.  But your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Craig,  this is a video of how to put on a wet suit.  I know you probably know how.  But when I saw this I learned about really pulling up the slack that allows the shoulders more freedom.  The video is nice to watch as well.  Wink

2012-03-12 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4092896

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-03-12 2:53 PM

Thanks everyone for the well wishes.  Whatever bug she caught has really got a hold of her.  Swollen lymph glands and a lot of pain.  Trouble to see my little girl go through this.  She's not the same kid.  But your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Craig,  this is a video of how to put on a wet suit.  I know you probably know how.  But when I saw this I learned about really pulling up the slack that allows the shoulders more freedom.  The video is nice to watch as well.  Wink

Thanks Scott,

I had to watch it a half dozen times or so to make sure I realy got it Wink.

I did put my suit on in a bit of a rush.  Half way through my sets I tried to pull some slack up on my shoulders and seemed to help a bit.  I'll try another swim on Wednesday and pay more attention to the should fit. 

The swim gave me a great pump but the shoulders (especialy the left) are still a bit fatigued.

Question: Does anyone put anything in there ears after their swim work out? I've heard that a few dropps of a mix of half rubbing alcohol and half white vinigar is good.  Thoughts or reccomendations?

2012-03-12 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Scott - sorry to hear about your daughter - hope she gets well soon.

Been back on track for three days now ... not going nuts with four stressed tendons in my back but I am going to do something everyday I feel able.

Saturday - I ran 9 miles - not bad for my first day running in several weeks, 9:09 pace for the distance took 1:22 and I did a nice trip on some uneven surface and landed on my hands/shin on mile 3 ... cursed the training demons for trying to screw with me and kept going.  The weather should be gorgeous in NY this week ... my plan is to run again on Tuesday after a swim.  We'll see what I have left since tomorrow is my first day back at work after 9 days off and 1am comes in 5 hours.

Sunday - my brother and I took our TT bikes to Cedar Creek Park - supposedly an ideal spot for training - 9 mile loop with 4 1/2 into the wind and three small bumps and 4 1/2 with the wind at your back at a slight decline.  Seriously awesome flat and was nice to get back on the TT bike.  First run I took it easy averaged 14 mph out and 19 back ... the next two loops I went back and forth with another tri-guy and we blazed at a 23mph average for the next 18 miles.  The guy was much smaller than I at 136# and was training for the Nice, France Ironman - he was planning to just work cadence; I guess I changed his plans.  I just grind out in max gear - he was asking me my power output but I have no idea - all I know is I weight 229# and that little guy could not lose me so I felt really good.  I guess maybe I should invest in cadence and power meters??   I think both are out of my price range for now but I will be going back here to train for sure.  Love checking my watch and seeing 27 miles at just shy of a 20mph average ... not bad for a clyde.

Today (Monday) - my PT said the swim would hurt and she was right.  I could not turn at all to breathe on my right so all breathing was done on the left.  I could not get any speed so just pushed along for 1950 meters.  Did the mile in 36minutes and then just added laps until I had enough. 

I never use earplugs to train but I use them in every race - when I have the earplugs in during a race it gives me a weird sense of inner calm.  I can hear my own breathing and that seems to help me just get in a groove.  I use the Tyr clear goo/wax ones and toss them on my transition towel when I get to my bike.  I have never reused them but I guess you can.  Plus swimming in weird water you never know what will get stuck in your ear canal - just one of my race weirdness I think I will continue with.  I would have no idea what is a good ear flush.


2012-03-12 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4093009

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Evening, all!

Rocked the onesie in the pool tonight and loved it! My first plan was to get some distance in tonight in the suit. Well, I tried it on at home and changed my plan.  I got pumped to finally be wearing it and wanted to run in it as well. 

I decided to test some race distances. I did my 400 meter swim in 7:14, had a T1 in the locker room of 1:15, and then hit the road for a 5k. Finished just over at 3.2 miles in 27:19 for a total of 35:38! Add in 45 minutes of biking and a 2 minute T2 would be around 83 minutes. I would be happy with that! Below 80 minutes I'll be stoked, 80-85 happy, and over 85 be a little disappointed. 

I was excited to hit the distances and still feel good. It makes me wonder if race day anxiety makes you go faster or slower. I am chomping at the bit for race day!! 

Scott, thanks for the tutorial. I watched the wetsuit video a dozen times and I still don't get it. How do I keep putting it on wrong?

2012-03-13 5:19 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning all ...

Just in from 11 miles. Unfortunately, my legs didn't feel like showing up today, so I kept it at recovery pace for the first 7. I was able to finish faster for a negative split ... and it was warm at 48F, so I was in shorts and a long sleeved shirt. Just a thin pair of gloves and my summer cap.

Paul ... way to get out there. Keep moving and you'll be loosened up in no time. Sounds like you did some serious damage on the bike. I may have to take a look at some ear plugs. I think they may help with some of the vertigo I've been getting in the pool as my bilateral breathing improves.

Ashley ... way to rock that onesie!!  I think, if your your training times are this solid, you've got a very decent shot at sub 80.

I need food. As these mid week medium long runs increase in distance, my appetite skyrockets.

2012-03-13 7:17 AM
in reply to: #4093440

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Thanks, Troy. I was stopping traffic in the bad boy! Don't be afraid to wear that thing during day light hours. Like Craig said, only fat lazy people think you look funny. My wife said under no circumstances can I wear it to the grocery store or church. 

I'm gonna hit the pool today for another 400 meter swim and then do a 12 mile ride. I plan on a brick tomorrow w/ a 12 mile ride and a 5k. Thats two legs a day over 3 days. I'll use the rest of the week for endurance training- longer run attempt at 5 miles, longer ride at 25+, longer swim at 1 mile+.

I think I'm peaking at the right time. I woke up today feeling good and no soreness. 

Happy training today, ya'll!

Edited by ahutson 2012-03-13 7:17 AM
2012-03-13 1:03 PM
in reply to: #4093548

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-03-13 8:17 AM

 My wife said under no circumstances can I wear it to the grocery store or church. 

  If you do please post pics

2012-03-13 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4093278

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-03-12 10:56 PM

I decided to test some race distances. I did my 400 meter swim in 7:14, had a T1 in the locker room of 1:15, and then hit the road for a 5k. Finished just over at 3.2 miles in 27:19 for a total of 35:38! Add in 45 minutes of biking and a 2 minute T2 would be around 83 minutes. I would be happy with that! Below 80 minutes I'll be stoked, 80-85 happy, and over 85 be a little disappointed. 

I was excited to hit the distances and still feel good. It makes me wonder if race day anxiety makes you go faster or slower. I am chomping at the bit for race day!! 

Ashley,  You should absolutely be able to break 80 min.  Race day and competition should make you go faster.  In my experience T2 is always faster than T1.  I don't wear socks for short run races, have elastic laces in my shoes as well.  So it's rack bike, take of helmet, put on running shoes, grab my race belt with number and get out of Dodge.  Usually under a minute.  Sounds like you are prepared for a great race.  

Do you know what kind of course you will be racing on?

2012-03-13 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Just did my last run of any significant length before race day Sunday.  Just went 5.25 miles in 10:40 min/mi.  Not too bad for me.  I'd hoped to be able to go sub 10 on race day.  But I'll run what I brung. 

Tomorrow another swim to try to get my wet suit shoulder issues worked out. 

Ashely: with your work ethic and enthusiasim sub 80 is in the cross hairs.  Just pull the trigger.

2012-03-13 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley that sub 80 is in the bag - in runs I always go out to fast but it seems in tri's I just seem to pace better - watch you'll see it come together beautifully on race day.

Swam 2000M today ... first 400m in 7:35 was pleased since my back is tweaked and I am only breathing on one side.  Wanted to run after but was too shot ... tomorrow is another day ... 

2012-03-14 2:58 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Can a new environment cause cramps?

I always figured it had to do with eating too recently, not enough water, or improper warmup/stretching.  But I've tried to run twice now in my new home town, and I have twice gotten horrible cramps that I can't run through.  The humidity is intense (80% usually?) but I do some extra stretching and drink a lot of water every day...

Is there something else that could be causing it?  I don't even get 10 minutes in to my run before the cramp sets in in my right rib area.  It goes away when I stop, or do a VERY slow walk, but even then it can take 10 minutes to be completely gone.  I am hoping I just need to adapt to the new environment...

It's frustrating and discouraging   I miss running!!  I will try again tomorrow, but any tips would be great!

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