BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013 Rss Feed  
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2012-05-17 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Triplebypat - Thank you for volunteering.  I also found that volunteering is so rewarding.

Irishod, didn't you mean you had a day off from work?

Malsup, I am guilty as I am not on the website as much as I use to be.  Been busier as the training has increased.  

Only 100 days till IMKY!

2012-05-17 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4214830

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
elcaminobill - 2012-05-17 8:21 AM

That sounds like it would be fun.   Dirtying up my sons car that is!

Please feel free to correct me LRR, but if you are training for something specific, like an A race, you need to take your"off" days pretty serious.  Rest is as important as training.  Not saying to not go have fun, but to  be careful how you have fun.

Hope that didn't come across a a total bummer.


On Sunday I was chatting with my swim coach who works at my local bike shop.  When she commented about my lack of a 'Rest' day.  She said "Oh, you must have lots of untapped potential".  I asked her to explain, but I didn't understand her answer either.  At the time I had just done a Long OWS swim and 6 mile run and may have not been at the top of my mental game.

Have any of you heard that expression before?  What was she telling me?

2012-05-17 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
She was telling you to use your rest day wisely!!!!
2012-05-17 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I think as the tri season gets into full swing, many of us are training more.  I know that my training has increased, but also May is almost as busy as December for us with end of school stuff.  Even though I work all year round, I'm looking forward to the kids being out of school.

When I went to get new shoes last weekend, I bought a pair of trail shoes on impulse.  I'd like to do some trail runs.  Haven't used them yet, but maybe in the next couple of months.


Happy training!

2012-05-17 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

To clarify it was a day off from work, which I usually use to do a heavier training load.

I think I'm in the market for a pair of trail shoes.  I have a pair of Brooks Pureflow's that I thought would work well.  I think the traction would be much better with a real pair of trail shoes.  When I finished, the tonges were way down the side of the shoe. 

2012-05-17 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Monte,  I'm thinking about you!!  Go out and have a strong race this week end.  My first tri is June 2nd and I am nervous as well.

LRR, I appreciate your comments about the electronics.  Just so you know, I really don't focus on the heart rate issue.  I use my more than 10 year old Polar heart rate monitor to do the 4:1 and it calculates my avge heart rate for the event.  I don't realy look at the heart rate.  I just do my 4:1.  I was doing 3:1 but I kept over running my run so I went to 4:1 and now I look forward to my walk and rarely over run.  As I have said, I can't really go much slower on my run or I will be walking, so if I am struggling with my breath I do try to take it down a notch.  I will experiment with 2:1 and even 1:1 but probably after my Oly on June 2nd.  I am going for some pulmonary function tests and an echocardiogram tomorrow.  Hope it gives me some answers.  Here is the basis of my frustration.  I have done 3 HM.  The first, last spring, with the bare minimum training as a brand new runner, the second, in the fall, after my HIM, so I was probably at my fittest albeit maybe a little fatigued, the third this past spring, with exclusive HM training program with some swims and biking on the trainer thrown in.  My times are essentially the same!!  How can that be???  It is because I can't go any faster cuz I can't breathe.  Why?  I don't know!!

On the noteof less electronics, my husband got me a Garmin for my birthday.  I used it for the first time yesturday but I am still working on downloading it into the training program.  I used it the same way as I did my watch, 4:1 although it was nice knowing where I was in the run.  It was an 8 mile run. I am assuming a lap is a mile.  Made a big mistake though, went out without drinking a drop of water.   Worked at 6:30 am till 2pm and only had 2 cups of coffee plus some carbs.  Fortunately, I did bring some water, but drank it pretty fast when I realized how dry I was.  Stopped at at neighbors for some refills.  It still was not enough.  I won't make that mistake again.  I felt like my muscles were shriveled up!!

Hope every one has a great week end!!

Irishod, I also use my "day off" to get a big work out in.  My "rest" day is usually a 16 hour work day.

Edited by avisser 2012-05-17 5:09 PM

2012-05-17 5:42 PM
in reply to: #4215860

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Ann - Here is an easy way to incorporate drinking with your run training.  Take a drink at ever 4 of the 4:1.  When you transition from running to walking, drink.   That's easier to remember than drinking every mile or on some other schedule.  I'm always on the hunt for an process where something becomes automatic.  Other wise, I forget to drink.  Especially on the bike, when I am riding hard, time just gets away and I'm pulling into rest stop with a full bottle or 2.  I used to forget on the run.  Now I drink on the run 4 oz every mile.  If you wait to drink until you get that signal that your body is thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

2012-05-17 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Thanks Fit!!  I have to find my fuel belt!! I stuck 2 of the small bottles in my shorts.  I looked quite interesting.

How do you drink on the bike.  The same way?


2012-05-17 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I agree with Fit, I am currently doing a 12:1 ratio on the run and every time I walk, I drink.  When it is hot out I drink as soon as I start walking and then again right before I start running.  On the bike I have it step up to beep at every 5 miles and that is my reminder to drink.  The only problem is if it is not at a good time to take a sip I forget to drink.  Last year during my HIM, they told us that we could not have our watches beep as they look at that as someone pacing you and you could get red flagged.  Has anyone run across that?

Fit, not quite sure what your coach meant except that she was telling you, you need to take your rest days.

2012-05-17 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Triple - I'm late replying, but my prayers are with you. Billy is 100% correct - times like that put it all in perspective and your faith is what will get you through.  My wife and I both have similar issues facing us in our families - all we can do is pray and support. On a lighter note - way to rock those centuries! I so wish I had thought about 12 in 2012! Great goal for the year!

irishod - Congrats on the awesome marathon and great race report! If you got a kick out of your trail run, give mountain biking (trail riding) a try. It could totally redirect your passion for run / tri to MTB. If I had mountains close by, that is all I would do.

Kathy and Fit - Love the youtube videos - keep 'em coming.

Monte - Good luck on your tri this weekend.  I'm also doing my first for of the year this Saturday. Where is yours?

On electronics - Sorry everyone - can't live without my gadgets. I'm an engineering nerd - the more data the better. From my Six Sigma training - you can't improve what you can't measure!

Suzie - you have inspired me on the Paleo / Primal diet. I've been doing alot of reading / research and your's and Fit's comments inspired me to give it a go.  Started this week. I'm also reading (listening) to "Why we get fat" by Gary Taubes. Very interesting.

Infinit & Nutrition - Been checking out Infinit and may try it. Also been hearing about UCAN - anyone tried it?

I'll be doing my first tri of the year this weekend - the Jekyll Island Turtle Crawl Sprint Tri.  My swim and run training have been weak in the last month or so, but the bike has been good. Hope to do alright. Just put some aero bars on the road bike last week - wow, what an improvement!  + 1 to 1.5 mph! I had heard it but didn't believe it.  I'm a bit worried about the swim on Saturday - 15 mph winds out of the NE for an ocean swim - 5 foot seas!  Ouch!  Hope it is wetsuit legal.

Sorry for the slack posts - I'm been following you guys - you are awesome! Best to everyone!

Take care,





2012-05-18 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!!

Ann, I set my garmin to beep at me every ten minutes on the bike so I remember to drink.  Like Kathy, though, if it beeps while I'm going up a steep hill or something, then I have to remember to drink on the other side or as soon as I can after that.

Kathy, I've never done a race where they told us our gamins couldn't beep, but I have heard others say that.  I am finding that since I use the beep to drink every 10 minutes in training as well, it is becoming habit so maybe if I was in a race and couldn't use the watch my body would let me know when to drink.

2012-05-18 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I am happy to report that my hamstring issue is no more.  Apparently all I needed was some good drugs and bam it is gone.  I have now been pain free for 2 weeks!  I am still taking it easy on it as I know it can start bothering me again.

Bar, I was wondering if in other races they told you not to have your watch beep as I really thought that was odd.  I guess I need to start practicing with the vibration now just in case I run into it again. Many people told me I should have just played dumb about that rule as so many people utilize the beeps for drinking purposes.

Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend!  Can't wait to hear how you rocked it!

2012-05-18 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Welcome back to some wayward folks - you know who you are.

Billy - no corrections needed. Good advice.

Patrick - text me tomorrow. I will be down there tomorrow probably by noon. At the finish line tomorrow nite. 817-999-5540
2012-05-19 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Washington DC
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Hello everyone!

I'm back after probably at least a month away. In that time I've picked up and moved to DC, and just had my first run this morning: 3 miles in 37 minutes, which is a great time for me. Obviously, that was good luck, as after 2 intense weeks of apartment searching I am officially not homeless as of next week.

In the not so great news, I got on my bike this morning as well... And something is going on with the back wheel as it won't pedal. I had been having some issues back in Chicago when I was going uphill, and I don't know if Bretodeau didn't like being disassembled and put into the bike box or what, but he's out of commission until I can get someone to look at it.

I'll have to backtrack a bit to see what I missed, but I'm glad to be back. The inactivity was making me stir crazy.

2012-05-20 6:45 AM
in reply to: #4215860

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013


thanks for the thoughts!.. I KNOW they helped..and I will be sending you some serious support vibes on your first one!!

Its DONE... ITS in Da Books...and I will be posting race story soon.



2012-05-20 6:50 AM
in reply to: #4216160

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
benttwice - 2012-05-17 9:51 PM

Triple - I'm late replying, but my prayers are with you. Billy is 100% correct - times like that put it all in perspective and your faith is what will get you through.  My wife and I both have similar issues facing us in our families - all we can do is pray and support. On a lighter note - way to rock those centuries! I so wish I had thought about 12 in 2012! Great goal for the year!

irishod - Congrats on the awesome marathon and great race report! If you got a kick out of your trail run, give mountain biking (trail riding) a try. It could totally redirect your passion for run / tri to MTB. If I had mountains close by, that is all I would do.

Kathy and Fit - Love the youtube videos - keep 'em coming.

Monte - Good luck on your tri this weekend.  I'm also doing my first for of the year this Saturday. Where is yours?

On electronics - Sorry everyone - can't live without my gadgets. I'm an engineering nerd - the more data the better. From my Six Sigma training - you can't improve what you can't measure!

Suzie - you have inspired me on the Paleo / Primal diet. I've been doing alot of reading / research and your's and Fit's comments inspired me to give it a go.  Started this week. I'm also reading (listening) to "Why we get fat" by Gary Taubes. Very interesting.

Infinit & Nutrition - Been checking out Infinit and may try it. Also been hearing about UCAN - anyone tried it?

I'll be doing my first tri of the year this weekend - the Jekyll Island Turtle Crawl Sprint Tri.  My swim and run training have been weak in the last month or so, but the bike has been good. Hope to do alright. Just put some aero bars on the road bike last week - wow, what an improvement!  + 1 to 1.5 mph! I had heard it but didn't believe it.  I'm a bit worried about the swim on Saturday - 15 mph winds out of the NE for an ocean swim - 5 foot seas!  Ouch!  Hope it is wetsuit legal.

Sorry for the slack posts - I'm been following you guys - you are awesome! Best to everyone!

Take care,





Robbie... Thanks for the good wishes.. My race was in Ft. Benning ..  I hope yours went like you wanted it too...Putting together my thoughts for sharing.. was quite a "ride"..

Were you at Jekyll?  heard it was tough..



2012-05-20 6:52 AM
in reply to: #4218280

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

fat2tri - 2012-05-19 3:36 PM Hello everyone!

I'm back after probably at least a month away. In that time I've picked up and moved to DC, and just had my first run this morning: 3 miles in 37 minutes, which is a great time for me. Obviously, that was good luck, as after 2 intense weeks of apartment searching I am officially not homeless as of next week.

In the not so great news, I got on my bike this morning as well... And something is going on with the back wheel as it won't pedal. I had been having some issues back in Chicago when I was going uphill, and I don't know if Bretodeau didn't like being disassembled and put into the bike box or what, but he's out of commission until I can get someone to look at it.

I'll have to backtrack a bit to see what I missed, but I'm glad to be back. The inactivity was making me stir crazy.


Maria..... Welcome back.. glad life is getting back in order... sorry about the bike issues.. and we missed ya!!



2012-05-21 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Just when you thought it was safe to train indoors.......

Now get outside and run happy.

2012-05-21 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Oh Mark.. you gave me a good laugh. Totally posting this on FB.

thanks, man!
2012-05-22 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Finished my first tri of the year (second ever) this past weekend - The Jekyll Island Turtle Crawl Sprint.  I did much better than expected. I placed 29 out of 265 overall, and 3rd in my age group. I missed my name being called at the awards ceremony so I missed the podium moment!  I was walking up from the beach with my wife and girls, and as we were approaching the stage my oldest daughter tells me to go get my medal. I laughed and said "very funny, sweatheart!". Then my wife asks did you really hear my name called - daughter thens starts to doubt herself, and says "well, it sounded like his name, but I'm not sure!"  Didn't realize she we right until the next day looking at the results on the internet. 

Monte - Yes, the swim was tough, absolutely brutal - at least to me! There were a few folks plucked out the water. Also, regretfully, someone passed away in the water. Reports are saying it was a 44 year old with cardiac arrest. Very sad and tragic!

Race report is done. 

Take care, everyone!

2012-05-22 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Benttwice - that's absolutely awesome!! Great to hear your training is paying off. Very neat that you had your family there with you also. Congratulations.

2012-05-23 4:00 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Agree with Iris... Great job Robbie!!  As I was doing mine I was thinking about you doing yours and that we were sharing the pain.. ha..

Haven't done race report yet due to work, but since I am up at 3am, I will try to give the "first timer" novel version on here.

Race: Ft. Benning Reverse Tri.

This venture started at my parents pool over New Years when I announced to my Mom, Dad, sister and brother in law that I was going to do a Triathlon with a friend.  My sister quickly announced that "fat boy" had no chance, my mother said make sure you see a Dr. first, my dad said "mmmm" and my brother in law, a Colonel in the Army said "cool", "I'll do your first with you". (He meant it)

I started training Jan 9th, joined on here, entered this group, created another "Tri-Team" of misfits with sponsors and uniforms,went crazy hard training.. over did it.. lost 40 pounds from 236 to 196, lost my way a bit in training, got discouraged, got picked back up by lots of you guys, trying to keep team "motivated and going" for June 24th "team race".. lost a couple of weeks who knows where.. managed to rally at end in  prep for race.. whew.. thats 4 months recap LOL.  I am omitting the last couple weeks of doubts, anxiety, and what i am now calling my own "sabotage" so i could have an excuse if/when I failed to finish or meet my goals. (Maybe some of you have done something similar in the past?)

David, at War College in Pennslyvania, did his tri-training there amidst his normal activities and had to ship his bike and fly for me to pick him up in Atlanta Friday morning, where I had taken a day off work.  Grabbed him at 8:30, started South and immediately started talking about race, plans, etc.  We decided to go straight to Base and check out course and get packets that could be picked up starting at 12:00.  Drove the run route, bike route, and looked at the pool.. picked up packets and headed to hotel.  Of course we never stopped analyzing, guessing,  and generally working ourselves up.. talking about what if's and such.  Had dinner with old Army "buddy" and familly and tried to get to sleep at reasonable time.. We had set "goals" by this point... His was under 1:10:00 and mine was under 1:30:00.  (I had specifically decided to be under :32 for run, :45 for bike and 11 for swim, including transitions)

My deep down, real goal was to never stop, finish and have fun... all of which I was worried about.  I kept thinking about not doing anything "new and different" on race day.. and that helped keep me "loose" at the end as I was trying to figure out what was my "normal".. ha

Up at 5, coffee, talk more, cliff bar, banana, drive to base at 6am, find transition spot, rack bike,  set up... then try to kill another hour or so.. test bike..stretch..look at competition (scary)... Decide another goal is not to be last!  My age group, 40-49 appears to be the "studs" comprised mostly of the "in shape" Military guys.. and even a guy or two sporting the Iron Man Ink...

Cool Moment of the Morning:  Colors at 8:00, firing of canon, raising of Flag and Bugles.  Dead Silence.. awesome moment of respect and pride.. first tears of the day.

I moved to the back of the pack, as I knew I would be slow and just wanted to stay around 10 minute miles and not gas myself by trying to go too fast out of the gate (more advice from ya'll)  I must have gotten my starting position right, as I was only passed by 1 or two people in the first half mile.  Immediately was hurting as I always do the first mile.. and was ready to give in to my first walk.. however, there was a young lady running next to me.. and I kept saying to myself.. if she keeps going I will keep going.. She "pulled" me thru the first mile of pain and then when I finally had my "breath" entering mile 2 I was able to talk to her.  She was actually going faster than her normal "long distance" pace and was struggling a bit.. She said her Garmin had us at just under 10 min miles.  I was feeling better and better. Eventually she asked if we wanted to pick it up a bit.. I said sure, and we did for a couple minutes, but I could see her having some trouble, so I asked if she wanted to back it down a bit and she said yes so we did.  I could have stepped it up a bit further I think, but at this point there was No Way I was going to leave her after she pulled me and kept me from walking/giving "in".  Coming towards the end she said we were in the mid 9's and would hit transition under :30..also that the distance was going to be longer than 5k... got in at 29:28... was on my "race plan"

Long transition area, but felt like I did okay on my first one, 1:30, but this was relatively easy as it was run to bike... swap shoes.. helmet, check..head to mount/dismount..Notice the lack of bikes left in the area.. ugh..  Get on and start pedaling!!  I felt good immediately, as I had obviously "left some out there" on the run.. "Demi" was feeling sexy.. looking good.. and wanted to GO!! So.. being an agreeable type guy.. I said.. "Sure Baby... lets do this".. LOL.. anyhoo..I was hoping I would be faster than my 16-17mph training pace.  Didn't have clocks on the course, but had a good cadence.. was using the gears as needed.. staying aero..and always driving...saw I was hitting high 20's on any downgrade, 20-21 on flats.. and not dropping under 15 on inclines.. so felt good.  Never got passed..and started passing people around mile 3 or 4 and continued to do so all the way back to transition..... Now THAT was cool!!  pulled in at 38:59 with a 19.1 average mph.. got to mount/dismount... hopped off bike and....

WHAM.. both calves lock up!.. ugh... Do the I'm cramping.. old man shuffle all the way to bike rack.. helmet off.. check.. glasses off..check.. goggles.. check.. ear plugs.. check... cramps... check..SOOOO.. do the old man, I'm cramping shuffle all thru transition and for 150 yard "run" to Pool..

It's at this point that I say to myself... i've got this.. I'm cramping.. but I have roughly 25 minutes to do what I have been doing in 9 to 10 minutes... I feel confident!! for about 30 seconds......

you have to jump/enter the pool in the deep end, then start a back and forth 50m distance going under the lane ropes at each switch... No problem except.. 1) calves are still cramped and didn't want to get me back up from bottom of deep end entry..2) I am solidly middle of the pack in the Triathlon now, so the pool is Packed.. and 3). i apparently am a bit gassed from the ride..

I managed to go a full 150 meters before i hit a group of about 5 people packed up that I couldn't get by.. so i had to break my rhythm.. I hung on the wall for a second, let them get a bit ahead.. then swam the 50m..Caught again at wall, so had to wait again as there was no way to get around them or thru them.. Swam another 50m.. Now I start to look at clock on the deck... and think to myself.. am I going to miss this due to a LONG swim, which I had considered to be one of my strengths, especially coming at the end of the race?? Ugh.. Started doing breast stroke to stay right on them and watch for a quick "openning" to shoot thru... Got thru, but was immediately on another group so back to breast stroke... (I was no longer cramped, but was still gassed and knew I couldn't swim at my normal pace anyway, but could go faster than I was).. eventually on the last lap and able to swim it.. gave all i had left, and exited Pool up stairs to finish line.. right behind guy who finished .02 seconds ahead of me.. LOL but... in 1 hour 25 minutes flat!!!  well ahead of goal even with a 12:31 swim..

Emotional Overload..... Pain, Pride, Happiness, Excitement.. wishing others were there at finish line to share the moment. (Family couldn't be there for first one due to kids sports events, but will be at the team race June 24th).. Second tears of day... Walked towards transition in a "fog" to look for David, knowing he would have already finished...

Found him.. gave the "Brother in Law, we did it, Fist Bump" smiled.. shared the silent pride moment.. then the talking/recap began!!!  All while grabbing a beer and a slice of Pizza at 9:30am of course... David beat his goal too.. busted a 1:08:54, which was good enough for 6th in our age group and 11th overall... I managed to finish 67th out of 120 and 14th of 17 in our age group.... another goal.. wasn't last, but at this point I realized I wouldn't have cared if I had been last...I DID IT.....Remembered to thank everyone I saw in a Yellow shirt and shook a bunch of hands... We both even won a raffle prize.. Ha..

Had to check out of the hotel, repack and ship Davids bike back to PA... drive back to Atlanta Airport, and get back home to share with the family... 3rd tears of day in shower at hotel while getting cleaned up..Wimp...

I didn't realize how much you can talk about a 1:25 minute race until the 1:30 minute, longer ride to the airport.. ha...

As you all can imagine.. there's infinitely more that I left out, like the soreness and stiffness of the next day.. the pride in my numbers that didn't wash off for a day or two... etc..

I will end by saying thank you to Bryan and all of were all a part of my first first finish line (better add it Bryan!).. and this post puts the period on the "first" first triathlon..

Now to get a new plan together and get ready for the next race, and hopefully a few PR's..





2012-05-23 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Nice job you big cry baby, I say as I wipe tears from my eyes thinking about my first tri!  Very nice!

2012-05-23 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Congratulations Monte!  What a great recap!  My eyes watered up as I read this as I can image what you went thru, and I chuckled about Demi.  
2012-05-23 6:45 AM
in reply to: #4180153

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
benttwice - 2012-04-29 10:38 PM

Facebook - I'm Robert Meade in Richmond Hill GA if anyone wishes to be my friend - wow, that sounds sophomoric!


Hey Robert, for some reason I can't find you on FB. I have found lots of Robert Meade's but none from GA.   I am not a great FB searcher.  Look for me Kathy Vogt Thuneman, I don't think you will have any problems finding me.  

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