BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2012-05-30 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4232444

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-05-28 8:31 PM

It's been a rough couple of days in regards to working out and eating.  My sore hips really cut into my workout time last week and having a friend come to town didn't help with the healthy eating.  I had a great hill repeat workout and managed to add 1.5 miles an hour and shaved 11 minutes off my previous time.

Here's my plan - please give me crap if I don't follow through:

Monday - Hill Repeat workout
Tuesday - Short Swim/Short Run - I'm going to a redsox/detroit game in the pm so I will have to put in the time in the AM
Wednesday -  Biking to and from work - this will be a first for me...
Thursday - Long Swim/Long Run (I would like to see if I could swim a mile in less than 2:20 (my goal for the month) and hit 5 or six miles  on the run (my running goal))
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Hill Repeats
Sunday - Long Swim 

The long weekend was not good to me eating-wise either.  Had margarita, beer, and pizza night Saturday.  Then we grilled brats and burgers Sunday.  I did manage to get in a long run Sunday morning, but I'm still pretty sure I ate far more than I burned

2012-05-30 7:55 PM
in reply to: #4232628

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
rydergal - 2012-05-28 11:42 PM
thor67 - 2012-05-26 6:11 PM
rydergal - 2012-05-25 1:29 PM
thor67 - 2012-05-25 8:00 AM
kevinbe - 2012-05-24 11:20 PM

Moonrocket - 2012-05-25 8:31 AM Luckily the water is 60. It's the air that got chilly. Did you wear anything on your head for 52?

This is a good point.  I'm considering going out to a lake that I grew up water skiing on.  I can remember several times as a youth getting in during the beginning of June, so that's what I may go with.  I have no way of guaging temp, but wondering if I need something on feet, hands, or head.  What are BT's thoughts?

If you are tough like Tera(rydergal) then a racing speedo ought to do it.Smile if you are sissy like me a drysuit with battery operated heater....

Haaha ! U should invent that! Think of all the $$ you would make off us Canadian triathletes!!

Hey have a good race tomorrow!(you are in coronation Edmonton tri right??)

Things were hopping at united cycle today that is for sure!


Thanks! Race went good! First time in a 50m pool, actually liked it better! Kind of got into the rythm of things instead of stop start all the time.  Probably the best organized swim start I have been in as well! ....I left the garmin at home so transition times would be faster rather then fumbling with it's buttons.... instead I just wore a normal watch and timed the whole race....

I really though my run was sucky by perception, just wasn't feeling great in it and then I get my race results and ran one of the fastest 8km's I ever have! that was awesome!! (the course had to of been short

I Managed to do some shopping in Edmonton, got some new bike shoes! Hoping these ones will work! I was getting numb toes in my last 2 pairs, but this pair is nice and wide so hopefully will be much better! Got a 90km ride planned for tomorrow so that will be a good test!

Glad the race went well!  Courses are only assumed mismeasured if your times seem slow, then it's safe to assume the course is long.  If your times seem fast, just chalk that up to good training

2012-05-30 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4232467

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-05-28 8:46 PM

Ok, well, I sort of got my workouts in this weekend.  

I was planning on 13-15 miles running on Saturday and 45ish miles on Sunday.  I ended up running to the Soldier Field 10-miler and running the course backward while looking for my friend who was doing her longest distance ever.  She was struggling a little, so I when I found her, I ended up running the last few miles with her.  I then went into the stadium and watched her finish crossing the 50-yard line.  I originally was planning on running home after, but her mom (who had come to watch the race) offered to take us out to lunch.  So I ended up doing about 11 miles since I got a ride instead of running home.

Saturday night was the same friend's birthday/going away party, and I ended up having too much to drink and getting home at 3am.... I was supposed to do Bike the Drive at 5am but was still drunk so ended up skipping it.  I did get in a swim later that day, but was for the most part busy recovering from my night out!

I did end up doing a 38-mile bike ride this morning with some friends, so all was not lost!  No sign of plantar fasciitis, so that's good.  


ETA- I'm going on a road trip this week with the friend who had the going away party on Saturday.... Helping her move to Texas.  I'm hoping the hotels we stay at have pools so I can still swim and run.  If I have time between driving, maybe I'll also be able to rent some bikes and do some shorter rides along the way!  In any case, not sure how much internet access I'll have, so I might be MIA until next week!

Hey Missy - Glad to hear you made the most of your weekend!  Sure it didn't work out like you planned - but your still found a way to make it happen while having a good time with friends.  What were you drinking on Saturday night?  I ask because I'm thinking of heading out to Chicago to take my son to a game at wrigley field and want to stop and grab some good beer made out that way...  Any favorites you would care to recommend?

So glad to hear that the plantar is getting better!

2012-05-30 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4232628

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Thanks! Race went good! First time in a 50m pool, actually liked it better! Kind of got into the rythm of things instead of stop start all the time.  Probably the best organized swim start I have been in as well! ....I left the garmin at home so transition times would be faster rather then fumbling with it's buttons.... instead I just wore a normal watch and timed the whole race....

I really though my run was sucky by perception, just wasn't feeling great in it and then I get my race results and ran one of the fastest 8km's I ever have! that was awesome!! (the course had to of been short

I Managed to do some shopping in Edmonton, got some new bike shoes! Hoping these ones will work! I was getting numb toes in my last 2 pairs, but this pair is nice and wide so hopefully will be much better! Got a 90km ride planned for tomorrow so that will be a good test!

Glad to hear that the race went well... Kind of funny how our view of things in the moment doesn't always jive with the race clock.  The fact you did so well shows that all of that hard work is paying off!  Kudos!

How are the new shoes?

2012-05-30 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Just checking in... Last night (Wednesday), I took my son to a game at Fenway Park... We had a great time (I even ate well!  The only damage was a brat and a beer) but I didn't get home until 11:30.  When I woke up this morning it was raining hard so I decided to postpone my ride to work until Friday.  But I will get it in.  

I went for a ride today and was pleased by my pace... I've been getting faster (just shy of 16 mph)... I just need to keep up the progress and the speed will eventually come.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to get faster?  Right now I'm doing a bunch of hills and lactate threshold workouts.  What else should I be trying?

Swim and run tomorrow... Then I'm gonna reward myself in the evening by trying a bunch of hefeweizens with my friends.  I'll let you know if I try anything really tasty!

2012-05-30 8:20 PM
in reply to: #4232577

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

I'll give you crap if you do the same for me! How are your hips? I had a calf strain the past few weeks. It's so frustrating to be limited by an injury! I hope they get better quick. Sounds like you have a good week planned. Are you going to being in you clothes a day early for you bike commute? I keep thinking about doing this, but between daycare pick up and drop off and just general logistics I never end up doing it. I used to never use my car during the week. How far is your commute?

Thanks for checking in - the hips are getting better but I still don't feel strong yet... Yep, injuries do suck. When you get caught in the moment - it's easy to get frustrated (and I have been frustrated) but I'm trying to see that it's all a journey... If I exercise for the rest of my life - having a couple of easy days won't kill me.

You're right - you have to be prepared to ride to work - especially if you don't bring everything with you on the ride and you work in multiple places...  But I think I should be all set for when I ride in on Friday.  I will let you know how it goes... It's 40 miles round trip but the weather is looking good.  Another bonus - I won't have to worry about speed traps (the cops seem to be everywhere the last couple of daysLaughing

2012-05-31 5:46 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Just want to check in and let you all know that I'm still hanging in there! Today is the last day of school where I teach, and tomorrow is my last day (at least officially - there's always stuff to do!). I am excited to really focus on my training (and gardening...and working at autism camp...and watching my nieces and nephews...and taking a conducting class... ) I am registered for another 5k next weekend (the 9th) , but I think I'm going to have to find one in a different location. I'll be watching my nieces for a week at the end of June, and next weekend my husband is working 3 12-hour shifts at his externship, so I think it'd be a good time to visit and kind of reacquaint myself with their routines and everything - one is almost three and the other is 9 months, so everything is always changing! They live 4 hours from me, so doing the 5K here at home would mean a visit cut quite short. I'm not sure what I want to do, but I won't NOT do a 5K that weekend! I am getting frustrated with my lack of gains in my running. I am considering going back to a deliberate run-walk interval program. It's easier to make myself run harder if I know I get a break after a certain point. I wonder if it would even make the timing any slower, since I would push harder while I am running. I've been doing some walking in my runs, but it is only after I have been running so incredibly slowly for awhile and I get frustrated and walk for a bit. Thoughts?

Edited by boxerdogfriend 2012-05-31 5:47 AM
2012-05-31 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4236283

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-05-30 6:52 PM
Qua17 - 2012-05-28 8:31 PM

It's been a rough couple of days in regards to working out and eating.  My sore hips really cut into my workout time last week and having a friend come to town didn't help with the healthy eating.  I had a great hill repeat workout and managed to add 1.5 miles an hour and shaved 11 minutes off my previous time.

Here's my plan - please give me crap if I don't follow through:

Monday - Hill Repeat workout
Tuesday - Short Swim/Short Run - I'm going to a redsox/detroit game in the pm so I will have to put in the time in the AM
Wednesday -  Biking to and from work - this will be a first for me...
Thursday - Long Swim/Long Run (I would like to see if I could swim a mile in less than 2:20 (my goal for the month) and hit 5 or six miles  on the run (my running goal))
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Hill Repeats
Sunday - Long Swim 

The long weekend was not good to me eating-wise either.  Had margarita, beer, and pizza night Saturday.  Then we grilled brats and burgers Sunday.  I did manage to get in a long run Sunday morning, but I'm still pretty sure I ate far more than I burned

mixing alcohol=excess=lousy sleep. Of course I say this but I never remember it the next time I am sitting out on a deck on a sunny day eating and drinking too much!Smile

2012-05-31 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4236593

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

boxerdogfriend - 2012-05-31 4:46 AM Just want to check in and let you all know that I'm still hanging in there! Today is the last day of school where I teach, and tomorrow is my last day (at least officially - there's always stuff to do!). I am excited to really focus on my training (and gardening...and working at autism camp...and watching my nieces and nephews...and taking a conducting class... ) I am registered for another 5k next weekend (the 9th) , but I think I'm going to have to find one in a different location. I'll be watching my nieces for a week at the end of June, and next weekend my husband is working 3 12-hour shifts at his externship, so I think it'd be a good time to visit and kind of reacquaint myself with their routines and everything - one is almost three and the other is 9 months, so everything is always changing! They live 4 hours from me, so doing the 5K here at home would mean a visit cut quite short. I'm not sure what I want to do, but I won't NOT do a 5K that weekend! I am getting frustrated with my lack of gains in my running. I am considering going back to a deliberate run-walk interval program. It's easier to make myself run harder if I know I get a break after a certain point. I wonder if it would even make the timing any slower, since I would push harder while I am running. I've been doing some walking in my runs, but it is only after I have been running so incredibly slowly for awhile and I get frustrated and walk for a bit. Thoughts?

Looking at your logs, I would say run more. At best you go 2x week. I would try go 3-4x week. You could also add some hill training as well. It will get there eventually. Better to be a slow runner then a couch potato!

2012-05-31 6:37 PM
in reply to: #4236593

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

boxerdogfriend - 2012-05-31 5:46 AM Just want to check in and let you all know that I'm still hanging in there! Today is the last day of school where I teach, and tomorrow is my last day (at least officially - there's always stuff to do!). I am excited to really focus on my training (and gardening...and working at autism camp...and watching my nieces and nephews...and taking a conducting class... ) I am registered for another 5k next weekend (the 9th) , but I think I'm going to have to find one in a different location. I'll be watching my nieces for a week at the end of June, and next weekend my husband is working 3 12-hour shifts at his externship, so I think it'd be a good time to visit and kind of reacquaint myself with their routines and everything - one is almost three and the other is 9 months, so everything is always changing! They live 4 hours from me, so doing the 5K here at home would mean a visit cut quite short. I'm not sure what I want to do, but I won't NOT do a 5K that weekend! I am getting frustrated with my lack of gains in my running. I am considering going back to a deliberate run-walk interval program. It's easier to make myself run harder if I know I get a break after a certain point. I wonder if it would even make the timing any slower, since I would push harder while I am running. I've been doing some walking in my runs, but it is only after I have been running so incredibly slowly for awhile and I get frustrated and walk for a bit. Thoughts?

hmm... where to start?  What I'd like to do is to crack open a beer with you (beer makes everything betterLaughing) and tell you that what you are going through is what everyone goes through.  Everyone has to start somewhere and we all go through the pains and frustrations of those first steps...  I've been running on and on since I was nine but it's still tough for me to get into the swing on things.  When I decided to get back in shape (again!) in November, it took be almost 4 months before I could run a mile without stopping.  So, I can promise you from experience that it will get better!

Here are 2 suggestions (and a few of these were taught to me by other BTers who are members of this group!):

1) When you are starting out, it's not about speed or even improvement - it's about consistency.  Set a goal to work out a certain number of times each week.  That way - even when you have a tough week - you can still be proud just for getting it done.

2) Check out  He's THE running guru.  He's the guy who has popularized running with walking breaks.  His gospel - if it helps you to run, its ok to walk.  Here are two pages to check out:

3) Cultivate BT friendships... My friends on this site have been one of the reasons why I have made it this far...  When I started, my wife didn't get it.  But the people on this site did because knew exactly where I was coming from (and they know exactly where you are coming from) because they've been there and done it themselves.  As a result - they are a supportive bunch.  

4) Look back at all you have accomplished so far.  You should be proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished!

Keep up the great work! 

2012-05-31 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4236878

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-05-31 9:48 AM

boxerdogfriend - 2012-05-31 4:46 AM Just want to check in and let you all know that I'm still hanging in there! Today is the last day of school where I teach, and tomorrow is my last day (at least officially - there's always stuff to do!). I am excited to really focus on my training (and gardening...and working at autism camp...and watching my nieces and nephews...and taking a conducting class... ) I am registered for another 5k next weekend (the 9th) , but I think I'm going to have to find one in a different location. I'll be watching my nieces for a week at the end of June, and next weekend my husband is working 3 12-hour shifts at his externship, so I think it'd be a good time to visit and kind of reacquaint myself with their routines and everything - one is almost three and the other is 9 months, so everything is always changing! They live 4 hours from me, so doing the 5K here at home would mean a visit cut quite short. I'm not sure what I want to do, but I won't NOT do a 5K that weekend! I am getting frustrated with my lack of gains in my running. I am considering going back to a deliberate run-walk interval program. It's easier to make myself run harder if I know I get a break after a certain point. I wonder if it would even make the timing any slower, since I would push harder while I am running. I've been doing some walking in my runs, but it is only after I have been running so incredibly slowly for awhile and I get frustrated and walk for a bit. Thoughts?

Looking at your logs, I would say run more. At best you go 2x week. I would try go 3-4x week. You could also add some hill training as well. It will get there eventually. Better to be a slow runner then a couch potato!

Yes, that is very much true, I need to work on my consistency. I need to think of this as a parallel to playing an instrument. I can't expect it to get better, and therefore have no right to get frustrated, when I am inconsistent with my "practice", particularly at these early stages.

2012-05-31 8:42 PM
in reply to: #4238080

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-05-31 7:37 PM

boxerdogfriend - 2012-05-31 5:46 AM Just want to check in and let you all know that I'm still hanging in there! Today is the last day of school where I teach, and tomorrow is my last day (at least officially - there's always stuff to do!). I am excited to really focus on my training (and gardening...and working at autism camp...and watching my nieces and nephews...and taking a conducting class... ) I am registered for another 5k next weekend (the 9th) , but I think I'm going to have to find one in a different location. I'll be watching my nieces for a week at the end of June, and next weekend my husband is working 3 12-hour shifts at his externship, so I think it'd be a good time to visit and kind of reacquaint myself with their routines and everything - one is almost three and the other is 9 months, so everything is always changing! They live 4 hours from me, so doing the 5K here at home would mean a visit cut quite short. I'm not sure what I want to do, but I won't NOT do a 5K that weekend! I am getting frustrated with my lack of gains in my running. I am considering going back to a deliberate run-walk interval program. It's easier to make myself run harder if I know I get a break after a certain point. I wonder if it would even make the timing any slower, since I would push harder while I am running. I've been doing some walking in my runs, but it is only after I have been running so incredibly slowly for awhile and I get frustrated and walk for a bit. Thoughts?

hmm... where to start?  What I'd like to do is to crack open a beer with you (beer makes everything betterLaughing) and tell you that what you are going through is what everyone goes through.  Everyone has to start somewhere and we all go through the pains and frustrations of those first steps...  I've been running on and on since I was nine but it's still tough for me to get into the swing on things.  When I decided to get back in shape (again!) in November, it took be almost 4 months before I could run a mile without stopping.  So, I can promise you from experience that it will get better!

Here are 2 suggestions (and a few of these were taught to me by other BTers who are members of this group!):

1) When you are starting out, it's not about speed or even improvement - it's about consistency.  Set a goal to work out a certain number of times each week.  That way - even when you have a tough week - you can still be proud just for getting it done.

2) Check out  He's THE running guru.  He's the guy who has popularized running with walking breaks.  His gospel - if it helps you to run, its ok to walk.  Here are two pages to check out:

3) Cultivate BT friendships... My friends on this site have been one of the reasons why I have made it this far...  When I started, my wife didn't get it.  But the people on this site did because knew exactly where I was coming from (and they know exactly where you are coming from) because they've been there and done it themselves.  As a result - they are a supportive bunch.  

4) Look back at all you have accomplished so far.  You should be proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished!

Keep up the great work! 

Thanks for the info!
2012-05-31 8:53 PM
in reply to: #4238080

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-01 4:37 AM

boxerdogfriend - 2012-05-31 5:46 AM Just want to check in and let you all know that I'm still hanging in there! Today is the last day of school where I teach, and tomorrow is my last day (at least officially - there's always stuff to do!). I am excited to really focus on my training (and gardening...and working at autism camp...and watching my nieces and nephews...and taking a conducting class... ) I am registered for another 5k next weekend (the 9th) , but I think I'm going to have to find one in a different location. I'll be watching my nieces for a week at the end of June, and next weekend my husband is working 3 12-hour shifts at his externship, so I think it'd be a good time to visit and kind of reacquaint myself with their routines and everything - one is almost three and the other is 9 months, so everything is always changing! They live 4 hours from me, so doing the 5K here at home would mean a visit cut quite short. I'm not sure what I want to do, but I won't NOT do a 5K that weekend! I am getting frustrated with my lack of gains in my running. I am considering going back to a deliberate run-walk interval program. It's easier to make myself run harder if I know I get a break after a certain point. I wonder if it would even make the timing any slower, since I would push harder while I am running. I've been doing some walking in my runs, but it is only after I have been running so incredibly slowly for awhile and I get frustrated and walk for a bit. Thoughts?

hmm... where to start?  What I'd like to do is to crack open a beer with you (beer makes everything betterLaughing) and tell you that what you are going through is what everyone goes through.  Everyone has to start somewhere and we all go through the pains and frustrations of those first steps...  I've been running on and on since I was nine but it's still tough for me to get into the swing on things.  When I decided to get back in shape (again!) in November, it took be almost 4 months before I could run a mile without stopping.  So, I can promise you from experience that it will get better!

Here are 2 suggestions (and a few of these were taught to me by other BTers who are members of this group!):

1) When you are starting out, it's not about speed or even improvement - it's about consistency.  Set a goal to work out a certain number of times each week.  That way - even when you have a tough week - you can still be proud just for getting it done.

2) Check out  He's THE running guru.  He's the guy who has popularized running with walking breaks.  His gospel - if it helps you to run, its ok to walk.  Here are two pages to check out:

3) Cultivate BT friendships... My friends on this site have been one of the reasons why I have made it this far...  When I started, my wife didn't get it.  But the people on this site did because knew exactly where I was coming from (and they know exactly where you are coming from) because they've been there and done it themselves.  As a result - they are a supportive bunch.  

4) Look back at all you have accomplished so far.  You should be proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished!

Keep up the great work! 

5)  If you run on a treadmill, or the road, and you do a similar workout/route, then try to improve in incriments on total elapsed time, or try to improve on distance by just a little if your going for distance as a goal.  Then be proud as he77 that you accomplished it and hang your hat on it for the entire day and into the next workout. 

Sometimes this will just be hard overcoming the physical part of pushing just a little harder than you did the last time.  Sometimes, you don't even come close to accomplishing your goal time or distance for that workout, and that's o.k. to, because as you do it, those days will become fewer and fewer, and your lows will be higher than other lows, and if it were on a graph, your highs will get higher and your graph will be trending towards improvement of times/distance as you improve on your fitness.

Keep up the training, and watch for the little accomplishments to hang your hat on.

2012-05-31 8:54 PM
in reply to: #4236593

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

boxerdogfriend - 2012-05-31 5:46 AM Just want to check in and let you all know that I'm still hanging in there! Today is the last day of school where I teach, and tomorrow is my last day (at least officially - there's always stuff to do!). I am excited to really focus on my training (and gardening...and working at autism camp...and watching my nieces and nephews...and taking a conducting class... ) I am registered for another 5k next weekend (the 9th) , but I think I'm going to have to find one in a different location. I'll be watching my nieces for a week at the end of June, and next weekend my husband is working 3 12-hour shifts at his externship, so I think it'd be a good time to visit and kind of reacquaint myself with their routines and everything - one is almost three and the other is 9 months, so everything is always changing! They live 4 hours from me, so doing the 5K here at home would mean a visit cut quite short. I'm not sure what I want to do, but I won't NOT do a 5K that weekend! I am getting frustrated with my lack of gains in my running. I am considering going back to a deliberate run-walk interval program. It's easier to make myself run harder if I know I get a break after a certain point. I wonder if it would even make the timing any slower, since I would push harder while I am running. I've been doing some walking in my runs, but it is only after I have been running so incredibly slowly for awhile and I get frustrated and walk for a bit. Thoughts?

Both David and Thor have made some great points and I'm just going to add to a couple of them.  I think you'll make bigger gains if you add in an extra run or two a week.  You don't even necessarily have to add in much distance, or hills, or intensity.  Just that extra day or two a week will provide more stimulus in order for your body to adapt and get stronger.  I know I noticed a big difference when I went from 3 to 4 or 5 runs per week a few years back.

The run/walk approach works for a lot of people.  I have friends who have used the Galloway method to run races all the way up to full marathons.  The prescribed breaks allow for the legs to remain fresher longer, and thus allow you to run harder during the run periods.  Some of them have actually seen their race times improve by using this method. I think this would be a great way for you to approach the run and would allow you to chart some progress.  You may find after awhile that your walk breaks are get shorter and shorter.

Lastly, just keep up the hard work and stay at it.  Sometimes the lack of progress can get frustrating, but there have been times where I've gone months and months without improvement and all of the sudden it's like a light switch gets flipped and things just seem easier.  I'm hoping that's the case with you

2012-05-31 11:34 PM
in reply to: #4236308

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-05-30 7:08 PM

Thanks! Race went good! First time in a 50m pool, actually liked it better! Kind of got into the rythm of things instead of stop start all the time.  Probably the best organized swim start I have been in as well! ....I left the garmin at home so transition times would be faster rather then fumbling with it's buttons.... instead I just wore a normal watch and timed the whole race....

I really though my run was sucky by perception, just wasn't feeling great in it and then I get my race results and ran one of the fastest 8km's I ever have! that was awesome!! (the course had to of been short

I Managed to do some shopping in Edmonton, got some new bike shoes! Hoping these ones will work! I was getting numb toes in my last 2 pairs, but this pair is nice and wide so hopefully will be much better! Got a 90km ride planned for tomorrow so that will be a good test!

Glad to hear that the race went well... Kind of funny how our view of things in the moment doesn't always jive with the race clock.  The fact you did so well shows that all of that hard work is paying off!  Kudos!

How are the new shoes?


Thanks! Well toes didn't get as numb as was super windy too and i'm not sure if that's causing it too since it was only about 10degrees out? Does anyone else get numb toes when they ride? I find it happening more on my left foot which I know i'm right foot dominant...I think maybe i'm hammering down too much and not enough pull up??

2012-05-31 11:46 PM
in reply to: #4238266

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
boxerdogfriend - 2012-05-31 7:42 PM
Qua17 - 2012-05-31 7:37 PM

boxerdogfriend - 2012-05-31 5:46 AM Just want to check in and let you all know that I'm still hanging in there! Today is the last day of school where I teach, and tomorrow is my last day (at least officially - there's always stuff to do!). I am excited to really focus on my training (and gardening...and working at autism camp...and watching my nieces and nephews...and taking a conducting class... ) I am registered for another 5k next weekend (the 9th) , but I think I'm going to have to find one in a different location. I'll be watching my nieces for a week at the end of June, and next weekend my husband is working 3 12-hour shifts at his externship, so I think it'd be a good time to visit and kind of reacquaint myself with their routines and everything - one is almost three and the other is 9 months, so everything is always changing! They live 4 hours from me, so doing the 5K here at home would mean a visit cut quite short. I'm not sure what I want to do, but I won't NOT do a 5K that weekend! I am getting frustrated with my lack of gains in my running. I am considering going back to a deliberate run-walk interval program. It's easier to make myself run harder if I know I get a break after a certain point. I wonder if it would even make the timing any slower, since I would push harder while I am running. I've been doing some walking in my runs, but it is only after I have been running so incredibly slowly for awhile and I get frustrated and walk for a bit. Thoughts?

hmm... where to start?  What I'd like to do is to crack open a beer with you (beer makes everything betterLaughing) and tell you that what you are going through is what everyone goes through.  Everyone has to start somewhere and we all go through the pains and frustrations of those first steps...  I've been running on and on since I was nine but it's still tough for me to get into the swing on things.  When I decided to get back in shape (again!) in November, it took be almost 4 months before I could run a mile without stopping.  So, I can promise you from experience that it will get better!

Here are 2 suggestions (and a few of these were taught to me by other BTers who are members of this group!):

1) When you are starting out, it's not about speed or even improvement - it's about consistency.  Set a goal to work out a certain number of times each week.  That way - even when you have a tough week - you can still be proud just for getting it done.

2) Check out  He's THE running guru.  He's the guy who has popularized running with walking breaks.  His gospel - if it helps you to run, its ok to walk.  Here are two pages to check out:

3) Cultivate BT friendships... My friends on this site have been one of the reasons why I have made it this far...  When I started, my wife didn't get it.  But the people on this site did because knew exactly where I was coming from (and they know exactly where you are coming from) because they've been there and done it themselves.  As a result - they are a supportive bunch.  

4) Look back at all you have accomplished so far.  You should be proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished!

Keep up the great work! 

Thanks for the info!


I agree with everyone too! Once I started doing more runs and adding in thresholds and m.a.p runs I started noticing huge changes. Also another good thing I found to help push me to the max is run with someone that's a little bit faster then you or will make you run faster, especially a frien. I found that I wanted to keep up and realized I could and once you get past that barrier it makes you more confident that the next time you can go faster!

2012-06-01 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4238492

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
rydergal - 2012-05-31 11:34 PM
Qua17 - 2012-05-30 7:08 PM

Thanks! Race went good! First time in a 50m pool, actually liked it better! Kind of got into the rythm of things instead of stop start all the time.  Probably the best organized swim start I have been in as well! ....I left the garmin at home so transition times would be faster rather then fumbling with it's buttons.... instead I just wore a normal watch and timed the whole race....

I really though my run was sucky by perception, just wasn't feeling great in it and then I get my race results and ran one of the fastest 8km's I ever have! that was awesome!! (the course had to of been short

I Managed to do some shopping in Edmonton, got some new bike shoes! Hoping these ones will work! I was getting numb toes in my last 2 pairs, but this pair is nice and wide so hopefully will be much better! Got a 90km ride planned for tomorrow so that will be a good test!

Glad to hear that the race went well... Kind of funny how our view of things in the moment doesn't always jive with the race clock.  The fact you did so well shows that all of that hard work is paying off!  Kudos!

How are the new shoes?


Thanks! Well toes didn't get as numb as was super windy too and i'm not sure if that's causing it too since it was only about 10degrees out? Does anyone else get numb toes when they ride? I find it happening more on my left foot which I know i'm right foot dominant...I think maybe i'm hammering down too much and not enough pull up??

My guess is that it may be a cleat positioning issue since this is happening with multiple pairs of shoes. I would get sone numbness on really long rides but played around with cleat location to minimize it.
2012-06-02 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Yay!  Got in my first open water swim today.  It started a little slow- but felt much better pretty quickly.  That and an hour 45 on the bike and I'm feeling pretty good.
2012-06-02 5:13 PM
in reply to: #4240797

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Moonrocket - 2012-06-02 11:24 PM Yay!  Got in my first open water swim today.  It started a little slow- but felt much better pretty quickly.  That and an hour 45 on the bike and I'm feeling pretty good.

I still have yet to get the first one in.  How is the initial shock of the OW temp. vs. the climate controlled pool?


2012-06-02 5:26 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Was able to get the swim in today.  Strange thing happened on my second set of a 2x600 workout.  The HIM plan I'm doing calls for RPE 8 on this 2nd 600 (ridiculous).  So I'm about 19 lengths or so into this thing, not at an 8, but maybe a 6-7, and I was fortunate to look up and see a gal next to me with a kickboard doing kick drills.  Not entirely weird, except that I started out in the lane solo, and I was pushing the issue and a lot all over the lane.  I have no idea when she popped into the lane unnanounced, nor do I care, and I was a little miffed for about a length, until I got over myself, moved over and finished my set.  Thought it weird because when I swim during the week with the 5am crowd, we all anounce ourselves first prior to entering the lane, I assume to avoid a collision between unsuspecting swimmers.

I normally just hang my feet over the edge until the person agknowledges me when entering a lane w/ someone in it.  Sometimes I have to wait 2-3 times for them to notice, but usually they see me right away.  What do you all do when entering a lane someone's already swimming in?

On a running note, I got a 3.07 miler down in 20:27 later this afternoon.  Nice to know the old legs still got some speed left in em.  I won't do much speed work on the run during this training cycle, only to avoid injury, so I was almost giddy when the schedule had me doing a 3 mile run, I decided to go for broke and pin my ears back.  ( I have big German ears that flap in the wind and make me less aero.Laughing)

2012-06-02 6:21 PM
in reply to: #4240797

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Moonrocket - 2012-06-02 1:24 PM Yay!  Got in my first open water swim today.  It started a little slow- but felt much better pretty quickly.  That and an hour 45 on the bike and I'm feeling pretty good.

First time in the wetsuit? How did it go?

2012-06-02 6:25 PM
in reply to: #4241056

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-02 5:26 PM

Was able to get the swim in today.  Strange thing happened on my second set of a 2x600 workout.  The HIM plan I'm doing calls for RPE 8 on this 2nd 600 (ridiculous).  So I'm about 19 lengths or so into this thing, not at an 8, but maybe a 6-7, and I was fortunate to look up and see a gal next to me with a kickboard doing kick drills.  Not entirely weird, except that I started out in the lane solo, and I was pushing the issue and a lot all over the lane.  I have no idea when she popped into the lane unnanounced, nor do I care, and I was a little miffed for about a length, until I got over myself, moved over and finished my set.  Thought it weird because when I swim during the week with the 5am crowd, we all anounce ourselves first prior to entering the lane, I assume to avoid a collision between unsuspecting swimmers.

I normally just hang my feet over the edge until the person agknowledges me when entering a lane w/ someone in it.  Sometimes I have to wait 2-3 times for them to notice, but usually they see me right away.  What do you all do when entering a lane someone's already swimming in?

On a running note, I got a 3.07 miler down in 20:27 later this afternoon.  Nice to know the old legs still got some speed left in em.  I won't do much speed work on the run during this training cycle, only to avoid injury, so I was almost giddy when the schedule had me doing a 3 mile run, I decided to go for broke and pin my ears back.  ( I have big German ears that flap in the wind and make me less aero.Laughing)

Pool etiquette can be dicey sometimes.  I've had many near collisions with random pop-ins.  Glad you avoided one!

Nice job on the run too!  It's always nice when training for the long endurance stuff to tie one on and test the speed from time to time

2012-06-02 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
I had another race today.  It was a 20k in Des Moines which is touted as America's largest 20k probably because it is such and odd distance.  Anyway, I had a great race and for the first time this year felt like things really came together.  I ran a 1:24:36 which was good enough for 177th out of about 7000 people.  It was a 4.5 minute PR over when I ran it last four years ago and a great confidence booster in terms of feeling I may actually be able to qualify for Boston later this year.  I celebrated with ginormous steak for dinner and a a few founder's IPAs to wash it down
2012-06-02 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4241056

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-02 4:26 PM

Was able to get the swim in today.  Strange thing happened on my second set of a 2x600 workout.  The HIM plan I'm doing calls for RPE 8 on this 2nd 600 (ridiculous).  So I'm about 19 lengths or so into this thing, not at an 8, but maybe a 6-7, and I was fortunate to look up and see a gal next to me with a kickboard doing kick drills.  Not entirely weird, except that I started out in the lane solo, and I was pushing the issue and a lot all over the lane.  I have no idea when she popped into the lane unnanounced, nor do I care, and I was a little miffed for about a length, until I got over myself, moved over and finished my set.  Thought it weird because when I swim during the week with the 5am crowd, we all anounce ourselves first prior to entering the lane, I assume to avoid a collision between unsuspecting swimmers.

I normally just hang my feet over the edge until the person agknowledges me when entering a lane w/ someone in it.  Sometimes I have to wait 2-3 times for them to notice, but usually they see me right away.  What do you all do when entering a lane someone's already swimming in?

On a running note, I got a 3.07 miler down in 20:27 later this afternoon.  Nice to know the old legs still got some speed left in em.  I won't do much speed work on the run during this training cycle, only to avoid injury, so I was almost giddy when the schedule had me doing a 3 mile run, I decided to go for broke and pin my ears back.  ( I have big German ears that flap in the wind and make me less aero.Laughing)

I usually just throw my swim trunks in front of them then hop in...just kidding!

2012-06-02 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4241135

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 5:40 PM I had another race today.  It was a 20k in Des Moines which is touted as America's largest 20k probably because it is such and odd distance.  Anyway, I had a great race and for the first time this year felt like things really came together.  I ran a 1:24:36 which was good enough for 177th out of about 7000 people.  It was a 4.5 minute PR over when I ran it last four years ago and a great confidence booster in terms of feeling I may actually be able to qualify for Boston later this year.  I celebrated with ginormous steak for dinner and a a few founder's IPAs to wash it down

Sweet! Can't beat a great steak and ipa, oh and the run is pretty good too!Smile

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