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2010-11-08 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3200974

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-11-08 1:33 PM

Hey everyone!

Well, 2010 is in the books.

The word for the day was "Average".  LOL:
Division Place:  44/93
Gender Place:  210/434

Swim:  40:22 - tough swim in a way, very easy in another.  Lake Las Vegas is SMALL.  I was commenting to my friend that I expected a real bruiser out there, as there is just no room for 1200 swimmers to work, and I was right.  Could not find open water until the return lap.  Spend most of the first half mile literally cruising at below my preferred pace, as there was just nowhere to go.  In retrospect, I should have gotten to the front of the start line, but as always, I doubt my ability to swim in front.  All in all, it worked well though, as it kept me within myself.  I made the turn at 25 minutes, so had a negative split on the swim.  Mainly because once I made the second turn, I swam on the inside of the buoy for the return leg, away from others.  Added about 100 meters to the swim to get back on course near the end, but was worth the extra distance.

T1:  6:29  Almost a DISASTER.  Low dock that they pulled you onto coming out of the water.  I was feeling so good, I tried to push myself onto the dock with some momentum (think of a seal in a SeaWorld show).  Legs locked badly and cramped.  Hurt like a son-of-a-gun, and I thought I pulled something.  But, managed to get on dry land, and run to T1...which was a LONG way away.  It was about 200 yards to the T1 area, and then you had to run your bike up a carpeted hill with two switchbacks to get to the starting line.  So, a good 2 minutes of T1 was spent running.  LOL. 

Bike:  3:24 - again - put me in the middle of the group - about 6 minutes faster than I had planned on.  Really a tale of two rides.  First 35 miles were hilly, but fast!  Screaming downhills - we were lucky to have fair, cloudless skies with a low UV index.  Mid 60's to low 70's on the bike, and for most of it, very little to no wind so you could get aero and take advantage of the downhill sections.  Felt good on the climbs and did a fair amount of passing (and being passed).  But those Three Sisters - those killed everything.  Was averaging nearly 19 mph heading in to those at around mile 40.  There was just one answer for them.  Find the lowest gear, get out of the saddle, pump the arms and try not to look at the top.  Just keep forcing the peddles down.  On the second and third, a lot of people were walking the bike up the hill.  You had to really pay attention and make sure the person in front of you wasn't going to just stop.  Once over them, we were greeted to a false flat climb into a headwind for 9 miles.  Strained my right quad just above the knee and the right glute on the last sister, and that would cost me on the run.  The mood definitely shifted there. Before, everyone was chirpy and happy.  On that last grade, everyone was quiet, head down and somber.  Averaged about 12 mph from there to the next set of downhills (again, screaming fast) and then into T2 with a last few miles of climbs.  All in all, a very, very tough bike course.  The first 40 miles actually beat you up a bit, but the downhills present a false sense of success and pacing.  The Sisters followed by the false flat really beat you up. 

T2:  4.56 - again, a bit of running to the tent then to the mat.  But good.

Run:  2:18 - I was both happy and not happy with the run.  Fought through some shin/calf issues to start, but the quad and glute was shot and really sang on the hills.  When I was running, I was moving at a pretty good clip, but was forced to stop and walk it out every mile or so.  I got into a rhythm of running to the aid stations, walking through, loading up on gatorade and water, then running again.  But, as the run wore on, the quad and glute started spasming and cramping hard.  So I was soon walking 2x between aid stations.  I estimate my run pace was roughly 8 minute mile pace - so I tried to slow the run down in the hopes of averaging 9 without walking, but the leg/butt would still cramp and spasm.  I got lucky at mile 10.  They had some Endurolytes on the table.  I took three of them, cracked them open, poured the powder into a cup of Gatorade, powered it down and that carried me for the next two miles of solid running.  Ran hard the last .75 miles and actually felt pretty good for the finish. 

So, 6:34 - about what I thought it would be.  In retrospect, my training for this race was sub par - a lot of going through the motions toward the end and that cost me a bit on the run.  I was a bit burned out on the training after Nautica, and it showed in the training, and it showed on the run course.  But, with that said, I'm very pleased with the result and the last race of the season.

Looking back at the race - I think they have a good claim on "the toughest" race.  If they were to turn IMSG into a single loop HIM distance course, I think Silver would be harder.  The Sisters are much more challenging than the "wall" at IMSG.  The run courses are equally brutal, but I think the bike on Silverman is tougher.  Before the race, I was full of bravado, saying that in 2012, I'd do the Silver I want no part of it!  LOL.

All in all, a good day.  Some very good times of confidence and feeling strong, some times of suffering and wanting to stop, and a good finish that I'm proud of for the season. 

Now, for some R&R - I think I'm gonna have a beer tonight! 

For a non-WTC race - they put on a HECK of a good race. Just first class all the way.  Small and intimate, but they took very good care of the racers, great course, great police protection on the roads, awesome aid stations, good volunteers...just a top-notch production all around. 

PPS - Next step: Season post mortem - what to work on for next season....putting the thinking cap on. 

Great report Steve. That bike course sounds like a total killer. I've only had a taste of what a tough bike course can be (Timberman sprint), so I can only imagine this course...

Congrats on a nice finish to your season!


2010-11-09 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Silverman in the MinnesotaTriNews - says for the full you can expect to add an hour to your time compared to other irons:

2010-11-09 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3198374

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-11-06 10:40 AM

Yikes! I just noticed your post on the bottom of the previous page, the one about Sage and yoga. thank you! But I now owe you responses for about three paost, so my "later" is being extended AND deepened.

I shall return!

FWIW - I have Sage's "Yoga for Athlete's" DVD and really like it. There are 3 pre-planned routines, 1 for base, 1 for build and 1 for peak periods. What I like most, though, is you can create your own. You can select from a menu of short pose series depending on what you want to emphasize. I think you can select up to 12.
2010-11-09 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3199667

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-11-07 5:56 PM
stevebradley - 2010-11-07 3:59 PM

Wowzers! I hope you had a good time romping on the Cape! Details, details, details, ASAP!!!!

Well I managed to win 1st place in my AG at this race, which should give you some idea of the kind of race it was. It was very small scale (in its second year), with maybe 50 runners/walkers (if that). And there were probably only about 10-15 runners; the rest walked it. In fact, I think in my AG for women, I was the only runner. But I'll still take the medal!

But in terms of my progress, I think I did well. There was no real official timing (there was a guy who's a former RD taking times down at the finish line). I think my finish time was 32:00 (forgot my watch so I don't know for sure). This was a 3-miler, so that would put my pace at around 10:40 or so. That's a PR for me. But man, it was COLD! And windy. The race was along the Cape Cod Canal in Sandwich. The temp today was around 45, but with wind chill it had to be 30. Glad I brought along the fleece pullover (which I had considered leaving behind!)


Congrats on the AG 1st place, and especially the progress you are seeing.

Edited by TriD64 2010-11-09 12:22 PM
2010-11-09 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3200974

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey Steve, great job. Your efforts are inspiring as I consider (in 2-3 years) pursuing a HIM. Thanks for writing things up in such detail.
2010-11-09 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3201652

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thanks for the fine comparison of the two courses; I will have to remember where to find this, in case I get addled enough to actually attempt one or both of them!

Poor Frank -- gets no love while the race is in progrss, but at least after the fact people appreciate everything he has done for (to?) them!

And what was your swag? In the past he has been incredibly generous, ads I remeber from previous reports.

2010-11-09 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3203556

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

STEVE again -

As for me, I am thinking about Savageman for next year -- I want to earn one of those bricks for making it up the Westernport Wall without inclipping or otherwise stopping pedalling! (Looking through the brick-earners from this year, none of the 60+ guys did it, although the number overall who earned one was something like 237!)

2010-11-09 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3201722

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


How did the run go today? Did you get buffetted by the winds, which I heard were howling down your way? And are you still planning a 5-miler tomorrow? That will be really good for you to do, and topping it off with a short run on Friday will even be better!

2010-11-09 4:52 PM
in reply to: #3201722

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

TRACEY again -

I think the bottoms of those trail shoes are designed for snow and slippery stuff, yes? And the uppers are not open-mesh like the regular models, yes? So bring winter on -- you're ready for it!!

2010-11-09 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3202953

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


If my colossally inflexible body can withstand my trial sessions of Yoga over the next few weeks, I might have to get Sage's book just for the DVD. That sounds like something even I could inorporate into my life -especially the options thta would allow me to keep things easy and safe!

2010-11-09 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3203584

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MARK again -

So! You're gestating plans for a HIM in 2-3 years? Very good! By then you should be more than well-prepared for it, just in terms of having done a pile of other tris beforehand. Looking into my crystal ball, I see it as fully doable -- and doable wellable!

If you missed it, both DENISE and ANNE are aiming for their first HIMs next year, likely both on the July 17/18 weekend. For Denise it will be either Racine or Door County, both in WI, and for Anee it will be Musselman in NY.

If you want to read a couple more HIM reports that you maybe missed during your "sabbatical" from us, there is Mandy's from Timberman and mine from Half Vermont. Mandy's is on page 283 -- or rather, she has the link to her blogspot where she posted it along with a pile of really nice photos taken by her shutterbug mom. It si the 2nd post from the bootom. ine is on page 287, about halfway down the page.

Edited by stevebradley 2010-11-09 5:06 PM

2010-11-09 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3203569

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-11-09 5:52 PM

TRACEY again -

I think the bottoms of those trail shoes are designed for snow and slippery stuff, yes? And the uppers are not open-mesh like the regular models, yes? So bring winter on -- you're ready for it!!

The run went well today. I did 3 miles at about 10:50 pace. I was feeling kind of tired from the weight workout I had done just before but overall felt pretty good. I actually kind of enjoyed the rain and wind!

Yes, tomorrow I'm planning for the 5 miler and I think the weather should start to clear up by then.

The Newton web site didn't say anything about ice or snow, but yes the bottoms seems to have a lot more traction. And the lugs seem to be thicker. They're not open-mesh like you said so I think they'll be great for snowy runs too!

2010-11-09 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey there everyone-

Just dropping a note to say I am around!  Again, things have been super busy here so I haven't had too much time to comment on everything.  OK on anything.  But I think good thoughts for all of you!

I have been chugging along, I just got a new toy - H2O audio.  I will give it a go on Sat (my pool day) and see how I like it and if it helps with the drudgery of the blue line.

Hope all is well!

2010-11-10 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3203663

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Enjoy the toy! For my part, I have dutifully been in the pool 3-4X a week for a few weeks now, but not much liking it at all. Yesterday was my first time this fall in the 50m pool, and that improved things -- I think. Maybe it was just because it was different; were I to do it today, I'd probably be disgruntled all over again. As it is, I am going to the normal 25m pool today -- SURE to be disgruntled!

Get unbusy, eh? Your absence is felt!

2010-11-10 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
TRACEY,  Congratulations on your race and really glad you're getting your medal delivered.   That's a must have!  All this running you're doing is sure to make you faster.     Keep up the great work.    When is your next race?

STEVEA,  Congratulations to you as well on your final race of the season.   You don't pick the easy way out do you?   I can just imagine your results if you ever picked an 'easy' course!   I was curious as to what speed you might be doing when you fly down those hills.   It scares me just thinking what it might be. 

MARK,   Nice to hear you're considering an HIM.   You already have the running down!     

DENISE,   Good luck on your Thanksgiving run.    I don't think you are going to have any problems on the run with your HIM either.  

MANDY,  Nice to hear from you.   Have been wondering what you were up to.  What is that new toy you got? 

STEVEB,   Started the yoga yet?   Trust me, you are NOT going to get hurt doing Bikram.  

LISA,   My memory is only so good (not good) and I can't remember your last post.   But I do remember something about daughter and Mama Mia.   I rented the movie with Merly Streep and it was fun.   I would probably love the real thing.    You have a race coming up?  

2010-11-10 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

2nd session of CT was good - prepping for threshold testing tomorrow.    Seem to be almost over cold that I got last Wed.   Good little swim today.   Having a bit of a problem with bottom of left foot - not neuroma.   Don't know that the problem is.  Hurts off and on.   Chiro doesn't think any fractures - just bruised, but I tell you when it hurts, IT HURTS!    I am wearing my shoes in the house and the cushioning/support seems to help.   But when I go barefoot, not good.   Going to try my run in a couple of hours and see what happens.   I have a podiatrist appt in a couple of weeks.   Think I have a plantars wart and will get his opinion on the foot.  

You are going to have to find some way to start loving the pool!    Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so.  

2010-11-10 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3204117

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
H2O audio is a waterproof iPod case that you can wear while swimming.  It will help me mentally anyway.  I would much rather swim "over there" and look at stuff in the water and sight and stuff.

Steve - 3-4x a week in the pool!! That is impressive!

Steve A - belated congrats on the awesome season finisher, great RR!

Not much else to say here, been trudging along though the slow build to IMLP! I am excited for it and it is like, I don't know, 255 days away, but really, who is counting? 



2010-11-10 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Swag, bricks and downhills....

The swag was pretty cool.  We got a visor, which was kind of cheesy, as it had the sponsor's name all over it "Christiansen Law", but hey, free visor.  The cool part was a GREAT backpack (black and yellow) that is ideal for pool gear and the like.  It'll go to good use.  Medal was great and t-shirt was good too.  All in all, one of the better swags of my experience so far.

As for bricks and Savageman - I have to look into that.  I've heard about the bricks, and either they put a lot of bricks in that road, or they have a lot of walkers. I wonder if there is a stat somewhere that someone keeps of how many are able to climb that hill without stopping.  In the infamous words of Barny Stintson, "Challenge ACCEPTED!"  (Now I need to look up where Savageman is!  LOL)

As for downhills - I'm a wuss.  My top speed on this race was 39.  There was one hill that was so steep, I was just scared to get aero for fear of toppling over.  I know that wouldn't have happened - but the optical illusion was such that I was not going to get aero.

The biggest concern for me on downhills is trusting the other bikers.  I'm not a light rider by any means, but I do get passed by people who are heavier than I am (gravity is cool sometimes).  I top out around 40/41 on some of the steeper stuff I've been on, and get passed quite regularly at that speed.  I get nervous when they pass me, and then pull in front of me and I can't see down the hill.  I get nervous for two reasons - not being able to see the road as far ahead as I'd like (rocks, divots, etc.), and what happens if that rider goes down?  I've gotten better at staying off the brakes if I'm out of aero, and find that I don't give  up too much time if I'm out of aero and off the brakes. 

The real frustrating part for me is the back and forth!  Big guy passes me going downhill, I pass him going back uphill, back and forth.  After a while, my competitive juices get going and I want to get clear of the guy, end up pushing and that's never good.  LOL.
2010-11-10 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
So next season:  what's on everybody's "Work On" list? 

There's a million little things, but for me, it's three big ones that I think will help.

1)  Recovery:  Need to do a better job of this, schedule naps after long rides/runs, more consistent ice baths, and more stretching.  I think I gave up a lot of gains this past year by going straight from a long weekend session into the weekend activities.  I think I need to try harder to come home, get some food in me, and then go down for a nap for at least 30-60 minutes and let the body recover.  Likewise, I think I'm going to experiment with moving my long run from Sunday (after long ride Saturday) to Monday.  Put the rest day between long bike and long run to see if that helps with the recovery and keeping the legs fresher so the miles are more meaningful.  Also, I got in the habit of going out on Saturday night to socialize which generally led to at least a drink or two, which hurts the Sunday run.  I think by taking Sunday's off, I can keep some semblance of a social life which will help the mental freshness and also make those long runs more consistent.

2)  Nutrition:  diet stunk this year.  Ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.  I got down to 162 at my lowest - with some smart eating (not depriving myself by any means, but just eating good, smart, healthier foods), I'm sure I could get down to 155 by IMAZ next year.  I think I've become a decent climber (not great, but decent), but the power ratios could really improve if I could get down to a healthy 155 or so.  At 5'9", 155 lbs isn't too light by any means - it'll just take some self control in stepping away from the plate when I'm full and making sure the calories are as useful as possible.

3)  Bricks:  MORE, MORE, MORE bricks.  I got away from them more than I should have.  Especially bricks after long rides.  I need to do a better job of running off the bike, and getting past those first 3-4 miles and into a groove.  Running off the trainer just doesn't seem to do it for me - I need to do it after my long outdoor rides.  Even comparing an hour on the trainer vs. an hour on the road - the road ride is harder for me to brick off of come race day.  If time crunched, I think I need to cut the ride short by 30 minutes and run vs. trying to get in that extra 10-12 miles on the bike.  If the wear and tear starts to build, I think I need to be more willing to cut back the mid-week workouts to have something in the tank for the weekend bricks.   
2010-11-11 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3204501

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


No, haven't started yoga yet. Uh, sometime soon?

I'm having my own foot problems, which actually started after 9RunRun, I guess. That was the onset of the bunion, and then after an innocent-enough run last Wednesday, BOTH started bothering me -- a combination of metatarsal and incipient neuroma tendencies. NOT GOOD!!! I haven't run since then, and have an appt with my sports doctor for Tuesday evening. I too am wearing my shoes in the house, and for the reasons you do the same.....and if I don't, I share some of your symptoms!

I really don't know what brought this all crashing down so suddenly, as I have gone so long without any bothersome foot pain. And what I have is migrating all around, making it kind of hard to address. 90% of it is bottom of the foot, or at least inside-the-foot for the stuff that seems neuroma-ish. I am very unhappy about this.......but am trying to view it as here is my excuse for an off-season, so that's what I'll do. I might try a run today and just see what it all feels like. I have done two days of massive lawn-mowings trying to clear up our "back forty", and I've done that wearing Newtons, and they feel okay - probably better than any other of my shoes.

So, that's thta. I'm sure there will be more to follow!

And best of luck with the threshold testing today. Ooo-wee! Well, just remember -- the pain feels so good when it stops!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-11-11 8:20 AM
2010-11-11 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3206224

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

You'll almost certainly be doing Steelhead without me, as I only learned a couple of days ago that the USAT Age Group Nationals and the USAT Sprint Championships will be held in Burlington, VT, next Aug. 20 and 21. As Burl is only about three hours from here, that is just about the perfectest location for me. I have already qualified for them, so it's just an obvious thing to do. I have no real hope of winning either (unless Steven Smith from Granger, IN, doesn't show......along with a few other real-good guys!), but to race in a truly competitive a.g. crowd would be a blast. I've contemplated Nationals for a few years, but they've always been too far-flung for me. This year in Alabama, a couple years ago in Louisiana, in between out west somewhere; this is the first time in the northeast.

So, this radically shifts my thoughts from a HIM-heavy schedule to one in which I spend another year building speed at olys and sprints. My plan for '09 and '10 was exactly that, and it worked, and as part of that plan was to learn how to race olys better as a way of learning how to race half-irons better, it seemed like it was That Time -- especially with the good result from 9RunRUn.

But now, with Aug 20/21 being AAAA-Priority races, I guess I have to re-think things. See? Even when I THINK I know where my schedule is going, there is always something that throws a monkey wrench into the works.

And if my feet decide to plague me.........who knows what I will end up doing? (Defenestration comes to mind....... )

2010-11-11 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3205116

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


To earn a brick, one has to do the Westernport Wall without unclipping AND go on to finish the half-iron. This year, 253 earned bricks, out of 364 finishers. That seems high....until you realize how few races have ANYBODY unclipping an needing to walk.

Surprisingly, the guy who finished 8th overall did not earn a brick this year. He (Rick Hellard) is a local legend, a truly great triathlete and a monster cyclist who doesn't weigh a whole lot, so he must've had a mechanical. I hope to cross his path sometime soon and see what happened!

Each athlete must literally have upwards of 70 photos taken of them -- just choose any bib number and see how many come up. There is a guy named Steve Bell, my a.g., who I hadn't heard of until this year, but I've seen his name in a few classic tough races in the northeast this year -- Williams Lake, IMLP, Savageman. So, I looked at his photos from Savageman, and several of them show him having tumbled off his bike on the steepest of the step ascents -- right through a town, with loads of screaming fans on both sides of the road. He went on to finish, and I guess he didn't hurt himself (wasn't going fast enough at that point -- maybe literally 2-3 mph?), but it must've been kind of embarrassing.

Many people do that part just weaving back-and-forth, but if you lose momentum and the wheel wobbles.....down you can go! You can watch some of this stuff on the videos of the race, or just the slide show. It is at GREAT site!

Gotta run, will be back later!

2010-11-11 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3206224

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-11-11 6:20 AM ANNE - No, haven't started yoga yet. Uh, sometime soon? I'm having my own foot problems, which actually started after 9RunRun, I guess. That was the onset of the bunion, and then after an innocent-enough run last Wednesday, BOTH started bothering me -- a combination of metatarsal and incipient neuroma tendencies. NOT GOOD!!! I haven't run since then, and have an appt with my sports doctor for Tuesday evening. I too am wearing my shoes in the house, and for the reasons you do the same.....and if I don't, I share some of your symptoms! I really don't know what brought this all crashing down so suddenly, as I have gone so long without any bothersome foot pain. And what I have is migrating all around, making it kind of hard to address. 90% of it is bottom of the foot, or at least inside-the-foot for the stuff that seems neuroma-ish. I am very unhappy about this.......but am trying to view it as here is my excuse for an off-season, so that's what I'll do. I might try a run today and just see what it all feels like. I have done two days of massive lawn-mowings trying to clear up our "back forty", and I've done that wearing Newtons, and they feel okay - probably better than any other of my shoes. So, that's thta. I'm sure there will be more to follow! And best of luck with the threshold testing today. Ooo-wee! Well, just remember -- the pain feels so good when it stops!

Boooo....foot pain sucks.
2010-11-11 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3206255

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-11-11 6:32 AM ANNE again -  I have no real hope of winning either (unless Steven Smith from Granger, IN, doesn't show......along with a few other real-good guys!), 

Steve - I'm not buying what you're selling here.  I'd think you will be right there in the mix!
2010-11-11 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Sent you some data on my threshold testing this morning. For some reason I was thinking it would be like my last testing where you are all hooked up with wires and a face mask for a breath by breath analysis of V02, but this was strictly power.

Same length of 20 minutes and supposed to go as hard as you can for a pace you can sustain for entire 20 minutes, leaving nothing on the table. I'm really not a sandbagger, but I had stuff 'left on the table'. As usual, I was cautious about going too hard and hurting myself, so for the first 5 minutes I kept the power at 110-120 and then went pretty easy, so I kept it there for the next 5 minutes and was still feeling pretty good and kept increasing the power w/o any real intention. Was just watching the road and pedalling like I thought I should to get up the hills. There was a constant 2% grade for the entire ride, as well as the hills.

I had it in the big ring and 2nd biggest in the back and Zach said that we would have to change gears on the 20 min TT. We had a 26 minute fairly hard w/u with some intervals but we didn't change gears on that part.

At 10 minutes I started to push 140-145 fairly easily as well, so I thought if I could get to 15 minutes I would start to really push and see what I could hold for the last 5 minutes. I was doing 175-180 and this was where my HR was probably over 150 (didn't wear HR monitor) and I was breathing heavy through mouth. I couldn't have done those watts more than 5 minutes. However, I never stood and I never switched to an easier gear, when everyone else was shifting frantically. That tells me I didn't worked hard enough.

BUT, I was quite happy with the results. We get tested again in 7 weeks and I REALLY will push myself harder. I know now what I can do for 20 minutes. Zach pointed out that the average power isn't the telling factor. W/kg is more important. Everone else was pushing more power but only one guy had a higher w/kg. He also had my weight at 120 instead of 117, so I think that would make my w/kg a bit better. He said the way to increase w/kg is to lose weight and/or get fitter.

I have made a new friend in the class - a woman a few years younger who doesn't do tri's (yet) but she and her husband want to do some long distance cycling. We both were able to do a Bikram class on Tues and today, following the CT session. I think I have found the perfect slot for it. It seems to really help my running which comes the following day.

Zach is going to send more data on our results, like where we fit in the general population, other athletes our age, etc. etc.

Back in a bit re other postings.  

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