BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-03-17 10:35 AM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Suzie471

Had a good week last week and I was able to finish it out strong on the weekend. I worked a 16hr shift Friday night into Saturday morning and went right from work to meet my running group. We did a 3.14 mile run in honor of Pi Day and since I did not realize Pi Day fell on Saturday, I actually overbooked myself for a Pi run at 9:26am that morning (Pi=3.1415926..get it?) I was tired but got re-energized when I met my "Bestie" for our 5k Pi run. I was tired when we were done but felt good and strong. I actually took a day off of training on Sunday and spent the whole time with my hubby

Back at it Monday with a swim and a run. So far the week looks good. Hoping the weather will hold and I can get my bike outside this weekend.

Have a great week everyone! Keep posting, love reading how everyone is doing and your motivation is contagious for me

Way to double up the run !!!
And even better for having a rest day and balancing out time with the hubby !!!! It will pay dividends along the journey.

2015-03-17 11:49 AM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Today was my first day back to training after my GI bug, and it wasn't pretty! I am definitely still a bit depleted, and I ended up having to walk more of the run than I would like. My muscles are still achy. But, the first step is getting back out there, so at least I have that behind me. Hopefully every day will feel a bit better. I'm in San Antonio for work where it is in the 70s, and it really felt good to run outside!

I took the plunge and signed up for a swim clinic as part of a local tri fest on the 28th. For any of you New Englanders out there you might check out the TriMania Summit being held at MIT on March 28. It looks like a great event, and there are a bunch of clinics you can sign up for. The MIT facility is amazing too.

2015-03-17 12:59 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Turned cooler and very windy overnight; temps back into the low 40's with strong northwest winds! I couldn't take doing a walk on the treadmill this morning; so, walked outside and pushed to see what kind of 5K walk I could showed I did the 5K in 41:52. Had to make a stop in the first mile and stopped my watch so that may have affected the first mile just a bit. Still finishing in that time is about as good as I believe I can do on a very flat course. Will do another time trial again in a week or so......
2015-03-17 4:18 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Suzie471

Had a good week last week and I was able to finish it out strong on the weekend. I worked a 16hr shift Friday night into Saturday morning and went right from work to meet my running group. We did a 3.14 mile run in honor of Pi Day and since I did not realize Pi Day fell on Saturday, I actually overbooked myself for a Pi run at 9:26am that morning (Pi=3.1415926..get it?) I was tired but got re-energized when I met my "Bestie" for our 5k Pi run. I was tired when we were done but felt good and strong. I actually took a day off of training on Sunday and spent the whole time with my hubby

Back at it Monday with a swim and a run. So far the week looks good. Hoping the weather will hold and I can get my bike outside this weekend.

Have a great week everyone! Keep posting, love reading how everyone is doing and your motivation is contagious for me

Talk about Rocking it! Pulling a 16hr shift then 2 runs!! Way to Go.

Yes I am excited about my race, it feels good to know that I am getting ready. I had to get on the ball with everyone else competeing in the spring. Stop the fear and just go for it.
2015-03-17 4:23 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
I had my first solo bike ride tonight. It was a quick 6 miles and the cars were driving close but I kept on going. It felt good to get over some fear of traffic by myself. Also, I had a 14mph crosswide which was interesting to work with. First time riding with a crosswind. A day of firsts. Over all I am feeling great. Time for a shower, Corned beef and cabbage and off to scouts. Have a great night everyone!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Baby steps and celebrating each new triumph along the way.
Athlete in training Week 8

Edited by nekomidori 2015-03-17 4:24 PM
2015-03-17 6:24 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by nekomidori

I had my first solo bike ride tonight. It was a quick 6 miles and the cars were driving close but I kept on going. It felt good to get over some fear of traffic by myself. Also, I had a 14mph crosswide which was interesting to work with. First time riding with a crosswind. A day of firsts. Over all I am feeling great. Time for a shower, Corned beef and cabbage and off to scouts. Have a great night everyone!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Baby steps and celebrating each new triumph along the way.
Athlete in training Week 8

Great Ride!! Gotta be careful in that traffic!! Worked on the corned beef and cabbage this we'll see if I cooked it right!!....

2015-03-17 8:20 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by nekomidori

I had my first solo bike ride tonight. It was a quick 6 miles and the cars were driving close but I kept on going. It felt good to get over some fear of traffic by myself. Also, I had a 14mph crosswide which was interesting to work with. First time riding with a crosswind. A day of firsts. Over all I am feeling great. Time for a shower, Corned beef and cabbage and off to scouts. Have a great night everyone!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Baby steps and celebrating each new triumph along the way.
Athlete in training Week 8

Awesome! Sounds like a good confidence boost! I second the caution about traffic - a woman was killed cycling in my neighborhood last week. Make sure to where bright clothing and watch those parked cars for doors.

I'm holding out for some warm weather here so I can get on my bike outdoors.
2015-03-18 1:09 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Todd, I hope you are feeling better! How's the back?

Nicole, way to go! I'm scared to ride outside. It's too cold still for me but soon i'll need to conquer this fear myself.

2newknees! you are rocking this training! It's so exciting and inspiring to hear people just getting out there and working hard. Good for you! Keep up the super work!

I love checking in with this group! I'm doing great too! 7.5 weeks until my first race. YIKES! I've never even biked outside!
2015-03-18 1:50 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
It seems like time just keeps moving by - people are training - stretching themselves - improving - tackling challenges and obstacles - gee sounds like a lot of your typical success principles

Let's see, Nicole has a Sprint Tri in April, Colleen says she has a race 7.5 weeks out. Would it be possible to get everyone's first race of the year (tri or whatever discipline) on one note/message so others can keep that in mind/enjoy the journey and provide encouragement/assurances ?

My first running race will be 5/9/2015 - a 6k cross country race (unless I run a 5k with JJ in April)
2015-03-18 1:52 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
It seems like time just keeps moving by - people are training - stretching themselves - improving - tackling challenges and obstacles - gee sounds like a lot of your typical success principles

Let's see, Nicole has a Sprint Tri in April, Colleen says she has a race 7.5 weeks out. Would it be possible to get everyone's first race of the year (tri or whatever discipline) on one note/message so others can keep that in mind/enjoy the journey and provide encouragement/assurances ?

My first running race will be 5/9/2015 - a 6k cross country race (unless I run a 5k with JJ in April - although even if he doesn't want me to "run it with" him I wouldn't be racing it - not on that course - it would just be a good training run)
2015-03-19 8:11 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by peto_primo

It seems like time just keeps moving by - people are training - stretching themselves - improving - tackling challenges and obstacles - gee sounds like a lot of your typical success principles

Let's see, Nicole has a Sprint Tri in April, Colleen says she has a race 7.5 weeks out. Would it be possible to get everyone's first race of the year (tri or whatever discipline) on one note/message so others can keep that in mind/enjoy the journey and provide encouragement/assurances ?

My first running race will be 5/9/2015 - a 6k cross country race (unless I run a 5k with JJ in April - although even if he doesn't want me to "run it with" him I wouldn't be racing it - not on that course - it would just be a good training run)

I know that I am doing another Half Ironman (non branded this time) on September 27th. I know I will do at least a few more, but right now with my back, which is feeling a lot better, and work everything is a little uncertain. I am debating doing a Sprint in a month or so but that would just be about covering the distance and enjoying the day, not racing.

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2015-03-19 10:31 AM

2015-03-20 1:34 AM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Southern Norway, Vest-Agder
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED

Would it be possible to get everyone's first race of the year (tri or whatever discipline) on one note/message so others can keep that in mind/enjoy the journey and provide encouragement/assurances ? My first running race will be 5/9/2015 - a 6k cross country race (unless I run a 5k with JJ in April - although even if he doesn't want me to "run it with" him I wouldn't be racing it - not on that course - it would just be a good training run)

My first race is a half marathon on the Faroe Islands. Together with two friends we are leaving for four days to enjoy the islands and the race. It would be great to do a sub 2 hour race, but time is closing in and endurance not buildt on day or two, so I better start getting in those long runs :-) We are trying to make this a tradition, and are allready considering Svalbard next year. There they have guards with rifles in the course to watch out for polar bears. Cool! Talk about motivation for running fast! First tri is August 1st in my home town.

2015-03-20 10:44 AM
in reply to: Gnoory

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Gnoory

Would it be possible to get everyone's first race of the year (tri or whatever discipline) on one note/message so others can keep that in mind/enjoy the journey and provide encouragement/assurances ? My first running race will be 5/9/2015 - a 6k cross country race (unless I run a 5k with JJ in April - although even if he doesn't want me to "run it with" him I wouldn't be racing it - not on that course - it would just be a good training run)

My first race is a half marathon on the Faroe Islands. Together with two friends we are leaving for four days to enjoy the islands and the race. It would be great to do a sub 2 hour race, but time is closing in and endurance not buildt on day or two, so I better start getting in those long runs :-) We are trying to make this a tradition, and are allready considering Svalbard next year. There they have guards with rifles in the course to watch out for polar bears. Cool! Talk about motivation for running fast! First tri is August 1st in my home town.

That is kinda of cool motivation. My birthday is August 1st. Maybe it will be a lucky day for you. I will think of you on my birthday.
2015-03-20 10:46 AM
in reply to: Gnoory

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Gnoory

We are trying to make this a tradition, and are allready considering Svalbard next year. There they have guards with rifles in the course to watch out for polar bears. Cool! Talk about motivation for running fast! First tri is August 1st in my home town.

Don't dress in dark colors and make any sounds like a seal
2015-03-20 11:11 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
I had a good swim on Wednesday but got caught up in life with forgotten appointments and then a migraine with aura took care of the rest of my training time, so I lost out on my run. I was luckily already scheduled for a massage which helped to make it all better. I had my day off yesterday and now I am back. I had the day off from work and have a late start on my workout. I am a little confused on my training plan now that I am competing in a few weeks. I need a week off before the race. I did schedule a massage that week. How do I proceed from here?? Do I start running a bit more longer run times and less walking (right now I can run for 1/2 mile). I know I can do the 3 mile run so that isn't really the problem I guess. I am riding between 6-8 miles a week so I guess I better up my miles on the bike. I did 16 miles in the morning and 12 miles in the afternoon of the tri camp so I know I can do the miles. Of course that was inside on the trainer. My current schedule says to bike 10 miles on the weekend and only 6 today. I guess I need to find another route. I was biking on the road for only a few blocks to get to the trail I do that is 7 miles round trip. That is nice because then I don't have to worry about traffic so much.

My swim coach says I am good with my swim just keep working on my speed. I am now working on decreasing my arm strokes to increase my speed. I did pulls this week and learned that with just my arms I get across the pool faster than with the kick board. I did 25 yd pulls in 30 Seconds my legs are 38-42 with the kick board for 25 yd.

I think I will keep going with my swim training, bump up my time of running vs walking just a bit, and bump up my mileage on the bike.
My race is 300 yd swim, 12 mile bike, and 5k which is less than the Sprint in August I was looking at.
This is April 12th that I compete. I am also looking at a sprint July 11th 250 meter pool, 16 mile bike, 5 k run. I have to see about family vacationing at that time. Then the main sprint I was looking at was Aug 23rd 4 meter pool, 15 mile bike, 5 k run. My husband wants me to do a bike race this fall with my son and him, the Gran Fondo Hincapie . The hills are crazy, so I am a little nervous now about them. I will have to see. It is not until October 24th there is a 15, 50,or 80 mile race. That is a big decision.

I need to just put my head down stop talking and get to working. I'm off to the pool.
Have a great day.
Athlete in training
My goals in my sprint are 1 have fun, 2 cross the finish without help, 3 not need medical assistance after the race. (Inspired By Karen a 3 time Ironman triathlete I met at the pool on Wednesday.)
2015-03-20 1:19 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Great idea to list the races!

I've got a 5k on Sunday - O'Harford race- complete with beer and corned beef and cabbage at the finish line

I've got a sprint tri on 5/10 (happy mothers day to me!) 250yards/12 miles/ 3 miles

I'll prob do a sprint tri on 6/11

I've got a sprint tri on 7/8

I've got a sprint tri on 8/30-

WOW, that looks like a lot! YIKES! I'm hoping the snow will melt and I can get some outdoor riding in. hoping to improve my endurance and speed with my running this summer. I have loads of interruptions to my normal schedule this summer, i hope it doesn't derail my training.

For those who have done a spring race, how long do most parts take- typically?

2015-03-20 6:53 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Smiley9188

For those who have done a spring race, how long do most parts take- typically?

It all depends on you and how you are at the parts.
How long does it take you to swim the distance?
How long would a comfortably pushing ride take?
how long would a standalone 5k take -maybe add 2 or 3 minutes to that for your first race.

figure out your transitions - key to that slow is smooth, smooth is fast..
2015-03-20 8:16 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Great idea to list the races!

I've got a 5k on Sunday - O'Harford race- complete with beer and corned beef and cabbage at the finish line

I've got a sprint tri on 5/10 (happy mothers day to me!) 250yards/12 miles/ 3 miles

I'll prob do a sprint tri on 6/11

I've got a sprint tri on 7/8

I've got a sprint tri on 8/30-

WOW, that looks like a lot! YIKES! I'm hoping the snow will melt and I can get some outdoor riding in. hoping to improve my endurance and speed with my running this summer. I have loads of interruptions to my normal schedule this summer, i hope it doesn't derail my training.

For those who have done a spring race, how long do most parts take- typically?

You have an ambitious schedule. Good luck. It will definitely keep you in shape. I imagine by the end of the summer you will have improved your speed and now a lot about yourself.
2015-03-20 11:10 PM
in reply to: 0

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Des Plaines, Illinois
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Hi my husband convinced me to get a new bike today to gear up for my "official" training start on Monday. He said I'd make the local papers if I attempted a triathlon on my current bike, which he terms a 10 year old Divvy Bike (Chicago's answer to bike sharing: (It's's a Trek Hybrid...complete with flowers and a basket. But I have to admit the style is pretty similar.) I was pretty reluctant but he took me to his friend's bike shop and it was all over. I lost all track of price tags and will probably be declaring bankruptcy at some point soon but I am in absolute love. I think it's going to meet all of my requirements both for the Tri and for my life. It's a custom Soma double cross. I bought knobby tires for training (I'll be mostly on gravel trails) and will go back for road tires in June. I would add a photo if I knew how...but for now trust me, it's sweet. An absolute perfect fit. The bike shop tailors to women and the owner spent about 3 hours with me this afternoon. Amazing! I'm hoping to get out on the trail tomorrow morning. If I don't check in after the inaugural ride, it's because I just kept going ;-)

EDIT: The ride was terrific, but of all the things Spinning doesn't train you for, I'd have to say riding face first into 40 degree 20mph wind was the most obvious.

Edited by jennifersmith847 2015-03-21 11:40 PM
2015-03-22 6:01 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Great idea to list the races!

For those who have done a spring race, how long do most parts take- typically?

Wishing you the best of luck on your 5K this morning!!!

The best way to get an idea of the average times is to take a look at your age groups results for the previous year at the race you are doing.

I would say an average person doing a sprint race in my area breaks down to roughly 2:15 - 2:45 per 100 in the swim, 15 - 18 mph aver. on the bike, and 9:30 - 10:30 per mile for the run.
2015-03-22 6:04 AM
in reply to: jennifersmith847

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by jennifersmith847

Hi my husband convinced me to get a new bike today to gear up for my "official" training start on Monday. He said I'd make the local papers if I attempted a triathlon on my current bike, which he terms a 10 year old Divvy Bike (Chicago's answer to bike sharing: (It's's a Trek Hybrid...complete with flowers and a basket. But I have to admit the style is pretty similar.) I was pretty reluctant but he took me to his friend's bike shop and it was all over. I lost all track of price tags and will probably be declaring bankruptcy at some point soon but I am in absolute love. I think it's going to meet all of my requirements both for the Tri and for my life. It's a custom Soma double cross. I bought knobby tires for training (I'll be mostly on gravel trails) and will go back for road tires in June. I would add a photo if I knew how...but for now trust me, it's sweet. An absolute perfect fit. The bike shop tailors to women and the owner spent about 3 hours with me this afternoon. Amazing! I'm hoping to get out on the trail tomorrow morning. If I don't check in after the inaugural ride, it's because I just kept going ;-)

EDIT: The ride was terrific, but of all the things Spinning doesn't train you for, I'd have to say riding face first into 40 degree 20mph wind was the most obvious.

Woohoo, congrats on the new bike and your "official" start tomorrow. I will be joining you as my back is a lot better and I start the new position tomorrow, so I will have more time to get it done.

2015-03-22 11:44 AM
in reply to: peto_primo

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by peto_primo

It seems like time just keeps moving by - people are training - stretching themselves - improving - tackling challenges and obstacles - gee sounds like a lot of your typical success principles

Let's see, Nicole has a Sprint Tri in April, Colleen says she has a race 7.5 weeks out. Would it be possible to get everyone's first race of the year (tri or whatever discipline) on one note/message so others can keep that in mind/enjoy the journey and provide encouragement/assurances ?

My first running race will be 5/9/2015 - a 6k cross country race (unless I run a 5k with JJ in April - although even if he doesn't want me to "run it with" him I wouldn't be racing it - not on that course - it would just be a good training run)

My first Sprint Tri is April 18th the BSU Tri (Ball State University in Indiana). I'm worried about the weather though, how do you go from swim to the bike when it's cold? I was just planning on wearing my Tri suite for everything but the weather here isn't looking to good. Today it's only in the 30's and although it made for a good run, I'm thinking it's going to be cold on the bike and if I'm wet from the swim that will not help. Is it bad to put layers on over your Tri suite for at least the bike ride?
2015-03-22 11:49 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by nekomidori

I had a good swim on Wednesday but got caught up in life with forgotten appointments and then a migraine with aura took care of the rest of my training time, so I lost out on my run. I was luckily already scheduled for a massage which helped to make it all better. I had my day off yesterday and now I am back. I had the day off from work and have a late start on my workout. I am a little confused on my training plan now that I am competing in a few weeks. I need a week off before the race. I did schedule a massage that week. How do I proceed from here?? Do I start running a bit more longer run times and less walking (right now I can run for 1/2 mile). I know I can do the 3 mile run so that isn't really the problem I guess. I am riding between 6-8 miles a week so I guess I better up my miles on the bike. I did 16 miles in the morning and 12 miles in the afternoon of the tri camp so I know I can do the miles. Of course that was inside on the trainer. My current schedule says to bike 10 miles on the weekend and only 6 today. I guess I need to find another route. I was biking on the road for only a few blocks to get to the trail I do that is 7 miles round trip. That is nice because then I don't have to worry about traffic so much.

My swim coach says I am good with my swim just keep working on my speed. I am now working on decreasing my arm strokes to increase my speed. I did pulls this week and learned that with just my arms I get across the pool faster than with the kick board. I did 25 yd pulls in 30 Seconds my legs are 38-42 with the kick board for 25 yd.

I think I will keep going with my swim training, bump up my time of running vs walking just a bit, and bump up my mileage on the bike.
My race is 300 yd swim, 12 mile bike, and 5k which is less than the Sprint in August I was looking at.
This is April 12th that I compete. I am also looking at a sprint July 11th 250 meter pool, 16 mile bike, 5 k run. I have to see about family vacationing at that time. Then the main sprint I was looking at was Aug 23rd 4 meter pool, 15 mile bike, 5 k run. My husband wants me to do a bike race this fall with my son and him, the Gran Fondo Hincapie . The hills are crazy, so I am a little nervous now about them. I will have to see. It is not until October 24th there is a 15, 50,or 80 mile race. That is a big decision.

I need to just put my head down stop talking and get to working. I'm off to the pool.
Have a great day.
Athlete in training
My goals in my sprint are 1 have fun, 2 cross the finish without help, 3 not need medical assistance after the race. (Inspired By Karen a 3 time Ironman triathlete I met at the pool on Wednesday.)

Great job Nicole! Sounds like you are so ready for your Tri!! I must be a real wimp. I'm having a hard time to motivate myself to get my bike outside and ride. Run... Yes but I just can't bring myself to ride in 30 degrees weather. I think I need to invest in warmer riding clothes. Keep up the Awesome work!!
2015-03-22 12:04 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
I've been working hard on my swim, mainly my freestyle. I know that I am slow but I also know that I can do the distance even if I have to do breaststroke. My first Sprint Tri is a pool swim. The thing that has been bothering me is knowing that I'm slow. Is it wrong for me to put myself at the end of the line for the pool start? My time doesn't start until I get in the water, and even though I'll be last coming into the first transition, it doesn't really mean that I'm last overall, and if I am then ok, I'm not competing with anyone other than myself. I keep telling myself that, but why do I not totally feel confident about knowing that I'm going to be starting my run when others have been done for ages? I really want this but yet I don't want anyone looking at me thinking "what was she thinking doing this?" I know it's just a mind game that is taunting me right now, how do you get out of it?
2015-03-22 7:24 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Suzie471

I've been working hard on my swim, mainly my freestyle. I know that I am slow but I also know that I can do the distance even if I have to do breaststroke. My first Sprint Tri is a pool swim. The thing that has been bothering me is knowing that I'm slow. Is it wrong for me to put myself at the end of the line for the pool start? My time doesn't start until I get in the water, and even though I'll be last coming into the first transition, it doesn't really mean that I'm last overall, and if I am then ok, I'm not competing with anyone other than myself. I keep telling myself that, but why do I not totally feel confident about knowing that I'm going to be starting my run when others have been done for ages? I really want this but yet I don't want anyone looking at me thinking "what was she thinking doing this?" I know it's just a mind game that is taunting me right now, how do you get out of it?

First, the other post. You can add layers after the swim if you want it will just add to you transition time. I would not add baggy pants unless you've rode with them on before. Take you a zip up wind type jacket to put on quickly, but remember not to much because your body will heat up.

Next to this post. You are not only right in your thoughts about starting towards the back if you're slow it's almost a must. What you need to do is swim the race distance non stop like race day and then figure out what you averaged per 100. They will usually slot or have you slot yourself before the race starts. Also don't under estimate yourself because you may be swimming over people. I can tell you that I did one 300 yard pool swim and if you were more than a minute slow they penalized you for it.

Next on race day you just worry about you. Trust me those looking at you will only be doing so to cheer for you. Heck I'm MOP and I love cheering on the BOP, that's what makes it great. You will be just fine??
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author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
comments : 4
Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : October 30, 2005
author : acbadger
comments : 0
First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
date : September 26, 2004
author : jhealy422
comments : 2
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had weight issues. I remember standing on the scale as a child weighing 60 pounds and feeling fat. My family dealt with stress by eating.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 12
This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.